On Wednesday afternoon a bhirthda: Ad vf racty nod twilight musicale was giv on 'at the hidine of Mrs. Janes Rigney George mircet, when she and Mpg UiEtaford Kickpatrick were joist host kle, however partons face 0%. powde h hazel. ath red sax-{ soldiers, We offer a Peroxide chemi.' cally pure and sclentifieally perfect: «4 oz. sealed bot. 25¢, for 19c 8 oz. sealed bot. 35c, for 20c 16 on, scaled bot. 80¢c, for 89¢ & Gee your supply of this splen. -" reshiy-made Peroxide to- i y. - At Best's Popular Druggists and Opticians § aps. SUNDAYS i wdses. ach guest brought a dona tion: of pennies representing her age, in a little bag which had 8 provid- ed for the and a very satis factory sum was the result of the af: tefoon's enjoyment. This mone: will be used by the Daughters of the. Empire to provide comiorts for the In the dining-room, Shore Union Jacks agave ity patriotic touch ys eo 7, Sho, as Mise' Mami rg _ Jones pi Nitdreo H in '8 Miss Etta Heulurstin, Earl street, ! wn, Beatrice Driver, Ruby Thiver, wit! ona Osborne, int Allen, Yath- Sime. Ei Wilson, Jessie tor, w, thy Kon Marjorie' irk, Ruth Camp. Marie. MoMing, " Lucy Scot (Napanee), Hi man, and hep tt, Willis Stew. a yo Gay: Browne, A R. Lionel, Dunsmore, Arthu; uson, Ketmeth McKinnon, Roward x, Ray Smith, George iver Stanley Driver, Sydney Burwash, MacF Farjane, Johnson and Bruce Melaughlin. Fo - A bread and butter dance in aid ¢ the Red €'roes fund, will be held the city hall on Tuesday evening, De gember 1st. The committee in charg, fpcludes Mrs. Geor McKay, Mrs, Lindsay Malcolm, Hiss Grace Hew mi "Miss Norah Macnee, Miss Char He Short, Miss Marian Leslie, Mis arjorie Dense, Miss Dorothy Car tuthers, Miss Kathleen Carruth | ers, Miss Lille Murray, Miss Mar The -- or our suits and coats is determined by values. Into them go the best of everything that money can Saunders, Miss Lillian Mundell, garet Murray, Miss Madge Dawson Mine Mildred Jones, Miss Anne Min nes, Mise Marjorie Minnes, Miss Ros Rogers, Miss May Chown, Miss Mil dred Belton, Miss Dorothy Chown Miss Freda Burns, Miss Edith Fra jor, Miss Bessie Robertson, Miss Heler Kay, Miss Mary Stewart, Nar Mis ves Bellhouse, Miss Ruth Anglin i Aileen Folger, Miss Helen U Ug low, Miss Beth Small and Miss Kath ine Hart. * * - » Mrs. Wiliam Morgan and Mrs. 8 J, M. Compton entertained at a de ightful musicale at the former's e on Mac t, last hursday ening, on behal of the fand for th. relief of the ns and the Red Lross fund. The t. received wa: $45.25. The large company of guests present enjoyed a very interesting 'Programme, when those takin; part were Mrs. H t Wood, oi Vancou ver; Miss Mary C RN Miss Phyllj Knight, Miss Christine Cochrane, Mise Eileen Wright, Mrs. 8. R. F. Harvey, Mr, Arthur Craig, Mr. Phillips Mac: tonnell, and Mr. Bankier. Mrs. C. 8S. Parsons (formerly Millie PEAR received for the first time since her marriage in he cosy apartments in Ottawa on Thurs day. The bride was assisted in wel goming her visitors by Mrs. George and in the dining room the prottily decorated tea table was presided over by Mrs. George Mac Kenzie and Mrs, Campbell Laidlaw Miss Etta Henderson (sister of th bride), and Miss Ethel Harringtor were 'also in She Jed room. Mrs. Charles G. Duffey, Chicago, announces the engagement of he daughter, Daisy Love, to Mr. Ed ward - R.{ Pound, son of Mr. H. Pound, Kingston, Ont. The bride to-be is a niece of Mrs. M. E. (lax: ton, William Street. Mrs. TO HL ceived with Mrs, street, yesterday afternoon, when many friends called to welcome Mrs, Byrne back to Kingston, Miss , of Ottawa, re McKay, King Mrs. Richard Elmer, Bagot street, will receive on Friday, December the fourth, wheh her daughter, Mrs. Mal colm Gibson, will receive with her. Mrs. RB. Nobile ® Shaner will receive for the first time 'since her marriage, on next T ay afternoon, ai her new houfis, Barrie street. Mrs. non Rigney, Ours street will receive next Tuesday and the Tuesday following and not again un til after the New Year. The Weekly Reading Club, which has been formed by a few girls in town, mel the home of Miss Mar- jorie 'Brow - % Mr, T, Russell Millar, re a a Com vinet Tor' x 3 271 Allred street, e ahi this winter. ghey "returned ¢ Fednesday, Mr, Belliiguge, _, 2 ugsten, "nem fuest Tr. re. JOS, Vapanee. Miss Piossice Elliott, Barrie treet, is the guest of Miss Gene , Belleville, for the weok- Mrs, Maitland Hannaford, of Mon real, is the guest of her parents, dr. and Mrs. Clarke Hamilton, King treet, ~ _-- FP. X. Ahern, of the Queen's | neers, is a few days ®t his 'home i Gu a Jie 4 rial Nini "of Ottawa, is guest 5 McKay, Iohnson st Mr. and Ne T. F. Harrison, Miss Jive Chown and Mr. Douglas Chown save returned from Burlington, where hey attended fhe: Harrison-Wilson Dr. and and Mes. Harold Harrison are pected in town early next week to #igit Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Harrison, William streot, for a few days. Mr. Guy MacParlane returned from Ttawa on Thursday, where he at- 'ended his 'sister's wedding. is visit her sister, Mrs. C. ons, in' Ottawa. Miss Tucy Scott, of Napanee, spent | "huraday with Mis: Vlora Abernethy, Albert street. Miss Louise Maclennan who has "een visiting her grandmother, Myre. Tenry Cunningham, Earl street, left esterday for her home in Toronto. B. 8 M. Walter Clarke, of the LMC, who has been granted =a mmission in the Royal Canadian 'riillery; left yesterday for his ome in Calgary to spend a couple € weeks before going to Halifax to ain his regiment. Rev. H. Bedford Jones, Brock Me, woe a guest in town for severs 1 days this week, Mrs. George Fenwick. Universit: 'venue, left to-day for New York to tt Mr. and Mrs. George F. Fon: rick. 8. Par- - * * Mr and Mrs. Leggett have ra nrned to Montreal after spending ome time in town the guests of Mr nd Mrs.- William Harty, Stuart treet. Mrs. Egbert Paterson is with her arents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarkn Vright, Colborne street. Mr. and irs. Paterson have returned from a lve months trin through the west. Migs Esther Kerry returned hows 2 Montreal to-day after a visit with fr. and Mrs. Douglas Hammond, "ing street. Mr. and Mrs. Ham- 'ond will spend the week-end in 'rockville with Mr. and Mrs. A. Il. "ahl, The Misses Stark are returning {0 'ananoque to-day. Christmas Sale, At St. "Andrew's Hall on Tuesday, december 1st, from 3 until 6 o'clock, he doll table will present a nove! nd pretty sight. Homemade dain- les, fancy work, ete., fishpont. VAUDEVILLE AT GRAND. 'here Will Be Nightly Entertains ments at Popular Prices Commencing Thursday, Dec. ure he Grand Opera House will inaugu ate a series of popular price enter alnments that it is anticipated wii 1eet with the approval of ait in¢ heatregoers of Kingeton. By arrange aent with the United Booking Offices a Chicago the exchanze that hand- es only the bigges ¢is in vaude- ille----1he vaudeville vill be preserted togeth with the ost interestiy and e inal of shotodramas, complete nge wi ogramme will he made twice week y-- 'or Monday aud Thursday ev anings. The mr ent for ine pre- best o 5 -- land who has # Too British mmefchadt = for-about five # ers were sunk in the Channel i 3 overaing -* Winston Churchill, # fin the British House of {i eis | # dreadnought every month for a year and still win out against Germany. ond Chinries Bevesford, fol- a Churchill, said the Ger- man fleet would emerge some day, and luck or no luck, Brit ain would win. ha A German colonel, who is a prisoner in Pavig says that if the Germans do not % plerce the allied lines by November 28th, a general vetreat will be or- dered. The Paris bourse will open on December 7th for cash trad- ing. The British collier Khar- toum was blown up at the mouth of the Humber river on Friday by a mine. The crew was saved, The Germans have returned strongly to the attack of the Russians in Polshd. Fighting is fierce, snd several divisions have been annihilated. Many high German officers have been killed. One hundred Cauadian doc- tors are now at Havre, France, to establish » hospital, : Russians have gained another ¢ great victory pear Cracow. TT TTT TRS SE ET eee, Bledel ppedededid Sd ddd db dd PbS dd a dd SL (BURY. i a Now vide-gresiden the Canadia adie Vy a ¥ v THE WHIG'S JUMBLE General Review of Country Distric jm Local News James Campbell, a native © Whi iy died ly at his hom: in Carleton Piaget on Monday, age. fifty-one years. Grocers all flour. Wd Mrs. John A. Bfeatley left Iannrl on Friday for lomden, Ont., wher her husband is stationed with the se cond overseas contingent. Another of Lanark*township's earl settlers passed away, Tuesday, in th person" of Mrs. Archibald Afieck, Sr White Ros entatian aot Interfere with the bookings "of he travenog at » aid the rand, 8 i i sttractions that ad play «utside of For the vaudeville 3ranigan has arrange dg wrices that he ¢ pecial."' At the @ one price only, arts of the house, ord at tie evens | 1gs performances ihe ge: | aission will be ten conts with the wo ef vl | G1 rvavdeyille, w erved seats al hilee: dea of the quality of ' tho vaudgyii o he presanted can be obtained {re he announcement that the upening All will contain sueh prominent ists, as, Neasse, the famous eccentr omedy juggler, the Burns Sisters in . classy musical aet, ingtrumental nd vocal; Adolf and Raymond, co- aedy acrobats, will he seen in their atest and most sensational acr en- itled, "The Guest And The Waiter." The whole bill will comprise an offer. ng never before presented anywhere it the prices. Ceng A LITTLE PRAYER FOR YOU fust a little prayer, dear, a word or two, : 'Make the world at peace, that will do-- Just a prayer to-night--- dear, don't forget! for the men '¢ross the sea--dear, in battle met. Lord,' Jh, the tears we shed---dear, ovet war! ) Pray that it shall more! For the men 'cross the sea--dear--- in battle met \ little prayer for peace--dear, don't forget! . Greatest Worn Worry. Tatoy *obert Borden's ¥ is: of an ghall I 'hoes of Sam Hughes?" The mayoralty contest in Renfrew 5 out betw cease--torever reatest wor- ovse for the e ed for the | bridge on Wednesday. at the advanced age of ninety-un years. Have your bicyele stored and clean winter months. We wi Sol) for bicycles if you ring up 542 Milne, Bagot street. & John MacDonald died at Kent Her deati was due to goitre. She was forty five years of age. 'The remains will be brought to Lanark village for in terment. Week-end sweets at Gibson's : Page and Shaw's sweets. Huyler's sweets. McConkey's sweets. Rowntree sweets. Cadqury sweets. The Canada Cement compan must pay a farmer named Fitzger ald $1,600 damages for deprivin him of the right to drive his cattl to water across a marl deposit a' Dry Lake. The farmer sued for damages, the case was heard at Belleville. Owing to the increased cost an the scarcity of supply of raw mate: ial, the Eddy Company bave had 1 slightly advence the price of mate! es and some other lives. The Edc¢ company believe the public will a) preciate this when they realize it done so that the high dard « quality for which, the dy goo are famed, my: be maintained. AAO LB Be EERE # GERMAN WARSHIP § SUNK. a] + BBA he ha ; i $3410 ier ahi! res i ESET iia re g | ¥achener -Rundschau an article on b BAR ANA AA DARDS DRIP Aang As i8 usual, we have Saturday night ! ! a number of unusually good bargains to offer for Er ae TO-NIGHT O-NIGHT able. TO-NIG Towels 19 doz. pure linen towels, plain and red borders HT . rs, best 15¢ Sualiry of obtain Swiss - Embroidered Tea Aprons 144 made up of fine Swiss embroidery--very suitable for priced at 50¢ and 60¢, Pillow Slips 25 doz. hemmed piltow- lps, made up in a fine e priced for 20 and 22 Xmas gifts. Regularly ven quality of imported cotton; "Oc. Just 23 Shopping Days Left to Christmas This store is full to the brim with good practical gifts Shop early--it's better ! for Xmas giving, THE FUTURE OF BELGIUM. Roman Catholic Leader Airs His Views. Amsterdam, Nov. 28.--The promin- at German Roman Catholic leader, Herr Erzberger, has published is the rman the future of Belgium. Germany, he oiuts out, cannot tolerate as. its western frontier a state appearipg to be neutral. The Germans, he isays/ wave assured themselves of a free rassage through to the channel igainst England, and 'their anny did wot make so many sacrifices in Bel- sium for nothing. Herr Exzherger would not 'be con- tented with a semi-independent Del rium under German occupation. "The fate of Belgium," he says, 'has to be so arranged that Eng- and can no longer use it as an in- trument on the cofitinent. Belgium nust be made a Helensive and offen- ive arm against England." FLEEING FROM BRESLAU. pproach Of Germans Causes Great Consternation, Geneva, Switzerland, via Paris, sov, 28.--Seven thousand refugees, aostly members of wealthy German amilies in Breslau, have arrived in dunich during the last forty-eight aours. They declare that the city 8 in a state of consternation owing to the reported approach of the! Russians, and that business is at a standstill. In the duchy of Baden, the reser sists of the years 1801-1804, now mostly men of forty to forty-five ears of age, have Been called out. These reservists, who are stated to number about 350,000 men, are be- ng distributed in the forts along the Rhine so as to liberate the younger nen there for active service. Sale of Ladies' Hats. Starting Saturday, Nov, 28th, we will offer uby ladies' 'plush or silk vel: vet sailor hats that sold from $2350 up to $4, for 98c. Also any girls' bat that sold up to $2 for 09, Corrigan's. The death occurred on Sunday in ictoria hospital, Renfrew, of anoth- r old district resident, in the per- on of Mrs. John Bolger, nee Ellen tyan, in her seventy-third year. De- eased, a native of Shamrock, had seen 111 in the Hospital for about five months, KINGSTON'S ELECTRIC STORE 'See our beautiful line ¢ from $6.50 u Eminent e of semi- fulivect Sxiires, Ny suited for Xmas present. A handy electric bracket 1 amp will fasten on mirror, bedstead, wall, glass, e ere. See it. Phone 44], H.W.Newman Electric Co 7 D Pyiticess Street Militia Men nd i AE it ter vert Reh ats av viens Xia si ay a oii is id Notice the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win. dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them. Halliday" s Electric Shop Phone 94 soa I -------- DRINK CHARM CEYLON TEA 30 to 60cts. Lb Black, Green or Mixed, At All rs