YEAR 81"NO, 240 THE MAN mies ON WATCH... Young men of the cap and gown, who pillage on Princess street, should beware, says the Lampman lest German "culture" be not the only "culture" held up to question. The announcement that farmers will have vegetables on their hands this coming winter may not cause a feeling of joy to the agricul- turizsts, but those who do not raise ercps but consume them, just feel tickled over ft, With potatoes selling for thirty cents a bushel, there should be gladness in the ranks of the Kingston Irish. The new chindfen's . Ald society Sospector might pay héed to the la mentations of the poor little mites of humanity that are taken to the moving picture shows late at night ty incorsiderate Show girls may have thei: tioubles, fut tue show lubles also havo theirs and are crying for legislation to mals weeir "snucders" put them to bed a! #even o'clock, Inston! of hauling them out to the "movies." The Lampthan has always been convinced that it is merely a matter . of time lefore Ger pny receives the knock-out blow. The fight may 80 twenty rounds, but the allies have the blow that will make the kaiser take the count. However, . now that Col. Sam Hughes has gone ac- Toss the ocean to the seat of hostili- ties, 2ccompanied by his trusty steed, in the shape of an automobile, the Lampman sees a quicker finish for Germny. With Hughes arr and Kitchener at the helm, good- night to the Germans. There are great lamentations in upper town. The students are back and are stealing pussy cats by the score. When owners refuse to sel, the students commandeer after dark. Housewives and cat fanciers are up in arms. The Lampman would not like to stand in the shoes of the men who teach animal biology for they have much to answer for. it's Judging by the number of officers it has appointed, it looks 'to the Lampman as if the Kingston W.C.T. U., Is going to do something big this season. It might come to the aid of the show bables, who wail when taken to the "movies." IF all the town councillors held the same estimate of themselves as Christopher J. Graham, they would hide themselves away like the Ger: man fleet. "The worst council ever", is C. J's description of King- ston's municipal body after first- hand observation and careful diag- nosis, and the Victoria ward critic claims to be a Christian and a truth- ful man. His view is supported to some extent by amother councilman who told the Lampman that there 'are only seven men in the town coun- cil who ought to be there. ~--THE TOWN WATCHMAN THE FINAL LIST Of the Prize Winners At the Kings ston Fair. Vegetables. Peck onions, yellow, Baiden Bros., J. S. Kuight, KE. Dinnee. Peck pota- to onions, Philip Lashford, Baiden Bros., J. S. Knight. Half bushel po- tatoes, red, Charles George, Albert Stover, Alfred Watts. Half bushel potatoes, late white, Baiden Bros. Albert Stover, Alfred Watts. Half busgrel potatoes, late red, ' Charles George, Cooke Dros., Percy Maxwell, Odessa. Cabbage, savoys, two heads, Baiden Bros., (oocke Bros., Charles Friendship. Cabbage, drumhead, two heads, Leon Merrison, A. Graham, J. S. Knight. Hali bushel potatoes, early white, A. Cowan, W. F. Pillar, Walter Clogg. (Cabbage, red, two heads, Baiden Dros, J. W. Walker, Alired Watts, Squash, field, J. W, Walker, Napanee; Alfred Watts, H. E. Bell. Squash, table green, Uharles George, John Baker, Uooke Bros. Vegetable marrow, two, R. J. Bush- ell, B. Lancaster, Charles Friendship. Sweet cornu, twelve ears, John Hea- ton, J. S. Knight, W. J. Smythe. Parsnips,six, R. J. Bushell, Baiden Bros., Cooke Bros. Ensilage corn, six stalks, Jeon Merrison, J. S. Knight, B. Lancaster. Collection of peppers, Charles Friendship, Baiden Bros. Col lection of onions, Alired Watts, Charles Friendship, Baiden Bros. Col- lection of potatoes, six varieties, half peck each, coreectly named, Walter Clogg, Alfred' Watts, J. S. Knight. Uollection of vegetables, Baiden Bros., Charles Friendship. Pickling onions, two quarts, Baiden Bros., Charles Friendship, C. H. Coul- ter. Tomatoes, red, twelve, Cooke Bros., Alfred Watts, Charles Baker. Tomato, purple, twelve, Baiden Bros., Alfred Watts, Cooke Bros. Celery, white plume, sig heads, Cooke Bros., E. Dinnee, J. Walker, Napanee. Sugar beets, six, Charles Baker, Al- fred. Watts, Phillip Lashford. Let- tuce, three heads, R. J. Bushell, .J. Knight, Charles Friendship. Cel- Paris, golden, six heads, Cooke H. B. Lancaster, R. .J. Bush- Celery, winter, N. Badage, E. N. Walker, Napanee. Pump, kin, John Baked, J. N. Walker, Napa- nee, Walter Clogg. Citron, two, Bai- den Bros., Cooke Bros., A. Graham. Caulifiower, 2 heads, J. Heaton. Bai- den Bros., B. Lancaster. Mangolds, 6, J. 8. Knight, Phillip Lashford, Chas. Baker. Beets, round, six, Baiden Bros., Charles Friendship, John Ba- ker. Turnip, Suede, table, Alfred Watts, W. J. Smythe, Baiden Bros. Turnips, any other kind, Alfred Watts, Phillip Lashford, Charles I'riendship. * Carrots, field, six, J: S. Knight, Baiden Bros., John Baker, Carrots, white, six, Alfred Watts, John Baker. Uarrots, table, sixteen, J. S. Knight, N. Badage, Baiden Bros. © Peck onions, red, E. Din- nee, J. 8S. Kaight, C. H. Coulter. Peck onions, white, J. S. Knight, Bai- den Bros. R. J. Bushell. Melons, musk, two, Gooke Bros, Charles Friendship. Cucumbers, six, Cooke Bros., R. J. Bushell, Charles Friend- ship. S. ery, Bros., ell. Dinnee, J. Ladies' Work. Collection of ladies' fancy work-- Lillian Anglin, W. J. Smythe, H. J. Simpson. Sofa pillow--Mrs. R. W. Ayls- worth, Odessa; Miss Beckie Potter, Mrs. John Ashley. ~Battinburgh lace ---- Mrs. RW. Aylesworth, Odessa; Mrs. A. E. El- mer, Mrs. E. R. Menzies. Point lace-- Bertha Swaine, Mrs. R. W. Aylesworth, Mrs. A. E. Elmer. Hardinger work--Mrs. E. R. Men- zies, Mrs. A. E. Elmer, Arthur Day. Woolen shawl, kpitted or crochet- ed--Miss M. E. Sanger, Arthur Keys. Simpson, W. Hyland, J. J. Wilmot. Simpson, U. Hyland, J. J. Wilmot. Pair woolen socks--Georgd E. Leatherland, Mrs. E..R. Menzies, Mrs. R. W. Aylesworth. Pair mittens, gentlemen--Mrs, R W. Aylesworth, Wm. Pillar, George E. Leatherland Pair mittens, ladies'--George E. Leatherland, Mrs. R. W. Aylesworth, Emily Baker. Best™ half dozen, buttonholes-- Mabel Jackson, Frank Tindell, Phil- lip Lashford. Crochet {able mat--Mrs. R. W. Aylesworth, Leon Merrison, Mrs, A. E. Elmer. Rag mat, woven--George Swaine, Che Baily 1 KE. R. Menges. Fire: | ' Wn KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914 UNDERWOOD & UNDERWOORA\N, Y,, FRAMES BILL TO PREVENT MAKING TERMS WITHOUT CONSENT OF ALL Edward Grey, K. C., the minister of Fo v affairs of Great Britain, who drafted the a cement between the ple Entente, (France Russia and England), to prevent any one of them from making terms of peace with Germany without mutual consent of all three, PEACE Mrs. Andrews, \sselstine, Sproule. Smith, Elmer Norma Arthur Leon Merri Rag mat i W. Axles h i i Ja v | boidery, J. IL. } Leon Merrison | bre 3 B Rag carpet, five vard 114 { Menzies, Mrs. A. | George Swaine vater Moutin mulleck '. J. | Bath Road Smythe, Mrs. A. E | Drawn thread Thom: ° i Nicholson, Joseph i ky, \ : we ) 1 ize Smythe. : tion new Punch work vorth, Odessa, E. R. Menzies Embroidery on cotton or Bertha Swaine, Mrs. R. W worth, W. J. Smythe Eyelet embroider Mrs. E. R. Menzie «+H. B I Centre piece, embroidered, Mrs. I \ylsworth, Mrs, ¥. R. Menzies, R Brown. Centre piece, any kind, Mrs, Fy ec \ jes... Mrs. A. BE. Elmer, Bertha "Swaine. Tatting, Mrs R W. Aylsworth, Mrs. A. E. Flmer, Mrs 'Netting, Lillian Ang- Ven Relief Mrs. |} Specime Fedridge n olor Me ( Swaine, W (Miss brorder Suther Dr. Hans Fribndenthal, the German professor, says woman will have also become bald. Pennsylvania now La 484 who are receiving aid from the ate under the provisions of the mo- t's mension lay; Somehow intellect have much to de be mith in Sm ill doesn't with seem happi work, lin, Miss M. E. Sawyer, J Alonzo, it isn't the best Smythe. 'Pyrography, burnt the wedding who is roped in Lilian Anglin, Jennie B Rr WW. J Bimpson. Five o'clock wer, | Mrs. E.R. Menzies, H. B. Smith Good Slee Jennie B.' Rogers Doilies, Miss M. | FE. Sawyer, H. J. Simpson, Berths | Swaine. - Trish crochet, - Emily Bak: Mrs. R. W. Aylesworth, H. 1. | ! 00 8d Crochet in cotton, fine, Jennie 3. | : Rogers, H. 'F. Simpson, Fmily Baker -- Crochet in cotton, coarse, IH J Simpson, Bertha Swaine; Mrs. R. W \ylsworth. Crochet in silk, Mrs R. W. Aylsworth, Rose Compton, .J % Spiotle. ~ Crochet in" Wool, Mrs. A. E. Elmer. Knitting in wool, | Mise M. E. Sawver, J. L. | Fmily Baker Braiding in H Simpson Braiding in Bertha Swaine, Mrs. R. Avlsworth, H Jf. Simpson Pair of shoes, knitted or crochet, Miss Norma McFedridge ath Road, H. J. Simpson, « I Clark. Pierced brass, Mrs. R. Ww. |Vrites : the sixth box of Dr. Chase's Nerve Ayvlsworth Painting shi Miss | 1» 3 : ¢ unting an china, Mi Food, and I must say that when I Rose Compton. Mrs. E. R Menzies » + » - * jeommence using i ny nerves were Mrs.:A. BE. Elmer. Pencil r. | 2% d using it my ' r Arthur Kevs, George Clark drawing, Arthur Keys, Geo Lr Doll dressed by girl under e fe vears, Benson Coulter. Albert Collection of Ashley, Mrs 'ieorge Clark W. Aylesworth, Kove. Quilt, erland, Mrs (ieorge Swaine cotton, Mrs. R. W Swaine, William work, woollen Jackson, William ed by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. - When-the-aerve. foree-expendad-in the day's work and in the act of liv {is not replenished by il sle Stroule, night you have cause to be alarme silk, H as physical bankruptcy you in cotton, |, T ts you fo for sleep- at 1 ' he the most satisfac lessness Mr. Dent sk., ng s Mackin, Maxton, Sa have just finished dra ne who of without sleep, and anj this trouble knows the misery The Nerve the start, and has ys system wonder- I how enjoy good, sound sleep E, Leth |and instead of feeling tired in the R Ww Aviesworth, | morning 1 am stfong - and healthy, Quilt, piece © work, |and well fitted for my daily work." Aviesworth, (George [| Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents Kevs. Quilt, piece 8 box, 6 for $2.50; all dealers, or Ed W. Hyland, Mabel | mar Kevs Quilt, piece ont~, 5s mights me from sworth, | ' It up my ner Mr R , Knitted | Arthue {10H ames" Smith eroenet, fieorge fancy work, moth- | man | Exhausted Nerves Were Fully Restor- | » bad that I could scarcely get any | I would lie in bed nearly atl | Food | on, Bates & Co., Limited, Tor- | bid Told In: Twilight (Continued from Page 2.) Mrs. Earl Roy, Menzies will receive for. the first time since her marriage, 'with her mother, Mrs. James Weir, 139 Alfred street, on Wednesday, October 21st, from 4 to 6 p.m. «nh . Mr. and Mrs. Elsdale Robertson returned from New York on Thurs- and are with Mr. and Mrs. P wart Robertson for a few days be fore going to Ottawa, Mr. Tobie Aird was in town fron Toronto for a few days this week Dr. and Mrs. W. Warwick, who have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs ( T. Warwick, Wellingtan: street left for Montreal on Thursday for a short visit before going on to thei: home in St. John. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie street, went up to Toronto or Monday The former returned on Wednesday, but Mrs. Livingston re- mained until te-day. i Mahood, . W. J. Mahood loronto, yesterday, Mrs George hnson street, and Mrs street, Svent to for the week-end Miss Mary Chalmers comes to town, (rore to-day, live, and will be Mrs. Ar thur Craig's guest, for a short time. Mr.George B. O'Connor, Edmonton, who been Mrs. John Fairlie's this week, went to Ottawa, on Thursday, for a few days. Miss Florrie Stewart, Bagot street, leit on Fiday for Montreal to visit Mrs. Frank Patch Mrs, ( \. Morrison chil ren, who have been visiting Professor and Mrs, Arthur Neish New York, returned home to-day Ex-Cadet R. I.. S Montreal for to has and her wwthe was in town from a few days this week Mr. ( ek-end harles Dunning is spending vith his parents in Toront * » * * Tohn Jenkins, Princess street, this afternoon for Madoc to » guest. of Dr. and Mrs. Harrison Mrs. Arthur Macnee, of Vancouver, vho has been with Mrs. James Rig ey, (George street, is now the guest f Mrs. Waller Macnee, Union street Miss Phyllis Knight, Alice street, ent. up to Toronto yesterday to end the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. vril Knight. Miss Helen be home ten Macarow returned day after spending the past lays in New Yark. Mr. and Mrs. James Bute-and their grand-daughter, Miss Olivia lute, vho are staying at the Frontenac, xpect to leave next week for their { home in Houston, Texas Miss Mary Going, Clergy Miss Mary White a few days Principal Ross, from a | street, | is in To | | Alfred street, i eturned short' trip to Ta | Montreal PRUSSIA ASKING WAR CREDIT Called To Votes. ' | | | Diet Will Be Pass Emer- gency Oct. the Tele des- 17--The following natch "The Prussian vernmeént will ask. the diet for a 1 | | terdam, | War cre ¢it of more than $2,500,000- | publishes from Berlin: Am xraal government wark on the rail ys and highways will be proposed 1» order to cope with the unemploy relief to a joint leaders it was de- to support the | sovernment's programme. The sit- {ting of the diet will partake of the feb iracter of.a war session, and will | give At situation, and to ull communitie ment it- x of the party ided 'unanimously only a few days." Butter To Be Labelled. All butter in packages or wrapped paper must in future | be labelled dairy or creamery. his means no butter can be f wught or sold in plain wrappers or | 1 unbranded packages No. butter | cad sold or bought under brand of Separator The word Dairy or Creamery must appear on wrapper or package | in parchment be | | | | } | | overnment act persons will be lia- hie to a fine of $10 to $30 for each offence ™ the ENEMY SHORT OF FOOD. Prisoners Taken Daily Are Absolute. ly Famished. Paris, Oct. 17--The capture of an- other big German convoy, the sec- ond within a fortnight, will, it is said, render the situation critical at several points in the north. As be- fore, the feat was accomplished by the cavalry, which has done so much lately to harrass the Germans in this way. The prisoners, brought in daily, ieem to be just as famished as were seneral von Kluck's men when he was rushing headlong onto _Paris. Diaries found on the bodies of Ger uan soldiers show that éver since he retreat from the Afsne began the rermans have been increasingly short of food. THE TEACHINGS OF CHRIST german Priest Advocates Murder of : Women and Children. London, Oct. 17--The Standard oublishes the following from its 'openhagen correspondent: "A mem- ber of the German Reichstag, a priest by the name of Heim, writes 0 the Vossische Zeitung: 'It is true that our soldiers shot every French und Belgian scoundrel--men, women ind children alike--and that they destroyed 'their habitations, but any- ody who regards this as contrary o the teachings of Christianity only shows that he does not possess the aintest understandings of the true pirit of Christ.' " A i The Great A Great English General England's Best Defence What the nations depend on (8l1]4]11]7 15] England's Friend Each number in the words called for above ¢ bers in each word are found and placed in prog Look ab the magie circle and you will see that each # Dumber and contains a certaln number of dots. In the words above each numiber stands for - ling section of the magic circle. The ace. tions of the circle in turn each stand for a letter inthe alphabet. You find the lefter by counting the number of dots in the section. For instance "A" is represented by section 4 containing one dot because A' first letter of the alphabet. "B'" is represented by two PAGES 9 TO 14 | | «The Beverage that Benefits" Not simply a thirst quencher, not merely a stimulant, but just the purest, most health infusing spirit that has ever been produced. &Jolfe's Aromatic Schiedam (noLLanos aw) } J xcellent as a "pick-mé-up™ tonic and arost beneical in its effect on the liver, uidneys and other organs. Vastly superior to ordinary gin. Obtainable at all Hotels and Retail Stoves, §#¢ James McParland, Distributor, Grvem Te Pevs)' GIRS War Puzzle (1eTro[zo[7 12 is 1 15]1] [2]4]20]20] 6 T1519 [1210] 5 [19] 19[8[6]17]10[15[1]19] What words or names do the figures spell? The magic circle will tell you. tands for a letter of the alphabet. When all the num. T rota 1 words or names do the figures spell? That is the puzzler fc How to solve this great puzzle I have the word asked for. What t girls and boys. dots because it in the second letter of the ©" In Peprésented by three dots (see third letter in alphabet, and 30 on. you we will tell you that the first word (8 "K'!, 18 is represented by section Ji section contains 11 dots. becuse "K' in the alphabet. Now find the the other numbers, and send and girls, tally quali fying for entry to the contest, wl answers are correct, or Dearest correct, neatest and best written, will be awarded the following' PY Magnificent List of Prizes ¥ lstprize - $50.00 20d * - 28. 3ed 23 20. 15.00 10.00 ® 8 888885558E8EE Tue NW 26 cash prizes of $1.00 each _ 26.00 Total Cash THIS CONTEST Prizes - $200.00 EXPENSE OF A We are the manufacturers of the Famous * Hearts of Flowers" Parisian Perfume, an abwolutely new and exquisite perfume, which we want to quickly introduce $0 as many ladies as possible. Therefore we ask every boy or girl who enters this contest or sends an answer $0 the puzzle to compete for the prises, to help us ad vertiss and introduce this famous perfume. Wo have specially prepared a besatifal, big 100 sample size of this lovely perfume and in order to qualiy your Answer to the puzzle to stand for the judging for the prizes wo will send you just 20 of these dandy sample size of * Hearts of Flowers' to distribute for ns among your friends and neighbors at our special Introduction price of only 10c each. This will be as @® Boys and Girls--Observe I. Only boys or girls under 18 years of this contest. Give your full nam: state your age. Age of contestant nN age may antar 4 address and v tamily or household A. Boys aod girls may obtain assistance to sol Failing to comply with the above | wers must be written by the {dered THE REGAL MANU neates Handsome Shetland Pony and Cart" Aside entirely from the magnificent cash prizes that will be dws: ky boys and giris this handsome Shetland Pony sad Cart (or bincash price) will be awar more than 80 word: Special Prize rded to 1 to the boy or girl sending ue bhe best | diving us their experience with our (See how to enter the contest below) \ De How to enter this great contest 1S ABSOLUTELY FREE OF ALL COST OR NY KIND EITHER NOW OR HEREAFTE | easy asfun. We will send six of ths most popular aod best selling odors, White Rose. Lily ofthe Valley. © vo Violet, Heliotrope, Li nd French will bo no trouhlo at sll ~ at ai many ladies | y em. This is the only condition necessary to quality for entry tn the contest. very girl or boy selling the perfu ndsome gif introducing the perfume and are entire: 10 both the cash prizes and the pony the following simple rules: t ly or Jetter contalaing It will be the n case of ties oy and girl enering In 40 sell $0 of Yvonne < at J0c each in Order to compete 1m of valine (entiraly separate and will be given to avery boy and girl having no connection with this sunt knowledge oF saquaialanes with cu will Judge'thie answers for the award w and Agughiors or relatives of any mem iv on of thin will not be allowad fo © > ro In at ones, addressed to Contest Dept.'11 TORONTO, ONT: Jeff Didn't Even Give Them a Tumble 'GEE, Ir GUESS _ Jerr HM sac WITH envy NE Comes NOW. t Dead won HELLO, MUTT, I FORGOT MY UMareLLa Xr SEE NECK-T! HAVE A new E "Bud Fisher"