PAGE TWO wid THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1014, ------ ll A : "4 THREE LIQUOR CASES TIGERS WON VETOR Ps ..Mekay Furs Are Made in Kingston... Wit ON I A ToS a, worn Why England, Germany and Russia Went to War Clever Furs | Oho yo i Gave Man « on List eink College 'Team Did Not Exert Them- by tie and Go on wi | sive ine wen ovens [| The "While Papers" of England and Germany and the "Orange Paper" } i l Small Fine of $1 and Costs -- Men: Were Given a Fine Workout f R | Charge Against Another Hotel as Result -- "Jack" Hazleit's ji 0 ussia i | Dismissed. Punting Feature of Game. And other diplomatic correspondence and documents relating to the Euro- No less than thred Siquor. cases were In an exhibition game in Hamilton . { on the docket at the pelice court o jon, Monday Queen's of kughy pean war. | Sha dogket wt the police oust 'en team went down to iinir ugh Invaluable to students of Hiskeay. army orl Hg Mand Nor | was taken up in the he z of these ands of amilton Tige by a score ass 0. uniic 1 | ases. : . Arig = of 34 to 8. The. SO oi = an teachers' ociations and principa 5 and ia pi P g John Rush, an old war pensioner, is tindicates the 'game as Queen's held mal schools. {a member of the 'prohibited list" and {the Tigers tight until the commence- Over 400,000 of these papers have already been sold, a large demand com- jit was alleged that he secured hquor | ment of the foulth quarter. The first j at the Prince George hotel and the quarter ended 8 to 1 for Tigers. Half ing from public libraries and Young Men's Christian Associations, The dip- Collender I'he charge against the f time 9 to'4 and third quarter 13 to lomatic correspondence preceding the outbreak of hostilities cannot be obtain- Collender hotel was dismissed, all the ! 7. | 7 j evidence showing that Rush was Very | As this was an evhibition game the ublic in any other form. {deunk when he came into the 'hotel eollege students did not oie them- ed by Bie emer the English "White Papers" alone are sold at 10d (20c. ), while apd that he fell on the Hoor while in | selves as much as they would have ng R 1 the barroom and had to be Blven as. | done had the championship. depended the price of the complete English, German and Russian papers, in one volume sistance, rlenders wore 5 o 5 not serve him. Sih y suc Lon the game - Quean's {cok up about is 10c. For mail orders add 3c for postage. twenty plaVvers and for that reason In the case of the Prince George ho- they were able to replace the men OPEN NIGHTS tel, the offence was admitted, but the at different periods. Rowlands, the proprietor of the hotel, John Theri- | apack half-back, who = entered the sult, explained that the man had been university this fall, injured his foot, | HE ( OLI EG served with one glass of beer by the and Hara went on the team to re bartender by mistake. After it was lace him, Ph 4 found that a mistake had been made, Pe feature of the game was "Jack" Princess Street. one 19 ¥ . he notified the license inspector, C. W Haslett's splendid puntung. . : of 3 ip Wright. I'he latter corroborated this After the game Queen's were eh . x evidene : : wo vidence, tertained to a dinner by the Thg- | The magistrate had it in his power | Lo | o | i Es fi ) 0, ta impose a fine up to $50, but in The teams lined up as follows: gr. view of the circumstances imposed a z | Smart Furs designed i fine of #1" and costs. Rush was fined Queen's--Flying : wing H Githaoley; $10 and costs or a month. halves, Hill, Hazlett and Rowlands; p 4 George Smith, also on the list, was gusrier, Kuiglet; scrimmage, Keanuely, i : celine Jl a + came hank | Melpod anc cQuay; inside wings, § and made on short 1B {rom Yndonrrir, the omen ane, "2% | Freda and. Ellis; middle wings, Dus e I'repare or 1 iF | succeeded in getting a drink by mis: more and White; outside wings, Box ) Any combination otice |p | take at the Randolph hotel. 'He came and i ing, 'Dixon; Halves i : I % 9 | back for another drink, nd was lgers-~tlying wing, Xon, 8, n * caught by the : bartender. . le oo McKelvie, Manson and Palmer; oe. ? 0 ea er Oddly cased clocks. taxed §10 and costs or one month. tet { agnor; piinmage, He Ireland, i Clocks to match mod- T. J. Rigney appeared for the hotels Vies anc OMnson;. mide - Wigs, a charged id e. R. Webster oa Clarke and Stuagt; inside wings, Wil- paras pa - ern furniture. the prosecution, son and Vapsickle: outside wings, == EEE Re | Old Country designs a co lhowpson and Walsh. VERY CLOSE CALL Officials--Kenneth Williams, of mostly. -- Queen's, and "Ben" Simpson, of Ham- ! Clocks are going up Was That of Mr. and Mrs. McCartey | ilton. in price From Death. The first half was played according . to college rules, while the last half lect yours before was played no ording to he. Carn. i that happens. dian rugby rules used by About one of the narrowest esc: apes from meeting a horrible death, by fire befell Nr. and Mrs. Albert MeUartey, early on Monday morning, at their home, three miles north-west of Odes ers. | pt ro ro Night Classes i I . Boats Sey Boil wate Ashu an OWE | 3, upon mio alg, bend | To. fit the very largest as well as the small . the SUING 1 dhe fire ny one seen ito | Of Ween gt oe, omen 0 Pie | est member of yout family. mit ros., now he flames spread .so rapidly | Gay, d { ' h . that all the household efteéts 'and dwe]. | bookkeeping, civil seryice, gw eral" if: fi A TT : | Jewellers > Opticians 1 Phone} Issuers of Marriage Licenses ling were reduced to ashes in a short | provements Kates nex rate: ore | ETS White or Gre i - 3 ; =| time. It was nothing more than an | 440. H F Metcalfe, Principal 18 WOOL L BLANK € y. 3 act of Providence that th ile -- aa -- f ooh OOP. HOTTON'S LIMITED were aw keno iE On falling go Lieut. Spread; £ Injuries Serious, 8 -~ - aan tonriu Ng Ve 50 iar. after the fire had made some headwa The wounds of Lieut. kK. J. W I = 18 Market st. Kingston, Ont. It was then . neces xh grid Mr. ood Spread, of the Royal North Lanea i FLANNELETTE BLANKETS. White or Insurance and Real Estate. Mrs. MeCartey. to escape by going out | shire Regiment, a graduate of the i a a I g | ; grey. Telephone 703. of the upstairs window. Some of the | Royal Military College, Kingston, are it. ! neighbors were notified to give assist very serious, but it is hoped he will fi = emai A AAA AS > - Phone 720, Prompt pt Delivery ---- A0Ce in extinguishing the Hames, but | recover I ot a in | - a strong wind blowing, it was a hope ---------- | BE SWEATER COATS --Warm and comfort sie || less task. The fire was, however, kept Stand Back -- Don't Rush, : able, all sizes and colors. , f > from spreading to the adjacent barns Everybody will have a chance _to|§i# and thereby lessening the loss of pro- | cee the war pictures at the King Ed- | Ml A a Eel SH resistin cu : : Ws 5 perty which seemed almost doomed to | ward Theatre, We dnesday and | |B Signs That Are destruction. Thursday afternoons and evenings, I v LADIES' AND MISSES' SUITS "For: King and Country." Usual ad i - MADE A "PRESENTATION. mission CAAA AA SAA AAA SAM SP Al att Passing Away Miss Mary Shaw the Recipient Of a 5 iT Thirty Cents. i LADIES . AND MISSES' COATS & Fine Bracelet Watch. Is all we ask for a six-quart bas- | A | & saturday evening, a very pleasant | ket of delicious eating Seckel pears, | §iB i This 1s the time te buy your. furs Science has. taken the pro. Shes back Plage a8 on Andre le all this week, at Carnovehy's. : ASK TO ) SEE OUR DOLLAR KID GLOVE t , You iy a better assortment to choose church, when a Presentation was mad | i f m, ee ar cs ne rane. R 10 the' retiring. orgamst- Mins Mary | "Nude in Canad ald ot Gib. | All shades, all sizes and with Euarintes } tro . the Fall Trade line" man. . The strain mod- | Dew. Members of the session and |gon's I ; le de | AE board of management made their wa: Nyal's Family Remedies shold' te'k mr -- . - eern. civilization places upon Into the hoi hort aid \yal's Family Remedies shoul ¢ | n ir lo presented Miss {ih (ve OE. - 8 3 etyes demands the.attention Bf 20" ith 4 Gold raceme ears aioe lin every ho : Pictorial Review Pattern the pattern "tnsle iigh-class famil varoer 1 Ks . We are Optical Specialists, monogram and the dates "1903-14, St, He ae. pighla Amaly rem (1 that pleases. 78-80 Brock St. We devote our entire time to Andrew . jhe thts Nerving to the Pure gum rubber hot water 30 Ce ss She g the °C examining eyes and correcting Service © in law at the church | 41.0 : : their defects . with proper BF 0 oo ratio Tm ee gr ay = Consult Me Now We have passed info glasses. Consult and adeesnen were de livectd ig Wt 3 hia ie 43 ro i) BARE at vis an isi ee ---- frit; Rev: rf orrance; Cot HA: "The Hat Steere" mn p 3 | ¢ nr aig » or e Hat Store. i Hiosk sixty-seven Dales JS Asselstine 0.0.8 Bese «2a tr Jn va i ewman AW, lll 1 can quote the best pur- of Rugs. Designs are «Ve SS S ine, We the others for the elders and board of er w ern | thase price or rental figure sialler and priccs ss Bf meson posses BET S| | adie? Hats The Always Busy Store fj oncity property : === TWO GOOD BARGAINS low as last season. 842 King St. Phone 1010 their deep regret at her resigning her | : " = 2 . BE IN MARINE CIRCLES. DEGEEBUILDERS' SUPPLIESTHRGES FROM THE LIST Moderately Priced | | { | Nr charge Ev make of stair ery. Ke : LOOKS CAUGHT THEM. Movements of Vessels Reported $2 $1300--Livingston Avenue | detached Along the Harbor. frame dwelling, with improve- T hooners Charley Marshall, . ments, apd stationary wash- e SC : i . . tubs, good garden, lot 34 x 132, and hall to mafeh. Ne 3 St k f Apples Sold at Higher Price Than in _ dn 4 i f Lh L Sa W 0C 0 Wolle river mov . a. centre of Ju 3 : Jiri ie A NE ¥ $300 cash, balance on. time. interest on the market on Saturday. AE yp | The steamer - Fordonian from} | $3300--Collingwood Street, detached They were offered to the public at is. | i | fort William, discharged a cargo | |X WANTED o hiek dwelling, 8 rooms, Band on 2 Brass 22 to $2.50 a barrel and eagorly tak- 7 7 | 3 Richardsofi's elevator. $ - cellar { of oats at 3 & electric light, good lean up, Now the buyers - are won- The steamer Glenellah cleared | ig gE bi yard, verandah at front. [ dering: why they bought them. They 'Psat | for Montreal. : 9 Ae ted at Par i in Ex $i{ Houses to rent from bid up: to $30. are of no use for eating and very Adan) : M. T. company's elevator: Stea- cep 5 {little use for anything but stew ing. iq p K t from Fort William, cha f W d, c 18 { \ Te mer Kinmoun } p S They are a large apple and so are X FASE | lischarged 70,000 bushels, of grain ji nge or 00 IF] - used hy bakers as they can be con: ® ; land cleared for Fort William; stea- : COMFORT AND DURABILITY COM. veniently pealed, It happens to bea DORIS > [er omit from Fort Sl y Lumbe § or. Johnson, and. Dison so! BINED i fact, though, that grocers were sell- k, 3 amt discharged 70,000 bushels 2S : 5 » bet ing Wolfe river apples in their stoves Ses : wheat #nd cleared for Port - BANNER TO RAN Pn whan our at $1.75 to $2.25 a barrel with few Our ladies' hat busi- Wi porne, to load grain for Montreal; IRON AND BRASS BEDS, $3.00," ond they wore selling rapid- [Mf keeps growing all ffjsteamer Siwla assed up last ight ¢ v at the advanced price to people : k . lto load grain at Port Colborne; tug and $4.00 up tor the ngest and | who cannot use them, but were at- the time. We follow Hall up light from Menten; sient. Ry Coal 1 Lumber '¥ > 24 hree grain i the world's | tracted by thelr looks, closely our slogan, Jjied with thres Far elec up 2! BAY & WELLINGTON STS. j Making Examinations. "Modern millinery at J}|ignt to-day, from Montreal and (4A Phoue 66, On Tuesday morning, James Bews, moderate srices -- No will clear with three grain barges | physical director at Queen's gymnasi- $ I . nN g: for Montreal. as. down from lum, commenced his work at the uni- two- hats alike, And Steamer Melia Yas down { versity. y Every first year student in we Surnrise most peo le Picton, on ] DR ivi clipred Jor | the university is compelled to take 1 Weamer 'Ale | these classes. The medical examina- when we show them our | Brighton Saturaay mIGRIEnY. riod it re 5 | tions are due to commence this after- k af % si Steamer y ¢ AWS : Will buy a new detach it i 4 ny t tr ii i noon, Every student 1s examined be- W onde rful . V alues mn from Toronta ang Sleared for Mon ; k dw li a - } . 2 | fore going on the fiooF, : trimmed hats at $3, $4, trea} {on Sunday at | { eling, seveny \ i rm ely o'clock. J : : j " ed bric tie; hot b } Jit .. il; | Fall And Winter Tmporatations. up to #7. | Steamer Huéna 3 Iota Cleared ; ; SATISFIED WITH OUR eoms and atte; --ho i - Lt Prevost, Brook street. has received | Mounts and Monday Ioreing for RT UNDRY wa r heating, hard: | fan ne fait importing for his Flowers Montreal on Monday night and an . : LA ' : 3 | r : y t into the | wood floors. Convenient J {suiting and. overcoating in great We have a big assort- JJ Tuesday morning was put in } : WORK ' . Kingston Shipbuilding drydock. location. Price $3450. |i | tock of readyemade. clothing large lf ment of untrimmed hats The -following steamers ""-ed i Q " 3 fontreal from the Welland gents' furnishings. IR feathers, : mounts, flow- fides to Montreal from the Wellana Ked Ripe bd {Hl ers, ri ¢ f : Mapleton, 1.30 a.m.; Hamil- Pie R Raspheiries. | bai Fiblions, Sea all on HA oe em: Acadian. room: George W. Richardson, of the hing moderately priced like Sunday: Arabian, 8.40 am..: J. H. ston mattress factory, while visiting our hats, 23 Plummey 10.00 p.m. Monday. his son-in-law, Roy Sailing, Mithaven, |} ee rn The following £teamers passed up on Monday, had an opportunity. to | A visit to our milli- to. the Welland canal from _Mon- pick a large quantity of raspberries 1 3 itreal: Midland Queen. 2.360 a.m. which were on the bushes near the IY Sec tion these days Doric, 3.30 p.m.; Haddington, 7.30] Our tant Ayvllen bile Just arrived, New a 3 h home, There were plenty of ripe bar- is worth w hile. nm : Sunday: Renvovle, 1.00 p.m, |SMes and an | and. rugs, best English |... bushes, which is surely a | . . i sot Hl Cadillac, 9.00 p.m., Monday , } Kingston La: and Oanadian makes. Linoleum oil record for this time of the vear. 9 Ww te h our Windows! { 3%! 3 Snedition, cons undry TRUSTED ALWAYS ier tmmns "Wade in. Canada," high-class u pleasure. Cor Princess and = Sydenham Allenbury's foods made in Fng- | sweets, sold at Gibson's : ¥ i i fi Sts, Phove 22 {land and sold at Gibson™s Red Crom | CEORGE Mills 800 MeConkey's "Choice of Roralty,' ; Dru, tore. from Toronto. Tae as. old Isadore Melaned, = 126 and 1 ] Huyler's delicious chololates from ronto, died after falling down the and 138 Princess Street, | Toronto. steps of his father's home. sl Nylg sweets from Windsor,