QUEEN'S AND OTTAWA| TO PLAY RUGBY GAME HERE . NEXT SATURDAY. - "Ken" Willams and "Jack" Hazlett Will Punt Against Each Other -- Queen's Engineers Return Anxious- Iy Awaited. "At three o'clock on Saturday af- terioon in the Athletic grounds the first rugby game of the season will be played by Queen's against Ottawa Rough Riders. This decision was made by the Athletic committee of Queen's on Monday afternoon after A ---- fhe return of the students as they consider it too easy lor them, being able to be at home as soon as the cold weather starts. It must be re- membered that these men are work- ing themselves through college and for $1.10 a day they gave their ser- vices to the country while on work financed by private concerns would pay them three or (four times as much and they could have returned to college whenéver they wish. City Soccer League Schedule The executive of the Kingston Soccer league got down to real busi- ness on Monday evening. The schedule for this fall was drawh up, which could not have been dome earlier owing to. the absence of cll AT THE FAIR" KINGS. TON LAs EK » Awards Of the Drtertmeu of Agri- culture To the Youthful Exhibit- ors of Kingsidef Sand Pittsburg Townships. The following are the names of the winners in the 'various classes of the school fairs of Pittsburg and Kingston township which were held in conjunction 'with: fhe Kingston fair. The number following: the name indicates the school section to ny Jack Wilmot Bi a v Wilmot, Ellwood McBroom, 8; Willie Steers; 9; Florence Dunlop, 9. Oats, Sec. B.--John Doyle, 2; Col ih McLean, 4; Jack W. ilmot, 3; Jam- es McLean, 4; Willie Steers, 9; El- Broom, 8; Gordon Patterson, 9. Oats, Sec. C.--John Doyle, 2; Wil- lie Steers, &; Jack Wilmot, 3; Moore Finnigan, 4; Elwood McBroom, 8. Sweet Corn, Sec. A. Ethel Bax- ter, Neil McDonald, 4; Gordon Me- Broom, 8; Gordon Patterson Sweet Corn; Sec. B.--Gordon Mc- Broom, 8; Ethel Baxter, 2; Neil Me- Donald, 4; Leslie Wilmot, James W. Halping, 8; frid Franklin, 8; Thomas 10; Gordon Patterson, 9; Doyle, 10; Edward Cunningham, 2. Dent Corn, Sec. A.--John Mun- | COuFoRT TE---- We try-to carry in stockat all times the largest var ety good in comfortable footwear for women. We have cushion soles, also which are the easiest shoes made. the "Restshu" at flexible welts, Ask to see of anything that's a tommunication was read from the | Queens' representatives. The latter which the pupil attends. Ottawa authorities asking if a game agsregation has consented to edier s Will the pupil recéiming third prize Toe. Charlie Hendezsoy, 3; wal cowld be arrapged. cam in. the city league, so J. -W. edmond, 7. Gordon Patterson, 9. There Vas tot enthusiasm as | Coulter, one of its delegates was pond pas oi) hog of Fp Dent Corn, Sec. B.--Charlie. Hen- sdon as the [decision was made sent to this meeting. Outside of the| "p io10ee See A.---Bertha Cliff, 3. jderson, 3; Will Redmond, 7; John kifown, as the boys are anxious to | schedule an exhibition game Was!p,..; Buck, 20. Arnold Smith, 15|Munroe, 8; Gordon Patterson, 9; show the results of their constant | heartily endorsed by all for the pur- David Andre y Bana Clitr, 3.| Boyce Toner, 4. hard practising. pose of raising proceedss for the Clarence 'B E. 3} 2p. Bernard Flowers, Sec. A.--Edna Joyce, 8; The Ottawa butieh are very stromg | patriotic fund. It was proposed at|pion,rqe. 20 Bruce Craig, 14. Hur-| Clare Lotto, 7; Ethel Quinn, 7; El- this year, and the local squad will | first to have this match played next |.) Bapigek, 20.: Kathleen Richards!len Fowler, 2; Anna McFarland, 8; have to put up a strong fight to get | Saturday, but after dué considera- 20; Celt Cinrke- 61 Anna Mouldey, Vera Kennedy, 3; Ethel Baxter, 2: the homors. With "Ken" Williams | {lon of the fact that the following]. '. Ji Florence Baxter, 2. on the back division, one of the best | Monday is Thanksgiving day aud Potatoek, Sée. B---Keith Hull, 3; Flowers, Sec. B---Ethel Quinn, 7; if not the two best punters in Can- | many of the students will be leaving Pere ho Y:d5;: Kathleen Rich. Edna Joyee, 8" Charles Mangan, 10; aga, will be playing against each |the city, it was proposed to have ardor rad Richa as. ag: | Florence Baxter, 2; Myrtle Beaton, other, YJack" 'Hazlett 48 consider- | this exhibition game played on Lorpg oule, 11; Bruce Craig, 14: | 8 ed a staf punter and a good exhibi- | Saturday, October 24th. This match Hog $34; Hubert Silver. 15. 3 Bell's Cushion Sole Welts, at Dr. Reid's And several other good makes, ranging at $3.50, $3.75 and chm anieneana 34.00 "If your feet tire try a pair of our cushion soles" ("ushion Sole, at MANUFACTURED BY THE RAMSFELCER-ERLICK CO GINGINNATI, OHIO. Shoe Repairing Shoe Repairing Poultry, Sec. A.--Ruth Gillespie, dames Moran, 2; Blanch Strat- Abernethy's tion between these two men is pro- mised. Jack" Williams, who is now play- ing 'quarter, instead of centre-half as' formerly, is the manager of the Ottawa 'téam: The last time he played in Kingston was about six' tlie meeting last. night were: H. vears ago when the Hamilton Tigers defeated thd Ottawa team in the sea- son's championship gante, The game on Siturday is the ghly subject of conservation in the lodal rugby circles just now, and § record attendance is expected. All the men who have any prospects or hopes are now out practising harder than ever and taking all kinds of chances to: show what they can do. There was a good practice on Mon- day afternoon with over. fifty men in: the field. Grant Smith and Sher- man Hill, two ex-collegiate players were out with the rest and were put through some stiff work by "Ken" Williams. Everything is tied up at the col- lege, however, until Prof. Lindsay Malcolm arrives. The boys are out every afternoon, but there has heen no signal code made nor any plae- ipg of the players as yet, If the engineers return in a few days, is going to be a hymmer, contested | gicnara Colter, 15:Raymond Gar-| 5; between the best players of .C. L. C. and Shipyard against a strong team of Queens'. The executive may arrange to have the R. C."H: A. band in attendance. The representatives who attended Hrowne and T. 'Wilkinson for Ship- yard; A. Edwards and A. Maylam for C. L. C. and J. 'W. Coulter for Queen's. W. G. Ferguson, presidad. The schedule drawn up was a8. fol) lows 0% Oct. 17--Shipyard vs, C. I Oct. 24--Exhibition match. Oct. 31--C. L. C. vs. Shipyard Nov. T7--Queen"s vs. C. L. C. y. 14-----Shipyard vs. Queen's. . L. C. v8. Queen's. --Queen's vs. Shipyard. rett, 20; Harold Herning, 20; Wil- ard Lindsay, 20. Maggels* Bec. A--Willie Day, 2: Dorothy~Busheil, 8; Laura Baker, 6. | Cra Stover, 15: Cecil €larke, 6. :9pé. B---Raymond Gar- iF. 3 Harold Horning, 20; Urs- ula Sproule, 11; Willie Day, 2: Dor- othy 'Bushell, 3 Oats, See. A.--Hubart Silver, 15; Bernard 'Richards, 20; "ats, See, B.-- Edgar Stever, 15; Clarence Stover, 15; Cecil Clarke, 6.! ards, 20; Hubert Silver; 15; Royal Buck, 20; Veron Keys. 14. Oats, Sec. B.--Edgar Stover, 15; Royal Buck, 20; Bernard Richards, 20, sis Sweet Corn:r--Cecil Abbott, Fred Mouldey, 3; Ruth Bruton, Lorne Gordon, §; Percy Fraser, Earl Fraser, 15; Lorne Gordon, David Andrews, 2; Edna Cliff, Richard Coulter, 10. Sweet Corn, Sec. B--Cecil Abbott, 2; Grace Garrett, 20; Howard Rich- ards, 20; Percy Fraser, 15; Earl Fraser, 15; Lorne Gorden, 6; Clar- ence Orser, 15; Ruth Bruton, 14; Beatrice Upton, 20; Gordon RBlack- lock, 14: ten, 7; Ethel Quinn, 7; J. Fowlel, pH Kathaléen Shortall, 10; Alma Finnigan, 4. Poultry, Sec. B.--Jack Wilmot, 2} Ethel Quinn, 7; Kathaleen Shortall, 10; James Moran, 2; Ruth Gilles- nie, 3; George Toner, 4; Florence Johnston, 10. Poultry, Sec. C.--Wilfrid Berry- man, 2; Toner, 4. Jamies Moran, 2: John Wilmot. 3; J. Royler, 2; W. Red- mond, 7. Poultry, Sed. Pst "Ruth Gillespie, A, George Poner, 4; John Wilmot! 3. Colty héavy--Lharles Henderson, Jack Dovlen 2; Jack Wilmot, 3 V Calf" "dairy orge 'Pattérson, 9 Wilirid- Fowler, 2; Jack' Wilmot, Leslie Wilmot, 3 Fdsay ov oats--~Percy Morris, 2 Essay on potatofs Willie Rteers, 0 ling Trotter, 9; Kathaleen Shortall, 0 Essay on. .oats--{eorge 'Toner, 4 Ethel Baxter, 2. Kssay on corn--Mabel Taber, 4 Pest "collection afi wesds--(. H Man: an; 10; kathleen Shortall, 10: George Toner, i; J. EK Doyle' 2, Hest collection weed seeds--Mar- . | guetite Dunlop, 9; Gordon Patterson. Ruth #Hllespie, 3; George |. Campbell's Pure Ice Cream Best in Kingston By Government New Hats | If there's attraction in as- Queen's chances are excellent, as : . ) Dent Corn, Sec. A---Keith Hull, 3; immediately they return organiza- RE ] Be ival Yorke, 11; Russell Mouldey | tion will be started and the team put x 'Ursitla' Sproule, 11; Sherwood | on a playing basis. It is to be hop- Far 20. ad now that the engineers' work in Dent ' Corn," See. Valcartier is finished so that Col. Yotke, 11; Keith Hull, 3: Ursula Sam, before he goes off 'on his holi- Sproule, 11; James Blair, 6; Russell , "50, W : r \ day to the woods, 'will order their Mouldey, 3;. i sie Soult, 5 Ethel Bowers, 9; réturn to Kingston. = . Flowers, Sec. A--Dorothy Bus-|° on McFarland, 8, Regular militia men do not favor hell, 3; Lillia Coulter, 14: Mildred po he loaves bread--Marguerite » b. 5 i - op, Y. Hey, al pare ah, Hest apple pie-Gordon Patterson, 9; Beatfice Graham, 15; Mary Welsgey. Se el mtnd, > Florence Dunlop, wers Flowers, Sec. B.--Lorna Sproule, Best two jars preserves--Muarguerite 4: Jane Munroe, 8. George Toner, 4. Hest collection insects--C. H. Man- B -- Percival: £30 10; Evelyn Toner, 4; Name Want ted J. EK. Doyle, 2. Best layer cake--Gordon Patterson Annie Tonor, 1; sortments and exclusive novel- ties, any man will have delight in selecting from our collection of new styles. We are sole agents for Chris- ty's and Buckley's famous Kng- lish hats. Latest novelties in sott hats and derbies, 11; 14: Tole [3 0 4 PRINTING VISITING CARDS AT HOME CARDS WEDDING STATIONERY {LB TTS KINGSTON, ONT, 104 ORCHARD ST. Frame house, 7 quick sale, $1,000.00. For Rent--Livingston Ave. | All improvements; 7 $15.00 per month. rr vere rey v vr V000%%000000000 $0eddb 000000000 FEVHONG SIDE OF THE BED. EA ET IY | THE 'BELL TELEPHONE ! COMPANY OF CANADA ---------- S Price As Bef $2, $2.50 1 S-------- Welsey, 20; Mildred Riley, 6: Lillia Best one-half dozen cookie ~lmmae - a. 20 + ont hand- sewn apron--Hklorence Bax One of Kingston's oldest citizens. | 3: Edwood Upton, 20; Helen Nithol, 3 I 2 : P i Our cream is pure and hone 1177 { n---- { -------- AT QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY. a} Poultry, See. B.--Verniece How, | THE LATE REV. DR. learned to order by phone, George WwW. Boyd, Held on #1st. nest Wiskin, 3; Gerts Orser, 2: 'Af- ly Saddening. 5 A new issue of our Of- , be played offi at Queen's this "week. . | Erwood Upton, 20; Howard Richards, 1] 488 afternoon, .on his. return irom Give us a trial order ; on evele, just as he was entering the lim pared and the copy will ground on Monday afternpon under! SHAS Lhe : 5 he beloved past wis ina mw r of cases. The club js Arnold" Smith; 15. the beloved pastor expired in a few » . . - 2 20; Ernest Wiske, 3; Edgar Stover, 15. Orders fox new con on PCA ize to surpass the rest, even : RA have fact that Mrs. Sparling was on a vis name or address, should Oct. 16th and the members of the!' Coif, "lights EAgR¥-Stover, 15. the angel of death touched her hus i§ once No - argangements have yet been | Laverly, | rst circuit he occupied when a stu- it will likely be held.on Oct. 31st, 11; George Hunter, 6; Keith Hull, 3. The funeral 18 to occur mt Carleton The late Rev. William Henry Sparl The Y.M.C.A. Monday evening . Bi! Essay on potatoes--Hazel Gates, d 0 "ied at the public gchools of his native Children. five young men were "present. R. > Essay on mangels--Willie Day, {which lie graduated a B.A. in 1879. rong side of the bed," said Rev. T. meetings as Attractive as possible this hah, 15; Ursula Sproule, 11; Lena RB. § hur an Theological Upliege conferred | UPPOse that .you think that this ly leader of the. class, gave the al Spraule, 11; Mildred Riley, 6; Lad nrried Miss Ada, Mi, ditghter of the] OU. littlé folk, that there 1s .a Hight Free pamphlet. will quickly vanish from the fage,| President; Alfred Kinch: first vige- | Callegtion "of grains and gFapses - Joe da ie Paulisie Sparling, hinking about all the mean things Veélvets and ; hips, make & 'iff paste with a Mt-| p F Dowling. 11; Yernieos Hawie, 11; Keith Hull, I, tetting out on the wrong side. THai| We have a large stoe Retr g " xis I you get up thinking about all the 2 minutes rub off wash the skin and onl ivy Soni mong, for New | Giratiam, 15. mons were always sound and logical ve _rold at reasonable prices: White Rosé four stacked by all 'the tric Graber, 15; Vora Wood, 6; Nth { gies ohurch shat will: be hard to till. | 1 the bed. I hope you will all try Ji SUGARMAN, 242 Ontar Wholenals Services Vair, 14; Raih Redmond, 3;- Fletha of the Chief Raster of .sonts. yieasant things." 5 iadl Sproule, 11; Ruth Redmond, 3; ° Bea- charges; ihe held were in Sherbrooke, y BlacK, Green or Mixed, 30-25-40-50-60c Per Pound 11; Kathleen Richards, 20; Mary Dhinlop, 9; Anna McFarland, 8. : - - p-------- Coulter, 14: { Gordon, Y;. Wvelyn Poner, 4; Helen AUTOMOBILES AND CARRIAGES wr kN MAYNARD | Poultry; Sec. A. Ernest Wiskih | Wilinot, 3; Kisie Woods, -4. CAMPBELL BROS uy e est FOR HIRE i He Was 93 years of age on the 13th of | 6; Murinl Smith, 11; Verniéce Howie 3 Fo Elsie Woods, 9; Myrtle Ben . or eptember Bruce Craig, 14; Daisey Roddy, °P % Kingston's Largest Hat Dealers g, y Yi gs 8! vholesome. Rubber Tires for Oarriages anal ; | Automobiles. SPARLING. Ti -- Man customers have " : yo T_T Helen Nichol, 6; Howard Rich-| The Students' Parade Lik#ly to bi 14 29; * Huroal: Binooex, 20; Er-| His Death Was "Sudden and Extreme Ww liver i i or The + championship * of the 'fresh, | thur Wartman, 2. The Rev. Dr. Sparling, Cadeton L deliver in time f o i 1 men tennis singles and doubles will! Poultry] = Set. Whslbien Nichol, 6;] Place; died ol heart failure, Un Sun- meals. Rugs and Oilc oth : Y ir § ficial Telephone Direc- Over twenty members of = Queenls 20; Ernest Wiske, 3: Daisy Roddy, Appleton, where he had been preach and Linoleum : tory is now being pre- track club were out-on the athlete'! Howard Richards, 90; Erwood ay { ng, he was seen to fal from his bi- } Geo Maso d Manager (1. C. Scott, The tinmje: Poultry, Sec. D.--Willie Day, 2 Verdi its of Uarleton ;Place, Herbert Mur rge ma ou ' elose within the next made by the harriers was very good niece Howie, I; Bruce Craig, 14; Phy ran quickly, to his assistance, but = Pramat Delfvery few days. gaining in popularity and this sea-'| Poultry, Sec" E.=Hgward Richards, j| minutes His death - was the more 2 sorrowful for his family owmg to the f . p Colt, heavy--Richard. Coulter, Id; neetions, chan res of with a the smb lier number of Students Edgar Stover, 15. * it to her daughter at Winchester when » (§4 registered. -. Upiversity Day is an ; . are for ¢ Calf "dair¥= iy Stover, 13. hana be reported to us at Sits aks. Sorking hand 10 prepare for Eesay won oats Tedward Riley, 6, Ada' It is rather a coincidence that the Essay on n barley Kletha Gates, 11. 'jdent, was the same ong he was oecu- made for "Queen's annual parade but Essay on' potatoes--Lornn Spropie, pying when death" came. when Varsity rigby team plays here. | Fasay on cqne- Lorna Specule, 11: | Place on 'Thursday morning, with Y. M. 0. 1 Bible ( Class, Keith Mad 83 | burial in Brockville in the afternoon. E Ce N © ssav. on_oats--Lktha Gates, in. | ing was 'born near St. Mary's, Unt. | lev. T. W. Savary Gave Talk to the ble class was re-organized on Mom "Wind Vino years ago. He was edueat yo ope - € et Fat Essay' op storm kidward Riley, day evel » When abpu wetity- ulde rac ¥ y ¥" Ralph Me ¥i 3; Grace (Garrett, 0 { place, the Cobourg Collegiate Insti You have often heard the re- Ward, president, was in the chair I Hadel Gates; 1H. tute amd Victorin- -Unjversity, frou] 1ark about a person getting out the Te ig .. i i ' i: weatamslt ds: Clin o,f t is the intention to make. the t'ollectign .- of weeds~Beatrice Gra: Prior to taking up. theology he was VY. Savary, addressing thé children How You Can Make fall. A number of prominent men Nilver/i15: Lorna Sproule, 11: Jack] in the printing trade' "The Montreal t St. James' church on Sunday. ""1 : will be sked "t ddress th b Mefnliough, 3. : 8 a i Hairs Quickly Disappear} | nl, "fake vi be, whe soup Motions, 3. Ln TEL des soni] Suk nat be so -- That there i Ly Ee AR ------------------ Tim in 1910: © An 1881" the decegsed | (TONE side. Well, 1 want to tel) all Sado Pretty designs and color lings y (Helps to Beauty) dress last evening, Mart; Willie Day, '5 will ; rr sido emphiet aE Even a stubborn growth of hair' Fhe elects & ay Teds! Gr eT Bi . 1 late Coorge Ghissi ord; deputy regis nd a wrong side of the 'bed. If Carpet Sc uare, Wilton," on of officers resulted ase THE COOK MEDICINE CO. ' yA (far oll gael, his survives with{ Ou get out of bed in the morning TORONTO. ONT. ¢ Brussels and neck or arms after a single tre®t-| nrsident, Kenneth Moncrief;s secre | Lorna Spranle "a : ; ; Forsuly Wade.) ssels s n 3 E, TN TH * ist: o J ohnny 'and Tommy did and sald Linoteums Carpet WeErve 1 ¥ ment with delatone. To remove the | isrv.treasurer, F. B. Pense; pianist, | Collection of insects--Lorna Sproule, wrganiat jaf t ul Methodist church at Jini NT toh a fl Cloths nnd Sener and Tape strys, in all sizes, at tle powdered delatone and water ap- ee : ver cake--Elotha Gates, 11; Hazel] he deceased 'was zealous pastor, ti ug . 1 p t the earth hs t | stors und Gas Stoves; oy A kinds of ¥ to halry surface, and after about Miss Nellie Hanley and Miss Agatha Gates, 11; Lila Coulter, H; Bentrice]] A1 able and fluent (dpehkiér. His ser- | 3 BOILIAL Out On the erty Side, Ju iew and second-hand furniture; all te H leasant things that fs getting out| 'Come, see the bargains. J ig, will be left free from hair or blem- Bread Verniece Howi 11; Bea- explanations of; the holy scriptures. § * ©4 re i py y heh To avoid disappointment be; York. wie th. | B38 death deaven a blank inthe Meth-1. 7h the heaven side, or the right sels oo 00 x 243 Ontarte Street. | Phone 147 For Prompt And a Quite certain you get rea elatone. oy 3 : ha trade. Tes Sowers; 14, ara Baker, 6: Harriot | H® has gone to the reward of a well wd remember-that God is love, and shana : pple aura Bal arriet soent life consecrated to: the - service | ™ gin each day thinking of all the Bo Gates, 11. a ph : 3 . Rev., Dr. Sparling was a leading dr- : a ok ih Ri Homemide preserves -- Ursulad (ins. "Anicng the Move. important CHRISTIAN ENDEAVORS a i % ' i HH trice Grgham, 15; Lorna .iprovie, i; ' » Ty nouncement [EEE EEE ELITE wy ma gu ta on ven ! N i - 3 ; . : {ried 'Grahium, 15; Lena Silver," 15 ig of the Mongreal conference, day Evening. * I'he fall rally of the local union : naipe Wanted. Rev. W. F. Fitzorald, of St. Paul's Se Hungl-sewn wprow- Mildred Riley, 6; Anglican cMidreh, expressed sintere re- [of Christian' Endeavor was held in } EH Ruth Braton, 14; "Mary Wolsey, 205 gret at' the demise of Dr. Sparing. | Princess street Methodist church on THE FALL STYLES IN MEN'S : Carmel "Fowler, 14, "I. greatly admired and esteemed | Wonday evening. SHOES AWAIT YOUR CON. A ; % OT him, "he said. "He was a man of} Union street Baptist society won the SIDERATION AND SELEC. ; 'School Fair. i[fime attainments and a good man. It f banner for the third time turing the TION >; Potatoes, geotion A--Jas. W. al-f would have bee*# 'melancholy ples- | past pine months. Rev, H. Currie, sure for meito attend his funeral, but | pastor of Princess street church, made I find it an impossibility." the presentation. ; Rev. KE. LeRoy Rice, pastor of the First Congregational church, and F. . general secretary of the Eh) bz Phtrtdt Annette Kellerman. : - Annette Kellerman, the world's most .iamous woman Hw" rand diver, the gave short addresses. Misa Ffortnnate possessor. of a superb figure I omerman, Miss Agnes Brebner which 'has been' comparellobr notaidef \od William Mack took part in the gis an, a? John sculptors as thee negrus} dvi ap- I magical programme. 5 cton, | = proach to the Venus of Milo and} d Fit A ted ten. Fowler, 3 ai I" Mellonald 4 Go other classical Greek statues, will. be pion union at the: Owen: "Sou ell Baxter, 2; Marguerite Du is % seen at the Grand Opera House for a convention, collected a sum of money Charles Fowler, 2; Leshie w, 'Wi run of three duys, commencing Thurs- 1, 3 iol v(lords' the support of 1 MelAU GHEIN BEIC 3 day, October Sth, matinee daily and the pEov.arial organizer. who was re ER. PRACTYCALL SECONDHAND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GREAT BARGAINS { NOPE EID £0 neem, FLY paren, ix nee FULLY RavIPreD, IN FIRST CLASS OR~ NEW Totes ATR PARTIES OW 1s SOUR onder 3 Porritt Goibge Co. Limited Always sag. } Phons 464 HH. Mungels, section AP. Joyce, 8; | eveni in the spectacular produc WE WiLL RE PLEASED Clute Tau I joven Sarthe Daughter," 2 ae cently appointed. i EARS TO INTERES velipus motion pictures. Miss Keller- Mangels, t man's claims to beauty of face and} Judgment was reserved by. Judge 9: Dam © \ 26 rdon Mb Joon to Sra histridisie ahlity, and filavell in the case of the UC. W. Liod- 9; Clare Thtto, 7 7: Cecil Bax- ie ifeGatost drawing =e ano company vs. oJ. R. Cole at ioe. sare of the A esion Tp wil hs be he Jot io inl sOssion of the division court stars ate sedtion Aceh Dosis. A Tha seet few days. | he oa Monday i 5 A § & : Ces