: ol Ban of , with i for Market Square GEORGE B. MCKAY - Fire Insurance Now tnat the fail season is once starting of stoves and furnaces, the increases, so that It is essential that covered. If in peed of any ad I would appreciate the o, ' PHONE 288. REAL ESTATE, tlona insurance Or coniemplating a change, EE represent geveral strohg tariff and non-tart GEORGE BAWDEN Ay COAT, teansaction of their financial af- 000,000 , 307,272 wy .. $60,000,000 PE mi et en with us, necessitating the danger from fire risk consequently all property should be adequately & On your requirements. 1 companies, 188 PRINCESS ST, INSURANCE, www wr dha pit 3 2 A Sv ---- Kingston - Brick VS. Baker Brick Sre those two Houses, alde ¥ ®idé, on Diiviston St, between Queen o ™™ ie eo ed one in ished one of Baker Bri Honestly look, just as good, and they cont caw, Boost your home industry and buiid built of Kingston Brick, the unfin- now, doest't the Kingston Brick licaldes being a& home product. of Kingston Rrick. A. Neal, Kisgston Brick Yard Phone 1396 No, 388 Alfred St., 10 rooms, furnac eo, electeic light and gas; grate; large verandah, Rent $20.00 per mon th, J. K. CARROLL AGENCY L8 BROCK ST. Shaving We are shaving materials in onr opposite the Y.M.C.A,, during week, If you are interested would be glad to have yon call, and we will be pleased to show our stock | of shaving comforts. HOAG'S DRUG STORE Opposite ¥. M. ©. A. Kingston JOHN DRIVER, Comforts | this Om Kingston Cem- ent Products and everything in cement. Veran. dah work a speelalty. OFFIOR 457 WELLINGTON ST. Works; Cor, Clarles and Patrick Sts Hobage F: Norman. Mavage For Sale Gramophones, Phonographs, Grate onolag, Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue Amberal re- rds. 8 dersigend Breakwater," Frany. 12 o'clock noon, Dec. 3rd, 194, tbrealowater about { King Street West, Kingston. Ont.. dur- | we |, {tons of the breakwater which he pr Poses to construct. der of the City Treasurer for five per cent, (595) of the amount of the ten- de Let Well worth the money, Ropresentative. PHONE: 68 ENDERS FOR CONCRETE BREAKWATER Séaidd tenders addressed to the un- aml marked "Tender for " will be received up to ar the construction of 1600 feet a concrete long . on ng this winter, and only city be employed, The tenderer to submit with his ten- der a copy of the plans and specifica. labor to A marked cheque payable to the or- must accompany each bid. he lowest or any tender not neces- My accepted. R. J. McCLELLAND, City Engineer. Kingston, Ont. Nov. 24th, 1914, T.F Harrison For Mayor 1915 If you are satisfied with hiss record in the Council for the last five years, kindly endorse his candidature. | sar } ------------ bininidins § gl At the request of a large number of citizens, I an- nounce myself a can- 5 + The police and a hotel N. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders geceived at McAuley's. Phoue 564. Ap Wolle Isladd no word has been received from John O'Shea, the miss. wg young man, and it is the gene- ral belief that he is drowned. We hollow grind "and repair all kinds of Lockey skates. H. Milne, Bagot street. "Colgate's Cold Cream." Gibson's. Said oné of the Frontenac county coanvillors on Thursday morning : "df the councillors hgve no more idea of eternity as they have of time it will .go hard with them." a SR ham, piano tuner, King street, Leave orders at Auley's book store. 21 Me ] keeper had a lively chase yesterday after a man who had carried off a brass cuspi- dor. © After a hot run the culprit was caught and the property. recov- ed, After a lecture the man was let off. "Calgate's Cold Cream." Gibson's. Owilig to the increased cost and the seareity of supply of raw mater- isl, the Eddy Company have had to dightly advance the price of match. es and some other lines. The Eddy tempany believe the public will ap- preciate this when they realize it js 1one so that the high standard of 1nality for which the Eddy goods are famed, may be maintained. Reports From Lansdowne, Lansdowne, Nov, 23. Miss Johnston has returned ton, Out., as Jessie from Hamil- where she had a position stenographer. She will return to Wer situation the first of the New Year. Miss M. Manuel, Brockville, is the guest of Mrs, J. M. Shaw. Mra. . Robert. Mitchell, Smith's Falls, ia visiting = relatives here. William exgheout, Sand Bay, has vented easlip's ice cream parler for a Barber, shop. Dr. Rupert Stevens, of Delta, intends - to take up bis residence as a practitioner in Vans. downe. E, E, Johnston's many friends were pleased to learn of his luck in ob- taining - the privilege of a iranscon- tmental trip. "This honor was con- {erred by the Frost Co., which award- ed Mr. Johnston second place in the competition. This trip takes. place next August. S.C. E. Dixon and Robert McCullough ™. are in Detroit attending the funeral of Mr. Dixon's brother, Arthur T. Dixon. Rev. Melvin Taylor, Gananoque, preached in the Methodist church Sunday on missionary work, and Nr. Linklater, of Gananoque high school addressed the congregation of Chalmers Presbyterian church. Miss Fthel Tennant spent with her mother at Lyn. Mrs. John 1. Foley has suffered a relapse snd is quite ill at the home of her sister, Mrs. P. M, Wood. The council held a special meeting on the 23rd. Messrs, J. R. Latimer and A. H. McKay have purchased of J. D. FE. Shep- nard part of the old school - house for a flonr and feed mill. on Tanday Hunters At Denbigh. Denbigh, Nov. 24. ~The hunting sea- son for deer is over again for this year and the forests have resumed their usual quietness. * Unly very few, if any, of the outside sportsmen have failed in getting their legal share of venison and some of them were fortu- nate enough to get some bears. Two local young nirirods, Otto Kliem, Jr., and William Berndt, 'also had the good luck to shoot a bear each, besides get- ting. their deer. William Chatson, of Renirew; Frank Chatson, of Brock- ville; Alfred Johns, of Belleville, and EF. €. Bebee, of North Bay, all former Denbigh citizens, who spent the hunt- ing season here, and at the same time enjoyed a pleasant vigit with their parents and other relatives here, left last week for their present places of residence, well satisfied with their visit. William Warlich, who sold his farm here last spring and moved to Berlin, Ont., did not find city life all he ex- pected it to be, and arrived here again with his family intending to wigke: Denbigh their home. Alimic Harbor News, Ahmie Harbor, Nov, 23 --Sleighing 5 excellent and everybody is taking mivantage oi it hauling wood, hay, te. A great many fine deer were tak. en away from this vicinity last week by hunters. Miss Lucretia Wagar and 1. Wagdr hate left: for their home at lieho Lake, after visiting friends i this vicinity for a few' months. shooting match at John Hunter's, on Friday = afternvon " went off splendidly. The party at night was also a suc. cous. About. fifty people. gathered and cujoyed ibemselves in dancing, Messrs, Wagar ond Willard music, Frank Langford lost a fine heifer one night last week. One of the other cows got loose in the sta- ble, and hooked her to death. Miss Erma and Miss Mary Wagan spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. J. Hunter, and Miss Lucretia and Miss Ross Wagar at Wilson Wagar's. T. Simson is getting along well with his new saw mill. Sidney Hearns made W trip th¥ough here on Saturday. Tidings From Toledo. Toledo, Nov. 5 Mien Mahoney, spending a few 'weeks at Toledo. Miss Pearl Bell, teaching at Bellamy's, spent the week-end with her parents. The patriotic: auxiliary has just sent | maple sugar and candy tof a box of the Catadian soldiers overseas. Miss Mabel Dunham isovisiting her parents, A'few ate taking advantage of the snow and the sleigh bells are again Eeard. Walter Lockwood is in Otta- "a, having to attend the funeral of the Inte Matthew Wilson. Mes. J, ¥. Edgar and Donald have returned Lom a visit to Merrickville. Mt. and Mire. W. D5 Wolfe are home irom the To. pending their holidays with I. Fe oe The Orangemen's assembly +s Friday night brought out a splen: Lil érowd and was a success in every fay. ~The receipts were over a hun: died dollars. . 4 ® With Canada's Favorite Comedia ne Feldman & Christie And Brosdway Beani« Cho --. ToNIGUTY a. Mr. Dooley's Wedding Day suki Prices SEATS NOW ON SALE Monday, Nov. 30th Queen's Drrmatic Club Presents "The Prices 25-35-50-75¢-$1.00 SEATS NOW ON SALE AUCTION SALE One brood mare, weight about ths, to be sold by anegen, SATURDAY, OCT. 29TH, Ww 1200 AT 11 O'Clock MURRAY Auctioneer. Notice . . Al} claims against the estate of the late Mrs. Eligabéth: Hurst must be presented to me on or before the 10th day of December, 1913; other wise 1 will not hold myself respon. sible. T, 4. LEARY, Executor. CONCERT By special request the Choir of Chal mers Church will repeat the concert given on No- vember Ist. The S- cond Concert will be to all the Red Coss Fund of the City, and will be given on Friday, Nov. 27th in Chalmers Church at S o'clock. SILVER COLLECTION. S ER BACAR SRO, PURE CLEAN FOOD IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH | I + i | { | | furnished | fine ¥ BE PARTICULAR Insist on getting "GOLD 'BOND" Canned Goods Nuts A Pertcet Food. "A man might live on nuts," de- clared a doctor who is director of the laboratory of the Hoston board of heath. "Nuts are a most impor: tant food. Be ante realize it ngw that the price of meat is high. in many cases nuts can the take place of moat. Nuts and milk are the anly. perfect nly t foods. And While one od Vers Stunt 0 and: "Colgate's Cold Cream." Gibson's. : "Coming Thr' The Rye" | 108030 | ggikins| ---------------------------------------------------------- C vg A GOOD SMART BOY TO ASSIST Ss ody" A Cate, dom ment. Apply Brite i - ish ig office. X | THE PEOPLE' TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Once 25c¢, fe. three times & TWO MAIDS, APPLY GENERAL Hospital rr go BY MISS A GOOD PLAIN K. APP : Macdonnel, 28 Sydenham St. EXPERIENCED FUR FINISHERS, AP- 1y John McKay, Limited, The Fur fouse, Brock St. IN MORE FUR FINISHERS WANTED Ar nee. Apply George Mills & Co. ingeton's Famous Fur Store. IMMEDIATELY, GENERAL SERVANT, good plain cook: no washing or ironing; high wages, Apply in ev. ning to Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alc t AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponaing for newspapers; no canvassiog Send for Jorticulara. Tress Synli- care, 3,969 Lockport, ¥ SALES MANAGER ented business pay $5000 first stores, Noo capital NeCess ¥ youl. "Write to-day Plesk lead Buil x, Montreal HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AN A salesman? We have a proposition to make which will enable you to earn more monsy than vou are earning at the present time. Cor. respondernce . strictly confidential Address to Manager, Box 47, King- FOR NEW PAT- machine ston. Ont. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PREPARE for telegraph positions on Cana- dian rallways. Our students re- celve positions immediately upon graduation and $75 to $80 monthly to start. Free rallway pass to school and destination when qualified. Tuition fees moderate, % particulars apply The Di Telegraph School, | 15 it, Ottawa. iter ede de ddd dodged dood debe & + + we Young woman with dry goods xperience preferred. Apply he- e : tween 8-10 a.m. John Laddlaw & 4 Son SALESWOMAN WANTED. sesso dose sbe oid 5 [irdeto dd de ed roa oi! McCann, Vy hook 5 TWO REDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 198 Stuart St OFFICES IN CLARENCE bers. AR iy to Cu dis, 79 rence 8 WFICE SPACE, SEPARATE ROOM. heated; with jak use of stenog- Box §, this office. ST. Cmam. Ralagham & Mu- rapher, DWELLINGS, FURNISH AND UN. furnished; stores, offices, etc. Mo- Cann's Real [Estate Agency, 52 Brock St. S FORUM FOR SALE. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. Sa one Pi a0: three men, 6000 GROCERY BUSINESS, ply Box 411, Whig office. GRESR FEATHERS. APPLY TO MRS Goldman, TT Divishn . A A GOOD HEAVY CART HORSE, IN good condition. Apply 402 Mac~ donald St, m + 3 A HALL HEATER (BRILLIANT Range) in first class condi'ion; ans iy used a short time. = Will ll cheap to quick buyer. Apply £85: + Barrie St. AIREDALE BITCH PUPPY, FIVER months old, hy Champlon Rock! Oorang ex Pure Mald. 8, A . gston, STORAGE FOR F dry, alry rooms; key. rost's Phone CLEAN, our own lock and t Sto e 399 Queen St. aon. ng EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. COMFORTABLE FRONT FURN. room, warm, electric Mght, orking girls or married couple By very reasonable. Apply 34 cmham Street. A FLAT INN ELLINGTON APART- ments, 130 Wellington St. Posses- sion Nov. 1st. Heated by hot wat- er; electric lights; also gas range. Apply F. W. Meagher, 99 L. Albert : Phone 1408 M.A, MD.OCM., on Manhattan throat hospital, 132 Wellington, Office hours, 7-8 pm. Phone New York. Office, opposite post office 9-12 am, 2.4 pam, 137 DENTAL, A. BE. KNAPP, BA. LDS, DDS, RE. moved to 268 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 100 WEL. lington St (over Carnoveky's) Phone 346. tte et et. si ti DR, C. C, NASH, DENTIST; DR. T. B Renton, _ assistant. 138 Princess Street. Phone 786. §. EH. SIMPSON, L.D.S, D.D.S., DENT. ist, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot street BUSINESS CHANOES. top Shelf. Slantis wars. u British Whig oo. A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES a gumber of first-class heaters, as low prices; also a big glock of furs niture. J. Thompson, 333 Princess St, Phone 1600. : A LARGE NUMBER OF No k:> also Dunlop tires, at $300. J orders promptly attended s {24 ed ------------------------------------ $18, Roas, 214 Willlam St, Kin Ont OFFICE DE! SIX FERT LON in. high og Thi, and 561-3 In, Th drawers and carpet cleaning and laying. Muller, 378 King 8t HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL 0) fords, and other cook stoves, @ > bec's, pugs and square heaters, these in first class Shapes close them out at very. sma Pro fits. Turk"s "Phone, Toe v INE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN BULL, twenty months old, choicest broed- ing. Grand head for any herd. Pure bred bull ealf (Korndyke). Al=o five head pure bred females. Priced low for quick sale, A.B ; 5 RR Elginburg, Ont, MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND mica; convenlent to station THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORE St, theap. £5,000~-BRICK HOUSE, LARGE LOS and stabla, £1,800 FRAME HOUS 4 ROO OUSE, WM. $1L,500-NEW FRAME INSURANCE AND land St G. A. BATEMAN, 4 Ciarence St. Real Estate, 87 KINGSTON BUSINESS COL. Head of Queen Street Superior courses | Hook- Typewr - Sore Qen- Come keeping, Shorthan ing, Banking, Civil ce, eral Improvement and all mercial subjects. Rates moderate ate. Phone 440. H. F. Metcalfe, Principal. PPLE IPPIEE SITUATIONS VACANT LADIES WANTED pl ant "coloring 4 make $15 > perience unne ing. National Dec | C., 69 Adelaide St. Ont. T™™ Do EASY, work at home. weekly, Ex- : nO eanvass- ig C Sast, y., Dept. Toronto, | WORK WANTED. BY } es 'to attend during winter months. | Apply Box 1125, Whig office WANTED GENERAL ep ------------ CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEIR CAR- pets, rugs and portieres to be wove. en by J. C. Swaine, 140 York St WINDOW CLEANING--PLACE YOUR orders at once and be sure of good work. We clean and put up storm windows, We employ only good, réligble men Drop. us a card Kingston Window Cleaning Co.. 349 Alfred St, City. ------------------------ GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR i cloth and have It made up Into up to-date sults. Price and workman- : ship guaranteed 10 please. Press- Ing and repainng done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street. near Bibby's s Garage PERSONAL HAIR, MOLKS, WARTS, BIRTHNARKS and all growths and, skin blemish. es removed permanfntly, without scar; 30 years' expérience. Dr El mer J. Lake, Ey§./ Ear, Nose Throat and skin specialist, 268 Ba Rot street. EXPERIENCED HAND, FURNAC-| ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN START a meil arder business at home; nc canvassing: be your own boss Bend for free booklet; tells how Heacock 2.968 Lockport. N.Y ARCHITECT. | = ARCHI. Bagot Bt | WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, etc. ..OMces, 268 Phone 61 POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Ballding, corne: Broce am Wellington streets Droy & oard. UPHOLSTERING. eee ete teeta W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RN. palring and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street CATERING. WE _ CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding reakfasts. banquets, ete also rent dishes, table linens silverware. Reid and Hambrook M. P. Reid, 30 Union Street. F. C Hambrook, Alfred Stree Phones S43 or 363 BUSINESS NOTICES. eee eno --. JOSEPH BUSE, ¢ CHESTNUT ST, HA? opened up a quarry on Stephen Si Cut, bufiding and rough stone ar suoplied promptiv af reasonabl prices. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM & Oi BARRIS. = office, T¢ Liy ters and sololtors. Law Clarence street. Kingston FOR SALE OR TO LET 100 ACRES IN TOWNSHIP OF LOUGH boro, 4 miles from Svdenham. Ap- Ply te B. P. Buck & Son, Sydenham, Ont FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND IN ment Society; incorporated gresident, alonel Henry R. oney issued on farm Properties, mamcinal end oon ebentures: mortgages 3 Jeposits received and In lowed. = 8. C. " 1868; Teroat MoGill, Manager, Clarence street eee eet. UIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Fire Insurance Cempany. Aval assets $61,187,215. fn sdgition which the policyhosder ave £ security the unlimited Tavhity city property, Insured . at Io hs Botore rene possible rates. new bisincas old or givin rates from Stran Stra; Agents. Phone 3 CONTRACTING. FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS AND ALL kinds of interior finigh, try James Selby, Contractor, "212° University Avenue, MUSIO. HER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE Ba hs, 47 Rideau St. Telephone 1296, TE A hi MUSIC AND DRAMATIC IN Miss tion, 218 Frontenac St. Telgmann, Allda Te an O. F. Telgmann, tion, plano, violin and all ments. of \nstrumen NO ADVANCE SINCE THE WAR NORMANNA SARDINES 15 Cts. Per Tin Nofmiinna Sardives have always been a i5e line and although they are worth more to-day the retall price is still THE SAME, Some brands that formerly sold two for We, have been advanced to 1 If you want 15¢, quality BUY NORMANNA BRAND It you want two for 25e, BUY ZIG-ZAGS (Eqanl to many 1ific. lines) Neither of these brands have been advanced retail, AT YOUR FAMILY GROC- ERS. Se. FENWICK, HENDRY & Co. RAY The Way It Began. According to the story, widely be- lieved throughout Islam, a dog ap- proached Allah while the latter was engaged in the construction of Eve, and seizing the rib which the Al- mighty had just taken from Adam's side ran off with it. Allah, it is said, followed in hot pursuit and managed to grasp the tail, which the dog had neglected to tuck away. The tail re- mained in Allah's hands, the dog es- caping with the rib. Allah thereupon tauts de mieux, utilized the dog's tail instead of Adam's rib for the con. struction of the mother of mankind, and it is owing to this according to capable of remaining quiet and mo- tionlees for two minutes together as is the tail'ef a dog. nt 4 if ever occur to you that most y 1: Quiz n Bu ate most on all orfes, 11 "tecommend them to ally emt] of the wen who drink to 'excess are bmarried? the Arabs, that woman Is just as in-} A Sr THE SCRANTON BRAND for........... for ..x 00) $40.00, for SER $30.00, JAMES SWIFT Ladies' Fur- Muskrat lined, sable collar and Muskrat lined, mink collar and Muskrat, lined, black martin colldr Grate, Nut, Egg, Pea, Stove, Split Pea. A uniform size for e very: iO - purpose' go CE wee Muskrat lined, black martin collar and Tae 4