y Aa Ordered Suit at a Ready-made Price See our stock before buying. $15.00, $17.50, $20.00 Over 300 pletes at these prices Spencer, The Tailor | $20 Princess St. "+ Opposite St. Andrew's Church. Imes Sale All new styles in purs- es, hand bags, bill folds, music rolls, ete. 120 Per Cent. Off See Our Window Best's § The Popular Drug Store If Satisfactory Druggists and H Opticians, Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 1 to 9, | EYES TESTED WITH OUT CHARGE NO DRUGS USED CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTEN. TION WILL BE 80 INFORMED i Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN | 236 Princess Street 8 doors above the Opera Hous | % A Duck's ck Is a Good Thing to Keep Out the Wet So Are Our Raincoats ; Both are very useful when the heavens declare rain. English Waterproofs for Boys and Men. Boys' Coats, $3.50, $5 and $6. Men's Tweed Raincoats ta $10, $12 and $15, Men's Paramatta at $5; $10 and $15. ; Preserve your health. Save your clothes, and lessen the doctor's by securing a good - Raincoat Wo have over 100 Coats to help you make a selection. Told In Twilight Mrs. Thomas Slater, Barrie street, was at home on Saturday afternoon, when her house guests, Mrs. J, B Turner, Mrs. Noomaen Turner awd Mrs. J. J. Forbes, who were here for her daughter's wedding, received with her. The drawing room and dining-room were arranged with quantities of love: Iv lilies and feathery ferns, and the tea table, which was centred with the wedding cake, surrounded by lilies ol the valley and unsheded candles, was in charge of Mrs. RB. N. F. Macfarlane and Mrs. W. Grange, of Napanee, Their prettily gowned assistants were Mrs, Ernest Sparks, Mrs. Clauson Van sickle, Miss .lean Newman, Miss Hea- trice 'Newman and Miss Jessie Slater. «- oo = » The which was golf tournament played last week at the Country Club was finished on Saturday, when Mrs. P. C. Stevenson defeat- ed Miss Kathleen Carruthers for the president's prize and Miss Carruth- ers won the match for the golf cup from Mrs. W. H. P. Elkins. * +. 5 ® Clarence Chown, formerly} Miss lillian Lambert, of Kingston, will receive for 'the first time since her marriage on Thursday afternoon at her residence, 203 Selby avenue, Westmount Mrs. T : a Tea at the Red Cross this week was in charge of Mrs. J. B. Carruthers and Mrs. GG. Hunter Ogilvie on Mon: day, and Mrs. R. E. Kent and Mrs. Frank Strange on Tuesday . » . George B. O0'Con- nor left yesterday for Toronto en route to Edmonton, Alta, after a visit with Rev. John and Mrs. Fai lie, Brock street. Mrs. Meiklejohn, of Ottawa, is the guest of her sister" Miss McCart ney, Uni¥eérsity avemué. Mrs. Herbert Wood and ber little fun are expected in town on Novem- Ler the fourth from Vancouver to sfend the winter with Dr. andMrs A. P. Knight, Alice street Dr. and Mrs. H. O. Eyssel left To- ronto on Sunday to continue their trip south to Kansas City, Mo oe iw Mr. and Mrs. Mills, from Mrs. Lennox have freturned Bishop and in town for some time with Mr. Mrs. John McKay, Sydenham street, | turned to Oxjllia this week, afier t weddi iP Miss. Sibheid Hamilton, Miss Jean Dufi and Mr. Colin Hamilton spent the week-end at Mrs. Hamilton's summer cottage at Wolie Island. Mr, and Mrs. Harold Davis, Stuart street, have returned home after spend: ing the past iwo weeks in Preston Springs. rs. Wright and ber chundren, who have been the guests of Mrs, Stafiord Kirkpatrick, Gore street, returned, this week, to their dome in Deloro. oe a. Ex-Cadet Keir Cronyn, of Toronto, som, who were guests in town Jor the was in town for Lhe week-end. Dr. W. MelLaughlin and Dr. Turmer-Slater wedding, returned Toronto on Monday. Mrs. Clarke Taylor, of Ganano.jue is spending a few days with hea mother, Mrs. F. Wilmot, Clergy. St west, * * Mr. and Mrs. Norman Turner, of Ottawa, returned home on Sunday after spending a few days with Mrs Thomas Slater, Barrie street. as Dob: ta Mrs. Austin B. Gillies and Master David, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. 5. R. McCann, Welling: ton street, will leave on Friday for Toronta for a few days, before go ing on te Gillies Depot r. John Aird has retumed to To ronto ufter spending the weck-end with fiends in town. Mrs. R/T. Walkem, who is now vis iting Mygs. H. Tandy, King sireet, will leave to-morrow for her home in \ aneouver Mr. James Forgie was in tow from faronto for the week-end. Mrs. John Gaskin, Mrs. (lauson Vansickle and her two children left to-day for Holly, near Detroit, where they will spend the winter, Mr. and Mrs. JJ. B. Turner, were the guests of Mrs. Thomas Sla: ter, Barrie street, left on Sunday for heir higina in Hamilthh. Ex-Gadet - Tie MoMurtry, of who Mon- treal, spent the week-end in town left after Adams, of Denbigh, home on Monday relatives in the city. Mrs for hes visitin *. 22 a Mrs. Brock Graham, Barrie street, s the guest of Miss Nellie Prinyer it Macdonald's Cove, Prince Edward county, who has taen Mes. John McKay, sr. and vill go home to Montreal on Thurs lay. Mrs. J. J. Telford, Louisville, Ky Bishopscourt, Montreal. Mrs. Dow ham, Que. Mrs. Cornett, few days. Cadet Sidney Fisken will go to Toronto on Priday to spend some time with his parents before' leaving for the front Cadet Henry Lemesurier left this week for his home in Toronto to spend a month, before leaving for the front Mis. Hugh hu st," has te of i the street, Bucking guest of for a Cornett, has been Albert "Elm Teron Maepherson, returned from - vv» Miss Lou Mulloy, of Iroquois, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. [. W R. Mulloy, Bagot street. Mrs.' John Jenkin, Princess street, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Harrison, Madoc, now the guest of Mrs. W. H. Boyle, Napanee. Miss Rita Ashley, who has been the guest of her aunt, Miss McCammon, William street, returned, to-day, to New York. Mise Ashley "has resigned her position as resident nurse at Whittier Hall, Columbia Uni versity, New York, and will resume private' nursing . is Mrs. Colin Hamilton, Karl street, returned home on Sunday, after visit ing. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Hamilton in Guelph for the past two weeks Mrs. E. J. F. Williams, of Broék- ville,is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Charles Spooner, Frontenac streets) Mr. W. Wilson, of Ottawa, spent the week-end with friends in town. Mrs. James Reid and her young son, of Leamington, arrived on Satur day, to visit Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bowie, Karl street. Mr. and Mrs. B. Noble Steacy re turned from New York on Tuesday, and are occupying their new home on Barrie street, . . - - Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Bagot street is the guest of Major and Mrs. Ernest Hubbell in Ottawa. Mrs. W. Grange has returned to Na- anee, after spending a few days with Irs. George Clarke Wright, Brock street. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Drinkwater re BREAK A CHILD'S COLD BY GIVING SYRUP OF FIGS Cleaness the little liver and bowels and they get well quick. When your child suffers from a cold don't wait; give the little stom- ach, liver and bowels a gentle, thor- ough cleansing at once. When cross, peevish, listless, pale, doesn't sleep, eat or act naturally: if breath is bad, stomach sour, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the clogged-up, con- stipated waste, sour bile and up- digested food will gently move out of the bowels, and you have a 'well, playful child again. If your child coughs, snuffles and is the guest street, their to Mr Alta. the ear'¥ part of November Gal pnoque and Oftawa, in the Q.R of the town, located of Mrs. A. Van Strau- Beverley street A. McMillan, yonzee, Rev. who has been Mrs. William Morgan's guest, on Mack street, for a week, returned to Tor onto on Tuesday. . = and Mrs. D. A. Weese, King announce the engagement oh youngest daughter, Beryl Olai, Allen A. Barton, Fdmonton, I'he marriage will take place in . =» Mr NEWS FROM GANANOQUE. 'oundations Being Laid for New Nokomis Lodge. Gananoque, Oct: 28 ---A peeting »f the Gananoque branch of the .2eds County Patriotic League and telief Association was held in the own hall on Monday afternoon to which the wives and mothers of the contingent The in large local invited by forming the lor overseas were vitation was accepted percentage Mitchell and Wilson and builders, have quite a tang of men engaged 3 foundation for the ! new structure to take tho. p ¢ of Ne 1 it I lond New iyed men a contractors large ig the mn by fire duri The interme of ms F®. wilt pla od zame o the serie here™ The coal stexmer ace aber has pulled into rivet where she win ter, Mess: Ww lewis, who have week hunting and fishing : oque lake, have returned Robert Lasha, i for Ci MTHO01 \ been n ap $ n resiian ome year has in past in Watertown, N turned to locate once home town Thomas Keilty of Brockville, gov ernment inspector of factories, is ir more his town making his regular inspection of the local manufacturing estab lishments. Under the auspices of the Girl's Maple Eeaf Bible class of Grace Methodist Sunday school Hallowe'en social was held in their lecture room last evening. There was a fine pro gramme rendered followed by re freshments. POTATO RIOTS. High Price of Food Leads to Serious Disorders, Amsterdam, via London, Oct. 28--- The high price of potatoes in Ger- many has led to serious excesses in Brunswick, according to the Vorwae- rs. This newspaper says the booths of potato sellers who refused to sell at the ordinary price were stormed and the potatoes thrown into the street and the greater part of them des- {royed before the police arrived ox the scene. A general demand is being made for the German government to es- tablish maximum prices, not only has caught cold or is feverish or has "California Syrup of Figs," to evacu-! ate the bowels no difference what other treatment is given. take this harmless "fruit laxative, Millions of mothers keep it handy because they know its action on the and sure. i given to-day saves a siek child | morrow. ; SARK your druggist for a bottle of 'California Syrup of Figs," which contains directions for babies, children of all ages and for grown- ups plainly on the bottle. Beware of counterfeits sold here. Get the genu- ins, made by "California Fig Syrup Company," i to- Sick children needn't be coaxed to { for potatoes, a sore throat give a good ' dose' of | food, it is saiG. 50 cent! but for other articles + ------------ Will Make No Charge. © I'he American Express company has instructed all of its local offices to is- | «ue express money orders free of any charge to any reon who may wisn to send a con tion in that form stomach, liver and bowels is prompt. ¢he American Red Cross for relief They also know a little! (vk jn Europe. Picked Raspberries. While on Barriefieid commons on Tuesday afternoon, Bdward Farmer of Barrie street,' picked some very fine raspberries a sam) of which he left in the Whig a 'W. E. Wilder, of Toronto, visiting friends in the city, is THE LATEST REVOLT BOTHA IS NOW LEADING GOV. ERNMENT TROOPS. The Younger Boers Are Almost a Unit For the British Cause--Hope to Suppress the New Uprising Very Soon. Londen, Oct, 28--No atiempt was made to-day, to minimise the seri- ousness of the latest revoli in South Africa. The new leaders, Generals Christian De Wet and Christian Frederick Beyers, -have a strong loc- al following in the Orange Free State and Western Transvaal. The admission by the war office that Premier Botha has 'himself gone to the front to lead the fight- ing against the new rebels indicates that the government has no intention of treating the revolt lightly. For the last fortnight the government of the Union of South Africa has been endeavoring to keep De Wet aud Beyers in line. The union government is in ex- cellent shape to deal with the up- rising. No troops have been with- drawn: from that territory, while it is declared here 'that the younger Boers are almost a unit, for the Bri | Ulivs - Fashionable Styles in Women's Tailored Suits tish cause. Because of this latter fact, high officials have high hopes | Of an early and a complete suppres- sion of the new uprising. SPR RRER PPR ER CLEP EPP EP PPE WAR BULLETINS. A Rotterdam report says that 4! Gen. Von Bescler, conqueror of Antwerp, has committed sui cide at Bruges. German bombardment on Tuesday practically destroyed the Frenéh town of Arras. CRBS ep Manchester Come from Manches- Steamer merce, enroute by a floating German mine off the west coast of England. Ex-Premier Briand just back in Paris from the front says the allies will have driven the Germans all to their own coun- try within month Irom date, Armorer Corporal Ogden, of the western Canadian contin. gent, accidentally shot himselt dead at Salisbury Plains. President Poincare has sign- ter to Montreal, has been sunk +f Smart models of distinctive cut that com- bine the advantage of style, quality and in- expensiveness, showing the long Redin- gote Coats, in cornbination, with plain and pleated tunic, skirts, together with many others, made of extra fine materials by the most expert operators. favored garments. See these fashion- Ladies' Winter Coats The same as above, can be truly said of these smart long Coats, they are so tho- | ed a decree moditying the French moratorium, and pro- viding for the gradual return of France to normal financial conditions. | | Rev. C. W. Gordon ("Ralph Connor') has volunteered, and will likely go to the front with the second Canadian contingent as chaplain. fe oe or eo ob oe oe 4 HHT P ORE AED B EPR or ABER good ob Pa In spite of several terrific as- saults on the allies' lines on Tuesday the Germans were un- able to make any headway to- wards Dunkirk. South of Ypres the allies have made progress slowly, but continu- ously all day. be bo dole ob Tuesday night's news from the battlefront describes the allies' position as quite favor- able, with the French making substantial progress near Sois- sons. ob ve ole de ob ot Germans have invaded Por. tuguese colonies in Africa, and declaration of war against Ger- + many by Portugal is imminent. ol *] The Rotterdam correspon. dent of the London Daily Mail places the losses of the Ger mans in the battles of Yser at #) sixteen' thousand killed and $! thirty thousand wounded and + prisoners: fe se le de Sp ole oe eS oe oe oe de ee We ; Germans being forced back + in northern Belgium, and east of Nancy. French are now + fighting Germans on their own soil, Eleven German "doctors" out * of forty-eight taken by the » French at Amiens are convicted as spies, retirement east of with great German Warsaw continues losses, Generals Dewet and Beyers # are leading a new rebellion + against the British in South Af. rica. GRIPE GL Be TdT SIL Bd MAETERLINCK VOLUNTEERS Author Would Serve Nation in Any Capacity. Havre, Oct. 28---Maurice Maeter- linek, the author and playwright, wrote to King Albert asking for permission to join the Belgian army, but the letter went astray or was intercepted. He has just renewed his request to the government, of- fering to undertake any sort of duty, even driving a motor ear or carry- ing orders from the headquarters to the front. Soaters Would Return, London, Oct. 28--Amoug the many thousands of Belgian refugees in England are large numbers of officers and men of the Belgian ar my, and the Belgian Legation has opened a bureau in order to facili- tate their return (0 active service with the army in the held. It has al s0 established two reeruiting stat fons, one in London and the other at Folkestone, where refugees suitable for military service in the Belgian army will be enlisted. It is an- nounced that men vader thirty will be accepted, and retired military men up to forty-five years. food's Pills | you can now learn to play in an hour | Special Notic STEACY'S roughly splendid, that we hope you won't deny yourself the pleasure of seeing them. Prices Run From $8.50 to $55 "Caldwell's" Made in Canada Suitings, Coat- | ings, Motor Rugs and Blankets are on sale here always. See Window Display STORE e "THE BUSIEST New Invention Enables Anyone To Play Piano or Organ Without A A wonder ables any learn to piay one evening K absolutely 'nothin r ave never touched a piano or organ, Detr invented | 1 pe igh vou kno about m asic wr two People who do not Know one note from--another.are-able-te play their favorite mu with this method without any assistance what er from anyone. This new systémr whic the Numerdl Method, Canada by the Numeral sic Co Canada, and desirous of at once making it known in every locality, they are making the following special free trial and half- price offer to our readers You are not asked to send mcney until yo uhave tried and are satisfied with the new method. The Numeral Company willing send it to you on one week's trial, and you will not have to pay them one cent unless vou desire t« keep it There are no express charges to be paid as everything will be sent by mail Simply write letter or post card to the Num- eral Method Music. Co, Canada [16M Curry Hall, Windsor Ontaric saying "'Please send me the Num- eral Method on seven days' free | trial If you are satisfied after] try 1, the Method and fifty f ferent shee musi 31 cost you only $5 although the resu lar price of these is $10. You should hot delay writing the Numeral Company will not continue this special half _price offer = indefinitely. { Later on, the Method and fifty pieces | of music will be sold at the regular] price i « h is calle sold thod they Me Mu of are any 18 f » V a pieces of as Cook's Cotton Root Compound, A ngage fo ity MAYOR AND ALDERMAN OUSTED Justice Disqualities Them Because of Agreement With Club, ; Edmonton, Alta.) Oct. 28 Mayor William J. McNamara and Alderman James East have beén disqualifies by Jastice Ives, who has given his decision in the case of Alexander Livingstone, vs. the mavor and Ald erman East, declaring that the may- or's office and that of the alderman have legally been vacant sinee April 28th, 1914. The forming of the Edmonton Ad Club without incorparation, with the mayor as a member and a sub- scriber, and the city council entering into an agreement with the Ad club for the latter to bore a gas well for KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE Headquarters for the best mantles made, both the famous Laddite and Welshach, inverted and up- th right, 10¢, 15¢ and 25¢. Agent for the famous Solar Are Lamp, $12.00, Kingston homes beautifully lighted with electrie light and fixtures. H. W. Newman Electric Co. Phone 441, 79 Princess Street Automobiles For Hire IN THE ay CARE. {Li $2.25 Per Hour PORRITT GARAGE CO. Limited WELLINGTON ST. KINGSTON ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 454 BEST SERVICE MODERN CARS CHAUFFEURS. Tungsten Lamps Highest Quality, Lowest Prices. HEN Youp BUY Buy only .made in Canada Shoes. Wo handle all Canadian made goods. Qur selection for Fall and Win- = ter wear is large and varied, ing in price from: $3.00 for everyday shoes up to $6.50, for finer grades. } Eee our handmade French Kip, long and short i the city, formed the grounds for the suit, id --