Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Nov 1914, p. 3

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500 acres, $1,000... Good bush, never-failing water. 120 acres cleared, Log dwelling; frame barn; horse stalile. First class stock farm. | W. Hi. Godwin & Son. | Brock S¢, Phone 424 Real Estate Fire Insurance Hearing is Restored to Deaf Without Mechanical or Artificial Hear. ing Devices, Deaf Hear Wiha Their Own Ears. A Wonder- ful agiish nm ry. Thousands' of people suffer from ca- tarrhal deafness or poor hearing, who having ' tried. spacidiists, advertised iréalments, artificial ear drums, ear phones, electric vibrators and rious mechanical appliances without ess have at last resigned themselves to a "world of silence" thinking that noth- ing can ever restore fo them thelr hor mal hearing. Yet their case is not hopaless, A remarkable sce ie . tréatment discovered a little more than 4 year ago in England is making peo- plé hear after vears of deafness and | also unequalled for quickly = the distressing head noises that often the compaplons of defe hearing. This discovery is called Par- wint and has atiracted widespread notice throughout Furope where ports of the remarkable result given to deat people have come | vd tontle action to necessary to red i swelling, enfarge it or thi ing thé organs of hearing and to stimu Mate the entire auditory tract Parmint {8 now being sold by r leading druggists Kingston ar i- cinity and a speedy trial is urged upon all who suffer from catarrhal deafness or head nofses in any degree. Ask the druggist for 1 oz. of Parmint (Double Strength) and take it home and with 1-4 pint of hot water and of granulated sugar until Take one tablespoonful fous day and you should goon niarkable Improvement ing "Important.--In orderirn Always specify that yeu strength; your druggist "an gel It for you: If not the Internationa) Laboratories id Antoine Vt, Montrea FQ, who m & Specialty of Jt" a in = Parmint want double has it ar he send to alee Kit Toilet Rolls | Handy to keep Brushes, Comb, Razor, Soap, etc. in, making a compact strong roll. 5c to $5.00, Also Pocket Mirrors Soap Boxes Fountain Pens Patriotic Stationery Military Brushes Vest Pocket Cameras Tooth, Brushes Huir Brushes, etc. Make pp your Kit to-day at SE ase Best's Satisfactory Druggists | Opticians If Open Sundays 1.30 to 5, 6.30 to ®, and D MEN Appreciate the fitting quali- ties of Fashion Craft. 20TH CENTURY SUITS, OVERCOATS The style and appearance of these coats demand uni- versal recognition. When- ever they appear they are distinctive, We don't deny other makers copy them as near as they can, but it is like a rabbit running a race with a eat, it never catches up. 3 1st the design. 2nd, the tailoring. When other makers have not the designers or the tail- ors, how ean they make the goods? They pay the price and turn out the coats. .. . All particular dressers ap- preciate the fact. 'to > Mes Henty Pealoek," Vhs Wad Tor mecly Miss Hazel Massie, received or Monday for the first time since going Torouto at home on (reacent Road. Her husband's mother, Mrs iliam M Peacock, received with ner her s A very informal Dutch luncheon was given for Miss Honour tt, at the Country Club, on Saturday, when the Others present' were Miss Marjorie Penge, Miss, May Rogers, Miss Mami Garrett and Miss Susie Anglin Mrs. George Crawford, Division street, was at home this afternoon, when her guests who were in town for her daughter's wedding, this moruing, received with her. Mabel Dalton, Johnson is entertaining the members Ladies' Kingston Curling tea this afternoon. « = Professor and Mrs. H. T. Kalmus, Barrie street, entertained at din- ner on Monday evening, when covers were laid for eight Miss street, of the Club, at small the knit- THis week a number of teas have been given, when guests busied themselves with ting for the soldiers. * 0% ch Mra. Archibald Knight, Alice street, will receive on Friday alternoon, with her daughter, Mrs, Herbert Wood. e E. Wellington and Mrs. P, Prideanx, street, will receive to-morrow next Thursday, and not again. street, tea Mrs. Hubert Ryan, King entertained informally at the liour on Monday afternoon. 2 4 Ae Mra. Clarence Chown, of Montreal, has been the guest oi honor at several informal teas this week so» Mildred Belton, Alired the Reading Club to Mise street, will entertaiu morrow * * . Miss Helen Drummond; who has been spending a few days a Mrs. W, L. Goodwin's, Alice st will stay for a short time with Mrs George Hague, University avenue, be fore returning to Toronto. Rev. Dr. Welsh, who was in from Montreal over the week.end, was the of Principal and Miss Gor don. Mrs. T. Clarence Chown, who has been spending a week with her pa: ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lambert, Clergy street, returned to Montreal to-day. Rev. W. T. Toronto, t town guest Wilkins, Trenton, is stay ing with Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Craig, Barrie street, this week, during Queen's alumni conference, Mrs. Mellia Ferguson, who, with her little son, has been with Mr, and Mrs. Malcolm Sutherland, Earl street, will return to St. Thomas on Thurs. day. Dr. Daniel Strachan, who is one of the speakers at Queen's this week, is the guest of Principal and Mrs. Donald Ross, Alired street. Mrs. © Arthur Craig, Albert street, left, yesterday, for Ottawa, to visit Mr. and Mrs. F. C. T. O'Hara for short 'time. Miss Katharine Hart went to Toron to, on Monday, to visit Mr. and Mrs, George Hart. Colonel and Mrs. haw, "Ongwanada," are the guests oi Mi. and Mrs. J. J. Maélennan in To ronto for a few days this week. Rev. Robert Herbison, of Richménd Hill, is the guest . oi . Professor . and Mrs. E. F. Scott, this week. Mr. Hugh Norton-Taylor, of New York, is the guest of his mother, Mrs Norton-Taylor, Wellington street. Mrs. Malcolm Gibson, of Simpson, Sask., is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flmer, Bagot street. Mr. William Leggett, Montreal, at present in town taking a course. s & = A. B. Cunning Miss Helen Uglow, Barrie street,will go to Montreal on Friday, to spend the week-end with Miss Mabel Hender: son. Mrs. Gray, Metuchen, N.J.: Miss Spencer, (Rtawa, and Miss Anna Hun ter, Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. George Crawford, Division street. Mrs. J. H. Hughes, University ave nue, will return from Toronto to- morrow, where she has been visiting relatives for the past two weeks. Mrs. Henry Skinner is sailing by the C.P.R, steamer Midsanabie from England, and will be the guest ol her pavents, Judge and Mrs. Magee, in Toronto, for the winter, * * - * Mrs. Charles Livingston, Barrie street, has returned home, after spend- ing a. few days with her sister, Mrs. Clarke Taylor, in Gananoque. Mr. Rex Calvin, of Toronto, is the est of his parents, Mr. and firam Calvin, hing street. Mrs. James Reid and her young son, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs, Thomas Bowie, Earl street, will leave this week to visit friends in Toronto before going on to their home in Leamington. v Mys. E. W. Lachance, of Montreal, is the guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Z. Prevost, Earl street, Mr. Edward Smyth, a graduate of Queen's, arrived this week from the west, to enlist with the Queen's Fngi- neers for overseas service. - - - " Mrs. E. V. Wright, Ottawa, is visit: ing her dpughter, Mrs. Carr-Harris, Mack stredt. . Capt. and Mrs. Scott, Ottawa, have taken apariments at the Belvidere, on King street, while Captain Scott is taking the military course in town. Miss Elsie Cotton, Almonte, is the guest of Mrs. Allan Palmer, in Ot tawa. Miss Gertrude Vroomman, of Lindsay, arrived to-day to visit Mrs. L. T Best, Sydenham street. a * i Miss Agnés M. Machar has return- ed to town from her summer home, "Ferncliffe," near Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Nelles, Wham street, spent the week-end J He Was Fighting With Professor Carr-Harris received a cable from the war office, in London, on Tuesday, announcing that his son, Captain Ernest Dale Carr-Har- ris, of the Royal Engineers, was re- ported missing In Africa A letter was also received about the same timg written in Bombay, a month ago, intimating that thé captain wa to embark with his corps for a point not then announced. They were waiting at Bombay for a convoy which had been delayed. It is Si --_---- ~A Letter fo Hand Wigh a His Corps in Africa thought that the Royal Engineers were sent to assist in the defence of some of the British possessions in Africa, and were in contest against the Germans. : Captain Carr-Harris had been late- ly attached to the staff college at Quetta in India. He graduated at the Royal Military College in 1899 with high honors, being the gold medalist of his year. He is about thirty-five years of age and is the second son of Prof. Carr-Harris Mack street. teft for Toronto om Menday after spending the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Slater, Barrie street. Mrs. Elmer Jones and her child from Vancouver are en-pension at 86 Union street, while Captain Jones is stationed in town. Migs Agnes Richardson and M Eva Richardson who have been in Winnipeg for the past month, are ex pected home the latter part of the week, They are visiting friends in Minneapolis and Toronto en route Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Doyle who were in town for the Barton-Weese wedding have returned to Toronto The Bishop of Ontario and Mrs L.ennox Mills, are returning from Toronto to-day. * Ferris who has been Hospital now her home' on Miss Millie il in the General convalescing slowly' at Stuart street. ~ev. Bruce treal the guest of Miss Cordon at the sidence this week. Miss Bessie Robertson returned home yesterday after a delightful visit' in Ottawa with Mrs. Edward Low Colonel Hunter Ogilvie on Monday from Ottawa and treal Mrs. A. Sills, of guest of Mrs. R son street is D.D., of Mon Principal and Principal's Ne Taylor, returned Man Belleville, is the E. Sparks, John Tea and Sale." At Mrs. Tandy's residence, King street, Thursday, by the G branch of the W. A. of St. George cathedral MAYOR GAVE PERMISSION To Agent to Sell War Books in The City. The charge of false pretences pre ferred against a young man who wa placed under arrest on Tuesday af ternoon was dismissed in police court on Wednesday morning T J. Rigney appeared on his bela! nd it was shown that lie had beer iven permission by Mayor Shaw wu sell the book in Kingston, twenty per cent. of the proceeds to go to the Belgian fund. The police say they had no know ledge of the permission being grant ed the agent for the selling of the books and for this reason the rest was made. However, a satis factory settlement was made in fhe polite court, and the agent was a. lowed to continue his business in the city. A letter bearing Mayor Shaw's signature and giving the ac cused the permission ated produced in court a i a v i PROX SSIVE STEP. Belvidere Apart. King Stree(. The ' Opening ments or eaomplated-on 141 King K 8 t n Wark the (apa: stregt, List Fenwi beautiful for Kins felt wan fitted on bap faes ment eo At 1 ont Mrs venier first-¢la the Belv number LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Quite A Coincidence Nav (To t friend tliarity Jofire a Kingston, tor) A pe Gerderal con idered Write Jofire's name it place French line downwards div ¢s equally. The two spell Joffre and the two right French. y good wer Lil ones INCREASE IN MALL MATTER, As a Result of the Large Number of ; Volunteers In the City. Kingston's mail matter has greatly increased as a result of the | large number of volunteers in the city. 'I'he extra mail would equal that com ing into a small-wiwed town but it is being ably handled at the post office, It is wonderful the number of letters the men receive and the number they write. A Good Organization. A league of early shoppers ha been formed in Ottawa, with Lad) Foster, Mrs. T. W. Crothers, Mme Coderre, Mrs. Frank Oliver, Mme Rodolphe Lemieux, Mrs. Adan Shortt, Mrs, W. T. Herridge, Mrs, J Lorn McDougall and Mrs. J, A. Wil son as patronesses. The only obli gation entailed on those who join i the following promises. "In view of the Gora: to all lines of busi ness activity in Ottawa, as well as humanitarian, I promise to distri bute my Christmas purchases over Novemoer and December." The membeiship of the League is increas- ing daily. SA se, ¥ Fall And Winter Imporatations. Prevost, Brock street. bas received all hig fall Importations for his orfag department consisting of fling and overcoating in great ariety to choose trom. Also farge et 4 of ready-made clothing and enfs" Fdmishing. in Montréal. Mr. and Mrs. Asthur B. Turner oe jo op oe oe Jo ole 4 op a Go ee cer schedule fur the MaeClament cu efedelefode dedrde dolodednfed doef drde ded dvb * : WAR BULLETINSD It is stated in London, semi- officially, that Germany has ap- proached Russia with a view to peace, but all negotiations were refused. FA South African » defeated in severe north of Pretoria. rebels were fighting Weds Carl Hans Lody, convicted of being a German "spy, was shot at' the tower of London. 3 It his heen learned that the German cruiser Eniden was waiting for Austrialian treop- ships with a contingent, when she was sunk. God ede eee A British war office official eyewitness says "There re signs that' the German offen. sive is gradually spending its strength, There is Hele change in the generdl po of the long-drawn battle li Moslem leaders recently annexed have offered their King Gearge, in Cyprus, by Hritain, loyalty 10 ei ede eee oe ls oe The Russian embassy at Washington has received of- ficial 'anhonacement (hat the sultan will make reprisals on foreigners for attacks n% allied « fleet on anfor ed ports, dole oe oe There are reports of renewed firing off Coronel, ul Chilean vessels at Valpar report sighting Japanese cruisersafew miles out. It is thought that + the Japanese are engaging the Germans, " £0 bo oe Rk | Pros . --Occasional sn ow or rain; milder to-day, becoming colder on Thussda In Choosing YourWinter Coat !! COATS FROM $8.00 TO $17.50 You will always find the something STEACY Why guess? Why purchase until you are absolutely positive that you are get- ting the GREATEST VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY and that THE STYLE of the garment is absolutely correct? A Bomb in the Coat World The most popular selling coat for the last two mouths has heen superceded by several distinctive new styles. The Parse' style, according to the "Ready-to-Wear" fashion book, "will not be worn by the woman of fashion." The New-Styles Are smart and effective and should prové atteac- Hye to every woman in need of & warm winter coat. COATS FROM $18.50 TO $50.00 different at THE BUSIEST STORE wa IN TOWN 'gm hh ta a J TE HALLS OF QUEEN ENOUGH GIRLS WANT PLAY GROUND HOCKEY, OT TO ind Teams Cannot Be Formed -- Two ImerXedr Soccer Matches Played on Tuesday Afternoon. Section "R"' of the inter-faculty w 1 was played yesterday afternoon on the lowe campus between Meds 'i5 md Meds "17. The game resulted in y tie, one all. Ten minutes overtime vas played and neither team hange the score. They started play a second overtime period but had to vacate the campus for volunteer corps to drill. The vill be replayed at the end of veek. The teams lined up: '15--Goal, Donovan: could } Th Meds full backs, Livingston and Hagyard; hal ves, Ward, . Burwell and Diamond forwards, Boyce, Stackhouse, Brow: Cagmichael and Fdwards. Meds '17--Goal, Goach; full Finlayson, Reist; halves, \ickland and Hagyard; wards, Fraser, Shaver, and Carson. Gilch-ist refeered. backs Clark, forwards, Foplifie, I'he Intercollegiate harrier race vill held on Saturday morning, tarting from the gymnasium. Queen' McGill and Varsity will be repres | each by a team of five men. Fou Queen's team has been picked Gi E.7 Revelle, Mr. John Wrong and G. S. Stewart will be chosen after the afternoon be nt na are ton, The other in to-morrow The girls of Queen's have decided | dic that there will mot be any ground hockey league this year because there we only about twenty girls inter ested in it, which is Bot sufficient to pick teams from. They will still hold their daily practices on Union street campus in order to get into hupe for ice hockey. A baskethall chedule has been drawn between the The games are pias on ever va"ious years d on the gyvmnasinm floor hird afternoon. The Y. M. C. A. was well attend m Tuesday afternoon The speak 'r was Rev. R. Bruce Taylor, of Mor | real, who spoke on the life of Henry Drummond. He described Drum mond's life from his childhood to his vangelistic period, his experience as teacher of physical science and his experiences as an explorer In con 'lusion the speaker said: "Henry Drummond" was a Christian wher- ever he went." I De Pl th su m Re th Db W There was a good crowd at the English Bible class in new arts buil- ding yesterday afternoon. Prof. W. G. Jordan gave an address on "The Second Temple." M Arts '17 and arts '18 played a game in Maclement soccer series yes- terday afternoon on the upper cam- pus. The game resulted in a ie, one all. The game will be replayed the end of the week. The teams lined up: . a Arts '17--Goal, Maitland: backs, Zeron and Murray: halves, Hill, Ed- wards and _Fairbaine; | forwards, [ Mills, Craig, Shields, Scott and Hal: bet. J ; Arts. "18-~Gdal, Neeson: Hacks Hutchinson gad Allison; ef Me of a "Buy Cin Pills at Gibson's. i 4 Leod, Givens and Coon; THE : Wright game | Meng. nesday Plunkitt, of Kingston tended the Method FRERCH 8 RAP TROY. We. ma ma ION 55 86% LYMAN BROS | TO De. Lk CLxpg EAD, LOWDOWN, Ens. ME THAT TRADE WARNED WORD TOPE. OVI. STANT SSUTIER Tu ALL ABREING Ford Car For Sale In best of condition. Jack Stansbury 169 Raglan Road. a i I, McDonald ---------- "GERMANS ARE FEARFUL Allies Win Southward., at Attempt A Drive states ween Bruge 1, has been building are rthworks Tel el to and e we paral the coast i Maidegs We to en Kaiser Making Last Effort No i 11 1e new: 5 makin orce hi + fog which has area, bborn Anglo-French 5 compelled recognition, 'e by the coast 2 concentration of Arras and Cour London, ates t to ¢ is Joffre's last We are making extent." Gen a nessage Wot of Died At Yarker. urred Yarker, Halden, wife of god thirty-eight sath was due to typhoid preumonia, pceased's maiden name was Edith unkitt, and' she was a daughter ot e late Isaac Plunkiit. . One son also rvives. . The funeral took place Wed- afternoon, interment = being ade at the cemetery at - Moscow Mr. Wilson, of Yarker, conducted e service, and the pall-bearers were Smith, J. Embrey, U. Freeman, i. arner, DD. Stewart, and C, lee. at Among the relatives present were th isses Plupnkitt, of Ottawa, and Isas Deceased ist church. She nas a quiet ition and beloved bh her many abyuaintances. A dime in the hand is better than dollar, mark on paper. i i i { | v BOYS', wear like iron. KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE ty Bought special lot Tungsten Lamps, excellent quali 10° Watt 15 Watt 25 Wait 10 Watt 60 Watt 100 Watt $1.00 Home Illumination a Specialty. H. W. Newman Electric Co. Phone 441. 79 Princess Street BRING YOUR CAR HERE nplles. Our mechanics are all firs? « «No repair too small or too big for when If needs Auy repairs or su Clin and sound 'Al in their tr Us to handle. We slso have her AN UP-TO-DATE G' AGE where you ean keep your ene in perfeet confidence nnd where you will receive courteous trentment nt nil times, - pr CO, Limited Our terms are very moderm e. Repiire PORRITT GARAGE Accessories AUTO wOBILES 210-212 Wellington St, Tele shone 454 Agen or CADIL LAC amd REO CARS ET = EET f mps | Tungsten La Highest Quality, | Lowest Prices. - y's Electric Shop 345 King St. JC 1g se Hallida Phone 94 - % MADE IN CANADA BY CANADA ne PACTORY Es trom $3.50 to 6.50 $20 aud back our judgment. A s asomsr Foe Seas eens ees From . : We are leather experts trial will convince you.

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