PAGE TEN : eae THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15; 1914. SPORT REVIEW E OUTSIDE COMMENTS ON QUEEN'S RUGBY TEAM. rps ged Solacidents Remus, Toronto Star Calls | McGHI To Win Deuisently in the great European Intercollegiate Honors -- Hamil: Pi SORNASea the Bank AEA SUISHIN Stony ton Spectator Sees Little Good Ini As eyeryone knows, Wi Pat: terson, a # rr I TIT RR AERO PIPETTE D Ar tastes otters dds dels? A) w Queen's Team. Beottish. farmer, was the 1 r of the great institution in ) d :Rogden of McGill, were | eedle I Sreat His pian for a R pd up in the game against national bank was submitted to the arsity and. es there ls not a gan | Government in 1691, but. it was not - J for nearly two weeks it t ive: the ayers plently of time the Chan- it in y iton ipectator = Queen's abaojutely nothing, outside half back who. can raise a as. in the air as any | poops "arst Deputy G or, left his enerally a few. wing play- peaceful decupation vi a Ni ar YY. # - & I FOE EIT TES I ITED eg A tao inanaged to show then being some speed and tacking ability She British forces inder « Wiliam 1 1 should win the Intercolle- : a bands dawn. Queen's a Joumer In in order. to, Fri were coming strepg at the tail end Kind reajéciins supply _of last season, but were too late ba Boa ELE Ave ting down. to werk fo have any place se Tate ce of stomp 8g - the - victorious | P BO FE0 Baturally ha somenhere McG maghipe. into the trenches, and soon nent Ottawa Free Press: You have to Ro oie) al William, take off your hat to "Jack" Williams - ® re his off days but his good rexsly. 1 think you ronsht not to 8 have greatly outnumbered Tun a 5 on are aC n, them, and for grey matter he has no ha J SE ute gi I Mr, . superior, He is a player who can "but. ay 9p h still shine for several years in inter Qodlr or Maj Am more expose city leagues. an your esty. . a you, returned She King. 5 am 4 in my duty, erpfore have a That McGill will be without the seryjees of "Chuck" Waterous in pry reasonable claim to preserva- their next match was learne on Tuesday when Waterous. announced a Hs moment » saunon pall, fire thé fact that. Saturday's game om the ramparts, struc! chael against "Varsity was his last, Godfrey and killed him instantly. wh nt gl T ronto Globe:-- The splendid am, and-he.o dy football of both teams in the holiday | 10 be taken to England, where it was game at Varsity Stadium was sadly laid to rest in St. Swithin's Church, marred by exhibitions of meanness | BAT the Bank of 'England. In the and ruffianism that the Ontario | Church records Godfrey's memory is Rugby unign must see are pot re- | honored thus:-- peated unleds' it wants its future He died a bachelor, much lament. games to be directed by the police, | ®d by. all his, friends, relations, and acquaintances, for his integrityy, hla who will take off and arrest players a8 they do in the professional lac- knowledge, and the sweetness of his ; / TORE games. Ottawa Citigen-- The invincible Women In English Banks. McGill team, Intercollegiate cham- In .at least three great London pions for 1912 and 1912 and pros- | banks women have found employ. pectixe winners for 1914, collided | ment for the last twenty years, and with & surprise party at Lansdowne | in one of these, where there is .a Park .asterday afternoon when they | large business done in foreign loans met Jack Williams" St Patrick's | about 30 or 40 women are Ey team Jn an exhibition game. MeGill | in sorting, listing, checking and can- won by a score of 7 to. 6, but it was | celing the coupons. This work is not until the last few minutes of | subsidiary to that of men, who han- play that they managed to register | dle the coupons in the first and last the deciding point. The new team, | instance. In the Bank of England which will :cpresent the capital in| there are about 60 women employed the Ontario Rugby Football Union | in connection with the sorting up and cafe through with a surprisingly | listing and agreeing of old paid bank good showing. They held McGill | notes and during the last year in the 4 4 Wn a a CAL IEEE LETT A RT rr TY rrr yy yyy, a os FE EXE - 'aw Ferd. much closer than anyone anticipyi- ed, though they went into the game minus condition and with few sig- nals at their command. ¥roronto World: -- Varsity track men are putting on the finishing touches; in their training for the in: terfaquity games, to be held at the stadium on Friday aftermoon. Cap- tain Bill Brown is of the opinion that he, will have a team. which will "add gnether vietory to the already long Mst of Varsity track champion- ships when his boys stack up against inspection of héw bank motes from the printing machines, The Bank of England also employs women at typ- ing and shorthand writing. A very high standard of courtesy is expected from a bank clerk. This at- titude of mind. ip said on competent authority to be cult for women; while they continually exact respect from their male official inferiors, they do not always show: it to their male official superiors. Women find a diffi- culty In rising to speak to a male head of a department; they are too mindful of their sex even when at 10 C ECE FPN PRN ATE YLT LT & » & agg ions representing Queen §| work. And this charge is made with and ill «tthe M. A. A. | the cognizance that. their work itself grounds in Montreal a oy 'after | is as good and their capacity as great the iaterfaculty events. Practical- | as that of men who might be engaged ly all of last year's men, with the | on similar duties. But they have not orphan of Campbell and Bricker, | the official temperament, are 4t acain to help thts Sime ma ti ter, with a promising bate [4 Mar ' © mew paternal Hs. that at ef ian strong aggregation will go dewn to Dr. Henry. Coward, the well-known trim 'the Montrealess, in their own lecturer on music, tells a story of his camping grounds. A dark horse, | early days concerning a quartette who was workiag out ydsterday which he organized among warehquse heavad the discus over 109 feet, and | Workers in an English city. He ap- he wijl be in lige -for :the other | proached a showman who was visit- weight events. All the other -de- | ing the.district, and suggested to him . partments are, strong. that a party of singers would be an attraction to his show. New Government Vessel. "Kin they. sing?" ed the shaw Ottawa, Oct. 15--A new vessel for | M80. Le 8 lighthouse service on, the St. Law: Yes, very jwe , rence. from Lake Ontario to Coteau Huve ay dress. suttat rom will 38 launchad an, November > It "Yes. n is the Granville, which is now being completed at the Polson Iron Works "How much. "Will 1% cost tot buch AR) Toronto. engagement} Ad oh ae ailing, each per night; 1 Eleanor OF Brows, a, blind gir! nk, Jw 9. o Ohit | 1 Know," Haid the entertainer; who was graduated from the Ohi | "but_haw, much will it cost? i] State ; Univer bas been appoint bf German and English | many are there in this oy, , ayan Sie Lh hk wy AE RAR TR eT Td " or + - ET YT ETT ET FY Yr sr PL 2 Kven the Judge Moved. - Less than a century ago the morals of Sydney, New South Wales, were dublous. - The following illustrative anacdote is told by Tighe Hop! in his, book "The Romance RELL LLL RR ELL LETS a i Frand:* " . . . " . 8 La g 4 ed tl A ot AR A A A AI let Al Al A negro had come to the gelony in some gentleman's service, For years he 'had been the best of blacks, but in Sydney he robbed his master, At chis, trial he was asked by the Judge | if he could produce a witness as to | character. No, he said sadly, he could ; not. "No, massa, Poor -Jaccho no; character now. When Jaccho came. a Tidney Jaccho berry good man. Jac- | cho a rogue now. All rogue in Tid- Be Bimeby, massa jedge a. rogue | Pearls Off drish Coast. Pearl fishing may become the industries of Ireland. It ported that a party of Ei have picked up pearls in the Moy, near Swinford, County which are estimated to be wi of their value. Qhe of a Jiecimen he for his possessiol an It a man. Mumires & Noman she reciprocates to the extent of admire "UNMITIGATED BLACKGUARD" Windsor: Opician Must Ray $500 For Alionating "Affections. Woedstoek; Oct. 15--C. E- Miller, | a mechanic of this city, was given a verdiel for $600 damages and costs Dy a jury at the fell assizes $n his suit against Dr. C. N. MaeDon- ald, a Windsor optician, formerly of this. oity, for. alienation of his wife's affections. The. prosecution relied mainly -en '1a sevies of letters written by Mr, Miller to 'MacDonald, and one bufn- : {ing 'epletie cwritten by MacDonald to 'faer. The only witgess examined was Miller, whoge story seriously inerims inated MacDonald. Justice Lateh- ford. severely scored - MacDonald, whem: he declared to be an unmiti- Jjeatad blackguard. JGASE WAS SETTLED. The (Broskville. "Rlaintiff Accepted |o on BUR200 avd Costs. Broekvilie, Ot. 15---The only case scheduled for trial at the fall assizes court, before Judge Kelly, was an action brought by wil against The Corporation of ville to recover $10,000 damages for the death of his son. who was elee-| trocuted by a live wire of the Light and Power department: which fell close to the oak dyring a sléet jam Hewitt} Broek: McGRAW'S SALARY $18,000. LN ew York Manger enites at Tax New York, Oct. 15---Manager John McGraw, of the New York Na- tional league team told yesterday what his salary i¢ for managing the Giants. It is -$18,000 a vear, ac- cording to his statément when he ap- peared at the tax office to swedr off aan assessments the city had levied against him. McGraw de- clared that all of his salary is re- quired for the maintenance of his family. The amount which the New York National club owamers pay McGraw has long been a malter of specdla- tion, some guesses puting it as high as $25,000 a year. 00 BEWARD, $160 he ¥ readers of nis Baper a leased to ean Rat there dae aA! 0 ifi{nta rr ail its sta, aud rrh. Hall's Catatrh Cure is sitive gure new, known to 1 tarrh i Hates Oo.