31. The Antichrist will Jose bis Fa His empire will be divided into twenty-two states, but none will Dave 8 sitter a royal house, an army, oi The white eagle, by Michael's the Crescent from ns will iy Constanti- | | |] | a, Then an era of peace and pros- | perity will commence for all the uni- | Tokte, and there will bé no more war, { {each nation being governed accord- ing fo ity wish -- living in justice, There will be no more Luther- ans or Schismaties, The Lamb will reign, and the joys of humanity will le Saraighte, Happy Shep. side -t p- ing from the perili this pi gious 's "Bull" proclaiming time, ean taste of its fruit, which will will make a great sen-|be the reign of the Eternal Spirit]. Will cause the death of and the sanctification of humanity, : only to be achieved by the defeat of | se Antichrist, | | Je 211 Rens can fan effort from all lands, for-the cock, VERSES ON THE KAISER. the leopard, and the white eagle rine would not suffice to overdome the {The A. BR. €. of the German Emperor black eagle if they were not helped Written By Himself. by the prayers and devotion of all} R. H. Post, Bagot street, has re- o the human race, ceived from England, some interest ing comie circulars regarding the Huinanity In Gr In Grave, Peril, German kaiser. One is entitled 16. Never before hus bumanity "The Kaiser's A. B. C." and Is as fol- been in such peril, for the triumph lows: 16 of the Sutichrist woyld Ye that of : 5 --- mon, in whom he 1s incarnate The Kaiser's A. B. C oy nara has been said that twemk|. wiser with his mailed fist. The S i 3 al HE in hist a would | following was found in his waste bas- ie the Be - ket written on the backs of torn up be incarnated, and 'would threaten ties------mere "Scraps of Paper' ry I a a n ad svis hd the which (ORIlke Louvain and Rheims rac ng ous cathedral) were mercifully saved 18. Near the year two thousand |fTom destruction: the Antichrist will appear; his army}, : 3 wil siirpass: numbers auything A i All Armed erebefore imagined; there w e 4 : § he prog - Christians amongst his Bordes, and P-Rloody Baftles By land and Ny ; st the defenders of the Lam the i Aceura na- | ACRE! C--Stands for "Culture" and Condi- 0 translate it. there will be Mahometans and sav age tribes, tions Cruel but : 8 Brother Joh- 19. For the first time the Lamb |X--Stands for Kaiser that's Me on French monk in the sixteenth 1 'Brother Johannes has 8 matter of profund interest in brines and in England, and ol Allifgraus readers g Standard" prints © prophecy as it ap- gle" | represents rd," Great The Full Text. wing is full 'text of the Jrophecy, the 'seventeen para- hs now So included for the ral tintes has one seemed to him, Datause all the slay. he Lamb resemble each oth- all. the wicked are the precur-~ 'the Great Wicked One. 8 veritable Aichi will be monarchs of his time, a ; he will invoke Cod i 1 nimeeit His messenger. 1¢ prince of lies will swear hy himself the , chastising cor- 1 only have one arm, but irable armies, who will thete motto "God is with us," like infernal legions. ror a long while he will act by -#nd treason; his spies will all over the earth, and he will } master of 'the secrets of those i le will have theologians in his certify and prove his celestial v A war will furnish him with the ho for Xtting = mask It will one wi makeagainst French but another 'h will be easily: recognized by fact that in two week's time it ve become universal. u sail to arms all Chris- metans, and even oth- tant . peoples. Armies rmed in the four parts of A---- Chron Words--Fiendish Acts, For men's minds will be open- by angels, and in the third week ey will, understand. that this is the itichrist, and that. 1 all be- [ trample but his act will & Roman pér- ¥ le in will be entirely red, in the whole of 4 the Christian world there will not be | D----5tands for Dupes like my people 3 Ayacs that wiki not be reds snd the E---for the England I can't overthrow even the atr, will' be red, for Sioad F---stands for France Full of Fight- ' will flow in the sphere of the four lements at the same time, 20. The black eagle will thivw it~ self upon the cock, which will lose many of its feathers, but will strike |® ealangs. for po HUNy that's It would ' be soon annihilated were it not for stor the Huns that we proved at the elp or the i6opard and its claw. Ir. tor Indemnitios I did NOT get but come from the land of Luther, will [K---Stands for Kaiser THE Kaiser surprise the cock by another side, and will invade one-half of the land of the cock. 4 ) hich it 22. The white eagle, which wi . come from the north, will surprise |--Stands for KAISER please don't the black eagle, and the other eagle x ; and will completely invade the land | L~--Stands for London which I'LL ne- of .the Antichrist from one end to the other. heroically with its spur. Rivers Crossed Over Corpses. 23. The black eagle will be forced to leave the cock to fight the white eagle, and the cock will pursue the black eagle into the land of the An- tichrist to help the white eagle, 24. The battles waged until then will be small in comparison to those that will take place in the land of Luther, because the seven angels will at the same time pour fire from their burners on the impious land (image taken from the Apocalypse,), which Q--stands for Quiet' whieh my con- means that the Lamb will order the extermination of Antrichrist's | 3Tor the Rights whieh I never ad- r 25. When the Beast sees he is lost K---stands for Kaiser H-I-M and IT! he will during fo " " , py months the beak of the white eagle, | Stands for "Scraps" say "OF PA the claws of the spurs of the cock must harass him. be crossed over . masses of dead bodies, whieh in some Ur=Ultimatums at which I am great places will change the course of the waters. the Only great noblemen, super- ior officers, and princes will receive burial, for to the carnage caused by firearms will be added per-shed by famine and plague. 27, The Antichrist will times ask for peace, but the seven jangels who precede the mals, who several three ani- defenders of the Lamb, hive 2 . oe o kl declared that victory shall only 'be BeStands for Kaiser without any accorded on the condition that the idole Antichrist be crushed, the threshing-floor. 28, Executors of the Lamb's jus- tice, these three animals cannot stop fighting as long as any soldiers re- Z--stands for Zero where my chance main to the Antichrist. k: 29. The reason the sentence of the | < Stands for KAISER you MUST Lamb is so implacable is that the An- tichrist has pretended to be a Chris- tian and to he acting in His Name, 80 that he did mot perish, the fruit - the Redemption would bé lost, and he JRaiser DLS. uD that, the gates of Hell would preva ag- duriie name is Wilhelm, ainst the Saviour. Predicts Era O Of Peace. : \ 4 His f z- 30. It will a that it 18 not & is favauirite heroine, is Mrs. Pani hima An which will be waged Where the Antichrist forces his arms. | yig ¢ The thr im defenders, of the 8 favourite Painter is Mineself, like straw on the stool, you know, ing and Free, but K---stands for Kaiser THE Kaiser that's ME. you bet! J--satands for Japs who upon me have sat forget THAT. ver see b K----stands for Kais§r-----H-I-M that's ME!! M-----for the Merey Mailed Fists ne- ver show N-----stands for "News" Neatly "Decc- tored" you know O-~for Oppression at which I have ut K-~stands for Kaiser as I think I'VE said. P--stands for Peace but there's no Peacé for ME, science CAN'T b mit, but. PER" ha! ha! T----stands for "Tearing-Them Up" near and far u K---stands for KAISER permit MB to state! V--for Victorious which I'D Tike to e W---for Wonder Will they double 5 X---8tands for Xit and when I'M kicked out well Y---stands for Yankees who seem much too wise to swallow niy crafty Ambassador's lies is at but think of THAT Howls of the Mad Dog. His favourite hero is Wilhelm the . Greatest hypocrite. ~y urs His favourite author is Mineself, His favourite Sculptor is Mineself. His favourite general is Mineselt His favourite City is Paris --but) when I get it, T will rid it of \ its old-fashioned monuments. His favourite flower is the Youth of cut off in the bud. His favourite Virtue is Loyally to soldiers, His favourite pceupation is making speeches and reconstructing maps His favourite e sony. is "I'll Neer go to Chenmany, this is the! place for me." His favourite instrument, is the Lyre His favourite Motto is Mineself and Gott shall be obeyed. His favourite Quality in Man is Cul- tured. brutality. "His favourite Quality in Woman's is 1 Sacrifice, . His greatest Desire is The Piece ofl] Europe. ---- 1 thought I was a general, mo in faet; 1 had In His favourite pastime is playing at A 8 UNNING a big Mogul on schedule time is about as complete a brain, sinew and nerve test as a "An Extra Run," that engineer is wise who fortifies himself with a cup of FRY'S COCOA. FRY'S, . it builds for "nerves of steel." It's such a spindid food as well as a delicious beverage, cause Drink FRY'S régularly yourself and note the vigor Trade Supplied by J. S. FRY & SONS, Limited Truro, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver Victoria. | 1} ] y ] i | | | H | 1} i FB "man could want. So when the order comes for it imparts. RA -------- AA, But when I saw a British ship, "T'was really, truly, "fleet." I thought I was a Diplomat, A strategist as well, But I reckoned things up wrongly, And I eonldn't even tell That when the British Lion fights His enemies get<-hel(1) pless! I thought I was A clergyman, The man to point the way. To paths of light and righteousness; But all that I could say, Whenever I got up te preach, was, "Brethren, let us. "prey". I thought I was a guiding light. A pioneer of "Culture, My method of crusading was, To put it mildly, "Ultra," And the eagle on my helmet Really should have been a Vulture I thought I was a War Lord, A sort of 'Lord of Hosts, But they cut off my. os FAN 'J And set a watch upon my coasts, Till my people said, "We've abs ood Yo fill our empty «--hoasts! Vi, om i 1 thought I had a "Mailed ll And rasaished § it above. ler, weaker Nation, Wieiie 1 talked of Peace and Love, 3 But Iher M004 uP Lana and proved Twas but an empty I thought I was ea o Who 0 fod carve stone, AN Nord. that I ein: that 1s mp oun, For a Buicher's Be tre A Remariable Tribute t to >] FOR THE KIDNEYS In February last, Mrs. J. P. J. Wedge of Fast Street, Summerside, P.E.l., wrote to a friend in Toronto and among other things said, 'Gin. Pills ave the greatest of all Kidney remedies and a medicine whieh is al present doing me a world of geod. They are worth theiv weight in gold to any sufferer", We asked permission, through a mutual friend, to publish the above extract and received: the follewing testis. monial ta'the great efficacity of Gin Pills, * : Summerside, April 24th, 1014. "Your letter of the 21st, to liand this evening, asking uy ny pérmission to hand my letter (0 thie N ational Drug & Ch Co. VYouhave my full permission to do so, 4nd io them Tv Tate the Tiberty to publish and use iny name if th I, because Gin Pills have done for my husband and my: fo othe remedy could dos a I have advised two other parties to use them : htt, Mother, who has been a great sufferer for upwards of 20 years and one box of Gin Pills cured her so as to Sable ies to 2 Slee ot her left side, something she could not do for m The doctors told her, they could Se her Slievs her by an operation for og Froating Kiln N'4 wid iene Lier age they did not think it was ady to EAS Ein at A any hin 2} Thomas Copley Tele hin tery Hn E4tima toy rs on ull of repa 3 also Safi receive vo Drompt Hd ne oy Susan Sueat A | 1 4 WHILE SHOPPING [} » Enjoy Afternoon Tea af 8 Princess Street. Dainty Refreshments and Pure Teo Cream.