gE P SIX ay ' A I OTTAWA ST. PATRICK'S TO PLAY |HOW GERMAN CRUISER EMDEN GERMANY'S "PLACE IN .SOUN"[] ' 7 KEN. WILLIAMS : MET ITS RATE, . SHADOWED BY BRITAIN. ; T -- Two F 4 > p>: , ] 4 Despite Toronto Protest McGill 0 Funnels Of the Raider Were Kaiser's Efforts to Acquire Overseas Has Snow Ground Advantage Oyver| Quickly Shot Down, and She Dis-| || Land Continually Menaced by Eng. ; Queens speared on Fire | Tr | | i meron sana orf | XMAS GIFTS TO ALL Tigers and Argos, if a play-off be-| Keeling, Cocos Islands, Nov, 13-- / i . ; Comes necessary, and they cannot|It was garly on Monday: that the un- 4 | Navy. re a BOY agree on au field, will go to Kingston, [®Xpected arrival of the German cruis- i i iq | . according fo Presidont Phillips of [er Emden broke the calm of aL sruls. # g 3 n Gus Tog go atk | So the days ui S AND G IRL S the Big Four os olated-little islands, which the dis : | etiosic I at 2 Jud 3 > Sis between the ages of Twelve and Sikteen EF p, -- tang mews of the war had hithert g de nl ick me a A Dew hockey club is being organ- |1eft unruffied. One of pa telands } sub. Frederick had the Boys of | aX . Be . ized in Ottawa, when exhibition (is known as Direction Island. and , 4 king. He wanted the Fuspact od Oe. One Million X Gifts games will be arranged with Sto Mi- {here the Eastern Telegraph company | | ; 7 WE His superb army battered on the . . mas chael's, T.R. and A.A. Grand Mere |has a cable station and a staff en-| | EE IN | Saprs of Europe until it was given -- and ethers. gaged in relaying mes ! A ; | im, Ly . -- Europe and yom dh ; ' | Prussia = was ' supreme in Germany, TO RE GIVEN The McGill grousds wili be in|inhabitants are all Malays, with the 4 p ; ) Austria, with its name of empire, was poor condition through the henvy|eXception of the descendants of | ¥ a ss mighty state. Had Frederick's . : pow fall, and through this McGill June Clunies Ross, a British naval ad success, or, Frederick William a been . : wis! have an advantage over Queen's |officer, who fame to these islands ' a man of wron will, perhaps the kio- te-day as they nave been a Snes in ninety years ago, and founded has ME yi A | henzollerns might have been emperors A BOYS AND GIRLS the snow for the past two days. '/ line of "upgpowned kings", The 4 : 4 | then. His only contribution loward -- war seemed to be very far away. Of- g Prussian greatness was a restoration E J -30 Ret | Demuth, who has been playing in |{icial bulletins og through the £ © ed of the German language, which Fred: oe As the great Eqropean ar ls likely to deprive many of you of the scrimmage for McGill, has been | Cable station, but they gave us very |: § ; Ae i erick the Great seldom used. the Present you most estre for Xmas I want you to write and teil moyed out tosmiddle wing by Coach |!Ittle real news, and the only excite d ] After the Napoleonic meteor had all about Jourse f and Just what present you want for Xmas. Shaughnessy and will likely be play- [ment came when it. was rumored . : pio 2 Hushed through Furopel the Hohenzol- on 0 be gu Re VRria n that the present you write for is suitable for ed at this position to-day against|that the company was sending out| H ' A ra Terns took up their quedtfof a "place You, you mugl 121) me all about' your home and whether this. pres- Queen's rifles in case of a raid on the station | in the sun'. in earnest. Frederick ent is for yourself or somebody you love very much. : -- / and orders came that the heach must 1 William 1V aspired t6 be emperor. But 4 You ust Write me a very nice letter and get Mother or Fath- The O.R.F.U,, puts it up pretty be patroiled by parties on the look-| # " b AY oy | he was weéak. His brother suseded er or somebody else to help you. Address your letter to: -- \ strongly to the Hamilton Rowing|24t for Germans. hen we heard : . . him as king, the same king who was | club. It practically says that if the from Singapore that a German cruj- | made emperor under. the title of Wil- Headquarters, Santa Claus, Toronto, Ont. H.R.C, does not clean its house of |%er had been dispatched to these is-| || b ; liam I at Versailles in 1871. rough players that they will do so [lands and toward the end of August : j The name of emperor was not for them. one of the cable staff thought hel J enough for William I, nor his chan- saw searchlights out over the sea. 1 1 cellor, Bismarck, They had seen The greatest upset of all the bace- | Then suddenly we were awakened i if PE Tg how easily the French empire crumb- ball season has ah out little no- | {Tom our ealm and were made to feel | § ! a5 | led at the touch of a sword. Why - Cook's Cotton Root tice. Hans Wagner failed to bat|'Bat we had suddenly become the ; ? | not Russia, England, Austria, the QRWN : 4 safe. rekindle 300. Which is the first time that |™MO08t important place in the whole | » 'A ring of empires that hemmed the im- med on oi 0 such a thing has taken place since |WOrld-wide war area. ; ] perial Germany on every side? Ko 2 gor Nes a 1; 825, The successor of William I, a Sold a primi] A Suspicious Visitor. } " - { | weak prince, lived only three months : ! after taking the title of emperor. I Fate saw -to it that no weak man . headed the Hohenzol Jerns when a strong one was needed. William II. a grandson of William I, was crowned. Germany procured a ; Write to me and leary how to get the present you most desire, : 7, Ottawa, Free Press: There is talk| At six o'clock on Monday morning of McGill and Varsity playing a|a four-funnelled cruiser arrived at home and home series for the title | full speed at the entrance to the la- Shaul the Jud and white beat|goon. Our suspicions were arous MADAME MARIE NARELLE ueen's this Saturday. It will pro- ed, for she was flying no flag and y 2g s P o Conce ir ed ne bably wind up In the two teams play- [ber fourth funnel was obviously a Yo Appear at the Pitrioge Consort sy Tl, o8 Wednew. ing a sudden death game at King- {dummy one made of canvas. There- nfl ! master who would find a "place in ston. fore, we were not altogether surpris- | = = the sun" for his dynasty and his peo- -- ' ed at the turn of events. The cruiser ontes ap : ae J or 4 I~ 5 A Gy RAIS . ple, if human effort could procure it. 3 ' : nda : ; ay -- : . } est in hard pounding at long | TEACHING OF MANNERS IS Dich hs . oT So A weil stop international i wiite lowered away an armored | range. The Sydney's speed during | GREAT PROBEEM. FOR PARENTS Bism arck Jorsot Sone Of Rif ruth. per on of England's crack polo players are [ashore and landed on Coral Beach | cho ASUHDE was 26 Knots, and ine | a ary por te tation Saat : trac polo players are as « nage n Loral Beach | Bmden's 24 knots, the British ship's lo ul n Germany : ) 3 niet] > R d f | d i U ' Coast Sealed Oysters milltany nen, and all are at the thre e oficers and forty men, all fully | superiority of two knots enabling hiliren Must Be Told Just How to mies and judustries With foverian ae. 8d y or Imme Ia 8 38 ' a a a oxen top-notch - pole ar an having four Maxim BULS. | her 10 choose the range at which the, ne nder All Circumstances, Qvity. 'The war Ore Won 8 1 € x Players are already dead or. dis- the gan efor al Soult bout »attle should be fought and to mak | Mi he Harland 38 Fictonind Reviow, i sarly, hough 3 i BA ears If you are seeking the 60c per Quart- 2G. 2 y JUS cruiser as 10 at tl 8 p 5 eri o& 2 2 ir 0 Is allowed to speak Joe e 8 Cc Vv . . . . : ---- an end ---at once rushed up to the A no toy her Superir suis ah ' dis espectfully to her mother will pe It is curious ¥& notice what a com finest of California's There is a chance that Percy Les- cable station, and entering the ofii- Tuesday in Hope of ne oD tart to her husband. The boy who | posite of all the Hohenzollerens who Muscatel Raisinsforyour D. COUPER ay ickir an ) i SCé ¢ Phone 76 841-3 Princess Bt. ueur, the clever Ottawa netminder, {cer turned out the operators, smash of 'the survivors of the | struts through the house, eap on |have gone before William II is. He i y will wear a Montreal Wanderer uni. jd the instruments, and set armed roller that had. been in: attendance | head, whispering and shouting will, | has the military ambition of Freder- puddings, cakesand pes, Prompt delivery { NOONAN NNSA 0 BRET Fe ? » form this winter. Lesueur has been [guards over all the buildin: All | : 8 a man shed his manners a: k the Great He has a pigsion * i i al > g : hE a on the Emden, and was sunk afte: aie 2's manners as h 3 SHG real din ne y > f named for * const job, but the deal the knives and firearms found iu fan engage J A yen afte | puils off his overcoat in the hall of |for erecting great buildings. He then Sun-Kist will satisfy a Phe rough, aud he Prefers po Sassion of the cable staff were at | Finally, with a number of wounded His I" B home; will ait down to tab) has encouraged industry and {ide in every requirement. | and woul o once confiscated. prison on-board, the Sydney lef: |! His shirtsleeves when nobody i: |every 'conceivable way e has i ee tees ris toa, 00, with tho Wanderers. The I should sry here iat in spite of | here yesterday and our few hours of {DreSeht but his tamily, and Will bid | whisked up and down his empire al SUN-KIST Seeded PLATIN snda in ex-{the e» m n the outside, the] war excitement were ove { his wife er tongue for a fool'; Mos ike S redecessors e a change for Lesueur. work was carried on in the cable of- omen oe . r when she moves him to wrath little state of Brandenburg, scolding, Raisins are the result of I» Nickle, G -- fice as usual right up to the mome , ATR ap . Befere a child can walk 8 1d | tareatening, coaxing, coddling his CP 1ORC co y Toronto World: John Erskine, whon the as nd ia prvi mn WAR wh . A SHOR ? ¥ to study what I. have ob people. ' 5 years of experience mn who played with Queen's college two | eral call was sent out just before the CANARY BIRD MARKY |, asic principle of good breed During his reign Germany has catering to the desires of Years ago, is in Hamflton and at the | Wireless apparatus was blown up ing, consideration for others' feel-|made an advance in commerce al- icul le present time John is enxious to play The whole of the staff was placed ings and comfort. By the time - his | most miraculous its population particujar peopie. football. His interests mre with the | tuder an armed guard while the in- ing Place for Majority of Song. tongue cam form a word, he should | has increased until it seemed there S { irely by Rowing club, and Jiihoush he has Sty smants were being destroyed, but sters Sold in United States. be taught to put his hand readily in- | was no room for more. Semel Seeded a Nd ot been approached by the scullers,!it is only fair to say that the Ger y to that offered by a visitor: to sa¥y:|goods were hawked in the markets achinerv an acked in he announced that he Would like to, mans, working in a well disciplined "Please," before any coveted object of every land, from civilization to mact IneTy p ' play with them, and may turn out of fashion under their officer were is given to him, and 'Thank you." | savagery. sanitary packages Ready when he receives it : I'he nation set out to acquire col 1 ] 8 8 jure colo > . , n like manner, as he gains the | nies where, it was hoped, a part of for Immediate Use Hartz Mountains, Germany, Breed- practice. Erskine is a mighty good |most civil. There was no such, bru ¢ back man, and would prove a tower | {ality as we hear characterizes t he Canary Island oh of strength to the Hamilton team. |German army's behayior towards ci artz mountains of Germa i j use of his feet and the language he | the surplus population and industry He is a good kicker, a speedy runner |Vilians and there was no attempt at {are bred in fhe wo'tag r {5 to speak, teach him not to pass be- | could be kept under the. imperial flag. | and has an abundance of football |pillaging. ; ry, 4rd the'rxport trads is con- | tween other pgbple and the fire or (Carefully. 'methodically and systema- 80. g Son kindy ho) brains. While the cable station was being |Sider: . One New York firm or-| Pelween those who are donversing ti ally ab is the German method . We "Wks aa " wire . put out of action the crew of the fdinarily imports a hundred thous with one another: to say, "Excuse the kaisie's fiag weal wp on oar . 5 wor Get p The Toronto Rowing club of the [launch grappled for the cabl apd | canary Firdg a year | me," when he stumbles over one's|; i ai ; od land ". the globe on imi e PARTRIDGE Sone. O.R.F.U., have announced that it wiil endeavored to cut them, but fortun The war stopped the supply , | feet, or treads upon a woman's dress] hy Cin CoC, dAmeC anc, ove e giobe, ' Ring St. West, protest the play'ng of Ken Williams |ately, without success. The electri- | that genuihe canaries are alimos: o or hiccups (or is guilty of any other by the St. Patrick's, should the lo-]cal stores were then blown up of the market It is whispers minor breach of etiquette.) Ingist Suions he found a pitifully small SLLLLAMLE | amount. " | | | | | But in comparison wiih the other cal town @itempt to*play the King- -- that English sparrows properl from the first that he shall reply re The toad to: the 3 'blocked Eke EN stonlans on Saturday in the last game Made Dash For Boats. blondined, are being substituted, but | sPectfully and readily when he is ad Eade lo. un WAS D200 eC - - oe of the league schedule. "The Queen At 9 am., we heard the sound of | that is a scandal t does not touch | dressed it every turn- -France, England, Rus- WHILE SHOPPING City team bases the protest on the la siren from the Emden, and this |the respectable dealer : | On entering the house he shouid|®i8, even little Portugal, Holand : Srounds that Williams Is ineligible | was evidently the signal Po the land In times of peace the birds geil: a cap as instinctively as he | and Belgium held ary overgeds and, Enjoy Afternoon Tes at to play, mot having ltved up to the)ing party to return to th hi . | from o $30 a dozen. This i n mother or siste Put mostly it was England that stooc A art) u their ship, for | from 3 30 a dozer t | not ister cr A $ 4 | thirty days' residence rule. Presid- they at once dashed for the boats '| wholes d the individual bir y other wo omes into. the, in the way, so, graually, Germans be- 1 : : MARBLE HALL ent E. J. Daly, of the St. Patrick|but the Emden got under way at | are retailed : rices governed ' oom, and should remain standing |gan to believe it was the parent is vl { 238 Princess Street. 4 stand. H should de dril-!land of Great Britain that kept them club, stated that ft would play Wil-|once and the boats were left behind. | Lhe particular merits of the parti : Hams, notwithstanding the protest Looking to the eastward we could |iar bird. Male birds being the bh ed | lelerential silence while his |irom world empire. Dainty Refreshments and Pure of Toronto. sée the reason for this sud ,. | ter singers, are worth twice as 1 aking and "never to \ considerable school of historians " lce Cream. r this sudden d r : : po Pasi - parture, for a warship, which we af- | As females, and age also has a great | 0 With respect to table {and philosophers, follow ing Treitsch- Owing to the increased cost and |terwards learned was the Australian | deal to do with the market price his education should begin | ke, came inte being which, no doubt, r Nt a George Masoud, Prop. the scarcity of supply of raw mater- [cruiser Sydney, was coming up at Canary birds are shipped from | as § he can sit in a high chair 3d some influence on this trend of . ial, the Eddy Company have had to (full speed in pursuit. The Emden |Germany in lots of 100 to 500. Each | and be fed from a spoon. I have seen [German thought. "Phone ¥80. slightly advance the price of match- [did not wait to discuss matters, but { bird has an jndividual wooden cage |e year-old baby eat with a grave de-1 'The building: of a navy was Ger es and some other lines. The Eddy | firing her first shot at a range of |An attendant makes the voyage ac- gum which his elders misht welll, uny's first challenge for world em- company believe the public will ap- [about 2,700 yards, steamed north as ross the Atlantic with the birds, and | ulate : pire England watched the puny preciate this when they realize it is|hard as she could go feeds them every day on bird seed | 1 repeat that manners must belg.l' ii (he Baltic expand and grow done so that the high standard of At first the firing of the Emden [and hard-boiled eggs, and they are] Made hat, they are never in- 5 Jt 'yenched second place. Great THERE'S quality for which 'the Rddy goods seemed excellent, while that of the | given plenty of fresh water They | born AIS emphasize the : fa Britain no longer could maintain its OUR PLUMBING ay aintaine yy [01 arratic This 101 uffer fron easickness 11 | that €0 form hem is tg asy wits i al A ) are famed, may be maintained. Dy SomBw ig L Lin This, io v s Y Su =! oe : uri So | task : Lem Ts not an easy two-power - standard, ln: correnira- THAT APPEALS TO } ia b . as afterward learned, was due t €) VE t ring 18 } te > ire x fle in th Y 3 10 J ' You'll find out that your ancestry |the fact that the Australian cruiser's | trip imeem rod Eh entire Tutti ho CRITICAL PEP), . ts Will not get you much pelf rahge-finder was®put out of action Until peace GERMANS ON TURK SHIPS. orth Sea to checkmate Germany. This newness applies to our en 80 just forget your family tree bY One of the only two. shot the Ge e few So the course of the Hohenzollerns modérn ideas, . to our efforts y J : 0 1 § S gp Ger- | 9 ---- " i f r / And branch out for yourself mans got home. = However, the Bri. | nar} Every one Is Commanded By Kais.|has run toward "a place in the to lead--not follow J We Make » tish gunners soon overcame any dif - iL --- er's Officers stn "Out of the dreary marshes Old antiluated methods Grocers all recommend White Rose ficulties that this may have cause d ! War Oddities. r N ; 1 : : and sand dunes of Brandeburg has find ne lodgmen 4 in our CEMENT BLOCKS, SILLS, LIN flour. and settled down to their work, st Amsterdam--"Paris infected } un Da le ; an iin |avisen an empire of world' import- min dsb AYRE > TELS, PIER BLOCKS, BRICK, that before long two of the Emden's | cholera," reads .a German placard Pople. whi bo Ye Rit oh November | ances" Herbert: Claxton says. And LET'S #1AMLK THE . = VASES, x ' ! MBET 15f the present war should end with MATTER OVER! ' and everything in cement. Veran- - . . Tr > Special mn Dining Hinngls had been shot away.. She |posted in Brussils, "the kajser has |1, has arrived in London. He says { the family one also lost one of her masts quite ear- | withdrawn his troops and will permit | that in addition te the crews pe {lZ6TINANY. VICLOE lhe 1am | noe ly in the fight. Both blazing aw: them t winter or German I o abe cTews Ol ih worned by dukes may have kings DAVID HALL dah work a specialty. . » in | cruisers Goeben and Breslau, neart : > ' Py J Room. Furniture with their big guns, the cruisers dis- | they wil enjoy the repose they have 000 German ned Toa 3 io Le | for serving t=em. Philadelphia Pub Phone 335. 66 Brock St. OFFICE 177 WELLINGTON ST. 3 'Residence 356. Works, Cor. Charles and Patrick Sts. appeared below the horrizon the | so nobly earned Turkish naval service. Two moni tlie Ledger Emden being on fire. ago hp says, all the German clerk - EE Horace F. Norman. Manage. "Week-end specials" Gibson's "After the great naval duel pas aris--'Wi } dina attacked | ©f public and private estat sed from our sight we could Rosier ev tok stand. in A wera taken over hy : 25¢. Cough Syrup, 15e. our attention to the portion of the n hie they ht 'fro behind | ther "fes and placed in charge of th Emulsion, 26c. German crew that had been left he soi strong ht ira It ; telegraph and. postal depart aeni 'mulsion, &0c. hind, and we found that these men rade : ; and the censorshin. Tooth Paste, lic. had put off in their boats, obedient a eo adds: yoy Turkish snip ha . Syrup Figs, 15¢ to the signal of the siren, bit whe: London-~The' Salvation Army: .h a Geman office in 'command I 5c. Baby Cough Syrup, 15e their ship steamed off without Hem equipped and is obverating at its oy wi 4 mistake that 'he klie live Was 50c.1 Dyspepsia Tablets, 25¢. Ibe: a © nothing else but come | vhanse . ive motor ambulances bo- [1° Pllowed to retarn to Fgynt soni | S0¢. Kidney Pill, 25c. ' as ore. i : tw 11 firing lme and the Euglish time ago. where hy could hav: car | PR RR ; On re-landing they lined up wpon |. in Fades fully watched developments, wher If a man's deaf to flattery, yon i ~ the shore of the lagoon, evidently de as in Constantinople he i8 the cen- lean risk your last dollar, he couldn't termined to fight to the finish if the : Iii tre of the intri isa & t Amisturda=The. public 'school. sys ! the intrigues of distontenivd | hear the roar of a cannon. Dat the iser set & PATLY @SHOTe, |i oi Germany has heey seriously | AT4P OF the Dationalist party and | It takes a woman to setile a man ------ ut e dueling cruisers had dis disrupted. 40.000 teachers Paving one | CETMADE, who is made of dust i e ar ' ». ™~ 1 4 | raiders embarked on the oa sehoon. | to the firing lin Kaiser and Belial Pedi "Huyler's week-end sweets." Gil gn jer Ayessa, which belongs to Mr he Nas Tee son 8, i igs 1 : ; | Ross, the "uncrowned king of ihe Copenhagen rlin police. have been |, The "NovoeVremya™of Petrograd, Better a burning kiss than an.un { island, Seizing a quantity of clothes | m¥tructed to -destrov' any ) signs [learns that the "Gazeta Czenstocho- | burned love letter. on which appear 'the words "modes," | ¥# published by the Germans at | . earn or Sr ------ AAAI AO | | | | and stores, they sailed out and have Os -h i AlN Dion ne "manicute" and "'shainpoo,"' menstochowa: inserts the following " -- pros amation by the kaiser: i$ Her Final Flight London--So fearful are Faglish artic 1 Yoles. you : The jomens or | Boy i Peel 0 a ; . or : ibd 8 10w. once at night the bell of the 2 rhea Early the next morning, Tuesday, [ Gficials of typhoid, ci cetera, that | ory 'Swiatogorsky Monastery porn Weathe ten Face iu t A ------------ H STH ---- November 10, we saw the Sydney re- fash ; to ring without human ald, when al' ! were carried across the English chan gO " ri turning, and at 8.45 a.m. she an- pious persons undersi 8 . ma . : I Ss ersiood thata great Tt's roully a simple matter to reno * a 00 Hana, FOWL yiicun ne. ee - and importint eveht Bad beer ig: |xaton fhe aubled by ulti, wind or cold Prices Re ne S Ol e crew gathere nalled by a miracle. That event was oream, will transforn the worst \ Somehow intelle OR ) y This chair in quartered oak polish | details of the running fight with the omebow Loeem to | yy decision to wage war wih Rus-laomplexion Into one of snows whiteness . ave mn [a { a s leather seat, 5 small and 1|Emden. The Sydney, having an ad- [have much 10 do with Lappiness. sia and tb restore to Poland her|and velvety foftness. It Mterally peels ; oft the outer veil of surface skin, but so : : 'gnly $18.00 sett, |vantage in speed, was able to kee It's Detler to bo a small buceess | g 1 ari chair anly 8 per t pee » Lo saints and -to annex her most cul gently, gradually there's no discomfort thousands of gallor of fresh water than diningrooin setts, fumed |out of range of the Emden's guns | "20 & UIs falinn ' tured land to Ger : eves "desi ci g it takes on chap with sai y. win ay rerniany. The wornout skin comes off, not in fs >: Jatest gn, only ang to homtiged her with her ows i girl pr To ke. 4.530 to-win "I. bad a wondering dream. To mo putehies, but eveniy, in tiny particles, heavier metal. The engagement she : appeared the V ¢ de aving no evidence of the treatment Ci . China cabinet, from $14.00 to]lasted eighty minutes, the Emden | Tho Key 10 wucces (y seldom used [ars to save ner Eiaswnd commanded [filing J ger, healer uider-sin a finall v NG a ht ite } aye her holy convent, whichlijrming the new complexion is one of $50.00, Tea-table English 5 O'clock | finally running ashore on North . danger had threatened. She gazed at [captivating loveliness. One ounce of ra or a S$ p in solid mahogany and fumed oak, | Keeling.lsland and becoming an ut- : n me with tears. I proceeded to fol [mercolized wax, tf be had at any drug \ ; 9 J" Tea Curates for $1.50 to | er wreck. : tow her divine behest. A oT. hough to. jelmuye any codvss, ; . 3 Only two German shote proved "Know of this, Poles, and meet my ped ed, Be os : El line in Roma and Brass gd - These niet i : x troops Je brothers and saviour: as ie oft mores ith Civil and Military Tailors, ed ed LR . or . y skins wrinkle w Ve prides. % now, Poles, that those who ara Withi, v wind that blows: An excellent ' . ' ; nT : Ware at reduced and killed ove man. The other oak me will be 1 rarded, - ecau: hte : 4 5 n " Frops dr, e liberally rewarded. and 'wrinkie- + . Ad ! ; willed three zad wounded fourteen. AE ta h | those 'against me will persih. With (skin Fr RR en Tela Re Ci P 3 . oo . . Pach of 'he cruisers attempted to ; res Coty a ojme are God and the Holy, Virgin {is & wash lotion made as follows: Pow- rincess. t . treets : torpedo the other, but both were un: She lifted the sword of Germany to bel pr Li a on 11h ' > os beading Vadertaner, Phone 077 Vsuc.e su), and the duel proved a fates & succour, Poland," ¢ ; dite results oy ~ ' . 4 ¢