Senator-Aviator Helped French to Win Success Paris, Oct. 28.--"Dr. Emile Ray- mond, the airman and senator, should rest happily," says the Fi- garo, "for his death gained an im- portant. sucees for France." Thus begins an account of Dr. Raymond's death on Thursday while engaged In an aerial retonnalsatice. Dr. Raymond, who was attached to & corops operating against a Qer- man fores which had pierced the Meuse. defences at St.. Mihiel, start- ed 'op>a- Bleriot piloted by a bri- gadier, Clamadien. Scouting too near a hostile position, he was mor- filly wounded, and landed between thé French and German trenches. Scouting triumphantly, the Germans rushed out, determined to sieze the prize but the French came out equally determined on a rescue. Af- ter a savage struggle, the latter pre- vailed and pursued the Germans for two miles, capturing in the course of the chase a stronger position u y which they had vainly been trying to : take for three weeks, and which do- \ W | U d minates the Woevre district. There isn't a make that is worthy that you can- not find here at prices that are even lower than 1913. [FIT THT]] ARE ON + WAR BULLETINS, ¢ Fl Hl w -------- * ws be STUBBORN RESISTANCE AT THE|4 - Amsterdam reports that the FORTRESS AT PRZEMYSL. # heavy artillery fire in the Bel + gian fighting zone has ceased. % Heavy losses reported. Ger % mans are entrenched between # Bruges sad Ghent. This seems # to confirm earlier reports of + German retirement, + -- * Berlin wireless reports say 4 another Russian army has 4 crossed the Vistula. German * reports of eastern situation % very pessimistic. ¥roar dd : | PROBS.--Cloudy and cool to-day a { #, KINGSTON, ONT CHURCH AR IRL] Lhd Lg 41 [J] 8 Germans Were Taken Prisoners By the Wholesale -- Armament Abandoned -- Three German Gen- erals Were Shot for Disaster at Augustofi, REP EEPEE IEEE Oct. 29.--The . entire is again advanomg Austro-GCerman foroes. After moré than a week of fighting) along the San River, the ' Austrians have now commenced {Wl retreat from the southern 'section. 'The only thing which is imterfering with the advance ol the entire Russian left wing is the stubborn resistance being maintained by the fortress of rae mysl, Energetic efforts are being made to reduce and it is believed that it "will he table to resist more than a few days longer. Al ready. breaches bave been made in the outer walls. . Large quantities of ammunition and supplies of every ghort, as well as a number of pieces of artillery, had té he abandoned because of becoming bogged in retreat from the vicinity of Warsaw. An \ enormous number of prisoners have been taken all along the battle front. A News Agency despatch from Po trograd, {which is unconfirmed from any other source, saws that'a German officer, who was taken prisoner, de clarey that three German generals, re sponsible to \the disaster to German arms at Augugtoff, were court-mar tialed and sot \_The officer, accord- ing to this story, showed a copy of the general order by the emperor ex- pressing the most intense indignatibn over the surrender of Augustoff and ordering the recapture of the positiba under the penalty of death. Phirograd, Russia Bry are the & * Austrian attempt to, envelop + + Russian'left lank failed hediyr + + Russians again hidvance in Gal- fs + icia. They recently sufround: 4 en an entire Austrian cavalry 4 # division and captured twenty %- gms and ammunition. * ree + * The Netherland's parliament + 4+ asked the Holland government 4 * for over one million dollars + + for maintenance of Belgian ref. & + ugees, 3 + * + Latest official French state. ¢ + ment confirms the genefal Ger. * | % man retirement in the neigh- + + borhood of Labasse to the north 4: const, + ---- # Premier General Botha has + met and routed part of Gener- + al 'Beyer's force in Western 4 Transvaal. PS it not Patriotic War Stamps Different views of the British army and navy § One stamp free with ji each package leaving § our store, } See Window Display Best's The Popular Drug Store Satisfactory Druggists and | Opticians, J Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 to 9. ool ob % 3 Ld It 'is considered possible at #* Ottawa that a large force of 4 Canadian mounted men will be # sent to help quell the rising in + South Africa. * "PENMAN"S," WATSON'S, ROBIN HOOD, 'JASON," '"'STANFIELDS," Etc. PENMAN'S FLEECE-LINED GARMENTS. . 50c PENMAN'S WOOL KNIT, 90¢ quality at ....75¢ Finer grades at $1.00, $1.25 to $1.75 PENMAN'S COMBINATION SUITS, Special $2.25 Others at $2.75 to $3.00 At Sarajevo, four were sen- %* tenced to he hanged and one to + twenty years imprisonment for 4 the murder of Archduke Fran- + cis and his wife, + One million five hundred + thousand men are now en- # rolled, and either fighting or 4 training in the British army. The German forces in Bel- ginum are evidently exhausted and are making oo further ef- fort at advance, A German cflicer, prisoner at + Petrograd, declares that three # German generals responsible + for the disaster at Augustoff + were courtmartialed and shot. + FERPPRR RR RR dR Ribbed ddotoddd TABLE DDE D DP War Tidings. The Germans are simply burning fo see Britain raided by troops and bombs, The Paris Temps says the situation of the German army becbmés mare serious daily, without any visible possibility of improvement. A German girl spy was caught a few miley outside of Petrograd. She was court-martialed and shot. Her clothes were lined with admirably ex- ecuted plans of Kronstadt and other military stations. A despatch from Berlin says that it has heen found impbgsible in Fier: many to start the public schools this fall in a normal manner, as there are 10,000 German school teachers at the front, one-fifth of the entire' number of school teachers in Germany in or- dinary times. The astomishing prowess of the Rus- sians was again admirably demon-| Lomdon, Oct. 29.--A despatch to the strated during the period of taking | Standard quotes a wounded Belgian up positions for the latest fighting. | soldier from Dixmude as saying ! One column, marching to get around "The plight of the Germans ip. the the flank of the Germans, covered 130 region around J Dixmude is tercible. miles in six days. - By ecutti the dykes the Belgians "pdm bave flooded thousands of acres, and VENETIAN STUDENTS BALK. it is stated that lfive thousand Ger- ------ mans have been drowned in some of | Inducements to Join Home Defence] their trenches. They are fighting Keeley Jr., M.0.0.0, Corps Fail. waist deep dn water anywhere within OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN 226 Prin ing to size, 30c to . . . . . See our special --Penman's wool fleeced garments for men, very fine and warm. $1 GARMENTS FOR 90c WHILE THEY LAST WE INVITE YOUR INSPECTION TEACY'S Teipusisron * + * + + PRE E FL EE Erbe EYES TESTED WITH OUT CHARGE NO DRUGS USED CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTEN. ION WILL BE 80 Rm A, INFORMED : ASKS PRIES TO RETURN ENEMY DEEP IN WATER. AETURN. Cardinal Mercier Says Refugees Would Follow Suit, London, Oct. 29% Cardinal Mer- cier, Archbishop of Malines, has eir culated a letter to his priests scat tered throughout France, Holland and Great Britain, urging them all to return to their parishes, as the roads are dpen and public security is everywhere guaranteed. He says that their retufn will induce the Belgian refugees to seek their homes again and thur assist in the resump tion of normal life and put an end to the thieving which is' now going on. The cardinal. adds that the Ger man governor of Antwerp has auth rized him to declare that the young men need have no fear of being ta ken prisoners into Germany, either to be enrolled in the army or em ployed at forced labor, that the gen eral population will not be held res ponsible for individual infringements of the police regulations, and that both German and Belgian authori ties will take all possible steps fo procure food supplies for the peo- ple. Finally, Cardinal Mercier exhorts the priests on their return to busy themselves in the work of organiz ing relief tommittees, getting help for the destitute people and general- ly- aiding in the resumption of the social life. Plight Around Dixmude -- Belgian Soldiers Undergo Privations. SHABATS' MISFORTUNES. Servian Town Bombarded, Fired, Looted and Karthquaked. London, Oct. 29--A despatch to the mes from Shabats, Servia, say "This city presents a desol- ate spectacle Two hundred ana fifty of .its buildings were destroyed by bombardmeni, This was follow- ed by fire, doing more damage, ana then came an earthquake shaking the city so severely that the houses remain are almost falling to Finally, the deserted tows was visited by a band exper thieves, who systematically looted avery house from cellar to roof. The contents of {he shops were thrown into the streets, all safes were open: ed in a highly professional manner and the contents of houses smasheu, the pictures were slashed and the furniture was splintered in an orgy of destruction "Before the Austrians left they destroyed the principal local church. Large number of Serb hostages, in- cluding the principal residents, were taken to Austria as prisoners. Hun- dreds of the local populice, who were killed by bayonet thrusts for various alleged misdeeds, were bur- ied bY the Austrians in the loca: churchyard. "The senseless bombardment continues, although the town is des erted except for the sentries On Fhursday the Serbs succeeded in lay ing mines which destroyed an Aus irlan monitor." Shabats is an active trading town of Servia, located on the Save, forty miles west of Belgrade, It had a population of abeut 15,000 persons. Headquarters for the best mantles the famous Laddite and Welsbaeh, right,.10¢, 15¢ and 9c. ! Agént for the famous Salar Are Lamp, $12.00, Kingston homes beautifully lighted with e and fixtures. H. W. Newman Electric Co, Phone 441- 79 Princess Street tie made, both students to join a corps for the pro- | British warships. verted and up- tection of the town in 'the event of] "At last we know the Germans are a possible invasion, have failed, gee. coming no further, but the last week pite the inducements held out. The {in the trenches was terrible for us students in the last year course have Our food has been sardines and his- been offerea diplomas and have heer cuits, and during the retreat we got promised that service in the corp: nonS-Sometimes for two dafs to would count as in the regular army, is i a ra hit a Bit out Of a a gether and had to subsist on ras h Er 5 einel, | turnips. Often we could get nothing tiermian dents, and not a single jo "gon at call, for there was not Re » a a ' wed rv «YY, Extraordinary "military prepafa. | CYen Water after a Tot he ) Yop get tions are going on at Trent a fort: | 50 thirsty, you coul have choos fied town in Austria-Hungary in the frony your us ei cae Italian Tyrol, where the population, | ighting all the "tin Min aege, though -intensely religious, is work- {and to be thir le ng tren- ing Sundays constructing fortifica- | ches for ! fer in tions. In anticipation of the calling | c®®sant alta 8 hex thing out of youths 19 years of age, large }l know--worse than any German shell numbers are reported to be fleeing' fire. i ww t across the frontier. . MAnather is the have to smoke which pieces Vience, Italy, Oct. 29--Efforts of | six or seven miles of the coast. They eens Street Venetian authorities to force the {are exposed to the searching fire of 8 doors above the Opera Hoar | y : lectric light i h rat ll yhaeed suffer from I we allowed davtime death to alimmer to the -- NEW ZEPPELIN LAUNCHED. anv © we are them gar ently in the TOOK ¥RENCH BRIDE, : Sol- Automobiles For Hire BEST SERVICE IN THE Cry, MODERN CARS CAREFUL CHAUFFEURS $2.25 Per Hour PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited WELLINGTON KINGS ALWAYS OPEN 4 '. RINGSTON ONE 451 "On to London" the German diers Shouted. Geneva, Oet. 29--The most pow- erful Zeppelin yet cofistructed ° has just beeh completed at Frederichs- hasen. on Lake Constance, and with- out preliminary trials flew away northward at great speed, cheered »y #oldiers, who shouted "On te London." § Count Zeppelin himself was pre sent at the lauching of the new air ship, which has a special armered compartment for bombs near the pro pellers and. a big gun mounted in front to destroy aeroplanes. . The gecond. airsh of a similat type will 'be ready "Pf 'thé end of this month for the factory has been working day and night with a doy- bie rtaff since the war broke out As soon as the new Zeppelin, the 31st of its kind, departed, work be- gan on another airship. Other Zep- pelins are being built at Dusseldorf, Colmar and Berlin, the German gen- eral staff desiring the number to be brought up to 100 as speedily as possible. I. is com mactinl and Young Canadian Officer Surrenders |gmoke at night, jor even In England. might give away our London, Oct. 20.--Lieut. John Lf Germans. There is a Williamson, a popular officer of the|ine in tobacco mag _m Canadian contingent now encamped | the towns in which I ha: Salisbury Plain, has created an inter-|last few day esting record of discovering and mar rying a wile within a week, His yourg French bride is Charlotie Suzanne Josse, whose father is serving at' the front. 'The couple met for the firat time at Plymouth about a week ago and were married at St. Andrew's, Plymouth, on Monday. sty posit ight nail Iwén in the Nothing but praise from every man that has worn a Fashion Craft. or 20th Cen- tury Overcoat. Opinion divided in regard to merit of suits but a unan- imous verdict in favor of our coats. There is absolutely no ¢omparison between our coats and the tailor made. This is not our verdict--the - tailors themselves tell us so. The styles cannot be sur- \_. passed. The short, form fitting Bank Governor's Salary, New York, Oct/ 20 he dive of the Federal Reserve Bank od York will take steps ta mest order of Secretary - McAdoo that serve banks shall open Nov. 16th, It is expected that a vice-povernor and a cashier will be appointed. It is understood tHR® the annual salary of Governor Benjamin { Strong, ir., will be ;830,000, and that' of Chair man Pierre Jay will be $16,000 for his services a8 reserve agent and head of the directors, : When the Liver Gets Torpid There Is Nothing Like Dr. Chase's the z OTTAWA TO BUY APPLES. Council Decides to Try Experiment Ee Suggested. Ottawa, Oct. 20.--Acting on the suggestion of Daniel Johnston, fruit commissioner, that municipalities should organize to secure apples ; di- rect from the farmers to sell cheaply to the consumers, the city of Ottawa has decided to try the experiment. The city council will secure as a trial a carload of apples from western On- tario. The apples will be purchased loose for about 43¢. a barrel and loaded into the car with hay padding to protect the apples. Counting freight and all, it is figured that the apples 'an be retained in Ottawa for about $1.25 for two bags. If the plan works well and the les arrive in ungsten Highest Quality, Lowest Prices. 's Electric Shop HAD A LONG OUTING. Taking Engines From Kingston te Pacific Coast. Alexander Vanalstyne and Rickard Watson, employed by the Canadian Locomotive company, have returned from a trip to Vancouver, B.C., where 'they, took two locomotives, built at the local works for a railroad eom- pany in Vancouver. The trip is one which will be remem. bered by the two men for some ime to come. They left Kingston on Sep- tember 17th and did not arrive hack in Kingston until Saturday, October 24th. The men were compelled | to Lamps FARMERS TAKE ADVICE. Government's Suggestion for Exira Seeding Being Followed. Halliday coats with special lapels and colars, are just the thing. Materials, grey and blue sleep and eat on the engines. The rail. road bridges from the Atlantic to the Pacific are guarded by armed guards. -Kidney-Liver Pills to Set it Right. Mrs. C. L. Cook, 248 Tenth street, Brandon, Man., writes:--"I have Ottawa, Oct. 29.--The department of agriculture; which recently issued a statement calling attention to the de- good shape the city re se- veral more carloads. Phone 94 el om used Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills for the last four years for liver trou- ble, and can say that I have had great satisfaction and help from them. I find that I do not neéd any doctor if I use them when the liver gets torpid, and believe that they are exactly suited for my case. My hus- band has used them for kidney trou- ble with good results, and my daugh- ter in Winnipeg bas been helped a great deal by the tse of these pills. We say we can't keep house without them, and, have cheated the doctors here out of a good many visits. 1 think Dr. Chase's medicines are just 3 te thing, and have recommended Leaves Quarter Of Million. em to many people who have used Halifax, N. 8., Oet. 20.--J. Henry [them with good results." M ohe of the ' wealthiest| By keeping the liver active and ek | 0 bowels regular Dr. Chase's Kid- X ey- iver Pill prevent and 3 sirabilily of extra seeding operations this fall, in anticipation of the heav demand for grain and fodder expec next year as a result of the war, has received a large number of letters from sl parts of Canada indicating that the farmers are following the suggestion made. The department has no means of es- timating the extent to which its ad vice is being followed, and will not know until the estimates of the crop itself come in next summer, but from the communications which have been received ft is thought that, so 'far as fall operations are concerned, the crop will be increased materially, Dr. Sproule For Senate. Ottawa, Oct, 29.~It is understood that Hon, Dr, Sprople will not be speaker of the commons when parli Chinchillas, will be the most worn. The prices will satisfy any customer desiring the best,, $18, $20, $22 and $25. 5 Other lines mot quite as | * Nebraska is one of the seven states good at $12 and £15. that are to vote on the suffrage E. P. JENKINS Mrs. Bryan May Lead Fight. Now York, Oct. 29.--Woman suffrage hendquatiors announced to-day that Mrs. William Jenni Bryan will lead the next campaign for suffrage in New York state if the women of Ne braska win 'the vote in the coming lection. PURE BLOOD MAKES | pment HEALTHY PEOPLE | fo ey = J ly made in © Canadian dh goods. - Our selection for sveryday thocs up to $650, ft u See our handmade French 'Working Boots. f ihk WHEN You contident of victory. : If enrolled as a voter Mrs. Brynn will open the 1915 campaign here at a ig rally in Carnegie , November ok.