Daily British Whig (1850), 14 Oct 1914, p. 10

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Eo - Mattoryronn Is Actove. Oct. 13.~The people this community have organized & of the Canadian Patriotic and $250 in cash was reached "the Opening meeting, with the ; of more than = doubling | atfigunt Was the canvass goes ca. ple are also busy gath- into send boxes of clothing, » to the needy Belgians. # 'Recley's Bay Items. 's Bay, Oct. 13.--Our local are making preparation: annual deer hunting trip. Helen Walbe has gome to Port 'to act as assistant poStmietres: Mr. Howitt, who has been o, in. reported somewhat "bet (Dr.) Thanksgiving with 'her ingsion. Misses Mildred a Mabel Simpson 'spent y 'with their friends. Silo fill is the order of the day here. Ral- Was observed in the Sunday the 11th inst. Tt was a , the church being filled. W, illen is Frephring to erect a. new dwelling' house. Bloomfield Notes. field, Oct. 12.--The very finest ht weather has prevailed for the : weeks, and many tomatoes and pitch corn has been hauled to the * factories. Owing to a short- "in cans, the Beaver Uanning bbs not been alle to handle dtoes for the past two weeks, p factory has been closed, I" contracted for that factory sold to Marshall Trampour y rail to his factory at 1 Misses Barker are Thanksgiving in. Toronto. 'Harris and wife are' Visiting ughter Mrs. W. A. Christy tris occupied the Methodist the absence of Mr. Spence, been attending conference at A8wh 'and visiting other places. herine Hevonaid died at the +hee-son, W. H. MoDonald, t. 'The funeral was held N "chiarch," West Lake, her former h6me, on' Thursday. She was eighty ning years of age. Attended + Comvention. Bavant . £idtion, Oct. 12-----<Miss pans! Horn 'ahd "Miss 'Hilda Jacob Were tie' guests of Miss: Ethel Boyd, Nnbur. fon Sunday. Mr. and "Ms JM MeFdriane and' family tisited | ov e's parents, Mr. and Mrs} John Paul, "Lower Lavant, on Sun: day. and Mrs: Harvey Thomas , dre guests' of 'the for 8, Mr. and Mrs. William Hillview ' Farm." "Miss ent thanksgiving at ' ve' aneis' Bwart, teach 'er¥&t Beatties' school, Jeft last Sat urdAY: to spénd -thankagiving at he: {battle In ¥arker, and-also attend the 'sonvention at Sharbot hy week. is a S04 Sates Out. 5.<Rev, D. sD. and Hpped "attended the general con un in"Ottawa last week and werp Ww. . "is, at Present, i but i8he' 'may soon recover. Miss i from Ogrsilbald for ving + 'Mrs, (Rev) 'D. D. BI a 'her "Way to the Methodist 8, "was a weekend By tor : mpe- cil ideg sho 'attended the designs Of 'ger vied" for her ¢odsin, Dr. "Wide, "who smiled 'from Now 'wétk' for" her field of lav ' Central India. Mrs. "B. "has been ill but is. re "Rev. F.' W. Duggan 'was a 6s vais parsonage on A." MoGregor Toft i Creamer, Thursday for Kingston $0 resumé his | ¢ studies in Queen's university. Migs Amy Crosbie, Perth,' is at 'present & guest at the parsonage. "Rev. A, E. and Mrs, Hagar, Frankville, were guests in Morewood on Tuesday. Mr. Allison was & guest at the howe of ~ HB 8. Brother on Friday. . The mission'; band in connection 'with® the Preshy- | J terian- cliurch held a. concerl in ' the i hall on Saturday evening. Mr. and rs. Walker and babe, Winchester, were guests over the week-end at the home of Mrs. Walker's: parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith. Mr. Gillespie 188 gone to work in Porcupine, New Intario.. Miss Flunter and , Jillobough - attended the teachers' convention om Thursday and Friday. Mr. Hunter made a business trip to Delta and Athens pecently. Events at" Elgin. ! Elgin, Qt. 12.---C, A, Ha yladay, Prescott, 'was the guest of his pai- ants. Revi Wi J. Phee McFarland aas returned: ftom Ottawa. Nurse Nelson, who had a patient at Chat- fey's Locks, hiss returned home. 'A school fair of Forfar, Coon's and Jlgin, schools, 'was held on H. Rip- ey'sy farm and drew forth' a lirge -fowd. Competitons along dhe vari- sus varieties was good. Miss dooney, Narrows Locks, spent Sun- day in the vidage. Miss Fahey was a recent guest at Lansdowne. = Miss Sullivan spent Thanksgiving at Kingston. ' W. Sheldon is having a metal roof placed on his residence. Knitting is a favorite pastime with the ladies. Miss Pierce, (Newboro, was fin the village last week. Ww. Ruthven has returned frown Guelph. It is: reported that he purchased a farm in that vicinity. Silo filling outfits are being "ept busy. Messrs. S. 'Morgan and E. Coon who spent the past' month: at" Valcattier have returned' to Kingston. 'Apples are being shipped here by car lots. Mrs. Murphy deft for Prescott, last week. Mr. and Mrs. P. Plunkett are pre- paring to spend the"winter in New York" @ity "with their son. George Howard, Quebec 'province, : spent a few days' with' his family. Bverest Preston was in this vicinity last week. H. Hamilton, Toronto, is holidaying here. GERMAN C0 Township of Pittsburgh Council. Crown Prince William Kitel Fred ri Pittsburg, Oct. 5.--The council met at 11° a. m.; members all pres- ent; minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Accounts passed: J. Duggan, royalty on stone, $2.40; J. Rankin, 'royalty on stone, $1.40; R. Ballantyne, fence bonus, $3.73: R. Barclay, royalty on stone, $5.71; H. Brash,'do., $5.71; JA.MeANister, do., $3; C. Day, work, $25; G. E work," $13; J. Tavior '& Son., lumber, $74.67; "Thomas Woods, gravel and work; $35; H. McNeely, $8; J. Gallaway; drawing vément, 34; BE. Garrett, use of wat-! ayy 4 that 'restaurant' now 'being er tank; $2; 'S. Faford, cleaning out Masimp.+ by officers of the head- well, $4; clerk, account, salary, hits | Quarters staff, 'instead of by chorus township engineer, fees, (White girls, and while the Montmarte re award), $113.21; J. Alexander, post- soris have long since closed, such age, $2; J. AW. Lloyd, work, $56.20; | shanges were to be expected when I. Agney, work, $4; W. Trotter, bal-| yo "oniire nation shouldered arms. ance. on. stone, 85; J. Murphy, fence | gut the change in the Champs Ely- bonus; $5; R. O-Donaldson, fence | og was slower, more indefinite, sub- bonus, $2.26; 8. Anglin 'and com: {go 04 surprising. This street, pany, lumber, $28.08; J Neverson, | wyere the fashionable set were rival work, 50c; Fallon Bros, material { i», siorious display, continues to be for acton Award ditch; $17.76; J. 3 Hyland, fence bonus; $6; W. A. Mitchell, nails, $3; J. Keenan, tile, Parigiennes wrap- os Euan, Th a0 bn Cs mH alty on stone, $19; J. W. Lloyd, work, $126.50; F. Thompson, work and cement, $12.15; R. White, work, $1; C. Hartley, lumber, $10.50; V. Fisher, fence bonus, $10.25, 'and other the Red Oross As the ma- work, $4; G. Maitland, work, $2.75; jority of these cars now requisition I.. Gillespie, 143 loads; gravel, $14. ed, once tormed a part of that anti 30; F. Anglin, 40 loads gravel, $4; pclium procession, J. W.. Spence, disbursed - for - work, | 50 notice eable $60; C. Gates, work, $7; W. Fiani- gan, "work, "$1807 DU MceCHment, stone and work, $56; A. Wilmot, | ine the walk royalty on stone, $4.63; H. MeLean, | 1oijettes last year's styles not near- royalty -on stone, $4.57; H. Macrow,}iy worn out But with the first ¢rushing stone, . $1,213.46. Ad-| breath of vel autumn 'during the journed until firet Monday in. Novem- | 155¢ 'week they found a new odcupa- ber. tion Qne can now see them in Tyr sn. scores s g bride, - were found -dead in a local Knittin: o Rey 8 hotel Monday «afternoon, having All feminine Paris is n been asphyxiated , by illuminating | from the Champ Elysees A gas. : + 1 big 'department Stores, where half A. H.: 'Jones, railway. engineer, of | the clerks are thus employed, to the Westmount, 'and two other "men; | heights of 'the workmen's quarter were killed and: two injured in an !in Beleville. Shirts; socks, and accident on the N.T.R. construction | mufilers are being prepared for 'the work near La Tugue. | soldiers in" the trenches. All the ALL PARIS IS KNITTING, A i a Rich and Poor, Needle for Militaire. Oct. 14-In all the Women, Ply Paris, War no 'greater change is noticeabls than that which has occurred in the last few"days in the city's most heau- tiful thoroughfare, the Avenue des C haf ps Elysees. While instead of a procession of <¢ontaining dainty mire, there is now another, but swifter, procession of motor vehicle They ply two kinds of flags --one the pennant of Service Militaire, th always "in beautiful "always reaches you Mn 'perfect "conditionand always the: same - not 'hard one div and sof "another, like the Kinds you 'buy _ in bulk. The reason is, PACIFIC is first made "DELIGIOUSLY GOOD" and- siliclésome and then éach plug is wrapped separately in foil fo keep that goodness i and not allow it to come in contact with dust and soiled hands. 'BUY A PLUG TO-DAY AND CE. * ds a' satin "insert 'which is highly valued by collectors See window displays around town. i ------ Ny } trans { formation brought,about here by the! » A khaki has | taken she place of silks and satins at { the parade grouna of the city, "but motors, | ¥, 80 that the world afoot might ad- | the chauge 18 hot il Al first the fashionable folk still! occupied chairs under the trees lifi- | WN PRINCE. ck of Germany, oldest sdn of Kaiser Will iam. An | autput; when delivered at headquar: ters, is proniised to be delivered to the regiments within the next twenty four hours. STREET RAILWAY SEIZED, Mexican Government's: Drastic Solu- tion for Strike. Mexico City, Oct. 14---The govern: ment took provisional possession of the Mexico Tramways company's lines, This action' was taken be cause traffic has been suspended since last Thursday, due to the strike of motormen and conductors. The government will commence op erating the lines in the interest of public welfare. Phe strikers demand a large in: crease in pay, shorter hours and re cognition of the union. The éom- pany has 'refused to - grant thes¢ things. « The property, which is capitalized at §60,000,0800 in gold, is owned by vanadian, English, French, Belgian and American interests, with head: | quarters in Toronto, The company tag filed a protest regarding the tion of the Mexican govermmen with the legations of the countries | whoses citizens are interested in the property. NORM. AL GRAIN BU YING. Britain of Helligerents is. Do. ing It. Kansas: City, Oect., 14.--Britaip lone, of the belligerent Europeat , bowers, is buying grain normally, ac {cording to delegates to the eigh: {teenth annual convention of the { Grain Dealers' 'National - association - | which convened here. = Nearly 1,00¢ e | delegates, representing export aad commission firins and eowuitry deal { ers, are in attendance. The grain trade in "Britain "wa: entirely normal, the dealers asserted but' France was "buying 'now only about ten per 'cent. of its usual amount Germany 'and 'Austria they said, were Trckasing nothing. YOUNG RR ANC HER WIFE SHOT, Algo, Fatal Actident White They "Were --=Hunting Together. Vancouver, Wot 14.~Mrs. Flora Nellio Jones, aged twenty-one, wife of a 'rancher near Merritt, "was shot by her husband while both were out shooting. Jones earvied his 'wife a.mile to their home, but she died within a few minutes alter reaching there. Theatrical Notes, Mme Nagimova Is soon te appeas in a new play. Henry B. Harris has selected the title of "A Perfect Lady," for the new play in which Rose Stahl will star this season There are eighty-two. speaking characters in Thompson Buchanan's "Life", which Willlam A. Brady _is soon to produce. Edgar Allan Woolf has announced his intention of vaudevillizing the entire Shakespearean rupértoire foi the Keith theatres. Alice Lloyd, who will be at the Orpheum next week, was at the Palace, New York, this week. There she divided the honors with Joan Sawyer, the dancer. Allan Pollock, who has been play. ing at the Princess Theatre, Toronto. with Miss Billie' Burke, is lesving 1 the company ito join the British ar. my. Mr. Pollock is an army reser vist, and expects to be attsehed to the Argyl-SButherland Highlanders, Drakeman's Injuries Fatal, Belleville, Oct. : 14. --Smith = Bird, an, Living in this eity, suf feel infuricn at Lolborne 'early "on Monday morning, as a © GOLDSMITIPS BURIAL. In Westminster Abbey. * Every biographer of Goldsmith, writes Mr. Alvin Waggoner in Case and Comment, the lawyers' magazine, strange story of the poet's en 'mrents with the'law at his death.' Un: questionably 'Goldsmith died in debt. Sir Joshua Reynolds; mated the debts at $10,000. According to the story, these debs | disrupted the funeral arrangements, A public funeral in Westminster Ab- bey was designed, the pallbearers had been selected from the distinguished eircle to which Goldsmith helonged, and then the rapidly maturing ar- raagements came to «- sudden halt, | The public funeral was a up with- out explahation. T ial "Took place simply, amb ' ground 'of the Temple Chureh, None of "the old literary friends' were 'present. This strange change in procedure has" been explained by-the statement that fri*ads feared that : would interfere with the public fun- eral by sefming' the 'body; a right' which it'is allegéd the ereditors had under the law at that time. % This explanation has "refterat- ed until it is quite generally believed. As a matter of fact the story is with out foundation because the law of England 'never 'gave a right of this nature: to-creditors. 'The story has also been quite industricusly éircus lated 'about Richard Brinsley: Sheri- dan, who lkewise died 'heavily In debt, Whatever it"was that changed the arrangemenis of a public funeral for Oliver Goldsmith, it may be safe- ly vasserted as 'a?legal proposition the 'dead -body would "be- seized by creditors, Possibly Forster came near the truth-wheu he said, "It was felt that a private cerethony, would which he died." ' So it came about that Goldsmith 'was buried by his ; the boundaries of their own domain. He had lived his happiest days among them, and It was after all more fit- ting that he should lie down to" his long rest in the midst of them rather. than in a 'garish and splendid tomb in Westminster Abbey. The exact spot of the grave lias long been forgotten, but in 1837 the 'befichiers of the Tem- ple Inn placed a 'mérble slab in the church of the "Temple, and this is pointed out to 'visitors as' the poet's resting place. It'is hallowed ground, and' the lawyers "who 'Sow' frequent that spot may well turn aside from the plodding course of their daily routine and pay homage to the poet who lived among 'their bréthren of another age dnd loved them with-all the' fervor of his simple, honest heart. Isle of Lewis Scots. The Island of Lewis in Scotland, where practically the entire: male population has volunteered for active service, holde a proud record for military prowess, and furnikhes the finest recruits for the Highland regi- ments, A 'practice, approved by Plato, formerly prevafled here of putting to death by exposure-all weakly or deformed children, and it {s said by the most eredible histor- fans that this custom continued until "modern times." As a result, the inhabitants are far superior in physl- que to other Highlanders, and con- sumption was quite unknown until recently re-introduced by sfekly Southrons. Early Female Boxing Bout. Female pugilists used at one time to fight in a curious way. An early histerian. of boxing .quotes a _chal- lenge issued in the eighteenth ecen- tury "Lo Bisabeth Wilkinson of Clerkenwell, having had some 'words with Hannah Hyfield and requiring satisfaction, do: invite he¥i to "meet me ypon'the stage and box me for 3 guinéas, each" woman holding a half crown in'each hand, and the first woman that drops the money to one the * battle." The 5 . Hanna promise blows tha formally accepted; to give 'Hlizabeth™ words, 'desiring home 'thrusts, ae from 'her no favor. "She may expect & good thumping: ""-Lowdon Stand- ard. No Guard Required. This is a story f a gunboat in Belfast Lough a 'sh 'time ago, The nearest Ulster volunteers heliograph a rin pr - Sunday I anys Pen were omg ASHOre 10° to shurch, as, it 80, 'they 'wanted' to form & guard of 'honor. The commander - back," elureh. 44 ' of the guard of honor. xn to St. uy to mass," was the answer, The . guard of honor ,@isbanded at once, ails Money-Takes Wings. © # One of the many fanciers at Ha- verfordwest "botght a pigeon. for. a shilfing, but: somehow dt got y from its" cot 'and didn't seem to enter it again... So the disconso- lste 'owner ran to:his brother and, pointing upward to a distant. of something circling in the sky, ax- claimed, "Look at my shilling!" Cardift Western Mall. 3 J Conditibus Bad In Condifions along the Labrador coast this go ged the' many yeas, @ report bere from Dr. Wiltred T. Grenfell, the missfonary. All of the the coast are dependent on the eries, and in many places the: this year has been the smallest for a generation. { 3 "The hast Word. '- Willie--8ay,. i every word In the dictionary. Pa--No, my son. Fvery little while & new o into use. Pitts What ~ What's the last word, then, pa? Pa--1 don't know. nother, Why the Poet 'Was Not Laid to Rest | had given more or less credence to a | hr 's Promgho sting Thomas Copley as Telephone 987 Deskausitystemn, u takes how Blood card to 13 Pine street x hou Pal, Te of the pian ver bt. the | waning" anything done In the car i | tery line. etimates given on all k! an of repairs wo work ;-ailso wood Roors: a a kinfs. Al orders EL receive prompt witegtion. "Shep, rer Bereet a at Announcement ? As I have decided to' Vane my present premises, 8 ot F057 won inated 1 mais reductions" on any" rom I have in stock. If it is your : phat tention of purchasing it would be to Jour advantage to buy. mow, CEE RT TE I ot that there waa not any likelihood that} better become. the circumstances ia} lawyer, friends and neighbors within } Go ask your | | Everything for the football ainyer, itt he donna i ns : wuards, nose ganrds, nee guar who! ler an ow pants, boots, adn nn excellent Mune of oy rt 2 oe, ecretaries of clubs should write and get vupr prices "and If pos: Hi nf om" 34 Rl ALY] IS MILD, "PURE, -APPETIZING Just the" Beverage' for the busy man: -- rests the nerves and ensures sound sleep. If not sold in your neighborhood, write JOHN -LABATT, LIMITED LONDON CANADA BE&™ Special arrangements for direct shipment to privale consumers. rg 52 James-MoPariand, Agent, 339:341 » King't. Bast. -- A tA A ANN AAA 'Women Look Well When they -eseape 'the sallow skin, ' the pimples, blaek- Jats, facial blemishes due to indigestion or 'bilious- ness, § At times, "all women need help to sid the. system "of poisons, , and the 'safest, surest, "most convenient 'and - most economical help they "find -in This famous farnilyfemédy has an excillent tonic eftectupon the entire system. It quickly relieves the ailments caused by. defective or irregular action of the organs of digestion, headache, backache, low. spirits, - extreme . nervousness. Purifying the blood, "Beecham's "Pills improve - and Clear The: Complexion "Tha directions with every box are very Pog sr Thome Betts Ter pee Pravond erat The Comfort ( Baby's % oly ' . . R.% Morning Dip <4 (CAOODNESS A KNOWS," says the Comfort Baby's Grand- mother, "what we'd do without this Perfection "Smokeless 0Qil + Heater, "If I'd only had one when you were .a baby, you'd have been saved many a cold and croupy spell." For warming cold corners and isolated upstairs Beas ia aie ik 4 Prt ih, pal to bid Shih 1 ae aay 3 and Bo Jung) TAC alt ha stores. Look for the a 8 THE 'IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited : i Quebec Halifax _Mantreal "iy ie

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