YE NO, 233 THAT BIBLES BE PROVIDED FOR USE OF PRISONERS. Also Recommended That .Arvange- ments be Made for Turnkeys to Have Sunday Off Duty -- Chari- table Institutions Reported to be & Credit to the City. That a sufficient number of Bibles be purchased for the use of prison- eri in the county jail. The above was one of the recom- mendations made by the grand jury | at the high court, in their repor: presented on Wednesday afternoon. The matter will be brought before the county council, as a copy of the Jury's report will be sent to the war- den. Another recommendation of the Jury was that arrangements be made i RUSSIA BUYS STEEL BARRELS. Places Order for 100,000 for Oil Trade in Sharon, Sharon, Pa., Oct. 7--The Russian government, through its American representative, has closed "a con- tract with the Pressed Steel Pro- duets company, a subsidary of the Petroleum Iron Works company of this city, for 100,000 steel barrels. in construction to the steel barrels used by crude oil companies in this country and it is understood that the Russian government. will make quse of them in their petroleum trade. Heretofore, all steel barrels made for the: 'Slavish government have have been turned out in Germany. These barrels are somewhat similar e Daily British" Whis 'An Investment We Can Guarantee You may put every dollar of your surplus funds into our "Guaranteed Investment." Itis one of the safest in the Dominion, and pays a good interest return. Each investor's: capital is secured by a first mortgage or ° mortgages, ear-marked and set aside as his personal security. Besides the mortgage, we give the Corporation's guarantee of principal and interest. Nothing safer, nothing better. We accept sums of $500 and upward, for this form of investment. AGES 9 TO 12 Increase Capital Stock. Chicago, Oct. 7--The North Trust company bas increased its" capita: stock from $500,000 to $2,000,000. New stock will be distributed at par to stock of record September 30th, Write as if you are interested. THE TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS : CORPORATION so that turnkeys at the jail could se- EC Ee Ce HESS Nr ulin CHK w Saat the Pron. Asked by Mr. Cunningham, wit-| Many Contributors To The Patriotic ness stated that he would not con- Fund. for $10,000. damages for the death Fh 2 of hes husband, at the tile company's f LS ove Slewnd to 1uch 8 bree | 0." Aiken, 235; 3 : plant, ahd thdn adjourned the hear- on a tree had been worked off as a Bark, ¥2.5 J. Bennett, 3 P urd, 3 } J. Burns, ¥ : T. Brown, $ cur u . Pg! : ht ak day off Sure the present and a cash dividend of $500,000 or ESTABLISHED 1852 CAPITAL $1.500,000.00 RESERVE $1,500,000.00 time, there were confined to the jau 33 1-3 per cent. will be paid to ASSETS UNDER ADMINISTRATION $63,056,883.97 thirteen men two women, all on : stockholders on October 31st. the la- Head Office, Bayand Melinda Sts. Toronto. Branches, Ottawa, Winnipeg, Saskatoon short terms. = on test date for payment of their stock The jury reported having visited subscriptions, the dividend equalling AAT TAT TT : f the jail, House of Providence, Home the subscription price of the stock. ~ x for the Aged and Infirm, the general 3 A rp x ; hospital and Hotel Dieu, and finding Record Month In Coal Production nua i each institution well conducted and New York, Oct. T--Production of a credit to the city. The jury also anthracite coal in September was the reported making an. inspection of i ACNE largest in any September in the his ' BE the court house and finding every- H a 3 Be tory of the industry, according to { thing most satisfactory, " : eS 3 i a { indications gathered so far When ---- > " ' shipments are announced by the bu- INCORPORATED 1869 -- 3 3 ~ 5 sn ~ " Nt CYS NC Ee tt acite Stati rs 3 : : BRITISH SOLDIERS ON THE CONTINENT. foaw re tie . Seal Capital Paid Up - «$11,560,000 The Oskey Case. wr Highland soldiers captured at the battle of Mons who have been interned at Doberitz near Potsdam 300 Tina The record-for.Septem- Reserve Funds - - 13,575,000 a sus Wednosday *Dermoon, DhGermany, , oo = ns ee ber shipments made in 1913 was §5,- Total Assets - - - 180,000,000 court, heard evidence in the suit of | the tile plant came in contact with . KINGS NTIARY | Keenan, $3. 876,496. tons. 4 tree. J. Lawlor, $2.80. RA COLLECTIONS IJlaving 370 Branches throughout Canads and the C. Mills,, $2.25; Thomas D. Min- Dunlop Dividend. S----\\/ est [ndies, this Bank possesses unrivalled facilities nes, $4.70; W. H. Matthews, $2.25; Toronto, Oct.. 7--Dividend num- for handling collections with economy and despatch. 2.25; P. Madden, .~| ber 34, being the regular 7 per cent. LONDON, ENG., OFficE, NEW YORK AGENCY, laugherty, $2.80; dividend on the preferred stock of BANK WiDAN. PoIMCES ETREET, T.0. COR. WILLIAM & CEDAR STREETS 5; A. McConville, $2.-| Dunlop Tire and Rubber Goods Co., KINGSTON BRANCH E. EE. NEWMAN ing until 9,30 Thursday morning as 253. Me 5 : R. McDon-| Limited, has been declared for the ' . Manager, A result of wires touching it, but this ald, $2.80; E. 2 D. J.) three months ending Sept. 30. The McCarthy, $2.80; rge preferred stock was first issued on | ~~ a A ---- i and the Corporation of - Kingston, sider \it goed construction if the R Atk; : : | : ins 5 | here were StI more witnesses 10 be | Lip ces alae denmicd. He declared ¥. Bowie, P. 'Beaupre, 32.80; : i pt em A. B. Cunningham, acting for Mrs. | that the lamp used by Oskey was L Boutrisige pi XR. Peyam, i "J; | $2.50; Rev. M. } S.| March 1st, 1899, since when it has of oo Oskey, held that the electric lamp defective. > : iE I. Berrigdn, $2.25; H. 5. 'egL, [ McCormack, $2. 5. Si continuously paid dividends without rh cial Flower and Oskey used did not comply with the W. C. Rogers, the city electrician, | $3.35. #505 ; eo ox. | o Mrs. Mills. 50¢; T. G. Nicholson, | interruption. rules and ulations set down by corroborated the evidence of Mr 1 Clar k, $2.25; H M Clark, $2.25; 2,25: G. Nolan, $2 25. | -- a . . the hydro-electric commission, in Folger about the inspection made of { W. J. Cave Ls $2.80; R. R. Creigh . O'Leary, $5.00; J. B. Dris- Mr. Carrel A Director. Feather Factories Bus that it was mot properly protected the wires and transformers. He ton, 87.75; Clark, 82 R. A. , $2.50. Quebec, Oct. 7----Frank Carrel, of , : y and that further, the rules of the|also denied the statement that. wires Caughey, & .W. Cook, $2 r. D. Phelan. $7.50: K. C 3, Quebec, bas boen elected a director Te is do. = : Factory Act had been violated... He [touched a tree and said the lamp I'. Davidson, $2.80; S. Donaldson, 82.- 18: 1. J. A. Potter, 2 J. lof the International Portland Ce- chien Smova of ihe competition of ber of employes bas been Increased to placed before the court the rules of | used by Oskey wag defective. 25; W. H. Derry, $3.60; F. Doyle, 32.- | Powell, $2.25; J. Purcell, $2.25; J.| ment company of Spokane, Washing- Ducap German artificial flowers and |240, and it has been necessary to the commission and also a copy of a ---------- B. Duffy, $2.25; 7. 0. G. Dobbs, | A, Rutherford, $2.25. ton, U.S.A. This company, almost Soal Nara: 5 a result of the war, 18 {liave many of the employes work the Factory Act. The evidence for KIAU.CHAU IS RICH $2.35 J. Donoghue, $2.25; P. Dows- | A Silver. $2.50. C. F. Smith. | entirely controlled by Canadian capi- fora as Pa Ey In the artificial |overtime several nights a week, in the most part was the same as given Sun : ley, $2; R. Davis, $2 $3.35; G. Sullivan, 2.25; R. W.|tal, is operating one of the most mo- adn Th ' Teather lac tories of fan- order to cope with the increased at the coroner's inquest héld on Os- | Beautiful Land in China Made Cen- i1. K. Filson, $2.50; J. R. Forster, Sears, $2.50. defn vement 'plants in' the Island ath i Phe. Impose of artificial flow- business that is beiug offered. key's death. ter of Japanese Attack. $3. James Fegg, $2.25; C. Fen- James Twedell, $2.80: T. Tobin. | States, having an output of over two Canton _ ore from Sermany- lo This increased activity 1.3 di- Prof. Herbert Kalmus, of Queen's J. W. Van Eynodhoven in Leslie's | ning, $2 ". Fowler, $i : $2 : W. Tollerst, : W. Tai-| thousand barrels per day. sob 1 ang the lqst figeal Jear frect result of the war," said Mr. C university, declared that the lamp | Weekly, Fahey, $ H. Gray, $: .|ton, $2.25M W. L. aWlsh, $2.2 SL0 B i to : re. 17 The Cana-|. Lanskail, president and manag- did not comply with regulations set| The power of Japan has heen ad- | Gordon, $2.25; D. Germain, i | J. walsh, $.25; H. L. Walker, $2.80; Financial Notes. ivi joial flower and feather in-|ing directr of the Dominion Ostrich down by the hydro-commission. He|gded to the forces against Germany, | H. Grant, $2.25; J. Givens, $2.25. James Weir, $2.25; °H. W. Wilson. The Steel company of Scotland gl bol ee Jo ake up much Feather ( ompany, Limited. "The stated further that the wires in the already -anrroinded by enemies in FP. Hornibrook, $2.80; J $2.80.C. Wheeluer, $2.25: J. Wilson, paid Ti: gor een saat ta 8 i ie qutie iency caused by the with- {war has cut off imports of all the tile company's plant had been pro- Jurope. To Germany this addition- | Hughes, $2.25; Hennessy, $ $2.25. B. R. Watson, $2.25: J. Wat De hrs aval » these impores. } cheap German flowers, and this de- perly. installed, and that there was|,] enemy means little. But there js | W. Holland, $3.35; J. Kennedy, $2. | son, $2.50; T. Woods, $2 50; 8 Franklin, Pa., plant of the Ameri- Jor oh the. om on Ostrich Fouth. ficiency has created u'demand for nothing Iniide the plant which would deep sorrow in the hearts of those | 25; M. J. Kennedy, $2.25; T. J Manas, 32.00, R. Dowsley, $2.25. 1,.y Steel Foundaries. company . will pire Flower and a Femthor Con better Boods oh as -- be buried the sia The lamp | who have ever seen the beautiful | we=s=--e------sem=SSeSmm------ 74], $252.86. = Ee I as ot pa we Fan 'om- {out profitably by domestic manu; a i to carry fcity on the bay of Kiau-Ohau that T oa ID, $100 will ER AA of ey : 7. WINE. 12 lack mired roNied soncerys, ith turers. = Wa: haye ple sups ot requ! of it, butit]| hag been made hy the Germans out | io iea tn fonry that thers is at leas aid ; The California Olive crop is worth [jensen oS Tom Siitve aks all tind of raw materials on hand. of what was only fourteen years ago |one dreaded disease that ' ' Dysentry Epidemic In Bohemia, $2,000,000 The yield throughout |ginco the war bes: uh I activity land, with the co-operation. of our It was his opinion and the|, wilderness, aimost a desert, and |been able to cure in all ifs i Paris, Oct, 8.--In a despateh from | the state is estimated ut about 15.-| 'nee the war began. Under normal |friends-and customers, we hope and general opinion of electrical experts, | which is now the first point of the thay is Later . Hal's Lal known to| Rome the correspondent of the Ha-| (00 tons. d y Sonditiens. these two factories have [expect to be able to keep all our that. to a normal maff, on dry ground | Japanese attack. nN ternity. * Catarrh bein | vas ageney says it is reported there| Panama Railroad made a profit in shout 200 entployes. Since the [hands busy during the coming fall the 110 voltage would not be danger If ever there was justification for mal Let | from Vienna-that an -epidemic of | tan years of $734,723 on its steam- RUNE out of hostilities the num-iand winter ; ous. He had made an inspectionof the | naming Cuba the pearl of the Antil- Ta u on "acting | dyseniry has broken out in Bohemia | ships. In- eleven months-to-- May} -- = A ------ plant a few hours after the fatal ac-| jes, then Thing-Tao, the city of the | roi wy and Moravia }1st, '1014, profits were $267,019. | of which George B. Keith, of Boston, [ Justifies Seizure of German Island. cident, The ground where Oskey| German leased territory, deserves to | ries A mining man returning from | has been principal owner, Tokio, Oct. 8.The newspapers, stood was dry. He examined the ine called the diamond of the China Grand Truk Trainmaster To Go. | Porcupine predicts a great influx of Some big profits have been realiz-| commenting on the capture of the city line outside the plant, and gave sea. It is the spotless town in real- London, Ont, Oct. 8.--It is rum-| English and American money into|ed by Montreal grain firms who Island of Jaluit by Japanese naval it as his opinion that the 110 and} iy : . ti y istorii ored in local official circles that athe camp as soon as the general bought pretty extensively of Canad- forces, declare that this action was 6550 voltage wires were so construct-| Pjcturesquely situated on wide- has » h fait i 'r= | move is on foot to abolish the office | conditions, cause by the" war, im-|ian western oats when prices . Were | necessary to safeguard Japan's terri- ed as to. touch with a tree and this| clean streets that have been blasted |" ase that it fails to cure. Send | of trainmaster throughout the com-| prove away down, and have since made | torial, commercial, and maritime in- would have caused trouble. He re-| out of the virgin rock are charming OF of testimonials pany's entire system, the duties of At Bangor, Maine, is announced | gains of 10c to" 12¢ per bushel. Their | terests. They add that the seizure garded the wiring as bad construc- | villas and pretentious houses of many | Address ¥. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, the position to revert to the division- | that the Eastern Manufacturing | profits are said to have ranged from | was justified, also because of the - tion. wealthy Chinese who fled to the ter- I? sara by all Druggists, 75¢ al superintendent's department, as|company has taken over the Katah-| $10,00 to $25,000 ,within about two seizure and destruction of shipping Clarence Broodbank another elec- | ritory under German control during | Take 'Hall's Family Pills for consti- | was formerly the case. din Pulp and Paper plant at Lincoln, | months' time. by the Germgn cruiser Emden. } Mutt Doesn't Appreciate Tender Sentiment yn rg By "Bud Fish trical expert ,who was doing some |the many revolutions in China {pation work at Queen's university at the | ows time the acecldent occured, and who was called to make an inspection, stated that he found that the wires feeding the tile works come in con- tact with trees at some places ana R that this would cause a' cross circuit. : 3 -- oo Elmer Davis, of She jannery, stay: DE p Ey wens, ed that there had n trouble w MUTY | { N SWEET the motor at his place on the Friday BLOOMER. WRITING OUT | I GOT \TaLL THERE COMES A or Saturday preceding the accident. A PROPOSAL FoR ME DOPED: QUT -- NOW PLA TNE THE The motor stopped, and it was found 2 L TOR AR: NE ! TRY Pe ON MUTT ; i id that the transformer had been burnt SrERDEY L ¢ A 3 ; out. The following Monday it was ONE MNSELF TODAY ~ 4 ~ HE'S GOY MEN WHEN HE THEN LEARN IT AND bi A SEYT'ref. Hike OF . EDUCATION THAN S GREATER THINGS burnt out again. John Gingham, in charge of the PROTOSE TO MY 5 d "THAN 7 ME TUL Se gz THAN A MERE EXisTenceE motor at the tannery, corrobated Mr IF HE LIES (7! / er' Davis' evidence and stated further, that on the two occasions the motor f stopped, no trouble was found in- = side the plant. He did not know P) = : where the trouble was but the men E : b sont by the eity to ascertain the ee trouble, worked at the transformer. Mrs. Holder, living at 462 Mont- real street, told of seeing four em- = ployees of the city stop at the trans- 3 | o former at the corner of Thomas and = { 7 a : = Ii [IH Montreal street on Sunday after- : noon, a few hours after the accident occurred. One man climbed the pole, and appeared to be working at the transformer. A day or so afte. | & man worked at it again. i ting for the tile Mr. Godfrey, ac company, declared that the company | had not heen shown liable by the' evidence and J. L, Whiting also de- clared that no negligence had been shown on thé part of the corpora- - ! "tion, } : - (wey! City Officials Testify. : gn % rer aL: C. C. Folger, general Manager of - GIMME THE LTA ae the civic light plant, William Cc \ : ; : 1 : Rogers, the eity's = electrician and ; BOARD oF : ( Frank Acton and Stanley Adsit tw. HEALTH | city linemen, declared ' positively, that a few hours after the accident occurred, they had made a thorough inspection of the line from the trans former on Montreal street to the tile co p's plant, and that the had been found in first Er SaISn in. referrink to the i r. , in referring n- spection, told of the visit to the! transformer at Montreal and: Tho mas street. It was found to be in first-class dition. © Nothing war done to the character of tae transformer. = The transtormer au. the outer station gate was alse ex- ined, and found to be O.K., There as of crossing or interfer- °