THE INCREASED NUTRITI- OUS VALUE OF BREAD MADE IN THE HOME WITH ROYAL YEAST CAKES SHOULD BE SUFFICIENT INCENTIVE TO THE CAREFUL HOUSEWIFE TO GIVE THIS IMPORTANT FOOD ITEM THE ATTENTION "TO WHICH IT 18 JUSTLY EN- TITLED. 4 HOME BREAD BAKING RE- } DUCES THE HIGH cosT oF LIVING BY LESSENING THE AMOUNT OF EXPENSIVE MEATS REQUIRED TO SUP fl PLY THE NECESSARY NOUR- i} ISHMENT TO THE BODY. E: W. GILLETT Co. LTD. ] 41] TORONTO. ONT. f WINNIPEG MONTREAL Taloum Powder ~is the most refreshing and pleasant of all talcs DOINGS IN STAGELAND NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS AND "PLAYHOUSES. Margaret Anglin's New Play --Wm Gives American Playwrights = Chance To Write Owing to Inter ruptions To European Writers. Charles Frohman now presenti the idea that American playwright: are going to have a great opportu nity because of the interruption of the writing and producing of play: abroad, caused by the war in Eu rope. BE. H. Sothern is seriously ill af his country home in Litchfield, Conn Kitty Girdon's husband, Captair Harry Beresford, "has left for the front. Carroll McComas has captured the title role In "The Salamander." Marie Dressler has high hopes of her new play "Angela's Substitute,' by Mary Asquith, a new dramatist. Maxine Elliott, who has one of the most beautiful homes in suburbar London at Bushey Heath, has of fered it for a hospital. Adeline Genee will begin al American tour this month. David Belasco will present Fran ces Starr in a new play, by Edwarc Knoblauch, about Christmas time the name of which has not as ye been revealed. Ia her support wil be Robert Warwick, Frank Reicher Montagu Love, Harriet Otis Dellen baugh, and Elaine Inniscourt. Rumor still persists that E. 8S Willard is to make a farewell tou of ..merica in repertory, including such favorites as "The Middleman' and "The Professor's Love. Story." Joe Weber has given up being fun ny to try his hand at producing. Hi: first venture will be "The Only Girl' a musical comedy by that tried anc true team, Henry Blossom and Vic tor Herbert. Helen Ware is to be seen this sea gon in a new play by the author o "The Case of Becky", Edward Locke A. E Thomas has dramatizec Earl Derr Bigger's new novel, "Lov Insurance." Thomas Wise is to appear in Ed ward Sheldon's dramatization of Su dermann"s 'Song of Sengs of Songs.' Margaret Anglin this week be gan her season in Philadelphia i: "Lady Windermere's Fan." " A son-in-law of Henry Arthu Jones, Leslie Faber by name, wii play Julian Beauclare in the Dore Bates-Gillette revival of *"Diplom acy Winthrop Ames' $10,000 contes | drama will have Herbert Kelcey ant Miss Effie Shannon as the principa players, it is said. Philip Merivale, who played Rom eo and Juliet of Phyllis Neilson-Ter ry at His Majesty's Theatre, Lon don, has been engaged by the Liebe company for the leading role in "Py gmalion," in which Mrs. Patric Campbell will appear here. Lucy Weston has been engages for an important rele in the Nev York Winter Garden productio "Dancing Around," with Polson a its star. Otis Skinner will be «een this sea son in a new play, called "The Silen Voice," by Jules Eckert Goodman. There are eighty-two speakin characters in Thompson Buchanan' "Life", which William A, Brady- i soon' te produce. Poor theatre business in Londo has' resulted in a wholesale exodu of English actors to New York. Nov one theatrical journal in Gotham i hinting that certain rosy-cheeke« THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1914. COMMENTS BY ZACCHEUS, Who Announces Discovery of Gold Mine in Kingston. A--Air still shnddering with bom- bardment. ; B---Burly bear from the north not going to sleep this winter, C--Cough of kaiser will get "worse when he has to dig up the cash. D--Did you ever ? E~Evraged bull mobilized himseli and charged the enemy, kilitng eigh- teen of them. i F--Fate willed that he should fall, G--Gashed with ** honorable wounds. H--Helper of a good cause, human- kind could do no better. I-Italy's hesitation will work to her detriment. It's too late to take olf your coat' when the burly bully |. has been made to bite the dust. J--Japs fice on forts, but not on Christian churches. It remained with the accursed hordes of a demented despot to go that far. K--Kingston struck 'a mine, sure! See how its patriotic fund went up. All honor to her worthy citizens. I~"JLeave nothing to the en- smy'" Bismarck used to say, "but eyes wherewith to weep." The Iles- son has not been lost. ' M--Monster "militarism" must lie, and that now. N--No mercy to cold-blooded as- aassins, ' O--Ontario, nay Canada, is vastly the poorer by the passing away of Sir James Whitney." The dominion has lost not a few of its distinguish- «d men of late. P--Pro rege et pro patria! Q--Quite emblematic this falling ' of 'he leaves. under the frost, a sad im- wwe how our brave boys at the front we being owt down. by cold-steel and sword. R--~Regional fairs have heen in or- ler for weeks pasi, but mother's ipotless white blankets and nectarian raspberry vinegar were partly missed 'hrough the fantastic doings of that mpty-headed bantam rooster--Wil- hem the Greatest. S--Sweeping away rights of public vorshin by Sublime Porte will make the "sick man" sicker than ever by- wnd-hy. T--The ancient Roman. Horatius 'ocles. who held the bridge, "Sub 'iciue," against a powerful army, wns found a rival. ~U'nmindful of dancer a gallant 'ordon Highlander performed a sim- lar daring deed at Soissons, * where "e kept back a whole regiment of "lermans. V.Valor belongs to no" special age wr elime. W--War kills war, it is claimed. If 'hat be true the horror of the pre- wntl struggle: should end for ever Ul armed conflicts. X--Xtreme limit of modes of des- truction seem to have been reached. Y--Your deadly foe may be lurking 'n the air, or land, or under the sea "iding his chance to strike a mortal | Slow, --ZACCREUS. | Enterprise Echoes Futerprise, Oct. 15.--A large crowd ittended the Thanksgiving service n the Methodist church here on Sun- lay last. Mrs. M. Clack is very ill | ind is being attended by Dr. Hor- ten. The Ladies' Institute is pre- aring another box to send te the oldiers. Mx. and Mrs. Irvine Loucks were at Mountain Grove this veek. Misses Pearl Cousins and leatha Haley were at Moscow on Sun lay last.. Mrs. Keinp has returned to Enterprise. WAR HAS BEEN MADE BY | If for any reason your news-dealer does not carry THE LITERARY DIGEST or if you are living distant from a city or town send to the publication office (354 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK) the sum of $3.85 and your subscription will be entered for one year (52 numbers). The publishers make this guaranty: If at the end of two months you should wish to cancel your subscription a notice to this effect will bring you by return mai! the full amount paid ($3.85) The idea of each number of this great international weekly is to gather up and edit the news of the world for one week--war, science, discovery, politics, art, literature,--everything worth print- "ing and everything printed worth - reprinting ALL NEWS-DEALERS: 10 Cents Theliterary Digest THE LITERARY DIGEST receives every important newspaper and illustrated journal published in Europe. Its specially trained editors read and translate and re-print for American and Canadian readers the great war-facts and opinions with maps and 'illustrations as printed in these foreign newspapers and journals. To this feature is added the convincing opinions on great war events as presented by leading American newspapers. Order from your news-dealer (/0 cents a week) and get a "digest" of the war news and war opinion as printed throughout the world. THE LITERARY DIGEST is read every week by a million business and professional men. British youths might be better serv 2 ing their country than robbing Yan EE BRIGHT, HEALTHY, FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY. (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW YORK ATRACTVE BMS] © fe mr ee sor crete eres Squirrel a Pocket Pet. Boston Post - a AAAs Because A. A: Bl , a local art & i TT e-- . Sh < : use aipistarel Jo onal [his Condition Can Only he Main an ana sGuirrel when its foot was hurt, the . | fALLAAMSAM t "h - ~ «nimal, after five months, refuse tained Through Rich, Red | : . | .o' he parted from its benefactor er S pge nn igar ore | and now practically lives in one © Bloed. ) ine pockets of Blum's coat. It 'maken all the difference in the A ol 8 ; 0 : st | so All Papers & Magazines, 202 Princess ve TOTewew o) About five months ago in Wall- § yorid to a girl whether she develops ham the baby squirrel fell and wa nto a bright, healthy attractive wo- o-- -------- ae ab aurt. A friend of Blum's turned | yun or sinks into a sickly, unhappy, | ~ Kippered Herings 'he little animal over to him in it wifering semi-invalid. Dominion Fi minion Fish Co. Wedding At Railton. 'njured state and he nursed it back The girl whose blood is poor . and Railton, Oct. 16.--A pretty wed- 10 ehlath : wanty--who §s anaemic as the doctor ¥ Since that 'time the squirrel ha terms it--starts life under too great ding was solemnized atiSt. Patrick's "een given frequent opportunities o' |'y handicap. She is weaker and more | Church, Railton, on Monday, October : ; - returning to the haunts of its par rail than her companions who have 12th, when Marcella, daughter of H F | Mr. and Mrs. James Burns, Oates, ine en eman nts hut persistently declines to go | eich, red blood. She 18. more easily Tn Pullman cars, hotels, on the } atigued in body and mind, and work |Pecame the bride of Everest Johns- street, in fact, everywhere thr | of any kind exhausts her. In time her [tOD, Of the same place. The bride S if d 40 Y Blum' entered the church on the arm of her i u ere ears squirrel curds itself in Mr walth breaks down. She becomes i pocket and nibbles away at' the | pale, looks worn out, is languid, jrrit- (father to the strains of Mendels- ! o . o toothsome nuts always to be found | able and nervous. Her heart palpi- |S0hn's wedding march, played by Wi th H 1S KRidne S Miss May Joyce. She was attired 4 / there tates violently at the least exertion, A --_------, i r_io ind she falls behind other girls in |i a suit of grey cheviot cloth and How To Keep Turkeys At Home. | 1ooks, health and a capacity for en- Jace blouse, With Hd gat te match. He even had Hemorrhages from the Kidneys, SO you may One 'of the vital questions in keep | ,oyving life. Abundant rich, red blood € bridesmaid, Miss" K. Joyce, was | 2 reso a toda ing turkeys, is, how Hl I keep thes is" the only thing that can restore [dressed fn a Gavy blue redingcoat ¢ know how bad he was, Yet Ys at a years, Me. Allen at home? This --seems to prevent | good health to the many thousands of suit with® black hat. The groom | isable to do a good day s work or en oy a long drive with many from raising them, though it is fush girls." This Xie, Sud pens can Rao auinton bY his ai usu, John !| out the least pain. This is what Gin Pills did for him. not such. a difficult question as many | nly be obtained through the use of ' 8 . Alter the cere- Th rt ; i i belicve. me should have ore or {we | Or. Williams® Pink Ills. hey have |mony the bridal party motared to the Fhey will do'as much for you if you have any Kidney or ) acres of land fenced with wide woven | siven thousands of weak, white-faced, | NOme of the bride's parents where a Bladder Trouble. . } wire, with a barb wire at the top. The | bloddless girls, robust, vigorous health |Pounteous wedding repast was Port Elgin, N.B, November 12th. A Book about lot "should be wear the house to save J and high spirits. Here is a bit of (Served. The newly-married ceuple "I feel it my duty, for the sake of those afticted with similar trou- steps. Wefore placing tarkeys in the | proof. Miss Olive Gauvreau, St. Je- |1eft on a trip to Belleville and other bles, to send you {hese few lines about Gin Pills. I am about 67 years western points. . The many beauti- old and have been troubled with Kidney Trouble since I was 25 years old. Corsets § | lot take an ordinary shitigle, round ofi,} rome, Que., says: "1 have reason to pe } its ends and eut two holes about as be more than gratefld to Dr. Wil- | ful and useful gifts highly testify the This was brought on by my getting overheated and then sitting on We have prepared a taste- ! far apart as the width of the turkey's | iams' Pink Pills, for they restored | POPularity of the young couple. - . witig.. Fix a shingle for cach wing. | ne to health after more than one doe- fully illustrated little book Then with a strong rag put under the | tor and many usdivines had Jaton, 1 dunctown . showing man :1 turkey's wing, tie on the shingle. The | suffered as so many girls do from an- Jotting 'ream. 8 ynew models in rag should 1 through the holes pnd f semia. 1 was all run down, tortured i Junetown,, Dek: 355Mine Hott, den U * {be tied close to the turkeys body. | with heahaches, could not stand any |!¥D, 18 mn attendance for: Miss Dre Tie securely but not too tight, as | exertion, and had no appetite, though {mond Hall, who is quite ill. Mrs. ; ! | George Masoud, Prop. they must have a little freedom in | of course I had to force myself to eat. | George Scott spent Thanksgiving at . : * | il "Phone 980. using their wings. The shingle will | [ was in this condition for nearly two {(+adanoque. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. F : keep them from flying over the fence. | years, and although, doctoring eon- | Franklin spent y and Wednes- : k 3 eisai t= lda Bergeson. tinually, seemed to be steadily grow- [day in Brockville. * Miss Fvalena » | . nL ------------------ mg worse, and | was very much dis | Price attended the teachers' conven: ) Queen's Roll Of Honor. couraged and dispondent. Finally ation in Brockville. Charles Tennant Queen's Journal, riend urged me to try Dr. Williams' [has returned to Kingston to resume Professors, graduates and under | Pink Pills and I discontinued all oth- | his studies at Queen's. Ross Purvis graduates who are serving king anc | er medicines and did so. In the course |has left with a carload of country at the front in the grea' |of a few woeks there was no room to|hold effects for Willistd Purvis and F : . Eyropean war: . Prof. Harrison | loubt that i had at last found the |{amily, who are spending the winter Ry | ey io - Prof. Gutmann, Prof. McPhail, Dr | right medicine. My appetite returned, |at Gravenhurst. Mr. asd Mra. |). ; » : a made d : | A. E. Ross, Ben Bate, Mefbert S |ihd headnches began to come less fre- | J. Warren entertained a large parts' bn yo > i ; i i Baker, B.A., B.Sc., Arthur Bick, M. | quently, and color was returning 10 of friends at their home one sven i JEREMIAH ALLEN ; a -- 4 A, W. C. Buchanan, M.A, B.Sc; A. | my face. The continued use of * the {ing reconuy. w. H. Fi nis un. Se ; D. Cornett, M.A., B.D, Bruee Con- | Pills for a little longer fully restored ldo: the doctor's care. iss 8. Wil: Gin Pills are sold by dealers everywhere at 50c. a box, 6 boxes for nor, Doherty, Farrell Dyde, R. O.|my health, and I have since been us {liam spent Thanksgiving at Bally- Trial treatment sent free on , These pills can be had Earl, B.A. Stanley Edgar, B.A. [healthy and active as anyone could [oance. - Mr. and Mrs. M. Hall ~overe United States under the name *'G. Pills. _- : Bruce Ferris, Hicks, Henry Haryatt | wish. 1 cannot too strongly recom-|,t Me. WeAw. o's. Malloswiown, on Douglas Jemmett, M.A., B 3 mend: De. Williams' Pink Pills to oth Sud, Miss J. Foley. Rock: Kerr, Levy, Macdougall, "17, A- W. | weak and ailing girls.' : field, et ey McNally, B.A., Ross McTavish, B.A. | You can i : ! l ; B.D., A. Millymaki, Ken Mundell i E i ies. Charles Bini. bs EY | Spencer, The Tailor WHILE SHOPPING * Enjoy Afternoon Tea at cold steps in a draught. ; 28 3 BLE Street Dainty Refreshménts and Pure Bee. our stock before buying. $15.00, $17.30, $20.00 Over 300 pieces at these prices . "Pat" O'Connor, D. C. Spears, Stew art, "17, Len Smim, n The il : Spister making | | a By -_