oe WATCH..... The Lampman has a-tip to give the widows of the town. If they lave any spare money secreted in 'unprofitable places, they can make no mistake in going down to the town buildings and investing in Kingston's five-per cent. debentures, Which are the safest and most pro- ductive thing going just now. Gananoque seems proud of having #4 townsman the president of the Canadian Undertakers association. That honor, the Lampman thought, went yearly to Belleville, § In order to make the Princess street pavement perfectly plumb and eapable of shedding every flood that strikes it, the Lampman is of opinion that the whole thoroughfare, buildings, walks and all, would have to be uprooted, replanned and re- built, - A man who never goes to church asks the Lampman if Christian peo- ple like the Germans do such hor- ~ible deeds would it not be better to keep the heathen in darkness. for the latter are no worse than the Germans. It may be all right for the Utili- ties Commission to send its general manager to the gas convention at Ottawa, but a town councilman-re- marked to the Lampman that jt would never do to delegate some of his wondy confferes to such a gath- ering, lest they get an extra pump- ing up: The Lampman thinks it a shame, after Cooke's people had decorated their church interior so nicely, to have their baseball team "disfranchised" by the Sunday school league fot winning a cham- plonship with an alleged les~] ag- gregation. 1s What havoc would be wrought if all the huntsmen hereabouts would =houlder their guns and go after Germans instead of ducks. When the vicar of St. Paul's start- ed across the ocean for Ireland bar- ly in the summer, the Lampman ex- pressed the hope that he would ef- fect a settlement of the Irish home rule issue. He notes that a calm come. over Ireland since the boys. of the Tha vent bigger row has sta; somewhere else. LATHE. 'WATCHMAN, THE BEST MEDIC FOR LITTLE ONE Baby's Own Tablets are the best medicive for little onés. They are guaranteed by a gover lyst to be ahsolutely sale and cure constipation, colic, simple fevers i mach and Mrs. S. Shannon, Urney, N.S. es: "I have used Baby' . lets for my two ohildren and think they are just what little ones need. I would not be without them." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 2c. a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,v Brock- ville, Ont. never fail to colds and 2 | from the west, i fair RETURNED FROM THE WEST. . Battersea to Contribute to The Pa- triotic/ Fund. Battersea, Sept. 18. Special prayer service was held Wednesday evening in the Methodist church for the restoration of peace. After the meeting it was decided to start a patriotic fund to raise money to as- sist families whose main support had gone to the war. Sunday, 20th : yma ai inst., is Rally Day in the Methodist|l Some fellows never get a gait on Sunday school. In the afternoon | till they start to run in debt, the entire programnve will 'be given by the children with an address by Rev. Mr. Stewart. John Lemon & Sons, plumbers, Kingston, are puts ting a furnace in the parsonage, A party of hunters from here went down to the foot of Loughbora, Lake but did not meet with very good isue- cess, Quite a few from here at- tended a picnic at D. Arthuis grove, Latimer A good time. is res ported. Mrs. William Kuler enteégs tained: a few friends at tea recently, Mr. and Mrs. James Hughes drove to Kingston on Sunday . to attend church. Mrs. Isaac Lakesand: Miss: Ethel Clark are visiting friends at Watertown, N. Y., Mrs, Gates, Mts. Charles Holder.- A. Ritchie and Lawrence Jamieson haye. refu A Mrs. Storms, Mic. gan, is visiting her sigter, Mrs. Fer: Buson, at the parsonage. Rev. W. Anglin is visiting his PAT HIM Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Angling ~The: Misses || McPherson, Kingston, haye been vis iting Rev. and Mrs. Mackie af "The; Ramparts." Miss Daisy Farrell and Margaret Shurtliff are visiting: at. BH. W. Ball's, Miss Millie. Anglin. and Samuel Anglin, B. A., left here for Montreal this week. Life is a grind, but it always has its turning point, { In rubbing up against. the. world you will discover thai truth is stran- ger; than fiction. The devil may be an unsatisfac- tory boss, but at least the wages of Ein are always paid. The worst thing about borrowing trouble is that there is generally the evil to pay. It: Suited Him. A OWNED BY German Emperor's Holdings Estimat. ed At $2,500,000, London, Sept. 19.--British finan- ciers have little doubt that the Ger- man emperor has invested extensive ly in Vancouver and other parts. of British: Columbia, and that two and a half million dollars would be a estimate of his holdings, The Mail's correspondent says other emi- nent German subjects have followed! the kaiser's example. Up to a very short time ago, the corresp, it adds, Count von Alvensleben, hag, ostensibly carried on this busingsy, and has for years Specialised" in bringing British Columbia hefore shi wealthy compatriots as a land of great possibilities. It will be remem- bered that the emperor some time last year demied that he owned an ounce of farming or forest land in Vancouver, but this official denial was not generaliy believed. Hoarded Wheat Seized. Lontlon, Sept. 19.--A despatch to Reuter's from Sydney, N.S.W., says : "The state government, acting in accordance with the powers con- ferred upon it by parliament, at the outbreak of the war, to prevent gambling in food stuffs, seized 140, 000 bags 'of wheat which the holders had refused to sell at 4s. 2d. per hundredweight, the price fixed by the government." KAISER. Maazie flirts terribly. Oh, 1 don't know. I think she do- es it rather nicely. Sometimes It Pays. {He dreamed a castle in the ajr-- A' lazy chap's ideal one: Then sold the plan to a busy man, With cash t» build a real one. --Charies Campbell Jones. --From Judge. A Protest. "Woman is very inconsistent!" "How now?" "Why, she chains a man to. her charfot wheels, and then complains that he's a drag!"--From Judge. Caught In The Act. Alkali Tke~--And so Slippery Sam died with his boots on, eh. Broncho Bill--No, he died with my boots on. That's how he came to die, One To Carry. Teacher--Who knows what lets are? Bright Pupil--I know, miss; twins and one left over. trip- it's Efficiency. "1 hope," «aid one wife to® The Proposition Didn't | other, :"that you never nag your husband." » "Only when hé is beating the rugs," said the second one. "When he is thoroughly irritated he makes a much: bgfter: job of it."-- Ladies' Home Jornal.' All The. Girls. He got there Monday morning, Flirtation. was his farts "Twixt then. and. Sunday's dawning He loved a whole resort. ~--Kansag City Journal. Eighteen Holés, "What an, ideal: gélf course," re- marked; the iy as he alighted on a slice of Swiss cheese, Her Fear. "Why did Maud' choose a single life?" "She was afraid of getting a hus- band who would lead a double one." Absurd Claim. "I have dyspepsia, hut you never heard .me growl about it." > "Never growl about it? Well, then you haven't got it," ~=Philidelphia Evening Bulletin. . Nov Literary. Jail Visitor--You say that a love for books brought yeu here, my poor man? Prisoner-- Ves, mum; pocketbooks --Boston Transcript. It Ran. "I've cured Estelle "How'd you do it?" "Took her to a play that made her ory," of rouging," A Progressive. Speeder--- Think of it! Here's this old earth making one rofation in 24 hours, the same as it did 6,000 years ago." ----Well, 'what of it?" "Great Scott, man! Can't we de- vise some way to 'speed her up a little?" Sure Thing. "1 wonder," mused the heiress; 'if Jimmy knows I have money?" "Has he proposed?" Yes." "Then he knows." He Needn't Have Worried. Her father (after the ceremony) -- My child, I don't see ow I am going to get along without you: Bride--Oh, that's all right, pa. My husband has just confessed that he hasn't enough to start house- keeping, so you won't lose me, after all, " Di ad y ie "Don't you know that you ought to scatter seeds of kindness?" "Aw, what's the: use; neigh- bor's chickens "would 'get them. all if I did." ---- W. W. Cole has purchased the pro {Yperty owned by Dr. Mofiatt, V.S., on Pic- with the south side, of Main street, ton, consisting of two stores an- | dwelling «aver the stores, EE Sound Good: to. Jeff TRODDEN DOWN IN FLIGHT UN- TIL WATERS AVERE DAMMED. np Made Banks Overflow--Hundreds of Acres Of the Austrian Soil Sown With Bodies. Loatlon, Sept. 18.--{The newspap- er correspondents. describe horrible scenes on the battlefields abundoned hy the Austro-Germen forces last week," says the Morning Post's Pe. trograd correspondent. "Streams they say, were choked full with slain men, trodden down in the 'headlong flight till the waters were dammed and overflowing the banks. Piles of dead are awaiting burial or burning, Hundreds of acces are sown with bodies and littered with weapons and- battle debris, while wouuded and ridérless horses are careering madly over the abandoned country. "The tropies captured comprise much German equipment. An ammu- hition train captured at Janow 11 miles north-west of Lemberg, was German, "while the guns taken in- clude thirty-six of heavy calibre and belonging to the German sixth army corps. : "The line of retreat of the tro-German forces was blocked debris of every kind--valuable ° mili- tary supplies, telephone and tele- | graph installations, light, railway | and other stores, buidging material. | In fact, everything needed by a mo. | dern army was flung away in. flight, | "Over 1,000 waggons with com- missariat supplies alone were cap" i tured. "The Bourse Gazette, which is ap- parently inspired, declares that Rus- sia will enter into no peace negotia- | tions, direct or indirect, until Prus- sian militarism - is completely crush- ed." Aus- | with | GERMAN NAVAL BLUNDER. Ships * Fired "On Each Other in Baltic. London, Sept. 18.--Telegraphing to the Times, its Petrograd corre- spondent says: "Reports of disaster to the Ger- man fleet in the Baltic have been confirmed by despatches received here which declare that German warships fired upon each other. Al! rumors of engagements with the Russian fleet in the Baltic, however, are untrue. '"The information reaching Petro- grad is that a numerous flotilla, at- tended by cruisers, while engaged in hunting down. passenger steamers, mistook their own for the enemy's «hips and engaged in a lively battle, The number of vessels Crippled is unknown, but several cruisers en- tered Kiel badly manled and riddled and carrying many wounded." the death of Daniel Bowen, Enter- | prise, which occurred on August 20th. Mr. Bowen was a sufferer for some time of pernicious anaemia. The deceased was one of the lead- ing business men of the vicinity. at ton can boast of one st PAGE The Great War Puzzle (16]10] 20] 7 1218 11]15]1] A Great English General s Best Defence (24Tz0 20 6 Js a] 1210] 5 [19] England' 86] 17]10f151]19] 19 What the nations depend on [9] 1][4]ua [7715] England's Friend What words or names do the figures spell? The magic circle will tell you. Bach number in the words called for abo bersin each word are found and placed in proper rotation you will have the word asked for, words or names do the figures spell? That is the puzzler for bright girls and boys. How to solve this great puzzle Look at the magie ctrele section has & number and contai of dots. In the words a a and you will ses that each | ns ve stands for a letter of the alphabet. When all the numa Grvin Te Bove: hat dota beesuse 14 1s tha second letter of tha alphabet, "0 in represented by three dots (seetion 7) beacause 16 1y | third letter in alphabet, and so on. In order to Bol ¥ou we will tell you that the first letter in the word is | section contains 11 dots, because "'K in the alphabet. Now find the letbes . 14.18 represented Ly section 16 and th i dota in the ih: . sERSLE: sEEiiEiin Special Prize Handsome Shetland Pony and Cart Aside entirely from the magnifiesnt cash prizes that will be Awgriad lucky boys and girls this handsome Shetland Pony and Cart (or price) will ba awarded to the boy or girl sending us the best letter of more than 50 words. giving us tholr expericnce with our (See how to enter the contest bitod) » to is dash nob { LE EXPENSE OF ANY KIND EITHER NOW We are the manutacturers of the Famous * Hearta of " ." Pert us among your friends Introduction price of only Wc each. This will be as ® Boys and Girls--Observe girls unde 18 yoars of age may enter | ive your full name and address and of conjestant will be given cou 1. Only boys or this contest. state your age. Age sideration in making the a vwerds, 2. More than one member of a family may competa will be awarded 1a auy ous ansizta be written by the con but only one cash family or household. A ass. and airis aay oitain o ore mn. BE Tagg ' #irly sanding correct or nearast cor four names, whose answers are doch congiterad) | neatost, 2- bust u stbbon. T THE REGAL MANUFACTURING © ; : { It is. with regret that we chronicle | Aer The new Tarvia roadway on Main -------- rect is mow completed, reets. Critics and cranks aro not always synonymous--but they usually are. By "Bud Fher" moa Hy solve tha £ Winuers will ba chossn from among the Lops ant orreet sol nt 1 itn g he guneral neat How to enter this great contest THIS CONTEST IS ABSOLUTELY FREE OF ALL enay as fun. Wa will eon best selling odors. White Viclei, Heliotrope, Lilac, and 10 quality for entry to the contest. Frénch On: 5 will be mo trouble at all ~ You will sell them inate minutes. *Hearteof Flowers * is sodelisious, and lasting thet many Indies boy 4 or 4 they wee them. This is the anly condition COST ST OR OR HEREAFTER six of the mokt ose. Lily of the ar Every girl or boy selling the pertume receives ad A handsome gift as & Tews. introducmg the perfama at our special 0 both the cash prises and the pon deciding factor in cass of Hos. Hearts of Flowers al ioe snob Fearful premiums of value fenpirely Tor bis service Koue getty men firoi or 08 poy 1 ng of prises Gab your an and Pie- la A tions. anart bron prices: will bs gives Lo every and sre sntively in ¥ and cart. the following simple rules: ness of the reply or Toller containing It will § the pound HERWIS A CHECK FoR n 54 You XQ a ABTOR THE WEDDING ME To GWE 8 BARGAIN, THE CHECK \SPAVABLE TOMORROW J SHE GoY HER MONEY FROM HER. LAST HUSBAND, who DIED VERY SUDDENTLY --- SHE'S BEEM MARRIED FOLR. ] rages 28 #000 4 necessary E cary bo? And gt] anterior in bowel] 00 Yyonhe 4 An order to compete. "ayant * 3ga1 bras any compelitors will judug Lhe answers for t) hiss ov ralativanof any member ¢r 0 Ae will not ba allowsd tn compete, « (ih 6% ones, addresesd ty 0, Contest Dept. 11 TORONTO, ONT. Niles Seeds, Pictom, recently caught twenty-three and a half of the best of | maskinonge in the Bay of Quinte. harp and crown await the man who lives up to his wife's expecta- Ginis FL TMmensE! T'O*MARKRN A BUZ2ARD Fok TWEE HUNDRED SAILS WITH RECORD CARGO. Brings 451,214 Bushels of Wheat. for Port Colborne. Fort William, Sept. 19.--Breaking previous reeords by 150,000 bushels, #1200 > 5 ON Eine ! | the steamship W. Grant Morden, of the Canadian Steamship Lines, Litd., cleared for Port Colborne. The re- cord up to the Morden's departure was held by the Colonel Schoon- maker for the 1 t cargo taken from this port, but the Morden's car go of 451,214 bushels of wheat sets a new mark and also beat the Am- erican record which was established last year in Superior by 1,500 bush: els. ' 1 HUTS FOR WOUNDED. 60,000 Wounder Overflow the Hospi- tals Of Vienna. London, Sept., 19.--A despatch to the Daily Telegraph from Rome says: "Sixty thousand wounded ar- rived in Vienna up to Monday night. Since all the hospitals had been filled last week huts for the wounded were vrected, Food, ical equipment aré insufficient. © "In Dalmatia the food situation is most serious and bread is being doled out by the military authori- ties." Mr. and Mrs. Norman FE. Wilcos, iter 'having spent some very enjoy able weeks at the Sandbanks, have Picton, caught a thirty pounds, y. Length this sec- all other dis- until the last |. ' to be Incur- ® and med- | NER - NUS BALD KILLED HimsELE an) ER THIRD DIRD: NC RY MYSTERIOUSLY. SHE WAS CHARGED WIT") pr HHH ey Ld hd