Ey 5 York. 7 friends at Detroit, Mich. Miucklwee intends holding a Rave 'returned 'from Valcartier camp. Mr. and Mrs. at Sharbot Lake. I . Sanford Leeman are visiting at Mrs. SR HAVE TO TELL. From Villages anal -------- Lie. MaXlorytown Tidings rytown, Oct. 13.--Miss Lena go Donald, wy'o received the ' lar- number A' votes at the jmedi- hw, rec\'ved a clock as a Muster Ra bbie Hodge "broke arm off SundA¥ by a falli Miss Jordat was home froya the school, King ton for the , ¥, Armstré ng is pressing "at Jonas Hagern.'an's. © Miss fodie Inkin is home from Ii ospifal. $8. B. E. Elliotf, is the guest of hor sister, Mrs. 8. T. Oho ter, of Smith's Falls, At the '1fatriotic 1 in the Odd.'ellow'si hall, 6 was raised. Mrs. F. M . Pur- 25 at Kingston on Satu "day. Manents of the People. i wavs, 4 : Joyceville Jottings. *\ "Joyaeville, Oct. 15.--At the 4 '0ce af Mrs. Halpin's last evening all had § ' time. A banquet ghven' DY Scarlet chapter at Woadbwsn, L. L* L., was enjoyed by a large mimbe of guests, James Hitchcock hae erected a model barn and fables. Rain is meh needed. A namber of farmers 'are pressing hay and straw. ' Somse of the young men ers report: a scarcity of ducks. gr Wood, of Felt"s Mills, . ¥., who kas bien visiting Mrs. Walter Woods, his returned home. : niel 'McCarey ac- companied their daughter and hus- band back to Oshawa for a visit. At' Wilboe | Station. Wilbur Station, Oct. 14.--The hus bee at Mri T. McMurty's was well attended amd quite an en- joyable time was smnt. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Boyd, Law unt, spent fhe week-end at W, C. Boyd's. Mrs. W. Roche, Visiting friends in Pie- ton, has returned. hohe. Misses Hilda Jacob and Pearl Horne, -La- vant, spent Sunday af§ernoon with Miss Ethel Boyd. Mr.. and Mrs. Harvey Thomas are visiting the for- mer's parents here, for a few days. Mrs. Joseph Moreau asd Mrs. w. Farms t the Adjoining Coun- Rural Events, and Move ery fo.%e now in England. eS. (hn, Lieut.-Col. A. C. L. Cart wright, D. 8, O. (adjutant). pn, The little son of C. Cress, who has been very' ill the past week is im- proving. Miss Sarah Smith has re- turned tor her school after spending the weeltdond wiih her parents, at Bistwops 'Mills, Miss Marjorie Lea- cock, Lansdowne, was the guest of Miss Anw& Patience, Saturday, and Sunday. Miss Grace Ferguson has returijed; 'home, Miss Erma Haskin is visiting in Brockville. MY. and Mrs. IY. "Cook, Sr., spent the latter part of the week in Brockville. Re- cent viditors: M. Keating, Kingston, at 8. Heaslips; G. Anderson, Lans. C, Boyd, visited friends at Lavant 8 Tk. Miss" Mary, Thomas is nding a few days with friends, re Notes From Glendower. .Glendower, Oct. ' 13. erman is herd from ar no | ost of the people have their po- tatoes dug. Frank Jyrdge is build- ng a wire fence. Alfred Young ind wife, of Welling'on, visited here. Mr. Young officiated in the mds church on Sundpy morning. Freeman is sawing wood at Frank Judg, 's. Dr. Geddes is' attending downe, at B. Cook's; L. Dundon, Breweris Mills, at Mrs. William Patience 's; Letia Landon, Mel combe, 'at R. Williams. Laintown News. Ceintown, Oet., 12.--Charles Ten- tant has returned to Queen's, Kings- aan for the fall term. mant is somewhat improved in hiealth The late Mrs Edward Q uinsey was burriéd at Caintown on M onday last. Miss Beatrice Dickey wi's home from Athens for Thanks- gN ing. Many from here attended Las conyeption Friday nicht at Maj. OFFICERS OF CAVALRY REGIMENT W The officers of the Strathcona Horse, one of the Top row; left to right, R. Critchley, Lieut. M. Docherty, Lievt. D. C, Davis. Macdonell, D. 8, J, 0. C. 1. 8S. M. Jolin W. Ten-} THE DAILY BRITISH wis, FRIDAY, Middle row, (R. C.); Bottom row, Lieut. T. L. Arnott, Grand and Mr. and Mrs. Aneon Guess of Sydenham, Mr. and Mrs. . N. { Storms, of Wilton, .at Archibald As- { welstine's. Mrs, Edmond Switzer, of Jes is visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. J. W. Boll. A wee baby { boy has come to brighten the home f J. W. Bew. The blacksmith shop and stables owned by "Charles Davy, of Petworth, He was unable to get his horse from the stable and it was also destroyed. = destroyed by fire last night. Wolfe Island News. Wolfe Island, Oct. 14.--Edward Kel- { tey has gaken up residence in William { Armstrong'st house on Main street. | Michael Johnston has rented Mrs. J. § Duffy's farm. A wee girl has come to | brighten the home of John Hogan. J, | McDonald has purchased: fifty acres of land from Michael O'Brien, known , 08 the Michael Ryan farm. Frank Briceland shipped a car load of calves and young stock, to New York mar- ket Edward: Seville has rented Mer C. Watt's farm. Anges (att eh and wife, Watertown, are visit rE relatives Ray wd eefiey has retum- here, id Mrs. Goudy, of Moscow, officia- 'at Thirteen Island Lake church. jo people have to go to the lak- for water on account of thw wells g nearly dry. Mr. and Mrs, Dasker Cronk's, Verona. na Murvale Reports. ' Murvale, Oct. 12.-- The county road making outfit~4s working on the north end of the Portland road. . Mr. White, Wilton, exchanged ts 'on Sunday with Rev. Mr. phrey. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson left on Tuesday for a trip to Mrs. M. VanLuven is hod 'sale in to Kingston where he has fired a good position. George # tSamuel Roblin's; Mrs. Roh- Miller, Wilton, at W. G. Pur- Jace's. William Irwin, Elginburg at George Irwin's. nity 4s much . needed, as many : shave gone dry. Thrashing lo¥ytown. Miss Gladys Burns was howme from Athens for Thanksgiving. Mi¥s Minnie Eligh who was in Brock- vil ¥¢, has returned home. Mr. amd Mrs. H. W. Ponell went on Monday to Frulmets. Miss Boyd spent Monday at her home in Lyn and T. J. 7%ennant and Earnest have returned home from the north west. William Stride spent Thanks- giving at Grahamton Reports From Moscow, Moscow, _ Oct. 14.--The _annual thanksgiving services were conducted in the Methodist church on Sunday. Rev. George Nicol, of Napanee, was the preacher both morning and even- ing Fhe entertaimment on Monday wovening was given by Kingston ta- lent and was of a very high order. Mr. and Mrs. Chown, of Edmonton, are visiting her sister, Mrs. J. A. Amey. Miss Fdna Allan, who is teaching at Ardem, 'spent the holi days at her father's home. Miss Edith Yorke, of Portsmouth, was a thanksgiving visitor at her sister's, Mrs. Charles Amey's. Mrs. D. Young, wf Sillsville, is spending a week with her daughter, Mrs. Rcbert Assels tine. Miss IL. Scott, of Kingston, spent the sholiday season at J. W Benn's. Mr. and Mrs. John Hambly and Harrall Huffman, of Napanee, at Wilired HWffman's. Mr. and Mrs. F ey, Glenvale, is threshing in this w Messrs M. Simmons and L Dulcemaine Items. and silo-filling are about complated. la he near future, and intends vicinity. ' Visitors: Amos Rut- Smith, Verona, at William wal- SDulcemaine, Oct. 13.--Rain in this ------------ until it reaches you. Eac touched BRIGHT Tennant «l home after spending a few days visiting 'relatives in' Watertown. W. I. O'Connor, Toronto, is visiting re- Iatives and friends - here. Thomas Fawcett is claphoarding his dwelling house. Home For Thanksgiving. Harrowsmith, Oct. 13.--A number of Harrowsmith old boys returned to spend Thanksgiving with friends A Forsyth, Toronto, at C.-S. Stewart's. Dr. Lockhart, of King, with Mrs McLean. Jack Barstow, Kingston, at home, Myr. and Mrs. M. Clow, King- ston, at John Clow's. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Hogan and little son, How- ard, at James Trousdales. Mrs. Clow and Miss Effie M. Clow, accom panied by Mrs. W. Carscallen, of Sy denham, were the guests of Mrs. ( E. Taylor, Deseronto, on Monday. | Carscallen has returned from visiting friends near Dresden. Rev. Mr White, Wilton, occupied the pulpit of the Methodist church on Sunday ev ening last. The Ladies' Aid tea, wld at the home of Richard Eller beck, on Wednesday evening, of last week, was a great success. Over a hundred and twenty-five were seat- od. News From Selby. Oct, 14. --Selby and Epworth Leagues held a Empey social Selby, Hill A1GOOD CHEW « = IN A CLEAN WRAPPER No dust or "sofled hands have ever PACIFIC CHEWING from the time it is manufactured h plug comes separately wrapped and is consaguently always in perfect condition. AND THE CHEW, ITSELF, IS " DELICIOUSLY GOOD? ¢ satin insert so much prized by collectors, on account of the many beautiful things that can be made from them, is packed with each plug. See window displays ITH CA NADIAN TROOPS. cavalry regimen ts with the first Canadian expedition Lieut. 'A. D. Camer- on, I Jdeut. A. O. Critchley, Licut. J. Cap tain A. E. Shaw, Major E. F, Mackie, Major H, D.. B, Ketchen, Captain ¥, Licut. R. Duhalt, a ata at Ati iantndl A A me AAA sna evening in the Methodist church on Monday night. G. Paul returned home from' Chicago on Saturday last. H. Martin met' with a serious ddoi- dent on Tuesday while working at a well. Miss Edna 'Hudgins and Bruce KNimmerly were quietly married at the bride's home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Amey spent Sunday with friends at Bellrock, ~ Misses Ma- ble Denison, Mable Anderson, Sara Fitzpatrick and D.' Fitapatrick, all teachers, spent Thanksgiving at home! Miss Lucy Arnold spent a few days with friends at, Newburgh, Visitors : I. Vosper, at D. U. McKim's; Miss H. Thompson, at L. Fitzpatrick's;. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley, at. G. Valleau's; Mr. and Mrs. Roaks, at F. L. Am- ey's; Mr. and Mrs, Mather, at E. T. Anderson's; Mr. Knight, at Rev. Mr. Cook's; Mrs, Day, at T. Edgar's; Mr. McLeod, at . Denison's. News rom Forest. - Bans' Oct. H.--Saturday's was very .welcome as some of the wells in this vicinity were almost iry. Sydenham high school annual sports were exceptionally good. = The school fair at Forest on Saturday was much enjoyed. Miss Nellie Scanlon," teacher at Sharpton, visited friends hera recently. Miss Frankie Joyce, Kingston, and Miss Alice were at hom8 for the Thanksgiving holi- lay. "Miss Taylor, Sharpton, is the quest of Miss Jessie Moreland. Miss . May Patterson, visiting friends in he city. Miss Mary Koen and bro- ther, Leeland, were guests of ' the Misses Harrigan' recently. Mies B. lark and little son spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Xavanner Miss: Beatrice Kelly, teacher, Wolfe Island, was home for Thanksgiving. A number from here vent to the city on Monday "even- ng for the play "Ppg 0' My Héart." \rchibold Trousdale entertained a few of his friends on Saturday evening. rain Notes From Clarendon. Clarendon, Oct. 14.--Mr. and Mrs "Deb" Austin, of (Gananoque, are vis tors at Arthur White's. Mrs. Joseph Barr, Sharbot Lake, is visiting Mrs, fohn Barr. A good time was spent at Robert McDonald's husking bee and dance. Mr. Bourke and 'Jackie, from Perth, spent last week at Mrs. Mrs. Olmstead, of Mississippi, spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. James Campbell. Mr, and Mrs. George Neeley and son, "Bert," spent the week-end at Show Road. Thomas Burke, teacher, Canonto, spent Thanksgiving with his brother, Rich- ard Burke, hare. Miss Foster spent Thanksgiving at her home in Yarker, and H. Clow at his home in Parham. Home for 'Thanksgiving were: Miss Mamie Ieishman, teacher, from Sun- bury; Kal Leishman from the high school at Sydenham; Miss Edna Kirk- ham, from Newburgh: Miss Edith Ap- pleby, from Kingston. J. Hill, God- frey, -spent Thanksgiving here, the guest of R. Eeishman. - Mrs. Samuel Brien, Camden East, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. R. Leishman. John and William Barr spent Sunday at home. oles'. Godfrey Notes. a Godfrey, Oct. 14.--The Thanksgiving tea held in the Methodist churoh, up- der the management of the Ladies Aid, was well attended, and a goodly sum was received. A large 'number gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs, (. Aylesworth, to attend the recep- tion to their "don, Carmon, and his bride. Miss G. Emery is visiting Mrs. (i. W. Shepherd. Mrs. B. Sills visited her mother, who has recently arrived from visiting her parents in England. Miss A. Goodfellow has gone fo Rock- wood hospital, where she has entered as nurse-in-training. 'Mr. and Mrs. Blanchard, at R. B. : Mrs. T. i : ton's; Miss Bradshaw and H. Godlrey, at F. Howes's' Misses A. Mill, M, (Giles, 6G. MeKnight, 1. Kennedy, and 1. Mehnight' spent Thanksgiving at home; Rev, and Mrs. Leech, at G. W. Shepherd's; Elliott McKnight and Clifford Hamilton have resumed their studies at Sydenham high school, af- ter spending Thanksgiving at home. NS. A, Truscott, inspector public schools, passed through bere on ¥ri- day. ~~ Patriotic Varker. Yarker, Oct. 14. Sorc anal Sondusied in the An can church, special :. preac] being the Rev. OCTOBER 16, 1914. week. Mrs, George Deare spent last week in Napanee, the guest of her brother. A. Brown and family spent a day recently with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warner. Miss Lizzie Babcock visited with her sister, Mrs. Williamson, for 8 week. Mrs. Shibley spent a few days under the parental roof.. Richard Wilson is erecting a Wew barn on his pre- mises. The teacher, Miss Long, spent the thanksgiving holiday at home, The teachers who came home fo spend thanksgiving with their: parents were Migs Ewart, of Lavant. Miss Foster®of Oso; Miss Storms, of Eagle Hill; Miss Edgar of Renfrew, and iss Stewart of Arden. Mr. and Mrs. Winter spent Monday last with their daughter, Mrs. Shibley, at Harrowsmith, Miss Hazel Parrott, Camden East, spent the week-end at John Connolly's. Mr. and Mrs. John Craig, of Ren- frew, visited at Mrs, Stewart's Fri- day last. Mr. Edgar and family spent last Sunday at the home of J, Hamilton, Bethel. Miss M. Weig- hill, of Rochester, at her sister's, Mrs. Simpkin's Harry Babcock has gone to Watertown, N.Y. to ireside. The handsome sum of [$600.50 was raised for the patriotic [fund and the village people are | busy gathering in all kinds of cloth- [Ing to send to the brave and needy Belgians, A. Vanluven is painting [his house. 'W.. M. Cambridge and {family motored from Napanee to {the home of M. Lake last Sunday (and spent the day. Frederic Deare { Napanee, spent Sunday last with his | parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Freeman and daughter, Marion, were in Belleville and Ivanhoe last week, calling on friends. Tidings From Zealand Zealand, Oct. 14.--On Tuesday M. R. Reid, I. P, 8, visited the school and sent in very favorable report. Mr, Drew Long Lake came for his si Miss Myrtle Drew on Frida drove to Long ing. They wi ames McParland, TR RR ean Shackleton 'says: The question of the concentrated beef supply is most importani--it must be Bovril." Shackleton knows. He 18 taking no'risks. He chooses Bovril because the food he takes must yield every ounce of nourishment to his men. Follow Shackleton's example. Into a single bottle of Bowril is packed the nourishment value of many pounds of beef, and even a plain meal yields much mose strength and nourishment Fr are taking Bovril. But remem er Shackleton's words: It must Eo Bovril. § ., #t TOR. 25¢.; e.; ¢or poo. ; Sor $r3o: 16o0r. ban es So ae : or. --- ~~ Johnstons Fluid Hoel (Vimbos) Sam at World's Fair, 1893 PURE--SOUND--WHOLESOME JOHN LABATT, LIMITED, LONDON, CANADA =f. ENN Agent, 339.341 ms on any monument that I have in stock. If it is your in- tention of purchasing it would be to your advantage to buy mow. J.: E. MULLEN y Cor. Princess and Clergy Streets, Phone. 1417. Kingston, Miss Violet at J, McCord' rett. The husking on Wednesday last After the corn was husked, a d@inty lunch was served in dining om. The latter part of the eveni was spent in playing games. Mi Drew intends CARDINAL MERRY DEL VAL ed Former papal secretary of state, be- comes secretary of the Congregation of the Holy Office. attending the anmual meeting of the Frontenac North and Addington Teachers' association at Sharbot lake on Thursday and Friday. Miss Gracie, of Sharbot Lake, who has béen spending Some time with friends here, intends returning home ow Thursday. Mr. Hannah was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Armstrong on Sunday. Misses Mabel and Lillian Garrett are visit- ing their grandmother, Mrs. Fer- guson, near Elphin. Mrs. Robert McVeigh spent Thanksgiving in Kingston. Mr, Ernest and Miss Annie Armstrong, alse Miss Cham- bers were at Willlam Armstrong's on Sunday evening. Mrs. G. Garrett was at Robert Armstrong's on Sun- day. A number from here attended the husking and dance at Robert McDonald's on Monday. Miss Win- nie Smith has been the guest of Mrs. J. McCord for some time. Wil- liam Garrett attended the Metho- dist church service at Maberly on Sunday evening. Thomas and Don- ald Garrett were repairing the Me- Ca EUROPEAN AGENCY Wholesale Indents promptly execut- th and Continental goods, including Chemicals and Druggists' Sundries, Special Quotations on Demand. Sample Cases from $50 upwards. Consignments of Produce Sold on WILLIAM WILSON & SONS, 25, Abchurcy, Lane, London, E.O. Everything for the football player will be found here, RAT {obi in kuee guar ds, shoulder and elbow Pain joiners, pants, boots, adn an excellent Il ne of footballs fram $1.25 to Secretaries of clubs Should write and get our prices. and If pos- dh I Bircyciis © 9D Sonne Pure Spices and Vinegars Are necessary in the making of good catsup When ordering from us you inke no chance of getting second class goods. We handle only the Best J. R. B. GAGE Mautront > John Sts. Phone 549. COAL The kind you are looking is the kind we sel Scranton Coal Is good oa' and we guarantee prompt delivery Booth & Co. Foot of West Street. at lowest cash prices for all Brit- Books and Stationery, Boots, Shoes and Leather, China, Earthenware and Glass- ware. Cycles, Motor Cars and fes. Drapery Millinery ods, Fancy Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, Machinery and Metals, Jewellery, Plate and Watches, Photographic and Optical Goods, Provisions and Oilmen's Stores, etc., ete. Commission 2% % to 5%. Trade Discounts Allowed. Accessor and Plece Account. (Established 1814), ble Address: "Annuaire London." |}! Ar mn thbdist church shed on Tuesday. Elymer Duffy was at Mrs. LConboy's on Tuesday evening. It serves a man right if he mar- ries a suffragette and has to take in whitewashing to support her. A Xagtime philosopher says that some men are inclined to blow out their brains because they haven't any. Thanksgiving | * With Frequent Sick Headaches and Much Pain After Eating -- Dr. Chinse's Nerve Food Cured. This letter is from a lady gained _14 pounds b: using 'the t food cure. It did wonders for © hee in improving her general health. She in enthusiastic im ite praise, lore Lio her ne x as witnésses the splendid results obtained, Mine, N32 Boer. UIs with 10 you in praise Pr: Chase's Nerve Food. I was troubled with and could noi eat without Wet Weather Shoes for Men The time is 4 bab § Dad when you can ex- pect wet, sto y e - Dated with a of WET WEATHER ES? If not, we wish the pleasure of sh you our line of TAN and BLACK storm made in soft, le, oil tanned leathers with heavy double viscolized soles and either leather or canvas lining. A shoe / to wear without a rubber.