SHE CLAIMS HE DESERTED HER IN THIS CITY, : . et St te ete Be Syracuse Woman Marded Thrée Months Ago, Made Complaint to United States Consul Johmston, . Claiming that her husband had deserted- her, a woman giving the lame wf Mra Charles McDonald, and her home as Syracuse, N.Y., called at the office of Felix S. § Johnston, United States comsul, on Monday morning and told her story. The woman stated that she was married to MéDonald in Syracuse, three Dignths ago. They came to Kingston 8 week ago last Friday, and have been stopping at the! Prince George liotel. On Saturday her husband 4 without telling her where he was going, and she has come tp the conclusion that he has 4 her. She says that McDonald is a native of Belleville, and that he told her that his fath- | er was the proprietor or a big hotel there. She further stated that since coming to Ringston her husband had made a trip Belleville. The woman = was left without funds, and on this account had to apply to the United States Consul for assistance. Mrs. McDonald was assisted by the United States consul and left this afternoon on the boat for Cape Vincent and will go from there to Syracuse to look for her husband. Mra. McDonald also told her trouble to Mayor Shaw at' the City hall. She says that she can give no reason whatever for her husband's sudden flight, other than that he wanted to desert her. From the description given of Me- Donald, officers on the Cape boat identified him as a man who crossed over the border on Saturday. NEWS FROM THE Y.M.C.A. Ruin Russia Alleged. 4 ) Petrograd, Nov. 23 (Via London). {--The police have discovered a revo- lutionary plot in which several mem- bers of the Duma are inculpated, ac- 'cording to a semi-official announce- jment. A number of arrests have {been made. The semi-official state- iment says: ) | At the beginning of the war most jof the Russian people, conscious of ithe necessity of defending the dignity 'and integrity of the fatherland, were {unanimous~in assisting the authori ities in the accomplishment of the 'tasks incurred by the operations of the war. | "Altogether different attitude was observed by some members of the social democratie associations who continued an activity aiming at the downfall of Russia's military power by means of an anti-war agitation, the distributing of secret proclamas tions and the condugting of propa- ganda by word of mouth. "The government in October last learned of a plan to convoke a secret conference of delegates of the social democratic organizations to discuss measures aiming at the ruin of the Russian state and the speedy realiza- tion of revolutionary plans. "On November 17th the police dis- covered that a meeting of the said conference was to be held in a house in Viberg road, eight miles from Petrograd. A detachment of po- lice arrived on the scene and found there eleven. persons, including the following members of the Duma: M. M. Petrovsky, Badayoff, Mouranoff, Samolloff and Chagoff. "There being no doubt as fo the STEER rn nn ans a tates be ee in Er i Select Your Christmas Handkerchiefs We have ready a very large stock and they - best, fresh and attractive: . : Handkerchiefs for men, women, children. Plain linen, lace trimmed, embroidered by hand, put up in fancy boxes or without. : MEN'S fine pure Irish linen handkerchiefs. 12 1-2¢, 15¢, 20¢, 26¢, 35¢. and up MEN'S fine pure linen hemstitched. Very special make, 3 for 50c. MEN'S fine linen with INITIAL embroidered. 25¢ are now at their ; Men and Young Men's Overcoats A few minutes spent trying on some of our new models will convince you that Livingston's is the place to buy your WINTER OVERCOAT | High class garments -- every one of them as anti-government object .of the con- ference, the members of the meeting were arrested after a search, with the exception of the members of the Duma, who were released. An ex- amining magistrate was entrusted with the inquiry and immediately started an investigation. "Having examined the decuments seized in the raid the drafted an indictment against all the magistrate i The Delegates To a Conference To De Held in Belleville. | To-night at 6.30 o'clock the | Young Men's Bible class will be ad- dressed by Prof. J. F. MacDonald, of! Queen's, t connection with the. different Y.M, C.A's, The week has opened yes- terday morning at the boy's Bible flass Dy an address on the work of This is National Boys. week in| LADIES' pure linen hemstitched. > Special makes at 10c and 12 1- LADIES' pure linen hemstitched. Special makes at 156c and 20c And many finer makes. work, i f : EMBROIDERED feminine hand fine as any man could wish for, tailored in the most | meirhers of the Te der] ihe National Commission by Rev. A. ° = da article 102 of the penal code, an 1+. Mershon. - The diffe t boys up to te styles. 'ad Pi . isgued warrants for their arrest.' | 8rougs will use this Neti yy : -All new fashionable winter weight coats in qual- re etm {i in rallying all their members, ities that are far and always above this special price. {Who will be asked to contgibute .$15.00, $18.00, $20.00 NOT PLACING GUNS citi oie momper ofls Convertible and Shawl Collar, Livingston's, Brock St. 4A Lite Out of ve Way, But it wi p Dainty New Designs 25¢ to 50c CHILDREN'S Haadkerchiefs. 26¢ for Half Dozen FORT HENRY IN PREPARA- TION FOR TROUBLE, AT {Sub is making good Progress under wb------ the lo : ore Denied That Part of The ist Bat- | py 0ership of Mrs. H. T. J. Cole talion Will Bo Quartered In the: The "Four Square" club will hold Gananoque Armourics. a meeting on Thursday night after ihe gymnasium class, when anoth-| A rumor was in circulation on lar of the "Life Problem" talks will Monday that four machine guns!je taken up by Dr. C. C. Nash, were being taken to hort Henry io. There will be x splendid delega- 2ivpare for expected trouble with | fon from Kingston for the boys' the German suspects coniined there: {work conf nee at Belleville, com- The militia authorities, when askod mencing Friday evening and end-| Said that the Germans were behav-'ing Sunday evening. The following | ing, quietly and causing no trouble sre the mempers of the Kingston de- ! whatever. . A pom-pom gun, d hearsal of the "Y" Glee club. This BRE ct oie. hi aA row Morning 10 t ---- GE EE en | I wanted makes ! § useful and fancy A particularly good make, finished all ready to work, dainty de- signs, just the thing for a Christmas gift. These are worth regularly $1.00 a pair. was nol needed apd was in the way. !Lillay, F, '8. Nicholson, William | { il a | hi - a i Monday wus to the effect that part church, C. rmstrong, W. wineh; | i . { There is no chance of anything like "street, G. Timms, C. Mcllguham; | i James, H. Farrar; First Congrega-! % > : Thé medical orderlies of the 21st !M. Alguire; Bethel B. Treneer, R. | = 2 battalion, was fined $2 for being | four others; Tweed Methodist, J Sa Prince Rupert Sends Fine Body fat the song service held in the "Y" Xmas Prevents. ile railway, 'was incorporated as a|to the young men present. that legation whe. have registered up to| 4 King, H, 8. Kennedy, H. Edgar, A.! cf the 21st battalion was to be sia Cooke's church, J. McLaughlin, H.! this happening. j deen street, L. Spence. C. Robin-| TIE tional, H. Routley; Queen's Univer-' battalion are being chosen. | Wilson; Chalmers, B. MacDougall; | s We have a larre variety of all tha drunk on Saturday. | W. McCallum, Prince Rupert, B.C., the western parlors Sunday night, at the close | SHEER LINEN AND LINEN LAWN i . ; =" has been at the Tele de Pout bur- present and the organizations they ! ii Packs, was taken over to be stored represent: YMCA, F. LL Newman, | { on Monday, but this was because it IZA Preston, C. R. Powers, 8. T | Hi A rumour from Gananoque oi Kinch, F. B. Pense; Brock Street | 3 Hioued in the new armouries there. |'W Fair, W. G. "Shaw; Princess } -- jon, C. Elliott, A. Wright; St. il ET , = ee Lieut. Newcombe is acting assist- ! 1 4 Po ant adjutant to Major Mclean of the it ; left half, 21st battalion. {sity, J. Odell, J. W. McKinnon, W. | em A private of "G" company, 21st | Sydenham street, C. Reynolds and | : eg There was a splendid attendan-e and styles of linens suitable for terminal of the Grand Trumk Paci-lof which a cup of tea was served; At 40, 50, 60 and 75c¢ aT wunicipality in March 1910. It is one of the youngest of the empire's austling cities, yet a remarkable in- dication of the progress it has made | is seen in iis 'splendid response to one of his best addresses Sunday even- the call for men for Canada's sec j ing, his" subject 'being "The Cross." ond contingent. News received at:lt was 'the person of Christ, the lov- G. T. P. headquarters in Montreal, ing kindness He displayed in suffering | State that the company's steamship | "the just for the unjust," that at- Prince George has left Prince Rupert | tracted us to the cross, 'and it was: for Vietoria with 129 brawny sons | not cowardice, but wisdom and on § Sunday At Brock Street Hall. Evangelist Charles J. Stephens gave Hq i { Special To-morrow | Morning, Each . . isp ART LINENS in all widths and weights From 40c to $1.00 a yd LINEN SHEETING in wide: widths for lunch and table cloths. $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 a yard PLAIN AND FANCY LINGS of northern British Columbia, en | oression which led people to flee from route for the front Some were | the wrath to come and take shelter fresh from office and shop, but the | "beneath the eross' of Jesus." To-'§ majority had lived their lives in the {night the subject will be "Peace." out-ni-doors, toughened hy the | 3 safdle and the cance. They were | Tea And Sale. wiven a» groat send-off by their | The Woman's Association of Syd- friends in Prince Rupert. jenham Street Methodist church, will hoid a tea and sels io the Bible | Sdhool Hall, on Thursday afternoon, | Nov. 26th, from 3 to 6 o'clock. Home-made work and candy table. -------------- Posteponement Of Meeting. on bg en 5 HUCK TOWEL. 25, 35, 40 and 50c The Late S. Stenzler. Pm. i | Early pn Sunday morning a well if known citizen of ingston passed away in the person of S. Steusler, who for many years-ram a tailoring : y a 3 x shop. on Wellington street. The do | Bite, So. the Lily Hall Jing Deed coused had only been hiling for about {3 for he purposes the gd Cross a week. The late Mr. Stenzler I eg Bot Hest from Heady was bom in Austria forty-five years {2000 Gil Thursday morning of this ago aml before coming to Kingston week. } be pn some fime in New York Sunday Sales AL Ontario Hall. a ; . iio, | Chocolates and soft drinks were oe, Aout in loss there sre a wile, | Li eles aby, Sol inks, were , h oom Tuling, Sade, | tario hall on . Some of the ' The late Myr |iocal dealers are protesting. of -- i------------ \ Brock street cbwrch annual bazaar ll be held in go Sunday shoal i} of the deceased on Monday afternoon , on Friday, Nov. 27th. = After- 'at two o'clock. The remains will rad admission free. Concert at night [} 'te plated ju the vault at Cataragui.: | Oc. . tc se ia ti. BOY STOLE A RING. I Was Recovered by Constable mos csi i sin GUEST TOWELLING 20, 25 and 35¢ a yard en Sogn Ed: LAIN HEMSTITCHED PIECES in all Sizes suitable for embroidery. From 15¢ to $2.50 each CEN. , SERV. TOW. a a TRAY CLOTHS, LUNCH OL "TRE PIECES, RUNN . IETTES, DOYLIES, FAN | in Linens At throat ** at Gibson's. |} | Sir Jon Gibson headed a uvpa- Mi {tation csking premier Hearst for j= o- | (vincial aid to the Boy t move- § JRun. a wr 8 oA yy " 455 rbowser. L This is the ovsy {pres mf Alsosio0 =