cuts Monday's labor Slcan in half. The Sunlight way is s0 easy --just note.. First you soap the garment; then roll it up to soak. After a while you rinse it hly and the 'dirt drops out magic, "Why scrub, and rub, and 'wear and tear the clothes when the gentle strength of Sunlight Soap will do the "work with never a hurt to fabric or hands. Try it once-- hts Sunlight way. | Zr Poh Souking ant Driniang, aise tor Nay IS ta3 mata Pune. a th e Day. S Work? and mental | Gitness for the job means a well , well poised body, nourished by well bal- i anced foods that supply just enough proteids to repair waste tissue and just enough "carbohydrates to keep the body warm and vibrant with life and Such a food is 'made of the whole wheat grain ready-cooked and ready-to-serve. Being made in "little loaf" form (it is so easy for the thrifty housewife to prepare a * The Cana g meal with it in a few moments. 'the same quality, always the same price. For hreakfust heat the Biscuit in oven to restore crispaess and then pour hot milk over it, adding a little créam. Salt or 'wweeten to sult the taste. are bolted down without chewing. A hot, nourishing breakfast Deliciously nourishing for any 'meal with sliced Yaked apples or canned or preserved fruits of any kind. MADE IN CANADA From the Choicest Canadian Wheat by dian Shredded Wheat Company, Limited Niagara Falls, Ont. © Toronto Office. 49 Wellington Street Ean Always Better than mushy pocridiies that HAVE TO TRL News From Villages and Farmwe Throughout the Adjoining Coun tics -- Rural Events, ana Move: ments of the People. # ™ Glendower Notes, Glendower, Nov. 19.--Richard- son's tien at the feldspar mines have taken the boats out of the lakes and finished drawing feldspar for. the season. Richard Wilson went to Kingston one day this week. Mrs. Juley Campsall ill at her brother's, Anson Timmerman's, is somewhat better. Mr. and Mrs. Sandford Lee- man are at Anson Timmerman's, T. J. Kelly, Odessa, is visiting at James Wilson's and Sandford FLee- man's. 5] News "From Bath. Bath, Nov. 19 Charles Young and family have moved back 'into the village again after living at Link's Mills for the past six months. The steamer Aletha makes her last trip this season on Saturday last, The island mail carrier has been un- able to cross the gay this week . for two or three days owing to the heavy winde. Tidings From Lyn. Lyn, Nov, 19.--Mrs. A. C. Idle and son, Stilton, who have been the guests of Mrs. J. E. Purvis, are spending a few weeks with Dr. and Mrs, C, Nash, Kingston. Mr. Muttit, of Queen's university, took the pulpit of Christ church on Sunday, in the absence of D. N. McLeod. Rev. D. H. Hazelwood, Toronto, made seve ral calls in the village last week. The Methodists re-opened their church last Sunday after having it painted, but on account of the very inclement weather the service was not as large- ly attended as was anticipated. Clarendon Reports. Clarendon, Nov. 17.--Archibald Campbell has returned from Toron- to. Miss Myrtle Leishmédn and Miss Maggie Campbell made a trip to Sharbot Lake yesterday. Miss Edith Appleby of Kingston, spent the week end in Clarendon. Mrs. Milier and children of Maberley who spent a wek with her mother, Mrs. Boles, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Riddell made a trip to King- ston to-day. The teacher Mr, Clow was home for a few days ill but is able to be on duty again. C. H. Lyon, of Perth, visited her sister, Mrs. Appleby last week. {Robert Leishman spent a few days in King- ston. Miss Martha Leishman has gone to Sunbury to sew. Doings at Delta Delta, Nov. 18--Mrs, R. Wood has gone to Lethbridge, Alta., to spend the winter with her daughter. Mrs. H. E. Johnson and Mrs, (Dr.) Kelly haye been ill. A number from here attended the Sunday School conven- tion at Newboro last week. The Epworth league members are pré- paring to give a concert. C. Dunn and wife, of Toronto, are visiting at 8. Pennock'™s." W. M. Bass, of New- boro spent a few days in town this week. Mrs. W. A. Brown, has mov- ed into Mrs. Horton's. house. Miss Alberta Phelps has been spending a few days in Brockville. Miss Mary Bolton has returned from Winnipeg after an extended visit. Miss Ber- nice Jackson, of Ottawa, spent Sun- day under the parental roof. At Brewer's 'Mills. Brewer's Mills, Noy. 18.--The fu- neral of the late Mrs. Michael Kelly, Taylor, took place on Wednesday morning to St... Barnaby's church, where a solemn requiem Mass was sung by Rev. Father Traynor for the repose of her soul. The funeral was largely attended by friends and acquaintances. Navigation is about closed and all the boats have heen laid up for the season. A number of young people from here attended the dance in Gananogue. R. Kidd has finished building a house-boat for James Keyes, John Murray and daughter, Pearl, spent a few days with friends in Lansdowne. _ Miss A. Roach is visiting in Kingston. HOW'S THIS? 'We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & 00. Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J: Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- Neve him' perfectly honorable in all business transactions and. financially ahle to carry out any-obligations made by his firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood ind mucous surfaces of the svstem. Testimonialy sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti. pation. re Ss » Bales! _ MANUFACTURERS AND R bALEfS » each adh class o of goods. as rete She iad eld io rye 'xronr MERCHANTS Rie eTeAusIOe LINES Co | ander (hs Ports They Tadicsting orp he sms] fable damage has been done by the issued bythe Fora Aloysius and Miss Taylor 'spent Sunday at' Keyes" i; At Bush Corners." Bush Corners, Nov. 18=-Consider- recent storms in this vicinity. T. T. Killingbeck 'has secured a situation at Harlowe, where he will remain during the winter. School is favor- ably progressing under the able ma- nagement of Miss Wood. James B. Stalker, has returned hawe, after a month's absence at Arden. Mrs. Wil- Ham = Killingbeck and Sn Harry, have returned home after spending Sunday at Harlo e, the : guests of Mr. and Mrs'. J White, Miss Wood and Miss Edith Killingbeck at- tended the : Pasty at Mrs. Wiliiam Sal lan's J Saturday. Edward Ha- wes has erected @& verandah on the front of his new house. James B. Stalker spen #t Plevna, the guest of Rev, r. Alton. According to the tales of the hunters, the deer were not very plentiful this season. Everybody is glad to see the snow once dgatn. 5 ik The Great World Liar. "The German: or has ale himself as whose li has been a lie." The British Weokly. "The Great! World Liar rose in his And in Truth's pure face; He nailed to' & Cross the hands of Sash foot of Peace and Grace, He scoffed at Love's last agony - As a spear to its heart be thrust; 'Save thyself," railed he, "if a king ou When ii the cry of the Just, "The Sword 1: The Sword," was his only - boast, To Caesar alone he appealed, Till the othe of heaven were in dark- ness lost, And the world with earthquakes Yet he prayed--to the gods of Power and Will, To the. Gods of Blood and Fire; For he masked his heart with a Phanses's, skill-- The heart of the Great World- Liar. Yet Truth unabashed still walked the earth, And Righteousness rose from the And Pity more tenderly reckoned man's worth, And Peace grew: stronger to save; Till lowe was cofiqueror in every And Truth was a tongue of fire; Then justice struck hard with an un- seen hand And smote the Great World-Liar. The blood-red brand from his palsied hand oa, a blighted star, into gloom; I mbwed from beneath, cried 'the "Give the Great WorM-Liar roomf}" . Then he that sits in the heavens laughed, And A he seraph's song rose high< "Let Shige enemies perth by their own craft, As perish the Great World-Liar."" ~R. WALTER WRIGHT -- Sure of a Ducking. This delightful little story is being told of a certain well known regi- ment of the line, at present staiioned abroad. It concerns an officer who is not a very great favorite on account of his 'strictness in little matters that the Tommies think immaterial. One evening, after a card party, which was prolonged into the small hours, this officer was returning to his quarters, andl in passing a deep pond, stumbled and fel into it. Not being able to swim, he would most certainly have been drowned had it not been for a private of his regi- ment who, happening to pass at the moment, guceeeded in pulling him out, not much the worse for his dip. The officer was very profuse in his thanks, and asked his rescuer in what way he could repay him. h "Well, sir" sald the soldier, "t best way you could repay me would be .to say nothing about it." "How's that?" asked the other "Well, sir," was the reply, 'if the other fellows knew 1'd pulled you out they'd chuck me in!" Why He Had Succeeded. A good story is told of the only occasion in which Sir James Wil- cocks, who is in command of the Indian troops in France, was shock- ed out of his natural calm. He was conducting a small punitive expedi- tion, and wa® much annoyed by snipers in general and particularly by oné old man who seemed to fol- low his little force day by day, picking off a man here and a man there with distressing regularity. All efforts to catch him had failed until one of his newly pi ined levies begged that he might owed to track down the sniper Permission was given, and next day the native ned the force and, his face wreathed in smiles, re- ported that Ye had shot the suiver. "Excellent!" sald Sir James. "You've done in a day what all my men have failed to do in the last week." "Al, but I knew his habityy: re- plied the Jas. "How that? Did you know { the man personally?" asked Sir 68, 'Oh, yer," replied the man in his, most cheerful tones, "he was my father." ¢ ------------ ' Earned 100 Per Cent. Detroit, Nov, 301A balance ghicet shows That Makes It Deservedly Popular An absolutely pure, delicious and wholesome food beverage, produced by a scientific blénd- ing of high-grade cocoa beans, subjected to a perfect mechanical procéss of manufacture. Made in Canada by Walter Baker & Co. Limited ESTABLISHED 1780 MONTREAL, CANADA DORCHESTER, MASSACHUSETTS A NN a I ONT TI OTT De Canada Life generosity The automatic non-forfeiture clause, under which the policy is kept in full force and effect so long as there is a balance of value in it, is a modern idea, applying only to modern policies. he Canada Life now extends it to all Every premium-bearing policy of the company (except term assurances) may now enjoy this valuable privilege without fee or charge of any kind. Get in touch with the nearest Canada Life agent, who will gladly complete and forward the necessary form Herbert C. Cox President and General Manager J. 0. Hutton, General Agent, Kingston e The Universal Time Saver. E IS MONEY!" It is mere than hati fo the realinion of resis, a the © pursuit of 'business or happiness. ; The telephone increases the value of every minute. It adds to every mad's efficiency. Successful business today depends upon the utilized minutes. Just now, when trade is not eo brisk as it was two years ago, the long distance telephone is enabling men in all lines of business to devise new ways and means © of keeping the wheels turning, and they are doing if at greatly reduced expense, They are finding that travelling expenses may be: gréatly curtailed, and in miny, eases cut out altogether, by a carefully-planned use of the long distance telephone. They are reaching the city, town and rural districts by Bell Telephone line, and fn J italian of th pavad] Wh and Se. uiag fn ot are ing 6 sobs of. their "slack times" problems. 8 : How can he ong dts tlphons lh yo?