Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Nov 1914, p. 3

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! regiment, and will leave shortly for the front. Miss Flora Rees who has been ! peas the week with Mrs. W. ® Balfour Mundie, Clergy street, re- : turned to her home in Gananoque 21ST BATTALION. to-day. Professor William Morgan, Mack | Less Than Seven Per Cent Rejected street, who has been in 'Glasgow for ~The 7 the past few weeks arrived home » Physique of the Yolunteurs [this week. For Overseas Service is Good. Mrs. J. J. Telford returned to Some' of Mr. Shefmas Hiil's oie, Keatueky, on Friday and nas puysique che Jeph of 18 friends are having a surprise dance Mrs Richard 'Alexander of Vancouv- and although they are all rigidly at "Maitland House," to-night, when or went with her for a month's vis- ined b: m Wl in 4 the guests will inciade Miss Hazel | js examine Y competent physicians, B a very few are rejected. It has been Browne, Miss Beth Small, Miss Elea- Mrs. Maurice Plummer, Johnson i nor Prelan, Miss Lilian Mundell, | street, went to New York on Wed- AA P's Joes than, Seven ig 4 1 i Miss Mary |nesday to visit" her mother, Mrs. . He 4 The principal tore Pen n 4 P m . ° Misa Anne Minnes, x have been rejected. & a, Miss Mary Sullivan, Miss | ange, a) Miss Helen Uglow, Gray. s . cause of rejection are ruptures, vari- 16d cose veins, foot-arches and bad Miss Ruth Anglin, Miss. Lillie Mur- Miss Mary Grace returned to To- 1 | ray, Migs Kathleen Ryan, Miss Hil-|ronto on Thursday after a visit with Jeoth. H mare thin Sve lesih ate i 4 da Kent, Miss Doris Kent, Miss Flora | Mrs. E. L. Fortt, William street. tion, the applicant must Ya refused. | . Men % . All Wool Rees, (Gananoque), Miss Kathleen! The wedding of Miss Bessie King- In connection with the medical ex. - " Carruthers; Miss Katharine Hart,| horn, youngest daughter of Mr. and Miss Aileen Folger, Miss Margaret | Mrs. John Kinghorn, of Rochester, mization, Were is» nuinber of Ip : Overseas' Cunningham, Miss Dorothea Sweeney | N. Y., formerly of Kingston, to Mr. ably the best men, physicall L/h » and Messrs. Herbert Steacy, Dick |Henry Melvor, of South Carolina, eve-test is very strick but rv men inter orste Ss Elmer, Leslie Smith, Ross Living- | will take place this evening at the rate very high in this examination ge 1 .ge . a ston, Hendry Connell, Hugh -Ryan,| home of the bride. [| ' ol Over four hundred men have al- |} . i Neil Black, Philip Macarow, Doug- Mrs. John H. Byrne is expected : , . 3 » {Military Supplies: ccs se S| Set Ee | S50 gtr sell choolHose i : rett, Bob. Richardson, Jerry Tay-|sister, Miss Pearle Oldrieve at "the two da E d a half ork In the Jas 0X C | Buy these at Best's lar, (Windsor), Ted Rogers, Carroll Avonmore." ys and a half. Ashby, Armand Whitehead, 088 Mrs. E. H. Pense, Gare street, Drug Store and save Byron, Dixon, Frank Ryan, Stanléy {went to Ottawa with Mrs. J. J. mn City Full Of Soldiers. : 108 pairs of heavy rib- i Kingston is getting familiar with 300 pair of heavy grey bed worsted, made of an Driver, George Driver, Charlie Du Alexander on Tuesday and they re- the SISEL of Rakhi if T ning Sutherland and Cadets eg. 'turned to town together on Thurs- © sight of kbhakhi uniforms. There money. DE ize ran: (RUE are now batween 1,500 and 2,000 worsted sox, a great wear- sspertally well dyed yarn, Hair Brushes and C . Browr "eld, Percy Arnoldi and Roger| Mrs. F. L. Cartwright, who came | Soldiers in the 'city. Of course the : itv: ed ITO --a Ie So Soult Stewart. ' on from Winnipeg to visit her hus- | largest in numbers is the 21st bat- [fi ng quality; Tegular 25¢ ular 35¢ qualit eg Razors, y y "xa band at Valcartier Camp, and who [1alibn under the command of Lieut.- value, for to-night, ONLY y. er Travelling Rolls, Purses, ' Mrs. Thomas >iiabert, Clergy |das been in Kingston for the past | Col. W. 8. Hughes. The 14th regi- 3 OR 2 FOR 25 Bill Folds, Fie., Small Pocket street, received on Friday afternoon few weeks left yesterday for Eng-| ment members who are doing guard 13¢c C. T ° h 5 Combs, Cigarette Cases, Foot when Mrs. Clarence T. Chown, of |land. duty around the city and at Fort o nig t 2 C * 2 = 0» Henry numbef about 200. Capt. L. rder: n * Paper a Montreal, wearing her wedding gown 5 Powders, Writing Paper Port g g & Mrs. Egerton Gray, Metuchen, N..1.. | C. Lockett is acting as commanding of white duchesse satin and, Princess ! ) officer of the 14th men in the ab- Rolios. All Jour wants prompt- lace, helped her mother 'welcome 1 the guest of Mrs. George Crawiord, it Lib. C fo Hd . . y suppl at the many visitors. The tea table, Division street. sence In Little Current of Major. H. E lish WwW . y : J. Dawson, Lieut.-Col. G. H. Ogilvie, pPeEcCla ng rapperettes which was in charge of Miss Lucy| Miss Jule Spencer, Ottawa, and Mis ™ has command of Tete de Pont re- Be t Walsh, of Oakville, was lovely with | Sun Hunter, Toronto, are expoct od iti tat] the R i School of many white chrysanthemums and in the city on Tuesday for the Mckay- | Cruiting station, the Royal School o Ma 8S S the prettily gowned girls assisting, Crawford wedding. Artillery and the new battery to be |} ° de of the finest quality imported duvetyn and ) : { Lloydminster, | formed. This comprises between V lues in Bedford Cord materials, absolutely fast in were Miss: May Chown, Miss Li ura | Mrs. Simcoe Daly, of Lloydminst Tr, s bh 150 and 200 men and officers. Men The Satisfactory Druggists and Nicolle, Miss Beatricy 1 b M Sisk.. is th i th M; Nicolle, Miss atric ambert, J 8; Sask. is e guest of Misses - ! = n an s. 2 Opticians 0 eatliCe la r is . I are daily adding to the above units. color and o fthe most gorgeous colorings at Open Sundays 1.30 to' 5, 6.30 Muriel Walsh and little Miss Helen | Daly, Albert street. glo to 2. y i Miss M. A. Walsh returned to Co i - that: Regular 45¢c a yd. Nicol - - - bourg to-day March To Barriefield ? : an's To-night 29c. Mrs. C. W. Bennett, "Otterburn," Captain and Mrs. Rex) T. M. Scott The men of the battalion ard very week when Miss Mary Grace, of To cond contingent sails Mrs. Scott march to Barriefield on Friday. The ronto 'was the raison d'etre Mra. will go to kKngland, later, to remain musketry drilling will start on Mon- Douglas Hammond, King street al-| there while her husband isgin active | gay showing that the men have al e e rate i a My re fail NEW NECKWEAR was hostess at the tea hour this|of Ottawa, are in town until the se comfortable They were give > ' ) ) § g i #0 entertained informally in her |service. ready become more 'or less familis honour. {olouel and Mrs. Douglas 'Young | wit, the field drills. These hav A large range of the latest novelties have Mise N » = y P hi occupy Dean ' Starr's house, on | heen without rifles-to date con sg 1 a 3 incess stree 3 pe f a p, Fl ¥, hin; - od j= Norma Reid, Since Rist, agot grok; for iho winter ra: ing of tl different marching order Un de rw Ar just arrived and will be ready on our Coun- ad a wn wns arlin | gatutl rg, etc. The men ill be show afternoon in honour of next week's |Connell have returned to Spencervilld, 53 WHE Ea Te y 8 ters to- night. bride, Miss Pearl Crawford. Miss | after attending the Connell-Webstor The € ickly i e > men quickly bel ing equipped f : or men, fleece-lined and Reid was assiste tai o ae > teid as assisted in entertaining | wedding on Wednesday. with uniforms by Li A or ul- her guest of her sister, Mrs J sn» ly, Q' M ¢ J iar ra ly, Q°' M.,, and QMS, F adlow. : d'Esterre, Mrs. Herbert Wood and her baby ar- | About half of the battalion are now all wool garments in every ' "ew rived from Vancouver on Thursda supplied with uniforms. + " 3 and Mrs. A S y p i Some of the men were down and size. ® ® EYES TESTED WITH A great mapy visitors took advan-|and are the guests of Dr. ception day Yesterday afternoon, to in Toronto with | about a month ago "jumped a meet Mrs. Keene Hemming, who, witli { Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Knight, on her tramp steamer at Vancouver with her husband, is the guest of Colonel | way east the intention of jeining the militia NO DRUGS USED CASES REQUIRING MEDICAL ATTEN. TION WILL BE 30! INFORMED Mrs. Lawton Ridout, formerly Miss | and getting into the fight in Europe and Mrs. Hemming, for a short time v " . Dorothy Vandersmissen, of Toronto, | They stuck--together and applied Mrs. W. F. Nickle, Earl street, was|sailed this week for England, where | for enlistment in the Vancouver re- : hostess at dinner on Thursday cven- [She will remain while her husband, giment. They were not accepted as FITS Cured ing. "lNe table was very prettily ar-|who is a graduate of the Royal Mili- | there were too many ahead of them ranged with big yellow 'mums, and | tary College, is at the fromt. and it was the same all the way RE ) ME x ' Q : Mr. Paul Whitney, of Ottawa, spent | east. They would not wait until an By T NCH 8 RE DY ren S he 0es covers were laid for fourteen guests. \ . FIA. a few days in town this week. opening occurred but "jumped" a he Famous Home Treatment vr Epilepsy and The students of the medical faculty | Mrs. Charles Clement, the guest of | train to the next railway division. ommended by Cle in of all De- of Queen's University have made ar-| Mrs. "W. Cockburn, Bagot street, re-| They gradually worked their WAY nominations. Twenty-five Years Success -- = p oir . ance | turned. to her home in Deseronto to- s He Over--1 000 unsolicited Testimonials in 4 rangements to hold their annual dane o_he € »as--far-as - Cobourg and ~enlisted {Ove uiicited A SPECIAL FOR THIS on Friday, November 20th, in Grant | day, there. When they arrived here they a all, Mrs. R. H. Toye, Gore street, is | were pretty well down and.out, but fa SONVINOING TESTIMONY 1s been 8 ery w » - = - visiting her daughter in Montreal to-day with a complete new military if life. Th inte ould write : : 9 uniform one would not know them. A = Children's Shoes button i y Mrs. George Crawford, 329 Division street, will receive next Wednesdav ai- Mrs. Robert Meikle has returped The men of the left-half of the {Pamphlet containing of p e post i November 11th. Her guests from Vancouver and js at present in | battalion who are quartered in the iE IEE "im oR v 3 or laced, light or med- Ottawa, the guest of her sister, Mr: | Cereal works building have the nse JRENGHS REWL SDS, LIMITED, / 2 t. James' Chambers, Toronto. ium heavy soles s 7 To * George low of the first floor as a recreation [sole Proprietors Trench's Remedies, doors above the Opers Hous Mrs. W. Harty, Stewart street en- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Turner, who | room. The men of the right half of Limited, Dublia, Ireland. / : tertained at tea on Wednesday in| have been in New York for the past | the battalion have been denied this |------------- er rveeeeeweweeweewwwwwwwwe" | honour of Miss Mary Grace, of To- {two weeks, are spending the week-end | privilege to date, but have secured L A IN 1 25 ronto. with Mr. and Mrs lhomas Slater, | the old Salvation Army building at P T G I» Nickle, Silver, Copper, o---- : ey wv» Jarrie street, before going on to their | the corner of Bagot and Queen A number of informal teas have | new home in Toronto streets, and this will be equipped A Naa Lin : ) o r Maker's name on every been given this week in honour of Earl § with tables for them, Miss Pearle Crawford, the bride of | str i spending the week-end in The offence of commandeering an- pair. next week. 1 other man's belongings is being se 8 Ere r. an V. Daliour Mudie and {| verely dealt with. Last night two Miss Hilda Kent entertained infor- e ay ry streef, went to | pairs of trousers were taken and fi} = SA mally at tea this week in honor of | Ganarooue ydb tg igit Mr. and | the guilty man was quickly given a : ----- Miss Mary Grace, of Toronto. Mrs. . : MeMu Mr. Mudie will {| C. B. sentence. { ¢« os = p 3 home on Monday, but Mrs - A N NI Miss Irene Williams is visiting in Ot- Miss Lois will remain Napanee And Picton Volunteers. tawa, the guest of Mrs. R. M. Bates, {Tor a wes or ten days The Napanee contingent of the 47th i ; . a he St be : King Street O'Connor street. Te SW 3 Regiment, Mrs. John Jenkin, Princess street, | BELGIANS NEEDED AT HOME. | oh" are: Noel Fleming, Frank Ford, who has been in Madoc and Napanee, tren Percy, Sweet, Napanee; Ford B.. Walk- has returned home. Government hops Proposal to} or Camden East; Frank T. Mallinson, work. Get prices. PARTRIDGE & SON? The T.C. Reading Club will meet at Bring Belgians to. Canada. Newburgh; William A. Dent, Winui- King St. West, the home of Mrs." 4. B Walkem and Ottawa, Nov. TI is hardly pro-| peg; Edvard Thomas, Toronto; Wil eee wren tei er -- vy Sm-- Miss Betts, Beverley street, on Mon- | bable now that » ROaveruine will] lam Thomas Anderson, Roblin. bring out to ! } ¢ in 1 Walter Emsley, Pembroke, has en Womair's Health Erm fe sh laacac day Miss Nan Reynolds, who has been in | fugees It wa cught a t the listed in' the second contingent and is op md puke ) E > now in camp at Kingston. and apirits depend upon her digestion TTT TE town from Brockville for the conven: | this would be 1 excellen i ) tion this week, is Mrs. H. A. Calvin's order to provide farm help tov i Lieut. W. A. Spriggs, Robert Stirl and circulation. Sallow skin, pimples, 9 guest, mers who are badly in need of men. | ing, Stanley Baldwin, William Harver, facial blemishes and depression dis- KINGSTON' S ELECTRIC STORE Mr. Paul Whitney came to town|Buf the Beigian government hq \lexander Whitelaw, George Gerow, appear after the system haa & en from Brockville on Thursday. timated that every man between the tieorge Gibson, William Lywood, Rich- eansed and the the blood purifi y = ia : : Rev. F. E. and Mrs. Pitts, who |ages of eighicen and thirty-five must | ard Powell, George Johnson, Wiliam Appreciate the fitting quali- were Mrs. Thomas Lambert's guests | join the colors. There 15 also tue | Snider, William H. Sharp, A. L. Wain- Headquarters for the | est mantl ties of Fashion Craft. this week, have returned to Cornwall {fact that when the war is over the | wright, arethe Picton bunch with the § anties mada , both ' Mrs. W. Barrett and her two ohil. | Belgian government will require all | contingent here. On leaving Picton ® the famous Laddite and Welsbach, inverted and up- dren, who have been visiting Mr. and [its available people to re-make every man was given a ¥10 gold piece {1 right, 10¢, 15¢ and 25¢. 20TH CENTURY SUITS, Mrs. James Rigney: George street, will Sonntly Zhieh jas been devasgtat : and an insurance policy. for V vi and if he anadian governnen OVERCOATS gi Samuel Rellery lor and | took steps to bring Beigians to Can- . Agent for the famous Solar Are I D, $12.00. bbard, Napanee, who were |ada it might be fegarded as -un- . any gh - Chas lo friendly ed hog the sear oF aa of Taw stator yoo Kingston homes beautifully ligh i i The style and appearance She Sueat of a. ates ig r - i ial, the Eady Company have had to| ; 3d graryrbuss.. la Bow light ae t 8 beautifully hg ted with electrie of these coats demand uni-| Mes. Tavior and little Miss Jean Tay- a es slightly advance the price of match g xtures. ; iti lo avis the week-end in Napa- Everybody's Business. es and some other lines. The Eddy > versal reco ition. When- Tt Wi : > Brantford Expositor. company believe the public will ap- : . nee with and Mrs. Sellers. This bysthess of keeping Canada | preciate this when they realize it is : ever they appear they are Prosperous is not the work of any as so that the IEE Standncd of 2 : distinetive. 'e don't deny en per ot Madina, Puig Saeatian: acy past ie Bones Bl quality for which the Eddy goods ry. » - : . eéwman other makers copy them as » 80 far as he is a good citiven. It | Men jomed, may be uiaintained. 1 BN Phone 441, near as they can, but it is] Mr Archibad McGo Yon" | has nothitug to fo with the politici- | 2 like a rabbit running a race| a Mary 0 ume, has. ro, | 102, unions they aro hand Aud Stove aon a w t people a ni- with a cat, it never catches| ¢i¥ed « commission ia an English |iopai NisoHabiner Iv Is pore low where the had been staying Tor . ' . Jartisd and Sead Aud Metibia, the past five years, is bigger than ump speeches up. i ig" . = a ---- "ry d flag-wavings. It is as simple as ; a < ! 4 5 I 5 - : B : 1st the design. [eet Treatment, for ut off a tree. To Lop | 8 . w 2nd, the tailoring. All Complexion Ils} | proses In Canads and the specs | IIIEMNIES | ahot ' UJ ] Ls When other makers havey 1 hii you my bn SE wit consider Sr Sa "HOLD Nov ue" MADE IN CANADA oto cANADA'S LARGE not the designers or the tail- red. if ae Be aD ors, how can they make thet: ian factories. It's the importance ) bray Bhi Canadian payroll gods? They 2 he price js Fug that puts us ail on the same level and tu a 1521 +Meticnkers weekend peels" Gib BOYS', wear like iron. All particular dressers ap- {few oN voubsi whe Wal Mr] eRe aver. H Us Tani Try 9 Senior crmurie PSI %s | Keeley Jr., M.0.D.0. OPTOMETRIST AND SPTIOLAN | 228 Princess Street ternoon, will receive with her - -. ovuT CHARGE tage of Mrs. T. 1. R. Hemming's re-|P. Knight, Alice street. Mrs. Wood | out when they enlisted. Six men spent several days i T i " ' 3 i We make all kinds of iron and wire -- a | ane preciate the fact. fo FEartililsey as manager of the Trenton : ; hg bod éisenses, ¢ LL trial will convince you. : : To i - - refuvs branch of the Standard Bank was PJ ALL KINDS OF E bMS ai. Foos born in the township of After yy death of bis father, gal John _ he resided

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