umes epee) Students' Banking The Accounts of Students are invited by this Bank, Be Interest paid on sums of '§1 and upwards. No delay mn depositing or withdrawing money INCORPORATED 1855 HE ANK or TORONTC . Market Square Kingston GEORGE B. McKAY Manager. - Fire Insurance Now that the fall season Is once again with us, necessitating the starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently increases, so that it is essential that all property should be adequately covered, . If in need of any additiona insurance or contemplating & change, 1 would appreciate the opportunity of figuring on your requirements, | represent several strong tariff and non-tariff companies, GEORGE BAWDEN PHONE COAL, 288. 188 PRINCE REAL ESTATE, S8 INSURANCE, INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AXD ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST ppenings in the City and Vicinity ~~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Newman & Shaw's "Suit Sale." dong, "Tipperary." Dutton s, ""Synol aitiseptic soap." Gibson's. Wiulam Swalne, plano tune. Urders received at MoAulay's. Phone AR4. "25 cancelled library books," each. Gibson's, Dr. Charles McCambridge, of New York, is a visitor in the city, Joseph Hodge, Certificated piano turner, 336 Brock St. Phone 868, "Johnson's shaving cream." Gib. son's. Alexander left, Friday, weeks" visit. "Huylae's son's. The Board of Trade will hold first fall meeting on Tuesday ing next. "Fresh Ladies Terms moderate. Colborne street. "Teaberry Tooth Paste," son's. Tha receipts at the fair Thursday "ai- ternoon were about $1,200, 'There will be a goodly surplus. *"Johnson's shaving cream," son's. H, Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's book store. Miss Myrtie Turner, of Ottawa, is visiting her grand-mother, Mrs. W. Cannem, Rideau street. "Huyla's week-end son's. Patrick Kelly, Glenburnie, had a sheep break loose at the fair on Thursday night. It has not hen lo- | lated yet. : "Johnson's shaving dregm son's. Duncan, for William street, Sarnia, for a few week-end sweets." Gib. its even- infants' foods." Gibson's. up-to-date dressmaxing. Miss A. Keys, 15e. Gib Gib- 21 Me Gib- sweets," " ® Gib. Watch For Our Exhibit of Brick and Tile At Kingston's only Fair, w. want {o call the attention ¢. every farmer to our drain tile used for government dem: onstration purposes. A. NEAL, "Phone 1396 The many friends of Samuel Cant | nam, Cherry street, will be sorry to { hear that he was stricken with para- {lysis on Monday night last. | NOTICE TO CREDITORS. TONIGHT ST. ELMO SAT. MAT. "Under Two Flags" SAT. NIGHT, "Ten Nights ws ba room Prices: Matinee 10¢ nnd 20 Evening 10e, 20¢ and Ie. SEA LOOK ! ~ "GOLDBOND" CAN TOMATOES PACKED FOR HIGH-CLASS TRADE, ARE NOW IN THE HANDS OF THE GROCERS, THIS iS THE BRAND THAT OTHERS TRY TO EQUAL, STEAMER BRITANNIC Leaves Canal Basle, Joat ut Dal: 1, ev St, i, every day st 5 p.m, arrives at Kingston F 15 p.m, . returning leaves Folger's Wharf, Kingston, at § p.m, taking passengers for Gasamogque and Brockville and freight for Mon tresl. A. N. SMITH, Gen. Mgr. Head Office - Coruwall, Ont. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CATHERINE DOWLING LATE OF THE TOWNSHIP OF!KING- STON, SPINSTER, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given pursuant to "The Revised Statutes of Ontario," 184] Chapter that all persons hav claims against the estate of Catln Dowling, late of the township of King son, spinster, who died on the day of July, 1912, are required to file with the undersigned, duly on or before the 2nd day of 1814. when the said tributed. among the parties; rine entitled Dated at Kingston this 2nd day of October, 1914 "Teaberry Tooth Paste," 1c. Gib son's wdames. Hogan, of the inland revenue dedgrtment, has left on 'his annual holiday trip and will visit New York Buffalo and Detroit "Allenbury foods," Gibson's, The late Mrs. A. A Heward, To- ronto, who died on September 25th was an aunt of A. C. Waggoner, men's furnished, Wellington streer Kingston Brick Yard. FOR SALE Solid Brick Dwelling, 7 rooms, 4 bed rooms, furnace, gas for cooking. Dining room at front of hous e, opening on verandah. Lot, 56 x 132. This property is in good loca tion. Price $3,100.00 J. K. Carroll Agency, eB JOHN DRIVER. Representative. Wood's The Great Fnglish Remedy, Tones and gta the whole Nervous system, makes pew Blood i eins, Cures Nervous PRESERVING AND m ility, d Brain Worry, " PICKLING T I M E IS Setitity; Menlo! na Br Palpitat on 0) the il Memory. rice $1 per box, six . One will please, six will cure. 8old by all HERE. a druguists or mailed in Binin phe. THE Woon MEDICINE CO. TORONTO, ONT. (Format Wicker) Rubber Rings, Corks of al Cre sizes, Freed's - Bottling Wax, |= Ordinary Sealing Wax, Paraf- | fin Wax, In fact we can supply F Sal anything you may require in or € the preserving or pickling line. Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- onolas, Columbia and Victor records 0a S rd ore Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2 minute records, Blue Amberal re Opp. Y. M. C. A. Phone 253 [¢ords. Big discounts for July and August. | Allen' | 52 Phone 20 113 Brock St, E. J. COUSINS FURRIEK, 221 Princess Street Repairing and Remodeling a Bpecialty Prices Moderate SS -------- | Great Clearing Sale ~ Boots and Shoes bo» Every pale of boots and shoes Our Eresight Spec- In stock will be reduced from 28 + 1nlut, to 35 per cent. In order to make ' i room for our fall stock coming. H.C. BROWN ", ; Apt al 0 h D Ladies' Patent Leather Vumpy P . * worth $2.50 to $3.00, now. $1.75 Ladies' Gun Metal and Viet Kid devotes his entire Oxfords, reguiar prices $2.50 and attention - and Sting $00. maw 0. 00 LYS nu Einsaca That are shwhs CUhlidrea's White Buttoned For satisfaction in Kinssen, consult him, Everyone Should Try and Get a New Home for Themselves 'Why should yoli pay rent when you can save money by paying rent on a new home of vour own? Way- not build a howe of your own, from $1,000" to $10,000, on ensy terms. Chas. Leeder, 2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building Is Your Eye Sight As It Should Be ? it we would advise a visit to our ped Optical Parlors, where you will pee Boots, worth $1.25, tor ...... T8e Children's Oxfords, from 8 to 10 1-2, worth $1.25, now ..... Be _-------a H. B. WARTELL i Co i "Teaberry Tooth Paste," 150. Gib | {20m s. PHONE 88. | }] Sale! Colored underskirts, 6a | Dutton's, obposite Griffin's Theatre. { Mrs. Mary MeArdle, of Wolfe Ts Tand, announces the engagement of | her daughter, to Thomas .J Spratt, of Richard P and Mrs. Spratt, of Iindsay | "Allenbury foods," frevh at son's There will be a special session of | the division court held by Judge | Lavell at two o'clock on Monday af- | ternoon to decide a case of the C. {W. Lindsay Piano Co, ve. J. R. | Sadie, eldest son { Gib. A lost boy was the cause of a crowd gathering near the judge's stand at the fair on Friday after- | noon. 'The little fellow was erving | and asking for his mother and he was taken. up to the stand for a while " 4 4Synol antiseptic soap." Gibson's Anbther liquor case has heen en: teveel' for hearing" at the police court on Saturdav morning. A citizen is accused of being, drunk while a mem- ber of the "prohibited fist." + Cone stable Samuel Arniel served the suni- mons. $ J. RIGNEY Solicitor for the Administrator estate ds THE PEOPLE'S FORUM CONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES Firat insertion le a word. Each con- secutive insertion thereafter, half. cent a word, Migimum charge for one insertion, 25¢; three Iimsertions, S0c; six, $1; one month, $2. ErrceasmeeToT---------------------- HELP WANTED. 4 DVT. OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, ay A this head. costs 36c for one night, or 50¢ for three. A COOK. APPLY AT THE OFFICE OF the Windsor Hotel ONE MALE NURSE AND TWO OR. derlies. Apply General Hospital A GIRL mother's help OR HOUSEWORK OR A* - Apply 390 alfred St A FEW CARPENTERS. APPLY THF foreman on the job. A. Davis & Son, Ltd A GOOD PLAIN COOK. GOOD WAGES to right 'person. Apply Box 822 Whig office. EXPERIENCED GENERAL SERVAN' References required; no laundr work: highest wages paid. Appl Box 7, Whig office. EXPERIENCED SAL] cal fur estab! employment for suita Apply by letter to Box Office ent, steady applicant 20%. Whig GENERAL, HOUS be a good plain cook required Apply Mundell, 228 Brock 8 A MAID m work: must References Mrs. D. E to SSLADY FOR LO- ish LOST . ~~ SOMEWHERE ON THE BUSINESS Streets, on Thursday, a sum of mon. oy, Reward will be given for its re- turn to the Whig office MISSING FROM GRAND TRUNK BAGGAGE room, tan colored suftcase, slightly battered; two lock clasps. Name It MoCrodan painted on bottom Refer any information to P. McDon ald, baggageman, FOUND ON TUESDAY MORNING ON YORK street, a gold locket with two phe tos inside and initials "B. M. B" on the outside." Ongner can have sam by applying at 189 Pine street an paving for this advt. -------------------------------------------------------------------- FRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS Once 25c, three times boc. ett eee IX ROOMED HOUSE, PORTSMOUTH Apply to Whig office. 'FORAGE FOR FURNITURE, WTC clean and dry. McCann, 82 Brock street. 'WFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM bers ARPLY to Cunningham & Mu die, 79 Clarence St. UPSTAIRS, ON suitable for gas Apply BATHROOM light housefs. 354 Albert St Hi MODER'® Divigion 8t VEW FRAME HOUSE W ovements A MAID FOR GENERAL HOU SEWORK who unde tids plain kei Apply to MN F G Lockett Stuart St off Barrie Apply 2 Cot press STORAGE FOR FU RNITURE, CLEAN dry, alry rooms; your own lock and key Frost's City Storage, 299 | Queen St. Phone 536b. INTELLIGENT PERSON earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; no _canvassin Send for particulars. Press Syndi- cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y a ht Aerie OTHERS RECEIVE 815 TO $63 WERK: Iv Why not vou? Write immed- lately for full particulars: sample ZIG ZAG SARDINES (Norwegian) ADVANCE IN PRICE FAMILY GROCER'S Zig Zag Surdinex are acknowledged by connoisseurs to be one of the finent sardines packed. The greatest emre hus been taken in cholee of fish as well as oil Only the very finest of each being used. While all grades of Norwegian fish have advanced owing to the war, Yet vou may ehtain ZAG SARDINES at the old price. FENWICK, HENDRY & CO, Distributors) DESPATCH BEARERS PRAISED FOR VALOR ---- British Youths on Daiigerous Mis- sions Keep Lines of Com . munication Open. At the Battle Front, (Via Paris), Oct. 2.--The generals in command of the allies are full of praise for the corps of despatch riders, who since the beginning of the great battle of the Aisne, have kept up communica tions between the various corps from the Somme to the Moselle and along the frontier of Alsace-Lorraine. The corps of despatch riders is cdmposed mostly of volunteers from NO AT Y0UR ent Sse: } { Germans Make | Supreme Effort | To Face Russia . or m---- Rome, Oct. 2 (via Patvia)-~aecorqing | | to despatches reaching here, all the Johemian and Moravian railroads are congested with German troops and war material, which are being trans- ported to the Russian fromtick. Ger many is making a supreme effort to | face the Russian advance and all the civilian transport has been for- hidden, Despatches from Vienna the Austvian staff is entirely depen- | tent upon that of Germanv, which | has assumed supreme command in the | campaign .agaigst Russia. say that THE WHIG'S JUMBLE A Lot of Short: Items Run in, To. gether, V Newman & Shaw's 'Suit Sale'™ New crop chestnuts, Carnovsky's. The Stratford city treasure" hes paid the premiums on the' policies | for volunteers. | "New library books." Gibson's. \ An 'order for 4,500 cavalry h rv.3 ges and mules bas been placed with dealers in St. Louis. "New library hooks." Gibson's. : Blue and green grapes, 20¢. Red Roger grapes, 25c. basket, Saturday, at Carnovsky's. "Fresh infants' foods." Gibson's, $18,000 has been borrowed by the St. Thomas city council from surplus funds of the local Hydro- Electric. "Fresh infants' foods." Gibson's, The Mexican government - svized $2,000,000 worth of goid, the Clentifica party were shipping it out of the country. "New library books." Gibson's. , The appointment of John Leslie as comptoller of the Canadian Paci- fie railway, with headquarters at Montreal is announced. "Fresh infants' foods." Gibson's. Six men made aa attempt to Llow up the Grand Trunk Pacific pent. over the Baskatchewan river »' 8: Louis on Wednesday night. "25¢." Carbolie: Ointment, 15¢. fib son's. Canada is being called upon to furnish timber props for British col- lieries. The supply of these timbers! from Europe has beeq interfered | with by the war. "Johnson's shaving eream." SOR 8 A eo a Gib- to say. k | the | Nearest of deputy minister of danger states of 'coast of Peru, and the other two ars British universities, many of them very wealthy youths, who night ana day have made dashes through the country infested with German cav- alry, carrying messages which have kept the brigades and army corps in close touch and enabled command- €rs to send re-enforcements to points where they were most needed On many occasions these despatch riders, mounted on motoreycles, through sheer audacity and speed have shattered reconnointering par ties of German cavalry, facing enormous odds in their dan gerous work The Belgians os Slaughtered | The Germans London, Oct. 2.--~The Germans fmil- | ed in several attempts to carry the | outer fortifications of Antwerp by | storm this morning. This was om- | phasized by the British official press | bureau to-day which reported : "Germans have repeatedly charged Wavre and St. Catherine forts, but in each instance were repulsed with heavy loss. Belgian artillery apd | rapid fire guns have wrought fearful | execution. The German dead ean be | counted by thousands. = Entire com- panies have been decimated." So far as the situation in. France is' concerned the bureau had nothing COAST IN NO DANGER. German Ships 5,000 Miles Away. 2G. F. Desbarats, the naval service, disposed of a rumor to the effect that the British Columbia coast is in from German warships. He that ° there ure three German oruisers on the Pacific, but the near wit is five thousand miles away. One them is at Valparaiso, on the Ottawa, Oet, at the Fiji stands. Gravenstein apples. Carnovsky"s, At the congregational meeting of the memiwrs and adherents of Zion church, Lanark, on Wednesday, it was decided to extend a call to Rev. John Murray, of Shanty Bay. "95 "cancelled library books," 2c. . Gibson's. a Gerow, of Sarnia, Ont, who was one of Maderio's aviators, has been accepted by the dominion government for the over- sons contingent, tp gt some times | pleture, literature, ete Experience ufinecessary. Enclose 10¢ to cover Clifford C. Mitchell, P. O. Box Edmonton, Alberta. Canada --m------------------_---- | i HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A ' salesman? We have a proposition ! to make which will enable you earn more money than: you earning at the present time. { respondence strictly confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston, Ont. VACANT. ! { J om SITUATION | WANTED T0 DO EASY, t, coloring work at hom: 5 to $20 weekly. Ex J : \eCeSSAry; no canvass | National Decirating Co. | Dept. C. 69 Adelalde St. East, Tor | [LADIES i ) le " onto, Ont. | | TEACHER WANTED. QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST. ant, for Unlon School Section f #0 and 9 Olden, for coming 'year Duties to d¢ommence after holl- | days. Balary $335. Apply to D | Attewell, Sec.-treas., Oconto, Ont { A TEACHER qualifications i commence after .mid- | summer holidays. Apply stating salary and experience, to Wm Crain, Ses.-Treas., Clarendon Sta tion O=tario | WANTED GENERAL. | Ra {no ARDERS, Quee | near {ROOM Want oD, Good ventilation, withi t restau | lege. Address Box 100 | [TWO OR THREE STUDENTS OR OTH. { ar er roome for two bedrooms | double, the other FOR S. 8. NO. 6, 080, | with necessary Duties to 04 EARL versity, APPLY ST. MUST BE WARM. lectri Whig office ting yori y r { Addréss Box J + Whig [marr SS REPAIRING AND RENO. vatis of all descriptions Als new mattresses kept in stock. Lat modern machinery All work { Buaranteed Kingston Mattress } Co, Phone 602. 556 Princess St. TLEMEN TO BRING cloth and have It made up into up to-date suits. Price and workman ship guaranteed .to please. Press ing and Jupairing done on' the shortest notice. Thomas Gallowa \ 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage THEIR PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARK? and all growths and skin blemisn &§ removed permanently, withou: ar; '20 ars' experience. Dr El J. Lake, ye, Kar, Nose Throat and skin specialist, 258 Ba got street Sr ------ LEGAL. ts cts. Sembee ere bs. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. ters and soHeltors. Law office, 7( Clarence street. Kingston. For Sale 104 ORCHARD ST. Frame house, 7 rooms. For quick sale, $1,000.00, For Reat--Livingston ° Ave. All improvements, 7 rooms. $15.00 per month, H.S.CRUMLEY Phone 1442. 118 Brock St. SWORN IN ON SAME DAY. °' New Lieutenant Governor And Pre. mier of Omtario. Toronto, Oet. 3 - Today saw the setting of a precedent in polit . fice-taking. Never before in the his- tory of Canada bas the prime minis- ter .and a lisutenant-governor been sworn inte "the ranks of honor upon the sawe day, vet that is what hap- penod between fen and twelve o'clock MAY [EIGHT ROOMED % wg Wo oe 4 . R t JE RESIDENCE, HOUSE, new, modern improveme | Division and Quebec streets to J.P. Boyd, 106 Pine Str: ALMOST corner Apply 175. UN. newhy decorated, Poksessjon & $15.00 :19 Bago ----------------------------. THE STORE oN MARKET STRERY at present occupied Sy D, Hutch. eson as a flour and feed store. Pos. Session 1st January next, ° Apply Sullivan, Contractor. r -- ------ STONE HOUS 1; hardwood 8: tile bathroom heating ISsession a y to Dr J Cannell HOUSE, WARM, street west of 8 NEWLY ie ligh Lower ['ni pantry, and Immediat premises avenu attic. Rent $1 possession DENTAL. --n \. E. KNAPP, BA, L.DS, D.DS., RE. moved 10,258 Princess Street" To SPARKS AND SPARKS, 1590 WEI. ngton St. (over Carnovsky' Phone 346. ¥'s) eee eee DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST DR. T. Renton, assistant. 133 Princes Streets Phone 735, ? ee S. H. SIMPSON, 1.D.8, D.D.S ist, corner Princess | and Streets. Entrance an Bagot DENT. Bagot Street FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society; incorporated 1863; resident, Colonel Henry R Smith "% Money issued on city and farm Tproperties, municipal and country ebentures: mortgages purchaged; #deposits received and .interest al. lowed. C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence street. i LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLORE Fire Insurance Company. Avai able essets $61,187,215 In addit'gn to whith the policyholders hive for Security the unlimited liabilify of city property, insured at Jowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325, UPHOLSTERING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. palring and carpet work, and mattress renovating Drop & card or call 216 Bagnt street BUBINESS CHANCES, ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STAR? & mall srder business at home; n. canvassing: be your own boss Send for free booklet; tells how Heacork. 2,969 Lockport: NV ARCHITECT. WN. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, ete. ..OMces, 258 Phone 61. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. ghants' Bank Building, corner Srock and Wellington streets. Dro | Car ARCH]. Bagot St hot | 4 THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, Cosw® Httle. Ono Be: three times, 500; one week, $1.00. ee ------ UR SH CRABAPPLES FOR SALE. APPLY 45 Queen St, ality. GEESE FEATHERS, APPLY Goldman, $87 Division St. 2 BRED R. I. RED, ROCK AND White Leghorn hens and cockrels Apply to M. G. Boyd, 106 Pine St. TO MRS, SECONDHAND ORGAN, GOOD SRALE Cheap. . J. Dawson, pianos Victor Victrolas, 244 Princess St. GAS RANGES AND er TIGER AT Ors at reaso: @ prices, while last. At Turk's. none 705. eet er ee. 100 WILL BUY A FIVE YEAR OLD horse, city broken, good every way. Apply Kingston Mattress company. Phone 602, 556 Princess street, \ COMPLETE COURSE OF WEOHAN- ical and electrical engineering books, Apply 155 Pine St, between 7 and 8 o'clock in the ev ening. - r---- IFFICE DES SIX FEET LONG, 41 in. high in front and 56 1-2 In, high at back. Three drawers and ~one top shelf. SHghtly used. App'y British Whig office. & number of first-class heaters, at low prices; also a big sthek of fur- niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St, Phone 1600. -- CYCLE 00, Al to for laying. George \ LARGE NUMBER OF also Dunlop tires, at orders promptly attend: carpet cleaning and Muller, 373 King St. FRAME DWELLING HOUSE of Willlam and' Bagot Sts, tenanted Apply to post office, or A. PF. enac street A FEW COLUMBIA AND VICTROL. 8s for sale: cheap with records. Same taken as part payment In exs change. Also plados and or and. A good squared for $58 cash 5 Ro Cote, Montreal St, Kingston, 35 DAILY AND Wp Trade Month and book- (LY NEWSPAPER, and - job printing ing plant Employ- :2 hands: always rity Ontario. selling Apply 7 Jordan Bt, { in ' MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND nica. convenlent to station. THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORK * St, cheap Ha nRIC K HOUSE, and stable SLEOO-FRAME HOUS $LIOO--NEW FRAME land St. G. A. LARGE LOT +» 8 ROOMS, HOUSE, MARK. BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND eal Estdte, 87 Clarence St. TO LET OR FOR SALE. PINE and C 268 ST, 10 large 'ot Divisfon St ROOMS, HOUSE, 175 RB. with bara. with F Enquire ROOMS AND BOARD. Er p------ FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS, also table board. Apply 138 Wel- Hngton St. or posite post office FURNISHED ROOMS, ROOMS TO LET, WELL rd lighted Apply 308 Vv Avenue TWO SING heate Univer CATERING. epee WE CATEHX TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding dreakfasts, banquets, este, also rent dishes, table linens and silverware. Reid and Hambroo M. P. Reid, 50 Union Street. PF. Hambrook, 176 Alfred Street. Phones 843 or 303. MUSIO. VOICE CULTURE--MRS H. A. B 253 Albert Telephone BTTS, 459 VIOLIN INSTRU CTION MISS CHRISTINE COCHRANE, Gore street. Telephone 136. ---------------------------------------------------------- MUSIO AND DRAMATIC INSTRUC. Uon, 216 Frontenac St. Mise Norma Telgmann, AMda Telgmaun BE. O. F. Telgmann, teachers of elocue tion, plano, violin and all stringed Instruments. { p . 1 4 . p SHELLED EEF IE SPIE IINS KINGSTON RUSINESS COL» LEGE, Limited. Head of Queen Street Superior courses in Book- keeping, - Shorthand, Typewrit. Ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen- eral fmprovement and all Com= mercial subjecis. Rates moderate ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. nd SRS dd PPh b Pr PbPP DSSS EL b lt sa BUSINESS NOTICES, JOSEPH BUSH, ¢ CHESTNUT ST, 9 opened up a quarry on Stephe it, Are Cut, buliding and rough stone supplied prompt) E ¥ at" reasonable Prices of Ontario, and Hon. .1. NS. Hendls was likewise officially pranousced the wad lieutenant governor of the pro vince. The actual ceremonies were very brief and the ceremony was pric vate. Thitv's week-end sweets." Gil to-day, when Hon. William Howard Hoary accepted the office oi premier | / SOR Se Grate Fires Grate Coal and Cannel Lumps, ceenaaen.. $2.00 gr. ton Soft Coal Lumps ... $1.50 qr. ton -- L LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND. : ; 7