It ne a a ean Overcoat [Excellence Step in and take a look at our new overcoats. or hey are well worth vour eoming to see, Pa | There are a dozen or more styles, Try on a coat of your particular fancy, Long, or medium--we have it. | I Come lieve pestini to see a better overcoat at Fifteen Dollars than you ever saw before point you one whit. and we'll not disap- C--O Si SAA A LIVINGSTON' 5 ' BROCK STREET. A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay You To | Walk ip ) i» b [SPECIALS FOR TO-NIGHT AT WALDRON' > | 30 DOZEN RIBBED CASHMERE HOSE, all pure wool, English make; sizes 81-2, 9, 91. 2 and 10, Regular 35¢ quality. [Special "Fo-Night 25¢ a Pair i 68 ONLY WOMEN'S UMBRELLAS with fancy handles, good covering and extra strong frames. Values up to $2.00. : Special To-Night 98c | 110 DOZEN WHITE MUSLIN APRONS, well made 1 good strong Victoria lawn, finished with i} bibs. 35c and 40c quality. Special To-Night 19¢ KID GLOVES, about 100 pairs, mostly tain sizes 6 to 7, to clear the lot. Special To-Night 25¢ Pair Suits and Sits at Half Price Bie a VALDRON'S | | ! i | | | | | | it | | | 1 ALDERMEN TO COLLECT FUNDS TO CARE FOI FOR THE NEFDY IN THE CITY. Civie Finance Committee Approved of Plan and Mat®®F Will be Ar rauged at Special Meeting of City Council Monday Night: The plan to have the alderman make a collection of the city for funds to hélp the needy this winter, was approved of at a special meet- inz of the Civic Finance committee on Friday might, and Mayor Shaw has called a special meeting oi the | City Council for Monday evening to make arrangements for the can- vass and to deal with any other business which may be brought up. The plan is to have the aldermen | canvass their respective wards, and i they will be assisted in their work i By members of the different charit- able organizations. | It will be remembered that the i Civic Aid committee, at a meeting {held on Tuesday evening last, ap- Eroved of a plan set forth by Mayor Shaw, asking that the alderman make the collection for funds, and | @& resolution was passed calling up- on the Civic Finance committee to take the matter up. , It is desired to have the special meeting of council as soon as pos- sible, as it will he necessary to go ahead with the canvass at once. ANNUAL HARRIER ii OF QUEEN'S VARSITY, McGILL AND RB. M. C. Skinner of Varsity. Finished First -- Varsity Succeeded in Winning the Championship. 3 The annual Intercollegiate Har- rier meet was contested by Queen's, Royal Military College, 'Varsity and MeGill "on Saturday morning. At éleven o'clock the four participating teams lined up at Queen's gymnasi- um and covered a distance of six miles. Half of the distance was covered along the roadway and the other three miles across the coun- try wastes, ploughed fields, ete. McGill appeared to be the strong- est of the teams in that it had two of last year's members upon it while the other teams were compris- ed chiefly of raw material. Manager H. S. Hayes of the Varsity harrier squad, appeared to be quite confid- ent of victory and had little doubt but that his contingent would prove its mastery. 'The various teams thot contested apd their make-up comprised the following: Queen's-- T. McLaughlin, J. Wrong, I. Revelle, W. Johnston, A. Mcintyre and R. Sheldon. R. M. C.--Cadets Morris, MeMagter, Hamilton, McCall, Varsity--R. A, Chiff, 1. E. Beck, Ken- | 'I Burwash. GERMAN DEFEAT SURE. For Has Not Kaiser Cunt Off Feroc- ious Moustache Ends. Copenhagen, Nov. * 14--The kaiser has clipped off the upstanding ends of his moustache. This * startling change in the emperor's appearance was observed the last day or two when the emperor was passing through central Germany on his way to inspect a large number of recruits completing their military training. The loss of the aggressively erect moystache extremities robs Wilhelm IL, very much' of his semi-ferocious martiai appearance, and some per- sons seem to think that stamps upon his face the outlines of a dejected depressipn. When it was observed some time after the beginning - of the war that the kaiser's hair had turned white, no one paid much at-p tention to-the change, but the ret moval of the moustache ends has druck the public imagination and, strange as it may seem, has done more, perhaps, than anything else to convince the population of Berlin that the war outlook is becoming bad for Germany. The absolutely chastened appearance of the kaiser due to the absence of his moustache ends, is attributed to his 3 about the German reverses. circumstances his advisors may 1 kis to allgw his moustache to attain ite former conspicuous dimensions. VETERANS GET PER MISSION Thuget Practice In the Armonries, Arrangements have through Col. , T. D. Liout.-Col. Hughes, 21st Dbattaliof' and Major H..J. Dawson, allowing the Kingston Veterans association the use of the armodries for target practice next Thursday evening at eight o'clock. The Jackson record- fo Hold been made R. Hemming, ing target will be used by the veter-|_. shots | ° ans There are some good among the ex-service men and their work .will be watched with some in terest On Tuesday evening Mayor Shaw and Lieut.-Col. W. St. Pierre Hugh- es will address the vetérans. in the city council chamber, Lieut. Al- bert Stroud will give a talk and de- monstration on visual signalling, showing the use of semaphore, viorse flag, night lamps and Helio- graph. RECEIVED SUDDEN SUMMONS. ' Joseph Breaugh, Deseronto, Droppea Dead After Shovelling Snow. Joseph Breaugh, aged twenty-sev- en years, youngest son of Michael Breaugh, of Deseronto, dropped dead of heart failure on Friday, af- ter he had finished shovelling =now around his home.' He had been in good health, His sister noticed him fall and rushed to his gssistance, but he was then passed human aid. De- eased was a Roman Cathelic., The funeral will take place on Sunday af- ternoon te St. Vincent de Paul church, after which the remains will be interred in Deseronto cemetery. The young man's mother died a month ago TROUBLE WITH STREET LIGHTS. As Result Of the Heavy Gale on Fri. day Night. A zood deal of trouble was exper- icpeed by the civig light plant with| the s{reet lights on Friday night, as « result of the heavy gale, All the lights in the west end of the city were out for some time, and at vari- ous sections of the city were in very poor working order. Special Notice. We -wish to announce that we arry the largest assortment of rec- ords ever carried in the city, and can assure youn of prompt service. Our Victrola 'sound prgof rooms are the best incentive for purchasing your records from Kingston's modern music hall. A cordial invitation is extended to all to visit our show rooms af 121 Princess street. C. W, Lindsay, Ltd. -------- James C. Allen is dead in a Brook- lyn hospital from =a stroke of apo- plexy. induced when some 2joker" seat- tered sneeze powder in a surface car and caused him to sneeze so violent- ly that he burst a blood vessel. Stocks, bonds, real estate, Ave, there is the iuvestment---real -es- tate. Anchor your savings to ol mother earth. See McCann about it. The villege of Marmora, near Belleville, rent sixteen men to the socand contingen® representing the 44th Hastings Rifles, "Buy Rocket combs" at Gibson's. Rev, ward H, Beal, Oklahoma, hers come to Montren! to enlist. ~' - as hapten or in the Army Mett- fa} Cu . st. y " t ik 8 jue a unc! | an t papers the Canadian maiis. » from. LMeGill; McGill Gerrie, Antliff, McDer- moit, MeCrealy, White. The start' was made at 11.10 and | the winners were: Skinner, Varsity, li gh Sees. :. White, MeGill; i$ secs, i. Clufl Varsity. Ihe order of the others finishing w t, Hamilton, R.M.C.; 5, Mor- | Hs-Smith, R.°M. C.; 6, 'Burwas sh, Varsity; 57, Revelle, MeMurtry, R.M.C.; 4, Geary, it," Holland, R.M.C.; 11, 12, Kennedy, Varsity; 13, 13, Dykes, Var- Queen's; 13, time, 32 mins. fime, 32 mins., McGill; Keanedy, Varsity; sity; 14, Mcintyre, wrong, Queen's; Giil; 17, Johnson, Queen's; 8, MeUonald, McGill; 19, MeCall, R. M.C.; 20, Sheldon, Queen's. Varsity team won the race R. M. C. second; McGill, third, Queen's fourth. I'he officials were: Gilbert, Queen's;- Brown, Queen's; rluyes, 'Varsity and F. Kingston. FIRED OFF SHOT GUN. with and Starter, R. H. recorder, Ww: times, H P. Kianear, Jitizen Created Stir Early on Satur- day Morning. Believing that he was being at- tacked hy Germans, a citizen, who hips been in ill-health for some time, Gok a shot gun out into his back- yord on | Saturday morning and created quite a stir. by firing off three shots. People in the neigh- borhood raised an alarm, and a hv- ried call was. sent for the police..A constable took the man, who had been doing the shgoting in charge, but it is pot likely that the case will 'reach the police court, as the citizen is under the doetor's care. No charge was entered against him the police statien. ---------- Where Is Soldiers' Wives Pay ? \ soldier's wife writes as iotlows to the Whig : "You ask about the money for the wives of the P.A.S.C. of orciobet, But where is the money ivr some of the wives of the 5th Field | Batterywho haven't had any ? one have not had my husband's pay | yet, nor the separation allowance from the government. I have written to Ottawa myseli and have not had any answer, nnd have also been to see the officers in the vity and they told me they would see fifo it and I would get it in a few days Those few days are now thirty-one days, so I suppose I must keep on waiting."' Free Night Classes. Vree night classes have been open- ed in the Collegiate Institute for men who desire special instruction along tho lines of their occupation: They have not been well attended. Surely the young men of Kingston are as alive to their interests as those in other places, where these might class- es havéibeen a success and the means of 'advameing students in position and consequently. of increasing their salaries. Nowadays the employee with the education gets the prefer ence. Head the circulars in the news- papers and enroll at once; at least call and investigate. The women's classes are well attended Interesting Newspaper Story. "The Sob Sister," an exceedingly in- teresting two-reel feature dealing with a managing editor and his Long lost daughter, who falls in with bad com- punions, is arrested and "is about to be exposed to the publicsthrough his paper, but is saved at the last mo- ment, along with two other good sub- jects, rounded out an exceptionally strong programme at the Ideal The- atre ~ last might. 'the hill will be shown to-night for the last time. Pied In Hotel Dieu. M. Kiery, of Stoco, who was tuk-| eli to the Hotel Dien abput a oof ago suffering from a bad case of typhoid fever, died on Friday night. The deceased leaves a wife and two children. The remains were sent to Stoco on Saturday. Cntertained Friends. Miss Margaret Frizzell, King siréet west, entertained ata dance at her home on Thursday evening in honor of her guesi, Miss Greenlie. Seventeen couples were present and all had a very Pleasant tige. Portsmouth Tax ¥* AFErs. Portsmouth ratepayers will save two per cent. by 'paying laxes on or before ¥onday, 18 16th inst. Gibson's weekend specials 23c. manicure sets, 2 for 2c. 2c. Liver Pille, 2 for 25: 1 + 950. Foot j 3 & nedy, P. J. Dykes, J. L. Skinner, M. |} Queen's; s! i Antlifr, | §i 16, McCreary, Mc- i} for the month {{i I for | i 200 Pairs Women's Black Cashmere Stockings These are all sample pairs from a most reliable maker, and will be sold to- night at a special bargain. All the 25¢ Stockings for 35¢ Stockings for 45¢ Stockings for 50¢ Stockings for Underwear That Will Give Satisfaction | When ready te buy underwear remember we only sell guaranteed makes. Our underwear stock is complete with the best in VESTS, DRAW- il ERS and COMBINATIONS for women and children. ll | WHITE UNSHRINKABLE NATURAL WOOL and UNION WOOL f 25¢, 35¢, 49c, 69c, 75c, 99c, Women's Kid Gloves i In the making of which every detail is carefully considered from the se- lecting of the skins to the pressing and aking up. We hold ourselves respansible for the fit, wear and comfort of these new Fremch kid gloves. "LE PREMIER," all shades, in the standard French Kid Glove | The Leades among Dollar Corsets, to be obtained only at Laidlaw's. I Bvery year we sell hundreds of pairs of our exclusive Lillian Corsets and have yet to receive our first complaint as to style, make or wear. Two different models; all sizes, now Woes Vom s_ Style and service are the first consideration in the purchase of a winter coat, and we have now on display a number of stylish coats, from $ 1 0 to $25 Choose one to-night even "if not ready to Buy. a | $1.68 ON \ SATURDAY $1.68 Here Is a Splendid Bargain Ladies' Patent Blucher Cut Lace Boot, Medium High Heel Calf Tops.. Regular Pricer $3.00. Worth To-Day $3.50. Sizes 2% to 4%. Saturday $1. 68.