"- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1914. 3 AMERICAN PHYSICIAN UNIQUE FIGHTING CORPS. ® Xo C66 Saath ER eto? Sportsmen's Battalion, Raised by MIST. ih Woman, Is"Filling Up. DOUBLE L 'AKE Lon + Oct. 10---Recruiting for the fam@us sportsmen's battalion is proceeding apace, the enrolment to date totalling about 1,000. It is In many ways a unique corps. It is raised and financed by Mrs. Cuniiff Owen and is, in all probability, the only battalion of any of the great We unhesitatingly recommend Magic Baking 'as 'being the best, purest and most healthful baking pow. der that it iis possible to CONTAINS NO ALUM | EELLS WHAT HE SAW IN THE Y VALLEY OF DEATH. i "Mr Popenjoy!" announced a maid 'to Miss Angela Rivers, who was standing before 'a' mirror im her [dressing room. : "Tell him I'l be down directly. The visit was not unexpected. Men and Horses Wiped From Sight by Artillery Fire of Germans ---- Like Work of Unseen Hand, Says Dr. Neville M. Hopkins of Wash- ington. New York, Oct. 10---A vivid des- modern armies to be brought into being by a woman. It is certainly _ bog Fy od rom) ease ing distredsi This home:made used, in more hi Miss Rivers' mother, a widow, had some time before written her daugh- All ingredients . . on the 1 the only battalion in the British for- ces in which the age limit has been especially extended by the authori- ties. The recruiting posters read: "The Sportsmen's Battalion is a corps for gentlemen up to 45 years of age." Ri In the chief recruiting headquar- ters at the Hote! Cecil a press agent occupies a prominent corner. Pay- ment by a recrultaineh ie equipment is optional. The training and equip- ment are what are required by an ordinary infantry company. Among|#4 the distinguished men already en- rolled as privates are Sir Normal Pringle, Bart., Sir Willlam Wallace, Sir Robert Newman, Bart, and two sons of peers who have not yet pas- ter.that she had decided to marry again; that her fiance was not by means an old maj but full of life} - and spirits, He would be useful to them both. His name was Robert Popinjoy, and he was quite well off. The mother, who was not given for f long letters, deemed this quite an efficient explanation for the present and closed by saying that Mr. Popin- joy would be in the city where they lived and would call that very day to make the daughter's acquain- tance, ri to! When her toilet had been satis- ree | factorily arranged Miss Rivers went in downstairs to meet her future step- father. She was surprised to fee a man about thirty years old and with eription of the battle before Mons was given here by Dr. Neville M. Hopkins of Washington, ID\C., upon his arrival on the steamship Kroon- land from Liverpool. ~~ Dr. Hopkins was in Moscow, Russia, with his fa- mily when the war broke out. He immediately offéred his services to the Red Cross division of the French army and they were accepted. He swent to the front August 24th. From that time until two weeks ago, he said, he was constantly under fire. "1 was first under. fire while 1 had the head of a wounded French sol- dier on my lap dressing a wound in his jaw," said Dr. Hopkins. "A shrapnel burst overhead, but none of ng and throat 'is real rema e. You can actually: eel take hold. A day's use will usually over- come the ordinary _cough--relieves whooping cough quickly, Splendid, for - bronehitis, spasmodiv chial athmg and wi but Full rections "wiih 'Pinex Yo wit ek myer ou wi note. how quickly, LY or tight coughs, and heals She membranes in a painful It also stops - the formation of phlegin in the The | throat an ubes, ending Is, "Becaus You Will Like It, CHASE & SANBORN MONTREAL 148 RUN aus ) ALL SUFFEREXS, Kind you are looking is the kind we sel Scranton Coal 5 od prompt good 00a' a | "Booth & Co. ot of West Street. sed the medical examination. percentage of rojections among the applicants is a low record for re- cruiting in the campaign. Up to date it is less than five per cent. The training ground of the corps will be at "The Greys," Hornchurch, Rom- ford. WOMAN A SEA CAPTAIN America Boasts of Female Boat Master.' Strand Magazine. America is the only country where the full title of 'captain' has been bestowed upon women. This was strikingly illustrated a few years ago by a decision of the Lendon Board of Trade, which re fused to grant a yachtsman's certi- ticate to Lady Ernestine Brudenell Hruce, a well-known yachtswoman of England, who had thoroughly prepared - herself for the examina- tion of seamanship and navigation. &he- appeared before the Board of Trade and asked to take the exami- nation, pointing out that she mere- ly desired authority to command her own yacht, and had no intention of serving on board other ships. The Board of Trade, nevertheless, refused to grant her request on the ground that it could not permit a woman to be examined for a "mas- ter's" certificate, as the word '"'mas- ter" clearly implied that only men were -eligible,, not taking into con- sideration the broader meaning of the word. WOLVES IN KENORA. Destroyed Many Deer and Young Rabbits. Kenora, Oet. 10--From different sections of this district come reports of the presence of wolves in great numbers, and of the destruction they are making of the young deer. Yes- terday while G. Alcock was going to his farm near Sturgeon Lake he en- countered two wolves. which came Have ind bronchial the persistent loose i Pinex is a most valuable concentrated compound of genuine Norway 'pine ex- tract, rich in guaiacol, which is 80 heal- Avr a cnt be ud 0 avoi nf , be sure a ask your d i ior iE upaen Pinex," and don't accept puything else. o A guarantee af a Shite Hatistaction, or money prom re! 8 wi this preparation. ¥ Fhe Pidex Co, To- ronto, A STRANGE COINCIDENCE. John F. Meagher Did Not Recognize Cousin. Belleville Ontario An incident which occurred in the city ma y be related to show under what strange circumstances friends and relatives may meet after many years. John G. Meagher was at the wharf when the steamer "Belleville" landed on her way down to Mon- treal. Some of the passengers came ashore and started on a tour of the town for the space of forty minu- tes at their disposal. Among them were two ladies and Mr. Meagher learning of their intentions from the captain and knowing the city as he does, 'approached them and offered to act as guide, and pilot them about Belleville. They graciously accepted and conversation drifted to the appearance of Belleville and Kingston, and finally one of the la- dies asked Mr. Meagher if he were John Meagher. He had to confess that this was his name and he ask- ed in reply how she knew him. She again asked if he did not know his cousin and then he learned that this lady was his cousin, Mrs. Wright of Montréal. Mrs. Wright and Mr. Meagher had known one another in Kingston twenty-five years ago and had not seen ome another nor was each aware of the _ other's where- about for twenty-five years. Need- less to say Mr. Meagher had a still more pleasant time showing the visi- tors 'the: beauties of this city. It 'was learned that Mrs. Wright is returning from Toronto to Mon treal all the airs and graces of a man of the world. Her mother was only forty, but Angela never dréamed that she would marry a man ten years younger than herself. 'Howev- er, good breeding required that she show neither surprise nor disappoint- ment. She advanced extending her hand graciously. "Mamma, wrote would call to-day." "Indeed. I expected to call soon, but I was not aware that.there was any especial appointment as to the date." 'Have you been in the city long?" "Oh, yes. 1 live here." Miss Rivers was surprised at this. She supposed that her mother had met her second fate in the city where she was visiting, The young lady would have liked to ask how long he had lived in the city at her home, and why she had not met him in society, but this would been to imply that he was not of the select social circle to which the Riversss belopged. "I've been living hére only a month," he said. "I came here to go into business." "In so short a time you could not have made! many acquaintances. I shall have the pleasure of introducing you to some of my friends." "Thank you very much." "Of _ course, considering the rela- tionship, we shall have a great deal of freedom in going shout together. We won't need a chaperon." "Not at all." "Only T wouldn't like mother to be jealous." This was said archly and with a smile. "Pm more afraid of father as to that." "Father." "Yes, father," looking at her with surprise. "How old is your father ?" "How old is my father ? Haven't vou been told how old he is? Why, he's 55." "I confess 1 haven't heard thing about him." 1 should me thiit you any- "That's have For Cooking and Drinking, also for Cake Icing and making Fudge. a. MRS. NEWLYWED SAYS: "I can't imagine how you manage to be dress- ed by the time your husband comes home on a wash day." MRS. WISE NEIGHBOR SAYS: ¢I use an Eddy Globe Washboard and an Eddy Indurated Fibreware tub, which keeps the water hot for a long tithe. No fear of rust. BUT BE SURE THEY ARE EDDY"S." No more trouble with the \\ Salt, when you fill up the = shakerswith "Regal" Sal *"Regal" Salt never gets damp -- never clogs the shaker, It is the finest grain of the famous Windsor Table Salt --blended singular. thought he would have everything." "I haven't ever seen him. The young man looked at her with upening eves, "What kind of a match do call this, anyway ?"" he asked gently. "I think it "is a very good match. So long as mamma 'is rleased I am." ""Oh,your mother's consent was ne- Russian Troops "Are Advancing Upon eacary-Of Sourun Rr xwnas-How--stu- Cracow, At this moment thers was a ving London, Oct. 10:--A Petrograd des- [at. the doorbell. The maid answer patch to Reuter's Telegram company [ed the summons anh preceded a vis- snys the Russians have completed the itor into the drawing-room, at the administrative organization of the same time bearing a card on a sal conquered regions around Lemberg, jver. Miss Rivers took it up and which has been made into a province looked at it wonderingly. On it was divided into thirteen districts. the name 'Mr. Roger Popenjoy." The Russian troops, adds the des- | While, she was still staring at it an patch, are advancing slowly, but ir- elderly gentleman entered. resistibly, upon Cracow, the popula- "Morning, father," remarked the tion of which has already been re- | Mr. Popenjoy, who had been an- duced by one-half. nounced earlier. "Merning, my _ boy. find you here. "Your fiancee! necessary?" Mies Rivers looked on and listened with amazement. The last comer advanced toward her with out- stretched hand and said cheerily. "Your mother wrote you, I be- lieve, that I would call." Miss Rivers looked from onk to the other of the two gentlemen for some moments before replying. - "Mamma wrote me that her fiance, Mr. Popenjoy, would call, but she did not say that there were two flan- ces. Can it be that mamma has for- gotten she is no longér of an age to engage herself to two men at the same time?" oii bm "Dad," eried the younger man, "didn't you write me to call on your flancee, Miss Rivers?" "I asked you to call on my fiancee, Mrs. Rivers." "I see!" exclaimed Angelia to the WA elder Popenjoy. "Youware to be my She had recently been in California and prior to that had been in. Europe. It is interesting to note that Mrs. Wright's maiden name was Flossie Sangster. She is a daughter of the Canadian poet, the late Charles Sangster, whose poems are well kngwn. towards him in their usual threaten- ing attitude. Mr. Alcock had taken a rifle with him, and, taking aim, succeeded in woupding them. He states that wolves have killed off all the rabbits and have destroyed many deer. { At a meeting of the Board of | Trade this week a resolution was again passed, requesting the govern: ment to place a bounty on brush wolves, in order that their destruc- tion may be encouraged. 8 with less than told you one percent = Magnesium Carbonate. LYN BRADFORD Of the Seaforth Highlander who was killed recently at the Sis Evelyn was in the South African var and served in the Nile expedition of 1898. Phe Seaforths have beén well to the fore in the recent engagements and have distinguished themanlves COLONEL SIR EV You Pre- y LC Aho 1204 AND FREE LIVE STTOR the missiles hit: either of uk. For an hour after that I 'was under fire and the noise and the sights of the battlefield almost resulted in my complete. physical collapse, "I saw hundreds'of men torn to pieces in a few seconds, Horses Were wiped from sight by. the terrific artillery fire of the Germans and wagons containing ammunition and provisions: were blown into frag- ments, : : i "It was like the work of an un- seen hand. I could see the ranks filled one moment, and 1 the next a gaping hole had been torn out and fifty men had disappeared. "In the retreat from Mons the French made a stand at Le-Cateau. They set up a masked field bat- fery and awaited the onslaught of the Germans. The place chosen was a large open field. The regi- ments of German cavalry harrying the rear of the allied forces charged across that field. When they got near enough the French batteries opened fire. The slaughter was terrible. Fully 5,000 Germans were killed in the charge. Rider- less and wounded horces dashed in all directions: : r "During the retreat from Mons at a place near Cambrai, I saw the English cavalry ride up to support their infantry. It was a wonderful sight. The men seemed to be part of the horses. They galloped like mad and hundreds of the brave fel- lows were killed. But they drove back the Germans, 'Nothing can describe what a bat- tlefield is like under such conditions. The bodies of men and Lorses lie ev- erywhere piled on top on eath other. The noise is so, great that it is im- possible to make yourself heard even if you shout at the top of your lungs into a man's ear. The only way to communicate is by signs. "I witnessed one charge of the Death's Head Hussars. They were gallant and daring riders, but scores of them were shot from their hor- . ses." Dr. Hopkins said he was arrested seventeen times as a spy by one side or the other. A RUSSIANS ENDURANCE. Colonel Remained 72 Hours at Ob servation Post. : aden, Oct. 10.~The Monia et correspondent ol a ORY of tho great endurance of a Russian officer in the fighting "before Ossowetz; Russian: Poland. SLOWLY BUT IRRESISTIBLY FOR QUICK LUNCH 1 & Blackwell's FOR ARCHDUKE'S MURDER. Twenty-Five Prisoners on Trial at Sarajevo. lordeaux, Oet. 10.--The ner Tagblatt, a copy of whieh has arrived here from Vienna, said that the indictment, alleging high treason and covering thirty-seven pages, has been' read to twenty-five prisoners who are charged ' with having been concerned in the murder of Archduke Francis Ferdinand, the heir apparent of the Austrian throne, at Saraje vo, It is expected that their {rial will last three weeks, according to the newspaper. a A A AA NN, Neues Wie D. COUPER Phone 76 841-8 Princess St. EMARKABLE ASE of Mrs. HAM ------ at N % a ay LO MUTED Happy to Present me to--"" How can that be A fresh wir fiend tells ue "that to 'ive happily we must live out of loors and sleep in a bed of fresh mint." A To Increase Sales and Reduce Expense--Telephone. Unsettled conditions should not discourage the efficient sales manager. His problem is to increase sales and reduce selling costs, and the long distance telephone helps solve the problem. Many of your customers who are, nervous . about the outlook would be glad to have a talk with you. A suggestion from you as to what to buy would be appreciated. : This is the time to study ways and means of keeping things normal while reducing costs.' .The long distance telephone has helped many a business to solve this problem. 3% Turn the 'rascals out--the head-[and carry off the decomposed waste ache, billousness, indigestion, con- {matter and constipation poison from stipation, the sick, sour stomach andthe bowels. bad colds--turn them' out to-night| 'A Casearet to-night will straight- with. Cascarets. : en you out by morning---a 10-cent Don't put in another day of dis-|box keeps your head clear, stomach tress. let Casearets - cleanse and sweet, liver and bowels regular and sweeten your stomach; remove the you feel bully for months. Don't sour undigested "and 'fermenting forget the chiidren--their little in- food and that misery-making gas; [sides need a good, gentle cleansing, 'Colonel Martinofi," the story runs, the exce : a take sess bile from your liver |too. i " frr three days and nights - \ on at a i -erected post of observa: : yr a CANDY CATHARTIC » | tion to and direct the artillery 2 : _ A : whe Cas 'Ife. He was wounded by a . : [Yn t vefused to it was w was SUBMARINE E 9 WHICH 1S FINDING GLORY) Stepfather. I wondered if mamma "All's well that ends well," said a laugh.--Sarah Baxter in the P ih German periscope are tho fags, one beating Under Lieut.-Com. Horton. She sank the sels on September 13th, |N8 lost her senses to gngage herselt and va October 7th sank a. destroyer With torpedoes. "FooM™ supplied the younger " TE Y ? "Not at all -- ong $6 mich young- OUR BOW 1S AND S I Mr. Popenjoy, sr. "You. ean go: about with Miss Rivers very nicely «+ no chaperon needed, no --"" ville Advertiser. FLAUNTS CROSSBONES FLAG London, Oct. 10---4 eh 16 The Mail from. Harwich, describing the return to that port of submarine Solent, Sabi Ww s nxing the ! E 'eruiSer Hela, and one for Every Bell Telephone is a Long Distance Station, man. er than herself." COLDS, HEADACHES, SOOR STOMACH): ois. zie ees 3 8 E9 Celebrates Her Exploits Against Destroyers, BS, says that flaunting from her Hela,