Genuine Labrador Fox Fine, Silky and Fluffy We use only the finest full furred selected skins for this article. Do not be taken in by substitutes, such as Am- erican Fox and Russian Dog, sold by unscrupulous dealers for the real thing. We have received to-day from our dressers 300 mag- nificent skins. Our fur craftsmen will make up to special order for you any combination or style de- sired, Prices for the set range from $40.00 upward. We have passed into stock sixty-seven bales of Rugs. Designs are smaller and prices as low as last season, Every make of stair and hall to match. R McFAUL | Carpet Warehouses veneer | residence, SOLDIER fait of homes FROM 2187 BATTALION FOR A . PETTY THEFT. Court-Martial Held as An Examplew No One Will be Allowed to Shirk Second Inoculation. "Stealing from a comrade" will pot be tolerated in the 21st battal- lon. 'Ever since the battalion mobiliz- | ed here petty thieving has been go- ing on in the sleeping quarters, Al man would buy & new pipe and leave! it under his pillow. When he return- ed from drill or meal 1t would be gone. This steiling became so com- mon that for a time an officer at; roll-call read out the list of articles that had been reported to him as; stolen. Threats of due punishment were made but it did not stop. One of the thredts was that an example would be made of the first soldier caught. A private was caught "with the goods" and brought before Lieut- Col. Hughes for trial. The accused war only a boy but as discipline was necessary he was remanded for a district court-mar(lal, the first since the battalion same to the city. . He was found guilty and sentenced to twenty-one days hard labor and dis- charged from his majesty's service. I'he sentence was published in the or- ders on Monday as an example to the men, An officer when speaking about the possibility of more troops being mo- ! bilized here said that the City Coun- | should immediately communicate ! with the militia authorities as to what advances it would make to have the fair grounds repaired. The fair grounds would make an ideal place for troops, as there is plenty of ground | for building purposes. A building | something similar to Artillery Park | stables could he erected for a small amount, These buildings accommo- date about 775 men. A slightly larger building could be built to accommo- date a battalion of a thousand men. The military department only use buildings that may be made ready with Ev alterations. If the city would make some advances towards paying part of. the cost, new. buildings could be erected and afterwards used as exhibition buildings. A signaller came into the armour- ies on Monday night when a Whig representative was there and the first thought that occurred to the reporter was that signalling was at times pretty cold work. The signaller had a pair of flags under one arm and under the other was a long tube used to hold part of his instruments. The man's collar-was turned up and his balacalava cap was pulled down over his ears. The signaller had been standing over on Barriefield heights a good part of the afternoon and fin- ally admitted that the wind was blowing "some". He sald that he was making such good progress with his signalling work that he hated to leave. A good joke is going the rounds of the battalion. One of the men that enlisted in the back part of the coun- try has evidently never seen a post- man before. Some time ago a hint was given that they did not always act as soldiers should, and salute their superior officers on the street. This man took the hint Sory Sutiously and gave a very dignified ute to a let- ter carrier. The story got out and now the unfortunate is being well "guyed" by his comrades for his mis- take. The evening entértainment of the militia Y.M.C.A. was enjoyed by a large number of soldiers on Monday night, Pte. Constance gave songs and dances, and Mr. Macdonald of Queen's gave a solo. Moving pictur- es and {illustrated songs were also given. Rev. A. P. Mershon will give the soldiers a short talk on Tuesday night, and after a six-round boxing bout between members of the bat- talion, the rest of the programme will be pictures and songs. The second inoculation of the men is gradually being eompleted. As the men do not like te be inoculated a x {warning has been given out that un- oll {less the second inoculation is made within ten or twelve days after the first, both will have to be given over again. As there have been so many transfers from one company to an- other some of the men thought that thigs would be an ideal opportunity to "slope" the second touch, A private of G. company was given fourteen days C.B. and fined $6 for being drunk. Corporal 8. H. Bernard of "H" company has been transferred to the head quarters staff and appointed pay. sergeant provisionally. Sergt. C. H. Turner has been ap- pointed Sergt. Mr, tailor. W. Stinson hes been appointed Sergt., Mr. cook. ight an informal enter ven in the right bali battalion recreation rooms by the members. Songs and dances were given and the men had an excellent nd to show what talent they ve, Th bassation is wing J the 10-yard lent work on. thet. The shagk near the comfortable on the cold ground, shooting. In Monday's orders the sixth reads "On musketry parades balaclava caps - |are permitted to be worn. Belts will be worn outside the overcoats on par ade and when walking out." er Siang a on a on Tuesday and will Rh & SoMEes In the B.S.A. at Tete de Pont barracks. Lieut-Col W. S. Hughes 1s in Ota: fawa and in his absence senior ma- jor C. C. Bennett is acting command. ing officer. Col. W. 8. Hughes returned from Oc twa on Tuesday. | irom each company Ponton, Belleville, will ture on same subject on Wednes- The photograph that was taken of the battalion on Saturday is splendid. 'our different pictures - were taken, and in some cases the figures of each man are over three inches high very distinet. v is making arrangements to have every man in the 21st battalion in- structed in "First Aid." ny men ally instructed by gn bers of the society, and these will in turn instruct the members of the battalion. Every man, if the quired to pass an examination. The training would be invaluable on the field, as part of every man's equip- meni consists of a roll of and dressings, and the better able ne will be to use them to the best ad- vantage will depend on his training. Tendered A Gift. Quarter-Master "Sergt. Frank Tad low" was, on Monday evening, pre sented with a beautiful wrist watch by W. J. Mercer, representing the staff of John Laidlaw & Son. Mr. Mercer gave a verbal address with the gift to the recipient, who thank- ed the donors in a few well-chosen words. Mr. Ludlow is with the 21st battalion, Canadian expeditionary force. ldo li son 8. The very newest New York and Parisian styles made in beautiful ma- terials and a big assort- ment to*choose from. All are to be cleared out this week during the EXECUTORS' SALE HERE ARE THE PRICES. GET HERE EARLY TO-MORROW $27.50 Coats for $17.90 $26.00 Coats for $15.50 $22.50 Coats for $13.25 $20.00 Ooats for $12.50 $18.00 Coats for $11.50 $17.00 Coats for $10.90 $16.00 Coats for . $9.75 $15.00 Coats for ..$9.50 $12.00 Coats for ..$7.60 $10.00 Coats for ..$7.10 A few Caracul and Seal- ette Coats left, at from $1325 to $19.50. GENUINE. SNAPS IN : BUITE A good variety--all at less than half price. We have divided the entire lot into' three ices, $6.00, $7.50 and $10. h Hats, shapes and mil- linery of every deseri tion is included in this sale--there is absolute and The 8t. John's ambulance society ified mem- | ent plans are carried out, will be re- | "10c. bottles camphorated oil." Gib- (Hl 1 Of Wonderful Values in day afternoon. A Now on Sale 1° i The College Book Store, Open Evenings Mail Orders 2c Per Copy Extra Phone 919 | | These Warmth Producing] Lines WOOL HOSIERY, WOOL UNDERWEAR, WOOL GLOVES, PLAIN FLANNELETTES, FANCY FLANNELETTES, FANCY WRAPPERETTES, KIMONA CLOTHS, WOOL COATINGS, WOOL DRESS GOODS, AND THE BEST DOLLAR KID GLOVE } IN THE TRADE. NEWMAN & SHAW| "THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE" SENT TO THE CENTRAL| cos surriams--e| ROBERT F. WILSON GIVEN SIX MONTHS FOR THEFT. Pleaded Guilty to Stealing a Watch, Suit of Clothes and a Hat From | Soldier Who is Now Serving At the Front--He is a Deserter From the R.C.H A. » Six months in the Central prison was the sentence meted out by Ma- gistrate Farrell, in the police court on Tuesday morning, to Robert F. Wilson, a former member of the RX. C.H.A., on a charge of theft. Ie pleaded polly to steali a suit of clothes and a soldier who is now Builty and the case was dis- et in one Rt. > re you gu or pot guilty asked the magistrate. . "Guilty, sir," was 'the "Six months in the I ORDER YOUR STORM SASH NOW Delay means extra coal-bills. We make the complete sash, glazed and primed. S.ANGLIN&CO. Coal and Wood Yards BAY & WELLINGTON ST9. Phone 06. "REY Fone Tis" wilumber, Coal & Woodessss anonds | for Xmas Gift Giving! continue these favorable prices il indefinitely. See our offerings while the assortment is good. . | Smith Bros, fll Jewellers ill lesuers of Marviage Licenses This ts the time to Buy your furs You have a better sasortment to choose Gourdier Furrier 7880 Brock St. Mullin Real Estate Broker you looking for a 2 If so, call for -Marséulas of the many bargains listed with me this week. Prices from $900 to £22000. I can advance you at least half on purchase price. Farms to sell. Houses. to cent, EAI E. W. Mullin, ALL KINDS OF REAL BSTATE Cor. Johnson and m Siw. Phones 539 and 1456. The more whims you have about laundry work the better we're suited. in