i ------ ; THE FORMER ADMIRAL OF THE - * that Erraie BRITISH NAVY. |. Warsi Racehorse Owned by King Fd- ward Was Bought by Lerd Charles for Him -- Declined Home Rule Leadership, Lord Charles Beresford, as sailor, Statesman (or reformer), and as sportsman, is one of the most inter- esting acd picturesque figures in our time; snd no man living has had more or mere varied experiences ashore and cfloat. It goes without saying, therefore, ub- 5 a Lord Charles Beresford," just lichéd in two bulky volumes, book worth reading. Several of Lord Charles' anecdotes refer to his friendship with royal e best gon- 2 ward, when a) casion, when 1 was driv. ing rinee of Wales on my coach to a meet of the Four-in-Hand club at the Magazine, Hyde Park, a man who was, quite unknown to me shouted: - *"Ulo, Chawley, 'ow are yer? 1 see you've got 'Wiles' up alongside of yer." : i ¥8ome of your frends seem very . to Beauty Seekers "Red Noge, The nose js 3 More del. cate or than people imagine. be ouohed updue t It shou as little as pos- sible. redness the treat- ment recommended in following para+ will he found effective. Apply 1 ng. Muddy Skin. The sanest, safest, and © surest method of giving a clear, heal- ; gently 'and gradually _ wits this daily for awhile --~Woman's Realm thy, _ transparent = appearance to the © i Ww. apply ordinary mer- coliz WAX ever ght for from one 10° two weeks. i$ Wax, obtainable at Any drug store {one ounce is sufficlent), actually takes off a bad complexion by absorbing the thin vell of surface skin. The new skin then in evidence is as fresh and velvety a8 a young girl's. The wax is applied Ike cold eream and washed off morn- ngs. jés. A harmiess lotion made as follows has been found very effect've in cases of wrinkles and crow's feet, Powdered saxolite, 1 oz, dissolved in oh 1, 1-2 pt. Bathe the face in ¥h La og 4 § % Removal Notice | I have removed my office to 60 Brock Street, next door to Meteailfe's meat store, opposite Henderson's, S. Roughton Manager, the Mutual Life As- surance Co., of Canada. pe Phone 610, eninge nn or sien sid the prince, {the ran perfectly "The Memori¢s of Admiral {to "00d hum- or, r The first racehorse owned By King E@ward was bought by Lord Charles for him; "it was called Stonghenge, and the king and Lord les were partners in it. She a Laka Lotd Charles used to get his offi- cers to Jitte essays on subjects con- nected with the navy. ne of them, a little middy, in his contribution, Sasamated. | that, phe. sh ia Slicers should refer more middies, who, "Daving young and yigorous minds, were naturally better fitted to JFrappie with 'oblems which bat- fe dhe der and slower intellect! This rucular young gentleman must, t Think, have applied his vig- [orous mind to the problem of how obtain a generous allowance of leave. I trust I did him no injus- tiee; but, whenever the fleet lay off the coasts of Scotland, he was afflic- ted with a grievous toothache, requir- ing an immediate visit to the den- st. Tan Y Wheh he had been ashors to have a. tooth out in ewery port in Scot- land, I dent for him. "Tell ime," I sald, 'Haw. many teeth you have left? For I make out that you have had forty-six tecih extracted in Scotland alone." The middy did not reply. He gave his superior best, 3 It is not gonerally Known that Lord Charles was once asked -- by [dane Butt ~ to take up. the leader- hip of the home rule party. He declined, on the ground that Ireland rule; and he advocated such reform on lines that adversely affected his own income. His popularity ameng Irish men of all classes and creeds and polities is well known. When he-went to America he was made a great fuss of by the Irish there: * "One among my countrymen had traveled a thousand miles to see me when he called at my hotel. I told him that I bad twenty minutes, be- fore starting for Chicago, and that I must retire to my room to bathe, shave, and prepare a gpeech in that time, "I edme wid ye," said he cheer- fully; and while I made my disposi- tions he sat in the adjoining room and talked of the old. country with that pride and affection whieh all Irishmen feel for their native land, One of his lordship's sayings is that horses are like Irishmen, you can do anything with them, if you understand them... Can Only Find Relief by Toning the Nerves With New Rich Blood. The. woman who "flies to pieces" over ihe least noisé or excitement soon fades and loses her good looks, Dark rings appebr under her eyes, the Vines abot} oe fpach and forehead eepen a ¢ eyes become sunken, the face drawn and the com- 3) | nourishes and tones the nerves St. Open from 7.80 a.m. to 12 p.m '| SPECIAL MILLINERY SALE 4 Balance. Breakfast from 7.20 to 9 Dinners from 11.30 to 2 Afternoon Tea from 3 to 6 Suppers from 5.30 to 8 . of this week, chil- dren's felt shapes, 83c, Women's untrimmed shapes, $1.00 to $1.25. MISS . HAMILTON, 870 Princess St. Opposite Y.M.C.A. Open Thursday evening, 7.30 to 9.30 p.m. Phone 1207. ba { | the strain is not. refipred ting | Bg ves properly: 3 | try. De. Williams ) || were the. first medicine that gave me | take a short walk. 1 ing the Pills, gradually gainiog \ new pletion ---- 5 rouble Wousness and Ble "felis and if the nervous collapse dnd years of sickness may easily 'follow. = De, Willams' Pty Pills for Pale People will save you from this dreadful affliction. These Pills make the new, rich blood - that and banishes every trace of nervousness. fF Mrs, Masganet Donley, Amherst, N.S. says : believe Dr. Williams' Pink Pills saved. me. from the grave. I was taken down with garvous prostration and for months was unable to walk. I slowly recovered until I was able to go._dbout, but there the improvement ended, I was gotting weaker and weaker until I could just get from the bed to a couch. The least noise would set. trembling all over, and offen when I went to the table I would leave it hungry and yet unable to eat: Sometimes I was taken with smoth- ering spells and felt ws if I was go- ing" to die. Af other times T would be sonervous that I could not hold anything im my hands. I was doctor- ing all the time, but without benefit and finally made up my mind I would '. Pink Pi ey any relief, and' I was soon able to continued us health and strength, 'until I finally felt as well as ever 1 did dn my life. At the time Wr. Williams' Pmk Pills cured' te I was living dn Sackville, snd my illness and cure was known to everyome in that place, and my friends, like myself; belive the Pills saved my life." \ These Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent. by mail at 50¢ a box or six boxes for $2.50 hy The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock. ville, Ont, PAWNBROKERS LOSE TRADE Those Th London Thought War Would Ald Them. London, Nov. 21--There i& much lamenting among the pawnbrokers here because the war has greatly in- jured their trade. One of the best- known pawnbrokers in London said to-day that business was far below the mal hp pérsons were hold- a i onds and dis- charging their ts. they i 'and no omers, while the i diamonds has de- On \brok pid that tew dia. a aia it for en- predicted who took | wanted land réform more than home|' of 26,350 tons. Has an ind of 980"officers and men. © is tars, as well as two torpedo tubes, ANTI - GERMAN PLOTS KAISER'S AMBASSADOR IN FEAR OF HIS LIFE. Turkish Authority -- Committee Formed to Fight Present Policy. Rome, Nov. 21--The German am- bassador at Constantinople goes in fear of his life, and is daily the reci- pient of threatening letters. A plot. lias: been' discovered for fhe assagsination of Gen. von Sanders and a number of high Turkish officials for. favoring Germany's designg. Prince Burhan ed Din is said to have been implicated in the conspiracy. In addition to these open appeals to violence, an influential committee of Turkish miltary authorities has been formed to endeavor to counter- act the present policy and rid the country of German domination. Dja~ hid Pasha, vice president of the chamber and formerly editor of the Tanina, is taking an active part in this movement and exerting all his influence, as he puts it, "to prevent Turkey from committing suicide." But the prime mover in this revolt against Germany is Chukri Pagha, the heroic defender of Adrianople, who is seconded by Marshal Fuad Pasha. A sensation has béen produced in government circles by the action of a large number of army and navy .of- ficers, who, went in a body to the war office to complain that Germans had taken all authority out of their hands and to point out that éVen German non-commissioned officers in the Turkish army refused to re- cognize their right to give orders The deputation withdrew after warning the authorities that they would retire in a body from the for- ces unless the Germans were put in- to their proper place. LIVE STOCK MARKET. The Prices Paid At The Union Stock Yards. Union Stock Yards, Toronto, Nov. 19.---Receipts were liberal. 63 cars, 416 cattle, 2113 hogs, 1291 sheep and JJambs and 56 calves, Cattle~Trade in cattle was again siow with prices still going down. Chojce butcher's steers, $7 to $7.25; good butcher's steers, $6.75 to $i; medium butcher's. steers, -$6.25 to $6.60; cominon butcher's steers, $6 to $6.25: choice butcher's heifers, $6.75 to $7; common butcher's heif- ers,»$6.25 to $6.50 4 choice cows, $6.- 125 to $6.50; good cows, $6 to $6.25; canners, $3 to $4.50. Feeders and stockers -- Market dull and prices lower; we say one bunch of 925 steers of good quality sold at $5.85 that would have sold readily at $7 to $7,25 six weeks ago. Choice steers, $6 to $6.25; good, $5.- 76 to $6; medium steers, $5 to $5.- 50; stockers, $4 to $5. Milkers and springers -- Market firm on light run at $60 to $100 each; bulk sold at $70 to $85 each' Calves--A light run met a dull demand at lower prices. Choice veals $9 to $10; common and good, $4 to $8. ; Sheep and lambs--Market was slow with prices edsy at Wednesday's quotations. Sheep, $5 to $5.75; culls and rams, $2.50 to $4; lambs, lambs, §6.50 to $7. Hogs--Market steady. Selectéd, fed and watered, $7.90 and $7.50 f. 0. bh. cars, and $8.15 weighed off cars. Ai BIG ORDERS FROM BRITISH. Shaving Brushes and Mess Tins Bought In Pittsburgh. Pittsburgh, Nov. 21--The Pitts. burgh Brush company received an order to-day from the British gow: ernment. for 500,000 shaving brush- es, to be delivered within the mext three months. This order came to the local firm through a Canadian export house, _Ap order for 500,000 mess tins has awarded to the Pittsbu Can company of Etna by the British government. The mess tins are made in the form of a folding plate, with a long handle, making them useful as cooking or frying pans. J ---- Nr Gilt to President. k Washington, Nov. 21-«Fhe white House and cnbipet 'Thanksgiving turkeys thi vear will be bred. Sout Trimble, clerk. of house, ha: ordered from. his: at Frankferi Ky, a forty: 'bird. fed or celery and {for President Wilson's table, a Jsending th i to eae thin. ponad cbirds to choice ewes and wethers, $7.50 to, $7.75; culls, $5.50 to to $6; heavy THE "PRINCESS ROYAL" The "Princess Royal" is one of the néwest of Great Britain's' Drea dnoaghits. ~ ed horsepower of 76,510; cost over $10,000,000, equipped with eight 18.5 inch guns, She has a displacement and carries a complement sixteen 4.-inch guns and five mor- She has an average speed of 28 knots an hour. ---- " -- THE WHIG'S JUMBLE General Review of Country District and Local News "Nest pocket kodak." Gibson's. Perth 'has raised $10,127.65 the Canadian Patriotic fund, "High-class week-end sweets," son's. 4 Bancroft proposes to hold its mu- nicipal elections on New Year's day. "50c. Emulsion, 25¢." Gibson's. W. J. Wilson has resigned as an organizer of the Independent Order of Foresters, and will go into the grocery business in Perth. "81.50 cancelled books, 25c." son's. Levi O'Coin, sr., has sold his farm near Bogart to his son-in-law, Simon Goulah, Mr. O'Coin has bought the premises in Perth occupied by Alex. McConachie. "Films developed by experts." Gib- son's. Henry Head, sr., late of Cloyne, died at his son's in Peterbord. He was a eduservative and an Anglican and for over forty years was post- master at Cloyne. "50c. Emulsion, 25c."' Gibson's. Felix Bennett, Perth, died after an operation for appendicitis. He was aged: forty-seven years and had lived at Westport and Perth, A wi- dow and nine #hildren survive. 25c.. Teaberry Tooth Paste, Gibson's. he William Johnston, a C.P.R; brake- man fell from a car at Tweed aud four cars pas: aver him severing his right arm @bove the elbow. He i Iso. Fey bruised. His home for Gib- Gib- 13¢. ih, "25¢." Gibson's, . Jopes,'Who said he came from Kingston, was caught in a house near Twiba and sent to Belle- ville to stand trial for burglary. He did the deed in. hope "of securing lodgings for the winter. "1,50 cancelled books, 25¢c." Gil) son's, Fo The marriage was quietly celebrat- ed at Perth last Friday of Russell R. Watt, of the firm of Watt Bros, 10 Miss Margaret Dunham, third dau ghter of Mr. and Mrs. James Duu- ham, Saskatoon.. "Chojce ol Royalty sweets." son's. In Kaladar township, a young man named McKnight was acciden- tally killed. He'was helping a friend over a rock when the gun discharg- ed lodging a charge of buckshot in the young man's head. "Films developed Ly an Gibson's. The friends of Miss Gertrude Young Athens, will be sorry to know she is ill in Kincardine hospital * with typhoid fever. Miss Young. would have finished her course in traiffing as a nurse in twenty-one days. "Every lady. jn Kingston Knows" where the high-class sweets are sold. Page and Shaw, Hugler's and. Mc Conkey's, at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, fd Alvin Walker, © Tweed, had the good luck to shoot a Bull moose dar- ing the hunting séason the first of the kind captured in the district for the past two years at least. His party was camped about thirty miles northwest of Tweed. walt Miions New. Germans Admit Heavy Losses Can. 'not Be Avoided. Paris, Nov. 2]1-<The Frankfurter Zeitung says: "Our losses undoubtedly are very high in Flanders, but the country need not be disquieted by the arrest of the German advané¢eé on a part of the vast battle front, If is true that the enemy is defending himself. vali- diitly and obstinately "in 'northern | Neverthelel Gib- expert." » France and because : gress oug to Tei Ahat we ave FRkiNg war entirely by new methods rmerly fortresses 1 ed months of 'besieging, while ies in the open 'country i#sted ouly a matter of hours. oR "Now itis just the contrary. Our Shehues ave learned to Jratect emselves. by 3 1 ly the capture of w. Ma tes heavy sacrifice," Sha J The : liner Tn Ao SS oo] THE TOWN OF DESERONTO Deaths Recorded -- Prof. Dall, of Queen's Preached Here. Deseronto, Nov. 18.--On Sunday, the funeral of the late Joseph Breaugh, youngest son of Michael Breaugh, was held to St. Vincent de Paul church at four o'clock, after which the remains were placed in the Deseronto cemetery. After a ling- ering illness, there passed away, Mrs. Joseph Chamberlain, on Mon- day morning. Deceased went un- der an operation at the Hotel Dieu about a month ago and was ap- parently getting better. but took a decided change on Sunday. She is survived by her husband, two daugh- ters and one son. The funeral ser- vice was held on Wednesday morn- ing by Rev, F. 8. Dowling, of the Presbyterian church, in the absence of Rev. R. Burns of the Methodist church, who is very ill. The late Mrs. Chamberlain was a faithful church member. The remains were placed in the Deseronto cemetery. The Deseronto high school foot- ball players went to Belleville on Saturday and played Albert College, the Belleville team winning by 1 to Mrs. Ernest Moyr, of Toronto, and Mrs. Frisk, of New York, were with their mother, the late Mrs. Jos- eph Chamberlain. Mr. Moyr came down from Totonto for the funeral on Tuesday. Mrs. Woods and Mas! ®larke, of Kingston, attended' the funeral of their sistef, Mrs. Snider, which took place from the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. James Gammon, to Belle- ville, on Wednesday last. The remains of the late William Espe Anderson, of Dahlais, Idaho, | passed through on the C. N. R. from the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, of Belleville, on Monday to Napanee. Mr. Ander- ison was born at Selby and was brought up in Deseronto. and many | friends of the family were at the station to show their sympathy for the bereaved family, Rev, Prof. Dall, of Queen's university, gave an eloquent address in the Presbyterian church on Sunday morning. The man who waits to be given chance has a life job as a waiter. a SALTS TF BAORAGHY ACH AND KIDNEYS HURT Stop eating meat for a. while if your Bladder is troubling you. When you wake up with backache and dull misery in the kidney reg- fon 'it generally means you have been eating. too much meat, says a well-kuown: authority. Meat forms uric acid whidh & neys in their effort to filter if from the blood and they become sort of paralyzed and loggy. When your kidneys get sluggish and clog you must relieve them, like you relieve your bowels; removing all the body's urinous waste, else you have back- ache{ sick e, . dizzy spells: your stomach sours, tongue is coats ed, and hen the eather _ is bad you have rheumatic, twinges. The urine is cloudy, full of sediment channels often get sore, water scalds and you are obliged to seek relief two or thrée times during the night. Hl ither' eonsult a good, reliable Physician at once or get from your pharmacist about four ounces of Jad Salts; take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act fine, This famous salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, combined with Iithia, and has been used for generations to clean and stimulate sluggish kid- erworks the kid-| neys,. also to neutralize acids in the urine sp it no longer irritates, thus ending bladder weakness. Jad' Salts is a life saver for regu- lar meat eaters. It is inexpensive, cannot fnjure and makes a deligth- ful, effervescent' lithia water drink. Agant, Geo, W. Mahood. And many a'girl who thinks she is marrying' a man after her own heart discovers later that he was only after hier money. Halliday Phone 94 Instantly Clears Air Passages; You the Freely; Dull Headache Goes; Nasty Catarrhal Discharge "Stops. Try "Ely's Cream Balm," Gét a small bottle anyway, just to try it=--Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will open; you will breathe freely; dullness and headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh, cold-in-head or catarrhal sore throat will be gone. End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely's Cream Balm" at any drug store. This sweet, CRITICAL PEOPLE. . This newness applies to our modern ideas, to our efforts to Tead--not follow. Old ~atiluated methods find lodgment in our minds. LET'S TALK THE MATTER OVER! DAVID HALL Phone 338. 66 Brock Bt. Residence 838, ne Pogo eo E 3 Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. 's Electric Shop NOSTRILS AND HEAD STOPPED UP FROM COLD? TRY MY CATARRH BALM fragrant balm dissolves by the heat of the nostrils; penetrates and heals the inflamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty discharges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief comes immediately. Don't lay awake to-night strug- gling for breath, with head stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blow- ing. Catarrh or a cold, with its run- ning nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is dis- tressing but truly needless. Put your faith---just once -- In ""Bly's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh will surely disappear. | To Intending Life Assurers & Policyholders Will allocate ITS earned di iums récei P 1914, which will be January, 1915. Holders of know they will receive a | Become a Pi And ipate | shape Yor you WIL uring the past five years, as at distributed amongst its, further A as bo 8 to the ny rofits, in DIVIDENDS on all Prem. The GanadaLife Assurance Go. (over) SIX MILLION DOLLARS, being PROF. December 31st, holders in Minimum Policies will be glad to profit over that anticipated, ofits, which have ce