4 ANRSG « INGIRENTS oF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Tp by Our Sk , Busy Reporters. White Rose flour. for all" purposes. Ww. O'Gorman, of Montreal, was in the city ou Monday. THROWN out OF Was Held In the First THREE PEOPLE HAD A VERY| Ha iets MOUIRY. oiisitcn . oo . yo o a ng » NARROW ESCAPE, ists of the city united.in a thanks- giving service yesterday forenoan, The service was held in the First Baptist church, and the pastor of this church was the preacher for the day. The heavy dash of Failf, immediately. preceding the service, prevented many from being pre- sent. Rev. E. LeRoy Rice 100k part in the devotion part of the service. Rev. CAME BACK T0'FORT AUSTRIAN ON PAROLE-ASKED TO BE MADE PRISONTR AGAIN. Baptist argains In Trunks This Week Only 1 Only $30.00 Trunk for $18.50 1 Only 24.00 Trunk for 15.00 1 Only 23.50 Trunk for 14.50 2 Only 16.00 Trunks for 995 2 Only 12.50 Trunksfor 7.95 These are not old stock, but we wish to clear out these lines to make room for Xmas Goods James English, Wife and Baby, Were Dashed Against Curbing On Brock Street -- Mother Saved Babe From Severe Injuries, Fhree people had a escape from death in a runaway cident on Sunday afternoon. James English, who resides at Dui ferin, his wile and three weeks old baby, were the vietims of the accident, Mr. and Mrs. English suffered a severe shaking up, and the baby sufiered a wound on the head, but was not seri ously injured, it is thought. The fact that the child was wrapped in a rug and the mother had the presence oi 'pind enough to, hold the little on free from harm when the three wer dashed out of the buggy against the pavement, prevented a fatality. Driving in - Wellington street, the party met an automobile near the cor ner of Brock street, The horse be cume frightened and bolted dowr Brock street. Mr. English. woul have been able to keep the horse un der control, but for the fact that part of the harness gave way. ir front of Livingston's store the three were thrown out against the curbine narrowly escaping a telegraph pole. People who witnessed the accident thought sure that they had been seri' ously hurt, and rushed to their ax sistance, but they were able to wa! to a home a short distance away, and appeared to. suffer from shock alone. Dr. I. G. Bogart was called to at tend the baby. The horse ran the buggy against the curbing near King street, smashed the shafts, and freed $tselt, and con tinued its mad' gallop to the corner, where it was captured by a young man. of miraculous ae Douglas Laing in his ad- iress referred to many reasons for thanksgiving. He said it was rea- son for thanksgiving that we were 30 placed that we ever walked in the midst of nature which spoke to ug of God's presence in its own lan- guage. It is a great comfort to feel hat we are ever in God's presence, ever under our loving Heavenly Father's care, The heailthfulness and plentiful- ness of our Canadian home-land iy surely cause for thoughtful thanks- giving. Our land is indeed "Full of the goodness of the Lord." Our harvest flelds have yielded their wealth of grain, our orchard trees bend low with ripening fruit, while wir, vines are filled with rieh-clus- ters. Another reason for 8 the peace and harmony which orevails amongst the diverse ele- ments which compose the populati- m 6f our dominfon. What a variety + of nationalities; what a variety of } religious sentiment and faith; yet all live in harmony under the Same protecting government, en- Joying the perfect freedom of con- science. Then the spirit animating our educational system is a matter for gratitude. Tts aim is to fit the rising gederation for practical use fulness in the state and in society. It has been shown that the educa- tional trend of the German universi- ties has been to make theorists, to make the great aim of the student, 'efficiency --efficiency of our ab- stract character, in no way truly re lated to the practical affairs of life It failed to inspire with a noble am- bition to be of practical benefit to fellow men. Upon the other hand our 'universities aim to make their students leaders in what, in prac tical life, makes for the uplift of fellow citizens. Many other points were touched The service was bright and votional. An offering was taken which will be given to the Child- ren's Aid Society. ( ---------- i TO OUR HEROES IN THE WAR. By Mary Malone When for right we take a stand, for the honour of our land, Oh, 'tis / grand. When the sound_of war alarme, and there's call to taken up arms, It is grand. To see old Britain's glorious fame, Whip the nations to a flame (That it be preserved from stain) Is surely grand. Shoe Repairing Shoe Repairing | Abernethy's thanksgiving { AT THE "Peg O' My Heart" Secured Another Big Success. "Peg O° My Heart," one cf brightest of comedies, was the day attraction at thé Grand, mati dnd night, and as in former occa- sions, secured a big succees. Miss Marian Deantler, in the reading role, | of "Peg," was charming, captivating ber audience from the very start, while Harred West, as "Jerry," was exceptionally good The support- ing cast was strong. Several cur- tain calls showed how much the au- diencte enjoyed it. It is a sweet, wholesome. play, and one that will always be a favorite with theairego- ' ers. Best in Kingston By Government Test SAKELL'S, Next To Opera House A Successful Dance. The Kingston Canoe club held very successful dance in the city hal! on Monday evening. Thera was over a hundred couples on the floor and excellent musie was furnished by the opera house orchestra. Danc ing was indulged in until one o'clock and the first of the seasons dance: closed with a pramise for a very suc cessful season for this enterprising club, the holi- | played with ago and later football team in their FOR THE HOLIDAY HATS For The Man Who Cares We have all the latest shapes known to fash- ion and in such cele- brated makes a: Scott, Christy, Buckley, Stetson, $2, $2.50, $3, $4 Campbell Bros. The largest iniporters of Men's | Hats in this part of Ontario. . Holiday Police Court. . dé Magistrate Farrell held a session of the police court on Thanksgiving day Three drunks who held their celebra tion before the holiday, were given a chance, and four others went to jan for short terms of ten and twenty days, in default of the payment of a fine of $1 and costs. Miss Marie Tempest. The comedy involved in Sir Henry Arthur Jones' newest play Goes First," which "Miss Marie Tem- | pest and her London company will | present at the Grand on Thursday, | Oct. 15th will be as readily appre- | clated by Canadian audiences as it { was by the English during its long | Prof. W. L. Geant, of Queen's Uni and successful season on the other | versity, it an article on the war, de side clares Canada has been worthy of her traditions. With somewhat more of noise and open enthusiasm as befits a vounger and more expansive peopls, but with equal resolution, we are sending our men and resources. From under the shadow of the monument to Wolie and to Montcalm they go forth. {/Lhis must continue. By Christmas we must have I',000 men in training; by, April, should the war still rage, that 100,000 must be on. their way to the front; for we are fighting not merely for Great Britain; net merely for the empire; we are fighting in the libera tion war of humanity. A Charm Ceylon Tea Same Price As Before the War Black, Green or Mixed, 30-35-40-50-60c Per Pound Said He Had Iramped Al Over ¢ an- | Di. R. K. Kilborn went to Toron- ada and Could Not Get Work -- | t4 on Saturday to visit relatives. . Guard Placed Him in Custody | William Swaine; piaso tuner. Urders $ Again About Two Hundred War | received at McAuley's. Phone 864 2p = ; : | The R.C.H A. tom giineaton cros- An evide Ge 8. ane _ | sed the ocean on the S.8. Athenia, ide ae Srmans aad Ju { Joseph Hodge, Certificated piano against it' Jor the want of work, is | turner, 336 Brock St. Phone 368 shown in the fact that prisoncrs of | he marriage occurs ednesday y i : i in Ottawa of Miss Constance Low, to AT: ovhd bLe Been confined to keri: fod TRIE SOD tat Henry, are glad to get back again af. , Fare ater, Lila. | out on parole. _H. Cunningham, pisuo tuner, 21 Un Friday an Austrian, who is { King | street. Leave orders at Mo about forty years of age, appeared at Auley's book store. . the gate at Fort Henry and asked the Mrs. K, David, 409 Johnston guard who srgeifiln duty to take him Street, was removed 'to the general in again. Ihe reqiest was granted. | hospital for ax operation" Arshort time ago this man- was re-! I T. Best, druggist, Kingston, leased on parole, on condition that he Pent the holiday with his parents, would "not leaye Canada, When he Mr. and Mrs. John Best, 426 Done- he arrived at the dort he stated that Sal street, Peterboro. . he bad t li Over the country ito | ladies' uap-to-date dresmmaking. get work, Jmol he had been unable to Terms moderate. Miss A. Keys, get anyvthipg toido and for that rea- Colborne street. : son the money which he had in his There has only been one applica- possession before he left the war pri- tion for relief by patriotic fund mo- son is almost gone. He stated that DeY from the county. This is from he had made an endeavor to get a & resident near Harrowsmith. position on some of the steamers run- Mrs. J. W. Corbett, Kingston, call- ning in and out of kingston, bui he ©€d 10 Prescott #ix weeks ago owing had been informed that. all the posi- to the illness of her mother, the late tious were filled. . Mrs. J. N. Fell, has returned home. Other men who "have been let out on The annual meeting of the direc- parole have asked to be taken back, tors of the Mowat Memorial hospi- Up uniil Saturday afternoon there tal, will be held op Wednesday after- were 199 prisoners inside. the walls, noon at 5 o'clock 1 the Board of The largest number wt one t'me in Trade rooms. Ny continement was 204. Eight' of that A. J. Small has offered his King- number were released, buf twa arrived ston theatre for Belgian henefits, on Friday to make up the number with the understanding that the en- - re box office receipts are to be given to the fund. ! Noah Johnson, who was run over, by the C.P.R. shonting engine near Sowards coal yard some time ago is { still in the general hospital but is improving rapidly. J Madden, who Queen's some years played with Calgary will be out with Queen's practise on Tuesday night. The Pyke Towing and Forwarding Co., has secured a contract at 'the Cape Vincent breakwater to the ex- tent of $15,000. The company is after g $12,000 contract and has ad ; vices that it is the lowest tenderer for the work. Lieut. Allen Dixon Walker, has ; been appointed to the Lincolnshire | Regiment, He graduated at the | Royal Military College in June last, | and sailed from Halifax on the 1st of October to join his regiment "Mary Lieut. Walker has two cousins in England, who are also named Allen and who have gone to the front a 5 Prof. Grant's Opinion Frank Smith, New as Mr. and street, Mr. and Mrs. York, are at the home of Mrs. J. Thompson, Princess on their wedding tour, White Rose flour, pure and rROMe, Lieut.-Col." A. F. MatDonald and Major 0. A. Itvine, Morrisburg, were in the city on Monday. NO STOMACH PAIN, BAS. INDIGESTION IN FIVE MINUTES "Pape's Diapepsin" is the only real stomach regulator known. le en who : Thurston, the Magician. When all is said and done, Thurs- ton-is "'the" magician of this genera- tion and general opinion has it that he stands alone among magicians. The celebrated artist will appear at the Grand next Friday and Satur- day nights and Saturday 'matinee with a company of twenty-six people and two car loads of effects. If ever a man captured the world and used it for his own aniusement and profi}, it is Thurston, Herrmann, the magi- cian wal a great man in his day. Kel- lar ministered to thousands, made a big fortutie and retired from business in honor of "Thurston, and Thurston Is still at it, playing to-day to cap- acity audiences everywhere. When the wives and mothers true, Are so brave and loyal too, It is grand, For a courage that upholds, Though not wrapped in showy folds, «Is also grand. Inspiring cheers let's give them now. That when laurel crowns their brow "Twill be grand AUTOMOBILES AND CARBIAGES FOR HIRE Cheap Auto Tire Ford size 3G x 3 1-*, guaranteed 3500, Tires for Carriages and | George W. Boyd, Repairing low, Will To bring the haughty Tyrant All his cruelty to forego, be grand. When the countries Hold each other They'll be grand, When at length on some Though it may be "Twill be grand," All the arms to throw behind. exchange for peace of 'Which is grand, Y. M. C, A. Notes, Fhe paper chase at the Y.M.C.A was run ofl, as scheduled, Thanksgiv ing morning, in spite of the threaten ing weather, Ihe boys were back be fore the rain commenced again. The hares started off at 9.30 o'clock and the hounds started after them thre and a hali minutes later. Singleton, Gasoline 20e¢ per gal. Bibby's Garage Phone 201 Garage, 917 command, the hand. n by DEEDS, MORTGAGES LEASES AGREEMENTS AND ALL KINDS OF Conveyancing and Municipal Forms fine day, far away TO GIVE PRACTICE "Really does" put bad stomachs in order-- "really does" overcome in- digestion, dyspepsia, gas, heartburn and sourness in five minutes--that-- just that--makes Pape's Diapepsin In mind, {To The Queen's Men Who Play in nt \he largest selling stomach regulator in the world. If what you eat fer- ments into stubborn lwmps, you belch} gas 'and eructate sour, undigested food and acid; head dizzy and aches; breath foul; tongue coated: your insides filed with bile and in- digestible waste, remember the mo- ment '""Pape's Diapepsin" comes in contact with the stomach all such distress vanishes. It's truly aston ishing--almost marvellous, and the Joy is its harmlessness. A large fifty-cent case of Pape's Diapepsin will give you a hundred dollars' worth of satisfaction or your druggist hands you your money back. It's worth its weight in gold to men and women who can't get their stomachs regulated. It belongs in your home--shouid always be kept handy in case of a sick, sour, upset stomach during the day or at night. It's the quickest, surest and most harmless stomach regulator in the world. It b is Thor sical Ont. Education was Elgin Teacher the child ." a ---- When the last great roll.is called, Let not any be appalled, "Twill be grand. efore stand as men forgive will be grand. mas, In one address a science, "Teach", the Lord of Heaven. We n. That Doesn't Favor Teaching Agriculture. Dean Coleman, of the Faculty of speaker at the West sociation at St, the dean deplored the attempt to teach agri- culture as said, "what is significant in the phy- he and spiritual environment of Ladies' Tailorin Crawford & Walsh, Princess and Bagot Streets : As to the agricultur- alizing of 'rural schools, he believes it would interfere with the right democracy should give, for a boy to choose his own calling a * Mr. and Mrs. 8. D. Perr?, King- ston, have been visiting at Mitchell, 4 Toronto. so Fheobity sSoeeer Teague executive field a meeting on Monday evening, and decided to hold another practice match at Quéen's lower campus on Wednesday raltprnpon, between the city team and Queen's Intercollegiate ag- gregution for. the purpose af getting the latter lme-up into condition tor their game with Varsity, at Toronto, next Saturday. Last week a good game was pulled off and another good turn-out wi the players is desired. Défeated Gananoque. The Argounuts,: a rugby, team, play od a picked team in (Gananoque, on Monday,: defeating the villagers by a to b, Ihe officials were J. Stewart and 'B. Moore. « : MelLaughln and Twigg were the hares Twa. ofthe, Melagghlin- and -Fwigg, succeeded 1n getting back without be- ing caught, but Singleton was caught by "Bill'* Joyner. The dthers gained a minute and a half on the hares. The finish follows, after the first four :Gimblett, Davy, Carroll, Murray, Lambert, Wright. : Was as Small Market. There was a small market on Tuesday morning, with no change in very prices. The market on Saturday.was exceptionally big, likely the last big one yptil the Christmas .mabkets. 14th Pavade This Evening. The weekly parade of the 14th re giment will be held this evening. On Football Results. Saturday : Argonuts, Montreal, 5; Metin]. Varsity, | Figers, 20; b, Ottawa; 25; i To Arrange Schedule, The executive of the Sunday School AAA will gly together, in the course of a few daws, for the purpose of arranging. for the basketba)l series which will commence in the course of three weeks." 'lhe senior league pro- mises to be the strongest in some years, 'Iwo additional teams will likely join the ranks. Had A Good Game. The City Amateur Rughy League had its first match on Monday alter- noon, at the cricket field, with two of its teams, Shamrocks and -Drybones, hotly contesting for honors. As a re sult the score at the finish stood 16 to 5 in favor of the Drybones. This newly formed league possesses some line" material and as the season ad vances the players are bound to give a good account of themselves. The referee at this game on Monday after noon was "Nipper" Mathewson, who 'rendered satisfaction to hoth aggrega tions, They Have Re-Enlisted. On Saturday two penitentiary pri sohers were paroled. They . were sent up two years ago for = setting fire to the stables at the Royal Mili- tary College, and since have been model prisoners, They . were released for their good conduet in the 'big | prison an unless they go to Fur fope to fight for the allies they will have to report to the prison authori- | ties at regular 'intervals. .Thev are ymen and, on Moaday, re-enlisted. ex-Royal Canadian Dragoon em Read the news in the second section. Much Joeal intelligence on Page Y. account of Monday bebng ai holi- day, the parade was postponed until Tuesday evening, Sergt.-Major H. F. Bray has resum- ed his duties at Tete du Pont bar racks, 'aiter having been in the mili tary hospital since he had his ankle broken in an accident at Petawawa camp. He expects to sail for Eng land in the near future. J. W. Routley and party, Peterboro, were in the city on Monday. An acci dent near the Five Mile house necessi- tated their being towed to the city by another' automobile. White Rose flour 'stocked' by all the trade. Mrs. A. D. Fullerton, Miss Fuller ton and Miss Wright, Brockville, came to Kingston on Monday to attend the production at the Grand Opera House. : W. Alguire, Montreal, was the city on Monday. CATARRH LEADS TO CONSUMPTION Catarrh is as. much a blood disease as serofula ori rhenmatism. It may be relieved, but it 'cannot be removed by simply loeal treatment. It 'causes headache and dizziness, impairs the taste, swell 'and: hearing, affects the voiee, deranges 'the digestion, and breaks down the general health. Ii weakens the delicate Jung tissues and leads fo consumption. _ Hood's Sarsapariila goes to the seat of the trouble, purifies the blocd. and 'is so suecessful that it is known as the best remed® for catarrh. Hood's Sarsaparilla sirengthens and tones the whole system. It builds up. Ask yonr druggist for Hood's, and insist on having it. There is no m 1 real substitute. The British Whig DISCIPLINE 1S STRICT THE ENGINEERS ARE ALLOWED, TO ATTEND COLLEGE And at Night They Are Compelled to Study -- They March To the Uni- versity In a Body. No..5 company, Field Engineers, of Queen's university, is under very strict discipline at artillery bar- racks for the biggest part of the] time unless allowed out 'on pass {According to rules they are . pelied to be in barracks gvery even- ing of the week except Friday. Dur- ing the evenings they gre expected to attend to their studies. The stu- dents march to the university in a body for the purpose of attending their classes. It rumored among the en- tgineers that it is the intention of the officers to organize an engineer company to go over with the second Canadian contingent. Tt is thought that Capt. Lindsay Malcolm will be in command. Must Be Sh Brooklyn Eagle The bill of France for the first sixty days of the war is announced by Ribot, minister of finance, to be §120,000,000. If this war lasts un- ti} June 18th, 1915, how much weal- th will be left in Europe to provide a tafe and sane celebration of the centenary of Waterloo? That event ort War. | Ofl Cloths and Linolenms and Carper Squares. We have a large stock of Refriger stors wnd Gas Stoves; also all kinds of tew and second-hand furniture; all t+ se _®old at reasonable prices. Come, see the bargains. H. SUGARMAN, 242 Ontarie Street. Phone 1580 Opposite Craig's Wholesale A Single Application Will BanishObjectionableHairs (Ads to Beauty.) Here is a home treatment for re- moving hairs that Is quick, painless and. inexpensive: . With some pow- dered delatone and water make en- ough paste to thickly cover the ob- jectionable hairs, apply and after 2 or 3 minutes rub off, wash the skin and it will be left soft, clear and hairless. This treatment will not mar the skin, but to avoid disap- pointment be careful to get real' delatone, Donald Macdonnell had the liga- ments of W& right leg injured in the city wighy game on Saturday. He was able to finish the game but was confined to. his. home on Tues day. Department SEPEEEP ES PP REE PEE EEE EE 4008 Is always at your service, You can select your own covers from' our large ase sorted stock of silks, tap« estries, damasks. Our woodwork ' department repairs all kinds. Furni« ture repairs or new work made to order. ; IA AA ny JAMES REID, HD WADING UNDERT. Phone 147 For. Prost Services. wu nd Best Announcement THE FALL STYLES IN MEN'S SHOES AWAIT YOUR CON- SIDERATION AND SELEC- is 257 days away. France 'at its present pace will have spent $1,794 - 000.000 and the total bill for the nine warring nations, will be. six or eifhi times that--a billion more. or less! doesn't matter: say six times that and we gét. $10,500,000,000. Long. long, before that distant day the ministers of finance will have struck bottoni in every stocking in Europe; every bit of gold jewelry will hve been, tossed i to the melt- ing pa. and not only Europe but the rwhole world will be "broke" to stay "Droky' for a hundred and fifty years. Hence it must be a short war. , It has been written that the blood ®nd treasure of' Frunce have never been exhausted whén either has been required in defence of her glory and honor, But even France must exhausted, by this terri: arain is TION, Patent Guan Metal, Tan, Hazel andl Dark Brown. In button or lace, and all the latest lasts and shapes of the season. = Agents for THE HARTT SHOE -- KNERLAND SHOE 111 Princess-St.,