« PAGE TEN : THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6, 1914. i - (In campaigns throughout the coun- | PRINCE IS STRONGER NADA AND THE WAR | try for various purposes, Indicates | MAN THAN HE LOOKS. that Canadians would oversubseribe | - any loan which the Dominion Gov-.! Heir to Throne is Quite an Athlete NO NEED 3 4 [f ernment deems wise to issue here. | --C "alk an Day HP. } FOR INDUSTRIAL me! The British Government's first war an Walk or:Ran an Day nn t : " UP SAYS FINANCIAL PAPER. loan of $75,000,000 was oversub- | and Does Not Get Weary. éé -- scribed by more than $135,000,000, | © The Prince of Wales has been a e S an e S Monetary' Times Compiles a Strong { the total subscriptions being about | prominent figure in Eoglandesince Reaso + C i 1 $210,000,000. { the war began. Not only has he Mat of he Why | In the industrial world, one ex- | been engaged in raising patriotic 1 { Manufacturers Should Keep on at is, 1 he hi reari . pects to find the same activity | funds, but he has been wearing the d th f bef de- the Present Crisis--Many Indus- | among executives as is béing shown , khaki and doing drill with hi# re- Consi er ese acts ore you tries Busier Than Ever Before-- | in Great Britain. There they recog- | siment, the Grenadier Guards. These id - . = Li Money Now Easier nize the prevalence of entirely new | husky soldiers have now gone to cide on your war-time advertising po. Cy : . : trade conditions. They are studying | the front to fight the empire's battle, 5 . The following extract from an | these without delay and their Gov- and the heir to the throne has been 4 ) : : artidde in The Monotary Times under | orament is helping. They realize | oft at home uuch against his will, When a firm advertises a brand of merchandise it the heading of "How the Facts Com- | that trade obtained during war time | "ay the despatches and the photo- 5 x 3 . - pel Confidence," should be of the | is likely to be retained in times of , raph reproduced above, taken after thereby pre-empts certain brain cells in the minds of a keenest interest to Canadians at the |\peace. The manufacturers of Can- | Le had enid good-bye to his comrad- certain number of people : present time of industrial uncertaln- | ada should co-operate with the Do- [es In arms, would lend cclor to the | minion Government so as to dkeep | sin:.ement, for_he certainly looks like Those cells, in each brain, store away the arguments ty: The instinct of knowing when the | machinery running as much as pos- [a keenly disappointed lad . lo OF . inevitable will come around the | sible and to Ror Tocrators employed. | Prince Edward, although he has in favor of that brand; and become factors in inducing corner. is one half of success. That | Alréady war has given an impetus to | the appearance of being very frail their owner to purchase the advertised, branded mer- Gan Put On Flesh! being the privilege of only a few, the | several industries. One firm has a physically, and the recent photo- | art of mccepting the inevitable is | Government order for 40,000 pairs |2raphs taken in conjunction with chandise. A New Discovery. nearly as valuable... During the first , of military boots. Another firm is | members of the giant Grenadier : : 5 . } aa Ahn and women--that Die. Joek of ar Catiada, ke other oun. making . large quantity of 5%da | Seards, have tends to JS Bpasize Now, along comes War, with all its unsettling of bus- 1 nner you ate last night. | tries, dropp pen an 001s and or- | such as tents, t bags and cotton | 1S Sm? y sal 0 be much, . s . BORE St oa thine, fal producing der books to read war bulletins. bags. An order for 35,000 military [stronger than he 'looks, His lack iness, all its disturbance of trade; and the manufacturer, gained in weight one ounce. That Tood | Later the country realized that this | shirts has been placed in Toronto. | of avoirdupois is more than counter- faced with the apparent advisability of saving money, Pasxed from your body like unburned' international struggle Is not an affair | The flour mills of Canada are work- | balanced by his steel-like = muscles id i torial was thers poe" Erate. The ma-| of days. The next phase was a patrl-| Ing overtime grinding Canadian |and nerves. Add fo this a whole. begins to consider whether advertising is one of the fea- work. and stici, and the Plaia teote'i. | otic stand to assist Great Britain in| wheat into 96,000,000 pounds of {hearted love of athletics, for which t hich h ret; h ou hardly get enough ® nourishment | tho fight. Th bust If- | flour, the Dominions gift to Great ie ures on which he can retrench. iri our' meals 3 Pay dor" the cont oxambation, Et Britain, Th pay soe ar in { -. t let him cease advertising--and soon. very soon "over. Your nutritive or. | inevitable had been accepted in good | panies are unusually busy and dur- - p---- a ut ASe a ng , very y Ste adiy out of Hear and need recon: | Shit. , Then there appeared a dis. | ing tho past week or so have receiv. | IY the public will begin to waver and drift away to other stion, * | position for e business min 0 | ed large orders for shipment to Eng- : 3 on, foolish foods and funny saw- | make lengthy trips to meet trouble. ! land, South Africa and South Amert- A brands. Stop the appeal to those brain cells and soon, dust diets, Omit the flesh cream rub- | So long have been these mental ca. There will be a good demand for | | very soon, the cells will forswear their allegiance and be- yoo Bie ar ing but the Ineals | journeys ' that some have foretold | the wheat, grain and fruit crops of | ! ired by other fact h Kk fresh ablet | even what disastrous days may come ' the country, and gcod prices too, | J { come acquire y other manu urers who make a ires appeal to them. rs . those a single Sargol tablet, oleh Weeks note the difference. Five | after war, Obviously that is the The factories, forests, mines, fisheries ata thesoady solid Pounds of healthy, | wrong attitude for business in Can-| and agricultural lands will continue | § wo \ EE ee -- oy ws . Pa Brel re Fue het Te ada. Having accepted the inevit- to supply their share of national The brain of every human being is in constant pro- } Nahe bloo with millions of fresh new | able, there are many substantial facts | revenue. Last year the value of py TE P the carrying power (5 aiine blood | of consolation. | their production was $2,509,000,000. { cess of change. The cells are shifting, shifting, all the oungs of fat-making material i First, the British Empire has gone Instead of boasting of a popula- 4 : : : : a foodito every pact of your body, Kar into a fight for good cause, and with | tion of 8,000,000. as in the past, time. Ordinarily, by steady, Persistent advertising, the Ferg o for the Biaod ir dood and pre- | excellent chances of victory. Second, | there is cause for satisfaction in the | .. manufacturer of a sound article is not only holding the form. Thin people gain all the | Canada never before has had to face | fact that the population is consider- |' : : : 3 s g on 10_to 25 pounds a month | a crisis like this. It therefore gives | ably less. During the past eighteen brain cells a goods have won, but 18 surely, steadily add stove akin Sargol. and the new flesh | an opportunity to show that the na- | months, while the world-wide trade ing to the humber of his acquired cells--surely, steadily tific™ combination of six of the best tional business steel is well temper- depression has been in evidence, 3 i : - : : chelates. The elgiments (Known "to ed, Third, the Dominion not being | many thousands left Canada, return- " " mcreasing 18 hold on the public mind. a ces to 2 | at the actual seat of war, somé bene-| ing to Great Britain and to the | A ky bos : 3d hierdie * and ail Sabian and | Bits come as a result. | United States. Both those countries ] Let him Stop the advertising and the process of cell em subject to an absolute guarantee The closing of one factory is taken have stronger financial resources | ca re n of weight increase or money back. as a conversational text and talked 'than has Canada, in this critical gq. fr xd piu e ot only closes, but the cells he has been at such to distraction. Of the factories that period, to support those numbers. | } z pains to win over, will become lost to him--perhaps for- $s HE have been given orders as a result of | The cessation of immigration is for- 8 d E ever. . 4 the war, making wheels revolve for ' tunate too at this time. It relieves E Ei - on d many months to come, little is said. the labor situation to that extent. he o 4 j . LONDON DIRECTORY Too much business conversation is. Again, the number of men who are | f -- oT. J : Even a War scarcely excuses the unsound business on that basis and this places business leaving productive employment here pe policy which permits such a catastrophe. Even in war- (Published Annual itself on the same unfortunate foun-' for military service is comparatively GENERAL VON AURFENBURG : : * Ral dation. That is a mistake. The small; a great advaniage compared Wi mmander of the Austrian army ir ii 3; belooyes every manufacturer to keep his adver- enables traders throughout the World | sooner every man will allow the to the situation in Eurepe. Le hich has been badly beaten 181ng av fu ressure. ko communicate direct with English brighter facts to attend him, and his | While trade has ceased With Ger- | 1p irted 1 ois his general Is now 8 presg MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS business to be given the best possible | many, the British navy has managed | -- e-- i imt---- impetus, the better will it be for the | with little difficulty to keep open the | the prince trained systematical.y aad Dt ican of goods. Bowides being community. | shipping routes on the Atlantic and [you have the secret of his royal! and its suburbs Lue Directory contains It Is right to exercise ecomomy, Paeific. The United States and Brit- | highness's remarkable physical Mets of but mistaken economy is out of place. ' ish markets are still 'open to Canada. | powers. For 'they are really re- ~ ! Th) nation is made up of individuals, ' In these two markets is the Domin- markable, and have even astounded EXPORT MERCHANTS National business is made up of in- ion's biggest trade, and to them may |the critics at Oxford, wh a ne | SS-- - #h the goods they ship, and the Co- | dividual busi d the national be added what G i ron op 8 AC ww the goods they ship, and the Co- vidua, usiness an © national e Aa e wha was once rerman customed to seein s y Be SE $ y AKELY Jomtal and Foreign Markets they sup- | welfare of Individual welfare. If business, although some allowance coptive APDoE aE Te ipoge. de KAISER 18 NOT LIKELY ply; five thousand people lack faith in must be made for reduced purchasing | them as w eaklings, perform at times | To Lose His Throne Unless (he Allies STEAMSHIP LINES atva od nudef the Porta to which they the economic strength of Canada, power in this country. For the |remarkable feats of athletics pow- Insist. o Re I he a te wa that in the aggregate is a town's lack twelve months ended June, 1914, |ess. FYEhine Qa ; 4 ings 'ndlcatlng the approximate | °c, dence. Every individual who Canada exported produce from its | It seems almost impossible to tire dob, he cet of § srushing German } W S ings; makes the problem of living more mines, fisheries, forests, factories | lim out. A ten or fifteen mile walk ! yolution in Germany? Will the $+ PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES difficult for another, makes the prob- and herds, valued at $423,827,000 |is easy exercise for him. Last House of Hohenzollern bs. overturn. of leading Manutdcturers, Merchants, Jems more Sifiupt for s Eroup. They compared with $362,000,000 iu he autumn during 'the march of the lca» rin . : " C, In the principal provincial towns | in tura make it harder for the whole corresponding twelve months in 191 Oxford University Officers' Train- This esti ve ag 1 : RS oi dustrial Sgutres of the United community. Sentiment plays a good- and $311,000,000 in 1912. ing Corps in which the. palace 4 of This Sucstion was Pus pi gioup b J] ® J ne ly part in business. If sentiment is It is unfair to compare conditions | private, his royal highness walked | grrived in London from Berlin 3 A J A copy of the curent edition win be poor, business will suffer. Waving a ' to-day with those of last year, with | twenty-two miles, and while the "That question will not even arise Jorwardeq Trelani pe RB recedp flig with one hand and closing the those of 1907 or with those of any | other members of the corps were | if to-day's conditions: may be relied a . factory gate with the other does not previous year. The year 1914 pre- [resting their crippled feet and tired upon as a groundwork for judgment Hee herr A To 0 x Java. help: Cutting the wages of the work- sents to Canada an entirely new [limbs the prince, although, of | Germans of every class s wor- " ' ; man ig just as disastrous to him as situation. The Government, bankers | course, by¥# no means fresh, had i a . ii 1 4 to _mdvertisemeats from $13. : . > : " » had a lch.pful admiration for the kaiser, He P rf health 1 * ; the withdrawal of a business man's and business men legitimately may |smoke and a bath, and motored to a {is the greatest business man they eriect can only be ob ed THE LONDON DIRECTORY 00. LTD. | bank credit at a critical moment. take radical measures to deal with a | friend's house to dinner have 'ever kiown. 'He has built Ger- b k i h b 1 1 If 26 Abchurch Lane, London, E. C. Every employer should do bis best position that is not likely to occur If his royal highness had: not | man prosperity It is to his tender y €cpin the bowe $ regu ar. your i to keep the labor situation as nearly for another half century and maybe | been heir to the throne he might ship they 'owe 'that commanding po. bowels do not daily carry away the waste left after the food is di- normal as possible. An army of un- never again. It is unreasonable to | have qualified as one of the finest 1 sition they have until this ae ol gested, decay sets in, a ats which are taken by a employed is 2 dangerous wound im expect conditions like those of 1912 [long-distance runners and "stayers" [cupied in "the commercial world. He the blood, frequently resulting in yphoid Fever, Appendicitis and : the economic body. Unemployment and the few years previous. If the {in the country. He delights to spend | has not only emcouraged mercantile other serious and fatal diseases, ; creates extensive dissatisfaction and Governments of the Dominion andthe day in one long round of open- {and manufacturing enterprises, but To keep 'the bowels healthy 'and regular you must help, fot X suffering. . Further, it eats into the business men everywhere will do their | air exercise he has almost created their GVeraens drive, Nature by using Rexall Orderlies which are mild and geutle : { RAY HAIR savings now placed in the postoffice, part to meet the unique cage of nine- The story of an incident which | trade. 'The marvellous development in their action, producing neither griping, nausea, tior any other x % Government and chartered banks in teen fourteen, there will be reason | occurred during his trip in Norway [of commereial chemistry--in which discomfort. ) s hundreds of millions of dollars. That for congratulation in after years, be- |a short time ago is typical of many | field Germany stands easily foremost Rexall Orderlies cannot injure the delicate tissue of "he bowels, It's G her's Recipe to Restore | money, where it is, helps to carry on | cause such action means the main- Jothers which could be told, of his {is -- solely due to his initiative, and and, as they do not re-act, it is only necessary to take them for a Grodan ithe Sl Those business. If tlie individual does his | tenance of the national workshop, na- [staying powers. On each of the five | almost to his direct command. If he short time to cure constipation. i g ' part and makes even the so-called | tional credit and national satisfac- days he stayed at Finse he dad long | has made a mistake, in this war -- If after you have tried Rexall Orderlies you are not perfectly "4 Hair thiat loses its color and lustre sacrifice, the entire Sommunlly is tion, The country had previously ac- | skising expeditions, and when those { from the German point of view--it satisfied with them, we will return you your money. or 'when it fades, ' turns gray, dull doing its part automatically. The ; cepted the fact that a readjustment Who accompanied him told of the | will be forgiven him for what hg has Sold only at the snd lifeless, is caused by a lack of benefit is universal. That is what | of conditions was due. The 'war is | distances covered they were. not al-! done in the past. more than 7000 Rex- The Jexall Store ' .| Great Britain is doing. Radical | aggravating the process to rome ex- | together credited. "RR . + heii ur. in the hair. Our grand 1 being taken in | tent, but the final It of th - hod Every German implicitly believes all Stores and here mother made up a mixture of Sage| Jieasures to assist are being oR in | tent, but the final result of the read- une day two bxpert ski-ers start- | that this war was sure to ' come only at this one. Mahood's D 8 Tea and Sulphur to keep her locks| the British Isles by individual firms | justment will be wholesome. Favor- [ed out for a trip. An hour and a eventually. Most Germans have In vest-pocket tin 8 Drug Store, and beautiful, and thousands of | 88d by the Government. | able facts, confidence and good busi- {half later the prince followed them looked forward to the time when boxes, 10c., 25¢., Shc. : women and men who value that even | Some may contend that this is all | ness sentiment, may trip together [with [is party. * As the experts were | they may try. eonculsions with their Kingston, Ont. very well as sentiment and talk, but | without trepidation. {starting back the prince arrived, and | old enemy, France. Every ae have | ' » color, that beautiful dark shade of «hair which is so attractive, use only] that 'the facts speak otherwise. An & oe ee {the royal party lugched, as they [believes that the other nations have this old-time recipe. analysis shows that many facts con- Jolt For Defiant Boniface. always did not these expeditions, on | made common cause with Prance, "> Nowadays we get this famous mix-| { ®@ Sheerrul business sentiment and | A hard jolt was handed out 'recent- | the frugal contents of 'their haver- mot because the Gallic cause is just, ture by asking at any drug store for) ¢- courage Me Po hy wn ned. The |1y by the Provincial Board of Health | sacks, the prince carrying his own. | but because of a jealousy and fear of @ bik cent bottle of "Wyeth's Sage| o0tstanding Jentuze 8 the notable | {o a delinquent and defiant hotel [Then began the return journey. | Germany they all shared. If defeat |[ and Sulphur Compound," which dar-| Strength of the banking and financial | proprietor in Muskoka. The man was {They passed the experts long before | comes -- which fs a possibility they |3 kens the hair so naturally; so evenly, situation in Danas The banks had | told that unless certain steps pre- Finse Was reached,and the prince had | do, not entertain for a moment it i thatinobody can possibly 'tell it has | STAY prepared for a process of scribed by the Department were tak- | COmPleted considerable eorrespond- | will be because for the moment the been applied. Besides, it takes 'off Tendjustment, Wald a. due any- | on in ghort order that his place would {ence before the two experts, thor- | world has 'been against them. The MRS. NEWLYWED SAYS: dandruf, stops bcalp itching and fall-| Wo¥ Ber the a. aS era Of be placarded to warn the public of |UEhLY tird out, arrived home. next time Germany will be strong ing hair. You just. dampen a sponge Sonstruet on sad specu Rive period. y ganger, and that proceedings would | here was another occasion, too, | enough for all." ; or oft brush with it and draw this| OF Were, at the outbreak of wity | be taken against him under the act |11ring the prince's last trip to Ger-{ "What do Germans think of the "I ean't imagine how you manage to be dress- through your hair, taking one small an Spe en pos on 0 cope With | within 24 hours, It is understood | M2NY. When, after motoring all day, | Justice of 'the German position, as bv the time : . strand at a time. By morning the the situation. Since then, Strong { iy. pe is now following out instruc. | {Re Prince remarked that he was ' displayed by the diplomatic inter- ed )y the time your husband comes home on a gray hair disappears; but what de- | measures have basi} jayen to make | one stiff, and would finish the journey | changes recently shown in the Eng- wash dav." & Hights the ladies with Wyeth's Sage De Snaucial Dogon mpregnanls, The case, according to Dr. R. Ww. [00 fool. "But," protested one of | lish white paper?" v aa «cok A and Sulphur is that, besides beauti- a rend on x or 20 n Bell, provincial Inspector, is one of fire tea Sorman Smicers Yeha as Thor oy, either hoy nor care. . fully darkening the hair after a few three years' standing. The hotel jn || : wm TIL IS fifteen miles to ey believe the kaiser had a color- amount as may be ngcessary against question is one of the largest and | [0° Castle able pretext for the war--which is MRS. WISE NEIGHBOR SAYS: - Plc mtn cori ni lioations jt also brings buck the re ER oss and lustre and gives it an ap- such securities as may be deposited most popular on the Muskoka Lakes, |... Never mind," replied the prince | even more than they ask. Beliow- : ; ¥ rance of abundance. > the hanks 04 approved by the and every year has 300 persons at a | Tet us walk. They did. The | ing the war to bé inevitable, they a# |' ' 5 CE - 3m Te - RO ARont, Goo. W Jatood. fink er o Tlnanes & k expert time on the guest roll. Nevertheless | PF1C¢ finished the journey com-:| sert that they could never have been 'I use an Eddy Globe Washboard . and an . a ors. @ 30 Ave | 41 water supplied to the (ABIES Ia paratively fresh, but there was only | so weil prepared for it as now." Eddy Indur jn EP rh AUthoHty to make payment in BARK | ob ect to the most serious manger of | 21° Officer, sorely distressed, With | One monih Dofore tic wer nas. Liddy Indurated Fibreware tub, which keeps Botes Instead of In 859i or Dominion | 1p uation, 4nd the -- repeated Rimi pihe other had been left some cial Germany séem to bave been in- the water hot for a long time. No fear of rust. make use of the crop movement | WIDER of the Department have bind. formed. what Jould Javpen. Son: BUT BE SURE THEY ARE EDDY'S." emergency Sreulation from now ua- = th huss for He utter. A poor author is 'like a cheap | houses in London and Parie with. 4 2 printing press; he wastes a lot of | drew as mu 4 The confidence in the national fin- large laundry in Proximity to Se Bo- 1ink, but never succeeds in making ! from ie Bu they otlgaa ancial situation is strengthened by | fe! i# smp ed Into thc bay within 60 | 2004 impresion. { bankers are quite frank in their ela- tha fact that the Bank of England ! feet of the intake pipe. The board It's hard to teach a man anything | tion. has established a depository for its | claims that such a situation is dan- [wren he doesn't even known when "We are fighting this. war upon gold at Ottawa with Canada's Minls- | 8°70Us,.and would rapidly deplete the "no iq ficked. this enemy's money," they say, 'Ger. ter of Finance as trustee. The Do- i gd Of tourists If It were under-1.""pyen when they try to rest on man propserity has been latgely due minion's first war loan of $50,000,- | 50d. bine their laurels some people are troubl- [to the fact that we have been uble 000 will be raised with comparative- Belgians F : ed with insompia. to finance many of our undertakings ly little difficulty, The methods were [ SEE ns For Canada, Many a man is so exclusive that | in France and England. If we suc- outlined in the special budget speech : ~The Proposal is being made that|he isn't even on speaking terms with | ceed these debts shall be patd Ir of the Finance Minister the other | the Canadian Government offers re- [his conscience. we fail, bankruptcy must follow an week. He is given authority by Pal- , g27ding emigration should be ad- a a large stale. The foreign inves llament to hold gold to the amount | dressed-to the "many hundreds of tor must either interfere to save us of 256 per cent. of Dominion notes | Belgian refugees pow in England. 7 from penalization or pay part of that 4 fesued up to a total issue of $50,000, These people, it is felt, would make y or alty himself. Even defeat will guards, nowe guards, knee 3 Wn Justend, oE 330.000.000 ss bie. admirable setilers. h - <5 4 eave us in quite as advantageous a pants, boats adn en excellent line : ously, miniol i - Secretaries of clubs should anata out proteasion whotae J]| notes issued in excess of $50,000] . Pa fetes, © "her of the other council wie ceil Sodus our" geet work, and who © | 000, equal to such excess. The ro-|, "hea a woman wants to make up! = | Li ; Bue fair, a sult of this provision will be an in- Jor Jost fie I JE absolutely nec- 1. 8 = | " hs of $15000,0 y . sary for her to go to a beauty par-! . GER crease of $15.0 00 in the jssue of 1 - Seeking F Powers. free Dominion notes. By th sein] | *OF- - Foie pecta Exeprience is the best teacher, but | ar hai 1d ha Calgary, Alta., Ot. 6.--Having suc- {taxes on su coffee, spiri | BAR, hues, SDIHA AE | yon AD Tt In On the BAR. WHC) ic operated: waterworks, commits bigamy. ff | street railway pe oP t It's a waste of time for even the $ every : : Rowdy" Silane 5 it photographer to teli some people to |_enriches the blood, look - pleasant. aids the lungs-12 is a a-- The mian who loses his temper|f taining tonic Jou' have to advertise a reward |] free rug