Do not think that only in SIF ate serlons injuries sus. your comfort, that eruption which is disfiguring your «children--each may lead Jo serious consequences. _ motdelay. Apply Zam-Buk, _ the greatest healer known 10 modern science--purely herbal, and at the samp Hue fie ng, soothing and anti. 5 -------- : ] Shc sna ore, P53 war. EN Wood's » € Fo and avigetusen the moe] pa ho Nervous m, wins, + One will or i New p éb mailed free. ICINE CO 0, ONT. (| GUARANTEED American Silk FREE = "We Want You to Know 4 : These Hose : They stood the tést when all others failed. They give real foot comfort. They have no seams to rip. They never be- come loose and baggy as the _ Shape is knit in, not pressed in. They are GUARANTEED for Mineness, for style, for superior- | Ity of material 'and workman- ship, absolutely stainless, and fo wear six months without holes or replaced by new pairs free. OUR FREE OFFER To every one sending us 50¢ to cover shipping charges we will send, subject to duty, ab- solitely free: Three pairs of our famous men's AMERICAN SILK - HOSE with written guarantee, any color, or . Three pairs of our Ladies' § Hose in Black, Tan or White colors, with written guarantee. DON'T DBELAY---Offer ex- pires when dealer in your lo- _ cality is selected. Give color "ind size desired. Internation] Hosiery Co. 21 Bittner Street, Dayton; Ohio, U.8.A. | : iain, WHAT WHIG CORRESPONDENTS : HAVE TO TELL. | News From Villages and Farms ties -- Rural Events, and Move- ments of the People, Odessa' Personals, 'Odessa, Sept. 17--Mrs, James Mc- Connell left last Monday to spend some time with her sister, Mrs. James Mullen, = O'Neill,' Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. William Jenkin§, Na- banee, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. George Watts. Miss Ber- tha Graham has returned from hisit- Ing ber sister, Mrs, 'Marshall, Toron- 0. 4 - Perth Road Notes. Perth Road, Sept. 16. --Threshing and eorn cutting are the order of the day. Wellington Ennis met with another mishap. He collided with a rig. Edna McCaden is home on the sick list. A good many went from here to Ottawa fair. H. Had- ley had a sale on Monday the 7th. Miss Crozier has resumed duty at her school. Mr. Sly is at William Wallace's. A good many went, from . | here to Inverary fair. makes new Blood in old . on : Brain 3 Despon. of Hn Xi Palpitarion he Memory. Price $1 per box, six , 81x will eure. Sold by all n pkg. on i weipt of THE WOOD Doings At Dulcemaine. . Duleemaine, Sept. 14.~The thresh- ing machine is being heard again. Farmery are, ploughing. C, © Cross 'has purchased an. auto. J. Fergu Wisdswe) son has returned home after spend- ing the summer at Ivy Lea. s Mra. | Susan Patience spent the past week in Kingston with her daughter, Mrs, R. Kennedy, . School has 're-ooened with Miss 'S. Smith, Bishop's Millg, a8 teacher. Recent visitors : Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Leeder, . Bellacanoe, Mr. and Mrs. \J. A. Lappan and little daughter, Rosal Sand Bav: L. Dun- don, Brewer's Mills, at Mrs. Susan Phatience's: J, Middleton, Meleombe, at R. Wiliams'; Mrs. M. Topping and children, Elgin, at D. Haskin's. Cushendall News. Cushendall, Sept. 16.--The farm- ers have finished threshing in this locality. Several from this part went to Toronto exhibition. R. Hun- ter and Miss Hunter are attending {Ottawa exhibition. Messrs. Con- nell are pressing straw. Messrs Greenlee and Peck are duck shoot- ing. Miss Beliva, visiting at 8. Me- Kane's returned to the eity. Miss Jackson returned fo Gananoque af- ter visiting at J. weir's. Miss Williams, Kingston, has returned home after spending two weeks at E. Honter"s. Master Kenneth and Karl 'Burns who 'has been {ll with fever, are recovering. Little Mary Walker ig in Hotel Dien. Rev, Mr, and Wre. Harrington are visiting at Smith's Falls. Miss Gillespie, Howe Island, at J. Duffie's. 7 At Lake Opinicon. Lake Opinicon, Sept. 15.-- Rev, Mr. Tripp, of Sydenham will con- duet quarterly services in the Metho- dist church here on Sunday next. School has opened with Miss Rfch- t Dyspeptics _,. Should Eat A PHYSICIAN'S ADVICE SMindigestion and practically all of stomach trouble are, nine out of ten, due to acidity; there- stomach sufferers should, when- ible, .avold eating food that is its hatur®, or which by ¢ jotion in the . stomach Unfortunately, such brieh. 16 blood, flesh and [nerve : properties, This is the reas- dyspeptics and stomach suffer- hy ii thin, emaciated and ng in that vital energy which can rou: A-well-fed- body... For benefit of those sufferers who have w d to'exclude from their diet tarchy, sweet or fatty food, and 'trying to.keep up a miserable ex- gnce on gluten products, 1 would t that you should try a meal 'any food or foods which you may in moderate amount, taking im- k: tely afterwards a teaspoonful of ad gia In a little hot or : \ er. 'This will neutralize any : cf LY, u Ww may be present, or which f d of the us- or i fullness, our food agrees h : will find that ated magnes- a ea yout food qarrective As no 4 acid § Dut by neutratz | the fi LS nt i influmes the ite oi me. ie use of , but I the sense that I t ated at | wi drugs instead ng ri : 8 cause 0 'the trouble, & little bisurated nesia from rdr eat what L ¥OU want at your nex take so bisurated i" as directe: e, and ses if I'm not right,' -- ards of Kepler again as teacher. A number from here attended the fair at Inverary on Wednesday last. M. Hughson is purchasing a number of calves. Mrs. 8. Linklater and child- ren have returned to their home mt Perth Road after spending the last week at J. Linklater's. Messrs. A. and K. Darling and sister Mabel, left this morning to spend a few days at Ottawa exhibition. Visitors: Mrs. E. Hughson and daughter, Alice, Latimer, at E. Kerr's; E. Al- exander, Kingson at F. Smith's. Mrs. George Kerr and Mrs. B. Best, Clear Lake, spent Friday at PF. Best's; S,. Hhanter, Godfrey, is spending"a few days at A. Darling's, Sr's, AE Fall River Notes, Fall River, Sept. 16.--The recent rains have made the pastures look quite green ' again. The heavy frosts have done, much. damage to the gardens. School has reopened with Miss M. Sargeant Brooke as teacher. The people are cutting corn and a few have commenced po- tato digging. Rev. Mr. Coles, the English ehurch pastér, held his first prayer meeting in this place, 'on Tuesday evening. Several of the people from here intend taking in the fair at Parham on the 23rd. Archibald Grey is framing buildings at T. B. Duffy's, Maberly. Mrs. J. Erwin, Sharbot Lake, is spending a few days at A. Gray's. Mr. and Mrs. F. Gordon, at E. Conroy's; Mr. and Mrs: J. Pabuer," at W. Palmer's; Miss C. H. Nicholson and Miss M. Sargeant, at A. Gray's; Misses Mil- dred and Irene Duffy, at ¥. Gordon's. At Thirteen Island Lake. Thirteen Island Lake, Sept. 16.-- The stone crushers are very busy in 'this vicinity, one at High Falls and one at Desert Lake. A num- ber from here attended Harrow- smith fair. Miss Carrie Deyo has returned from attending her cousin's wedding as bridesmaid. Miss Leta Deyo. has. returned "from visiting re- latives at Collins Bay. Miss Ther- esa Collins is visiting at Parham. Mrs. 'John McKnight has returned from visiting her son at Belleville. Morey 'is home from Cobalt. Mr. and Mrs. C. Collins and Mr. and Mrs, George Babcock visited at John McKnight's on the 13th. Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Deyo visited at James Me- Keever's, Verona. W. w. McKnight at A. Collin's. A number attended the dance at John Deyo's on "the 15th. = Mr. and Mrs. Manson Lilo] 48 at R. Morey's. Sidney Morey urned after an absence' of hi Weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Snyder and niece are : at Edwin Morey's. IN Odessa, Sept. 16---The canning after her long illness and is doin nicely. Mrs. Dr. Mabel return Throughout the Adjoining Coun: T A Ri Gain AY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1914. . SARA AR ER NN es "We Came Bump On Them Round A Corner Of A Little Villege" ENGLISH AND GERMAN CAVALRY DUEL WITH SWORDS IN FRANCE, Fror. a' drawing by Philip Dau, of the German 4th cuirassiers round a corner of a little village. one another as hard as the horses could go, and the vill was no firing, it was absolutely & proner cavalry charge, hanched up under the No. 1 guard a were, the Hussars went at a pace that more than compensated for their might have ridden over us, but, slower at the 'ake off' and, taken at a tremendous disadvantage, Stanley Mabée. worth, who has friends in Odessa, in Plainfield. Sunday school rally day is next Sunday. Mrs. Everette Sills, of Holloway, is visiting granddaughter, Miss L. C. Black Malcolm Burgess, of Winnipeg, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Elgin Par rott. A number from here went duck hunting this 'week. Mrs. J. B. Smith moved to Colebrook this week. Miss Nancy Ayles- been calling on Wilton News Budget Wilton, Sept. 16.--Quite a few residents are at the fair at Napanee to-day. A jolly time was enjoyed at the matrimonial shower at Ww Babcock's 'last week, in honor. to the newly weds, Mr. and Mrs. A. Card. Linley Griggs and mother, of Montreal, are visiting at 0. C Storms. - Miss Clara Hamilton, holi- daying for the past two weeks, is again here. Mrs. Dr. Wilcox, of Omaha, Neb., and. her mother, Mrs Tyner, of Newburgh, were visiting at G. Storms', The stork at the home of John Hymers' Lake | street, and. left. a new born boy. > fan is building a cement pig pen. Mr. and Mrs, William Avery have returned from an auto trip to Lind-! who her | | | | | | { Mr. and { | { | | i) | | called | home. | { i i {4 who made A AA A A SA say, via Toronto. Mrs. Sperry Shib- ley left Tuesday for Utica, N. Y., to intends visiting | see her aunt, who is very ill. Rally Sunday is on 27th inst in the Metho- dist church,' Miss Mary Crawford is spending a wéek with friends . at Gananoque, Mr. and Mrs. Ww. Pur- dy, Murvale, visited her parents Monday. Quite a number of the 'crack shots" are duck hunting these mornings. A Barriefield Personals. Barriefield, Sept. 16.---St. Mark's hoir met Monday evening in the rectory and presented Ross Sibbitt the organist with a club bag as he + leaving for Guelph to attend agri- cultural college. He will be great- missed as be was a favorite with everyone. Miss Bella Hutton who has been very ill, 4s improving. Mr. Sharp, who has been removed to the general hospital is very low. Walker has left "for Harrow- smith to wisit his brother. Miss Burton, city, who was the guest of Mrs. W. Murray, Sr., has returned Mrs, Grimshaw, of Toron- o, is the guest of Mme Hutton. Mrs. Price, of Picton, whe visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Leader, has re- turned home. Miss Ella Rickey, has beén visiting her grand- ! ¥ Absolute surprise for both of us. agers were yelling ahd scrambling into the like you see in the pictures -- horses going nd hoping he wouldn't get his knees crushed b as was subsequently proved, Twenty-seven of them were killed and twelve inferior weight. mother, Mre. Day at Milhaven, has returned home, Mrs. Salsbury has returned from Utica, N.' Y., and is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. Stan- ton, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. S. Turner, city, and Mr. and Mrs. Hubbert spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. Tisdale. Mrs. Muller has left for Toronto to visit her daughter, Inverary Reports, Inverary, Sept. 16.--Col. 'and Mrs. F. 8. Ferguson and Frederika are attending Ottawa fair. This com- munity sent a large consignjnent of sealed fruit to the soldiers at Valcartier. The supply of milk at the local factories is dail yincreas- ing. Farmers are beginning to fill their silos. .. A. Lake has. finished threshing around Sunbury and Mill- burn, and' is home agin. . Howlrd Arthur is able to be out again. Upon Dr. A. E. Freeman's arriv- al with his bride a short time ago, he presented the boys with twenty- five. dollars, with which. to . treat themselves. This was used to buy refreshments which were served tp the large numbers from Battersea, Sunbury, Latimer and Inverary who assembled in John Arthur's grove for a picnic to-day. Every fperson Was treated to ice cream, peanuts, cm ~ PACIFIC CHEWING TOBACCO Rta ped in separate minis ee -- IS THE TOBACCO YOU CHEW CLEAN? PACIFIC ~ BRIGHT CHEWING is the only chewing tobacco wrap- plugs untouched by - any. hands from the time it is manufactured until it reaches you - in a sanitary and perfect condition. AND THE PLUG IS AS " DELICIOUSLY GOOD » AS IT IS CLEAN. " Each wrapped plug contains a beautiful satin insert" so much sought 'after for making a variety of things. See window displays around town. 10c = AT ALL DEALERS. body wax day last was. a his picture for the story told a correspondent by a British huzzar: "Wa ran plump on a party Before you could wink we were flying at houses on either side of the road. hell-for.Jeather y the fellows on each side of him. The cuirassiers in. full stride mounted on horses already ridden to death, they were were taken prisoners." There every man sitting Lighter though they and on fresh hbrses and candy and fruit. Dr. J. W. Edwards, M.I.P., delivered a very interesting address on "The Conditions of the War." Oates and Inverary play- ed a baseball match. Children fair will 'be held here on Tuesday 22nd. Miss Maggie Belle Arthur is attend- ing Athens high school. Clifford Bosevldagolng to the Collegiate in Kingston. Miss Georgie Moore is at [Sydenjpam high school. Mr. and Mrs. A. McFadden »attended ° Na- panee fair to-day. Miss M. E. Coch- rane, of Sunbury, is . spending a short time with her sister, Mrs. T. Thompson, ro Trevelyan Tidings. Trevelyan, Sept. 15.---Miss Laur- etta Leeder, of the Athens high school, spent Sunday at her home here. Misses Beatrice and Kath- leen. Cox, Montreal, visited at R. J. Leeder's on Sunday. Mrs. BE. J. Leeder returned -home after spend- ing the past week at Elgin, Portland and, Lombardy, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. James Ronan; Athens, visited friends bere on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Leeder, Caintown, spent Sunday at Frederick Leeder's. Mr. and Mrs. James Cobey, Cain- town, were Surday visitors at Thom- ar L. Flood's. Miss Winnie Ronan spent the past few days the guest of ber grandmother, Mrs. M. Leeder. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph. Flood visited friends in Lansdowde on Sunday. Mrs, © Thomas Stack, Mallorytown and' Neil Morriscey, Brockville, vis- ited at R. J. Leeder"s on Sunday. ~ Tidings From Tamworth. Tamworth, Sept. 16.=~The basket ball girls wish to thank their many friends who so kindly contributed to the success of their booth at the fair grounds. Miss Bernice Saul ar- rived 'home on Wednesday after spending three weeks with Miss Rig- by, Ottawa, and Mrs, (Dr) Kelly, Almonte. Mrs. W. J. Wormworth, of White. River, is visiting here. Meriness: Storings died on Friday last and the remains were buried on Sunday... Rev. Mr. Barnes preached the funeral sermon. 'Aged eighty-four, william Cars- callen ' died oy sAnea3 last. His bu on Friday. .Rev. . Barnes officiated. The county 'fair held on Thurs- grand snccess. The ; exhibi Of all Stores, sto. at 102, 356.; 202 400 | 40%. 700} 8.02.$1.30; 16-0n. $3.35. $1.25; sot. q00. ie nston's uid (Vimbos), 20, pel TN Th} La ; an] EUROPEAN /AGENC Wholesale Indents promptly execut- ed at lowest cash prices for all Brit- Ish and Continental goods, including Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists' Sundries, China, Earthenware and Glass- ware. Cycles, Motor Cars and Accessor- tes, Drapery Millinery Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals, Jewellery, Plate and Watches, Photographic and Optical Goods, Provisions and Oilmen's Stores, ate., ete. ahd Plece Commission 2% % to 5%. Trade Discounts Allowed. Special Quotations on Demand. Sample Cases from $50 upwards. Oonsignments of Produce Sold on Account, WILLIAM WILSON & SONS, 2 (Established 1814), 25, Abchurcy, Lane, London, E.C. Cable Address: "Annuaire London." and the right Broportions of Lawrence eod fruits are used; your tions will not ferment 'or spoil but will remain pure, fresh and sweet for years.