Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Oct 1914, p. 8

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\ PA EIGHT ~ ° eter, - rr ----------e et | Thanksgiving | Day u ----" GOING OUT OR AT HOME IT'S YOUR DUTY TO BE AT YOUR BEST THANKSGIVING DAY . We've an idea that one of "our $15.00 or $18.00 new fall model suits and one of our $12.00, $15.00 or $18 fall overcoats would look well on your fig- ure on Thanksgiving Day--or any other day. How About a New Hat or Some Choice Toggery I? Church, football, fam- ily dinner, you'll want to appear at your best and we're at your service with the best of outfitting. ~ Livingston's, Brock Street A Little Out of the Way, But 1t Will Pay You to Walk. a. TO-NIGHT Special Sale of High Class A Dress and Suit Materials $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75, for 69¢ Yard . | Broadcloths, Serges, Cheviots,Poplins, Plaids, Cords, Checksand other Popular Weaves - In all the new Fall Colorings, in- cluding Blacks aad, Creams. Scotch Tweeds, Suitable for Suits, Skirts, Child ren's Dresses and Boys' Suits, 42 to 56 inches wide, values, up to $1.75a yard. To-Night all one price, ~ 69c a Yard Sale at 7.30. WHAT 1S THRERTENED IF THE BOSTON BRAVES WIN AGAIN TO-DAY : Plank Will Try to Turn Back the Boston Batsmen ---- One Desperate Man Grew Gay ard Caught a Bul- let. Philadelphia, Oct. JO.--1f the Boston iiraves beat "lddie'" Plank and take the second game of the world's series, to-day, they are going to demand that Philadelphia surrender the Liberty bell and adopt. '"lessie" as the municipal anthem. . At the present time the city of bro- theity, fatherly, or whatever sort of love it is, is now joining loudly in the chorus with the Athletics render- ing "T'here Goes My Nanny Now." The Athletic fans are mbt spreading *'laat ditch'® conversation as yet in discuss- ing the possibilities of to-day's game. The routing of Chief Bender shocked Father Penn from the top of.his hat to the silver buckles of his 'shoes. (One man felt so desperate, last night, that he hit a policeman on the head with 'a brick just to assert his inde pendence. I'he policeman answered the salute and a bullet hit Frank Gal- lagher, a twenty-two-year-old fan, in the thigh, which was the extent of past game casualties. Up to daylight, to-day, George Stal- lings hadn't hit or choked anyone since he throttled the iceman. As there sre several thousand in town who still don't believe all things they read in the papers as to what actually hap- pened at Shibe Park, yesterday atier noon, there was a line of nearly three thousand waiting outside the bleacher gates before breakfast to-day. As soon as yesterday's crowd was admitted to thg bleachers the line ior to-day's game Bgan to form. Trere were hundreds of all-nighters and at- ter midnight men and boys arrived in droves. 'l'here were but few who offer ed their places for sale. 'lhe police permitted them --to have boxes and stools to sit on during the long hours of waiting and venders were on the job with coffee, crullers and fruit, de- spite the fact that the cloudy weather continues to linger in the Vicinity possibly attracted by the big scrap the weather man predicted sunshine for the game this afternoon. ('onnie Mack has made no secret of the fact that he expects to start Plank, 'the Gettysburg hero, after the galloping Braves, and expressed voth ing but absolute confidence in the vet erah's ability to turn back the Laston batsmen. Will There Be Sunshine: Philadelphia, Oct. 10.--1t was cloudy and a very light mist was falling ear ly to-day, but Weather Man Bliss pre- dicted a clearing and sunshine before the time for the second game of the world's baseball series this alternoon How Boston Won on Friday Philadélphia, Oct. 10. Playing with the same sensational speed that marked their rush from last place to thee ~position of pennant winners in he National League the Boston Braves crushed the Philadelphia Americans here yesterday in the fin al game of the world's series by a score of 7 to 1. The victory over the two to one American League favorites was well won, no lueky breaks or baseball flukes figuring in the defeat of the famous Mackman clan. By sharp heavy and timely hitting the Braves piled up an offensive lead which, coupled with Rudolph's sterling box work and the general defense of his teammates, left no opening through which the Philadelphia club's attack could penetrate. The National league combination actually feels the certainty of ulti mate victory. Untried in a world' series, they have won decisively a new revord; for with their bats they drove Chief Bender, the Athlet'cs Jrest money pitcher, to the bench a feat no other club ever achieved against one of Connie Mack's twirl irs in a world's series. Fully 25,000 spectators saw the down-fall of the Athletics, and whil¢ the defeat shortened the odds in the betting, it has not shaken the faith of the average local fan in the abili ty of the Mackmen to come from be nind and conquer their younger anc presumptuous rivals, In the distribution of honors the lion's share went to" Ku dolph, the pitcher. It was his slow) deceptive delivery that proved the Mackmen's undoing. THE SCHEDULE DRAWN For the New City Amateur Rughyy League, A meeting of the new city ama- teur rugby league was held on Fii- day evening when this schedule was drawn : Oct. 12th--Shamrocks vs. Dry- bones. Oct. cents. «Oet., Oct. rocks. 24th--Crescents vs. 28th--Shamrocks 14th--Shamrocks.s vs. Cres: 17thr-Crescents 21st--Dribones vs. Drybones, vs, Sham- Drybones. V8. Cres- Drybones. ve. Cres- . 3lst--Crescents vs. 3rd--Shamrocks A eoach was appointed in the per- son of Robert Yellowley. The first game of this league will be played on. Thanksgiving Day. Officials Chosen. individualy CITY AND VICINITY. Patriotic Fund Subscriptions. Wallace W. King (New Jersey), $5. Rev. William Craig, $5. { © Jo A. Jaquith, 85. Fall And Winter Imporatations. Prevost, Brock street. has' received all his fall importations for his tailoring department consisting of suiting and overcoating. in great variety to choose from. Also large stock of ready-made clothing and gents' furnishings. R Women Seek Medical Course It is announced at Queen's Uni¥er- to the senate for the privilege of tak-{ ing a course in the Queens Medical College. The matter is before the sen- ate at the present time. i Night Classes At Kingston Business College, head day, 14th. Shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, eivil service, general im- provements. Rates moderate. "Phone HU. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. i Belgian Relief Fund | The following additional subserip-, tions for the belgian relief fund have been received by the president of the Board of Trade: Mhingston Canadian Club, #50; Prof. 0. D. Skelton, ¥25: "X.," $5; "L.M,," $1. Donations of clothing have also been received. Mayor Returned To Ottawa. Mayor Shaw came up from Ottawa on I'riday to attend the civic finance committee meeting and returned there carly Saturduypmorning. 'It is *un- derstood his worship is negotiating with the dominion government with reference to the King street break- walter, Saturday's Market Prices. There was a very large market on Satuday "morning. The pricks were unchanged from last 'week except that apples, though plentiful, were, selling at 30c. a peck, Potatoes are worth 80c, a bushel; butter, 30c. to 32. a pound, and eggs from 30c. to Jie, a dozen, Have Formed A Band. A number of the German pri.on ers of war, confined to Fort Henry, have organized a band. A number )f the men who are very handy with a pen-knife have made whistles out of pieces of wood. A drum has beer mad2 out of a portion of a vin gar barrel. The men march acound th parade grounds and go thr) gh rit The Rifle Found. The rifle which Szymondski carried off with him when he made his es- cape from the penitentiary has bien found in a quarter that is quite up- expected in view of his statements as to where he had been during the time he was wandering about the coun try. The exact location has not been disclosed as yet, but the wea pon was "found in the vicinity of Smith's Falls, : War, War, War. For Kimg and Country extra reel special, first German war tures direct from England showing actual scenes on the: battlefield, troops leaving for the front, roll call of the 4th Royal Suffolks, mine lay- ers at work, 'capture of = German spies and many genuine battle scenes, at the King Fdward, Wednesday and Thursday, afternoon and evenings. Special programme for Thanksgiv- ng tw pie- Warning to Parents - 0 inspector of the departm.:.: of reglected and dependent child "il, of the Ontario government, b.- Irawn attention to the follows clause of the "Children's Protection Act of Ontario, being section 16 of bat act: "No girl under sixteen and uo bo: under ten years of age, Sumi Lgage in, or be licensed or pern tel to engage in, any street trade «. ceoupation. Several girls snd very young boy tive been seen breaking this sc. cei by selling-papers-on the st: « * hangston. The attention of pai- *. 18 is drawn to this so as to »- sent trouble for them and tay r ildren. Some Echoes From Valcartier, \ 'soldier who arrived from Quebec on Friday gives some facts about the Valcartier camp and its manage- ment. The horses were on the trans- port ships from Saturday to the fol- lowing Thursday before they left" the wharves. There were more. supplies left on the wharves than were taken on board. There were thousands oi dollars worth of supplies, such as tents, boots and clothing that were never taken out of the boxes and cases they were shipped in, were burned on the grounds, There was an order sent out that another dress parade would take place on the Sun- day before the troops sailed but this was cancelled suddenly. It was cur- rent gossip that the order cancelling the original one issued by the min- ister of militia was made by ° the Duke of Connaught. i v FIRST CONGREGATIONAL Held Thanksgiving Social and Tea on Friday Evening. A most enjoyable Thankégiving social and tea was held by the First Congregational church on Fri- day evening. Seventy-five people It was announced at Queen's uni versity on Saturday morning' that tank Hazlett, president of the In- tercollegiate rugby union, had ap- vinted the officials for the ng McGill game this afternoon, but no name would be given out umtil a | few hours before the game was slated sat down to the tables, and after tea, an informal programme was given. Miss Edna Sihgleton ren- dered two solos, H. Blake gave se- veral musical monologues, Mrs. (Rev.) Thomas, an old member of the "congregation, favored with a couple of readings and David Scott to commence. Under these condi- tions there is no chance the teams to "kick." To Enter Basket Ball Teams, At the meeting of the executive of the S.S.A.AA. held on Friday even- ing it was announced that Queen treet MetModist. and St. Andrew's ad decided to enter teams in the Jeaioe DAA uskethall series. . series will likely 'be composed of the following © teams: St. Luke's, for } Brock street, Sydenham, Bethel and probably Cooke's, a very happy selection from Burns, "Two Dogs." Miss Myrtle King ren- dered a solo and Miss King and Miss Emma Leach a duet. | The socidl offered an opportunity for members and friends of the es Massie and family, who are lea-| ving shortly for Toronto. During the! evening Miss Edith Massie, secretary of the Sunday school, was presented with a bouquet of flowers on behalf of the Sunday school. Miss Bessie Rogers was the accompanist of the] evening. The pastor, Rev. E. LeRoy Rice presided. sity that fourteen ladies have applied J of Queen street, commences on Wednes- | THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY. 0CFOHER 10,1014, Store Wil Be Closed On Monday, Thanksgiving Day MONDAY'S SHOPPING MAY BE ARRANGED TO-NIGHT. STORE OPEN UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK. A NUMBER OF SPECIAL THINGS RECEIVED THIS WEEK WILL BE PLACED ON SALE. Covered with an excellent quality English Gloria covering that retains its good black as long as used. Extra strong frame and stylish natural wood handles. These umbrellas are fof men or women and are worth $1.25 and $1.50 regu- ~ larly. Yours To-Night Gloves and Hosiery For Thangsgiving Wear .jy Thoroughly reliable makes of Kid Gloves in all fall shades of tans, greys, black, white and others $1.00 Pr. . "Le Premier" A high class French Kid Glove, all shades . .. Stockings for all the family ready for to-night's selling Women's fine make fall cotton Fine make cashmere Fine make extra fine cashmere GIRLS' STOCKINGS, of many kinds BUTTERICK FASHION BOOK FOR NOVEMBER JUS "RECEIVED--FREE TO-NIGHT ust chureh to bid good-bye to Mrs. Jam-| Evening Slippers Now is the time to choose your evening slippers. We havea... very choice assortment in pat- ent, satins, suede and dull calf All new lasts : P.S. Color your Satin Slippers to mach YOUF- lew om with our new dye The Lockett Shoe Store | |

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