rr x o a. $ [OAP, SOFTENING WATER, CLEANING AND DISINFECTING SINKS, | CLOSETS, DRAINS, # MANY OTHER PURPOSES, THE STANDARD ARTICLE ------ SOLD EVERY WHERE, Ew REFuse sufssTITUTES IF YU MRE DRINKING HAN You had better stop at once or you'll lose your job. Every line of Business is clealng its doors to "Drinking" men It may be your turn next. By the aid of ORRINE thousends of ven have been restored to lives of sobriety and industry We are so sure that ORRINE will banglit you that we say to you that if after a trial you fail to get any Benefit from its uge your money will te vefunded When you stop "Drinking." think of the money you'll save; besides, sober men are Worth more to their employers and Let higher wages. Costs only $198.2 box. Wa have an interesting "Booklet about OR- RINE that we ape giving sway free on request. CENist our store and talk It over : Geo. W. Malged cor Princess and Bagot Sts 0 ho} FUROPEAN AGENCY Wholesale Indents promptly execut- ed at jowest cash prices tor all Brit | fn iad Coctinental goods, including | lief fund, | Books and Stationery, Roots, Shoes and Leather, Chiemyicnis and Druggists' Sundries, | Uhina, FRarthenwiife and Class ering, Mrs. Bs. hgate and family and | Mr. and Mrs. Alport are visiting in ware fiycles, Motor Cars and Accessor fes. Drapery alillinery and Plece ods, Fapey Goods and Perfumery, Hardware, 3pohinary and Metals, Jeweilery, Plate and Watches, Phutografibie and Optical Goods, Provisiond and Oilmen's Stores, io, ete. Commission 236% to 5%. Trade Piscounts Allowed. Special Qiotati ns on. Demand, Aaniple { froin 850 upwards, Consign ts of Produce Sold op Accondt. WILLIAR WILSON & SONS (Esfablished 1814), #5, Abchurcp, Lune, London, E.C. vable Address' "Annuaire London." LADIES | SECRET T0 DARKEN GRAY HAR Briag Back Its Color end Lustre with Grandma's Sage Tea Recipe. Common garden sage brewed into & heevy tea, with sulphur and alco- hol added, will. turn gray, streaked snd faded ha.r beautifully dark and Maxuriant; romjove every bit of dan druff, otop scalp ehing and falling hair. Mixing he Sage Téa cia Sul- ghur recips at home, though, is troublesoine. An easter way is to get 'the read¥te-use ddale, costing about 50 een a lagge Dottie, ac drug stores, known ag "Wyeth's Saga sud Sulphar Compound," thu avoidiug 2 lot of muas, While wispy; gray, faded hair is so sinfal, ve aib desiré t6 retin our youthfui appearance and attractive- fiv8s. By darkening the nalr with Wyeth's Bags and Sulpbur, no one ein tell, because wo does it So uatur ally, so everly, Yau just dampen : "sponge or ~uft brush with 4 and draw | this through Your halr, talmg one small strand at a time; by morning all gray hairs have dizappeared. Af ter another apnlicatic or twee your hair becomes beautirel's dark, glos- 8¥, goft ani 'uxuriant snd yon ap- PORE FORTS youpear. Aone, Geo, W. Mahood. Bn nn tapered EL REAL ESTATE or Saie SE EET Sea ree bonse oa James § oct with Improvements, good stabling, aned suituble for a carter, BOO 00 Lo Tnves.. ait = block house' on RB 0rd, $1850.00, able aoe on Street, Improvements, for $1£.00 per moepth. handle this propos han > i i] 5 a vB. Then © a poin hey') "iiek hecause it isn't a COUNTRYSIDE TIDINGS WHAT WHIG OOREESPONDENTS HAVE TO TELL. News From Viliages and Farms Throughout the, Adjoining Coun ties -- Raral Events, ana Move- ments of the People. Glendower Notes. Glendower. Nov. 3--The Glendower cheese factory has closed down for the season, Aaron Hoppins is draw- mg cordwood to the feldspar mines Milk is getting very scarce for the factories, Dr. J. W. Edwards held a meeting dt Piccadilly on Monday evening, There is tot much water in the wells, At Bunker Hill, Bunker Hill, Nov: 2--The weather is somewhat warmer the past few days. + A plmber of the people are drawing wood. Visitors. --Miss Delia Snider, of Glenfield, visiting friends here for the past two weeks, has gofie howe; James Wilson spent Saturday and Sunday at Fcho Lake: Mr. and Mrs. RB. J. Wilson are at A. B. Hop-~ pins'; Miss Annie Snook, teacher, spent Saturday and Sunday at her home at Desert Lake; Mrs. 1. J. Wil son is ai Desert Lake. Bell 'Rock Budget. Bell Rock: Nov. 2---The eheese fac- tory here 4s still running three days r week The appearance of the Methodist clicrch bas been greatly improyed by a new cement platforin and steps at the. entrance. Much credit is due C. Shea and.ilie others who assisted in the cement work. Temperance rally day will be ' held here on Sunday, Nov. 15th. Visitors Miss Lily Gauthier, Gananoque, at 1 Revell's;: Mr. and Mrs. Sarncy and Mr. and Mrs. C. Graham, Enterprise, at §. Yorke's Wilbur Notes. Wilbur, Nov. 2.--Charles H. Bal- lard, Who has been a student on this field forf the summer, has returned tv Kingston. Miss Ettie. Richard- S00: Was at her home on Sunday. John Lea and his mother visited at W. W. Roche's on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Joheph Moreau made a trip to Kingston last week. J. KE, Boyd was at bis home on Sunday. William. Donaldson was in this. vicinity last waek collecting for the Belgium re- Kaladar Reports. Kaladar, Nov, 4--Mrs. A. Pick- Kingston. - Murion and Florence Lyon called on' Misses Myrtle and Mablz Wood Sunday evening. wil- liam Hughes and son, Gordon, are hunting baer north. Mr. apd Mrs, Nelson Lyon spent Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs, Peter Hughes. Mr. ahd Mrs. Joseph Forbef at Alex- ander Forbes Monday. Messrs. Har- ry and Roy Lewis, BE. Jacob and Curtis Thompson, spent Sunday with Mr .and Mrs, John Lewis. Mrs. Ed- ward Clark visited Mrs. W. Hugh- os yesterday. Westport Tidings. Westport, Nev. 2---The members of the Westport Hunt club leave this week for their camp at Robinson Lake near Lavant. Benjamin Botting returned from. Kingston .on Friday, after receiving medical treatment Reg Howlett, of Ottawa, has re- turned to town and taken a situation in the machine shop department of the Westport MIg: Plating Co.. M. P Adam epent a few days of this week with Burgess friends. C. @. Huffman of the Lyric theatre, spent a few days of last week in Ottawa. William Crozier, Mrs. L. LI. Crozier and. Mrs S. T. Barr, have returned from trip to Belleville. Sand Bay News. Sand Bay, Nov. 3--Rain is need- ed very badly as the ground is very hard to plough. Mr. and Mrs. B Garvin are rejoicing over the arrival of an infant son. A number from here attended the sale at G. Hump- prey's, Linsdowie. My, and Mrs. Charles' McDonald spent Sunday at Al O'Hearn's, South Lake, Visitors: Mirs Alice Lappan, ag J.J, Lappan"s; Mrs. Hamilton 2t B. Garvin's; Mr. amd Mrs. B. Leeder, Macintosh Mills, at C. A. Lappin's; Andrew Fodey, Outlet, and Annie Patience Wareurton, at Charlies McDonald's: Willem Melonald. at Frederick Me- Conald",, Wilstead. Reports from Caintown. Cacntown, Nov. 2<Miss Edith Powell is home to spend a few days t her home here. John W. Tennant 15 somewhat Wetter and'able to drive out again. James Scott is harvesting a iarge cr f onions and turnips Miss Alina Dickey Las retune. hare from Smith's Fals, favy irom frere aticnded ihe Tenra sale on Tues oay last Mrs, iam Graham spent last week visiting friends lat CGrahamton Mrs. Nancy Ten: aid Miss' Alice "Tennant have Jreturn- ed hictme caftes visiting 'riepds at Guelph. Camtown cheese factory paid its petrons $25.30 a ton for Au- Rust milk, snd $27 a ton for Septem- ber milk. Mr. ard Mrs, B. 8. Gra- ham and daughter visited friends at Temperance Lake on Sunday last W. Morrow has renged the farm o James Eligh for next year. Cushendall Items. ; Cushepedall, Nov. 5.<The farmers are busy ploughing. but rain is greatly: oeeded. Joba Hyland, ly. inar- el in a renawaey aconent re his home, some: time age, is recovering fast. His many friewds are glad 10 we him out sain. , Messrs. Conneil are buildiey a cement cellar wall va der one of their Yomses, A. Potty has elso wad Lis awelliar iuiced znd 3 Conent wall bell. W. Ges doi har catpemters gaye To ging x Liirhex. The ead of on 3 Li having & namiBer of teas. ives Wi aid of churek work. Ths Cognty Grange Lodges. will attend dlviee swvics in "Pape's Diapepsin" makes sick, sour, gassy. stomachs. feel fine, Do some' foods you eat hit hack-- taste good; hut wore badly; ferment into stubborn lumps and canse a. sick, sour, gassy stomach? Now, M4. or Biapepsin digests everything, leaving nothing to sour and upset you, there never was anything so sally. quick, so certuinly effective, No. difference how badly youg stomach is disordered you will get happy reliel in five minutes, but what pleases. you mast is that at strengthens and regulates 'veur stom. ach 80 you ean sat your favorite foods without fear. ; Most. remedies give vou relief somes Limes--they are slow, but not sure. "Pape's Liapepsin" is quick, positive and pata yous stomach is & hesithy condition $0 the misery won't come back. You feel ditierent as soon as "Mape's Diapepsin" tomes in contact with the stomach--digiress just' vanishes--vour stomach goth sweet, no gases, mo belching, no pruetations of undigested food, your lead clears and you fea fine. Go now, make the best investment you ever made, by getting a large fiity-cent ease oi Pape's Diapepsin fre any drog store, Sou realize in five minutes how needless if is 1p suf- fer from indigestion, dyspepsia or any stomach dieqnrdor W. Smith, Seeley's Pay, at hea daughter's, Mrs. T. Hyland's News From Chantry. Chantry, Nov. 2--James Elliott, of Prescott, paid Chaniry a flying visit over Suwpday, the guest of his brother Sandy Eliott. Mrs. Sam- vel Gederich: has been quite ill the last week, but is improving. Mrs, Matilda Seeds has been away the 'past Week vigiting friends around Phillpsvilie. and. Blgin. Mrs. Arthur Rasen has a young son. Bev. J, A, K Walker, a returned missionary, had ted with Mrs. Ablgall. Knowlton on Lis way te' Philipsville to address a meaeding. All were delighted to sea him back again. Frank Seeds and family spent Sunday In Westport. Mrs, Stearns Kanowlioy is da Chantry a few days with her son, Omer. On Hallowe'en the mar ried people surprised Mr. and Mrs. D. Trotter and spent the evening pulling taffy and singing songs. Mr, apd Mrs. Omer Brown were guests at J. N. Dagis' on Sunday. ------ [Budget From Tamworth Toronto, Nov. 4.--Mrs. Postle- waite and son, of Vankleek Hifl, are visiting her brother H. Lockerag.. Samuel York and party motor id from Eldorado and spent Sunday with his paren, Charles York. An- thomy Byron sold his farm to Jao es Stinson, of Varlbank. Dr. Wik son is Hl in Torento. There was e. good turnout from Tamworth mt Marlbank tea meeting on Frigav night last. James Byron has sod his farm to William Wagar. Word wis received on Wednesday mornifig last of a bad fire at Arden. Miss Thornton, Miss Browa, Mr. Green and: Eraest Monk were all bu¥ned out. This town is wthout a doctor, not even-a horse doctor. It is Hoped the druggist 'may hold out. Nir Richmond, of Forest Mills, has mgv- ed into the residence of Dr. Clifford K. Robinson. A. Reid, of Belle- ville, is in town. J. A. Hunter was in Arden on Wednesduy last Tidings From Elgin. Elgin, Nov. 3--George Howard. at Brockville last week, Elmer Mus. family. Mrs. William Charland was it Brockville last wek. Elmer Mus- tard, New York city, who was the guest of relatives, has returned to his home. 'Mr. and Mrs. Thomas John- om, (rosby, has purchased H. Sap- er's house and: taken possession. Mrs. William Kelly has returned from a visit to New. York city. Miss Mattie Stanton has entered Brockville geh- eral hospital as nurse-in-training. \V, Kelsey has had his residence newly painted, Miss M. McGhie, Kingston, spént Sunday with friends. James Earl was appointed delegate to at. tend Sunday school . conventions at Kingston. Mrs. Perryman, Kingston, iS a guest in the village. William Johuson, Athens J. P. S. visited tie school in this vicinity last week. One case of scarlet fever is reported in the village. Rev. Hauna, Aultsville, at- tended service wm the vilage on Sup- day, - Frank Halladay has left for his anual deer hunting trip. . My, and BGisk RL GAINED 15 POUNDS Was So Weak and Thin, Thougit She Was Going Into Decline, Tells How Vino! Helped Her. : Norfolk, Va ~My health was v poor. I suffered from nervoasness, ki 00 appetite and wid So thin, I thought I'was Ringinia i Cerline, and nothing J P frond ss in {a ® eda : Fu me if I wuld wake VIC It 'wand 06 me os Ce now tak 'Tp 1 1 no en six tles and Eave gmned (ifteen povnds: have a Appetite und car eet anything. It is wanderfui what Vine! has done fur me in building up my health, My own ittands herdly know a 23d when any. 956 comes into niy office the fivat thin. Dign Sui abc i ) Ary D is Noval, Va. The testing letfers which we are rata Lshs the yajue of Vin Mes. Dyspaptio, job this down : Pape'sd aiid a. friend fo those in: need she Mrs. S. K. Robinson, 'who spent the sunirher it Winnipeg, and the west, have returned -hame. R. J. Powel met with the misfortune to have hig Haplement building: burned to the ground early Monday marning. It is) supposed that the lightning in a night stornd started the blaze Cedar Valley News. Cedar Valley, Oct. 31--The Valley was throwi into a gloom by the sud- den death of Mrs. Mary: Ralph, wi- dow of Thongs Ralph," who passed away after a few hours' illness due to paralysis. As a devoted. mother ledves a large circle of friends, with] a grown- wily to mourn her loss. he rural teleplone line through the Valley is nearly complete. The co- operage company. from Smith's Falls has Opened up a lumber Shanty on 'the timber lands of Rogers and El. ceiving congratulations 'in. th = home. Allen hardy has ished] the wide aud spacious verandaly of A. J. Roger's residence, Miss Ek Rogers} I diott; They are giving work to a nuin- N . ber of 'men who are out of employ: | J FR : ment. Mr. and Mrs. Hines are re- : y . Newark, NJ. Charles L purchased. the property he is: naw on. Miss Flood, Saginaw City, apd her brother Jolin, of Mount Bl have been calling on friends A ¥al- Prices Moderate ley. Visitors: --Miss Balfe. Smith's Fails: Miss H. McNally, Mots Mills; Mr. and Mrs. CG Fleming, Elgin; b. McQuone; Cranworth; /m. Berch, Delta; Miss M. Alen, Lombardy. Piccadilly Concert Piccadilly, * Nov. 3X' patriotic concert in aid of the Belgian relief fund was held in the village hali last evening. Mr. leach gave ah elo- quest addréss on the war. The sum of $31.50 was realized. Further help is being want in barrels of grain, vegetables and clothing. A hallowe'en party was held at the home of Mrs. § I} Godirey. on Saturday = even ing. A pleasant time was speat i dancing and playing - gapes. i Gertrude Peatfy and Wiss dro Erpeman spent Sunday at Syden- ham. Mrs, C. D. Godirey and Mrs, W. Black gg the ppent. at Sy: dena on Friday evengng. Mrs, .J. Holland, Kingston, . returned to the city today, alter visiting her daugh ter, Miss M. Holland. Misses and Percy spent Sunday with parents. Miss Alice lake is guest of Migs Olive Godfrey. We Black apd little sbp, Keith, ham, are the guests of Mes. CO. Godiray, Miss Guess, Sgdenham, re turned: to her home after visiting Miss Lulu Knight. Miss Mary end Bert Howes spent Sunday at J. Me Keever's. Mes MeOnllough, Mr. and Mrs. William' Walker," Bavelock, al- so' Frnest Walker," Calabogie, are the gliests of Mea: J. Walker. Mrs. C. Wilson, with her little daughter, Mar- gurette, spent a few days with . Mr<. W. T as, Smith's Falls. Russell wa, hon, spent a féw days with friends here. Harold Godfrey returned home with Hm. 4 -------- Township Cquncil. ,, Township of WNow..2--The council met at eleven Members alt present. i "a t eting read and adopts: onl selec: tors of jurors, x Stan 4 Printing Co, advertising, $4; revision of voters' list, $41.79; J. A Alexander, hovag € $2; J. M, Alarie, work on bridg ; Jas. Moran, spreading sto. 5 H. Microw, crushing stope, a . Mc- Adoe, culvert, $6; R. A, Donaldson, ditching and cutling brush, '$10: H Shortall, ditching and cutting brush, $13; Geo. Martin, bonus on 10 rods fence, $1 H. Helferty, bonus on 20 rods fence, $2.50; Wm. Dundon, draw- ing plank and repairing culvert, $2 50; J. S. Gillespie, work, $12; V. Shaw, ditching, $7.20; J. Rankin, work, $5; Wm. Bennett, drawing plank, $2; Mr. Chadwick, gravel, $14.60; N. McLean, breaking; stone, $2; C. A. Thompson, bonus on 293% rods fence, $3.68; J. I. McMaster, tle, $6; Wm. Mathews. tile, $6.36; J. Wehman,. on. account, $26; J. McKendry, ditching and clean- ing brush, $15; P. Canpingham, bonus on 46 rods fence, $5.75; W. H. Mc- Lean, drawing plank, and work on bridge, $4; clerk, on Ant salatk, $20; W. Fairman, work disbursed, $ Thos. Cummings, 2 diys wark, 4 Jas. Quinn, work, $2; B. Farrelly, balance of account,' $5; H. Macrow crushing stone, $186.87. The treasur- er was given a cheque for $500 to meet current expenses. A hotioh was passed that the council will not pay any bonus on wire fences where the fence rebuilt was originally of wire. Adjourned: until Monday," Dee 7th. SEES DANGER IN" EGYPT. Certain Factions Are Agitating Against. the British, The Hague, Nouv. §---A high of- cial who has just returned from Alexandria, Egypt, states that condi tions in that country are outwardly quiet although inwardly. dangerous: He says that discontented people, un der the leadership of Prince Moham- med 'Ali Pasha, brother of the ab sent Khedive, are keeping up a quiet agitation, while professing deep loy- alty to the British government and awaiting further developments in the Turkish Mohammedan world. "Foreigners in Egypt," says the official, "are living like the passen- gers on an ocean liner with a burn- ing cargo, while the commander and officers keep smiling and reassuring the passengers that there is no dan- ger." DIE FROZEN IN TRENCHES. Winter Campaign fa Russia Ajready CHItY Gormaus. Loudon, Nov, 6~R viewing .he ituation on the easteyn dattls front the Laily Nails Petrogred corres- pondent says: - wily fo li'ing in the tremel- es in the bitter weather already has begun. Cases of men being froséh tc death amopg the German troops dave occurred because the t ences were dug in marshy soil ard pow are filled with ice. In such expori- ences the Cermans are far less akle to endure the winter than the Rus sian," The COTTeSPOrd nit adds that are 221 Princess Street Spent a fortmghi visitin, J fridadg. Repairing and Remodeling > = NN AN 3 A Parlor Choice Candies of all kinds in bulk or fancy boxes. " - ol Also serve all kinds of hot drinks. uy LJ i Dominion Fish Co AN . i FRONN a Seasonable Fruits. Phone 1128, 880 Princess St : ASRS A, Fe TF : ~ Tungsten Lamps Highest Quality, Lowest Prices. Halliday's Electric Shop Phone 94 - - . -+ 345 King 88 TE ofthe * REDPATH Extra Gro: ris mut wp in 2 and 8 pound SEA Cartons and in' 10, 20, 50 100. pound Cloth Bape sise'te oot ovsry how. 39 MINT LOE SE ATINT DQUBLE strength flavor of delicious Peppermint. Lots of "Pep!" The flavor won't chew ont--it J-a-s-t-s! It is DOUBLE wrapped -- which costs us a lot of money but gives you clean, fresh, full- flavored "gum whenever and wherever you get it. Made by the same manufacturers as the well-known and popular LEYS 1 T ICE If you like the flavor of fresh mint leaves, take If you want Peppy-Peppermint, try the new Either one gives l-o-n-g l-a-g-t-i-n-g « delight--big value for 5 cents. Get WRIGLEY'S for quality, flavor and hygienic package. Look for the