Daily British Whig (1850), 31 Oct 1914, p. 5

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OPEXS ON MONDAY AND HUN- TERS ARE LEAVING For the Woods To Get Game --Xoy- vimber 1st Falls on Sunday. So Hunters Lose a Day, The 1914 deer season opens by law on Sunday morning, but this year, owing to the Lords Day Alliance act, the first legal shooting begins on Monday morning. The number of hanters leaving for out-of-the-way parts this year is a record. The C.P.R. bad extra baggage cars on its traivs on Friday and Saturday to carry all the luggage, consisting of tents guns. dogs, Ie and lon boots, that are a necessity to dem hunting. Deer hunting is a peculiarly fascinat ing sport and it is a well-known fact (that @& person once having hunted dem wants to return every season. The tragic results of deer shooting are gradually being overcome by the more universal adoption of preven- tives. These are in the form of bril liantly. colored trimming on the clothes to clearly show a fellow-hunte that it is not a" deer he is shoot ing at. The deer are plentiful this vear fr certain districts, but these places ar much: further back than was the cus tomary haunt of this animal som years ago. The. rups are gradually working northward with the moving o, civilization. Fhe local hunters are going this vear to the districts of Kaladar, Clar- endon and Mile Lake, near Calabogie. Some go even further to Bancroft and Bridgewater. Near Ashdod is a rock-cut, through which the railroad track is laid, and over this cut is a natural deer run- way. It is twenty-five feet between the sides of the slope of the cut and yet the path is well worn, showing that it is still used hy deer. NO LIOUOR BEFORE 6 P. M. For the Overseas Volunteers 'Com- ing to Kingston to Mobilize Orders have been sent out by the officer commanding the division in which he states that all saloons, and bars in the city of Kingston and its environs are placed "out of bounds" for all ranks in the 3rd division bat- talion, which assembles in Kingston, until sfx o'clock daily. Officers and non-commissioned will be held re- sponsible that this order is strictly adhered to. It is published for gemeral infor- mation that the regimental canteen it Tete de Pont barracks is placed 'ont of bounds" for all troops ex- :ept the members of the Royal Ca- iadian Horse Artillery and attached "en and men of the permanent force itationed in Kingston. nteers who will assemble at King- fton are instructed to address thenr uw; follows: : Rank and name in full; 21st infantry battalion Canadian Expeditionary Force, Kingston, Ont. ---- Motor Specialist Here, William Birkett. a motor specialist 'rom Cleveland, was in the city on riday on military business. He is «i accomplished aviator, As the sieyele. attached to - each = company ill likely be substituted by a motor- yele, as was dome in the first con- ingent, he will likely be attached to be battalion in this capacity. 'Page and Shaw sweets." Gibson's. John Hannah, Newburgh, has pur- chased the house now occupied by Israel Peters, and owned by M. Ryan & Son. "A friend to football players." Lim- bering oil, only at Gibson's. On Oct. 26th, there passed to his reward, at Leicester, N.Y., William Calnan, aged seventy vears. He was born in Ameliasburg, "Limbering oil" removes soreness. (iibsons. a Do You Believe In A tt ENA cut of from. All marked in 'Roney Saving Money ? Saturday and Monday You can take your choice of any man's or young man's overcoat in the store at a THREE DOLLARS LESS - THAN THE PRICE Over five hundred in stock to select goods in all the latest models. straight business proposition. 127 Princess Street Att A Pe A PA Pt A A Pc pei plain figures. New This is a ma & Co., Nr A AA, ELY'S CREAM BALM OPENS CLOGGED NOSTRILS AND HEAD--CATARRH GOES T---- Instantly (Clears Air Passages; You Breathe Freely, Nasty Stops, Head Colds and Dull Head- ache Vanish, Get a small bottle anyway, just to try It--Apply a little in the nostrils and. instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the eatarrh, cold-in-head oF catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! 'Get the small bottle of "Fly's Cream Balm" at any drug store. 'This sweet frag- rant balm dissolves by the hea: of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the in- flamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head amd throat; clears the alr passages) stops nasty {discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes immediately. Don't lay awake to-night strug- i8ling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping .nto the throat, and raw dryness is distress- ing but truly needless. ' Put your faith----just once -- in "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or 'catarrh will surely disappear. | i i i; of mornin meeting. !ehotr. 2 3 { Booster Club, People sending létters to tha vol- M | Strangers and students cordiall | come. I day, 7 fi ! « Merson, minister. fl munion of the THE MINISTERS WHO wiLL PREACH oN SUNDAY. Announcements Made By the Various Denominations As to Their Sor. vices----~8ermon Topics and Musical Selections. St. Andrew's church--Rev. N. J M. Compton, B.D. migister. Services at H am. and 7 Pm; Sunday school aod Bible classes at 3 p.m. Strangers cordially invited to all the services. St. Paul's-- Morning prayer and Holy Communion, 11 7 o'clock. Preacher, Rev. W. PF. FitzGerald, M.A. Sunday sehool and Bible class, 3 o'clock. Evening prayer, 7 o'clock. Frasher, Rev, W, YF: FitzGerald, Al a v - Breck street 'Hall between Wel- lington and Bagot 'steedts, . The us. ual gospel meeting at 7 v'elock will be adressed by ¥. Owles and F. G. Lockett, Sunday school 3 o'clock Prayer and praise meeting Tuesday 8 o'clock. Strangers always wei- come. . ! First Baptist church, Rev, Doug- las Laing, pastor, at both services, 11 a.m, "The. Twenty-fifth Anniver- sary of The Pastor's Settlement"; 7 pan, "Assurance of the Lord's Bible school at 2.45 p.m. Students and sirangers. cor- dially invited to all the services. Cooke's Presbyterian church, Brock street--Rev. J, W, Melntosh, M.A. minister. lesidence, 318 University avenue. The pastor will preach at both services. 11 am, "The Age of Influence." "7 p.m., "The Cross of the Christian." 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes. Students and strangers cordially invited to all ser: Vices, , ¥irst Church of Christ, Scientist, Johnson street, between Bagot and Wellington street Sunday service, 11 a.m., subjeet "Everlasting punish- ment." Wednesday evening testi- monial meeting, Public reading- room, same address, open every \uf- ternoon, except Sunday,3 to 5 o'clock All are cordially invited to the ser- vices and the reading-room. Chaluers, Presbyterian, Barrie and Earl streete--Sery ices, 11: a.m, Dre. Macgillivray, the minister. 7. pm. Rev. Harper Gray, M.A., Old Si. An- drew's, Toronto. Sunfay school, 8 p.m., Missionary Day.. Bible class, 3 p.m, with Prof. Matheson "The Po- litical and Social Significance of the Life and Teaching of .Jesus." "Prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7.30 pm. Stu- dents and strangers cordially invited to, all the services, Princess Street _Methodist church Cor. Princess and Albert--Rev., H. E. Curry, pastor. Servites: 11 am., Sacrament of the Lord's Supper fel- lowship service and reception of members; 7 P.m., special song ser- vice by the choir, assisted by- Mrs. G. Gibson, of Ottawa. Sunday school and Bible class, 2.45 Pam, Epworth League, Monday, 8 P.m.; quarterly official boar; Tu '8 pm.; prayertmbetihg, Y, p.m. A cordial mvitation to all. Brock Street" Mathodis church, car ner 'of Brock and Mentreal streets. a.m., class meeting; Hl am. the pastor; saerament of the Lord's Supper, anthem 'and solo. 3 p.m.; Sabbath "schoel, brotherhood and la. dies Bible classes: "7 pm, the pastor will preach; anthem "Crown Him Lord of All. obligate, solo by Miss M. Stagg, 'sola by Miss Davies. Mon- day, 7.30 p.m, fiance commit tee; Monday, 8 p.m., Epworth League: of ficial board and Ladies' "Aid (special). Sydenham. street Methodist church-- Rev. Alfred Brown, pastor. The pas- tor will. preach at 11 am. and 7 pm. Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per, at the momifg Senvice. (lacs meeting 9.45. wm. Junior league, 10°a.m, Bible sehool, 2.45 p.m. Sen- ior League, Monday, 8 p.m. Other services withdrawn on account of the Sunday school convention. Students specially invited. A cordial welcome to 'all, Miss Shaw, organist and choir Teader. i St. James' church, .Corner Union and Arch streets----AJ) seats free, Rev, T. W. Savary, B.A, rector, The rectory, 152 Barrie street. Twenty- first Sunday after Trinity. All Saints' Day. 11. am. morning prayer and Holy Communion. Ser. mons subjeet, "The Palm Bearing Multitudes." 3 p.m., Sunday school and Bible classes. - 7 p.m., evening prayer and sermon. Studies in the lite of St. Peter, "Hiss Call to the Ministry.» Union Street Baptist chur Peoples Church Home. Lowes, minister. Residence, "Vie tory "Heights," Mack street. 11 am, and "7 p.m. Quiet hours with God. Ours is 'a home-like church with a "vision," and as such extends an ja- vitation to all our of sympathy wi h formal church . going to come 'aq experience themselves in its uplift ing atmosphere 'of patient, practicaj sympathy and helpfulness. "And he- holding the man which was healad, standing with them, they could sas {nothing against it." : | Quetn sireet. Methodist church--Rev. 1G. Li Campbell, B.D, pastor. 10 a.m., { elass Meeting. Brotherhood subject, | "The Man of the Hour." Speaker, R. jMebk. 11 am. the family sérvice. { Bring the children with you. The pas ctor will tell about a Golden Deed. Communion service at close. 2.45 p.m. 'Bible 'class. © Adult olasses and young men's cleb. 7 pm. Grammar of Life." Presence." 8 preacher, h--The Rev. G, A. Special 1 y wel Junior Epworth League, Mon. pm. Senior Epworth League, Monday, 8 p.m. Bethel Congregational church ---- A Central Church"; Cor. Barrie and Johnson streets--Rev. A. P. AT am. and 7 g by the pastor. Com- Lord's Supper at close Volunteer a" p.m, preachin Séats 'all free and citizens welcome. and join a €hurch." ;m. Schaal for ull; every scholar in the 'Monday, 7.30° p. m., annudl canvass for the ~10 subject, "The : {ited States, where they wers the louvi Kingston | the morning serviee, Evening wor ship at 7 o clock. Subject, "A Yo | Man's Greatest Asset," a continuation of occasional sermons 10 young men. , This church extends a very hearty in vitation to. strangers and students to join in its worship, $ : cathedral--Vory Rev. {Dean starr; Rev, Sydenham Lindsay, jRev. R. Urozier Magee, 25 Johnsen street; phone 413. Sunday, Al | Saints' Day. The fourteenth anniver- sary of the Bishop of Omario's con- secration. - 8 a.m,' holy communion. 10.15 a.m., matins; 11 sam. holy | communion. Preacher, Lord Bishop of Kingston. 3 pm. Children's' ser- | vice; 4 p.m., baptisms; 7 pm. ev- ensong; preacher, Lord Bishop of kingston. Duily services at 9.30 la.m., except Thursday; daily service at 5.30 p.m., except Wednesday; 7.30 a.m., holy communion, Tuesday; 12.30 amam., holy communion, Thursday; ev- ensong, Wednesday, 8 pan. t Si. George's Sddd bid d FETTTTYYVYTYIY™TY i» + ° THE TREY O'HEARTS. $ On page [fourteen will be. #+ found the commencement of the. #* story "The Trey O'Hearts" a | novelized version of the picture drama of the same name, and which will be thrown on the screen of the Ideal Theatre on Monday and Tuesday of next week. The story is full of in- terest and is well worth careful perusal, and which, we are sure, will lead to a vieit to the. theatre that the features of the story may be seep and ap- preciated. ree *e | | ede dbo deol be op EE ARAL ALL PRD AANA B DLN - oe | INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Om Busy Reporters. "Page and Shaw sweets.' Grocers all recommend * White flour. Latest music.' College' Book Store. Book Store. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at MecAuley's.' Phone 564. | Picton is hoping to, raise $10,000 for the Canadidn Patriotic fund. | "Catarrh oream" gives instant re- lief for cold in head. Sold at Gib son's, Gibson's. Rose J. Reid, University avenue, has sold, through H. S. Crumley, a Jhouse on Barrie street to Mrs. J. Taudwin | "Muyler's week-end sweets." son's. i. H. Cunhingham, - piano tuner, | King street. Leave orders at Auley's 'book store. ' A van will leave Y.M.C.A. Tuesday evening, Nov. 3rd, at 7 o'clock, to |take passengers to Cataraqui tea- | meeting. I. J. Rigney and G. Y. Chown re | turné®) on Friday, from Quebec, where | they were shooting deer. The Quebec 1 season opens before that in Ontario. "Limbering oil" for [2 mei Gib- 2] Me sore tendons. Boys' Wodtk, sizes # and $1 up. "Dution's, opposite srifien's Theatre. Bert. Daley, a Queen's student, {who has been laid up with blood poi- {soning in his arm, is no& out of {danger and will probably bel able to resume his studies on Monday. "McConkey's week-end sweets." Gib: {gon's Robert Mar Stirling, youngest {800 of Dr. Stirling, Picton, has re- turned from the north-west, re- linquishing a pesition in the North- ern Crown bank t» enlist in the sec- ond contingent. "For Cold in the Head" Cream works like 'magic. Gibson's. - Rev. Father Halligan still to the parish duties of the Church of the Holy Name, Kingston Mills. j Rev. Dr. Kingsley has not sufficiently recovered from his illness yet and he may possibly take a trip south to re- cuperate. "Page and Shaw sweets." Gi Council, No. 1, C.M.B.A., these officers : President, William A. James; vice-president, Thomas J. 0'- Connors; financial secretary, Thomas H. James; treasurer, Dr. Robert Han- ley; recording secretary, John = Me- Grath; chaplain, Archbishop Spratt. "MeConkey's week-end sweets." Gib- son's. G. W. McMullen, Picton, says it is a mistake to bring on a local op- tion campaign thére during war time." "Literally, our world has its hands full and every public matter that arouses strong differences of opinion should be laid aside until this world conflagration can be ex- tinguished." "Page and Shaw. high-class sweets." Gibson's. Peter Develin thé enérgetic dominion immigration 'agent for this Tidtrict, has heen ordered by the department at Ottawa to report for duty at Hun- tington, Que., where he will look after the foreign element. who will attempt to land in that part of Canada. He will likely remain" thers for some w . » Special ! | 5, from € Catarrh Sold by attends A Huuting Trip. The hunti season i dow handl, 'the wild duck 'may be found feeding in marsh and rice hed, and partridge 'and 'other game abound in the woods. ° § * are plan- ning their hunting trip and many will visit the Eames Tandis of Ontario. No better hunting territory is found in the provinoe the woods and streams res Pa Canadian Pacific railway. Ticket ts of the company will gladly' fu information regarding routing faves, ete, to various points, or write M. . Marphy, 'district. passenger agent, Toronto. TET i poet 7 Coming to Ringston Mr. and Mes) R.T: Mo Scott return ed to Ottawa: last week from the Un- ing at England to stay, {at the front. v detailed | We are once. began. «660d ° 10 BE SURE : Your headgesr is of the right quality, correct in shape and becoming. Buy Hats Here We carry the largest stock of men's nifty hats im Kingston and you will find no difficulty in selecting a becoming shape from our new styles. a Soft Hats and Derbies, $1.50, $2, $2.50; $3, $4 CAMPBELL BROS. The Big Hat Dealers BUTTER . WRAPPING PAPER FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICE PRINTED OR PLAIN The British Whig Lawrance D'Orsay Appearing Here For Three Performances Lawrance D'Orsay was greeted hy a good-sized audience at the Grand last ! of Pawtucket." it welcomed as much as that of the good old summer time. Although "lhe Earl of Pawtucket" is a take-off on a type of Englishman commonly called the '""'bally-ass," the caricature is very happy indeed. Mr. D"Orsay gives the role a refreshing towch. Whether the celebrated English comedi- an meant it or not, at any rate in his recall speech, he informed the audience that the play was written for him by Augustus Thomas, so that he would be completely himself. Next to Mr. D'Orsay in the matter of finished acting was Porter Warlield, who took the role of Wilkins, the Eng- lish servant. One had a splendid op- portunity of noting the difference be- tween the English and the American players in this company. As "The Earl of Pawtucket" was written for Nr. D'Orsay, the rest of the caste merely fill in. The play is in three acts, and the settings of the second and third are very beautiful. The same production will be given at this afternoon's ma- tinee, while to-night Mr. D'Orsay will appear in "The Rented Karl." for the men have been very 0 tended, a few occasions there but six in some of them. Af the domes- tie science class on Wedheaday night there were' thirty-two women in at- endance. Notice To The Public. This is to inform the public that tha livery business the Iate W. G. Bruce will be carried on as usual at 290 Princess stroet. (Signed) Nrs. W. $5.00 and one at $4.00. The $5.00 grade is the same style as a Brampton® firm has contract to supply 10,000 pairs'to the This shoe is made with a high toe and lots of room. Our $4.00 GRAND OPERA HOUSE, A Cement, Plaster and Everything night, in his famous rofe of "The Earl | He was here before in : that popular comedy, but his return { showing two styles of military tan Bluchers, one at or English government at grade is an English make, imported before the war a aR 8 'Pure Ice Cream Best in Kingston By Government Test SUNKIST RAISINS 1914 Goods Just Arrived Seeded and Seedless ° Insist on the Sunkist Brand GEO. ROBERTSON & SON, LIMITED. ~. |Hall Mirrors & Hall Seats Quartered Oak and Mahogany Hall and Mantle Mirrors. > BULIERS' tr [NINIRL Specialty in Builders' Supplies at Hall Seatd and Hall-vacks. Mirrors, resilvered at very little bd 1.7 Gorbett's cost at James Reid NS Fall Suitings | Overcoatings | The Largest and Most Select Line We Have Ever Shown. :

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