Daily British Whig (1850), 21 Sep 1914, p. 4

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; PAGE FOUR ' ™ i : The 'British Whig in Kingston monthly, certified as cor- X rect by some one appeinted for the purpose, and them sent to Ottawa. » The executive of the C dian Pa- ARE NOW CONFINED IN - triotic Fund 'must be satisfied with Hideous Pride, : FORT HENRY. : . . it in every respect, and being so is- 5 Hamilton Spectator. eu ® 2 fi 2 choke et thie fund td hick Graft, graft, graft! . Great is the | Twenty More Arrived on Saturday-- Penman's Underwear . ' + Borsalino Italian will be cashed and the money dis- |FO™*" of grult} ' * Those Who Do Not Behave Are and Hosiery : 1 YS r Hats tributed according to the report of No Doubt At All Placed In the Dungeon. Y 5 et Comte Sori 0 ns Fos, Hoke ba pps of We Meet Or Beat All Catalogue Prices Sod ' : : There is now no more doubt as to | g ¢ some one asks, the fampuigna Taine who started the war than there 1s as Aout twe Bundred nrisoners of war a larger sum than that: aimed at? lio who will finish it. militia in all parts of the provinee. The branch of the Canadian Patrio- 1. ---- On Saturday the population at the tic Fund hére can devote the excess Well Done, Oxford. fort was ipcreased -by about twen- Brantford..Courier ty men, as a result of tha arrive . 3 was 2 . a to general relief purposes. Tis us At_a special 'session of the Oxford | of the military escort from near 3 " oy . . ] the course followed in Toronto, an County Council it. was unanimously | Sault Ste. Marie. The prisoners of # i Rr il) the example of the Queen City can ldecided to give ¥20,000 towards the | war who are about the roughest lot ' n » very fittingly be followed to advan-|patriotic fund. Good for Oxford! of men, pulled in so far, were in ; : 4 : " | . charge of ten military men. They : . J ; published Dall 0d Semi Weekly by tage. " ' A Race For Berlin. were brought to the city on the Er ------------ 1 NG > 2S. i ¥ Hamilton Times. ast train from the west and wore 00, LIMITED. : EDITORIAL NOTES J The cgar should defer his slogan ot | kept in a special car. y . # J. G. Ellott President The way of the political reformer is| "On to Berlin' until he reaches its While at the fort, the prisoners pi : Leman A.. Guild .... Managing Director | },.rq. Roosevelt can tell 'that, with [suburbs. The British and French al | are compelled to behave themselves, A ini ] . Two Austrians, who have been giv- # and Sec.-Treas. : : pg r reach there before him an aching heart. When he began a |*¢¢ May reac ere x : ing the police some trouble, hav» bi ood Business Office Thor es! new party he had no'idea, of the No More Militarism. been placed in close confinement, : 1 7 Nobby Chesterfield and W bine mod- Fdltorial Rooms . contract that was before him. Sew Fork Fvenins, post and will be kept there until. they [JH] Pt els, rich plain greys and blacks, fancy chev- Tob Office il 292 ---- When the' war is over, the world | learn to behave, "a H: jots in brown and grey mixtures; hand- - Well Roosevelt is out of public | will set itsuface resolutely the direc: The prisoners are forbidden to § SUBSCRIPTION RAVES » . § splay vy in the di e . ashaily Bdivo o | life to stay out. Cun the same be |tion oppositeito that in' which the Jen) papers, sad are , dany Sages | £5 padded collars and lapels; hand worked but- ' i " . : ili ¥ Ve ¥ f 8 " ve if Y Far. If paid in advan $2.00 | said of the bosses (whom he-has at mifiarintg have Rept it: tor almost |, oteide of the walle ey : ton holes. Regular $12.50, $13.50 and $14.50 Bie Ja 5¥ mall 1o rural ifficens. 13.00 tacked, and some of them have : If the militia department keeps : Be . 1a values. Ix and three months ' ito ient to go into re § : ) er . rounding suspects as it has. been pg 3 4 3 {Boml- Weekly Bg a Sound _~ Fonvemen Re Surplus : § Omcers doing for the past three weeks, it . ] One year, mail, cash x irefhent ? . niford Expositor will only be a short time until some : % : are sur WH oflicer: | MN One gear, a paid in } There is a surplus of 1,000 oflicers other place will have to be Sapna Tr ® One ybar, to United States 60 | : fia : sarijor . ' "dix na three months Dio Fata. The aim of the patifiotic cam- } at Valcartier, and consequently many as .a "prison, as th quarters'a . For: A men anxious to fo to the firing line Henry are almost taxed fo their Trm-- : Y 1 3 Atthehed 1s one of the best joo : ; [re apt to be disappointed. It is al jimie a. may exceed this sum. "And if they good sign, however, when the officers printing offices in Cam . do the committee can very well de [sot the exampie. IN MARINE CIRCI ES > T SEN iD ' . . H. BR Br RESET AIVE. st | vote the surplus to the gemeral -re- ; rr New Tr GUEPRES NT ie: Ave | lief fund of the city. ; bon The Death. The Steamer J. H. Plummer Released ; ---------- ---------- Montrea eral . 4 A Frank R. Manager. Lord Curzon's hope that the Indian on Saturday. , 3 Chicago Tribune Bld One red w rs -ni 4 ; Franc BR' Northrup, Manager. E me hind ed workers meet to night troops will be in at the death, and At 1.30 p.m, Saturday, the steam- and lay their plans for the patriotic |orm part of that awe-inspiring pro- |r J. H. Plame was released after paigners is to raise $50,000. « They MODERN GERMANIZING. fund canvass. No use in trying toleession which sooner or later will | being ashore in Cataraqui bay. She Ur. Bland, of Winnipeg, gave the | dodge. Have your subkeription ready | March isto jertin, will be feachoed ran aground in the fog on = Thurs- . . : p 1 3 © | throughout the mpire. I hat the ay night, and it was necessary to wool Sunday that he is one of |; 80 § o p re > : + , » ; ar) : prool on ' ind 50 save the expenditure of "hu magnificent little army which Uanaday lighten her of betw een three and the most thoughtful preachers of the | yan energy all you can is sending over will algo form partof | four hundred tons of iron from: he . interesting . a rn that procession there is not the slight. | bow before she could he released ; 3 See the number of autos in this Jest doubt Part of her cargo was transferred 16 ~ Nethodist church: 'I'hey sarees 2 fhe lighter Harriet P. and the steam. ] Hand tailored garments, English wor- er Cornwall, of the Donnelly Salvage : 8 . . steds and cheviots, new pin dots, new plaids y RARE ahh - ox ac gladly placed at the disposal of the large audiences, which 'embraced, in y pla a ie disposal o k and Wrecking fleet, and the remainder . * % . : x turn, Jone of the post, Rhu hstul Ey ww ee, vd Las adi Kingston Event Ss i the rarge Saken offi w 99 Jada in- Pa checKs, and neat hair-lines. Slims, stouts and me e 'eity. © mo se $ RC S p oily GO the steamer Tagona, 16 steam- Se - 3 i hi a a briel but incisive descrip- | rounded up in the next three days. : 25 YEARS 400. o Pumitner cleared 'on Konday morn : ; regulate, Roig og 315.00 Bie Suite Bure ing at 9.50 o'clock for Lake Frie, wool English worsteds, beautifully tailore tion of the growth of Christianity, B : x i i russels, the beautiful, and sur Candis e atte . a where she will go into a dry dock : i 3 nd of the various changes through J. Gardiner made a trip from for repairs, as the Kingston Ship- in the newest models. building dry dock is engaged with the steamer Stormount. day hy giving two very wil able sermons in the Uueen Street were heard | patriotic canvass ! I'hey have been 3 rendered by the Belgians rather than | Brockville {i 3 icycla hich it passed as it came into con- . . a rockville to Kingston on a bicyel Nb the I the world. In ]%ee it ruined, is to be razed before Jin three hours and fifty minites tact wit the lorces in le WO . ' > yi 2 ar ia the Germans leave it. Suppose the Over 200,000 Jeet. of lumber: ar 4 . . rived over.the K. & P. railway to- allies and' Russians destroy all they day y da not want on German soil! Can Boys ransacked Fenwick & Hen- dry's wholesale for money, but zot * Movements of Vessels, Passed up: Haddington, at 2 p.m.; Port Dalhousie, 6.30 p.m.. W, H. Dwyre, 10.30 p.m.; Belleville, "12 the evening, he answered indirectly those. who have talked about the { hurch and its relations with the war : any one suppose anything so wan- of to-day. - Dr. Bland saw mn the ex- . 9 none. They made off with some cig- ? 3 . periences 'of the passing years much ton. and wighed 7... ars. Pans Stausiod, 4 pa, Sumy. : . 3 Re % . : ----- People complain that the fores'al- 1e steamer exandria due down x tisfy him that the 'church was 8 > State : od Fi ; to satisfy The president of the United States ling by-law is not enforced on the | on Monday night. A not the power it ought. to be, be. very fittingly give a little of his | market. Schooner Julia B. Merrill is un wise it did not meet the tasks that time to the making of peace in the During the past year 194 nev | loading epal at Swift's. confranted it. But he saw in the | hrooregvive party. There is a war |Puildings were erected in Kingsto: mh Shdiomue Bektha Calkins is at By Z 9 ---------------------- ue f / 8 J pr p Church of to-morrow, with the short |,, hetween the Bull Moose and some ALLIES ARE BATTLING i eau hat, Jouding Tdklapur ' crved "and long programme, a great} f hig , allies. But Mr. Wilson may era -- a M.T. Co.'suelevator : "Tug Bron: 8 \ \ d ® . 4 transforming ; power, and one that|pnot he personally interested in the | In Flooded| Trenches--Another Brit- | son, from Moptreal, with two light would do ita work the quicker as men | .ottloment of this. styife, ish Casualty ist. narges; cleared fox. Lachine; steamer \ Fairmount "passed up light from vemlized the mission of Christ and liv- ----N London," Sept. 21.--Re walks . . . ' , ept. 21.--Reports from Montreal F ili . > ? od up to His example and effective Namur is said to have fallen be- the front, says the Exchange. 'Tele- Tonle Jo ott illiam; _ steamers ' teaching. 'Ihe church, incidentally, | cause it could not stand a siege. graph's -Patis correspondent, show | Coq grain irom Port Colborne on ; Men's heavy storm shoe, heavy soles, was scored for its defects, but it was |It was not properly built, thanks to | that the French and British troops Montreal: -'stdamer Westmount dis : : glorified in the vision of what it can | the grafters who scamped the job are fighting Waist peep i m water, | charged her cargo and cleared for storm tongue, soles pegged and se yall 812- and ought to do in the work of 'to and the materials which they used bie Fins Suving anger. their ten | Port Colborne; tug Emerson arrived ches I ¢ This TN p » 3 with the barge Quebec from Port MOrrow. This is the limit, and it should be A casualty list made public last Colhorns oF Such for ; Montreal Ee marked by the sacrifice of the rn en | night by the war office again shows 3 x tp RARYRE ' A _ | with three plain barges CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND. who contributed to it. But thev are|® large number of officers among Captain ~ McMann, of the. steamer There are differences of opinion, or | not on the fighting line the lied, ier LE = ov Mikasa, brought his boat to King- * . : | re HOTT 0 a pr x " with urd' 1% sail een officers are 3 ston on Sundwey, where it will be laid misunderstanding, been killed and thirty-eight wounded | * os . : es up for the winter. the Canadian Patriotic Fund, which] 44, poop) department of New York [and ten missing. rept ees i f : espnot he: too soon rempved, The professes to 'have found the cause The famous Coldstream Guards and There ate 155 freshmen at the King Hoe B bb fund represents' a corporation, which of infantile paralysis. It is a pg the Blade Hatch veghuimis ers Ontaris Azvienltural College at 1 YS was given legul standing or FeCORNI" | which getting into the human or Yoon a. a miss- {relph this year. v . tion by the parliament of Canada. A glnism, causes all the mischief. | ing and the latter ten wounded or special 'act was passed at the late The germ theory is getting the mas- missing. session of the house. It authorized tery of the medical profession, and of CANADA WILL SEIZE the co-operation of 3 certain m= | the subjects on whom they practice Yaka her of representative men, including 5 -- 3 Any German or Austrian Goods Com- the lieutemnt-governor of the ~ seve-| Roosevelt is said to be out of the ing in Here. Last Opportunity Thomas Copley EE rhl provinces, in order to collect and | running for the presidency of the Ottawa, Sept. 21.--It has come dispense certain moneys publicly col- | United States in 1916. Was he ever |to the knowledge of the government rn . ¢ sa : T a i eee lected. The bbneficiaries are . the {in it 7 ~He has been doing his best | that a Jorge number of Sircular let Telephone 987 Cheap Auto Tire : on : : ters are being sent to anadian jr . wives, families, gid dependents So to Siowpt, fabothes word for "ime f ants by agents in the United Yor getting hutses chile wien & card to 1 Pine street when i { q BOT or oO Jy the B, py Q 3 ' 9 E . n nin 1 n ca - 3D : those who have volunteered prove), e republican party, and) States offering to supply German houses, frame houses: and bua tery Hue. pn Bo dhe Te Ford size 3G x a i-4, © tive service. ~The object of this spe- | without success. Rebellion among |and' Austrian merchandise and of repairs and new work; also hard. { Live ¢ galows, 6 rooms, hot air heat wood floors of all kinds. All orders ' goods. Hon. J. D. Reid, minister ing system J i on t i SE enstoms sald (hat. this on Siot ng sy , modern improve. will receive prompt attention. Shop, guaranteea 3500, appeal for aid should be as wide him. course, an attempt to get around oes Smished in 1uission oak, 40 Queen Street. : aiid general as possible, and that it | - i -- the proclamation prohibiting the ongy . : Gasoline 20¢ per gal. <hould be administered : with a care A Temperance Admiral. importation of goods manufactured - . * ; e in the enemies' countries. Vigorous | has Leeder Bibby' Gar, Chas. \ s Garage vhich will guarantee the exercise of There is no stronger advocate /of steps had been taken to see that all . & i rary ' temperance than Admiral Sir George Ro Garage onuity and justice in every case : . such goods sent to Canada would be Admitting that the sum aimed at Callaghan, as oem Abromied confiscated, and Canadian merchants ad Fiver, § Building Phone 201 uz . : g 7 Wi . o . '| were advised to h will be witdined, what then ? Will the [gre yoo stated that it has been proven | with Tre ope ve, ling 10. do g money be left and used in Kingston, |that shooting carried out' before many and Austria. : . nd if so on what plan ? The col- | grog had been issued was 30 per w------------ - anc will be turned over to the [C8Nt.~ better than that done after. v FLOUR lections 'ho has -been named "Therefore," he added, "captains al-|~ Salvation Army Harvest Services. Our Robin Hood Brand "ot flour city treasurer, who ha ways, found some excuse for taking| The Salvation Army held its an- Cement block bungalow with has a guarantee in every bag for : 3 every convenience, fireplace, el- good quality. - ' { as the treasurer of this fund, and |their ships to see a full day before] ual thanksgiving services Sumda ai et A i 3 ves § b. b . , : wim deposited in thn ne tue [While they alo (ook care to Bolan | Th, adel was benuifuly decorai AMS (Jf 0 om ANDREW MAGLEAN ve wit lowers. Th ic con- . I} terms can be arranged to respon- * ra rs he Services were con ade rrange espon Ontario Street. credit . of the Canadian Patriotic to . the grog issue until the evening." MEE i y Fund, © The disbursement of ®. will | 74 the public the name of yd uctad by Stag ain H, Bur- . lope upon Abe joint action of twa |Callagha Is dot very familar, bt on Ge igi | Sunday. ven | or € |] sectors sues voume 1 Spesten committees, Relief and Finance. These In the service he is known as one of Vite was. opeted oi % ne : oo, ling Jor 31890 per f a the finest seamen we have possessed IF A Bras l ) for $1850. will be comprised of men and women | i. ine days of Nelson Bak: Prager wa offered by _ Mrs. t ee B sola brick ; . 2 Smi hi ign |] i | x » re i ora |i ciitared the navy ai the 858 Vf { Smith iatangiosd She ead-eonirn Choice farm of 250 ac - || [treet seven Fours Sha fri " - : - . Y ! u : . > m. est. confidence. ~The Relief. Commit oe cam 3 leutehant when| i, yb, audience. In Sephring. Wr res, 6 miles from King- Bre youre Tor 13rao.0e Mt: about ioe will make an enquiry, (contiden- he was twenty-three, and a ecom- Burrows congratulated the audience ston: first class stone } * i i bi x i. | EE ---------- ------------------ ------------ : o mander at thirty-five. He greatly : . "al into every case, and on e and members on the beautiful cita- 2 ly), distinguished himself as commander Sa dwelling; all necessary : 3 , i . ; : cards for he purpose a: record will |o¢ the naval brigade of the allied] el: Ensign and Mrs. Smith sang iE. 4 ed be kept of 'all the facts. On these [forces during the Boxer rising of | 82 8PPropriate duet. The band re- | Hifi outbuildings; orchard; f HORACE F NORMAN f . : J dered some excellent seléctions. The | Ji 4 the Relief Committee will eventually 1900, and succeeded to the chief thanksgiving = services ill ose on | JE bout 130 acres of deep, : d of the fi ire- : : : | piss. A model 'statéfhent bas been [SOMmand of the fleet on the retire Monday night with a special service | JI rich soil under cultiva- | |i Real Rotate and: Insurance. fas ial corporation was to see" that the | his lieutenants has at last disgusted x ment of Sir Francis Bridgeman not x § , wont from Ottawa. 'This shows the [long ago. He has now retired in| and the fruit and flowers will . be tion; plenty of water; amounts which should be estimated favor of Admiral Sir John Jellicoe, | disposed: of. ' -~ 1 : Ne , ,.™ --- arge sugar bush; a very WELLINGTON ST. or each wile and child, or each de I I > > : peadent, less the amount that 'must | Madam Lalla Vaodervelde, wife of Would Not Take Him Back. [ff - desirable property. - oi ww deducted of ial grants, spe the Belgian minister of state, an- Although anxious Ab go to the front We have esides a } spec) g d nounced at Newport that she ex-{and fight for his country i i inl welief f veos' 3 : al Ig 0 18 ntry, a. member lar list Z of f for + gran rom employ pected to raise a goodly oportian {of the 14th Regiment was not allowed ge X 0 Arms . of thé $1,000,000 she is seeking here|to rejoin his company at Valcartier. | || \ xR sale, ranging in price : for the benefit of her stricken ocoun- [It appears that a few days ago the |} from $1000 to $24000 balance payable from the patriotic try through the penny aid of Ameri-/man in question was called home on | J , ' "8 : fond ' ~~. | can school children. account of the illness of his wite. : 'and may bs small. The special! Harold = Phillips, aged sixteen, ( When his wife recovered she gave her indsor i separation | allowance, of which so son of a prominent con-{consent to allow him to. return. Me i : rmuch has been said, applies only to | tractor, despondent 'over the {immediately telegraphed 'the officers in it 2 I J LOCKHART i , lo . ' Real Estates and Insurance he married in | death of his father thrée weeks , [command of th 7 and offered io . oo wauied, cand the wéinen | Ce through the temple : on [to pay his own fare bo | the ---- . have gone to the Saturday and died an hour'later. Igrounds:' On Mouday morning he ve- : war, the field: of action beyond the. The stemmshi Ancona, of the Ital-|odived .a telegram from Capt. L. v. | Ji : Bank of Montreal Building. sea, not the field of preparation. It ian Line, left New York Saturday for Guttman, officer commanding' the 14th : [§{ | Olarence & King Sts., Kingston does Bot go to the wives of men Oonoa with 1,800 Italian Acterrists contifgent, jor She shoet "that it wand i 4 J a a 5 > on board. impossible take on | 1 : i ¥ ? i SE MTS 5 tho are on duty in Canada, and ts Sesut Britain will not object to the strength dguin. "It is possible that : | > tic tag day will be held the dependents of single men. - "legitimate" transfer ' of merchant |the man' | try and enlist with some 35, sk ~ fis f 4 {ny women to secu Any X : «other corps, - Se -- ; . tot the patcictic fund. wh kd Foy

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