LAUNDERING DONE ' WITHOUT ACID, © " rau nt vue clothes to Mant, Job te serve you. Best family washing, te to #0e. CHONG BROS., LAUNDRY. 854 Princess St. PLATING Nickie, Sfiver. Govper. Brass. . We make all kinds of trem and wire work. Get prices. PARTRIDGE & SONS, King St. West. CCC much to make a good, or the reverse, impression when meeting people and the first impression is apt to la 80 it Is to your interest to wear favlt- lessly tailored garments Next to riches, it Is man's best asset Our clothes meet ail «the requirements necessary for a man to be well-tail- ored If you will have your gar ments made here, there will never be any dissatisfaction on this score i ] i Cameras or Kodaks and All Supplies A A A sii, We sell all makes. [WILLIAM WILSON & SONS, { 25, Abchurcy Lane, London, E.O. (Cable Address: "Annuaire London.' TORTURED BY CONSTIPATION "Fruft-a-tves" Cured Paraly- .2ed Bowels and Digestion ? SHAWINIGAN, OUR, 3rd. 1914. A jolly Dutch tea was given at the Country Club on Saturday in honor of Miss Gladys Burton. Covers were laid for eight, the other guests in cluding Miss Nan Pagerson, Miss Christine Cochrane, Miss Sylvia Cochrane, Miss Lilian Mundell,, Miss Mamie Anglin, Miss Marjorie Pense and Miss May Rogers. Mrs. R. H tertained informally at the on Tuesday in honor of Mrs Chown, of Edmenton. . ss. Mrs. Harold Davi® Stewart street, entertained informally at tea on Na turday afternoon. - = ST. BONIFACE DF } Yub "It is a pleasure to me to inform you that after suffering from Chronic Cons tion for 23; vears, I have been cured' hy "Prait-a-tives", "While I was a student at Berthier College, I became soil I was forced to leave the the college. Severe pains across tlie Intestines continually tortured me and it came (0 a point when I could not stoop down at all, and my Digestion became paralvzed ne one advised me to take "Fruit-a-tives" and at once I felt a great improvement. After 1 had taken four or five boxes, T realized that I was completely cured and what made me glad, also, was that they were acting gently, causing no pain whatever to the bowels, ~All those who suffer with Chronic Constipation should follow my example and take for they are the en hour Ww. Toye, Gore street; tea Ww. Mr, Morgan Shaw of Toronto who was the guest of the Misses Shaw, Clergy street, for the week-end, left on Monday for Ottawa. Miss Spangenberg and Mr. SF Spangenberg, Johnson street. went to Toronto, to-day, to visit Mrs. F. Phillips Mrs. "John Hamilton returned to Toronto on Monday after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hamilton, "* Pruit-a-tives medicine that cures", MAGLOIRE PAQUIN *Froit-a-tives" are sold by all dealers at s50c. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, mer in Genanogue, the guests of Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. McMurchy. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Rowland, Fron- tenac street; went to New York' on Monday v . . 8 Rev.- John Fairbie, Brock sfrest, re turned, op. Monday, from Toronto, where he spent a week with Mr. and Mrs. T. U. Fairlie and Mr. and Mrs Herbert Wood. * Mr. Justie B. M: Britton came town from Toronto on Tuesday rs. W. J. Fair apt three children went to New York to-day. Mrs. James Rigney, George street, left, op Monday, for New York Mrs. File Fowler and Miss louie Fowler, Brock street, went to Ottawa, to-day, t@ visit friends, Rev. Frank Fraser came down from Belleville, on Monday, and is the to PAGE THREE Seri Wa guest of his mother, Mrs. John Fra- ser. Ring street » Miss' Phoebe Macphersom, who has | been visiting her aunt, Miss W Mac- pherson, Sydenham street, has return- ed to Montreal. Professor and Mrs. A Ferguson, who have been spending the summer among the Thousand lslands, have re- turned to town, and are i their house on Albert street. Mrs. "Hubert Ryan went York on Monday, to visit ents: Prolessor H. Calmus, Barrie street, returned from Yhorold Tuesday. | Miss Nellie Hanlet, Wellington NX. to her par- T onl 25¢. or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Pruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa, EUROPEAN AGENC Wholesale Indents promptly execut- ed at lowest cash prices for all Brit ish and Continental goods, including Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, Chemicals and Druggists' Sundries China, Earthenware and Glass ware. Creles, Motor Cars and Accessor fes. Drapery Goods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals Jewellery, Plate and Watches, Photographic and Optical Goods, Provisions and Oilmen's Stores, ete., ete. Commission 21% to 5%. Trade Discounts Allowed. Special Quotations on Demand. Sample Cases from $350 upwards Consignments of Produce Sold or . Account. King street i Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hammond | King street, spent the week-end with | Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Kohl in Brock- | ville. 1 Miss Blanche Mel.eod has return- | ed to town from Kemptville to re- | sume her studies at Queen's Mrs. W. W. Chown of Edmonton the guest of Mrs, W. Muirhead, Clergy street, * . a» 1 Carruthers, Miss | Miss Lassie | Rogers and | spent * the | Farm" on { Dorothy Carruthers, Miss Rose Miss Kathleen Kirkpatrick, Mr. Douglas Carruthers week-end at "Carruthers the Jake shore Mrs. Colin Hamilton, Miss Sibbald Hamilton and Mr Earl street, have returned from ! their summer cottage on Wolfe Is-| land | Mrs. William Skinner, Gore street, vho has been spending some time n Syracuse, with her daughter, Mrs | T. H. Marvin is home. Mrs. I. 1 Henderson, Mrs. .J. past Millinery and Piece | Colin Hamilton, | who has Leen | the to Connell's guest for week, returned to Montreal Yesterday the I' etve of a delightful informal thim ble tea given hy Mrs. H. J Wilkinson Bagot street lay she was raisen | N. McKay (Established 1814), Mrs. W and ther t children. who are visiting Mrs. ' M Sutherland, Earl street, will return Lieorgetown early | next week Miss Macauley, King street, who has been visiting her niece, Mrs ( . Abbott, 'in Stratford, home this week Mr. and Mrs. R. O wo S LESS MEAT IF BACK AND KIDNEYS HURT reinrned Sweezy and We exchange cameras. We repair cameras, We rent cameras. We do finishing cheaper, bet- ter and quicker than anyone in the city. 4 All films of six, tén cents a roll, At Best's Satisfactory Druggists and Op- ticlans, Open Sundays, 1.30 to 5; lldren's School & Winter Coats There is one place to buy Children's Coats. One place where COMFORT, STYLE, WORKMANSHIP AND PRICE "combine to make "huving easy. We have always shown the best in ¢hildren's coats. This vear-our collee-! tion is simply grand. They are all in, ready for the carly buyers. We will save coats for any not ready to pay at once, he ete EP. JENKINS or other, says a well-known author- their little daughter from Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Guess, Broek street, left on Tuesday for New York visit Mr. and Mrs, Cokeffir. Mi. Alexander Pategson, of lon, was in town on Monday. Mrs. ( W. Belton, Alfred leaves to-morrow for London it her daughter, Mrs. Edward tleworth are in town | | | Take a Glass of Salts to Flush Kid- neys If Bladder Bothers You. ! Eating meat regularly eventuaily produces kidney trouble in some form to Lan ity, because the uric acid in meat ex- cites the kidneys they become over- worked, get sluggish; clog up and cause all sorts of distress, particu larly backache and misery in the kid- ney region; rheumatic twinges, vere headaches, acid stomach, consti- pation, torphd liver, bladder and urinary irritation The moment your back' or Kidneys aren't acting rig! or if bladder: bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy: take a tablespaoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine This far Ss made from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, combined with lithia, and has been used for generations to flush ¢ clogegd kidneys and stim nate them guest of Miss Spangenburg and Wy to prormal activity; also to neutralize Fred. ' Spangenburg, 'Johnson the acids in the urine so it no longer off irritates, thus ending bladder disor left to-day for her home in ders to Jad cannot injure makes a delightful effervescent lithia- water drink which millions of men and women take and then to Keep the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thus avoiding serious Kidney disease Agent street to Shut . a» and Miss Flora wn from Gananoque on Tuesday | Mr. and Mrs. Elsdale Robertson, of | Ottawa. who were with Mr. und Mrs D. Stewart Robertson, street, for the week-end, for New York. During absence Master Hugh Robertson remam with' his grandparents. Miss Winifred Claxton has returned | from Frankford, where spent | week with Mrs George Graham Mrs. Mitchell, who has pen tl . Mr were R in t« rog Rees | sleeplessness, left on | their ni will | I'uesday ous salts she street roron * "ow Ww Saits anyone; | from Belton has the past few Mi spending returned months | London, .and is with his parents, Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. C. W Belton, | Alfred street | Mrs. Francis King, Alice strost. will go Toronto the end the a few MeClary her home in "a week with aon, Earl street Charles Watt, of Tuesday in town. H. Peacock, of pa Mrs) HT street. - . Ross now to of week Geo. W. Mahood day 8 Moore left on Mon London, Mrs spend Mrs. J day for spending Hend Mrs spent Mrs the Frontenac THE "LILY" 3 Jame frananbgue Foronto, i Wallace of ce Mrs. R. ( ter, West {td Montreal vesterdny «of. Mr. Arthur Carter. Mr. H Pense, Gord!" went 'Ottawa for a few Ady Monday Mrs. Henri Panet, Farl and Mrs. J. N. 8. Leslie. street. who have been guests at fhe | Rit7«Carlton. in New York, saslesd for England on Monday on the SS Philadelphia. Mre. W. BR Maudie and her daughter expect to he in town FEW MINUTES ! NO streat, to] visit E to idtreet, Pmil litila next Digests all 'food absorbs gases, and stofi fermentation at once: Wonder what upset your stomach -which portion of 'the food did the Well, don't both- er. If your 'stomach ig in a revolt: if sour, gassy and upset, and what you just ate has? fermented inte stubborn lumps: your head dizzy and aches; belih gases and acids | who has been } day In | Douglas; | proclaimed Svdepham ; | | ence DIGESTION, GAS SOUR STOMACH PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN street, left on Tnesday to visit friends in New York for the next two weeks Mr. and Mrs. Jamés Minnes, fagol street, returged home oh Saturday, ter visiting Dr. and Mrs. Robert Min nes, in Ottawa. + street Mrs King aunt, Miss Charlie Shortt, visiting her Hahfax, returned Rutheriord, two months, home on Men | Mr. Ross Bgron, of Ottawa, hase turned to his studies Queen s University Mrs. Augustus P. Hatch and daughter, 90 Frontenac street, returned home after spending the past | five months with Mr. and Mrs. ( Maund, at Niagara-on-the-Lake Mr. E. W. Day, Fdmonton, who has | heen the guest of his mother Mrs, | Day. Frontenac street, the | past few weeks, was joined. on Mo; day, by his daughter, Miss Ina. Th ill time in the ¢i at 1 | | resume § | little | have | for some . remain 8 marriage of Mary second daughter Mrs. Thomms P. Slater, and Mr. Arthur f Toronto and Mrs. J of Hamilton, | will be solemmized on Satarday | morning, Oct. 24th. | hel of Barri son Marner Ladies' Musical Club, the Ladies" Musical | witht the eveming recit nl | m Convocation Hall, on October Sth al A very interesting and at | tractive programme 'has heen arranged including numbers hy the King Symphony orchestra Ad mission to non-members, 25¢. Mem bership tickets on sale at Uglow's Associate, $1.50; active, $1; students 50c. Each member is entitled to twe comphmentary tickets for the evenin recitals Ihe of Club opens season S15 ston ! PITH OF THE NEWS, { Despatches From Near And Distant Places. Montreal is to maintain ten ital beds in Paris. | Essad Pasha is said to have heen provisional president hos Albania Cheese sales leville, 11le, winthe, Que., 14fc.; Canton 14}c.; Gouverneur, N.Y., ldle A citizens' committee has been appointed to consider plans for | provisional campaign to advance technical education. The weight of snow ue roofs of two motor garages at Cal | gary to fall in occasioned $33,000 | damage { The Methodist General Confer decided to incorporate cerita portions of the ritual in the nev hymn book Dora Bennett, four years old, jiv- ing at 39 Albany avenue, Toronto was siruck by an automobile wil crossing the street and seriously in | jured. Fdward Page to 13 St. London, de to 15°1-16c.; causing | Gaston, an Ameri who recently distributed = bilan kets, underwear and clothing to Ih tish prisoners of war, was arrested in Berlin, when about to depart from the | city | can, t Berlin contributions 'to the Tana-| dian Patrjotic Fund amounted to] more thas $40,000 by noon of the first day {in a three days' campaign | ind in Waterloé they reached $15, | 000 | At Venice two aged American wo men ' committed suicide by taking po'son at a third-rate boarding house | They left a letter, which did" not give | their names, but stated that. they | were utterly destitute. five. Fleven sevent, | hve ! Great Britain is investigating { shipments from the United States un- | der the sukpicion that the cargoes, | instead of reaching the ports to whicy they are destined, reach German war ships at sea Eleven seventy can! that it is needless to have a bad stomach. A little Diapepsint ocea- sionally keeps the stomach regulat- and they eat their favorite foods without fear If your stomach doesn't take eure of your liberal limit without rebel- lion: if. your food is 4 damage in- stead of a help, remember the quick-] est, surest, most harmless relief is Pape"s Diapepsin, which costs only fifty cents for a large ease at drug for the pasty |rhoea, fornia Syrup of Pigs | {Your druggist for a | to Ib te Every garment is tional worth. ATTRACTIVE SUITS AND. GOATS | For THANKSGIVING beautifully tailored and finished, and the materials ave of excep- You will find our nore than passing interest and onr showing distinctive from any other display in town. Suits at $13.50, $15, $16.50, and on up fo $50.00 Coats at $8, $8.50. $9.00, $10.50 and on up to $55 TW Aga a WH 2 hi Tay of values A large and representative disp 'Old Bleach" and "Liddell" makes. Thanksgiving Linens lay of the worl( = finest linens, featuring a SEE WINDOW DISPLAY AND WATCH PAPER TO-MORROW Steacy's The Busiest Store in Town EVEN, CROSS. SICK CHILDREN LOVE SYRUP OF FIGS as, constipated laxative once, feverish, bi give fr a Ir Don't scold your fretful, peevish I [ is coated; JAC child Se if € S & sure sign tl er and bowels are clogged with feverist thre pale, bad list breath doesn't eat, naturs has stomach-ache, indigestion a4 teaspoon of in a the passes have When cold, less sleep act give | and waste, food hours all the foul bile and fermenting of the bowels and and playful child love this harmless laxa and mothers can rest easy after ing it, because it never fails to make their little "insides" clean Keep handy, Mother! A lit given to-day saves a sidk child to- morrow, but the genui Ask 10-cent bottle of of Figs," which babies, children you again frailt giv- and Swe get ne 'California as directions Syrup for of all ages and for grow n-ups plainly | Remember theré are §0 surely look made by 1 Compan) on the bottle counte § sold here dnd see that yours 'California Fi Syrup 8 he fig syrup PLENTY OF SOLDIERS. 200,000 Men Arve Drilling in Canada To-day. Oct. 7--If it ie decided senda second Canadian contin gent overseas, there will be no trou le in getting the recruits, according 0 statement made by Col the H Sam Hughes, minister of mili ti The minister pointed out that. Ottawa, on a 'Besides the 8,000 mea on guard duty there were 200,600 drilling in the dominion to-day Col. H . in discussing the markmane] of the first contingent stated that 5,000,000 rounds of am munition kad been used in rifle practice at Valcartier, and that nine- tenths of the men were good shots HAD PLANS ALL LAID, German Coaling System Arranged wt. ihefore Sarajevo Murders. London. Oct -A despatch tc the Times from Cape Town states that an intercepted letter addressed fo the commander of the Germar gunboat Eber, which got away fron tigt place. just before the outbreak of the war, contained instructions from Berlin, dated June 14th, = fortnight before the Sarajeve niur ders, revealing a complete system for coaling the German navy on the outbrdax of war through secret agents in Cape Town, New York and Chicago. Lieut «Gen. Tassoni, Malian wnder. ssvetary of state "for war, has' ro- {Hand back with contempt any other | KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE FULL STOCK OF STRONG AND DURABLE TUNGSTEN LAMPS watt, 40 cents watt, 40 cents watt, 40 cents watt, 45 cents watt, '60 ¢ents watt, $1.00 10 16 20 40 60 100 Gas Mantles, 3 for 23¢, 2 for 25¢ and up. H. W. Newman Electric Co. Phone 441. 79 Princess Stree aR Se GREELY ww 3 SECONDHAND AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE GREAT BARGAINS QUIPPED, IN FIRST NEW TIRES IPPED, IN FIRST CLASS OR- NSTRATE ° ITHER = OF THESE © ) PA MS. NOW 1s JOUR CHANGE FOR A CHEAP CA } Porritt Garage Co., Limited | Phone 454 T VvoRDb, 1 F 8S ORDER. LY B K AND ), fat IEE Always Open + Highest Quality, Lowest Prices. 's Electric Shop .. Halliday Phone 94 | AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLD OR CATARRH, OPEN AT ONCE My Cleansing, Healing Balm tustant- fragrant Balm dissdlves by jie nam 4 {of the nostrils; netrates and heals Iy Clears Nose, Head and Throat rhe side an be a Which lines the nose, head and: {throat cléars the Air passages: stops 2 nasty discharges and g of cleansing, soothing réMel comes tm § mediateiy. rv Dod't lay aw to-night strugs i gling for breath, with head stuffed, + nostrils closed, "and blowin Catarrh or a cold, NOSE Stops Nasty Catarrhal Discharg. es. 'Dull Headache Goes. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Cet a small bottle anyway just fo fry N--Apply.a Mitle {nu the nostri and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages.of the head will open: you will breathe freely; foul, toungte J. A HENDRY = Manufacturers Agent ¥ fyou wiil wonder 75 PRINCESS ST. Hdigestion and - - CLOTHING COMPANY Kingston . Ont, 'or men and Ww and eruciate undigested food: breath stores. It's truly wonderful---it 4i- gests food and sets things straight, s0 gently and easly that it is as tonishing. Please don't go on and on with a weak. disordered stomach; coated---just take , and in five minutes what became of the distress. Mi¥ons signed owing to a disagreement with | duliness and headache disappear. By Gen. Grands the war minister. | morning! the catarrh. ecold-in-hesd Eleven seventy five. . Eleven seventy or eatarrhal sore throat will be gone five. { End such misery now! Get the (mee tried always used, White Rose Small bottle off "Eiy"s Cream Balm at any drug store, This swéet, throat, ing-but truly neediess. 3 Put your faith just" "Ely's Cream Balm" and your or catarrh will surely" disappear, owing. 5. nose, foul mucons dropping in| hg and raw dryness is ress: omen to-day know it's so unnecessary. flour, By » ol ¥ 1 ®