Daily British Whig (1850), 28 Nov 1914, p. 10

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'aces. Numeravs ilinsteations assist the reader in following the argu- | aent, . 3 it ro "The Chnreh of - England," by Mev. Edward Wi Watson, profe i /t ecrlesinstical history.at Oxford, | 'hould be of intérest to all students f the church. Jt deals \nglo-Saxon Deried. the ah ; doe ot Sha mediaeval sy i eformation, the THE CALL OF THE EAST. her," But benesth his roundness a hureh under Oueen urked a subtle and nnsoruplous mind, Ou . } bs 1 id, | 'he Stuarts, in the. eighteenth By Thurlow Fraser, William Brigg: | combined with a most determined w ill and 'nineteenth centuries. - It is an Toronto, Publishers, The eading booder of the city, Jiw | ;hiy written treatise. Fi wv, 16 a most attractive person; 851 Pages i The other volumes - mentioned | | Price, $1.25, ; bask by a new Canadia: "The Call of th is ,"" by Thurlow Fraser, who not and easily falls a victim {o Cardelia's wiles: His wile, Georgia, who is Car lelin's dearest friend and fellow con apitator, is a bewitching and bewilder. | hove will also be found of interest. OUR BIBLE IN THE MAKING. ad : years ago graduated as | ng young person. Then thee is Col ev. J. Paterson Smyth, B. I; a ng Whullon from Mucon's ni Por Blossom, Cordelia's hus 8 Be D. DOL a | Yeraity, n. is city, where } hand, an honorable gentleman of the REI . he Ta Rn: an kindly remem- | \Id gchaol: He is the hero of muni Marston & Oo., London, Publish- book will no doubt be re pal improvement associations, eiti ers, Iustrated. Ei A with A ong' leagues, ete, and is adapied by Rev. Mr. Smyth mn of The Call of 9 Free r in, gacrot---targely through Cor | 3t. Andrew's ehureh, eal, and s romance, the scene being laid | o'ia's machinations and gains grea: | iate professor } theology, *in Formosa, where Preshyterians are } litical honors. Cordelia routs he | University of Du n, 6 not only a conducting an active missionary pro fsocial rival, Mrs. Tikyune, and be |oreacher of unusual force but also Yagauda, A splendid tribagp is pail | womes pres d nt of the rather exclusiv | the author of seme im relig: y the author to Rey. De. Mackay sis Club. Finally she reaches Wash | ious works, including * We Got the late veteran missionary, an out } ington as an established rocial leader | Oup Bible," "The Gospel of the Here- line of whose work in the Oriént ir § \nd her hushand a member of the sen | after," ete. The aim of the present graphically described. It may be in ate. Thus does ambition crown itsel: | book is to. reassure men in the pres | teresting to note just here that Nr | ith glory. ent disquiet--to sketch: the story of ; Fraser is Dr.: Mackny's successor 1 Chester has produced a most happy {the making of the Bible simply and this part of the mission field. While { and fascinating hook, that is one of frankly in the light of modern schol- | there is little or no plot in the story, | the Best sellers of the day, "It is'de |airship. = This story is ry differs | and while the style will searcely prove | ightful," will be the genera! verdict. | :nt thing from the story of how we | attractive to those uninterested ir A got our Bible, which in -qur day has | AR Presbyterian missions, yet one must | THE TWENTY-FOURTH OF JUNE |5een told by many writers in papular : RN NY admit that Mr. Fraser knows the ns torm; The latter begins with the ' NN \ AN } Chiua coast and that he writes with | 3y Grace 8. Richmond McClelland [early manuscripts of our. present XN NN RN \ dap Sonvietion. i ine Bore. of. the Goodehild & Stewart, Toronto Seriyeures, and traces Shei tory NN AN Ax SQN DNR nald Sinclair, the ; ' } in wo is a strong, handsome Cana Pyblishers. 403 Pages. down through the semurisa till they dinn doctor of Scotch extraction, of | Mm. Richmand, the author of "Rec ippeir in the "printed collection 8 | | | | | | y ee 200ks, which w ¢ Bi course. During the war, he show: | Peper," "Broth House," sia. pos | Jur the mind naturally: AL tor. ? himself a hero, and renders valiant | sesses a peculiar delight 'in describing | » a rE { " \ th tend 8 Ra her ; back, and questiops--Haw. di vee 1 0011 by all dealers . . service. He falls in love with Miss bs h rh oh striking - fidelity | yo originally -get this eollection of | $ kK, 6 forego, trial aise, | Sfaci tier, abl both responding 10 | (3 home life of the wasorify of mee: k dekh? When and: where was the | petpaich on receipt of | the "'call of the east," devide to re | Je with its joys and sorrows, ite #8 L jumiate beginning of them? Who | bo by Fruit-a-ti Lismited, Oftaws. main there and engagé in missionary ' gadis, its romiances. Her hearths | vest them? Who collected them? | : EE | worl, A gribute _ to7 'the 'splendid | ate warmed by all that is highest aud ghd sclegted them? Dr. Smyth wen - * | worth of this work is given, and it best in our national Life. ~ Thus 'th | yewers these questions, and his will mo doubt be read with. pleaguro Opebing, chapter an this new book. | 00% appeals, not enly to the stu- by We supporters of the cause in Can- | "1 urtain Rises on: a Home," | ant but to the general reader. alla. ln not a few respects, "The Unll {comes as a pleasant expectation. Ro- ' re of the East" reminds the reader of {berts, thé heroine; is a spléndid char: Fo---- some of Ralph Connor's books. acter. She declines the love of the 4 rr bs 'poor voung millionaite'" until he has WHEN LOVE PLIES OUT OF THE | accomplished something useful in the | 3y Frank Norris. The Musson Book WINDOW. ; world," And, stimulated by love, he Con. T Publish Price ; dows | it. Ho resouch a esllapning de oo a ru i ; eC, Leona . 11 Ken. | Partment store busitess, 'and becomes 35, 'glow uy \ Br orl i Mersie "Mitchell 300 | shrewd and suecessful business man. This is a posthumous work by the nese fo : The really intevesting event them oc | 'alented author of "The Pit." Be- en. Price, $1.20, | ours--on the "twenty-fourth of June." | jun when Norris was a student at "A delightful, little: hook," will it iss bright; . wholesome story, ef | Harvard, it is probably his firet book. undoubtedly be the veiider's verdict | fervesoing with ithe ardent spisit | of | Ihe story was too frankly realistic as he lays this volume. down, It is|youth, 'or {he eighteen nineties, dud the au- light and breezy, yet Carries an all- sor put it sway. ~~ He téfused to importan leagon., nb nal iter it. "IL teld them (he truth." tale of th ca e. e heroine. : ae wrote in one of 'his essays. © . . . 4 » Meenle Weston, was brought up in| Mary 3. H. Shrine, McClelland | lied Witliout piblishiag "Vandover." Hf you are conscientiously trying to give "Made in Canada" goods luxury in her 'English home, only | '¥ "EY 4. Hh Ee The manuscript. was Stored in a first call in all your purchases, de not be content to relax your efforts to find herself penniless on. the | Goodchild & Stewart, Toronto | yarehouse in SenFratciste' "Then : if death of kh gather. 8 3 a o A Le Eublishers,. Price $1.00... 4 Jone. the sariaduaky did 'fire Just because Jou happen ta is this : a h ; {ost} the" i The shopkeeper may be sincere in his. pinion, but there 7 Hi : kami Bi a op on ining i 2 | ale 'other people who are more to: have and accurate i aig b 'Btoty, ling a vivid-pietur | hate Ry ot I iormath adventures here are srussome nd | of ngieh nirel fle. he hero, Davie | DOC COL ion "the tite pike gr Canadian Manufacturers Asseciation fva. | Sold ison of a guarryman, is ap un: By BE Why not write direct to the an ors i Ranson. a, YO saree nue. Jo, with a longing to mequiry eu le et lor entreal, Toronto or Winnipeg? They have agreed to constitute af easy vie or the cold bed of rn lust avid Sana. boo. | hc | che. vivid, tase style. strugk him. themselves a general 'information bureau for the assistance of those bho Seine. At this critical momen' § SULIT AS 27% Joe SLUR | un. must be by. Norring" he ex. wha are trying to Jive up to the "Made in Canada" idea, and a line she {s rescged by a oy AEyman | diene David becomes a bedesinan daimed. - - He communicated with to them will always bring you prompt and reliable information, as to Sis matrioh Him, sud us earl an old foundation school, and his'life | YOrris' brother, who had supposed Bow and where to obtain the article you desire most convenien matrimonial adventures. , here i& lovingly told. Next he go He M. 8. lost in the fire. "Thebook, : = i : \ . to Oxford, where & pretty love stor | 'cently published, ia.the result. and most quickly. If it is got made in Canada they will frankly te : you so, develops. The character of David's The theme is that ef Jekyll and "Canada First" is Everyone's Duty .. a How {6 be | Shopkeepers and merchants minion are giving magr Canada" movement. : Occasionally a shopkeeper, through lack of accurate information, may express the opinion that a certain class of article is not made in Canada, or is made only of an inferior grade. VANDOVER AND THE BRUTE, b hroy it out the Do- cent support to the "Made in BEDESMAN 4. other, lendid woman, is tf | Ivde, but works out in a different HE NEW: READ; aD held way. It ae story a ; man's Man . 3 ' struggles wi e brutish (impulses By Nell ro. The: Musson Hook 3 his lower nature--and hit gradual Co, Toronts, Publishers. 37 ---- 1ecdy. It. shows, even in Norris' Pages. Price, $1.25. 'Between the Old and New Testa | 2ariiest work, the tremendous power Not only will this story be found | ments. By R.H. Charles, M.A, canon | )f which he was master. At is the Interesting to the lovers of romance, | sf Westminster. story of -a sensitive, artistically in- but it should possess a peculias The Alps. By Arnold Lunn. 'lined boy with--to begin with--a appeal to the Scotch, inasmueh a: Common Sense in Law, by Pau) |very small Brute indeed hidden 'in it deals with the period following | Vinogradofl. the recesses of his soul. - But there the last Jacobite 'upris A373 TH Column of England. Hy Rev | Was 10 one, unfortunately. to warn © | land.. The road is the tary road | ad William Watson, Oxford. |him it was-a Brute. ' Instog, every- from Stirling Inverness which Sex. By Prof. Patrick Yeddes and | body ignored the fact 'that it. was "Hide the highlands 'aeceséible tc | Prof. J. A. Thompson, there at all--and -it- grew bigger. armed forces from the lowlands and Chaucer. and His = Times. By | And as it grew bigger the boy, Van. took. much of the power ang pres | Grace H. Hadan, Oxford; dover, grew weaker, until fanily he from. the chieftains. The ad. The Growth of Europe: By Prof. jbecame completely Brute, and io all yl of the hepe and his com- {5 A. J. ole. ' ; J intents and. purpoges. there. was nc panion an a ey from Inverars{ William Morris. By A. Clutton-| nore ¥andover. Briefly avd boldly, 0 Invern read mere like the] Srork. 'hat is all there is to it! but that is stories rT Fennimore Cooper and Above all published by 'Williams | 111 there is to the tragedy of a large his pathfinders. The interesting | & Northgate,. London, as part of | part-of the humgn race. The main figures of the Duke of Argvll and | Home University Library of Modern theme of the beck, the. usu ation of Simon Fraser (Lord Liovai) are in- Knowledge. Price, 60¢. each. the throne of a man's soul by the troduced as leaders of rival actions | Hach of the impostant and inter WOII of defire, has been strongly for and against the new road. The jesting topics dealt with in the above Portrayed. Some paris of it, notably hero uit y marries the right | mentioned volumes is lucidly and the description of the shipwreck, are girl, and regains pessession of his authoritatively treated. The same Superbly written. = It is not a pleas- trimony, which the villain has |high standard of excellence attained ant story, gruesome in theme, realis- Regaily usurped. in previous publications has been be and with 4 logical rather than a y maintained. dramatic ending. But it is litera: In "0 mmen Sense in +h Law," ture. Prof. Sipes * and fairly simple tion of the main nrineiples 'underlying loge} emer o - THE RED VIRGIN. ments and practice, ough legal a enaliis rules are complicated and technigal, | By G. Frederick Turper. Hodder & The uth i 3 7 Rufis he asserts, Jui the operations of the Stoughton, Toronto, Publishers. y it Who gait uA J. mind in the domain of law are! gzip Pp, . Thustrated, Price, . : x . > . Wallingford, the fr gi gout hazed on comihan sense and mar | 1.95 8 ns > oN Ea A in Yeasily he followed without difficulty : . 4 % 5 ernieds | tsons of ordinary injéll | "The Red Virgin" is an old- fash- h : 1 m ny Fives ta by potsone of ord Epic tons Red Yurgin' 14 an old. ash. 1 1€ Universa 1 ime aver. heen ateustomed = ' upon > From Seat Jo font it a breathless : . : ¥ 3 5 aa 12 a mysterious thing, anite beyond | con etween love an ght on the ; a 3 : . 3 han 3 J 133 the utderstanding of the uninitia- Ine Side, and hate and onspiras oo *f f MES MONEY!" It is more than that--it is the realization : of resulis, in the oy : : 'ed, this illuminating treatise con-| the other, loi posgeseion of' the aR £ 3 ! Ey hp tt ses SFR awe wo | wolf af MCI get | pwc arnmos BAN ceil ay age qage. o ho author con- i : 8 3 ) MAN To those who do not sexard dis. | coals. and Balf reveals, under fancl. A The telephone. ue ieregpes the value of every ---- ute It sds to every man's. isgion of sex matters with abhor- ames, - places A ages 3 asi : 0 a ; aay. ith abhor re op efficiency. - Successful business foday depends upon the utilized minutes. Fae afte large--the volume on "Sex." | ments in Great Britain and on the Just now, when trade is mot so 28 it we {wo years ago, the loAy diltante > = will afford a gratifying study. Thon | continent, and, in the process, builds | Anthers seek - appease the oppogt- | up & romance of high order, portray- telephone is enabling in all lines of of keeping the whe 'nd they are HOME UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. I , ECE. tion of the no-discussion school. in [ing not only the el of arms but their ovening chanter, as follows: lash of pass with the +1 "We shonld not be writing thin of a Kingdon at issue. One Tittle book at all did we not believe pote that the hero who that the people perish for lack of |# Englishman, knowledge of sex; that it is ignos- ance, not sciehce. which engenders srurlency and communicates filthe- minde + that for lack Af g Hittin y are hae mi Si ah

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