THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1914 . : . oR 0 Ji res eo SPIES Ott -- Saturday fair and moderately cold. + + WAR BULLETINS. The new speaker will receive, like | AND HE MAY BE COMPELLED TO | his predecessor, a salary of $25,000 a |# The British labor party backs RETIRE. year, along with the use of a superh |% upthe Britishgovernment to the rn and stately official. residence in the |# end. This Jvas the assurance of Elected by Liberals, Though a Con- | great palace of Westminster, overlook. |[# leader Arthur Hetdatson in the servative. Ceremony of" Election } ing the Thames, heated, lighted and 3 binge mgt Se Mraoy. He Sala And Handsome Keward For Ser. |'baidlained by the government, and # to go straight through to com- dee. magnificently furnished with. every- # plete. success vee. thing needed, including one of the ! ey Speaker Lowther's health has been finest services of silver in the coun-|¥® | ts 4 for th st tw 18 sritie 4 2 * The Russian army besieging i " R - . : 1 past two months in 80 criti- | ry, + Pruemysl began the second gen. 4 || eal Savings on the SUITS | | an Jcal condition, tat it is practically He has "all sorts of perquisites, | o 0) accault on Thursday with : + E + ' Season's Smartest is certain that he - sad 3 3 {andon th Br oa to 3b gomprising car:iages and horses, wine ly » peserve army of three hun- L Log dwelling; [the British Parliament, and to leave | "0m the vat cellars, Fs Som * dred thousand men to assist it. i horse stable. First [fll to someone else the difficult and de- the foyal prenives ot i sor ahd a, ¢lass stock farm. fi ticate task of presiding over the deli- | "Where, while the various ancient |4 Reports' from the front berxtions of the House of Commons, | #Uilds of the city of London arc {4 Thursday evening indicated st % ) , lien ats mals aap : ; - ish. him wi COE -' v The regret felt by the lower cham- | compelled to furnish him with annual [4 that the battle east of the Yser Not imap e gifts appropriate to' the industry and [4 continued without decisive ot imaginary savings, based * + A I Ld 3 lll ber of th i isla s sl @ : 2 A H Godwin & Son. i er of the naticnal legislature 'at his trade which they represent. : result. : | : : on inflated valuations, but an J * +* + ag ae | disappearance from their midst will Th ddlers' wpany sends . hi Phone tempered in the cast of <k y- he sacdlers Col Y sends . mm jo i Real Estate Fire Insurance [ii | ernment and of its adherents by tn siddles, the cloth workers bales ol|4 In fierce fighting around Yunderpricing of SUITS that are [| satisfaction at being able once more | fine cloth, the lacemaker = beautiful |# Ypres solid lines of German in- | fashion's most recent and effec- to elect a liberal to the chair. James | lace, and so on through the entire |# fantry threw themselvesagainst . ar as | tive styles. Lowther is a conservative. line, Besidesh this, the # the British lines and were hur- speaker is Indeed, he has represented the | provided with a secretary, a chap [# led back across the river on Penrith division of his native coun- | lain, a counsel learned at the law, a |# Thursday. ty of Cumberland in parliament as libracian, eant-at-arms, two de & -- > : i§| & tory, for over 28 years, and it |puties, a train-bearer and a mace |* The British war office state- | 0 et [| speaks well for his reputation for | hegrer, all paid for by the state. # ment says the British troops Impartiality, that although he was i ---- % have stood a rain of shot and elected to the office of speaker when First Commoner Of Realm. # shell in Belgium night and day 0 8 + for three weeks. the unionists were still in power It is since the beginning of the reign * Former $10 00 MER 1 Suit, regular $65.00 for $39.50 » : BW 1 Suit, regular $60.00 for $38.00 nine years ago, he should have been of William of Orange and Queen Mary | & Proniler Asquith will ask par- * + * * + &* + + | + 1 (Jimndy, to keep Brushes, Eo pik he meeting OF aac that the speaker has enjoyed the title |, linment for an increase of the : i : Suit, regular .00 for 50 Comb, Razor, Soap, etc., in, ence, despite | inferred by the crown of 'the first i | the fact that the liberals, that is to | "Oni 3 M + army to two million men and ¢ if making a compact strong roll. , ia Tre aL IS 10 | ommoner of the realm." In the case All - 1 Poin, : A ll 75c to $5.00. Also Lv olitient wppunen'ts, Were in | of a tic, the speaker delivers the cast-| 5 [Vill sue a billion dollar wa ' 2 Suits, regular $40... for $29.50 | Pocket Mirrors . The Jct of the matter is that un- orn Bor nal he or? of A Austri -- f 3 mi i ess a s ; ent, el reds An Austrian 'army of two RN . Boxes peaker proves himself incom of years, there have been' only fifteen hundred thoatany By must + To TOW $3 95 LT 1 Suit, regular $37.50 for $25.00 * * =n / 4 Suits, regular $29. Vest Pocket Oameras to retire from the chair. When on ; 2 } M " oe : + 3 id gu $ 50 for $19.95 Tooth Brushes Sue oecasion Diesraeli wished to pre- songs. $a ray y Deraasary to ; Premier boats Botha ¥ own * 1A Huir Brushes, etc. yent the re-election of Speaker | ~¢2ich 'the speaker's eye" in order to|4, force has met and defeated De. + I ! i Sati ot ory Druggists and Brand, who as a liberal ower his have pet ssion, to address the Hous: | a wet's commando with great Juss, 4 And 1 Suit, regular $25.50 for $18.50 ij] tomination fo Gladstone, he found | of Commons. This was at one time | - : * Make up your kit to-day at the members of his own conservative | the case. But Since the tenure of of [3 The Parts war office on ! i » STvative Lice of Sir Ji Trevor, who squinted | 4 Thursday night denies the alle- A clever lot of hats in oy 4 Suits, regular $16.50 for $12.50 Opticians or the score of ill health, the liber. meerber. befgre Be, can sidiress the % held firm at all points, Sunda, 1.30 5, 6.30 als now in office will be very glad of | house, by means of an inc ination of | 3 2 + 6" 3 c " Open Sundays w 5, the opportunity of electing one of | the head, and. by calling ukon him by [#* In the commons on Thurs- i elsewhere 'under $10.00. This 13 5 clearing ale that means enormous hate 2 Policia followiag to .he ame, Ie is fio Jonger, therefore, ) * Suey magi twang heiatly it rted + v : savings for anyone interested in smart, new suits-- ©» DY virtue of the majority which | 'catch the speaker's eye bo we government had no HE ' i they possess in the Naa) pa 4 further fears respecting the re- ou will save as much as wp ONE" you cant afford to miss! with time-honored usage and. cus- Sa eu t0-morro tom, receive a peerage, namely # further big success, and have o Ww. t viscounty, and a pension of $20.00 * occupied Johanmisburg, East 2 ew oa .] a year, for the remainder of his life | | # Prussia. They are fifteen miles | Not that he stands in need of any- ¢ ... *OSTERODE. ¥ neaver Berlin than at last re. » n »N + ports, 3 INCA Fountain Pens petent, or unfair, hg is always re-el- |! i this kind Patriotic Stationery ected, until either he loses his seat | instances of this kind. wr surrender or accept certain de- An impression seems to prevail in feat in battle. party so strongly opposed to any aly SPE move of the kind, that he had to ab- [most abominably, and whose ob! iquity [# gation of the Germans that they of vision, led to-all kinds of embur- [# had crossed the Yser river at dress and turban shapes-- = b Suits regular $15.00 for $9.95 y A . James Lowther, on retiring from -- % bellion in South Africa. : i the speakership, will in accordance | | : * -- 3 you pay--if you buy one In parliament, p hims : Military Brushes pi or else himself wishes this country, due to English popular 9 andon his intention. " : st S Still, at the same (time, if speaker | rassing wistakes, the speaker has im- |% all points. It is stated official. Lowther retires of his own ace parted the permission needed by a|4 ly that the allied lines have : wn accord, could not be duplicated + The Russians have made a Our assortment is positively one of the most comprehen thing a be mane an sive ever gathéred under this roof, and is marked at prices prineipal beneficiary under the will Suit n't: onsfily Yo Sprovey wu; of his very wealthy father, the late William Lowther, of Lowther lodge, now the metropolitan home of the EYES TESTED WITH Royal Geographical society, and in- herited extensive estates in Cumber ouT CHARGE land, Westmoreland, Suffolk and Bedforshige He is a member of the family of ar at SURE, NEIDENBERG « A PAPER CONFISCATED. Circulators of False News T 13¢ ; Imprisoned, Berlin, via The Hague, Nov. 13 8 ar a " No Need to which Lord' Lonsdale is the chie as \pusscd by. Btitish censor) A wien SR A E NO DRUGS USED his father having been a Younger ' ing that circulators of false news, | | Have I : brother of the third earl, and includ- KALIC ; S Your which tends to alarm and make Lhe 3 N'S ELECTRIC ST E CASES REQUIRING es among his own younger brother oStRovY" G 9 - public uneasy, will be imprisoned far | A ( GRAY OR KINGSTO -- Sir Gerard Lowther, former ambass- KEMPIN + (7 one year, has been issued by the A il. FADED : . MEDIC ATT sdor at Constantinople, and Colonel 2 presi 2 E> nS military authorities. ae Warning | fhe 1 HAIR AL EN. enry Cecil Lowther, well know came from Gen. Von Der Tann at £2 » : i over hort, as fhe focner nit R Munich, It followed the confiscation | | Here is te 17.1/ll Bought specialot Tungsten Lamps, excellent quality TION WILL BE 80 cretary of the Duke of Connaught at CZENTOCHOW this week, of Maximilian Harden's years' suceesstul 10 Watt 40¢ Ottawa, and recently reported us LUBLINITZ x AZ. paper, Kufunst. The publication was Empress Instantaneous | 5 Wi INFORMED i$ {wounded in battle, roma \ wiciows 30 | | Suppressed because of its eriticism of Hair Color R 3 at : It is difficult to predict who will SHUTTE * 3 Turkey's entrance into the war. r Color Restorer 20 Watt be elected as next speaker, but us. weenie Gives any desired color to hair ywith|| y ually the member chosen is the one "CRACOW READY FOR DUTY. one application: Very easy to }use. |! 40 Watt who as chairman of ways and means, AUSTRO.HUNGARY ---- One Dillar Per Box 50 Watt President of Big Almonte Factory i» oe #1 00 ' and as chairman of all the principal . Keeley Ir, M.0.D.0. parliamentary comniittees, prin] RUSSIAN INVASION OF GERMANY With Army. MAHOOD"S DRUG STORE 1 100 W att iz FoR Home Illumination a Specialty. acted as ; 5 y & re- The fortresse Yo hich the St 9 p eT ALN 0 TYRE POLICE deputy speaker, who at pre he fortr a pon which the Kais Almonte, Ont., Nov. 13.--Word was TRAINING THE POLICE NAN y . ol 3 a 2 oO x 3 2 2 GER OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN sent is the Right Hon. John Henry . : i" ' 226 Princess Street Whitley, a great cotton spinner of | ™ Ls hare Danzig, | received in this town this week that ---- 3 aesian Alexander GG. Rosamond, president of Suggestion Taht They Should Study Halifax. cavalry is at Plescher ec G a A a . -- man rder, ter driving the Ger. | the Rosamond Woollen company Musketry. ! Procedure Followed. ans from their tre song the | had enlisted in England. Mr. Rosa ato 4 v Rae in H WwW N wman El itr C Needless to oll ng liberal ay go mond has been in England for the ed the nouivers Of the Kine. } . . e ec 2 ¢ 0 The election is genarally "more or { past month in connection with the wandle 2 rifle? {lil Phone 441. 79 Princess Street less agreed upon beforehand by the | company's business and whed of his | "0 suggestion has bee nmade that || leaders of the government, andthe Fhe-trandHng, packing ind (Fane enlistment enme somewhat A8 a sur ine bluecoats be given a course of = a ER 3 leaders of the opposition, in the ion of (ru tended ior exhi. | Prise. . The mill is still running at musketry instruction so that they House of Commons. bition purpoies should wrefully) full capacity filling government con. | FY 48 position . to serve if it One procedure is as follows: As | supervised {18 ut their best | tracts. is necessary. : Soon as the new house has assembl- | are mature or ral so, and in thi a AS a matte recs s To- ed, Sir Courtenay Hilbert, the a condi 1e very easily damaged, | Indomitable France. ros a alte of Drecaution gue. To clerk of the commons (and who, as for d« ay qui y tin. Az lit | Competent observers who have o sued an order for the training el a lecturer of Columbia university is | tle hs iz 88.1 , hould be {late visited the front report that the the police recruits in musketry. T BRING YOUR CAR HERE well known at New York and Wash- given oraer uu bruises In| French army is displaying heroic va 1as been done on the recommenda- | ington,) arises, and bowing towards | picking ' plenty of the desired [lor in this mighty struggle. Foi tion of the chief of police who be- when If needs any repairs or supplies. Our mechanles are al) feat the empty speaker's chair from his|type of 'ruil which should be im-|wedks now the French troops, only 1.05' that every man policeman or class and stand A.1 in thelr trade. No repair too small or too big for place at the table just below, turns | mediately taken io cone place under {aided on one section of tlieir line by civilian sh suld be trained in the us to handle, We also have here towards the premier, and without ut- | cover, where a more careful scle jour own gallant countrymen, have see of Bea Fifty rifles have AN UP-TO-DATE GARAGE Hn a word, impressively points joa san be wily he Basin « {hol up the Shemy at Syany pojal heen secured and a musketry clags where you ean keep your car in perfect confidence and where you will ree fingers at him felected should be carefvlly wrapp | They have had ace @ nlost for 1 "AU . -- nad Thi I] recelve courteous trentment ai nil ties. The prime minister in response | ed and packed away wnntil required | midable attacks, and have repeatedly } 185 Slrendy heen ope aed Tiis Dds Our terms are very moderate. : rises, and proposes the election of | for the exhibition I will Tevsen | repulsed them. They have wor extend to ae sitive wy % nus hE i " . the candidate who has*been previous- | the amount of decay that apt to lground at place after place The | the winter, araps the > Tgston ) PORRITT GARAGE CO Limited ly privately agreed upon. The leader | ocour | heavy losses of the Germans, whicl bolice commissioners will give the] CTOMOLLL.ES 9 Repclin of the opposition seconds the nomin- The exhibition of is exceed fare now admitted even in Berlin, at | Same order, Acetanories . AU nd OBI po Nn pate '13 . . ation. There being no objection | ingly interesting fazcinatin ¢|test their ungonquerable heroism - - 210-212 Wellington &¢. cart hone EO CARS v Ifit'sa question with youfraised to the candidate thus nomina- | much so that one gearcely 1 I'he French army has always enjoy ANOTHER SNOW STORM how to make vourself eon .|ted and seconded, Sir Courtenay, af- | frain from taking part when once jed an incomparable reputation fo: iy - > . fs .. Se 1 "ter the lapse of two minutes, as in-J enthused, and the reiurns are not se |intrepidity in attack. Since this wa Weather Man Is Working Overtime fortable this winter, consid-]dicated by the old fashioned sand |iuuch in money as rsure | hegan it has earned fresh and eve: - : 8 me m---- a a derel thing glaes on the table before him, rises | and training obtained. A ki owledg: greater fame for its unshakable te These Days. -" Cr. your underclothing. from his seat at the table, and once | of varieties - is a #plendid thing {0 pacity and its indomitable dogged The weather man is working ov-jee--meee have, and few have it for any con- | ness The British mation watches | artime these days. Thursday night li with the profoundest admiration the | it turned cold, and early on Fri- All men eannot wear the|more silently and solemnly points : thas mz. =: i with three of his fingers at the sue- | siderable number of varities, large | same quality. This is why cessful candidate. ly because of lack of opportunity. |ceaséless struggle which the Frenct lay, morning quite a snow storm set army is maintaining with so. muct | in 'and Friday forenoon it turned ungs en mps ¢ Exhisition of Fruits be Exhibiting gives this opportunity, to 'e welal : i The latter then rises from his we pay Special attention to seat in the body of the house, and | see and study the varieties of others | skill and success. It retains entire | io rain and the day was a very dis- the needs of all classes, not addressing Sir Courtenay by name, | as ol a8 nes oD. It also af- S0afidence 8 ing arategy of Gener- | ygreeable one. : . cop "3 11-| 8Xpresses his appreciation at the ho- | fords a splen raining to those jal Joffre. --London Times. Marine men who were oft onl . 1 ov erlooking the men of ten (ior conferred upon him, requesting | who may aspire to quality as judges. ------------ . hursday night, stated that it was hest ua ity, der skin. that he may have the support of ev- | There is reom for many more exhi- Gave Lives To Save Cruiser. without doubt the worse night they | . ' bitors than we now have, and with! |,.don. Nov. 18.~A déspatoh from | bad experienced in some time. Tho | Lowest Prices. COMBINATIONS ery member "'without which the 1 speaker can do nothing, but having | the development and improvement Petrograd to the Times says: mow was so blinding that it was ilmost impoesible to see anything. The coming underwear| which, there is little he cannot do. | of cur exhibitions there will be 4 co- The corres } . ' . x ' spondent of Finnish news | b : Es ills] As.soon as the speaker-elect has | responding developnient and improve brs vo heroi ifice { : a for nen, in Balbriggan, silk concluded his little speech, to which, | ment of the fruit interests of Can-|PRF oS Sport HU ar rea ond o Junior Intercollegiate championship Halliday S Electric hop lisle, white eashmer 2p spring by the way, Sir Courtenay is not al- | ada. --Prof. T. G. Bunting. order to save a Russian ortiser, whicl | inal, Ontario Ag. College, Guelph, va. 2 lowed to reply, - the prime minister was uhwittingly approaching a mine | {.C.1, Queen's Athletic Grounds, Sa- Phone 94 - - . - 845 King St needle, elastic ribb, Austra-| ies ACTOS the house to the lead: | dads sdb edt bdbestnb dd ss [1 (10 Gulf of Finlord arday, Nov, Mth, At 945 pm. tS pte Realizing that it was too late to | "The Gillette Bull-Dog Razor." Gib- = EEE EE lian wool and eamel's hair. [er of the opposition, who smiles back ; 5 bal at him, whereupon both arise from RUSSIAN PRESSURE. signal the danger," the boat deliberato- | gon's their seats, i conduct thé now ----- Iy at the mine 'at. full 9 cor Odell, Cobourg, has teen Turnbull's Cectee Under-]speaker to the speaker's chair. - Berlin, Nov. 18.--<The Rus. |] Five: explosion followed and six | offered aud has accepted the com. : he) x When the ker. has thus reach- sian pressure is now being felt # | oof of : T } h | $2.50, ed the chalr, Sir Courtenay again the entive frontier. The out of the otew of seven perished. The | mand of the heavy (artillery and am- | : ) fice is made with | Furvivor, who was severely wounded. | munition eolvmn, being mobilized for | ; There | 188 been awarded the decoration of St. | the second contingent. { : _ eer napa, pan. of CE Dt arp alter Mitchell, barrister, o ' = At Ghorry Valley, Moher chal, bartieler. «| MADE IN CANADA BY CANADA'S LARGEST n aeruice #| Cherry Villey, Nov. 12.--Rev. © |¢incial treasurer in the Gouin eabi- ' FACTORY ol : Ad ives a leone Frid net. : 4 § : bain Yol Wich aw foe : svening = hin eavels ts gud on "Huyler's week-end sweets." Gil MEN'S solid leather waterproof $3 50 tg 6 50 Instrument of afiice of the speak [rem gy rll dy Bachanss 1™H%: wectoton in' the wite's" closet is boots, from ............... uh We : : : { astfumen ce e 8 er, i dhe ske B : : ¥ £4. . in elastic ribb, at $2.00 and|aug Js borse before him whenever Bae ented hie. fo if | Apt: to be another female of the spe BOYS', wear like iron. $2 to $4 Pen s flat 00ds at]he leaves or enters the house of com- Paid Indemnity to embourg | Picton. Mrs, R ! ; i » £1.00 a a5 £00ds mons {n procession. Amsterdam, Nov. 15 That nb: | fanaa from Pleton. "Page and Shaw's wack ead sweots™ } mo rts and back ouf judgment. A 5 ES . Works In Small Clothes, | Many has already pald indemnity to is ia Toronto this Gitonls. % not a. cmos but the! We are leather expe an - TWO-PIEC Smal . the Grand Duchy. of ~ Luxembours y \énalty is hard labor. just the samo. 'trial will convince you. ; 1 Cp ALL KINDS OF RUBBERS E: A aes swe sass TE AN SRI A Sa SY Ts i Wa i . Ht or ag without uttering a word, beckons to wear in the finest grades of The TereARt A at a: Beckons to pure wool, guaranteed une the mace of office denounced by thrive les . Ph , : romwell as "that uble" --from shrinkable, full fashioned | Ziel table, which position' it and ranging in price from|hsd until then ignominously oecupi- #4 to #6 suits ed and causes him to place it on the 0 per suit. = . [table In token that the speaker is Tiger Brand and Watson's|duly installed. For the mace is the PERO EPIL P ED ET phn ; | Al lines carried in 2-piece Jt Jor thks con cou for the Bamage of troops through as well, and many others 'in be is ced by Grand Duchess Marie Ade- 3 . 3 laide at the opening of the parlia- * fleece-lined, Thay ~v!ton and ment of the Grand Duchy in Dux- urg wool, at 50¢, Ti¢ ond $1.00 i em bs Thee is sonie dissatisfaction. .~ > & : per garment. , -] Na Marcil, man ie willing to poss tod PIL E P, Jenking' Clothing Co.' i; ; : : i a the ran ah, geitiog chatce to te i Purety végetable. Best Lauuily cathartic a a