Daily British Whig (1850), 8 Oct 1914, p. 12

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= "THE DAILY H WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1914. MISS PANKHURST TELLS THE HOMELAND'S CALL. A HARD TASK. % By Ronald Mecasill tn Maclean's Mag- Yo. lw Outs Cecile Usha r October. 0 w Out a Candle Ising a el Hearken, ye whelps ofi the Lion! Funnel 2, . WHY THE SUFFRAGETTES ARE Stir ye, awake from your dreams; x FOR WAR. Hark to the wo 1d-flung challenge, To blow out a candle, using a fun- List to the peple's scream; vel to blow through, seems a ridi- Thrown in the teeth of the nations | culously easy thing to do. But ask : any friends of yours to .try it. and sce what happens. Ten to one he Terrible: menacing; grit; Hear ve the words of defiance, Hurled to the Empire's rim 7 will fey to blow through the cup "Stand from the path of 20 as to force his breath through southern mate, ~ the narcow neck of the funnel. As Stand aside lest ye be too late this is not gn easy thing to do he And 1 tear thee limb from limb." will flatten mouth and mose in his endeavors, while trying tp force his face into the small cup. Then he will reverse 'the funnel and blow into the peck, and when he does not \suc- ceed in extinguishing "the light he will blow harder and harder and fin-| ally he will admit that he is beat- en Utilizes every heat unit. Flues arranged so heat is forced to travel over top of oven in ndora C down behind it and twice un- der the bottom before escap- © ing to chimney. See the M. dealer. : MADE-IN-CANADA " * SOLD BY J. B. BUNT & CO. K RAILWAY | STEM LA WIRE ow Colonist Rates Triumph of Germany Would .Be a Disaster to Women the World Over --Her Position in Fatherland Lower Than in Any Other Coun- try, "l agree with the prime minister --------" 'No wonder the audience breke into merriment, If a few months ago anyone had prophesied that ' Miss Christabel Pankhurst would go on to a public platform to support a government which had consistently refused to enfranchise women he would have been regard- ed as an imbecile. 'The . London Opera House was crowded in every part when Miss Pankhurst spoke on the German peril and the need of offering it a vigorous resistance, Miss. Pankhurst presumably spoke forthe W.S.P.U., as a whole. When they became sufiragettes they did not cease to love their country. "I have tremendous belief in British civili zation. I have no use for the va gue internationalism which is de- tached from love of one's-own coun try. You whl never coerce patriot ism out of suffragets. We do not identify our country with politicians with people who have despitefully used us, but with everything that is great. When that country is at war We are at peace with the govern ment. Women are ready to forget ; their wrongs and grievances, and tc stand shoulder to shoulder with men I agree with the prime minister and I hope that he will never again disagree with me--that we cannot stand idly by and see brutality tri- umph over freedom." Miss Pankhurst's throughout was that the military triumph of German would be dis- astrous all round--to the German nation, to Belgium, to France, to England, - and, particularly, to wo- men all-over the world. home, "Women's position in Germany is Warring on land or on salt lower than in any other European foam, country. What are our feelings | To fight for the Union Jack." when we know that the women of Belgium have had to face --more than the newspapers dare tell us? Upon the preservation of the Bri- tish empire depends the enfran- chisement + of women. Already they have the vote in British do- minidbns overseas, and it is the mis- sion of the Anglo-Saxon race to spread democratic principles and emancipate women throughout the world. Germany has only the form of democracy, not, the reality Its policy of militarism has reduced democratic government to a farce and created a tyranny. What of Russia? Do not be paralvzed by the remoter danger, and fall a prey to the foe at your gates. I have more fear of Germany than I have of viece will get whatever he wishes Russia, more hope of Russia than of or. Now, pull! O-oh! You' got Germany. Do not prate about co t Well, whatever you wished for ercion in Russia until you have ex- in will get. What did you wish patiated the offense of the torture of ior?" women in Britain. There is hope "I wished for some more chicken." of 'Russia because in it there moves -Exchange. the spirit of rebellion, whereas Ger- my Hearken, ye whelps of the lion, tear yo his arrogant cry? : "Where is there ome to dare me, One who'll do battle and die ? Fear I the bear that was conquered, Cowed by the small yellow man ? Heed I the squeaks of an upstart [ ground in the dust of Sedan? Wha talks to me of the Lion's sway ? A lion's cubs prey ! 'nd mercy is pone of my plan." In blowing through the neck of the funnel he has directed the funnel directly at the light, so that the flame is exactly opposite to the place where the neck of the funnel joins the cup You, on taking the funnel from him, incline the funnel so that its proper edge is on a level with the light. You blow gently. The light s extinguished at the first puff with- out any of the, desperate effort which your friend put forth. If you ponder a moment you sealize why fou succeeded and why your friend failed. His breath om enteving the cup or funnel spread in all directions, apd the tiny currefit of air was dispersed upward and down- ward, so 'that, as he neatly levelled the centre of the funnel at the flame, no-eurrent of air ever veached it, You, on the contrary, hold upper wall of the funnel on a evel with the flame. The current of air started by your breath, on reaching the edge of the wall, steamed ward inthe direction given it 3 the restraiping wall and on reaching the flame snuffed it out.--Boston Am- erican. THINGS THEATRICAL. WT other points at rates in pro. Ask for full particulars. eagle's may be Hearken, ve whelps of the Lion, What says thy mother's roar ? "Who is this Teuton boaster lo prate so loud of war? Long have I stood his insults, Long have I leashed my might 'ut. never brooked dishonored peace, Fhe ttme has come to fight ! Rise then ye whelps of the Lion's breed, Thy mother's call in the Empire's will Finishing Touch To A Perfect Meal 2% Reduced Fares A -------------- -- -- tes ttn SINGLE FARE ood going Oct. 12. Return Hmit t." 12 3 a FARE AND ONE-THIRD Good going Oct. 10-11-12. Return mit Oct. 13 2 (Minimum charge 25¢.) Particulars regarding Rail or JOvean tickets from FF. CONWAY, ¢ JPA, Clty Ticket Office, Cor. Pr cons and Wellington Sts. Phone 1 97 CHASE & SANBORN ---- MONTREAL. CANADIAN NORTHERN THROUGH SERVICE TO TORONTO AND OT- TAWA (Dally Except Sunday) heed And battle for the right ! "Send me the men from the Southern Cross "ager to do their part; me my sons from the north, Ven of the mighty heart, Give me the men from the sun-baked veldt, Bred to the rifle's crack; Send me alike both rich and poor; No feak that men I'll lack; Making one cause with my sons at Wothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the the Send frozen 2 ThePropiearyor tea! MedicicAct AVesetable ; hg hens aaron rks. the Stomachs and of 147 contention motes Digestion Cheerfid ness and Rest.Contains neifter Opiur Morphine nor Miceral Nor NarcoTic. # Lxope of Old DeSMUELITTOER Dagar ged sea | Notes About Plays, Players and Playhouses. Adele Blood, who headed her own stock company at Shea's, 'l'oronto, last summer, has postponed her vau- deville engagements. Miss Blood will open in a new play, "Milady's Bpu- doir," next month. 1 Lina Abardanell is rehearsing, with Eddie Foley, some new dances pre- paratory to entering vaudeville. Blanche Ring, who appeared in "l'o ronto in "When Claudia Smiles," is ip vaudeville, Blanche Walsh will return to vaude- ville in a new playlet written for her by M. I. Robertson. The title.is *"'He Who Laughs Last." Herbert helcey and Effie Shannon huve postponed their vaudeville en gagements. Both will re.enter. the le His Wishbone Wish. It was.a Sunday dinner, and there was chicken for dinner that Sunday. The little son of the house was in- ordinately fond of that fowl and he iad partaken of fit with freedom. And presently he said: "Please may [-have some more chicken?" "No; dearie," answered his mam- ma. "I think you have had :nough." "But I want some more!" "You can't have any more. But listen-- don't cry, Here's a wish- one! Isn't that fine? You and namma will pull it. You pull on me end and mamma will pull on the ther. The one that gets the biggest FOR QUICK LUNCH Crosse & Blackwell's Potted Ham Potted Chicken Potted Lobster Potted Anchovy Potted Ham and Chicken Mushroom Catsup Mushrooms in Gravy D. COUPER Phone 76 341-3 Princess St. THE BEST WAY TO Port Hope, Cobourg, Trenton, Ple- ton, Belleville, Napanee, Smith's Falls, Hawkeshury, Joliette, and all intermediate points, y Aperfect Remedy for Conshipa- ion, Sour Slomach,Diarrhoca; Worms, Convulsions, Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP For Rall and Steamship Tickets and all information, apply to M, C, Dunn, City Pieket Agent, or R. H, Ward, Station Agent. For ver Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CRMYAUR COMPANY, NE Ter CenTAUR COMPANY MONTRE?L ANEW YORK gitimate, Dorotirv Passing Show, in' vaudeville. "I'he Little Modiste"" densed for a vaudeville act, and said to be meeting with success. Martell, formerly of "I'he _: is dong a singing act Ath months old 5 Doses ~ 35 CENTS] THR LONDON DIRECTORY has heen con- CANADIAN SERVICE Southampton From NIA 18 Montreal Oct, 10 « Kastboy NIA up. ? Third nd, $32.75. Westbound, "Apply local Ticket Agent Robert * Reford ~ Co., Limited, Agents, 50 King Street East, T ams ronto. (Published Annually) enables traders throughout the World to communicate direct with English MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS In each class of goods. Besides being a complete commercial guide to London and its suburbs the Directory contains many has acquiesced in the depriva- tion of constitutional rights. ""The war might be a cinemato- graph show for all that some people seem to realize what it is and what it means." Spartan-like, she wants every one of us, whatever our posi- Sudden Impression. dfe Magazine, Librettist--That's a great ¢horus they have in the new show at the >alcium Theatre. €ritic--Yes. I knew it would be a success before the curtain had gone October number of Rod and Gun in Canada magazine, is descriptive of a notable Canadian canoe race, cover- ed hours, A Splendid Sporting Number. Although the opening article in over two hundred miles in sixty the table of contents shows tion, to be put upon a food allow- ance, just like the soldiers. "At this time we ought to live like soldiers. It is right that spme people should have abundance, \while others are without food? There must be less luxury, less difference between the life of the rich and the poor; we must learn to live simply. "The war?" said Miss Pankhurst, "will not be an unmixed evil. It. will break down our insularity, bring us nearer to the other peoples of the world, and we shall be better citi zens and better able to solve our own domestic problems. We wo- men are not going to weaken the country, we are going to strengthen it, materially and spiritually; and we are confident that when peace is established we shall be brought into partnership with men as citizens of the empire." tists of : is up two feet. a predominance of big game hunting . SEs. ]BloTies, "How 1913 Turned Out Lack For One Bull Moose" is the ood eep story of a moose hunt in Quebec wilds; "An Unusual Hunting Trip" describes an American sportsman's Exhausted Nerves Were Fully Restor. ed by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. SOWARDS ¥ Keeps | Coal = and Coal Keeps "SOWARDS EXPORT MERCHANTS with the goods they ship, and the Co- lonlal and Foreign Markets they sup- oly; STEAMSHIP LINES arranged under the Ports to which they sail, and indicating the approximate sailings; PROVINCIAL TRADE NOTICES Wome's Fine Boots Ni outing after moose in New Bruns- wick forests; while "Moose Hunting in the Riding Mountains of Mani- toba" tells of a winter hunt in that province. "Trapped" is an amusing story of how a western sportsman outwitted the R. Ni Ww. M. re- presentative, Other stories and the regular departments make up an in- teresting big game issue for Cana- dian sportsmen, of leading Manufacturers, Merchants, ete, in the principal provincial towns and industrial centres of the United Kingdom. Dongola Kid, Gun Metal, Tan Calf and Patent Leath- er, buttoned or Blucher. Would make a good fall boot When the nerve force expended in the day's work ahd in the act of fiving is not replenished by restful sleep at night you have cause to be alarmed, as physical bankruptey stares you in the face. This letter directs you to the most satisfactory cure for sleep- lessness. Mr. Dennis Mackin, Maxton, Sask., writes: --*1 have just finished using the sixth hox of Dr. Chase's Nerve #ood, and I must say that when 1 jommenced using it my nerves were 50 bad that T could scarcely get any sleep. I would lie in bed nearly all night without sleep, and anyone who has this trouble knows the misery of sleepless nights. The Nerve Food helped me from the start, and has; built up my nervous system wonder- fully. I now enjoy good, sound sleep and instead of feeling tired in the morning I am strong and healthy, and well fitted for my daily work." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 60 cents a box, 6 for $2.50; all dealers, or Ed- A copy of the current edition will be forwarded freight paid, on receipt of Postal Order tor #5. Dealers seeking Agencies ean adver- tise their trade cards for 85 or larger advertisements from $15, . THE LONDON DIRECTORY Co, LTD. 35 Abchurch Lane, London, E. C. A A AANA Al sopra ti, WOMEN WHO ARE ALWAYS HRED May Find Help in This Letter. Swan Creek, Mich. -- "I cannot speak too highly of your medicine. Hyproetitical Daddy. A young minister preached ope Sunday in a rural congregation and spent the next day visiting the peo- ple. - a Yana At one place the man of the house \ was expressing his appreciation of the sermon in complimentary terms 1 Jd EN N INGS . . . King Street. we EERE while assisting the minister to put up his team, His little son had ry AA A -- = » D7 J.Collis Browne's ' : * followed him. and after eyeing the THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE ------ HEAVIER TAX ON LIQUORS. Annual Reveane of Fifty Million Dol- lars Will Result, I Washington," Oct. 8. "Liquors would bear the heaviest burden of the $100, 000,000 war revenue tax, as it is be ing revised by the caucus of senate de mocrats," which began work on the financis committee's draft of the bill. First action of the caucus was to vote an increase in the proposed extra tax on beer from 50c. to 75¢. a barrel, to make the total tax $1.75 a barrel. A special revenue tax.on rectifiers of dis tilled spirite of 5c. a gallon also was adopted. Together the proposed taxes on Berors would yield an annual rev- | manson, Bates & Co., Limited, Tor- enue of more than $50,000,000. ont, ; tA hit, We sell Ice Cream In bulk "and deliver to all parts of the city. . All seasonable fruits kept in stook. Phone 1128, 280 Pringess St. minister a minute or two exclaimed: "Why, papa, you said he was a | one-herse preacher, and he's got two | §! hosses!"'---Exchange. Queer Optimist. Washington Star < '"Bliggins says he is an optimist." "Yes. He's one of these mem who will call attention to your trou- ble simply for the sak¢ of showing what a good hand he is at cheering folks up." nn The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Rem=dy for, Coughs, CoLps, | ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS. Agts like a charm in * DIARRHCEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effactually cuts short al* sitacky of SFASMS. Chechs and arecsts those joo offen fatal diseases FEVER, CROUP 0d AGUE, The only palliative ix NEURALGIA. GOUT, RIEUMATISH, I pleasure in recom- ng it to others."'--Mrs. ANNIE Cameron, R.F.D,, No. 1, Swan Creek, Chi dyne is a Lignid taken in drops. gradunted aocording to the malades, It invarid relieves pan 0] whitdever kind | creates a coin refresring shook; "alloys drridaigon of the rervous system when. all other vomedics fari: louves #9 bad effects: and can be taken shen wo offer. midicine can be foleraieds J CONVINCING MEDICAL TEATIMDNY WITH BAGH BOTTLE. Sold by all Chemists. Prices in Tagland « WS, 8, Ae Sele Masvfactarers: 1 T: DAVENPORT pp------ Set | Pice of INSIST ON HAVING Pe. J COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. Tie immense dueesns of 100 Rernady bas given tire 10 many imitations last you a lifetime. Don't rain them by wearing cheap, ill-fitting shoes. 'ear Invictus Shoes, for! will prove a safeguafd | comfort to your feet. Sawyer 'NB. Beary Settle of Geavia © Chilcrodyae Sears on the stamp Ce svtaton. ec 0 iaventor, De J. Collis Browne.

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