INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST 'Happenings in the City and Vicinity =--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig, "A 50. taleum, 35¢." Gibson's. 1t will pay U 2 come 2 our stores 2 .do UR buying. Gilbert. William Swaine, piano wuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. | There are still sixty-five men om the Board of Works pay, roll. Joseph Hodge, Cerudeated piano turner, 336 Brock St." Phone $68. No contagious disease cases re reported to the medical health officer last week, 'Cancelled library books, '25¢." of the sloop Gibson's. . on Saturday, for Convenience The Bank of Toronto, with departments equipped to transact business of every description appertaining to banking, and with Rumerous branches distributed throughout the Dominion, ahd a full list of banking correspondents, is enabled to offer its customers exe N ceptional facilities for the transaction of their financial affairs. « Paldeup Capital .............. ons $5,000,000 Tae INCORPORATED BANK or TORONT( 1855 Market Square Kingston GEORGE B. McKAY Manager. ibn (orion. of Seeley"s Bay, on his motor-cycle; came to the city on Saturday. Bulk Teas, new at old prices, 30¢; 4 for 1.00; 40c, 3 for $1.00, at, Gil. bert's. dressmaking. James Mahoney, Wells, left, howe Island. Save money on rubber sponges at Ladies" | up-to-date Terms moderate. Miss A. Keys, Coloorne stréet. A The work of laying, concrete walks will' be continund as long as the Fire Insurance ly Now that the fall season Is once again with us, necessitating the A $25 } starting of stoves and furpaces, the danger from fire risk consequently ' %. 2.50 rubber ipcreases, sb that It is essential that al property should be adequately Gibson's. Stanley Smith; carter, Teturned, ot covered. ani i d « any add ona insuranc > PITY rh 3 : ; It: in need of a a t neurance or contemplating a change, Saturday, after. a most suceessiul duck hunt near Washburn. 1 woul appreciate the opportunity of figuring on your requirements, I | H., Cunningham, piano tuner, 21 represent 'several strong tariff and non-tariff companies | King : street, Leave orders at Meo GEORGE BAWDEN PHONE 286, 108 prixopss st. |] Auley's book store. COAL. REAL ESTATE. INSURANCE, { J. H. Bacon and party, of Ottawa, Ri 4 motored to the eity on Monday, on --_--eee-- eM their way fo Toons, q C. ' =| Fire ! Fire! Fire! e. Imre: rire. o sponge for $2. H. Reid, 'a well-known and pro- | GRAND Coit TO-NIGHT, Tuesday & Wednesday Dafly Mutinee 2.30; Evenings 8.15 Sy tous slum A Wenderfal En THE LIFE OF THE LATE Queen Victoria MA TIRED Das Ns Oe 18. NIGHT 25c¢. TO 'ALL PRICE PARTS i ON SATURDAY NIGHT, AT SAKELL'S LOST. ice ctéam parlor," & roll of bills containing about $24.00. Finder will please return to Whig office and receive reward. 3 TO LET SEPT. 24 w : . 0 S OR LESS, A JOYOUS LAUGHING TREAT. i Fh thie a for one The Academic Producing Company Presents ™ it, or 50c for three. + A GOOD GENERAL SERVANT. APPLY 635 Brock St, cor. Victoria. A GENERAL COOK_AND ALSO NURSE maid. Apply' 158 Parl street. - AN EXPERIENCED WAITRESS, AP-|Ng ply at Miss Campbell's, 212 King street. America's Foremost Comedienne, In her happiest mood In a new com. edy of rare values Martha-By- The- Day By Julie WM. Lippman A SPLENDID SUPPORTING COMPANY wages paid for a good girl, at 13 Syaenham street. STIHADY WORK THE Warwick Bros, 189 Kingston FATLORESS, year round Princess St, YOUNG MEN WANTED; SALARY AND Including commission. Apply between 9 and Julle Herne--Ramsey Wallnee 11 o'clock. 179% Montreal St Lois Frances Olark----Bdwin Brandt Anita Clarendon--Contes Gwynne Jawe Heron--Roy Armore Violet Howard---Jon. Barker . Mary Merseh Einhorate Seenic Investure PRICES 25, 50, Tie, $1.00, $1.50 SEATS NOW ON SALE. TI are] A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK | Best wages f. good girl; three in family, at 13 Sydenham St A WOMAN TO TAKE CHARGE plain ekeeping. No fam:) ply @ v'elock to § RR TR TR PEEK FREAN'S BRAK eSSAry RAILROAD $120. age, posta ' 4sh Whig. * nO COOK, GENERAL. quired. Apply Hil Macnee, St. Lawrence Cottage, 145 King Street West, EXPERIK D GENERAL References work: highest SERVANT SHORTCAKE : { minent resident of North Augusira, recent fire at the Davis Tannery should bring home to the people of B ild With B . k {| has removed to Kingston to reside. ul ric of "Glycerine soap." Gibson's. The Kingston the danger to Mfe and property from building with anything but Frederick =. Milliken, of Youngs- fireproof material. j town, Alta., has returned to the cfs to finish his course in Queen's. AN over the world the fact Is being demonstrated that brick ts the best fireproof building material, and as w= are making as good an article as any Good tooth brushes at (libson's. - on the market to-day, we want to help build up Kingston with our up-to-date Mayor 'Shaw States that about 100 Areponf goods, Y | persons are receiving aid from the you do not bellave we have good brick, go and look at that house at / street, NEAL. | rubbst sponges for $1. Gib- | office library books, 25¢." clists JOHN DRIVER, Representative. I------ -------- AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES FOR HIRE Phone 1177 Tires for Carriages and Automobiles. George W. Boyd, the corner of Brock and Division Sts: also at Quebec and Cherry Sts Kingston patriotie fund already. We certainly are proud of th houses, and we 'can supply plenty more «Atge consignments of Grapes, brick just as good. | Peaches, Pears, Egg Plants, Pickling Our tile Is going fast, but we are making more. So come along and grder | Onions, ete., at Gilbert's what you want. ; | Miss Mary McDonald, 151 Bagot . . { left, on Monday, to spend Kingston Brick Yard, week's visit with her father in Hamil- Divislon St. A. ton $1.75 | son's. F.C, MdUurdy * & ' Uo., has given SN io the Canadian patriotic fund on behalf of the head and itg HIGHEST GUARANTEED Canadian branches. X | Misses Irene and Genevieve Ma- ° son, of Syracuse, N. Y., returned [ | home on Monday, after visiting with eC 1C ron friends in the city. 9 ® | Duchess Creamery Buttery, 33¢ a $10, aE Gilbert's stores. : ' | An bswego company will soon begin For a short time only ; the work of extending the Cape ,Vin- . 3 ' : cent breakwater wall. As much as Halliday Ss Electric Shop possible will be added this fall. Good loath brushes at Gibson's. 168 Jennie, Fewis, Belleville, died Phone 94 - - In --angston on Friday, aged forty Years. She was a Methodist and a life-long resident of the Bay city. William Harris, who was appointed as an additiona' transfer man on the GAR. returned from l'oronto, after being sworn in, and is now on duty { "Almond cream." Gibson's. William Day, of the Kingston Ship- A FEW SNAPS FOR QUICK BUYERS { building company - staff, has retu ned New Frame House, 7 rooms, hot air furnace, electric light to work after being confined to(his gas and verandah. Price ......$..., ' home for the last two weeks by a Solid Brick, 11 roomed house, all modern conveniences; scalding accident & in good locality. Muke good boarding house. Price. . $4600. | "Cancelled A six roomed Frame House in good neighborhood Price.. $0.50 | Gibson's EASY TERMS | Two motor « from Kingston 4 were fined ¥1 each and costs at Belle | ville for fast driving an Suneay and J K. Carroll Agency, | 8IVing no warning at street cross : ings. 3 #8 BROCK ST. PHONE 88. | { business in his new building ai the | old stand, 341 King street, Thurs EA tT ~~ [day, Sept. 24th, with a full line of 'Wood's Phosphodine, | wines, lighors and eigars. ' The Great Hnglish Remedy. | Good tooth brushes at (ibson's. Tones and invigorates the whole | An automobile party, comprised of orvaus EO Be iond |]. Bolger and wife, Leo Bolger, Mrs RubSer Debility, Mental wd ond m. [ N: Bowen and = Miss Bowen, all of dency, Loss of Patpitntior of the | |.ansdowne, were in Kingston on Sun Heart, Failing Memory. Price $1 per box, six | day for $5. One will please, six will cure. Sold by all a ' 1 Dn & | druggists or mail ed i plain pke. NE Wao | Gite: Ww atermelons, 2c a Ih, at] New e. ¥ 84 stores. REBICiNg con HL rms Wate On Monday Col. L. R. Carleton. of the Royal Military college, was able {to return home after being confined fin the Hotel Dieu for the last three For Sale weeks ro | 22.50 rubber .sponges for 32 Gib? PRESERVING AND- PICKLING 1.1 ME Is ;Rubber Rings, Corks of al won's \ lady bought a pair of chickens | {on the market on Saturday and she | 'forgot to call for them Thav are | now in charge of Market Clerk Mec-| Cammon. HT Good tooth brushes at Gibson's. On occasion of his marriage, w hich | 15 to take place this week, the men jof the plumbing shop of McKelvey & | | Birch gathered, on Saturday evening and presented Joseph Sharpe with a handsome silver cabinet. Our Creamery Butter, 33¢ a Ib. me lat Gilbert's stores. & Ihe firemen were given a run 4.19 {o'clock Saturday afternoon. Some | rubbish burning in the rear of 'the E. J. COUSINS S-------------------------- {home of Mrs. Emma Jamieson, lohn- v \ son, set fire to a shed. 'The damage F U RR I E R will amount to about $20. The Red Cross drug store has a ve- : { putation for good toath brushes. Do | you buy yours there? i Samuel Ripae, the young Rouman- 221 Princess Street bins who received severe injuries at Gramophones, I'honographs, Grat- onolas, Columbia and Victor records, Freed's Bottling Wax, | Odeon and Jumbo records, Bdison 2- Ordinary Sealing Wax, Paraf- [minute records, Blue Amberal! re- fin Wax, In fact we can supply | cords. | anyt i hing Jou WAY require in Big discounts for July and August. | the preserving or pickling line. ' Allen's Hoag's Drug Store, Allen's Opp. Y. M. C. A. {taken to the Hotel Dieu, was able to a Specialty ] The men of the Cobourg battery | last, left for their homes on Sgturday INFERIOR or three days. : | : | Tuttle's Hill a week ago Sunday, by Repairing and Remodeling | tailing off a bicyele, and who was leave the institution on Monday. » Good tooth brushes at Gibson's. DIAMON WE Prices Moderate {who. were stationed at Tete de Pont THOM YOU : --=+ barracks since Wednesday morning 3 X . evening. . 'Thirteen of the batterymen ALONE, Buy The Bes {were left in the city to look after the AMONGST THEM. Our cream is pure guns, which will be left here for two 5 ! vholesome. / 1 | This delicions shorthread bis- James McParland will be open for I See P F on each Box 7, Whig office \ CAPABLE housework cook R Cappon, cult is an enormous success. Output first year about 325000,. 000 biscuits. Have You Tried It ? a MANUFAC- | NO chance for which fs MAN WANTED ny ring firm with $100.00 STORAGE FOR clean and eet. OFFICES IN CLARENCE A MAID FOR GENERAL WORK. BEST [T0 1 EIGHT ROOMED re | "TOR AGE ¥Y ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS. Once 25¢, three times b0c. FURNITU BTC, dry. McCann, 82 Brock str ST. CHAM. bers. ARP to Cunningham & Mu- dle,. 79 Clarence St W BRICK DWELLING, 8 RaOMS, B. and C. free water $10. J. S.R. Mc- Cann, 82 Brock St. LET, FURNISHED, 20 RARRIE ST. Apply to Mrs. Vernon Eaton, Lake St. Joseph Hotel, Lake St. Joseph Quebec. HOUSE ~~ WIrH: 8B , gas and. furnace, 369 Al- R. Laialaw, 248 Division and C fred St. J. Street. SEVEN ROOM BRICK HOUSE, NO. 11 Oct. 1st, Apply 1 Colborne St. Possession 1914 Bath and W Colborne street. ¢ FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock and Frost's City Storage, 299 en St. Phone 526b. HED DWELLINGS FROM § ; also unfurnished from §$ $ J. 8. R. McCann, 82 Broc Phone 326 or 621. RR THE SIMMER, FURNISHED house, all conveniences, electric light, gas and telephone; centrally located. Address Box L, Whig office ED, THE HOUSE AND PRE. at 115 Bagot street, King- Apply to Cunningham & Mudie, 79 Clarence street, King- stor STORE ON MARKET STREET at present occupied by D. Hutch- eson as & flour and feed store. Pos- segsfon 1st January next. Apply M. Sullivan, Contractor, cae ------------------------------ $ STONE HOUSE, EN. tirely renovated; hardwood floors: open fireplaces: tiled bathroom hot water heating. Possession at once. Apply to Dr, J. C. Connell. . 23 'W » w required to carry stock. Apply Box P } . ." Whig office : : ® [AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY |BIGHT earn $100 monthly for newspapers; no _canvassing Send for particulars. Press Syhdi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y corresponding WANTED IMMEDMATELY, MEN THAT can Splice rope and use a palm and needle Apply to J. J. Turner , Tent and Awning erborough, Ont s. POSITION WANTED. oR DRESS MAKER the day. Apply A . | Eanes 4 I|A YOUNG MAN SEBKS SFrUATION as bookkeeper: has had expe fence 4 1 in lawyer's office. Can. furaish high- est testimonials. Apply to Whig office. Boz Of the Workers in Connec- THE CANADIAN , PAT RIOTIC FUND weptiign) 4, Ni lately for Tull Rartiuiats; sample picture, literature, etc. EX 1 e Tol ight t ary Enda hell, Ho age i cos Cliffo! Ch che LO. x . At 6.30 O'clock 2, Edmonton, Alberta. Canada elect f officers salesman? We have a propositio gre and transaction of to make which will enable you to R MEER, Secy. earning at the present time. Cor- nee strictly 'confidential === | ston. Ont. | TOLET EXPERIENCED wants 'work by {| between Karl and Johnson | streets; 7 rooms; modern ! $18.00 per month. Poy ession Sept. 1st. tion With Fr t H t 1 OTHERS RECEIVE $15 TO $65 WERK. on enac 0 e ly . Why not you? Write immed- unnecessary. Enclose 10c to cover For the adoption of a constitution, HAVE YOU ANY "ABILITY AS A ex more money than you are respond - Address to Manager, Box 47, King- House No. 114, Victoria St. B. Whig office. brick, newly decorated. ; | McLeod's 198, Apply Drug Store WORK WANTED. A RELIABLE MAN WANTS WORK attending furnaces or handy man Apply British Whig RESPECTABLE WOMAN worLn take private washings at her own home. or would g6 out by the day 154 Pine street, off Division St SITUATION VAOANT. LADIES WANTED TO DO EASY, pleasant, coloring work at homa Can make $15 to $20 weekly. Ex. perience unnecessary; no ocanvass- National Decorating . Co. C, 69 Adelaide St. East, Tor. onto, Ont. a cmt cman +4. VINE, UPHOLSTER YG, IR. palring and. carpet work, and mattress renovating. © Drop a ecard or call 116 Bagot street BUILDERS!!! Have Von Triad | GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? | | MA NO HTGHER PRICE (For the present) CHIVERS PURE ENGLISH JAMS and ORANGE MARMALADES Your Family Grocer can supply you Hb. and 2 1b. Glasses, 5 1b. and 7 Ib. Ties. Many are taking advantage of to-day's price and buying these lines by the case It Saves Time. P., WALSH, Barrack Street. Great Clearing Sak | I Get In touch with your family it grocer and take advantage of this Boots and Sho es it opportunity. | Fenwick, Hendry & Co. Every pair of Bonts andl shoes (Distributors) in stock will be reduced from 25 to 35 per cent. In order to make room for our fall stock) coming wm. » Ladies' Patent Leather Pumps worth $2.50 to $3.00, now .. 9175 | OUR FRESH GROUND OOF. FEE AT 40c. CAN'T BE BEAT, Try a sample order and be convinced. : NOLAN'S GROCERY SB ape We Teliver Hp for| CASTORIA trial ord i 'Manitoba; Since Saturday rain has fallen over f in Canada the remained fine. Sharp frosts Sunday night, in. Al- ; ath A SPARKS AND SPARKS, LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND WANT TO S§ occura UPHOLSTERING. EAT PONY HORSE, 14 OR QUALIFIED TEACH ROOMED WH ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Also n roomed solid brick and eight s of land off Concession and 1 st A Apply to J. D 106 Pine street SE, DENTAL. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, D.DS, RE. moved to 258 Princess Street. 159 WEL. lington St. Carnoveky's) Phone 346, (over ee eeee------------ ee OR. C. CO. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B. enton, 133 Princess assistant. Street. Phone 736. teeter eee et. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.DS., DENT. ist, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street FINANCIAL. ONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST- ment Society; Incorporated 1863; resident, Colonel Henry R. Smith doney issued on eity and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed. 8. C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence street. GLOBE Fire Ingurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addit'on to which the poMeyholders have for security the unlimited liability of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or givin new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. ° Phone 3825. ° LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM _& MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and soMators Law office, v Clarence strest, Kingston. WANTED GENERAL. + EQUAL TO BEST 200 within four miles of Box, §18, Whig office far Apply 5 FOR FOUR BRIGHT, alry, well-heated, furnished rooms, two having fireplaces. For further information, apply 260 King St. be kind Y saddle »ferre rT ull ticulars, Box 918 AND YOUNG ld desire table board and room hurbs for October. Write ng terms, to St. John's Rec- Richfield Springs, New York tory, tn i -- TTRESS REPAIRING AND RENO. a da vating of NEW MALLIBIoTs mage est modern machinery, guaranteed, Kingston Co, Phone 602. 556 Princess St. GENTLEMEN TO BRING cloth and have it made up into up to-date suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and rep=ipin done on the shortest' notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage . TEACHER WANTED. ER, PROTEST. School Jegtion 3 den, for coming I r. ence after holl. .. Salary $385. Apply to D. Attewell, Sec.«treas, Oconto, Ont. FOR S. 8. NO. 6, 080, A TEACHER \ with qualifications nee after mid. Apply stating experience, to Wm Ser.-Treas., Clarendon Sta- Duties summer salar: Crai . tion Dntarlo. FOR SALR., ee Er iLY ALYY Ob lo, ©; three : one week, $1.00. * - GEESE FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS, | Goldman, 387 Division St. INDIAN MOTORCYCLE, AS GOOD AS new. Apply Angrove's Garage, 128 Clarence St. PURE BRED R. I. RED, ROCK AND White Leghorn hens and cockrels. Apply to M. G. Boyd, 108. Pine St SECONDHAND ROGAN, Seon SHA eap. 5 wsom, pianos a Victor Victrolas, 244 Princess St. GAS' RANGES AxD. REFRIGERAT. nable pi Ors at reaso ri while th last. At Turk's, Rohs 705. iy OFFICE DES SIX FEET LONG, 41 in. high in front and §6 1-2 in, high at back. Three drawers and one top shelf. Slightly used. Appy British Whig office. A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND a number of first-class heaters, at low prices; also a big stock of fur- niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St, Phone 1600. -------------- eee + A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCLE also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. Al orders promptly attended to fof carpet cleaning and laying. Georze Muller, 373 King St. DWELLING HOUSE corner lam and Bagot Sts Quickly ftenanted Apply to F White, post office, or A. F. Bond Frontenac street A FEW COLUMBIA as for sale cheap Same taken as part payment in ox: change. Also pianos and organs. A good square for $35 cash. J. R Cote, 35 Montreal St, Kingston. DOUBLE FRAME AND VICTROL. DAILY AND WEEKLY NEWSPAPER, I'rade M thly and job printing plant. - Employ- hands; always ty in Ontario. pling Apply 7 Jordan St MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND A. convenient te station NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORK cheap. £5,000--~BRICK LOY and stable S$1LSOOFRAME HOUSE, 8 ROOMS, SLES--NEW FRAME HOUSE, MARK. and St G. A. BATEMAN, Real Estate, 67 TO LET OR FOR SALE. HOUSE, LARGE INSURANCE AND Clarence Bt HOUSE, 170 PINE ST, 10 ROOMS, with B. and C., large lot with barn Enquire 368 Division St. ROOMS AND BOARD, FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, also table board. Apply 138 Wel- lngton St. of posite pdst office. CATERING. -------------------------------------------- ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR BALL SUP. pers, banquets, dinners, parties, ete. Silverware and cutlery to rent. For yEarticulars apply to R H. Toye's King St. store CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding breakfasts, bauguels, eto. also rent dishes, 'able lnens and silverware. Reid and Hambroo! M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. F. Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street Phones 843 or 303, PERSONAL wE HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, RIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish. es removed permanently, without scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. El« mer - J. Lake, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and skin specialist, 258 Ba- got street MUSIO. VIOLIN INSTRUCTION CHRISTINE COCHRANE, 78 Telephone 136 MUSIO AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC- t y SIss Gore street 216 Frontenac St. Miss Norm ann, Aida Telgmann, BE; *. Telgmann, teachers of elocu« tion, piano, violin and all stringed instruments, MISS FLORENCE LOSEE, CONSER. vatory of Music, Normal class, To- ronto, will re-épen her class in plano and theory, on Wednesday September 8th, at 495 Princess St, Kingston All communications before above date address Collin's Bay, Ont BUSINESS NOTICES. ---------------------------------------- JOSEPH BUSE, 6 CHESTNUT ST. HAS opened up a quarry on Stephen St, Cut, bullding and rough stone are supplied promptly at reasonable prices. KINGSTON BUSINESS COOL. LEGE, Limited. Head of Queen Street Superius = = Rooks keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit- ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen« eral Improvement and al Com- mercial sabjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, Prinelpal, + ARCHITECT. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, A tacts, ete. ..Offices, 258 ' Bagot st. Phone 61 #3 chant nk <0! Brock and Welll a tard. Toots. a BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a mail frder husingas at 3 OG canvassing; your own i Send for free booklet; te ' Tn Heacock, 2,969 Lockport, Have You a with records. | P POWER & SON, eT ER Bank