Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Oct 1914, p. 7

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The Accounts of Students are invited by this Bank,' Interest. paid on'sums of $1 and upwards. No delay in depositing or withdrawing money INCORPORATED Market Square GEORGE B. McKAY HE 1855 BANK or TORONTO Kingston Manager. Fire Insurance Now tnat the fall season Is on starting increases, so that it is esdential that all property should be covered. : If in need of any additiona 1 I would appreciate the opportunity represent geveral strong tariff and GEORGE PHONE 286. REAL ESTATE. COAL. ce again with us; necessitating -the of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently adequately neurance or contemplating a change, of figuring on your requirements. 1 non-tariff companies, BAWDEN 168 PRINCESS ST, INSURANCE, BRICK AND TILE We want to call the a er t3 our Drain Tile demonstration purpos A. Kibgeton | Brick Yar ttention of every farm- used for government es. NEAL, Phone 1396 = FOR Solld Brick Dwelling, 7 rooms, 4 ing room at front of house, opening property Is in good lecation. SALE | bedrooms, furnace, was for Sokian on verandah Lot 7 56 x his Price $3,100.00 J. K. CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, YOUR FAVORITE DENTAFRICE Can always be procured from us. We mention a few of the many wé keep in stock: Col- gate's, Nyal's, Sanitol, Euthy- mol, Zymole, Hutax, Pebeco, etc. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opposite Y. M, C. A Kingston " Ont. if Remodelled throughout' One of Ringston* 8 Bett Everyone Should Try and Get a New Home for Themselves Why should you pay/rent when you "can save money by paying rent on a new home of your own? Why not build a home of your own, from $1,000 to $10,000, op easy terms. Try Chas. Leeder, 2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building Gifts of Quality for the Bride When the box arrives from RODGER'S A The gift which contains is one of ality, whether of Silver, Cut Glass or a piece of Fine Jewellery. Representative. QUEEN'S HOTEL FOR SALE by 19th sale Tencers will be received rsigned until Monday, the 1914, at noon, for the going concern of the Chattels, Property, License, Lease and Good Will Queen's Hotel, Kingston, formerly « mau ted by John Saunders, deceased s-highest or any tender uot necess p ulars may be had on application JAMES W. RIGNEY Executor Dated Oct For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- onolas, Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue Amberal re- cords. : Big discounis for July aad August. Allen's Phone 252 113 Rrock St. E. J. COUSINS FURRIER 22] Princess Street R. J. RODGER, Silversmith. 847 King St, "Where the Clock .is on the | bh Walk" The flower of the family sometimes cha into a orm. is naver accomplished leaps and bounds, hy Memorial hospital | [ | ran on t i f | t LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF + GENERAL INTEREST ppenings in the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Phone 230, Gibson's, Tor drug store wants. = tuere will be a meeting City Council to-night. G 2c. gosgh enmilsion. Gibson's. Dr. C, Morrison . returned from xt York: on Sunday. C. Freeman, Ottawa, was in the city over the holiday visiting bis parents. Beef, Iron and Wine, 50c.. #1 and $2, .at Gibson's. The anpual mesting of the directors of the home Mowat will be on Wednesday, A 2c. liverpill, for 25¢. Gib- There will ba a meeting of the good roads' committee of the county on Thursday morning. N 25¢. emulsion at, Gibson's. Misg Bessie Robertson, Ringstoq, is in Ottawa for thei Drinkwater-Low wedding on Wednesday. Phone 230, Gibson's, for 'drug store wants. > The two adjourned cases froni the county court will be heard by Judge Madden on Wednesday morning. Strong horehound. candy at | . Gib- Lockhart, Toronto, returned to- + after a few dave in the city on business and visiting friends. Infant's foods at Yiibson's J. Aviles, Kingeton. is a member of "A" 'company of tha colonial regi- ment being raised in London, Eng. Fresh plasters at Gibson's. Dr. and Mrs IF. Waugh, Kingston, were the week end guests of Mr. and Thomas Fitzgibbons, Watertown, Phone Gibson's, for drugstore wants, Mis. C.-P week-end visitor and Mrs R atreet, Sweet' castor oil at (Gibson's Mrs. Oscar Telgmann, Miss Florence Valleau and Harold Angrove took part in the concert at Moscow on Monday evening Wise mothers buy Gibson's. Misses and Violet Bradshaw, Union ° have returned from anending thanksgivine with Dr Mrs. T. 8. Genge, Verona Phone 230, Gibson's, wants. Clarence Johnston Robert Alexander, Fhanksgiviag day tons aunt, Mrs street Fresh plasters at Gibson's. On ' Saturday the new steel over Collin's_ereek." between ani and Westbrook, was There is a twenty-eight foot aan 25¢. emulsion at Gibeon's. C'harles MeConville, confmed to tha Hotel Dieu for the past month, suf- fering from a fractured hin. was able to leave on Tuesday for "hiz home on Varl street. "Hot water bottles," buy these at Gihson's. Miss Kathaleen Finlan, nrefession- al nurse, who has been visiting the <icters of the Hotel Dien, and Mrs Norton Collins. Mcntreal street, re- turned to-day tn New York. Wise mothers buy infants' Gibron's.. Although the officers commanding the dilierent corps have received no definite word fram the militia depart ment, ther are calling for reernits for Canada's second contingent A 25¢. liver 25¢. son's. Many people from the city the holiday in outside places getting a very popular practice go out-of the eity on: and on Monday, the tfain excursions were well patronized It pays to buy hot at Gibson's. Herbert Holt, son of Mr 1.5. Holt, Montreal, who graduation from the Royal ri | College has been with the rd Dra goon Guards stationed in Egypt, is with his regiment in France. Wise mothers buy infants' foods at Gibson's. The members cof the reliel com- mittee in connection with the distri- bution of the patriotic fund held an other meeting on Saturday after noon for the purpose of making in- quiries into several cases There was no other business before 'the committee It pays to buy 'at Gibson's. An automobile, driven by zen, ran into a tree near St teanrch on Sunday afternoon crossing the car tracks the steering whee! did not work right, and the machine ran on the walk The bumper rod was bent by the blow against the tree "Made in Canada" Gibson's, 50¢. emulsion, 25¢. Cough Syrup, 15 25¢. Tooth Paste 13c. 0c. Taleum Powder, ! eo: Syrup Figs, 15¢ 25¢. Baby Cough Syrup, 100 Blaud's lron Pills, An accident befell Wiirid Speocer; ion Monday afternoon, about five o'clock. 'He had been out motoring | with his sister and brought his ma- 230, Johns, Thornhill, with her parents, Dr Sparks, Johnson infants' foods at Jean street, for and his friend, Ottawa, spent with Mr. Johns- Aryant, of bridge it pays to foods at overseas i, 2 for Gih- spent It is to water bottles atl Mrs since' Ms | now { | hot water bottles citi James In 3 and sold at Be. | Repairing and Remodeling a Specialty Prices Moderate ; chine to a stop at the corner of Union | and Barrie streets. When he attempt- ed to start it again the controller was partially left on and after grank- ing 'the automobile étatted and knock- ed Mr. Spencer I'he machine he sidewalk and smashed its lights and ane<mnd-guard. over. Belgian Relief Fund. Thé president of the Board of Trade had received the following ad- ditional gibscriptions to the Belgian fund: Mies Etta Smith, $106; George E. Hague, $25: Dr. H. A. Boyce, $10: Miss Alice I.. Macnee, $10: The Can- adian ~Bank of Commerce has very kindly offered to transfer free of charge any money to be sent to the honorary treasurer of the fund, H. Prudhomme, Montreal. A 9c. liverpill, 2 son's, for 25¢. Gib was a and | ' at 63 George | Catara- | finished. | water i Fhanksgivine land made an inspection of Yhe Thursday, ct. 15th DYE NIGHT ONLY MARIE TEMPEST Supported By Ww. Graham Browne Aud her own company dicccd irom the Play house, Lanuon, Eng., "Mary Goes. First" logue, PRICES 20e, SOc, T3e y, $200 SEATS NOW oN SALE FRIDAY and SATURDAY, OCT. 16 & 17 Kiddies' Matinee Saturday at 2.30 TRE WONDER SHOW OF THE UNIVERSE World's Greatest Magician { { First see insertion thereafter, Sh Peer Minimum charge for insertion, 25c;. hres insertions, 00; wix, $1} one month, HELP WANTED. ADVT. OF 25 W ORDS OR LESS, under this head, costs 26c for ome night, or 50c for three. AN RE~ Bar- SERVANT. \ GOOD GENERAL Apply 20 ferences required rie SL a i ------ A HOUSEMAID, AFPLY IN THE EVE- nings to. Mrs, Howard 8. Folger; No. | Bmily St GENERAL SERVANT WHO CAN COOR No. upstairs work. Apply Mrs Brigstocke, 7 Wellington St. AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY v Fou. AT K. & P. STATION, SMALL PURSE containing sw of money, Owner can have game by proving property and paying for this adv. MISSING TROM GRAND TRUNK BAGGAGE room, tan colored suitcase, slightly battered; two lock clasps. me R J. MoCrodan painted on bottom Refer any information to P. McDon ald, baggageman. TO LET FRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS Once 26¢, three. times doc. 19 NELSON ST. $ Princess St. A Rive) HOUSE, APPLY Mrs, NO. Circle, STORAGE FOR FURNITUR! clean and dry. McCann, § street. earn $100 monthly c for nawspapers; no ean vassing Bend for Particulars. Press Syndi cate, 3968 Lockport, N.Y ee tee -------------- LEARN BARBER TRADE. SURE EM. ployment. Good wages. Few week: required to -complete course. Writ: for particulars and catalogue to day Moler Barber College, 221) Queen Kast, Toronto. HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A salesman? We have a proposition to make which will enable you 14 earn more Toney than, You earning at e present time. OC o a strietly sunfdential. 26 - PEOPLE -26 2 CARLOADS OF EFFECTS BY MYSTHE R. WHO APFRACT MARVELLOUS IES THGUSA PRICES X12 3ii7. 25.0: Seats On Sale Wednesday ZO-HrRACTIH | Address to Manager, Box 47, «ton. Ont. SITUATION VAUAN LADIES WANTED TO DO RASY, pleasant, coloring work at home. Can make $15 to $20 weekly, Bx perience unnecess ; nO canvass- lng. National Dec arating Co. Dept. C, 69 Adelaide St. East, Tor- onto, Ont WORK WANTED. A0K AFTE early riser. Box ASK FOR NEW PACK drug store | Your Grocer Has Them eet re. A A - Reeruits are required for reinforce- ments for first contingent. Apply to the A. n. M, S., at the Armouries. QUEEN'S ATHLETIC EXCURSION TO TORONTO, Via Friday, October 16 $3.80 FARE $3.80 Special train leaves city depot 12.355 noon.; Tickets good to return tH Mon~ COMMITTEE Grand Trunk Railway QUALIFIED TEACHER, PROTEST. ant, for Union School Seetlon ! Oso and 9 Olden, for coming year Duties to commence after holl days. Salary 5. to Db Attewell, Sec.-treas Ont pply Oconto. A TEACHER qualifications after mild stating 0 Wm 8, §. NO. 6, 0So, with necessary Puties to commence summer holldavs. Apply salary sud xperience, t Crain, Ser&Treas, Clarendon Sta 'tion Omtario. WANTED GENERAL. ------------------------ TO PURCHASE GOOD, HEAVY ONE. "h . Apply A. Davis & , Kingston Tannery. OFFIC ES IN CLARENCE ST. cnAM bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mo die, 79 Clarence St. TO RENT," 202 SYDENHAM and improve electric light ments Apply Sydenham "St. HOUSE Bt., TR NisH " ALL MODER con on the prem near Bagot St \ LARGE FRONT FURNISHED DOU ve rooin, suitable for two youn; ladies Apply Neo. 1 Diviston St *TORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN , airy rooms; your own lock an Frost's ty Storage, 29 Queen St. Phone. &26b. GROUND FLOOR OFFICE TO hes lighted and furnished business location fn the eity 36 Brock St LET, Bes Apply EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Apply | to D. Boyd, 3 ROOMED HOUSE con rife on. Four location "Apply 178 Ur ONE SEVEN first class *drooms THE STORE oN MARKET sTREET | at present occupied Sy D, Hutch- eson as a flour and feed store. Pos session 1st January next. Apply M. Sullivan, Centracter. NO. 23 WEST S§ tirely renov open fireplac hot" water he once. Apply HOUSE, ood flo bat Posses STONE 31 ting J HOUSE, NEWIl Mt Stuart street, 1lding west of avenue, six rooms Rent $14 a month sion. Apply on aril atti DENTAL. MATTRESS REPAIRING AND RENO. vating of all descriptions. Also new mattresses kept in stock, Lat. est modern machinery. All work guaranteed Kingston Mattress Co., Phone 602, 586 Princess Sti. A. E. KNAPP, A, LDS, D.DS, RE. moved to Princess Street, KS, 150 WEL. (over SPARKS AND SPA lington St, Phone 348. GENT, EMEN _ TO BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up into up to-date sults. Price and workman. ship guaranteed to please. Press. ing and repairing' done on the shortest noulce. Thomas Calloway. 131 Brock Bibby's Garage BUSINESS CHANCES. street. near {ANYONE ANYWHERE « a mall order business at home; n canvassing; be your own bos Send for free booklet; tells Heacock, 2,968 Lockport. N.Y T MUSIO. TEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE B jus, 17 Ridean St Telephone VIOLIN INSTRUCTION CHRISTINE COCHRANE, Telephone 136. MUSIC AND DRAMATIO INSTRUC. MISS » Gore giregl. day night on all trains except 14 and 14 ZIG ZAG SARDINES (Norwegian) ADVANCE IN PRICE FAMILY GROCERS Zig Zag Sardines are acknowledged by connoissenrs to be one of the finest sardines packed. The greatest care has heen taken in cholce of fish as well ax oil. Only the very finest of each belng psed,' While all grades of Norwegian fish have advanced owing to the war, yet you may obtain ZIG ZAG SARDINES the old price. FENW pS HENDRY & C0. {Dintributors) | | | | | i | NO AT YOUR Woman Sent To Jail. On a charge of keeping a disor derly house on Chatham street, Mrs Bertha Randall was on Monday sen- tenced by Magistrate Farrell, to omg month in Jail Joseph Marlow, ark rested as a frequenter, was dis- missed, and John Warrell, arrested on a similar charge, was allowed to go on suspended sentence Rosey Reid, accused of being an inmate, | was remanded a week. Sergt. Nes- hitt and Constables Bateson and Nay- tor made the arrests Monday night. Given Two Months, Ford Ormiston of Gananoque, was before 'the magistrate Friday last for being drunk. He promised faith- fully to leave the city but fell into the hands of the police again the next day. He was given two months in jail for vagrancy. Will Put Down New Walk. The membery of the 'Portsmouth council met on" Monday afternoon vil It i i lage regarding new sidewalks. on King street, from the city limits to the penitentiary road, , Fresh plasters at Gibson's. W. R. Arnold, general manager of the Dominion Trust company. Van. couver, was killed instantly by' 'his own gun when putting it away after a hott expedition. i at Gibson's. Rowe you define yhe word ; "ing you want to know whether it app {to & persen or a bee. Fears are felt for the safety Hon. H. 8. Beland, who when heard from was in Antwerp, of last | + Wifigert, was. decided to put down a 'new walk . tion, 216 Frontenac St. Mi Telgmann, Alda Telgman 0. F. Telgmann, teachers of eloc tion, plano, violin and all stringed instruments. HISS MARY G. CH LW graduate Toronto Nh Musie, sopra church with ing, Oct oth for Torontc For apply s St LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, BARRIS. tors and soMoitors. . Law office, 70 Clarence street, Kingston. oper mation C Prince PRISONER'S ESCAPE Awakens to Find Them Sawing the Bars --The:ffenders Were Soon Caught. Hagerstown, Md., Oct. ing he heard rats gnawi Harvey Snooks awoke in jail last night and discovered John H. indieted- for murdering Johu Middleknuli, attempting . to break jail by sawing bars with a knife con- vetted into a file. Ope bar had al- ready been sawed nearly in two and a few minules 'later six prisoners, in- cluding Claude Me( usker, indicted for murdering "Jeffersan Roman. near Hancock, would have battered down a window, leaped into the jail yard and escaped. ; Mel! To told Sheriff King Wingbrt had threatened him if revealed the jail-breaking plot. te. Another War Song. A gentleman recently returned from England brought back with him the following tongue-twisting war songi-- "ister Susie sews soft shirts for sol- 13.~Dream- x Jailer the that he diers, : Such skill for sewing shirts our shy young sister shows, | Some soldiers. send epistles, say they'd..rather sleep on thistles, Than the saucy short shirts for sol- diers Sister Susie sews.' Test the acenraey of your scales of instice by weighing yourself mow and then. =, DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B Renton, assistant. 133 Princess Street. Phone 735. SH. SIMPSON, L.D.S, ».D.5 Ist, corner rincess nd etraets. Entrance on Bagot street KINGSTON BU s LEGE, Limited. Head of Queen Street Superior courses In Book- keeping, Shorthand, Typewrit. ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen« eral Improvement and all Come mercial subjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 140. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. BUSINESS NOTICES. JOSEPH BUSK, ¢ CHESTNUT ST. HAS opened ue a quarry on Stephen St Cut, building and rough stone are supbiled promptly at reasonable pri a 2 deb ddb ibd FETS H IIe He FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Society: Incorporated . 1863. resident, Colonel Henry R oney issu on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures: mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al- lowed. McGill, Manager, 8% Clarence street. hi LIVERPOOL, LONDON Fire Insurance ("mpany. Availablie assets $61,187,215. 'wm addit'on to which the policyhorders have for security the unlimited labluaty of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or givin ng new business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents." Phone 325. AND GLOBE he GREER FEA ATHENS, APPLY Mman, 387 Division St. Carnoveky's) , AD ae § : COSTE Boog $1.00, one wes TO MRS, FEW d A CARRIAGE, ONLY 24 Place Apply BABY months in use. Arms St. rURE: JBRED XK. ROCK AND hens d cockrels and ite to Dg Gq. "Boyd, 108' Line St. SECONDHAND ORGAN, Goon SHAP! Cheap. _D. J, .DawsoR; planos a Victor Victrolas, 244 ncess GAS RANGES AND REFRIGERAT- ors at reasonable prices, while they last. At Turk's, Phone 705. EVERY nap 101 SOUND IN arness and buggy. H. McGrath, GOOD HORSE, way; also if sold at once, Beverly Bt $100 WiLL BUY A FIVE YEAR OLD Borge city broken, good every Way. ply Kingston Mattress company, P one 602, 556 Princess street. en SIX FEET LONG, 41 vont and 56 1-2 in. high wp shelf. ree drawers an pe British Whig o SNghtly used. A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND @ number of first-class heaters, at low prices; also a big stock of fur- niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St, Phone 1600, A LARGE NUMBER OF BICYCL a Dunlop tires, at $2.00. ' All ers promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373 King St. A a------------------------------------------------ OUBLE FRAME DWELLING HOUSE corner of Willlam and Bagot Sta. Quickly tenanted. Apply to W. White, post office, or A. F. Bond, Frontenac street MC -------------------- ™ FOLLOWING IN Matched alsa one 20 milk Holsteins; » ram lambs. Ap- farm, Lamolns OFFICE DES in. high in at back. Rl IW stock y ung horses, 15 or I Black' 4 AND Wil <1. ¥ NEW SPAPER, Monthly and job printing book-binding plant. Employ constantly 2 hands; always Growing in Ontarlo, reasons for Richard, Toronto, Ont ---------------------------------------- MINPR AL XR SPAR AND ca; t fon. [rane ra ye iw F R iE HOU sus, YORK St, ¢ 5.000 BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LO® HOUSE, 6 ROOMS, and stable. HOUSE, MARK. $1,800--FRAME SLO0O-NEW FRAME land S G. A. BAT IAN, INSURANCE AND Ciarence St Real Estate, TO LET OR FOR SALR, 175 PINE ST, 10 ROOMN B. and C, large lot with barm 368 Division St se &. Apply Jyrdan St, -- HOUSE, with Enquire TSHBURGH OWNSHIP, east of Joyeeville, cheese good repair, in the fry district. For James Agnew, Joytevile, Ont. ROOMS AND BOARD. em ------------------------------------------------ FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMA," also table board. Apply 138 Wels Maogton St, of posite post office. CATERING, CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS, Wedding Yreakfasts, banquets, also rent dishes, table linens silverware, Reid and Hambroo M. P. Reid, 30 on Street. F. QC, 76 A Street Hambrook, fred Phones Sa or 130s. Se ARCHITECT. NEWLANDS & ..OfMces, ONE fac- centre RS WE WM. tects, ete, Phone §1 POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Bullding, corner Brock and Wellington wirests. Drop | Oar SON, ARCHI- 258 Bagot St. PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish es removed permanently, withagt scar; 30 years experiency br a mer J. Lake, Ey lar, Throat and skin a 28 Be: got street. - UPHOLSTERING. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairing and carpet work, and mattress renovating Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street. * Quali The World's Best Tons, or 14 Tons Delivered on date of order wn OPPORTUNITY" WR Cry intl wo thay haild wp "mn remunerntive business for themwelves by aeting an our loenl representative Exclusive terrMory. Neo ex- perience required You handle Jour own money. For particulars address ihaven t. Post Office Box 31, Tor- The shapely girl fen't afraid = to let people know how well she can fill a pair of silk hose. Wier. some pwople have a little time 1 waste they annoy others who JAMES SWIFT & CO WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION ACT Notice To Employers. Employers throughout the oii are hereby notified that Ist Junoary, 1915, has been. ~by official procia- mation as' the date on and after whieh workmen will be entitled to compens sation under the new Workmen's Com- pensation Act (Chap.<26, 1914, Ontario) and that under section 78 of the sald Act 'every employer in the industries included in Sehedule 1 or mentioned. in section 78 of the Aet iu required Cwithe out notice and subject to penalty case of default) to transmit to Workmen's Compensation Board, . not later than Slst tober, 1814, a state. ment of his pay-roil for the year end- ing tember #14, and an e mate of his pay-roil fer the calendar year 1915 Forms for making the required res port and circulars showing what em: ployers come under the Act, or coples of the 'Act itself, will be sapplied on application to The Workmen's Compensation Board Parliament Buildings, Toronto, October 13, 1914 re

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