Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Nov 1914, p. 5

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' Walker, $1.50; others | Medicine Cabinets, shelves, mirror in door, $1.50, Mirrors, 1 for bathrooms, $2.50, $3.50, icate Shaving | Cabinets in' 86.50, Gentlemen's Chiffonfer in oak and thahogany, all finished, from $12 to $25.00, * Robt. J. Reid, The leading Undertaker and Furni- tare 3 230 Princess St. Telephone 577 ii} TRUN Lei of "Feourse To the Land of Sunshine and Summer Days, . - California, Florida, Limited trains leave Kingston daily, making di connections at Mont real, otros | and Bulialo for the Southern States, and at Chicago for ion lei trip of cou! ing a trip any nature should consult or write me any I will be pleased to quote rates, as range reservations and attend to ak details in commection with your trip » ful iy J. ¥ HANLEY, and Stenmenis Ax nn ars ent, cor. Johnson and Ontario Sts, FAST TIME BETWEEN MONTREAL-TORONTO DETROIT-CHICAGO Particulars from Canadian Pacific Tr ite M. G. Mur- nger Agent, cor AY, CPA, oh Ticket corner Princess and Welling. Phone 1197, After I am, After 1 am. After 1 am. Orduna Dee. 14th Transylvania Dee. 21st MINIMUM PASSAGE RATES int. Zod. Srd. Franconia £107.50 $60.00 $37.50 Ordunn $100.00 E5T.H0 S36.35 Trausyivania $100.00 $57.50 $30.25 Apply Local Ticket Agent or Th Reford fad General Robert eral Agents, 30 King Street' Bast, Toronto, 88. 58. Vaderland, 5000 "13 *13 cutie py = OE OF THE PULPIT "THE SIN OF SUICIDE," TOPIC OF | SERMON, fly Rev. Alfred Brown in Sydenham Street. Methodist Church -- Anni. versary Sunday in Cooke's Church. In Sydenham Street chureh 'Sunday evening, Rev. Alfred Brown preached on, "The Sacred- ness of Human Life and the Sin of Suicide." The speaker took his text from Acts XVI, 27-28: "And the keeper of the prison awakening out of his sleep, and seeing the pris- on doors open, he drew out his sword, and would have killed him- solf, supposing that the prisoners had been fled. But Paul cried with a lopd voice, saying, 'Do thyself no harm, for we are all here.' Mr. Brown said that these same words should be written over every intoxicating cup, every dance hall, every saloon and' every gambling den, He condemned all these plac- 65 and asserted that everyone of them was the source from which the greatest evil emerges. In many cases they lead to murder and sui- cide, which is directly against' the will of God, according to the sixzih commandment. He who takes his own life is as much a murderer as he who kills his fellow-man, assert- ed the preacher, Illustrations were given hy Mr. Brown which all tended to show that giicide was a crime against society and unlawful in the sight of God. Cooke's Anniversary. Sunday was anniversary day at ('ooke's 'church and the attendance at both the services was unusually large. The choir rendered a special pro- gramme of music, Mies, Goldie Bartels assisted the choir with her violin. The pastor, Rev, J. W. Melntosh, preached at the morning service, de- livering a thoughtful and timely dis- re *on the subject, "The Ideal Church." i The auditorium and gallery was filled to overflowing at the evening service when the sermon was preach- ed by Rev. W. J. Clark of West- fount, Que., who preached a force- ful ' sermon, taking as his text, Psalm exix,-19: "I am a stranger in the earth; hide not thy command- ments from me." The speaker dwelt on the value of the home life and the love of home. Home was a place everyone loved dearly. It was surrounded by an nimosphere of love. A person was always touched with the words, "Home, sweet home, he it ever so Immble, there's no place like home." Ta find God was to be at home. He wns a great help in time of trou- ble. First Baptist Church, Tov. W. Daniels, B.A., of Toronto, conducted the services on Sunday morning: in the First Baptist church, He spoke on "Thé Call of the West." For-well-kmown reasons 'the financial condition of Canada's west this year was very bad. It would require $20,- 000 to earry on the work of the mis- gion stations for the year and unless '{ the amount was forthcoming it would be absolutely necessary to cease car- rying on some of the good work now being done. The appeal was ur- gent. He spoke on the great num- ber of converts that were heing made and the splendid work that the mis- sionaries were doing. Bishop Mills At Ss. Paul's. The Bishop of Ontario preached in St. Paul's church on Sunday evening, to 8 very large congregation, ome of the most intevesting of sermons. He took his text from Isaish xliv, 22, and Isaiah xliii;, 25: "I will blot out a8 a thick cloud thy transgressions and as a cloud thy sin." is lordship gave the significance of the word "transgressions" and also dealt with the word "sin," referring very interestingly to the subject of original sin and then pointing out Jesus Christ as the perfect Saviour of the sinner. . He instanced many ways of offending against God, quoting from St. James about that unruly member the tongue, and referring to the sins of thought and of deeds. 'The only One who ean save us from sin and salvo give us power to conquer sin is Jesus Christ. You. will never rogret using White Rose flour. As Brockville Collegiate Institute has no debating society this year the challenge of the Kingston Collegiate Institute has had to be regretfully de- clined. Constipation HOOD'S PILLS Be. - "CO, Limited PHONE 454 KINGSTO Methodist ples I Best of all, best of all, ha, ha, CITY AND VICINITY ------------ Don't Forget. The Thimble Circle concert in Cooke's church lecture hall, Tuesday evening, Nov. 24th, at 8 pm. Ad: mission 25¢. To Help Belgians. 3 In addition to a very large dona- tion of potatoes, flour, oats and * ap- the people of 'Keine: towne ship have mmde a cash contribution of over $27 to help the Belgians; Free Christian Science Lectures. A free lecture on Christian Science will be given in the Opera House at 8.15 o'clock. The lecturer will be Virgil Strickler, C.S., of Boston, spoken of as a fluent and graceful speaker and has always drawn large audiences. Everyone welcome. Married In Toronto. The marriage took placein Toron® on November 17th of Miss Elaine Miller, Waterbury, Conn., to Dr. J. Wallace White. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Daniel Strac- han of Rosedale, a classmate of Dr. White during their college days at Queen's university, Kingston, Belgian Relief Fund. J. A. Wilmot, secretary-ireasurer of the Belgian Relief committee of Pitty burg, huis received 'the following con- tributions to date: $70, patrons of Granite Hill cheese factory; $111, pa- trons of Pine Hill factory; $63.77, pa- trons of kastern Dairy school; $7.63, Eastern Dairy school. Six cheese fac: tories are yet to hear from. No Shortage of Chemicals. When asked if there was any lack of chemical materials in Kingston, Dean Connell, of Queen's medical college, stated that there was not. A goodly quantity had been laid in at Queen's and the general hos- pital. There need be no uneasiness because none can be got from Ger- many, as practically all chemicals and compounds ean he obtained from manufacturers in France, he said. Ladies' | Musical Club, Misses Fairlie and Knapp had charge of the programme at the meeting of the Kingston Ladies' Mu- sical club in Convocation ba" cn Saturday afternoon. The programme - THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S THE SUNDAY SERVICE IN CON- VOCATION HALL. Dramatic Club to Play at Rockwood ~=Spme Students Want Sunday Service Changed From Morning to Afternoon. * The large congregation present at the Sunday morning service a. Con- Vocation hall was treated to one of tile finest sermons heard this term. Rev. W. J. Clark, D.D., of St. And- rew's church, Westmount, was the speaker and his topic was "Life." He compared the two versions of life as given by the writer of Ecclesiastes ®nd St. Paul in the second book of Timothy. The ver- ges of Ecclesiastes may be summed up in the words "Vanity, all is Van- ity." Paul's.version of life on the other hand was & song of triumph. Leading aside these judgments we are agreed that Paul's version fs to be preferred. It is better to end our life's journey on the high read of success than in disappoint- ment and sadness, Our lives cannot follow the lines of those of Paul or the writer of Ecclesiastes, but all our lives will approximate to one or other of these plang. We will live either to satis- fy self, to make self the centre of the universe, as if this life were all or we shall live as St. Paul did and keep the hody under and forget self, for eternity. At the Alma Mater meeting on Saturday evening. the following olection committe was appointed: H. 8. Lockett, (convener), W..A, Mc Intosh, Arts; W. V. Williams, Science; D, Calhoun, Medicine; E. Frank, Theology. The secretary was emdowered to sign a contract for the engagement of the Grand Opera House for the night of Nov. 30th. It was decided to expend not more than $50 to buy rew palms for the decoration of Grant hall. It was decided to ask the Alma Mater election candidates to address a mass meeting after the nominations next Saturday night, thus doing away with the necessity of calling a special meeting for that purpose. The secretary was instructed tc rire congratulations to the Varsity consisted of piano solos by = Miss Annie Burns, Miss Bertha White, Miss Phyllis Knight, piano duets by Miss Knapp and Mrs. H. W. L. Day, ta! solos by Miss Florence Valleau, Miss Bajus and Miss Araile Flder and violin solos by Miss Goldie Bar tels. On Active Service. Capt. Vietor Nordheimer, a grad- uate of the Royal Military College, was honored by being placed in com- | mand of a new squadron of the Dra- goons being drilled to form a part of the second contingent, with which he will proceed to the front on or- ders to that effect heing received, says The+ Canadian Music Trades Journal. A brother-in-law of Capt- Nordheimer, the late Liedt. Denison, was killed in action in France, as al- ready. reposted. Another member of the Nordheimer family is now with the first contingent, in the person of Roy Nordheimer. Gray's Pets At Kingston. The following is the cheer of E. company, 21st battalion, now in training at Kingston. It has been composed in honor of their popular captain, 8. M. Gray, of Cornwall: -- One, two, three, who are we? We are the boys of Company Gray's Pets, Gray's Pets, rah, rah! E? rah ha! Gray's Pets, Gray's Pets 'we should smile, We been his while, Will we flinch, will we run? No, sir! No, sir! No., not one! for a long, long Building Activity at Prince George. Good progress is being made with the execution of machine shops and round houses for the Grand Trunk Pacific at Prince George, B.C. This district is showing rapid growth and it is probable that there is no other locality in British Columbia in which greater building activity is taking place. During the past three months there have been completed nearly $500,000 worth of new resi- dences and business blocks. While at the present time there are build- ings valued at $250,000 under con- dtruction. Died In New York, The death occurred in New York city hospital, on Nov.- 14th, of Miss Alice Patterson, as the result of ap- poudicitis. She was a daughter of .J. tterson and was engaged as a nurse in New York. She was sperated on on Thursday and died on Saturday. The funeral took place the following Thursday from the -home of her bro- ther, J. Patterson, to Moscow church and thence to White church cemetery. . D. P. Wilson, of Yarker, officia- a Return Of Musical Comedy. \ 'In the return engagement of the Imperial Musical Comedy company, at the Grand Opera House for five nights starting Tuesday, November 24th, the people of Kingston will have a chance of seeing some of the vo- | | Box, : Rugby team on winning the Inter collexiate championship, The Dramatic club which will this year stage the "Rogues Com edy," at the Grand Opera House, Nov. 30th, has been invited to Rock- wood and "Will put on their play there on Tuesddy evening. Capt. and Mrs. Prideaux have kindly con- sented tn act as make-up artists. By defeating arts "16 on the lower campus on' Saturday afternoon, by a score of 4 to', medicine '15 won the MacClement cup, emblematic of the inter-faculty "soccer championship. The arts' team put up a good brand of foothall but cine by their greater weight and = &ggressiveness The play during the first half was fairly even but Carmichael managed to score one, putting medicine in the lead. When the second. half started medicine rushed matters and soon (Carmichael scored another. This was house and. Carmichael seoring in suo- cession. Final score 4 to 0. The hardest workers for medicine were Stackhouse and Carmichtel, while Paynter and Clark the pick of arts "18. ware -- The Q.U.M.A. met Saturday morn ing with the president, A. J. Wilson, in the chair. J. D. McCrea wanted the society to approve of a former resolution to have the present hour of Sunday service changed to 3 p.m. but it was decided to get each or- ganization to appoint one representa- tive to confer with Principal Gordon before any steps were taken. Miss McDougall, president of the Y.W.C. A., gave the sociéty an address - on China and its religious peeds.W. Scott spoke on the "Volunteer Movement in Foreign Missions," and also gave the history of the foundation of the volunteer band. The Mathematics and Physics club will hold its regular meeting on Tues- day afternoon. Prof. J. Matheson WON'T MIX. Had Food amd Good Health Won't Nix. The human stomach stands much abuse but it. won't return good health it you give it bad food. It you feed right you should feel right, for proper food and a good mind 18 the sure road to: health!' "A year ago | became much alarm- ed about my health for 1 began to sulier Jfter each meal no matter how uttle 1 ate," says a Western wo- mag. 4 lost my appetite and the very bs i 3 iH § B,EE0E ih Li pie Hy were able to win out guite handily.. followed by two more goals, Stack- Pumps EVENING FOOTWEAR We are showing a complete range of Ladies' Satin, Kid, Patent and Suede and Colonials, on the newest models. Prices $4.00, $3.50 and $3.00 Also Patent and Gun Metal Dancing Pumps for men ........ $4.00 and $3.00 fo ------ Far-Lined Coats for Ladies Ours are made on the. premises by experts and | an inspection will prove that for quality, style, and workmanship, they are not surpassed in America. NEW SHELLS If your cloth is worn or a little out of date, why not have a new shell. We make a spee- ialty of this and our charges are very moder- ate. It pays to consult us when wanting fur or fur-lined garments of any description. CAMPBELL BROS. sm rv} will give an address on "Non Eu- clide on Geometry," The science '17 rugby team, which bas won the championship of science, las challenged the arts 15 team toa rame on the lower campus on Tues- dy. The losers are to provide dinners for the winners. BOUGHT THE STAMPS, to Mowat Hospital Seal Fund. Charles Diamond, Mrs. J. C. 'trange, Mrs, M. Morrison, Mrs. forranco, Mrs. C. Oberndorffer, W. I. Grahame, Mrs, Clark Hamilto 'mith Bros., Mrs. M. Redmond, Mrs. Margiret Redmond. R. ¥ reighton, J. Taylor, Mrs. G. Auch- nvoole, W. T. Connell, C. Smith, J. ©. Walkem, Mrs. Cargy, E. u. Forte, iohn Strange, isaac Atlan, R. Chas, jell, Mrs. Grace Bajus, M :. A, = 4vans J. Roadhouse, Siduey 8S sobell, P. Walsh, John Laidlaw & on, Thomas Ronan, FF. Conway, 2rof, 0. D. Skeltolh, Mrs. James iowdy, R. 'D. Sutherland, B. Lan- aster, (Catarfiqui};" Mrs. Hugh Me- Lachlin, (Ottawa)3" Rev. A. O. Cook, {Barriefleld); Bank of Ottawa, (Arnprior); Mrs. Marion Bell, (Al- monte); Melory Irwiu, (Bath), omitted from Thursday's list; R. J. Heid, Miss H, L. Crown, Mrs. Fow- ler, Dr. Allen Black, Mrs J. H's- cck, James T. Sutherianf, Mrs. deek, C. McKay, James Morti- mer, H. W. Newman, George Baw- den, Mayor Shaw, Ven. Archdeacon Dobbs, H, Birtels, Mrs. W Kirk- inirick, John McKelvey, Pro oatributors tiorsey, Miss Strange, Mrs. W. A. M whell, Mrs, Arnville, Mae Gilder. +leove, M. Sullivan, H. Barnes, Dr i'. B. Sparks, amount acknowledeed, $190.50. date $257.50. SENATOR THOMAS KANE. Young Kingstopian Elected In State of Montana. Kingston ean boast of another of her sons in the person of Thomas hane, who Was elected to the state senator in the recent election. Sena- tor Kane went to Montana about nin ears and is now owner of a large ed the district where he lives be is noted for = his honesty and in- tegrivy. Of the five i Sen- ator Kune received a majority of 382 votes. > Thomas is well at he was always one of the ia the te Institute, from he was usted. His many school mates | be pleased to hear of his SUCCES. He is viously otal. to for Sale Frame house om James Street with good stabling, suitable for a carter, $400.00 t invest. Cement block house on Raglan Road, $1950.00. Double house on Stanley street, improvements, renting or $18.00 per month. $200. will handle this proposition. HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and Insurance Office 177 Wellington St. § good house Ji PRETTY AND USEFUL GIFTS FOR BISSELL CARPET SWEEPERS \ A Labor Saver. Children's White Enamel Doll Car riages. Children's White E 5 Wo P. Wilgar, Dr. E. C. McCalluai E. 5 Shown in Ki iv. which a son of Mrs, Matthew Kone, | : : ; "NORMAN"' The NEWEST BRAY Clustt, Peabody & Co, Inc. Makers, Sales Dept, Montreal AE A IE . LEASES AGREEMENTS AND ALL KINDS OF Conveyancing and Municipal Forms The British Whig ston. Reid Quality, Reid Low Prices JAMES REID, STORE. WITH A HOIADAY SPIRIT Phone 147 THE © a lasting impres. _E. 1 COUSINS FURRIER 221 Prihcess Street It gives us first in authoritative fancies, in ro Ta

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