= V/INCIDUNTS OF THE DAY ousehold Banking Accounts in The Bank of Toronto have been found by many to be a great convenience. The accounts may be op- ened in the names of husband and w ife, and either may deposit or withdraw money. Interest is paid on these accounts twice a year $60,000,000 INCOR PORATED 855 BANK or TORONTC Market Square Kingston GEORGE B, McKAY Manager. L ope em Fi | Now tnat the fall season 18 once agaln with US, Necess starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk Increfiges, so that it Is essential that all propert ¥ should be | covered | If in need of 1y I would appreciate the represgnt several strung GEORGE BAWDEN COAL. ating the sequently adequately additlona Insurance opportunity of fig ! Yo tariff and non- Arr 1 tariff companias, quirements, PHONE 286, REAL ESTATE. 168 PRINCESS ST. INSURANCE. Who "Pays the Piper ?" Stop the Fire Waste ! your rent higher, fncreavex rocer and butcaer, puts It makes the rent of your pay the lnsurapce. When you bulld set nn good ox brick bullding erected helps to ; frome bullding helps Increase 1 Work for extended fire lhuiix, brick ut home. A. Neal, Kisgston Brick Yard Phone 1396 FOR SALE We have a new frame dwelling éontaining 9 rooms, hot- , air furnace, electric lights, I. and C., that we will sell for J. K. CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, Representative. ) your up taxes, dud by raising the price of food, "You for the ample luce Your welghbor, fusurunce rate. Every Every Build with "brick and buy your RS BROCK ST. PHONE in YOUR } FAVRE - DENTIFRICE Can always be procured from us. We mention a few of the many we keep in stock: Col- gate's, Nyal's, Sanitol, Euthy- mol, Zymole, Hutax, Pebeco, ete. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opposite ¥Y. M. C. Kingston To Let Dwelling, corner King sand Lower Gordon. Possessbon aut once. Ment $6 per mouth, includ ing water, ete. For particulars, npply to W. H. Godwin & Son. Brock St. Phone 42% Real Estate Fire Insurance . - " Ont. For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Graf- onolas, Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue Amberal re- cords, Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout One of of Kingston' 8 s Fost Big discounis for July and August. Allen's Phone 252 . 118 Brock St. WET OR DRY WASH. Family washing done without irons. Specizl attention paid to boarding house work. We expeet 100 or more steady customers. All work guaranteed. We. have had 13 | years' experience in !tand bhusi- { ness, and have one of 4c'! loca. tions in the city. Goods for "and delivered. Phone 960 Or drop a card. K. F. SAMS Cor. Queen and Montreal Sts. (Everyone Should Try and Get a New Home for Themselves Why should you pay rent when you can save money by paying rent on a new home of your own? Why not "byild a home of your own, | og $1,000 to $10,000, on easy terms. Chas. Leeder, 2nd Floor, Room 4, -King Edward Building t cadaed Cheap Auto Tires Ford size, 30x3 1-4 inch. Guaranteed 3500 miles, Gasoline 20¢ per gal. Bibby's Garage Phone 201. Garage 917 Attend Our String Sale i MANY OUSTOMERS HAVE ASKED US TO CONDUCT ANOTHER STRING SALE, FOR A FEW DAYS ONLY OUR WINDOW WILL CON- , CLOCKS, ALL KINDS AT 50 CENTS A STRING R.J. Rodges; afte ST. JEWELER Bakery Remov- al Notice Mrs. J. J. Lackie Negn to announce that she has remov- ed her bakery to No. 63 Broek Street, Ockles's old stand, and will open up for business on Saturday, the 24¢h Inst. With a full line of goods a new Maoek amond Oven~the best made in Caunda---she alms at Keeping her vid customers, attracting mew ones I. i Ih -- | SILO WHISKEY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vicinity What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Me(! onkey's week- end sweets.' son's. Aapanee Red Cros Soc jety has sent $1, 900 sto the Canadian headquarters. the MeGill ru gby teams arrived in the city on the early G.T.R. train Saturday morning. Mrs. V. David, Killarney, visiting with her mather, Pigeon, Aberdeen street. Girocers ull recommend White flour, Another batch of recruits for the new R.CHL.A. were swokn in by Mag strate Farrell on Saturtiay. The 4dtdr men are having shanty erected on the Kingston Shipbuitding Tompany 's premises, 'They have been sléeping in a tent. "There's no place like home" means more when you own it, and think we have just 'what you in that line. McCann. A large number of Queen's Engi- neers went over on the ferry boat to Wolie Island, Saturday morning, for research work. \ '81 Emulsion, 50c."' Gibson's. C. A. Kincaid, of Pittsburg, brought to the Whig, on Saturday morning, several stocks of corn which w grown upon hs farm. The corn meas- ured fourteen feet in ht. Frank jates, advance agent Tor Lawrence D'Orsay, arranging for the. appearance D'Orsay the Grand Upera House next and. Saturday, in "The Karl tucket"' "I'he Rented Earl." The real estate market is always 'bullish' --tendency upward--thereiore realty the and safest invest ment there is. © Can terest Kingston property ? The late heves, editor proprietor Colborne [Express since 1566, worked as a printer on the Kingston Whig in the forties. He was later with the Bd" ille Intelligencer, the Cobourg Star and the Toronto Globe Week-end specials Syrup Emulsion, Cough Liver Dy Gib- is J. Man., Mrs. Rose we want on he is here of Mr at Friday of Paw and is best we you mn George and of the Gibson' 15¢ Figs, 25 Syrup, Pill, spepsia 50¢ 15¢ Shc. 50. Peter ently ited t clected Bar uceeeded ex of the Meldr Tait thi President bar a An Game, for O« W ociation article head Blindfold Age Mall the mod rine upon and "The the Living the Pall ly called repr ed in tober 31st, ine, d from graphic of tl ubme look ghts escribes on and efficiency war, the al expe drea 1nis sior POPULAR DRINK Parmer Celebrates on Diluted Corn Ensilage ngton | ide and Passes News On Wa Al WM cently by a is calculated to do more "*back-to-the-farm'" moveme anything that has happened life since genius wire into service, and gossip-loving farmer's party wire. This Missor one of thosr given to the de re 1lturist for nt Very n Missouri agri than some a put wife fences every on a iri corn King, through rtulties such as have world the telegraph, and gun-powder, and steam engines, and other great inventions, fell in to silo while pottering around the barnyard one afternoon; and be- fore he could scramble out had swal- lowed a tremendous gulp of liquid at the bottom, which had been pro- duced by fermented ensilage. Inclined at first to rage, his sput- ters of distress were quickly turn- ed to ejaculations of delight, as there swept yver his entranced mind a realization that he had dis- covered a way to beat the local op- tion laws and the city liquor man who. gold him bottled prussic acid and prune juice with a deceptive Ia- bel on it. The silo had been a still- house, and he hadn't known it! Quickly the news spread among the neighbors It crossed Missouri in night, and swept Kansas like Lv prairie fire In, a couple of days was up in Iowa, and the news had a - OPERA GRAND grea To-Night H. WEBB-CHAMBERLAIN And His Stock Company Presenting » 4 Art Comes STRUCK And AM ATE in Nitarr PRICES * 10-1 ATS NOW ON SATE. Friday & 'Saturday October 30 & 31 SATURDAY MATINEE 2.30 Lawrance D'OKSAY The Distinguishied English Comedian In Augustus Thomas' Great Comedy The EARL OF PAWTUCKET And "THE RENTED EARL" BY. Salashury Field. PRICES EVG., 25-50-75¢-81-8 MAT. 25-30-75c-81; ( Thildy en I "he. PURE CLEAN FOOD IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH AE aat 1 AE n rural; converted | complete | the | BE PARTICULAR Insist on getting "GOLD BOND" Canned Goods STU DY OF RED HE ADS, Fiery-Tempered in America, But Not in Europe, Are come the sole topie of conversa tion at every crossroads genéral stare in Nebraska In a week thel Saturday night importation of "red from "town' had fallen off 50 cent. in half a hundred coun- 'tes in the corn belt, and the St. Paul and Chicago supply houses were ejuged with orders for silos Hallow' een Tea and Sale. The Charity Circle of the King's Daughters will hold a tea and he | eye" ner The significance. of red hair séém to be a trivial academic Jeet of no practical importance, but | there is some evidence that these people have a much higher death rate in America than<in Europe, as the study of the cause and effect of fousness' assumes considerable im- portance in pathology and therapy, according to American Medicine. "It is (rue," says the writer, "that: Albinos are defectives, and though a few survive if carefully guarded from may sub- at Migs Nina Ferguson's, 125 Bagot street, Friday, October 30th, three tol six o'clock. Surprise table, Christ mas nove!lti Actress To The Front. Lowdon, Oet the noted Americ an actress, leaves London next week for the front in charge of her awn motor ambilance. 23: =~Maxine Elliott, A quiet but very wed digg took place on Oct. 14th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M, P. Hughes, Napanee, when their third daughter, Florence Edna, was united in age with Bruce Kimmerly, naga. "Week-end sweets." Gibson's.' All private wireless stations in Canada have now been dismantled as the result of an order issued by the naval service department after the outbreak of war. "81 Emulsion, 50." Gibson's. James Sherman, Gretma, has taken over 600 bushels of tomatoes to the factory this year. 'Albert Sills has alto taken in a similar amount from his patch. It really doesn't make ence what a man thinks, he doesn't think out loud. interesting marr Tyendi- " much differ so long as A successful man is merely one who! can make more money than his wife can spend every harm, the majority meet early death, and few, if any, are able to make the) own living in an efficient way. It now said that the inves tigations of Major Hurst, a noted eugenist, in an English village of Burbage, where there are many red- headed boys and girls, show that it is always hereditary and never arises anpw. He ' thinks that all cases are derived from a single re- mole case which appeared as a 'sport' or 'mutation' from some un- known cause. in "The condition is 'recessive,' = and noce ding to . Mendel's law it may disappear for several gemerations, partioularly in dark families. If one parent is red and the other dark "the children ave rarely red, but if both parents are red the children are al ways red. In England they are not any more fiery-tempered than the rest of the population, but this dose pot seem Ao be true in America, where something in the climate~ probably the excessive light--irritates them, kesps nerves on edge, lessens resistance sto disease and prevents eificiency.' 18 Dekeromto lost one of its oldest sidents on Thursday last in the son of Mrs, Henry Botting, ager sipl ty-one years, . She is survived one dai re- Por OONDENSED ADVERTISING BATES Hl vw LOST. FOR SALE. 3 ie a Te & mori con First 'insertion alte 1 Each wecutive insertion hereafter, it one insertion, 2 th Shree tnsertions, Bue; six, $1; one month, $2. HELP WANTED. AN ADVT. OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, N under this head, costs 26c for one night, or 50c for three. APPLY AT Lines. ALETHA. MAID FOR SS, Steamship office Canada VI GENERAL A COMPETEN or ironing. No washing Division St SERV ANT. Apply FIREMEN, BRAKEMEN, Send age, postage British Whig MEN FOR $120 monthly. "Railway," care GENERAL between 6 to 107 COMPETENT vant Apply vetork In evening, Gore INGLISH PERSON SEEKS housekeeper to widow - p ntieman. Apply by Whig office. ly Box 1022, HOUSE family L COOK AND once; three of Apply Rev. J Portsmouth COMPETENT maid at washing Rectory Goan INTELLIGENT earn $100 monthly Sorresponding for newspapers, no . Send for partirulars Pw cate, 3,969 Lockport, N.Y --%, COMPETE Wiis "RE Syndl nine DIATE ' Mrs, A SURE EM- LEARN BARBER TRADE. ployment. Good wages required to complete particulars and M Barber Toronto. col catalogue College, DO PLAIN ght sewing at whole o \ |HAVE | | SALESME Y= \R { | | "ru- | J by | MAT suite sterling silver sels, room machine, AUCTH Wednesday, Oct. 28, 10 a. La board, brass and ir matiresses NO ADVANCE IN PRICE AT YOUR by councissenrs to be one of the finest sardines packed. cholee of fish an well as oll. very finest of each being used. (heve pivanced ow time; good pay; Ww ork distance; charges preps id stamp for particulars. Manufacturing Co, Montre GOOD ore yiNG " "OR Fay AN Ki S IN OR x YOU ANY ABILITY AS A salesman? We have a proposition to make which will enable you to earn more money than you earning at the present time - respondence strictly confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, Klog- ston, Ont N 8: TO $4000 ition Ha Box OC, DRESSM weds n s day. App WANTED GENERAL. DYER, | GE NERAL RPOSE I A PAIR OF YROM GRAND TRUNK BAGGAGE TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, FURNISHED BEDROOM AND STORAGE FOR FURNIT TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE OFFIC KES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN EIGHT THREE LARGE THE -------------------------------------------- NO. 23 W tir A FLAT HOUSE, elec SPROCTACLES, ON SUN. day, Oct. 11th, 1814, on Brock or Garrett Sta. Finder please return to Whig office. THESE little. vos, her ERTS. Coe one week, $1 ag os, Goldman. 387 Division St 1 . MISSING room, tan colored guitcase, slightly PURE BRED R, Whit IL. RED, I on: hens and coe ne to M. G. Boyd, 106 Pine 8 ROCK rrr k Krein, battered; two lock clasps. Name R. J. McTrodan painted on bettom. Refer any information to P. McDon- SECONDHAND YRGAN, GOOD SH ap. D. Dawson. Rancs & Vie Victron, 244 Prince ald, baggageman. TO LET Once 26e¢, three times bic. SITTING room, to 309 Collingwood St Apply FIVE GAS RANGES AND REFRIG ors at reasonable last. At Turk's. GRAND JEWEL HEATER, USED ONR Apply dn to 224 St winter, Frontenac evening OR beets Cataraqui, SIX TONS OF SUGAR pply to B. Landcaster, Phone 1109, ring 23. BY... Brock SITTING to 19% clean and dry. McCann, street. room, furnished, Stuart St. Apply THE AND VILLAGE PRO- Dr. Shaw, to Mrs. PRACTICE perty of the late Lansdowne, Apply Shaw, Lansdowne. bers. Apply to Cunningham & Mu- 'die, 79 Clarence St. UN. NGS, FU RNISHED AND $ 1e offi Me ces, eto AIREDALE BITCH months old, by Oorang ex Pure toss, 214 Ont. PUPPY, Champion Maid. $15. William St, Kingston, R ave ockle AH. re Estate Agency, $2 TO LET, 4, lighted and furnished. Bes business location in the city. Apply 56 Brock St. alour own lock and ry Storage, 209 Oe one 626 dry, ay Aloms key. Queen ig OFFICE DES SIX FEET LON ront and 56 1-3 ve, 4 Thee 'drawers ang a eh used. Whig om ov, Arps in. high in at back, top shelf British A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND a number of first-class heaters, at low prices; also a big stock of fure Bltuze. J. Thompson, 333 Princess , Phone 1600. ROOMED HOUS ALMOST modern improvements, corner on and Quebec streets, Apply D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. to J URNISHE D BE DRoOM, suit ible p Very rear y to Box 922, ALL ROOMS FOR LIGHT unfurnished, as FRONT housekeeping: tricity, hot fireplace, 140 Welling elec DOUBLE ne single fr ated, two University office RONT ROOM AND MINER AL fea; THRE E NEW FRAME St, 85,000--RRICK HOUSE, $1LS00--FRAME SLO NEW FRAME G. A LARGE NUMBER OF RIOCY also Dunlop tires, at $2.00. A orders promptly attended to for carpet cleaning and laying. George Muller, 373 King 8 RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND convenient to HOY LARGE LOD 8 ROOMS, HOUSE, MARK. tS URAXNCH AND Ciarence St. cheap. and stable HOUSE, land St A. BAT Real § MAN, STORE ON MARKET STREET at present occupied by D. Hutch- 80h as 3 Jugs and feed store. Pos- eession 1st January next. Apply M. Sullivan, Contractor. Py STONE HOUSE, EN. d; hardwood floors: open fireplaces: tiled : bathroom: POWER & SON, ARC tects, ete. ..OfMces, 2568 61 WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. Bagot Bt. Phone HITEOTS, MER. chants' Bank Butlding, corner Brock | and Wellington streets. Drop CA MUSIO. hot water heating. Possession ai once. J Apply to Dr C. Connell. | | IN WELLIYGTON APART 3 y I 4 range 146: Albert 06 e NEWLY Avenue, six rooms Rent $14 a month TEACHER OF Miss MUSIC SINGING Rideau SS CARRIB Bajus, 47 Telephone 1298 (2 VIOLIN INSTRUCTION CHRISTING COCHRANE, street. Telephone 136. Gore AND DRAMATIC INSTRU: tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss 1 Telgmann, Alida Telgmann, B.E.; O. F. Telgmann, teachers of eloow. tion, plano, violin and all stringed tnetrumenta. possession. Apply on premises Gard TO PURCHASE GOOD Sa EB size. Box 224, Whig office MEDIUM RESS REPAIRING AND RE va g of all déseriptions. Also new mattresses kept in stock. Lat- est modern machinery. All work guaranteed. Kingston Mattress Co, Phone 602. 586 Princess St. w pod CLEANING--PLACE YOUR Rders at once and be sure of good lean and put up st mly Alfred GENTLEMEN TO BRING cloth and have it made up rs up to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage 4% St WANTED, PAID ride oLD COINS f\ 14 8 mint? for dime dollar $100 AUCTION SALE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 1168 JOHNSON ST. i Oct. 29th, 10 a.m. Wo FINE mw tings curtains, oak dining chairs, silver tea spoons, hall rack, B other carpets: walnut bed- brass and fron' heds, hair wool mattresses, Singer sewing cherry writing desk, dinner tC a toblfetie sett, Happy Thought s, BAS Tange, and Othet articles too to mentio ALLEN THE Av IOTIONE ER 'elephone ON HOUSEHOLD NITURE leather and suites, and A. E. KN APP, n.A., SPARKS AND ---- PR. CG. C, NASH, DENTIST; DR. 7, F MARRY -- THE RELIARI HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, we CUNNINGHAM & MUDIE, DENTAL. D.D.S, RE. Street. 158 WEL. Carnovsky's) to 268 Princess SPARKS, (over moved lington St, MISS MARY CHALMERS, LT. OM, Toronto Conservatory of Musie, soprano soloist St. Andrew's church, will open classes in sing- ing, Oct. 19th. Will prepare pupils for Toronto eonservatory examine ations. For térms and other infors mation apply C. W. Lindsay Co, Princess St graduate Phone 346. enton, B. Brace Princess assistant. Phone 735. SIMPSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. DENT. , corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street 133 PERSONAL TOLD, ALSO E keeping, Shorthand, > * + + Sede LEGE, Limited. Head ut Queen ourest Syverior cdurses In Typewrit- ing, Banking, Civil Service Gen- eral Improvement and all Com- mercial subjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 440. H, F. Metcalfe, Principal. FRR TPP P Provo UTURE 10c 3 w PAST: 1d birthdate ¥ Madison, Chic 1arante A ago ed CONFI- dential Succe largé n mbers of wealthy, e bers, oth sexes, wish marriage: descriptions Wrubel Box 26, Oaklund, 58 CO early Mrs Cal BIRTHMARKS and all growths ana skin blemish. es removed, permanently, without scar; 30 yedr' e3pes rience. Dr, Bl mer JI. Lake, By Ear, One Throat and skin YReclaliat 268 Ba. Rot gslree W. J. GAVIN FRONTENAC LOAN AND UPHOLSTERING. E, UPHOLSTERING, RE pairing and carpet. work, mattraae ranavatine Tip or call 216 Bagot street. yo op & card FINANCIAL. INVEST. ment Society; Incorporated 1863; resident, Colonel Henry K. Smuch, oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal Yani country debentures: mortgages purchased; deposits received and interest al: wed. C. McGill, Manager, 87 Clarence street. CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding Breakfasts, banquets, etc also rent dishes, Sable Hnens and verware eld and Hambrook » Py Rela, pe Street" F.C mbroo A Phones 843 or 303 ih LEGAL. BARRIS. Law office, 70 Kingston ters and solicitors Clarence atraat TEACHER WANTED. Lv BRPOOL, LONDIN AND GLOB Fire Insurance C~mpany. Availab! assets $61,187,215, 'v addition which the polieyhoiders have: tor security the unlimited MablLity eof ° city property, Insured at possible rates. old or givin ng rates from St Agents, Phone 3 5. BUSINESS NOTIOES, JOSEPH BUSR, 6 CHESTNUT ST, opened u Cut. busi prices. & quarry on Stephen ing and rough omptly at reasonable 264 UNIVERSITY AVENLE Parlor "hairs, tapestry, book -shelves, of wn table, dining 1 bedsieads, springs, bedding, linoleum and nearly new; and glasswar gas plate, kit ALL BN THE AUCTIONEER ¢ Telephone 252 ZIG ZAG SARDINES (Norwegian) pec tables piv ths AMILY GROCERS Zix pon Suedinen are acknowledged The greatest care has been taken In He Guty the While all grades of Norweginn vi owing to the war, yet ae obit FIG EXG SARDINES ut ibe old price. ¥ EXWICK, ot & Co. Distributors, FOR Lh. NO. 6, 080, A TEACHER necessary BUSINESS CHANCES, Juallfications Ap aver, ti ply sta ng 2X rience, to Wm. } 're Clarendon 8ta- Dutles to .commence summer holi lays. salary and Cra Ber. ANYONE ANYWHERE OAN ST. a mai or arder Sheds at home; nva ng; your ow: Bend booklet; tells Lorkpart NV The Grate Fire (COAL) $4.00 for 4 Ton, Enough for the Season