rf ---------------------- Household Banking Accounts in The Bunk of 'Loronto have been found by many to be a great convenience. The accounts may be op- ened in the names of husband and wife, and either may deposit or withdraw money. Interest is paid on these accounts twice a year Assets ........... $60,000,000 INCORPORATED |lHE 1855 BANK or TORONTC Fire Insurance Now tnat the fall season 1s once again with us, necessitating the starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently increases, so that it is essential that all property should be adequately covered. If In need, of any additiona insurance .or contemplating a change, I would appreciate the opportunity of figuring on your requirements, 1 represent several strong tariff and nou-tariff companies, GEORGE BAWDEN COAL. 3 PHONE 286, REAL ESTATE. 188 PRINCESS 89 INSURANCE. Kingston Brick VS. Baker Brick See those two houses, sid on Divison St, betwee « and Colborne. The completed 4 hg va It of Kingston Brick, the unfin- Iwhed one of Haker Brick, doesn't the Kingston Brick look just ns good, aud they xt lens, belug a home product Boost your home Industry and build of Kingston Brick. . A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard. Phone 1396 FOR SALE We have over six acres of land with frame dwelling and barn, perty, faeing on Montreal Street, réar paz ellel with C. P. factory site, Price J. K. CARROLL AGENCY { t8 BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. ------------ on pro R. Gooq $3,50¢ PHON 68 Shaving Comforts We are making a special display of shaving materials in our window, opposite the Y.M.C.A,, during this week. If you are interested we would be glad to have you call, and we will be pleagéd to show our stoc kl of shaving comforts: HOM'S DRUG STORE| ---- Opposite ¥. M. C. A. "Ont. | | | | { For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Gratl | onolas, Columbia and Victor record: | Odeon and Junibo records, Edison 2 { minute records, Blue Amberal re cords. Allen's ON Phone 202 St 118 Brock 8 Removal Notice I have removed my office to 60 Brock Street, next door to Metcalfe's meat store, opposite Henderson's. S. Roughton, Manager, the Mutual Life As- surance Co., of Canada. Phone 610, | Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout One of Ringston' 8s Best Everyone Should Try and Get a ", Sos Sods 1 0 00 Mrs. Kavanagh's Lunch Rooms 'oan save money by paying rent on a A a. Tad &. home of yor 338 Kin: St. Why not build a home of your own, : trom $1,000 to ¥10,000, on casy terms. | Open from 7.80 a.m. to 12 p.m | 7 Breakfast from 7.30 to ! Chas. Leeder, Dinners from 11.30 to 2 tnd Floor, Room 4, Afternoon Tea from 3 to 5 Xing Edward Building Suppers from 5.30 to 8 S YOUREVESIGHT. AS II Logan 8 11FC0 A L The ind you are ooking is the hind we sek Scranton Coal goed' and we arse pomp Booth & Co. Foot of West Street. H. devotes his en- tire time, thought and at- tention, exam- v iy > ining eves and fitting glasses that are right. '_. For satisfac- tion in glasses, consult: him. " E.'J. COUSINS Fannie lowest -- Qual ty the best. | INCIGENTS GF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City sud Vicinity --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Suitinges below cost at ber 8. White Rose fastidious. "Sore throat Cross Drug Store. R. F. Clarke, Kingsten on Monday. F. C. Dannenberg, of Toroato, spent the week-end in the city. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. Two cases of diphtheria were. te ported to the medical health officer last week. Ea The flags on the city buildings #&re flying in memory of the late Earl Ro- berts. . "Cherry Cough Syrup, Gibson's. - ia Mrs. John Hay, Kingston, is visit- ing among old friends in Renfrew, zuest of Mrs. R. C, Wilson. H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. leave orders at Auley's book store. The steamer America is carrying ap; ples from bay ports to Brockville. On triday she delivered 1,000 barrels. Miss Edith Davidson of the Ath ens High school staff, spent the week-end. at her home on University Avenue. It is said that about eighty per cent. af the second contingent, now in Kingston is made up of old coun- ry men. "For sore, powder, at sStoye. I'he Renirew Kilties' reach Kingston to-morrow or Wed It is likely to be eighteen Lam- Flour _pieases -the most cure' at Gibson's Red of 'Hamilton, was 0 sold at 21 Me- feet," Tread Easy Red Cross Drug tired Gibson's ly nesday. alrong Unusually warm weather is pre- licted to visit us during December; heavy frost and cold weather will lose November Wptein © Vansittart, I Military College, nin of ihe Turon yverseas service C. €'. Reid, for service as with graduate will be batterie 0 cap- far ¥ as te l t has volunteered list in con- contingent Siduey, a motoreye nection the second J He is in Kingston now "It cures any x," Syrup, at cou Cherry Cough sold stbson's Red Cross Drug Store Mrs. Alexander the YuW.( A; this evening, has til next Monday ening Gramte lodge, 1.0.0.F entertainment to "the" militia Mortlay night wind songs free been given postponed un Laird's to have been atl 18 giving an cers in Phere will } 0 ne city on war pictures t soap" Gibson' Stare ip arbolic Drug Major headqua deliver A. « a » ross alve ition Nn tre addresses at tadel next Saturday the Southall, of Army will sp the 18 and Sunday "Lijuid Red Antiseptic Drug Richardson of Ottawa, brou ner on Monday morning term of imprisonment % penitentiary th bru gf Yug Store Edward | street, Soap." Gibson' Cross riff Young Store, - Ww pris spent Ports G ht a to and at nes vibson s Red Cross Barrie Whig of a Ime sam- dug out his Farmer, of' 318 caller at the and left he mornmg. the musical comedy, Hat," on- Monday 16th, at eight (Congregational ickets 25¢ A coug and colds" cured m's Red Cross Drug Store Ottawa University Debating has chosen James C. Leacy Louisa J. Guillett for the con- with Queen's College to be held ston on Dec, 11th. 25¢, Teaberry Tooth Paste, Gibsdn's Red Cross Store Mrs. L. LeHeup, 8 ind grand. children, . Lois and Master Lorne LeHeup, have return- ed home after spending the summer with her son, G..L. LeHeup, Coutts, Alta Wanted, 500 and colds, Drug Store. After the session of the court on Monday morning unteers ~ for overseas service marched into the ecourt room were sworn in by Magistrate rell. 25¢ Teaberry - Tooth Paste Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Owing to the increased cost and the scarcity of supply of raw mater- ial, the Eddy Company have had to lightly advance the price of matech- 5 and some other lines. The Eddy *ompany bélieve the public will ap- oreciate this when they realize it is fone so that the high standard of Juality for which the Eddy goods re famed, may be maintained. WHS a aturday polatoes yon S ple of gar len that of "The even- o'clock, Sunday Don's miss Pale of a ing, Nov. in the First school hall All ibe The ociety nd test al coughs Cross from Gibson's Red suier at ers vol were and Far two 15¢. band will like- | lecture | Red | police | GRAND ¢ To-Nig ht, Yor 18.2621 Every Night ight, Wednesday ERNIE MARKS CO In New Plays and Yangeville Monday, ""The American Giri" | 10-1525 | Naim Highe SEATS TS Xow ox A oN aie Special Prices A ROMANCE OF SOOTRAND By Toward MéKent Barnes Players Better than nie Brier Bush" BEAUTIFUL SCENW PRODUCTION Mr. S. G. Turpin, whose upholstering shop was destroyed by afternoon, will reecvive Main St, The shop will be ready business again lm about fen days. NOTICE It is proposed to run an excursioh to Toronto on Fri- number signify their inten- tion of going. Telephone 862 or 853 before Wednes- day morning. pT NE PURE CLEAN FOOD IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH | } | CANNOT BANK MONEY ------ | That Has Not Been Received--8ol. | diers' Wives Waiting. Another soldier's lows to the Whig : "Reading in your paper of Satur- day, the the wives of the soldiers of the P.AS.C. and 5th field battery had not received their husbands' iGsigned pay, 1 wish to say that neither have the wivgs of the 14th Regiment, who are now at Salisbury Plain, one cent of their husbands' pay since September 21st. They tell ns we must wait patiently, but will the hit the one's stomachs wait until that money is fortheoming ? Then again, one reads of them complaining of the soldiers' wives not-banking 'their hus- hands' pay. We can't bapk that which we do not receive," as fol wife wriles Cheese sold at Gouverneur, Saturday at 14}. CASTORIA fh Kind Yulin Ave, N.Y: on Roige: Opti Parlors received |] BE PARTICULAR Insist on getting "GOLD BOND" Toronto asyizes he jury © at the adhe campaiy found _- sroet guilty mnintail wuisantd in the ov Po pg re A rf rote a states that Wednesday, Nov.18 "Annie Laurie" THE SWEETEST STORY EVER TOLD With a Cast of All Scotch "Bunty Pulls the Strings" or "The Bon- fire on Friday orders at 27 for day, Nov. 20th, if a sufficient Queen's Athletic Com. - 4 CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion word, Each econ- secutive A as thereafter, Mails Seat a oid. Bey Whee tmwertions, one insertion, i LOST. A SABLE MUFF, ON SATURDAY, NOV, 14th, 'on Princess St, or in Wool- worth's store. Finder please return to Rigney & Hivkey's, Princess St HELP WANTED. ee tt eee et ADVT, OF 25 WORDS OR LESS, ax under this head, costs To for one night, or $0c for me ------------------------------ A GENERAL MAID. APPLY TO MRS. GR Lewsife, 228 King St. ee det. A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK Preferably middleaged. Apply 0 Barrie St. ABLE BO sight, Good wages; sary. Btate age. "hig 0. MEN. GOOD EYE. for firemen &nd brakemons] experience unneces- Raikway, re INTELLIGEN PERSON MAY earn $100 mostly corresponding for newspapers] Ro canvassing Send for DaTticulara, J Press 8yndi- cate, 3,96 XY Lockport) N. ere ete A RESPECTABLE MAID FOR G eral housework: one who un stands plain cooking. Apply Mrs. F. G. Lockett, 24 Stuart just off Barrie, AN Ne sp = to St, SALESMAN TO HANDLE OUR LINK of advertizing calendars and ge elties. Apply by letter with particulars, to The Lopdon Ihrinis ing & Lithographing Co., lLamited, London, Canada {HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A salesman? We have a nrapneitio to make which will snabls you earn more money than you earning at.the present time, Cor- respondence strictly confidential. Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston, Ont. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PRETARL for telegraph potions on le dian rallways. Our students ceive positions immediately graduation and $76 to $99 monthly to start. Free 'railway pases to school and to. destination when qualified. Tuition fees moder For particulars apply The Gram © Pelegraph Bohool, Bawk fitreet, Ottawa ' SITUATIONS re- ANT S. WANTED TO .DO psant coloming work -at an make $15 to $20- weekly i , unnee + WINDOW CLEANING--PLACE YOoUn orders at once and be sure of good work We clean and put np storm windows. We employ, only good, reliable men Drop us a card Kingston Window Cleaning 349 Alfred 8 ty. Co. GENTLEMEN TO -BRING THEIR cloth and have it made .up Into up- to-date sults. Price and 'workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press. ing and repairing done on the ghortest notice. Thomas Gallowav 131 Brock street, near Bibby's Garage. CONTRACTING AND Al h try Jaw University oR HARDWOOD FLOOK inds of interior finish, Selby, Contractor; 212 Avenue LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & MUDIR, BARRIS. ters and solicitors. Law office, 70 Marenss street. Kinkgton. BUSINESS NOTIOES., JOSEFH BUSK, 6 Nu, '« HAS op ened up & quarry on tephen 5! bin building and rough stone ars supptied promptly at reasonadls prices. miss CARRIE "Bt Telephone n ow SINGING, 7 Rideau INSTRUC. Musio AND DRAMATIC Miss Nome tion, 216 Frontenac St. Telgmann, Alda un, BE . Telgmann, teachers of elocu. tion, piano, violin and all stringed instruments { SATUURDAY EVENING A BLACK Persian muff. Finder kindly return to 308 University Ave, and receive re {eet BROWN SUITCASE, LET SOME Place by mistake by a young man £0ing to Hotel Dien, Saturday might, between 7 and 7.30. Finder return to Whig office. TO LE? TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once 25c, three times Boo. ETu., STORAGE FOR FURNITUR Breck clean and dry. McCann, § street. TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, TIurnished. Apply to 198 Stuart St. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CnAm. bers. ' Ap REY. to Cusnlaghatn & Mu- dle, 79 Clarence SEPARATE ROOM, joint use of stenok- 5. this office WFICE® SPACE, heated; with rapher. Box 8, FURNISHED AND ; stores, offices, ete, Estate Agehey, UN. Mc- OC, ann' s 82 Brock St SEVEN ROOM improvements: Apply 140 GOOD frame 'he WARM house, all ap to a good tenant. nag Storage, 290 ors b26b. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST news, modern improvements, corner} Division and Quebec streets. J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Steel, rooms FOR LIGAT unfurnished, gas, HONT eping; Apply | 2 Y lp FOR SALE. HESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, COST r Httle. heh; Jaci three times, 500; one w GEESE FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS Goldman, 387 Division Bt TWO HUNDRED FILLED at B0c a pair. Kingston Company, 556 Princess Bt. THE PRACTICE AND VILLAGE PRO- efty of the late Dr. Shaw, of nsdowne. Apply . to Mrs. (Prd. Shaw, Lansdowne. LOWS, atiress AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, months old, by Champion Oorang ex Pure Maid. $16. Ross, 214 Willlam_ St, Kingst nt. SIX FRET in. hign in front and 58 159 tn. ba at back. ree drawers and She top shelf. ul British Whig office, et ett een, A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES ANN a number of first-class heaters, aa Mow prices; also a big stock of furs niture: J. Thompson, 333 Princess St, Phone 1600, oPPICE DES , KIND, AND A 9 years old; also & Will gell reas Mattress good driver, good pony soutfit. onable. Apply Kingston Co. 556 Princess Street. A LARGE NUMBER or mic 'also Dun 1 tre oy £ orders op ly atten to or carpet Seantng and i George Muller, 378 King St HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL OX« f and other cook stoves, Que= ugs and square heaters, all n first class shape; will close them out at very , Small Pro= fits. Turk's "Phone, 70 sedeirdefedrdededoeodr deed bdo ded ob A PPdided HORSES, CAIUS, SLEIGHS ee horses; alse eighs, ete, en Island. Limited, Going cheap, thr number of carts, Can be seen at G [ alvin Compa a > +» * water heating, op- hot : Telephone 447, etc on St. UNGTON APART | ngton St. Posses- on 1st. Heated by hot wat ; alectric lights: also gas range Apply F. W. Meagher, 99 L. Albert | St ne 1406. A. BE. KNAPP, RA, LDS, DDS, RE- moved to 268 Princess Street. SPARKS AND 150 WE lington St, Co vrnaar Phone 34 DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST Renton, assistant. 133 Street. Phone 73 8S. H. SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.D.S, DENT. fst, corner = Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street CATERING. WE _ CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc also rent dishes, table linens and silverws and Hambrook / M. P. Reid, 30 Yao, Sireat, F.C Hambrook, 178 ifred Street Phones $43 or 303. ARCHITECT. : WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCH} tects, etc. ,.Offices, 268 Bagot Bt Phone 6) SPARKS, (over DR. T.'R. Princess e. Reid + 3 + * +* +* * ASSMAN j MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND fea; convenient to station, | rome New FRAME HOUSES, YORN Rt, cheap, 5.000 BRIC K HOUSE, LARGE LOY and stable. | SL200--FRAME HOUSE, § ROOMS, $1,500---NEW FRAME HOUSE, land St. G. A, BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND Real Estate. 87 Ciarence St KINGSTON BUSINESS COL- LEGE, Limited. Head of Queen: Street Superior courses In Book- keeping, Bhorthand, Typewrit- ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen eral Improvement and all Com- mercial subjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 440, F. Metoalfe, Principal. : th, hd a tt FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; Incorporated 1863; president, Colonel Henry R. Smith. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures: mortgages purcha feposits Pevingng joterest a owed 5 anager, Clarence street. aot, POWER & SON, ARCHITROTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, corner Brock ang Wellington strests. Droy a Oar BUSINESS CHANCES. -------------------------------------- } ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START | a mall srder business at home; n canvassing: be your own boss | Send for free booklet; tells how Heacock 2,969 Lockport, N.Y TEACHER WANTED. FOR 8, 8 NO, 6 O80, A TEACHER with hecessary qualifications. Duties to commence after mid- summer holiiays Apply stating salary aud _ exp'rience, to Wm Crain, Ser:.-Trea: . Clarendon Bta- tion, Ontario TEACHER, Ernesttown, hundred «lol- State qual- Apply W NORY AL BE dghtec) n LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND ne Fire Insurance Sompany. Available assets $61,187,215. In addit'on to which the policyhoiders have for security the unlimited Habiity of city property, Insured at lowest possible rates. Before rene winy old or giving new business rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 325 PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blemish. es- romoved permanently, without scdr; 30 Years' experience. Dr, mer J. Lake, Ey Ear, Nos Throat a skin specialist, 258 got sireet Bae UPHOLSTERING. W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- pairing and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card a, csi ~---y T Auction Sal Farm Stock and Implements WEDNESDAY, NOV. 13TH, | At 10 o'clock a.um,, at the rzsidence af (Mr. 'Arthur Germain, Cushendall P.O. [Tow nship of Pittsburgh. | WM. { the County Clerk, Court House, atom, up to the 21st day of Nove ber, at 12 o'clock noon, for the um | mentioned supplies for the County Gaol, fromm December 31st, 1914, to December 31st, 1915, both Sars inclusive. Bread, Barley Oatmeal, Cornmeal, Pork," Mut. at per gal a8, Turnips MURRAY, , Auctioneer, TENDERS WANTED NTY COUNCIL OF FRONTENAC le Tenders, marked Tender on the wil! be received at the office (at per bu, Brown Soap ut per 1b. per cw The whole of the above supplies to be 'of good quality, and to be delivered at {Gaol when required, apd to be subject to the inspection and approval of Gov ernor of Gaol or County Clerk. Tenders will be received for parts of the above guppies and secnrity will be recuired for fulfilment of Contract. The Wwest or any Tender not neces- sarily accepted J. W. BRADSHA . Sou Clerk J{ngston, Nov, 14, 1814, Family Soap and Hlectric hard threshed siraw at Hon. Rogers is likely to be ap- | potted ford hgh commissioner ol: most immwedia Ou ¢ lm boi st Se ally SERINE RN adbious ti |! or call 216 Bagot street Select Limp (SOFT COAL) FOR STOVES OR GRATES 6. 00 Per Ton In our window and drop in and taste Noritiauna, Table 3 « . cacies from The Land of she Midnight Sun (Norway) » Suitable for n'l ocdrasions Normaona Sardines--The sardine dé luxe, In purest Olive OIL Normauna Kippered Herrings--Not a mere luxury but a panty and sus- talning food, They are BONELESS Normanna Soused Mackerel Nermanna Tomato Herring--Baby Norwegian Fat. "Herrings in a sploed + Italian sauce. Normanna Fresh Maekerel--One whole fish in each tn: each fish: wrapped in pure parchment PRET, Ready for the table--¥Fit for any tabiv foe eeu. | No Advance in Prices Inf Qur Lines of Boots and Shoes For fall apd winter we care