OAN'T OA : BEAT, rile Wid be OUR FEE AT 40¢, iS HEALTH IN TERRIBLE STATE "Frat-a-ives" -Healed His Kiineys and Cured Him HacERsviLLe, OST, AUG. 26th. 1913 "About two years ago, I found my Bkalth in a very bed state. My Kid. fstys were 108 d their work and | was all run dows in condition. 1 felt the reed 0! good remedy. and Hay ing seen" Fraita-tives advertised,' 1 decided bit . Their effect, § fod inore than satisfactory. Their action was mild and the result all that could be expected, My Kidneys resumed their normal action uiter | had taken upwards of a dozen boxes, und I regained my old- time Witulity. Today, 1 am enjoying tise Dest health Have ever had". E. A. KELLY Fraitatives" Js the greatest Eidney Reedy in the world, ¥t acts on the bowels Gd sk'tn'as well as on the kidneys, and thereby soothes and cures g Ciduey soréndes, "Fruit.a tives" is sold by all dealers at foc, 4 box, 6 for $2.50, trial size 5c, or will be sent on receipt of price by Fruit a tives Limited, Ottawa. PLATING In Nickle, Silver, Copper, Virass, Saturday, September 12 sud following days. a MISS HAMILTON ATO PRINCESS ST, & Open Tuesday, Thilraduy, 780 to Opposite YMCA. ln once; Bent 0 per month, - Ing "wikter, ete. For particulars, upply to W. Hi. Godwin & Son. Broek St. . Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance Have You Tried GYPSUM WALL PLASTER? ff ,_L. It Saves Time. We make ail. kinds of eon aud Wire P. WALSH, we PARTRIDGE & SONS, Barrack Street. fi Take Ne Chances Pure Spices and Vinegars Are necessary in the making of good catsup When ordering from us you take mo chance of getting second class goods. We handle only the Best J. R. B. GAGE Montreal & John Sts. Phone 549. THE INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON A weekly column of abiding interest to both teachers and scholars * ACTS YO Mdtto or erty in all's privity is 'the companion 'of Tib- Ges Dithaiey, and thé Vivine Bouree 'of : Ro enri Clerel y provi , 1805-1859. Fler, Ledsoi NH September 27, '1974. aha ks & ¥ i \ REVIEW : JESUS'THE JUDGE OF MEN p (PAE STORY) urrent "ecomgmic problem expresses tseif in 'the single it is how. "10 Sorure - the earliest and largest reghits, with the least expenditure of time, strengoh dnd money. 'How to nih mize friction, with the wear and iear incident to it. How to prevent waste, How to éredte by-produgts. These dre the problems that absorb {he experts in all departments. But two thousand 'yedrs ago Josug i. already teaching 'efficiency' and that, too, in the superior sphere of s. - ics and the moral and splfitual life. He was teaching the supreme W 8 dom about supreme things, divinely, as none before or since had done! y s That accounts for the continued moral Satereiguty of esis, | ds enshripe fowtamental prineiples, an ence are of univers Tia a application. They dre ever green! They Wéver can be sear or yellow! They dre virile forever' In these new jdedls of moral effic- 'jency which 'the Mdster -announced, illustrated; and exemplified, he lives to-day and Is more potent in the formation of character, ludividual and collective, than any, than all, the moral teachers of men. The words he spoke are still 'Spirit and Life™ The period here covered is two weeks in the close of Jesus' life, and the teachings are of transcendent importance, The discourses of these fourteen days have furnished ma- terial for the current period of one hundred days. .The Master was con- scious of his diminishing opportunity of patriotic appeal to his fellow- countrymen, instruction of hs apostles, tred 'and true men, into Whose hands he was about 'to commit his Church, 'and finally, the deposition in human language of fhat body of divine truth to whieh the entire human race in its suctessive generations would in increasthg nuntbers resort. So these last days are fairly packed with parables and polemies, All elus- ter around that magnetic word "Efficiency." They are affirmative and aegative, and partly afffirrhative and. partly wegative. The affirmative are such as "Laborers in Vineyard," "Greatness through Service, "Pounds and Talentg.' The negative are such as "Barren Fig Tree," and "Defiled . Temple,' '"Wicked Husbandmen, 'Wedding Invitation Rejefted." The mixed-afiirmative and negative are such as "Ten Virging" and "Juwdgwent of Nations." ; The period is also one of fercest controversy. It is one in which Jesus fulfills the prophet's words and becomes "fuller's Lop "and t'refiner's fire to the moral filth and base principles and prac- tices 'of 'the ecclesiastical establishment. 'His "Cléansing of the Temple" is a pictorial and powerful protest .ggainst current practices. The ""Curs- ing of the Barren Fig Tree," which by show of leaves laid claim to fruit n the eves of all passers, was really a parable in aetion. A very tyro could got 'help seeing in it the Hebrew church, 'which; protesting much, was In reality fruitless and deserving its doom. Fear and anger made strange bed-fellows. Fierce and hostile factions must need drop their différences for the time and use their united strength to accomplish the ruin of their common foe. And so it came to.pass that Pharisees, "straightest sect" of all and reputed conservators.-of orthodoxy, and Sad ducees, the free-thinkers of the day, and Herodians, panderers to royal vice and trucklers to imperial power, all 'had, 'per fofee, to pool their is- sues, * . The most cunning dialectical trap ever set for a reformer was the gpparently innocent and sincere question as to the payment of tFibute. The horns of The dNegma were these: If Jesus should say "Pay!" he would inflame the Jewish populace to the highest degree, because this *"tax" was not used for local bettérment, but went straight to the emper- or's private purse and so was in itself an odious acknowledgment and badge of servitude. On the other hand, if Jesus should say, "Do not pay!" he would lay himself open to the charge of sedition against the most alert and virile government the world 'has ever seen, Before nightfall he would have been in a Roman prison and his career at an end forever. In this instance Jesus answered fools pecording to their folly. When he said, "Render Caesar Caesar's things!" he left it undecided whether the tax was Caesar's right or not. He wrapped the whole vexed question in still deep- ler 'fog, ag he was justified in doping, but lost no prestige with the people and gave no offense to the Romans, At the same time he branded his cunning gquestioners as hypocrites, ' The question as to which was the greatest commandment illustrates the character of *religion then cur- rent. It was technicality gone to seed, There was sueh a bateh of com- a" ve this Week: X , 'the cre : Ts The practizal ¢ word "Eficieney." So it-eame to-pass that ™e Wheel Factory Reopens--G on 'Bridge 'Withdrawn x villagers availed themselves of the cheap &rip to Ottawa fair and to view the new country through which the C.N.R. runs. Those who took in the trip to Valcartier last Saturday were Wessrs. J, Wright, W. H. Wal ker, ¥. Storms, 'N. Boyce ~und J Boyce. Frederick dee left for " his) home "in Tweed, after v Weak kin Yarker among fricads, 1 her 'Navansgh. has been bi ed to juight operator in erker si tion, ~ Corn cutting and thei the order of 'the day. Mrs. M. ter hus wetwrnbd home again after spending a Week in Toronto. 'Rob Gordon snd wile, of Toronto, spending a douple of wedks at th home of his parenys. Oscar Edgar, of 4 , 'is home with his pa renty dor the balance of 'the ailer 'an absence of five years in th west, . Russell Seymore - is acting mail clerk in place of Roy Skinner, who was called to Toronto on business. Mr. Shorey, bank 'manuger, is spend: Ing two weeks vacation duck hunt- ing. He 'veports ducks plentiful. Mrs. 8. Winters is spending Jtwo weeks in Harrowsmith at the home of her daughter, Mrs. J. Shibley. Miss Ruth McCauley, Napanee, spent the week end in Yarker. Mrs. G. Babcock und son, of Dexter, N.Y, is at the hom of S. Babcock. The wheel factory has opened again after being closed "since in which time -comwiderable had to be done. "Walter ( returned from Gananoque. Safurday last after a stay of Jthree weeks. Mi Bryant, C.0.C.F. organizer, of King ston, is working here for the good of . the order. Frederick Babgock returned home again after spending the summer months on the steamer ' Toronto. Myérs Warner has moved into Mr. Watts ' stone house .on Front street and Richard Wils8n, of Colebrook, has purchased the house vacated by him and own- ed by Mr. Hill on High street. A large number of people attended chuteh in Colebrook Sunday night last owing to special services ~~ being held by Rev. Mr. Wilton. { The guards on. the bridge have Liven ! laid off "until further motice. Mr. and Mrs. Main and Mr. and Mrs. Stew- art and 'son, Harry, spent Sunday last the guest of Mrs. F. -McWil liams, 'at Bethel. The in the river is pretty low and rain is need ed to feed the suppy. re ---------- THE SPORT REVIEW. up July, repairs uRMnings stuling water Notes on the Diamond and the Grid- iron. Hugh Gall says that there Secretary in the U.R. willt be no Ottawa team K¥.U. "Kddie" Cuzner has turned out with the University of Toronto candidates tiwas not expected that he would be Bick with the blue fail, VILLAGE OF YARKER 1, Yarker, Sept. 21.--A number of thef year §§ > : Yea WITHOUT ACID, nt You Want Your clothes to last, you must have them washed without acid. We use no feild whatever. A posteard will brig our boy to the door. We appreciate the opportunity to nerve you. Best fumily washing, 40¢ to Soe, CHONG BROS., LAUNDRY. 854 Princess St. a ARROWROOT » BISCUIT » Arrowroot Biscuits are a severe test of the baker's skill ssesnit is easy for you fo see | from their delicious flavor and golden brown crispoess how well we succeed. The kiddies and even the babies may have as many as nothing is better for them. Every Package Guaranteed. At your grocer's. Send for the Péfrin "Samp- ler" Package. It contains so many delicious surprises that you will be sure to consider it worth the 10c. (coin or stamps) that covers the cost of mailing it. Mention your grocer's name. D. S. PERRIN & COMPANY and white this -- ----_ With the "Rooster" on ft 8 crowing Jouder as he goes slong. mY Abe per pound For chening' -- moking. © AT A. MACLEAN'S, tarle Street. I" For Sale 104 OROHARD ST, Frame house, 7 rooms, For quick sale, $1,000.00, For Rent----Livingston All improvements, 7 $15.00 per month, H.S.CRUMLEY Phone 1442, 116 Brock' St. PLUMS! PLUMS! Ave. TOOK, Lombards, green ghges, blue, red, vellow plums, 11 ats. k etn, Bc, Pen She. basket, Grapes, 20¢ basket, Peaches, 11 gts. baskets. A dA New York Fruit Store. 814 PRINCESS STREET Phone 1403 | FOR QUICK LUNCH Crosse & Blackwell's Potted Ham Potted Chicken Potted Lobster Potted Anchovy Potted Ham and Chicken Mushroom Catsup Mushrooms in Gravy D. COUPER Phone 76 841-83 Princess Be. ie i esaas gabe Spencer, The Tailor For the LATEST FASHIONS and PERFECT FIT Ralph Spencer, i mandments that classification became imperative. at f there were the "little and light," the 'great and weighty," and which was p is g at McGill | a 5 : "chief" of all was naturally much mooted. A spiritual vittue in this con- |, here is a big chance that McGill | qs 320 Princess St. University will drop sports this year | EUROPEAN AGENCY Wholesale Tndents promptly execut- ed at lowest éash prices for all Brit- fsh aud Continental goods, fucluding Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists' Sundries, China, HKarthenware and Glass- ware, Cycles, Mator Cars and Accessor- fess: Drapery Millinery Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals, Jewellery, Plate and Watches, Photographic and Optical Goods, Provisions and Oilmen's Stores, ete., ete. Commission 23% % to 5%. Trade Discounts Allowed. Special Quotations on Demand. Sample Cases from $30 upwards. Consignments of Produce Sold on Account. (WILLIAM 'WILSON & SONS, (Established 1814), 25, Ahchurey, Lane, London, 1.0. Cable Address: "Annuaire Loudon." Your feet were made to last you a lifetime. Don't ruin them by wearing cheap, ill-fitting shoes. Wear Invictus Shoes, for they will prove a safeguard and comfort to your feet. The Sawyer . Shoe Store and Plece 'Have You Seen Them? Fashion's latest decree in footwear for MEN The New Mahogany Tan Boots made on the latest English heels and double soles, ey Jom h models, suitable for fall and winter © $500 and $6.00 _- {ch : basis of the essential community of all human nection was not so much as thought of. For some the.' chief" was washing of hands, or building a booth, or eircumeision, or 'Sabbath. Jesus' 'answer to the question as to which wag chief was a miracle ia words. He escaped the snare of the fowler He -allied himself with no bickering factions. 'On the contrary he carried the question over ingo an entirely new realm, where there are no disjointed commands or purely sacramental offices, but where there Is a "Life" which gives continuity, vigor and progress to the whole. With one splendid flash, as of 'a heavenly searchlight, Jesus discloses the'pepmanent and fundamental element in religion for all time and all people. Absent, it makes the Christian a 'heathen: present, it makes the "heathen a Christian, though he may never have so mueh as heard the name of Christ That disputatious eoterie fades away. Jesus speaking to the universal human heart. The mua of to-day, technically ed an unbeliever, must, per fores, recognize the divineneess of the mes- sage 'and, receiving it into an hone heart, must begin the life of love toward God and service toward his fellows. And that is religion! . Some of the Mt addresses of Jesus are known to have been made in the Treasury of the Temple. Part of the. furniture of that inclosure was a colossal bronze candelabrum covered with a myriad of little vessels for oil, in each of which a wéll-trimmed wick floated, It is at least a signifi- cant fancy to imagine Jesus watehing the deft lamplighters at their task. The huge bronze tree begins to twinkle with innumerable tapers. A { soft radiance fills the sacred precincts. When at length the last wick ig | coaxed into flame, the Master lifts his voice to 'break the solemn stillness, with the meaningful words, "I amgthe Light of the World!" It is as if he had said, "These artificial lights {illuminate a limited area for a brief per- ylod, but I, in my word and person, will light the moral universe forever!" THE TEACHERS' LANTERN 1. The Labourers in the Vineyard. "Matt. 20: 1-16. I+. Greatness Through Service. Mark 10: 32-45, 11], Blind Bartimaeus, Mark 10: 46-52. IV. 'The Pounds and the Talents. Like 19: 11-27; V. The Triumphal Entry. Mark 11, 1-11. VI. The Barren Fig Tree and the Defiled Temple. Mark 11: 12-33, VII. The Wicked Husbandten. VII. The Wedding Feast. - Mat 1X. A Day of Questions. Matt. X. The Great Commandments. Mg XI: The Ten Virgins. Matt, Xil. Phe Judgment of the } XII. Review, Matt, 25: 14 30, (Temperance, ) Matt. 21: 33-46, + ANALYSIS AND KEY '"'Efficlency:" Practical current Economic Problem Jesus Solved It 2000 Years Ago. : In Sphere of Ethics, Morals, Religion. Teaching Fundamental, Universal, Perpetual. Last Days Packed with Parables and Polemies. "Efficiency" "Magnetic Center of Teaching. Afficiiative, ' Negative, Partly Both. Period of Controversy, "Fuller's Soap:" "Refiner's Fire." Cleansing Temple: Parable in Action. Cursing Barren Fig Tree: Another. Fear Made Strange Bed-fellows. Tariseos, Sadducees, Herodians. rap o e "Tax: To '"Caes 4 " Ent Co ir aesar Caesar's Things. Carried Into New Realm. Religlon's Fugdamental 'Element. Absent: Christan Heathen. pent. Heathen Christian, © n: Love to God: Servic "I'am the Light of the Worlgte = Bae. i 'The Young People' i i LA g ple's Devotional Service dn HOW EVBRY CHRISTIAN CAN BE A 'MISSIONARY simile (Missionary Meeting) n tL us not be Weary in well-doing: reap if we faint not." | With the dawning idea of these United. here are no forei ned hat her Ror ! gn m . And so #t com s 'tha ian effort in nom-christian parts of the world is Sustified upon od interests. 3 . ye - x ¥ » 7 'Assistant City Eng of Ont. ge after all, and in spite of the stu dents' council meeting held a few day in which it was decided to in the ago, main leagues. intercollegiate Toronto News: Several Hamilton players héaded by Ralph Ripley have New York to demonstrate the Canadian game to the football orities at a Gotham university will probably improve their tune b gone to for in due season we shail] She Spine to the endeavoring to adapt United States foolball methids ghme | nn this side. Old Hard Luck is chasing the 'lo ronto Argonauts. Four of their men | have suffered fractures im practice. Yes terday "Roddy" Fraser came out the practice with a broken nose and Mollard got a collar bone fractured "Babe Burkett, who is 'to be mar ried in a day or two, is on erutches | with a fractured ankle encased in a plaster cast, and "Max" Johnaln lias | a broken arm. | Montreal News: Here's the to why the Athletics persist ing on top in the Américan League. For this season they lead the league in club batting, fielding, hee hits, stolen bases and run answer | m stay- | laseball | acri ONTARIO FALL' FAIRS 4 Dates of Fairs Held in Eastern Oa- tario. | APRIL. va siiis 0 savannas O06 Baneroft. ...... «.. Oct. 1-2 | «sv eevaSept. 27-29 | .o . Oct. 10 Sept. 24-25 | $a nisin Sept. 24-25 | ess vs Sept. 30 Oct 1.| + + + as .Bept. 20-30 \» J0ct. 6-7 | « + J0O0t. 3 «s+ Sept, 29. Oct 1 «aceuSept. 39 vedo oo Sept. 24-25 sas sia sie ansOCt 8 + « + Sept, 30 Oct1 King Is Appraised of War. London; Hept. 23.~It was only a few days ago that one of tne kings of the world learned 'of the.WFuropean war, Unly when a sailing vessel. from Auckland arrived at port in the Ton- ga, or Friendly Islands, did King George II of that tiny domain know that eight nations are at each other's throats. Hing Deore II immediately announced to King George V that he "would maintain his neutrality." King George II rules over 23,000 odd sub: jects. 5 Demorestville. ; Frankville. . . Kemptville. .. Kingston. ... Maberly........ Odessa. .... Stella. ..... Stirling. ...... Tiverton..... Mrs, Newsome, an elderly resident of Plum Hollow, passed away on Friday. had resided in or near Plum Hol- low all her life. Une son, W. B. New- some, is a merchant at Plum Hollow, auth | They | | Opposite St. Andrew's Church. & Fractical | == { OU In e Lerrons Nn pops «iy trepared F ip cri] Dress Makin g MH 1) | } : y For This Newspaper A SMART LOOSE .COAT. piece sleeve. The back in round outline, faliing half length of the skirt : Blanket eloth, which {comes serviceable, yet smart,' colors, CUTTING GUIDE 5810 9 307 0 FRONT As ployed to make this coat. There are other materials which will answer the purpose just as well, however, chin chilla cloth being also Smart. The coat is loose and fastens In sin. gle breasted effect, having a yoke back and .one-pfece sleeves. Either a turn= down or military collar may fiiish the neck, 3 Two and one-half yards of 54-inch material at $2 a yard Will make an ex« act duplicate of models that sell for $15 and $20 in the shops. - . First fold the goods; then lay along the lengthwise fold the back and yoke parts of the pattern. The atay may be arranged next the yoke and just below the A Telok is on a length thread. front, underfacing, belt, * collar and cuff are laid along a length wise thread. Following these direc~ tions will insure good lines for the m odel, Now adjust the underfasing to px sition, underneath front. This re "T" perforations to corre ringing : sponding double "00" perforations and