~~ ror DAILY BRITISH WHIo, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21,1914." Mr. Sticklin's favor, Migs, Hnfion pn Se -- AA - : where she has boon for over a year, AY, 3 'Visitors: Mrs. R. J. Flanders, at WHAT WHIG "CORRESPONDENTS Sound last week; Misses May Golf 3 : 1 PRA HAVE TO TELL, and Bernis Taylor, also Mrs. Slatrey, " : at James Ainslie's; Wisses Sinkler and ] y - News From Villages And Farms |Duttler, of Parry . Sound, 'spent Thanksgiving at Mrs. R. J. Flanders'; To the Land of Sunshiné and Summer Days. Wy Taking "Fruiting W | Herarat Twente am Mee | unc Avil a Dancin, so Tues: ar 8 w Seventy-Five Y $ ; People. ny Jat Rasen. at ls: §/ \ oman Seventy-Five Years. .. . : © Says Capt, Swan roy Rt i en BAR» , Old Exhausted by Effects of 3 colonia, Florida, : ) Notes Prom: Odea. ! FR \Ne EW ~ Grippe, Restored toStrength | Louisana. Ee Life is very miserable to those who Odessa, Oct, 20,--Well Clark is fish- Harrowsmith Happenings, 3 : NS u by Vinol i i "auffer with Sadigestion, Dys; ia, i iug at Hay Bay. Mr, Woolard spent Harrpwsmith, : Oct. 19.--A number / ' ss J 5 y * Limited traing leave Kingston daily, Stomach an: loustiess. This | Lhauksgiving st J, Jones'. Mrs. Oscar | will attend' the rape social held at : . ' making . direct connections at Mout fetter from Captain Swan (one of the | Mubee has returned home after spend- | Hartfngton this non Rev. G, Sig. Sanu, Miss. 4-4] > seventy-{ ive real, Detroit and Buhalo for the i it Bt Xown s ippars on the Great Ling two months visiting here. Mrs. | (I. Acton took chakge of 'the ser- 2 Jeurs old, and Sunttac of LaGrin sold Southern States, and at Chicago for afin) tells | rouble get quick relief | Mark Frases is visiting her son in | vices in Nt. Andrew's church at Gan- -- that I ngs iv Arwdeiiers and Br vine California, ete. $ > ( . " 3 : ; Foxe Br AWRLL ONT. May 8th, 1913. Vadlos, a Y : Ham Spent the wok anoque on Sunday last. Mrs, Wil 4 weak and feeble. Vinol was recom. Those canfemplating' a trip of any man has a poor chance of livin, TL. hnpate ri conn Graham | son Knapp, spgndin thie last week 3 mended to me and after taking it for id It or write me and "hid enjoyin life when he cas aot ag entertained some' friends on Friday | with her daughter, Ww. E. 'Wi xd " some time, 1 can truly say it has done nature should Ron k ®t ates ar Wi hat was wrong with me, | {100s We are worry to say George] kins, returned to her "home at Sy. me a world of good. "The cold L will be Pleased nT attend to all Fe n v 1 3 ET Q . FU 0s | range reservations and atte ) of appetite and indigestion was un J wy if." denim, 4a Sunday. . Mrs, J.'S. Gal and iy cough is practic ally details in connection with your trip. agher left this afterneon to spend it has built u my strength, For tull particulars apply 3 P, active and well again. | think an lot of | gANLEY, Raliresd and Stenmuhip Ag. 3 ht on by Constipation, I have . 3 oy trouble with these diseases for Donaldson Doings. fee week-end with her daughter, Mrs. j ' Vinol, and tell all my friends about what emt, cor. Johnson nud Outario Sta. I lost a great deal of flesh Donaldson, Opt. 19.--The farmers | T. H. Leggett, Ottawa. Miss Frances : teed constantly. For the last |are digging potatoes, which prove to BR ill for a few days, is ) ' it has done for me." -- Mrs; LizzIe BALD- Savaple of year, I have taken "Fruit. be a good crop. Miss IL. Thomp- able 16 he out again. Mrs. Acton, ; WiN, Canton, Miss. ves" and have been so pleased with | son attended the teachers convention | of Detroit, is visiti her son, Rev. " ul > 0 ft that I have recommended |ut Sharbot Lake: Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Acton. Ww. Cook and family, A : 5 ) for wi People may Toga ying io - elle 2 'AN hem on many occasions to friendsand | George Paul visited at F. Snow's Ve-| of Smith's Falls, are with his mo- al { Vir Oe ior ou RO ye ng [aN CC c [fo ntances. I am sure that "Fruit- {vently. William Kennedy had the | ther, Mrs. T. B. Cook. Mrs. Swit- Pd 3 $ tonic, on whick so many elderly people "@slives' have helped me greatly. By | misiortune to have his house des- | zer, Newburg, is also spending the $id depend for good health, = Vinol sharpens 7 INTER TOURS lowing the diet rules and taking | troved by fire recently. Mrs. D. Han- | week with Mrs. Cook. F. Bone is | '© 2 A 7 SF ¢ . the appetite, aids digestion, enriches the To the Latd of SUMMER DAYS » Q ns uit-a-tives"according to directions, |. h has returned home from Schu- {drilling a well for Harry Walker, ! A : ] blood &nd in this natural manner creates SUNSHINE AND of with Dyspepsia will get | ,,.chen, where she has been visiting ---- , 3 Fi | strength, ! iain, Florin, er wr; Mis; © Camer At L on. PIR ¥ 35 > strat, hes super, poss 0 Seo: Lake Ot ee tueen. Potato A . ES 8 3 The reason Vinol is so efficacious in Limited traing leave Toronto daily a R OFS y CRIPORCe do os : : : AE He ¥ be such i i ins in making direct connection ¢ e soc aor Grin Owe | | Charleston Oncumences. ign i the ore of he de vn | ROAM HUGHES SS I 25¢. or sent tpaid on receipt of price | Charleston, Oct. 19.--C. B. Howard abundant crop is reported. The re- G FA VZING H * medicinal curative elements of cod liver and at Chicago for Cay a Trip of Soy by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. i$ preparing to commence making | cent rains will enable the farmers to : é PY oil, with tonic, blood building iron added. | | nature should consult Canadian Pa ee iFeacsp + Ticket Agents, who will mmm. cheese at his new factory, Beale's | do their fall ploughing. Ihe local in A vo "w_ 2 he ¥ . rer aini Epa iu - : c se te rates, arrange re- Mills, in a week or so. He has en hunters are complaining of the scar Geo. W. Mahood, Druggist, Kingston, lea ed to thio Eh ten, range re. Thomas Copley gaged D Morris to do the work, Miss eity of ducks. Rev. My. Suller, ; % . ¥ Ontario s ations and attend to all details Maggie Sterry, Lyndhurst, visited her | Queen's' College, preached an im- | y ' ¢ 3 ¢ | {write M: G. Murphy, District Passen sister, Mrs. Latimer, last week. Mr pressive sermon in the M. FE. church . 3 A 00 0 AA BLASIO | ge it, corner King and Yonge Telephone 987 and Mrs. M. Hudson, Athens, called | here on Sunday morning. Mr. and pW ] i. 3 v | . Tonto. sgarding Rail or : & card to 13 Plne street whem | on friends here on Sunday last. Mrs. { Mrs. ¢. R. Fnnis and little Dorothy | 3 \ ! 3 po E tickets from F. CONWAY, ¢ main" anything Sons in the Sarten- I. McConnell, Lyndhurst, visited her | arrived home from Toronto last | g ' 3 FO OR QUICK LUNCH A. City Ticket Office, Cor. Prin- as A . mm . 1 % . pes 14 Ingto Sts. hon ' 5 A Fo ork: also hard, mother, Ars. El Mulvenua, one day night. The latter is much improved | 3 3 ] : Crosse & Blackwell's cess and Wellington Sts. Phone 1 wood floors of all kins. Al) orders last week in health. A number of the young A yy bi Potted Ham aol receive promp: attention: 8hop i ---- people attended the dance at W. | Ro ng : 8 A Potted Chicken Perth Road Notes. Kirkpatrick's on Friday night last. | A A By Potted Lobster : ed y Potted Anchovy Perth Road, Oct. 19.--Potato dig : Miss H. Richards spent Thanksgiving | < ging and corn cutting are the orde. | at her home at Kepler. = Visitors : | MINISTER OF MILITIA LEAVING TRANSPORTS. Potted Ham and Chicken of the day A lively runaway oc- | Mr. nd Mrs. B. Best and daughter, | Hon. Sam Hughes leaving the flagship of the thirty odd vessels Mushroom Catsup This pic- Mushrooms in Gravy curred here when Mr. Green's horses | Hattie, Clear Lake, at F. Best's; J. | which carvied Canada's first expe di tionary force to England. took fright at the train near the ( Randal, jr., and C. Smith, at F. | ture was taken at the secret rendezvous on the Gaspe coast. N.R. station, but no serious damage Smith's; C. and F. Darling, Spafior- | ~~ nnn AAA AAA A D. COUPER was done; Mes. William Ritchie was n, spent couple of days last weeks | this locality threshing at the present | needed in this vicinity as the ground V lie was | ton, spent a ple 2 I gr Phone 76 841-8 Princess Bt. ! From Southampton From Montreal taken ill Monday morning, mt is | at their uncle's, A. Darling's, sr. line. Robert Stacey filled the silos is very dry for ploughing. The short Nov. 4 ASCANIA Nov. 21 for the farmers in this vicinity. Mr. | showers on Saturday and Sunday ev. RE eee Steamers eall at Plymouth, Enast- Eastbound improved. Visitors : Mrs: Blanche : a ie Johnston and Mrs. Y. Richéirdson, of Echo Lake Echoes. and Mrs. George Reid 'made a trip | enings were much appreciated. Far- pm Ee ---- ma Rates--Cabin (11), 2 3: avit y el 8 Mrs. ws' are di v " d Westbound ASCANIA $5250 up. : Athens recently to visit Irs. [mers are digging potatoes and re Dr. Charles A.-Hodgetts, Toronto, | paired Class. Eastbound $32.75, Went. - ! Louisinua, Ete. be CANADIAN SERVICE Lansdowne, and Mrs. Ida Hazelton, Echo Lake, Oct. 19.--On Saturday | to 5 e of Watertown, N.Y, 'at Mrs John | Mrs. S. Vandewater entertained her | Reid's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G, A.lport a fair crop. The work on the has been appointed commissioner to | bound home. | Bradley. Miss Myrtle Reid, who |new public school is progressing ra- | Dritain of the Canadian Red Cross So-|_ Apply local Robert Reford Co. Limited, General is attending Athens high school, spent | pidly, there being about fifty men ciety, . I under the pa- | emploved The Svdenham high ? Agents, 60 King Street Bast, Toronto taymond's, and at Mrs. William H.Y Sunday school class at her 'Ticket Agent or The . Raymond's. Dinner was served to them and af-| nT Abe ALS De. ine -------- terwards they all had their pictures I hanksgiving holidays : . : 1 i fed kiduey disease and backache, and 1 have At Lower Lavant. taken. . John Switzer had a plough-|rental roof at Woodvale. Miss Lillie | school basket ball girls intend going at ay a on et 1 Lower Lavant, Oct. 19.--Ploughing | in& bee on Wednesday. There were | Wiltse, teacher, of Woodvale, spent | (6 Newburgh to play a return game # Radway's Ready Relief. J gave my js heing rushed by the farmers. R. 13. | Seven teams, and they turned over a| ihe holidays at her home in Athens. | the latter part of this week. There few days 'in | were large crowds at both makning 1 30 bart Ali. 'the. pain was oi gone. Na oe Robprison is ill. Visitors: Miss M. |10t Of ground. Miss Ella McCleod, | Ambrose Fodey spent a ay ; ; : : ha I I iD ae ayself thé Percy and F. Reid spent Sunday at |iS spending a few days at Arthur| Athens recently Mrs, Fward Land evening service at St. Paul's CANADIAN NOR | HER 4 was in till 1 OsE Radway's Ready | Barr's; Mr. and Mre. P. Bartraw, | Buckley's. Born to Mf. and Mrs. | Vanderburg returned from Sand Bay, | church last Sabbath as Bishop Mills of Lanark, at Joseph Bartraw's; Mrs | Harvey Babcock, a son, A number|,n Saturday, where she had been en- offigiated G. Kavanagh is moping CURES LUMBAGO William: Reid, of Watson's Corners, at | Of people were at Lorenzo Switzer's| aged nursing for the past three Lint =. Freeborn-s house, on the gor- Raiway's Ready Relief should be well ribbed John Browning's; Mr. and Mrs. Lewis | On Saturday evening and spent a | eeks at the home of Roland Herbi- | ner of Bridge and Main streets. W. GENERAL CHANGE. NEW NIGHT TRAIN inh AACE. TT 8 Biv in Jradueed. and little son, Allen, went to Carle- | f€W pleasant hours. Quite a crowd | son. Glen Reid spent the Thanks | Sills has moved into Mrs. Stoness' i" a burning) sensation. Few cases requirg gathered at the school house on Sun-| yiving holidays in Athens. Mrs. Card, | house on Main street and I. Guess OF TIME Between | it | } 1 na en adway - Pills, Some do, when a dose ov ton on Iriday, en route to Quebec, d hi MN Oo ) lk M 3 i os A : hon would, he take where he has another appointment ay |d4y to hear, Mrs. Goudy talk. Mrs.| j nes' Falls, an Miss Gertrude | into the house lately vacated hy W. "RIT £60 worse. can A. Wagar, and Mrs. C. Cox at James | Kelso, Long Point, called on friends | Cue, ie wed Mer rover "i lll ONTARIO LINES a Dutaws t ally. pastor. John McDougall's threshing outit started work in Lavant on Monday Miss KE. Easton attended er And Mrs 2. Botting | here on Saturday. Rev. Mr. Toll | Kingston, spent Thanksgiving" with i a 3 : a 1 a aga and ¥. Warren, /ansdowne, Spent | ha former's narents, Mr. and Mrs. K. : Standard sleeping cars. Elec the teachers' association meeting in | Mr. and Mrs. D. McCleod, at C. Wa- | ya fterndon on the lake here. |... pg Johns « Effective Mon. Oct. 19. tric Lighted Coaches. g 5 londay al aquith Mrs. H. Johnston and son, For full jen ; 1 dg Lagiark, | ger's; Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCleod S. King has the brick work done Harry, are spending a. few wetks~ at |) -r of " purties ars see lat- Double Service. Ps ---- at Second, SeClougn's T. Buckley at on W. J. Running:s new house. la Tonque, Que., the guests of her ame tah'e folder, (Daily except Sunday.) Tidings From E hi ---- ; laughter, Mrs. J. Boushard. Mrs. H. - - Copies ---- ee : Fle o 8 19 Tom igin : M ied Eh . S Sangster News. . Dowsley, nurse, of Toronto, spent the For Rail and Steamship Tickets Parlor and Slee Ping Ow dgan, et. 9.--Stanley. Morgan Married At Pleasant Valley. Sangster, Oct. 19---Some of the] arid with her mother, Mts. ¢ reservations, apply to M. C, Dunn, City Ticket Agent, or as | spent a few days with his Parents. Pleasant Valley, Oct. 19.--A wed- voung folks attended the O'Connor Lake Miss Myrtle Stephens svent Ward, Station Agent. Mrs. H: S. Davidson i visiting at |ding of interest will take place here | Kehoe wedding at Cole Lake, or the week-end at her home in - Waest- Kingston. Dr. Gillead, Brockville, | to-morrow when Miss Annie H. Wat. | Wednesday. Much sympathy i8_ex- Hooke. Miss BE Take. Kingston, : as in She yilage Saturday. w. A. lson, ome of! Pleasant Valley's most |tended to Mr. and Mrs. Frank O Bi spent Thanksgiving with her parents ewis, Brockville, was in the village | popular young .lddies, will become the | ley in the loss of their two months Mr. ari' Mrs. D, Lake. Mr. ape Mire. this week. S. Pennock was at Brock Iride of Farl C. Leonard, a success- | 0ld baby, on Thursday. Arthu T. Yicks 1 little daughter, of, Star ville as jury man last week. Miss M. ful young farmer of . Hartington. The | Kenyon, Godfrey, is threshing f° 8 A : BE here : on AT ONCE | CLOGGED NOSTRILS OPEN Smith spent last week at Seeley's | [adies' Aid 'tea, held at the honfe | through this vicinity. Mrs. Timo Gar > all on in ¢ : i Bay. Mr. and Mrs. L. Muckmore {of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fllerbeck, | thy O'Neill and sons. "Dee" and | "unday, a spent Sunday at Westport. Miss Duna | was a very. successful affair. Mr. and | John, of Norwood, N.Y. are visiting Niwa From Westport. id AD C LDS A AND CATARRH VANISH : Kingston, is the guest of Miss Sarah} Mrs, .M..N. Bradiord; at-Hartington; {-her parénts, Mr. and. Mrs. James.Q' Nt Oa TD. 3. Cale x Dunn, Misses Nolan, Philipsville, } My. and Mrs. R. Lilley. Mr. and Mrs, [ Connor Mrs. Martin Corcoran and. »>e park . riest. of Wes p ol spent Sunday in the village. Mr. and N: Charlton, at FE. Hughes': Mr. and | children are visiting her mother and | Bing dr H yi esto Sesiport Mes. B. Poole and son, Caintown, Mrs. D. A. Barr, at G. Barr's; Ar. | relatives in Oates Miss A. O'Con ' Mast 54 Bort : acl nn A | nor is hone from Ogdensburg, N.Y t aste ' ere. wee - 5 » r the nostrils; penetrates and heals Were guests in the village. thur Ashley, 'Bertha, and Miss "inr and Mrs. I. Smith: Elginburg for in Kingston J. R. Dargavcl, | Breathe Freely! Clears Stuffed-up, of Hughes were recent guests. of Mr. |* a i, # ' M.P.P., was in' town Saturday, at- Inflamed Nose and Head and Stops |the inflamed, swollen membrane Godtrey News, } + |at Mrs. Brennan's; Pat Welsh, Cat | § ; vodf Oc Ny . k wud Hrs. Hughes; Mx. and. Mrs, F. mdhi' at M. J. Corcoran's; Mrs. J |} tending the funeral of the late Mrs, Catarrhal Discharge. Cures Dull [which lines the nose, head and Godirey, et ie rain has . Jd. a ' 196 a ¥ : 3 ' i a reall Ae . OZie A R throat lears 6 alr passages; stops made the roads a little muddy but Ws pr So rth Hughes : He Jar: Daley, Cole Lake; Miss A: O'Connor | Correll William Urozier, Mrs. a I. Hendattie, .- 5 throa ; le arg the iF pag ps b Iped th a pew Feluriley om In | at Thomas Young's: Mrs, N. Murphy | ( rozier and Mrs. S. 1 Jarr left, this ry ly's Cream Balm. [pase discharges 3 a 8 ws helped the ground for 'plough- verary, \where she was the guest oi T. Babcock's: Mrs. T. O'Neil and | afternoon, to visit friends in Belleville, Get a small bottle anyway, just to |cleansing, soothing reltef comes im- , and the Misses Fran. [try it--Apply. a little in the nostrils |mediately. ing Potato digging .is the order of | Miss WM, Clow. S. 'Barr, Burridge, a Oo Gonnior at 'A' Tinkmerman's | M#s. F. McCann R F Jen-| ces and Mazie spent Thanksgiving {and instantly vour clogged nose and Don't lay awake to-night stryge- in Kingston, the guests of Sister | stopped-ip air passages of the head |gling for breath, Vemt---- eesti A Sent. Iatres #. em m On your attire as to how you are the day. We are sorry to hear of [was the guest of his brother. Mrs. rly . Tan . received, not only socially, but in ev- Patrick Judge's illness but all hope | Isabel Wallace was a recent Visiter Bob's Lake: Nis Milde st at] day g with head stuffed; at alk Of life. We design clothes for hiv speedy recovery. Mr. and |My and Mrs. Richard Ellerbeck wee | Barret, T oO Connot al P. Corcor- | McCann will open; you will breathe freely; |nostrils closed, hawking and blow- it "make good" their reputation Mrs. W. Campqell and son, Earl, | ot Thomas Bradford's. bans: Mics 'M Younge at J. O0'Con- Joshua Perkins, Sr., the oldest. resi- | dullness and headache disappear. By |ing. Catarrh or a cold, with its run- are built upon the firm founda- spent Sunday at A. Kennedy's; Mr -- . nor's, Cole Lake RO dent of this locality, died yesterday | morning! the ,catarrh, cold-in-head [ning nose, foul mucous dropping ik of 'merit, To wear them is to and Mrs. R.A. Hamilton, at Par Frankville Reports Rio aged. ninety-three .years. D. McFad- | or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. into the throat, and raw dryness is QW thelr superior points; to buy ham; Miss "G.. Beattie, at Veron' Frankville, Oct. 19.--Threshing and | patriotic Meeting at. Sharbot Lake. | don was an Ottawa visitor aver Sun End such misery now! Get the [distressing but truly néedless. t Is & proof of your good judg- Miss Ruth Perey spent Sunday af silo filling are about completed. Al 3 : Oct. 0A precting | 90 Mrs. ML. Stafford, of Forfar, { small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm Put your faith--just once -- in ment: Suppose you make your in- home; C. Walker at W. Clark's; Rev. | yuu of money was raised for the pa- | Sharbot, bakes. oh 1, in this pe speat. Sunday in town. - Mrs. W. B. tat any. drug store. This sweet, | 7Ely's Cream Balm" and' your cold spection to-day at and Mrs. Leech called on friends here triotic fumd and the village people Was tele N Hy . - on behali \dams and Miss Margery are spending | fragrant balm dissolves by the heat lor catarrh will surely disappear. 4 last week; Mr. and Mrs. H. McMullen | have went two loads of clothing to | 4 OR a ny ate to un] {he | # few days in Toronto. Dr. and Mrs. ori: RB Goodlellow's; Miss Eva ihe brave and needy Belginns. Miss | orev of Oso It McVeich prasided, |0- Lille and W. S. Breakengidge have | "msm Arr er rrte Craig at G. W. Shepherd's. Hazel Holmes has returned home and there were 'Present Er the plat returned from a trip to New York RL LAUER (TT . EE ---- from the St. Vincent de Paul hospi- form the following gentlemen : Jerome | it Migs Irene MeNann, of Ottawa, School Was Cloned, . | tal, Brockville. = She was there eight | Thomson, M. Avery, Rev. Mr. Brom- | Pent Phauksgiving Wh her Parents Oak "Flats, Oct. 19.--School is | weeks for treatment. Samuel Hol wick and C. Dory.' The meeting was |B | AA Sen Bd orien en gor A A AAA eA . y ary closed for a few days on account of | lingsworth, of Athens, was here last opened with prayer and the audience | Rn Charles E. Burrell Jeav the absence of the teacher, Mise A. Saturday on business. Miss Gertrude joined in the national anthem. Much ol ; Le ' huriee rd » fell loa - Walker, 'who is attending the fume! [jvingston spent the week-end at the |. revaile T hai nj nortow: for Av pede SRAEre he g . 2 r e -¢ enthusiasm prevailed. The chairman will conduct the. Sunday serviess . in ral of her frother-in-law, Fletcher home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Crum- having expl 1 the objec f the ' | s Mrs. hd explained the object of \ 1s & hire ty re Cook, at Harrowsmith, late of Re mey. . Eloida. * Lloyd Mott is mov: |5heeting, he called on 'the gentlemen | the i Kame) t Tr are h Lat ity Wa r S 5 i al ~ \ --- i . . tal x . | and rs . ran, 4 a vd Sask. Fdgar Genge has re ing to Lehigh Corners from Brock- present to express their views. Dr Falls Sunday 'and AG in omen » ETI tsa smn wR tant Bt St nitty t=. gina, i t i : : i FT . , spent sumed stadies at the Kingston Busi- | yille this week. Miss Leta Davidson Fee was also called upon, and re town pont KF. G. Forrester. who ness College. Mr. and Mrs. B. Genge | hus 'returned hone from Brockville, sponded with the others. A commit spent the past week In town. returned Take a Glass of Salt Salts if your Back spent Thanksziving at Holleford. Vie- | after a stay of two weeks. Some peo- | tee was appointed, who undertook to ope he Ju ast wok I town, tuned . Hurts or Bladder > itors : Mr. and Mrs. R. Botting, at | pl. from here attended the sports at | canvass the township, forthwith for - hale and Mis. Be 3, Laidlaw have EW 3 Bothers, AEE i. Genge'ss Mr. and Mra. A. Rey- | Athens on Friday last. Frederick | donations either in "4noney or kind, Pin Rome aftr spending two nolds, at A. Leshe's; Miss H. As-| pattemoré is able to be out again | while the ladies present: organized for « i Kingston and Elginburg. § oes a . If you must have your meat every sJdsiine and Miss M. Bottitie, Verona, after his illness. W. Earl, of Athens, [ihe purpose of providing a quota ig Kingston J Rubvury day, eat it, but flush your kidneys ,¢ R. Botting's; Mr. 'and Mrs. D. | was here looking for hogs and cattle | of caps and wristhands as their con A : oi a follow a a With salts occasionally; says a noted, Pero, Hartington, at Mrs. M. Pera's: {t, ship to Montreal. tribution to the- fund, loess, The Taaoial corer wae reid 'authority who tells us that meat p, Soles, Gananoque. at I. Babeock's: w ------ Rev. A. wilhamson, of the Anglican 2 ie P Bd he oe bos oN this m hing uric acid which almost para- Mrs, A: Bush and Miss A. Bush at Philipsville Man Loses Hand. church, is away on leave, visiting re-] 30 "1 TUTERC 8 CUBS TAS Morning. : the kidneys in their efforts to J. Jeffrey's. " Philipsville, Oct. 18.--Charles Chor- |latives in Ireland, During his absence a niBe oF st i the drawin al the i rom. the biaad. They be. e --Th land bud_the misiottute fo loss his Rev. C. J. Young, a former pustor.| Lt 08 0 Spo iu RinE ~ This season we are showing the strongest e sluggish and weaken, then you Pittsferry Tidings. right 'hand (all of his fingers and part | attends to' the parish and takes the | ATIC 1heatre at NEY ; 5 ha dull misery in the kid-| p; g 9.--E i McMas {of his thumb), - in a corn cutter on | Sunday services. a 3 : : '. dorms ts rete ; aia misery fu the ko. ld iktrvy. Oct. 19~--Bdward Nelue a 2 Be 0 LA movement WA line of women's footwear at this price that we ick headache, dizziness, your! past four weeks, still continues - very |.the general hospital, Brockville, for Sydenham Budget. v wish (6 emigrate to. this coun- rer had th sours, tongue is coated and jow. Robert Barcley has stored his | ir¥atment. He had just about filled Sydenham, Oct. 19.~Rain is much og 8 & ever had. ' - 4 $4 the Weather is bad you have threshing outfit, after a successful sea- | his silo when the Jueviddent praPPoned. | p-- > > ' twinges. Thé urine gets » obert McFadden dis: | He madesthe remark when he saw his an : o a. : Faded full of sedtment, the chan. | posed rae ir hand that he would never milk any ATO ONCE i PAPE'S Dif DIAPEPSIN ST STOPS i Every detail of leather, shape and skilled -. . i! . often get sore and irritated, ited at Kingston fair, for a neat sum. | more cows. Ing you to seek relief two or Mrs. David Mo{lement, who has been] J. V. Philips was throws from a shoemaking has been directed toward produe- hree times during the night. | spending the past week with friends | load of lumber onto a pile of stones, INDIGESTION, GAS, SOUR STOMACH . | A h No bones ing the handsomest, most comfortable and dur- neutralize these irritating acids! in Kingston, went to Toronto on the {and was badly shaken up. the kidneys and flush off} week-end excursion. Mrs. R. Finnigan, | were broken. : { SRA SA Corn cutting and silo filling are fin- | posse camer! Here's the quickest they know it is needless to have able woman's £4.00 shoe ever sold for the y's "urinous. waste get four | Watrous, Alta., was called home to [ ' . ide of her father, K. McMas- | ished and the farmers are digging po- andl Aurest. stomach DE He a of Jad Salts from any phar-'the beds | _ here; take a tablespoonful in ter, also Mrs. (i. Bulch, 'Amherst ls | tatoes, which are a very heavy crop. relief known, Get a large fifty-cent case of Pape's money Of water before breakfast foriland. John McMaster lost a valuable { The ground is so dry {hat there is Diapepsin from any drug store and ars aud sour kidneys will then | voung horse on Monday: Mr. Ranous | very little plowing done. Many lls Time if', 14 a few , minutes all [put your stomach right. Stop being ous salts is made had a bee: on Tuesday, drawing press- | that never were known to go dry fg oo. aid ress gone. No indiges- imiserable--life is too short---you're grapes and lomon|ed hay to Findley Station for ship: | have yope diy this fail. been vere | OR, beartburn, sourness or belch- [not here long, so make your stay ned with lthia, and has ment. |, Miss Uelie Kennedy has : Very ling of gas, acid, or eructations of |agreeable. Eat what you Hke and used for generations to flush | e-- busy this fall, weaving rags ul anY undigested food, no dizziness, bloat- [digest it; enjoy it, without fear of nilate sly Kidneys, al- Wafts From Whitestone. colors. A. Stevens porchased a Po ing, foul Jreath or headache. rebellion in the stomach. acids in urine,| Whitestone, ou. 19 ~Very few Sams tato digger that digs t ka y as "*| 'Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its| .Pape's Diapepsin belongs in your Jrritates, thus ending | are. > Saning, The farmers' dre taking | fast as the tem Sun walk, Sepera wal: sheet" in regulating upset stomachs. home, Should oné of the the family. eat 5 tht eather h rom. the cart > t is the surest, quickest EE Lh doeai't agree with FE in the whole world, and be-|them, or i of an of barmless, ; ]