Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Nov 1914, p. 3

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att little girl now Sena born Dik Spi now e, Evéry winter she eroup and poor diges- reco % Andie am Sie Tae to eat that had r a $0! . obi sick ci out taking care of RGE WAGNER, Pitts ; our delieious cod liver and {ren wonderfal appetizer, and you dolicae' Ming Sidon impupee its wge. Jt enriches 'the 4 up the body, making | pale, delicate children rugg ng 'We ask all ts of . gelieate ehlaels this an To ersta Phe ple gudera eat 12 your Y. - the return mone; AS George W. Kingston, Ont, 'FARMS 500 acres, $1,000. Goods bush, neverdailing water. 120 acres clemed. Log dwelling; frame barn: horse stable. First class stock farm. Mahood, Tirugglat, 4 Monday with a lecture by a Canadian {Ordoance Corps It contains no arene. | arent Ph ne t | the most popular in n. | Don't eall a doctor for a cough JI or cold. Phone 50 for a bottle to- a ' | At Best's ll Popular Drughisih whi Opticians OPEN SUNDAYS A Se 4 CR x BEE XC HAR Jton ef St. Andress church officiated oh A OFFICIATING CLERGYMAN « FANlies Fighting. In the Cause of Christianity -- Notes Abut the 21st Dicrsbis Battdlion. ~~ %. A very'large number of civilians as well as soldiers attended the mili- tary serviee in the armouries on Sun- day allernpon, Rev, 8. I. M. Comp The R.C.H.A., band furnished music. The speaker chose as his subject: "This Is the victory which overcometh the world even our own faith." He said that the same condition con- fronted the soldier of to-day that con fronted the eompaser of the text, St. John. The spiriis of evil were com- bining agalast christianity. The late Earl Roberts was not a warrior be- cause he was in faver of war, but because he recognized the fact that War was 3 necessity to keep up the cause of christianity. "Bobs" fought fer an ideal in-.all his baftles, and was confident that he was fighting dn the cause of God. He would not Rave gone on the battlefield, if the cause was not for christianity. The present was the time for the most inplicit faith in Christ and christianity: If a soldier should now become discouraged the thought that he was fighting in the cause of chris- tianity should bear him up and make him remember that a victory preser- yes the world from becoming a slave to the Russian spirit. « Two steam rollers dre at work rolling the stone that has been plac- ed in front of the cereal works on Gore street, Before the 21st bat- talion took over the building for the occupation of the left half, the drive- Way was in terrible condition. Ev- ery morning the men lining up for roll-call would have to stand anklé deep inmud. Lieut.-Col. W.8. Hughes made arrangement with the peni- dentiary authorities, and as a result a large quantity of stone has been drawn there for the fillinginof the driveway. Rolling was then Started and now the men answer the roll- call, standing on practically a pave: ment. The drive wayishigh-crowned, and therefore always dry. Canadians of German descent are as & rule afraid of being put over in Fort Henry, One of 'these applied to he takén on as a soldier on Saturday but was promptly told to get out. He did. He admittéd his descent but said he wanted protection. ' Lieut. Frank McGee, who was on¢ of the 21st battalion officers before taking command of the divisional cy- clist platoon, is now 'provisionally attached to "D" ' Company, of the battalion. When he made his decis- ion to leave the battalion, the loss of sueh a competent officer was much regretted. He has since been convin- ced that he would be of mere value 10 the battalion than to the eyclist séction, and wil' likely be taken .on the strength of the 21st again. The armorer' was opened on instruetor. This gourse is to acquaint the men in the repairing, cleaning and storing of rifles and soldiers' equipment. It is a complicated course and requires sfuch instruct'on before the soldier is able to pass examination. Ten of the 21st battalion - are taking the course . Army order for Sfptember 1914 contains the following paragraphs that will clear up a current misun- derstanding; 'A retired officer or warrant officer re-employed during the emergency on service with the army in the field may nominate, if he wishes, either that his bamkers or some other person to receive his re- tired pay or pension during his ab- sense, Applications for the necess- ary form of authority should be made to the assistant paymaster-general Whitehall, S. W. Chelsea pension- ers similiarly situated should apply to the paymaster by whom their pen- sion are paid." x The results of Friday's miniature target practice show Pte 8, M. Mai: des, D.C.O., to be the best battalion shot. The company results are: A.C. 0.0, Corpl. W. Cops; C. Co., Pte. W, Yorke E. Co., Pte. FP. Kelsey; F. Co., Corpl. C. L. Brooks; G. Co., Pte Berdd; H. Co, Pte. H. W. Wilmer. "H" Company (43rd, Oiiawa, and 15th, Belleville), are busy making plans for the soming winter months. A day or so ago some of the mem- bers banded togeiher and proposed to the men of the company that n Company "Frat" be established. The idea met with general approval, Fifty cents initiation fee is collected from eath member, which will raise the funds to a little over $100. With this money it is proposed to pur- chase a phonograph, also to pur- chase instruments for a mouth organ band. Many goed voices in the com- pany have been heard and it is pro- Ld, Is éxpocted that a concert will be given some time near Christm There was a darge turnout of the Roma _tatilip h in the city on? y morning, for the pirpose of attending high mass in St. Mary's cathedral. The troops made a splen- did appearatics, headed by the R.C. H.A. band. Sergt. M. Downey, C.0.0., has been promoted to the rank of sergeant. major of tie Ordnance Corps. The second inoculation of 'the sol diers in the 2Ist battalion has now been completed. . The moeulation . the second time has a very bad effect on even 'the strongest men, and during the parade on Saturday to the cricket fild several of the men had to drop ont, On Saturday and Sunday several of the niembers of Sydenham Street Methodist church visited the Artillery Park barracks and the Cereal works and distributed: invitations to the sol- diers to their church. The men in the left half batta- Hon of the 21st have secured a foot- ball and in the intervals of drilling on the ericket field, kick the ball around and keep warm. Only about hall of the battalion was able to turn out on Monday morning as a result of the inoculation on Satur- day. At 8.30 o'clock Monday morning, "A company paraded to the ran- ges at Barriefield and began the service shooting practising of the battalion. After an hour's shoot- ing, the company paraded back to the city and "B" company took iis place. The early parade is not very popular these cold mornings, but each company will have its turn at the early march, digging impossible and the men will be given more extensive rifie and drilling practising. FRANK M. CHRISTIE One of the comedians with the lm. Perial Musical Comedy company at the Grand for five nights, commencing Toesday, Nov. 24th. { IN MARINE CIRCLES, t Movements of Vessels Along the Harbor. The sloop Kitty Walls cleared Howe lsland, . The steamer Glenmavis, which left the Kingston Shipbuilding compas dry dock on Saturday morning, re turned to port the same evening, oun! account of the strong gale. She took on extra coal and after stan ing in all day Sunday, cleared, in. the evening, | for the porte, The Dalh the fon. Shipbuilding Reported for 8 upper leminey ed Ni pany's dr for- vopairs wie City entor- com- on Monday morning i+ a large passenger boat and 'tween the ports at the western evtremity of Take On- tacio, { The steamer Calgarian passed up on Saturday iornoon, hut had to run for: shelter weount of the storm on Suaday. On Monday a telegrar raceivad wt headauarters stated that ske had weached the en nal. ' The steamer City of Ottawa and the steamer Alexandria passed up on Sun day evening, the farmer bound lor Hamilton and the latice for Pieton. The steambarge Waterlily and ihe steamer Aletha vere in port on Mon day, discharging canted goods and apples. le pled H on maorring William Dunn, St. Thomas, Young Englishman, was senienced to two and one-half years in peniten- tiary on the charge of abducting a 13-year-old girl, } Colonel Merritt says that he is willing to contribute $25,000 toward the equipment of two companies of Six Nations Indians to be raised for overseas service, Godfrey Isaace, managing direc tor of the British Marconi Co., won in a damage suit instituted by a posed 10 organize a Glee Club. It wealthy Russian Pole. + vousness are very disagreeable, 0 RETVOuA System gets a condi- nerves twitch and jerk, und you have nervous sensations come over you there Is OR for grave Twitching of the Nerves ir pro, Broken-down' System Now Entirely Cured--Never Used +. Such Benefit 3s.Dr, Ch Meehiessuess nd nop Any Medicine With Nerve Food. Viates 3 writes thai "sHe' wad antirély cured of the old trouble, The last paragraph proves that the cure was lasting. Mrs, John McKellar, 11 'Barton sireet east, milton, Ont, writes:-- "I wis injured some yeark ago, and that Jeft me with a broken-down ner Vous system. I could not sleep, and suffered from twitching of the nerves "ah then Canis, Hv Dr Chas rye Lood, : eve fay that 1 never any, ald 3 fa gy not. on ¢ , but also » tL up my system The cold 'weather has made trench Sirennthened the bud 1 THE . GANANOQUE "TOWN" COUN. CTL TAKES ACTION. Principal R.iho Graham Retursis Home From Hospital-- No - Evis denéé Against Automobile Speed. Ry he sicn «i the town council it was de- cided '10 iecommend te organization of ». home guard similar to what is being done in various places along the bdo.u'r. Gananoque rifle as- sociation made an effort to start the organization some time ago but the recruits have uol been coming ia very fast 'so ihe niunicipal eouncil wil do its bes; to encourage he Work. There is a rumor that a section of the 21st battalion at present in Kingston will be sent to Gananoque find take up their quarters at the ew armoury, until such time as the battalion leaves for overseas duty. ew wooden wharf between fenepiy-five 'ara ohe hundred 'est hg Los been eractéd along i FEE fromt just east of the T. 1. 1t.Y sativa forming excellent facilis for the landing of small crafts. A couple of auto speeders were up before the police magistrate for exceeding the fifteen mile limit within the town precifiets, Evidence against them not being sufficient, they were dismissed with a warn- ing. R. G. Graham, principal of Gan anogue high school who was re cently operated on at Kingston Gen: eral Hospital for appendicitis. re Jturned home the latter part of the | week. te recuperate, and is reporind 'as waking excellent progress to wards recovery. : The extraordinary lowness of the water in the lake section to the north, which. feeds the Gananegue (river and therefors regulates the supply of water for the focal manu facturing plants, has caused con- siderable inconvenience for some weeks past bit has now taken po torn for the hetier, the walter pow: er company being able to furnish water for five davs during the. pas Week and this will bé increased te six very ahorily Mrs, W.! I. Thotipson, of Teed: township, lefi on Thursday evening for Huntingdon, Due., to the hedside of her mother, Mrs. Baird, who if quite seriously ill. A. A, Crawford of the staff of the Merchants ban! at Athens, is holidaying here wit! his parents, Mr. and Ars. George | Crawford, irst street. «Mr. hn Mre. Robert Gordon, of New York City, are spending some time her: with the former's parents. Mr. ane / Mrs. D. J, Gordon, King street west. AN EXPLORER'S VIEW. Believes Titanic Rests On Sabmerg ed Mountain. Philadelphia, Nev. 21.--Firm iv the belief that the limwer Titanic wa sunk by an iceberg, whieh was itesl aground on the summit of a sub merged mountain, and that she ca be located and raised. Captain J Foster Stackhouse; English explor er and geoprapher, who {8 now here will thoroughly investigate the scen: of the disaster. "It has been reported," said Cap tain Stackhouse, "that the Titani sank in 2,000 fathoms of water. Tha Is at at least a guess. At the near est point, forty-one miles distant where the depth is actually known there are 1,830 fathoms of water "If the iceberg which caused th: ship's destruction rested on a sub merged mountain top it is quite pos sible that the ship does not Me sc deep as is generally supposed. "That a mountain exists we have every reason to believe," SCARING OFF GERMANS. Villages Post Placards That Typhw Is Raging. Paris, Nov. 21--A& traveller, jus returned from a trip through the portion of France occupied by th: Germans, informs the Temps tha the Germans are utilizing all the re sources of the country, working th wills north of the Aisne, the coa mines of Anzin and Aniche, and ev erywhere seizing goods for franspor fation to Germany. At Hirson the Germans issued a newspaper Ii French, which recently stated tha they had npt taken Paris in opder t« humiliate France excessively. In oth er localities, the Germans assertec that they had withdrawn owing cholera, which, was devasiating th French capital, Many villages avoi( German occupation by posting, whe the enemy's approach is signalled placards, signed by the mayor, worn ing the inhabitats that typhus i: raging throughout the commune anc bidding them boil the water and tak: other precautions. iIOMPERS RE-ELECTED. -- Americin Federation of Labor Op poses 8-Hour Legislation, Philadelphia, Nov, 23--The Amer ican Federation of Labor at the fin al session Of dts thirty-fourth annua meeting re-gle all its present ot ficers, and voted to hold its next na tional convention at San Franeisec in November, 1815. Delegates from Gananoque, Nov. 28.--At a ses | PROBS. --Fine and cold to-day and on Tuesday. | Why Kingston is the Most Prosper- ous City in Canada Right Now ! I! Because : There is about savings! There are 200 w works of its kind is closed The Tannery is working overtime! The Hosiery Mill is working overtime! - The Cotton Mill working full time! 1300 students pouring at least $6,500 A WEEK into Kingston! 1500 soldiers whose expenditure and up-keep means at least $11,000 A WEEK --spent in Kingston! 2 'To our knowledge every Kingston store has its full complement of hands Who Said Kingston Was in for Hard Times ? Santa Cl:us Says: Get busy, shop early--early in tae and early in the month. This going to be just as busy, bright and chee a8 ever. ACY'S a ee -- $6,000,000 to $8,000,000 on deposit in Kingston banks the Locomotive Works, while every other | ~1y day is ry THE BUSIEST STORE w= IN TOWN EE. ta KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE | Bought special lot Tungsten Lamps, excellent quality 10 Watt cesta, uae 406 15 Watt 25 Watt 40 Watt . 50 Watt . ed 100 Watt evans sa SOD Home Illumination a Specialty. H. W. Ne Phone 441. FROM STOMACH ILLS What's the use of suffering heartburn and the other disagreeable things "caused by Dyspepsia' and "n- digestion, when we offer you the pri- silege of using Rexall Dyspepsia "I'ab- lets entirely at our risk, with the distinct understanding that, if they don't relieve your stomach trouble. md make your stomach comfortable md your digestion easy, they will '0st you nothing. If they don't do all you expect them to we want you 0 tell us and let us give back your nosey. We know chat they are have lone for others and what they are nade of. That is why we have oon- idence in them. Among other things they contain 'épsin and Bismuth, two of the greatest digestive aids known to me- lical science. They sooth and com- ort the stomach, relieve heartburn ind distress, promote the secretion of zastrie juice and will make the bow- ds regular. We believe them to be iy all odds the best remedy for in- ligestion or dyspepsia ever made. We relieve you will say so, too, once vou have used them. If you don't, they will cost you nothing. Sold mly at the more than 7,000 Rexall Stores, and in this town only at ur store. Three sizes, 25¢., 50c. and 1 from Fe ------------ INK CHARM CEYLON TEA | 30 to 60Qcts. Lb. Black, Green or 'Mixed, © At All Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston, Officers SHBY Tailo TRY ASH The Tail 76 Brock St., Kingston For khaki uniforms, great- 'oats, caps, putties, swords, oclts, whistles and whistle cords, rank badges, buttons, ate. Nothing too large for us t0 supply; nothing too small t receive our prompt atten- son Repairing and alterations sarefully attended to. We ean save yon money and we guarantee to please

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