the guest of his phtenta; Mr. and Mrs. | 3 ' Frank Dobbs, Barrie street, 1 4 Mrs. R. J. McDowall and Miss Elda | old In McDowall, Wellington street, left to- ) . . day for Toronto, to spend Thanksgiv- ..McKay Furs Are Made in Kingston... TT i with Sh. aud NL ero ol fr be Jaen Moston. fy Twilight {5000000 RUSSIA WENT TO WAR Mise Elsie Gillies, Carleton Fiace, will OH ext week to visit Mr. : 3 op. | come to town. nex On Monday last Mrs, Albeit F. | and Mrs. J. 5S. R. McCann, Wellington mer (formerly Miss Harriett Samwell) strest revéivedt for 'the first time since her ME T. C. MN Gill 4 p o left, to-day, to €6 gs » " marriage at the residence of her moth- ; 2 Tor " v P er, Mrs. T. J. Lockhart, 133 Union apa the Soliday i JOG. ina Y e 1 e apers ng an an er- street. The pretty bride, who received jy. come Hall, in Toronto, is with . wa hat mate, wis stein in er her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Uglow, d h "Oran e a er 0 ussia ve ibg gown of white satin, trimfhec 3atrie stree i kagiving. t - g P with seed-pearls and princesse lace, Barrie treet tor Phan agreing many an e 1 and wore a corsage bouquet of white s. NX. WN nC m Place roses. 'Mrs. Lockhart: was becoming. Mrs. N. M. Ridde'l, Carleton Place, 3 : is spending a few days with her son, ly gown k 3 : ly gowned in white and black voile Mr.' Ross Riddell, who is attending quet' of purple asters. She. drwving. | 00S. Ste it And other diplomatic correspondence and documents relating to White and pink ou lecorated with | youth, eft to-day to spend Thanksgiv the European war, republished from the New York . Times, August 23rd the diLing-oom the tea table mos cor ing in Ottaws, the guest of Miss Lor- and 24th, September 27th and other dates, 1914. The New York Times tred with a silver mounted mirror, Mi JK. Robartson. of Queen's, is was the only newspaper in the world to publish all these important offic standing on a handsome lace centre | __ °. " k ine wh in Dar. : piece and upon which stood a cut | 7 nding Thanksgiving with his por ial documents. ents in Perth. glass vase of white roses and asters, Miss Helen surrounded by white tulle, Mrs, J. NS. Ea Moos, Fondan, whe is t OPEN NIGHTS ' 0 St. Ag Colle Al IR, Donaldson - poured tea, while Mrs attending St. Agnes' College, in Bells J h N 1 ville, is spending a few days with Mrs. 2. 082Ph Newman cut joss, he pret- | ponard Brow n, "Kensington Place." tily gowned girls who: assisted in sery- Mr. Morley Sellery and Mr. Stanley ing were: Miss Florrie Elmer, Miss : re ) Gertrude Craig and Miss May Funnel. Martin, of Queen's, are spending the Little Miss May Lockhart, dressed. if week-end with Rev, Samuel and Mrs Princess Street. Plan 919 : : Sellery, Napanee. white embroidery with tango sash, | 7°" pa; a . » f . i : opened the door. Mrs. Filmer will re- : 3 | Any combination o guive with hor "mother vers fourth | Mr and Mr Douglas Hammond, . ABE g street, le « Ay 0 d Monday during the season. Thanksgiving with My. and' Mis. A. H. Kohl in Brookville . . Mrs. H. av ot ive fd - Smart Furs designed | the Joly iat pverl WE Loceive jo Mr. Sydney MeCann, who has been ia a. @ [B [city, at her home, 22 Barrie street, | 1 the west for the past six months, is . d d h t {p | next Wednesday and Thursday after- | #Xpected hile ak © hg is ™- | 8, i 9 sa. | PATENLR, r. ane re, S. © an ma € On S or noons, and. afterwards the first Tue Cann, Wellington street, day of every month. 3 ; 3 ge TE Miss Janet M. Scott will arrive from otice Mrs. R. Waldron, Barrie strees, will Te Higa Jodas, to, visit Mrs ames n . . receive on Tuesday afternoon next. raig ari street, » . ST Miss R. Voaden, Peterhoro, is spend. G Y H lid R - Oddly cased clocks. Mes Hubert Stothom exports to | 8 the ikend in foin, 'the guest et Your rlohday Kequire- [ili 6 7 (atch moa. sail for Eng and next Thursday ¢ Mr. and Mes, Charles I vior andi hi S n fi rniture. visit Mrs. E. F. 8, Dywson. li Met dan ha: J No Nepm ments at t 18 tore x Country designs Mrs. Midhleton, Clifton, who has nee, the guests of Rev. Samuel and I mostly. béen Mrs. James Lesslie's guest .on Mrs! Sellers William street, returned home to we es . { Spe TE day. me Ne tp in -- Clocks are going up Fx-Cadet B. Asherolt, Vernon, B.C., | indimintrttsmougall, who is attend. ; tv shad in price > » ? ' zr hith ollege, 1s spending a few . spent Wednesday in Lown on his way I a with: Mrs 2 M hen niver FINE QUALITY KID GLOVES, in pret y shades, Select ours before to Ottawa . sity avenue lso black; all sizes and each pair guaran- y ' aiso ' th h Miss Mildred Jones and Miss Mar Miss Grace Tlemming, King street, |} $1 00 $1 25 that appens. Jorie Pense are spending a few dave | leit {o-dav for l'oronto 16 spend | J! hind i ink Brockviile, the guests of Mx Thanksgiving with friends. Beverly Jones at. Rockford Mr. J. Smythe will come from 'lo- & 5 aug Mes. Aututy Davie and % Yomto Somght, and in bring his A BIG SHIPMENT OF LADIES' FANCY WAISTS . ' . A Avis, of ewmarket, are wilh friend, t Arscott, with him to spenc a : : | Me. and Mrs. Harold Davie, Stuart | the week-end with Mics Bessie Smothe received this morning. Smith Bros., street, for the week-end Mrs. W. (i. Hagarty and her small | : Miss Phyllis Plummer and Miss Des- | baby will leave soon with Mrs. Plun- oodles Marriage Spada oy to vie Min Ags Johann or | Se Lotn re bars" «fi; |} PRETTY SHADES OF LADIES' SILK HOSE, day to visit Miss Agnes Johnston for | Mass. Later Mrs. Hagarty R FRESH GROUND OOF- HUTTON'S LIMITED ~|* fev days. a Mattie ate. Hon ob Canary, Emerald, Reseda, Old Rose, China Blue, fl|{l--wv--roo | AX 40c. CAN'T 38 BEAT. 18 Market St. Kingston, Ont. Miss Ethel Kons sate doe n from | Tordnto the end of this week and is White, Black, Special at a sample order Insurance and Real Estate. Toronto to-day bringing two school | the guest of her grandmother, Mrs, | Co ea friénds with her, Miss Belle Dever Henry Cunningham, Earl street. Telephone 70 idge and Miss Stonehouse, to spend Cont hued on page!) LATEST CREATIONS in Ladies' Neckwear 25¢ up mga | Thanksgiving with Lieut.-Col. and i Mrs. R. BE. Kent, King street will Teac h Here. LE mme------ m---- Mrs. Cross, of Winnipeg, (formerly Musical people will be glad u | Miss Kate Smellie), is at present | ie sri that Miss Bajus has de: vided ROMAN STRIPE SILKS and Ribbons for Sashes, visiting friends in Hawkesbury and | tn begin the teaching of singing if A big array of dainty designs. 2 will later come to Kingston. iKingston. Afier some years with | IS d Ie Miss Agnes' Johnston, who is. at- pram ---- -- I as ! tending Queen's, went down to Gan aBoque yesterday to visit her pa- | "The Hat Store' If LADIES' AND MISSES' TWEED, also plain navy - id Mrs. G. T.. Jol . J ) Passing Away Tor he Relay 1» Johnston Ess suits, priced up to $20.00 a suit. Your choice Miss Mamie Nesbitt has gone to Ottawa for Thanksgiving. » » . - T ".o to-night hanksgiving | -- ye This is the time to buy your furs. You have a better assortment to choose fession of optics beyond the cupy Capt W. G. Hagarty's honse i WE HAVE A BIG RANGE OF NOBBY COATS, from, at sphere of the old time "side on Earl street, for the winter. M d | bs . line" man. The strain mod- Mrs. Mellis Ferguson and her litile on ay i i | the newest styles out | - * eern civilization places upon son will arrive in town from St A | - sesso our er urrer the eyes demands the attention Thomas about the fifteenth of (he of a specialist, month, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Mal | 78.80. Brock St. We are Optical Specialists, colm Sutherland, Ea#l street. , 1! i We devote our entire time to Mr. and Mrs. George B. 0'Connor, examining eyes and correcting Edmonton, Alta., who have lately * . ' - rt re reer = EE. ott A } their defects with proper come t, have hee Ning a.3ho hh == EE : Wo save pase into lf SEL Si Wi ae el % 1 Consult Me Now a ty arn BREE on "Se || NEWMAN & SHAW | John Pair ie, Brock street g iyresten. T's i Ne : EH I can quote the best pur- of Rugs. Designs are [IN J.S.Asselstine,D.0. son." Baro, Totonto, are ising New LEA 1 "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORK." chase price or rental figure smaller and prices as Eyesight Specialist. Min Siting Hazlett, Royal To-night will be your | y if, on city property. Mr. William Hazlett, Ottawa, is A 843 King St. Phone 1019 Bl ponding Thanksgiving with his par. last chance to buy = [j= ACRE eR _____|ITWO GOOD BARGAINS low as last season. ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hazlett new hat for the hol ids VY. . Dobbs, Miss Bajus studied in Foz ZEABUTLDERS' SU PLIES SRO) FROM THE LIST Science has taken the pro- Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Sweezy will oc four seasons, i / ! Mr. Mrs. W. Chynoweth,w} Ne York for 5 Hvery make of stair . bud Wh x K¥Sokath.yho Y ou can come, to this oe ddr Madame Badham-Preyer, from have been spending the summer with " : 3 | $1300--Livingston Avenue detached : ila r Mr. and Mrs. James F. Knapp, Joh) Store prepared to find! whom she obtained a diploma for || t's d Good Time! i frame a. with' improve« ; and hall fo match, New Stock of son street, left, on Thursday, for their d = th} teaehing one very seldom given. ! a ments, and stationary washe Be 7 ] : IF uu, id 3 3 y »hest assort ray g l0- home in Pasadena, (al, one of the-he assorie a Madame, Badham I Foyer 12.2 diplo tubs, good gard lot 34 x 132 Mr. and Mrs. A. C. lohuston, Moni« stocks of hats in Can- J]; mee of Cav. Lamperti, of Milan and 8, good garden, lot 84 x 132, dame a | 300 cash, lanc me, real, are with Mr. and Mrs. William ads | Dresden, and was with Madame $s sh, balance on ti Bailie, barrie street for the week-end aaa. | Marchest "of Paris. y i [| $3300--Collingwood Street, detached eet, for ves : | mr . j I brick dwelling, 8 rooms, B and Iron & Brass Mrs. T. Saunders, who has been MPROHIBITED LIST" MEMBER . ie C., electric light, good cellar 1 | spending some time with her sister } c and yard, verandah at front. i Mrs. Howard, on Amherst Island: has [ laims He Got Liquor At Two Of the JIN naa. 4 entering upon ano- £1 Houses to rent from $8 up to $30. | recently returned to Cleve land, tak- Hotels. {Ff ther boom. Here resources will 2! p S {ins her sister with her for a visit 3 Magistrate Farrell will have two [[lR be taxed to the ntmost to meet i | Mr. W. Bates has left Montreal, Li uor cases to deal with at the po- the demand caused by the war, u in, Europe will send us millions of or. Johuton and Division Sta COMFORT AND DURABILITY COM. { where he has been living for the past lice court on T uesday morning. A 3 p ! dollars. Let us get busy. | Phones 539 and 1156 2 { three years, and has joined his fami { meniber of the "prohibited list" e {1y in Cleveland where they will re- | claims that he secured liquor at two No better resting place than our | side. { Tocal hotels, and the proprietors of | If ----0 BANNER GUARANTEED BPRINGs| Miss Mildred Macmorine will come ii {these two hotels have been served | |S IRON AND BRASS BEDS, $3.00, {!0 town from Toronto to-night and | with a summons to appear in court. S. ANG i IN&CO. and $4.00 up for the strongest and| Wil! be Mrs. H. A. Betts' guest, on [ It is stated that one hotel "ad- best. ' Albert street, until Tuesday morn- Big Variety of New | mits having sold the liquor to the Coal and Lumber Yards : Ostermoor Mattresses, the world's | IDE. Styles in $2 Hats Iman on the list but admits that it | BAY & WELLINGTON STS. best, $11.00 to $15.50, Rey. J. O. and Mrs. Crisp and Miss |-'was entirely a mistake on their part, | |S Phone U6. (Rathiocs e risp are now touring in One of our hig show |and that as soon as they found ales an expect to sail for home on ne aw 3 i {out the mistake called up the license {October 14th by SS. Adriatie. windows is trimmed aR and notified: hitn about the boa with $2 hats exelusive ly { matter. In the other case the charge | Mr. and Mrs, F. K. SPriggs: Pe- . 1 {is denied; ~ terboro, are the guests of Mr. and Hundri ds of styles to | Mrs. A. N. Robinson, Frontenac [ll choose from. Come to 3 : a street. "the he : wl pt . at store' for buv a new detach § {11% | Mrs. Harold Bi Martin, Port Hope, : . I bu; : i LT SRLS ik visiting her sister, Mrs. A. N. |} Your new hat. Man Who Abused His Wite Was 'brick dwelling, seven ji NTH | Robioson, Frontenac street. Kingston' Fazio Punished By the Magistrate d "attic; hot i My i) i Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Macpatand 2 B ens . amous Magistrate Farrell has no sympathy nis an ate; | | apd Mre. Edward G. Keénney and chil- Fur Store welcomes for wife-beaters. In police court, Sat- : § 2 a | dren. have returned from I'remont ics a ts TNE urday, a citizen who has been drinking pr heating, hard 5 | Park and are again with Mr. and Visitors at this 'time. very heavily for a couple of weeks . - >: : d floors. Convenient § | Mrs. James Macpariand, Gore street. Former Kingstonians, as was sent to jail for a month without : WORK & Miss Irene Swift has come down all ; the option of a time. He was charged A § ' Q 3 from Toronto and will visit Mrs. A, Well as Strangen rs, he re with vagrancy, but his wife complain : gf hee W i friend H. Macnee for the week-end at Mrs on a visit, will be nade JH ed that he assaulted her on Friday : a low ends--if dissatis- night, The wife is a hardworking wo- as 3 ol us td man with two children. Uvrkiables 1 TRI at's our ' platform -- a SOLELY . platform constructed on an SATISFIED WITH OUR rr ZI} to feel at home around Mrs. Arthur Craig went to Toronto this hig fur store regard- J} Arniel and Cottor arrested the man ) 4 to-day and will spend Thanksgiving g Tur store regard : "IR" but it's strong en 3 t of th fe. ough with Mr. and Mre. Walter O'Hara and dess of whether or not 8Y the Teque sh ley if and big enough to support you Mrs. Robert (Hara. i Sans il g lf and your friends. You ¢ome to buy, : : f TESTED ONCE i 5 Rigney's home . on Georgy Mrs. Murray Kirke Greene will spend The lire waste in this country is en- mm Ramin, i be | Store closed Thanics. fll cov ck Bes | om th pom oe wi, on she Bute ov bors, dailies, Suest, = Bio : giving Day : tection! Meno adv. on page sis. : » 3 y Pr ie Be a | Kin Laundry curtains. . oe» ; T. BE. Van Geel, of Tillsonburg, J oF re. lf Cor Princess and Sydenham Mr. and Mrs. G. Martin and Mre. 1. ] was in the city on Friday He 12 1 : o A Sts. 28 Miller, of St. John's, Nfid., who have : Belgian and has two brothers fight- . : been in Ottawa, spent a fev days this GEORGE MILLS 8 00 ing at the front. H e Y | TERMS C. 0. D. week with Mr. Stanley Martin, who is = Made "in Canada dress exhibi w, attending Queen's University. 126 and 128 Princess Street. " Mcudels' "stare, Tuesday, Oct. 1%:a. Mr. E B,C Dobbs, Hamilton, is Revd advt, on page six, TRUSTED ALWAYS