Bask of Toronto, with departments equipped to iransact appertaining to banking, and with the Dominion, and a to offer its custor Assets .......... $60,000,000 TNOORRORATED Now Laat the fan starting of stoves an increases, 80 cover A need of 1 would breciate the represent geveral strong season 1s once again with us, necessitating the d furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently that it is essential that all property should be adequately any additiona insurance or contemplating & change, opportunity of figuring on your requirements. tariff and non-tariff companies. i GEORGE BAWDEN PHO 286. REAL RSTATE. COAL. 168 PRINCESS ST, INSURANCE. See those two houses, side and Colborne. The completed one te ished one of Baker Brick, Honestly look just as Rood, Jad they rast Boost your home industry and hualld au, un Division 'St; between Queen wide, © hullt ot Kingston Brick, the unin. now, doesn't the Kingston Brick besides being a home product. of Kiagston Hrick, To No. 388 Alfred St, 10 rooms, Tamas verandah. Rent $20.00 per month, Let e, electric light and gas; grate; large Well worth the money. J. K. CARROLL AGENCY ST. JOHN DRWER, shaving ma our window, opposite the Y.M.C.A, dusing this . I you are | integested we would be glad to have you call, and we will be pleased to show our stock of shaving comforts. | | HOAG'S DRUG STORE Representative. PHONE AUCTION BALE -------- § Tuesday, Dec, 1st, 10 a.m. MR. DAVID HENRY, 24 STEPHEN 87. Western plana rose wood case), B. W. parlor sulte, centre and other tables, sideboard, chairs, imperial Oxford range, Alladin heater, pug stove, hed- room suite, ¢rockery, glassware, cloc carpenter and garden tools, washing machine, etc. 35 Thoroughbred Minoren Fowl ALLEN THE AUCTIONEER j Phone 252 113 Brock St Thomas Copley Telephone 987 Drop a card to 13 Pine street whes santlng hing done In the carpen- ery line. Estimates given on all kinds repairs and new work; also hard. wood fours of all kinds. All orders #111 receive prompt attention. Hbos ¥ Queen Atreet VASES, and eferything in cement. Veran- dah work a specialty. OFFICE 137 WELLINGTON ST. Works, Cor. Cliavles and Patrick Ste. Horace ¥. Norman. Manage For Sale RODGER'S GUARANTEE OF SATISFAC- TION is thela same whether | you pay $2.00, $3.00 or £5.00 for your glasses. HOW ABOUT YOUR nas Cake! All our new raising, currants, peels figs, dates, &e¢., have arrived and we can supply you with the very best at the lowest prices. We sell corn, peas, cans for 20 J. R. B. GAGE Montreal & Jdolm Sts. Phone 549 tomatoes, 3 At the request of a number of citizens, I an- nounce myself a can- didate for 1a ayor or 1915 jolich i youy | Clitiord Hall, ¢ stored by Mrs. NOTES AXD ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST Happenings in the City and Vielnity ~What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. William Swaine, plano tuner, Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. Issac Cohen Will likely erect a farge freight shed at the corner of Rideau and Cataraqui streets. H. Cuhoingham, piano tuner, King Shel, Leave opders at Auley' store. A "etter from Dr. A. E. Ross from Salisbury Plain, announced that he was about td leave for France with his medieal corps. The militia garrison police force has now heen established in the city, and in future a regular system of police patrolling will be done. The Woman's Auxiliary of St James church held a communion service on Monday morning at 10.30 o'clock. Canon R. 8. Forneri offi- ciated and the Bishop of 'Ontario and 2] Me- on. Several of the other elergy of the city were present. At Washbarn's Corners. Washburn's Corners, Nov. 27.--Farm- ers lwre have taken advantage of the recent fall of snow and have hauled large quantities of wood. Mrs. S. X. Webster left, on Sunday, for a visit ns Ruh's Tells. The many friends of W. Hamilton, of Flgin, are al So bear be has passed suocess- fully the fali examinations of the Coliege of Physicians and Surgeons. last week A. M. Eaton, Athens, pur- chased 'P. Wi s dine brick store on Main street, one «f the best business stands in town. A uwumber of the friends of Harry Wright, the Delta bay who went with the first contingent, sent him a box of useful articles as a present before he leaves for the front. oi Greenbush, who lost had it re Spence, of Charleston, who found it. Mrs. Eligh and son, Harold, of Sherwood Springs, are vis iting in Athens. Thursday evening last Miss Annie Wright, of "The Li lacs," entertained a number of her friends af a birthday party. Owing te the slippery condition of the walks Mra. Gi. Yates, Athens, fell on Tues day evening ®id fractured her wrist. Miss Addie Knowlton, Athens, has returned home after a stay of several months in Ottawa. Miss Annie Whit- more, of Plum Hollow, has taken a position in the store of A. M. Eaton, Athens. B. Davis, of Glen Buell, and EE. 6. Leach and J. Buchanan, ot Snitth's falls, have returned from the rorth woods, byinging with them their quantity of deer. In a letter written to his mother, in Athens, a few days ago, Kenneth Rappell, of North Portal, Sask., reports that district to to have been visited by a terrific bliz- zard. The mercury recorded twenty degrees below and about a i his purse containing $40, of ero, of snow fell Locals From Long Point Nov. lins returned heme from op Saturday evening last. Mr. anid Mrs. John Cross, 20th, a daughter. Mrs. Harry Bev- jus is very ill, as also is Kthel, son of R. Haskin's. Miss Lenna Bryan, teacher at Soperton, spent the week- end at her home here. Miss Estella Sly, of Morton, spent Saturday ev- ening and Sunday at Mrs. brook's. taken advantage of the fishing law and taken out licenses for white fishing, but any who have tried the netting report no fish as yet. ! cheese factory this season, palrons ar Lyndhurst. of the ground and a great many have resumed their ploughing. Miss Ger- tie is sewing for Mrs. J. Singleton. David Townsend made a business trip to Kingston yesterday. T. Bev- ins is dbing carpenter work for W. Plunkett. Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs, John Chapman, of Sweets Corners, and Mr. and Mrs. George Chapman of Seeley's 'Bay, at Mrs. S. Sea- brook's; Mrs. Nellie Bryan, of Lans- downe at her mother's, Mrs. Burns; Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald, Sand Bay, at Miss E. O'Connor's; Gladys Snider at T. Bevin's; Mrs. J. Muirhead and Mrs. R. Muirhead, of Warburton, at J. Muirhead's; J. C. Sykes; Lyndhurst, and Mrs, George Wright, of Athens, at the cheese factory; Mr. McCready and daughter at H. Bevims'; Mr. and Mrs. W. McConnell, of Ellisville, at WW. Plunkett's. Point. Harry Bev- Kelerville Born to Long gm closed last week for and a pumber of the arawing their milk to large Barriefield Briefs. Barriefield, Nov. 28.-=Miss Ber- tha Pugh has gone to spend thé win- ter months with her uncle at Tren- 'ton, New Jersey, and before re- turning will visit at Montreal and Quebec, Mrs. Salsbury, city, is spending the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. N. Stanton, Jr Mrs. } R. Purtell, who has been very ill, is able fo be around 'again. A. Medley, who has been ill so long, is improv- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Sibbit have re- turned from their honeymoon, and are moving in their nice new home. Miss R. Krupp, who was visiting ber sister, Mrs, Redmond, of Ports- mouth, has returned home. Miss I. Ryder, city, who has been visiting at . and Mrs. McKay's, has re- turnéd home. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wil son, city, spent Sunday with friends here. News From Salem. Salem, Nov. 28.--Mr. and Mrs. T. Orser, Trenton, were Sunday visitors of the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, 8. Carnrike. A number from here paid their last respects to the late J. Sager, by being in attendance at | his jurernl © at Victoria on Monday. Mrs. U. Dolan spent the 1 week-end in Trenton. The social held at Robin's Mills on Tuesday evening was well attended, and much enjoyed. Me. and Mrs, J. H. Parliament were in Belleville on Saturday. Mr. and Mes. Ki Vancott and Mr. and Mrs. : Charles Carnrike made trips to Tren. ton last week. ors: Mr. and Mrs. A. field, at A. S o's: Mr. nnd Mrs, 5. recent visite r. rs, E. Smith, Vancott's; Mr. ang Mrs. B Charles Kemp's. st R. Alyn at C Kingston administered the communi={* "The Rogue's u's Comedy' Prices' 07 am SEATS NOW ON cb dp mi Every Day Commencing Thursday Dec. 3rd Daily Ma POLIE VAUDEVILLE 3 FEATURE ACTS --3 And PHOTO- DRAMAS PRICES MAY. 10d, Eva. toe i ph ON SALE TU "CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. James Savage and fam fly wish, through this paper, to thank the many kind friends who Rave shown their sympathy in se many wavs in pun sore trouble in the tragic death of our two sons and brothers, apd our prayer that as Triendg and loved Ones, we may in our Father's own time go to join our loved ones. eg 15 ¥ PURE CLEAN FOOD 18 RSSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH Miss | "oulter, Smith- 4 Edgar | | | ) on Nov. A. Sea-; Several of the men have The} The frost has gone outj BE PARTICULAR Insist on getting "a0LD BOND" Canned Goods THE WHIG'S JUMBLE, A General Review of Country District and hoeal News. "Shaving ' soaps" Cross Drug Store, . Brockville, Smith's Falls, and Perth have formed the southern Ot- tawa Valley hockey league. "The military drug store" is a name often applied to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. rembroke's veteran tax collector, James Devlin, has tendered his re- gignation to take effect on Dec. 31st. Mrs. G. Yates, Athens, fell on Tuesday on the slippery pavement iin that town and fractured her wrist. 3 | "st battalion, halt !" Silicon and ammonia and button brushes are seld at Gibson's Red Cross = Drug Stare. A. Kohl, for the past five and a half years manager of the Bank of Montreal, Brockville, has been Jotised of his promotion to the rantford branch. Owing to the repairs being made at the electric light plant the em- loyees of the Westport Manufactur- ing and Plating compauy has been put on short time. "Johnston's Shaving Cream' sold in Kingston at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store A prety "wedding took plare on Tuesday, when Miss Meryl, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. James Gorse, was united in marriage to Robert W. Wing, of Westport. "Shaving brushes," at Gibson' s Red Cross Drug Store Rev. G. W. Mylne, M.A. Eganville Presbyterian church, has received a call to Spencerville, It offers §1.- 100 a year, with manse and glebe Weeks' vacation. Shaving Cream" sold t. Gibson's Red Cross at Gibson's Red Queen's Tranatc con '2.30. 'Evg's., 7.30{* COMPETENT NURSE HOUSEMAID. Spi Mrs. Geo. Mahood, 103 Gore treet, WORKING HOUSEKEL BR. APPLY to Dr. R. C. Cartwright, Box 649, Napanee, frp a LISS, NG STS, A MILI- on 1 ula Eh re- TRAN Vani Bred, 1° a Goon ¥ ply Box 411, Whig" amas. $41 Divis A PURSE © ETE ahuroh, return to Whig of. fice, FOUND. R GRNERAL HOUSEWORK A eon cook: references. Ap- ly t St, cor. West pon A YOUNG GIRL POR LIGHT HOUSE. work. y. to 100 Vietoria 8t., Cur, Barl and Victoria Sts. MORE FUR EIN IsHnRS-WA NIH a noe, SARPLY, George. 5 20. Kingston's Famous Fur Store, A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT. Must have rH Apply inthe ening 10 Waddell, 75 Tower Union PERSON MAY AN jee monthly. 3 eormewpanain. NO CADYASR IRE Eh Ee xssagtey or Hondr- uy S88! Lodkport . HAVE YOU ANY ARILITY AS A salesman? -We have a proposition to make which will enable you -to 7 nope. Jonesy LAGp Vou are at the present time. Cor- ondence wirtetly confidential As to Manager, Box 4%. King- Boo : YOUNG MEN WAN en TO PREPARE for telegran M Japa alan ne) i RG' re- ceive positions Sh ntely upon graduation and 3 10 380 mont ly. 10_start #cliool fat fe Juinay. poss en quaned. Tultioh fads moderate. Yor particulars afply The Dier- Graham Telegraph o Sehool, . 152 Bank Street, Ltawa. AGENTS TO SELL FIRST NUMBER magnificent . series of patriotie, descriptive, twenty-page colored books, "Our Empire Army" "Our Rmpire Navy," "Our Empire Ships," "Our Bmpire Scouts," and others. Whsorbing interest, complete in- formation, fully dilustrated, splen- didly printed. Better than Christ- mas cards. Sample copy, "Our Em- pire Army," ten cents, or twenty five Jor one dollar, postpaid. Reply quick King . Company, 76 Ade laide St. West, Toronto. | ih 21 SALESWOM AN. Young woman for ary goods, one having experience preferred. JOHN LAIDLAW & SON. Abb hs doped bbl POSITION WANTED. AY ping NG LADY WISHES POSITION ady's companion; can furnish a best references. Apply Box 2711, Whig office. WANTED GENERAL CUSTOMERS 70 BRING THEIR CAR- pets, rugs and poptieres to be wov- en by J. C. Swaine, 140 York St. ee eae WINDOW CLEANING=-PLACE YOUR orders at once and be sure of good work. We clean and put up storm windows. We employ only good, reliable men. Drop us a card. Kingston Window Cleaning Co. 349 Alfred St, City. GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have it made up Into up: to-date suits. Price and workman- ing and repairin honest notice. 181 Brock street, near rs Bibby's SITUATIONS VACANT LADIES WANTED TO DO EASY, pleasant coloring at home Can make $15 to $20 weekly. Ex- periance unnecessary: no canvass. ing. National Decorating Co., Dept. C., 63 Adelaide St, East, Toronto, Ont. Notice of Dissolution of Partnership Notice is hereby given that the nership heretofore subsiciing or 5 us, the undersigned, as cagpenter con- tractors and builders, in the City of Kingston, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts owing to the sald partnership are to be paid to Thomas A. Andre, at 389 Barrie Street, in the City of Kingston aforesaid, and all claims against the said partnership are to oe presented to the gaid Thomas A. André, by whem the same will be settled. Dated at Kingston this 30th day November, 131 ALE XANDE R ANDRE, THOMAS A. ANDRE. NO ADVANCE SINCE| THE WAR NORMANNA SARDINES 15 Cts. Per Tin Normanna Sardines have always heen pa Narided ORES, TE ae Manis that formerly oa twe ote Tr ane Tor ail ------ Ae BUY NORMANNA BRAND It ou want twe for 35c. BUY 216. ZAGS cial te any 155. Maes) Nelamen of fhene brands have been advanced retail. AT YOUR FAMILY GROC- work of FENWIC ;! DRY & OO. Lincoln ~ conservatives nominated Ald. "James D. Chaplin, of St. Cath- arines af candidate for the federal sre worth Jprice is wtill | | A' PARCEL FROM ALLA oN Saturday, en' Low Finder may hive "sain > property and pa fp vertisement at WV = of on, a ing is ad- TWO-YEAR-OLD HEIFER, ON MON- «. day night. Owner can have the same by proving property and pay- img for this advertisement, at the 'Whitney Hotel, Market Square. 70 LET TRY ONE OF THESE SM ADVTS, Once 25¢, three times §0c. BY wy STORAGE FOR FURNY Rrock clean and dry. McCaan, § streets ee nee ------ -- TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, furnished. Apply to 198 Stuart St OFFICES bers. die, 79 IN CLARENCE OMAN. AR iy lo > Canaingham & Mu- 13 Clarence Bt, PWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN. furnjghed; stores, offices, ete. Me- Cann's = ftesl Estate Agency, 52 Brock St t STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, gry. ¥, alts rooms; Sur oF own rost's Sed 8 St. Phone $36b. OLEAN, lock snd orage. 399 BIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Division and Quebec streets. Apply to J. D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. ep et A FLAT IN WELLINGTON APART- ments, 130 Wellington St. Posses- sion Nov. 1st. Heated by hot. vat ; electric lights; also gas Apply F. W. Meagher, 99 Si Albert 8t. Phone 1406. MEDICAL. STUART M.. POLSON, M.A, M.D.CM, former house surgeon Manhattan. Eye, ear, nose, and throat hospital, New York. Office, 132 Wellington, opposite post office, Office hours, 9-12 am. 2.4 pm, 7-8 pm. Phone 177. DENTAL. ------------------------------------------------------ A. BE. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, RE- moved to 258 Princess Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, lington St. (over Phone 346. DR, C. C. NASH, DENTIST nton, assistant. 1 Street. Thone 7 S. H.USIMPSON, Sy DENT. int corner Princess and Bagot streets. Entrance on Bagot Street WEL- PRL DR. T. B Princess L.D.8, D.D. ARCHITECT. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI. «.Offices, 258 Bagot Bt POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants' Bank Building, corn Brock ama Wellington stress, Droy CA UPHOLSTERING. ---------------------------------- W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE- and carpet work, and attress renovating. Drop & card - call 216 Bagot street CATERING. WE CATER TO PARTIES, BALLS Wedding dreakfasis, banquets, ete also rent dishes, table linens and aiverw are. Reid and Hambrook M. Reid, 30 U halon Sirest. Ry 17 fred Street Phones $43 or 204 PERSONAL HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTH MARKS and all growths and skin blemish. es, removed permanently, without scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. mer J. ke, Eye, Ear, Nose Throat and skin Deciallst, '268 Ba Rot street. LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM. & MUDIE, BARRE ™ Clarenive street, Kingston. a | TWO HUNDRE! Fr at 50c a R THE mpany, 556 Princess 8 REDALE = Zonths old, Oat ton' Rock rang ¢ ex Pure ne. A. Rom, 14 Willlam St, Kingst ArFpIC 150 Eos to Shei. pi Need. 3 Brrtien Whig : ad -- a number of first-class heaters, as low prices; Slo a big stock "of furs Bt. Phone 1800. A LARGE NUMBER OF proxe also Dun lop ites, at $2.00. orders ity Sanded to HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL SX= fords, and other cook stoves, thest in first class shape close them out at ye! e small pro= ren by en in A LARGE VARIETY OF niture. J. mpson, 333 Princess cleaning and laying. George rad ve , 378 King Bt Ss, pugs and square heaters, al fits. Turk's "Phone, T INE PURE BRED HOLSTERIN BULL, twenty months old, choicest breed- ing. Grand head for any herd. Pure bred bull calf (Eavke: Also five head pure bred femal Priced low for Jhfielc, sale : A Guess, R. RN , Eiginburg, Ont, MINERA AR AND RIGHTS, FELDSP Hy convenient to Sinton Te ear. Am: yous che $5.000-BRICK uuu LARGE LOW. and stable. oUSE, Maka st ME $1500--NEW FRAME BA AN, INSURANCE AND Real Estate, §1 Cire wep 8 St. G6. A. VOR SALE OR TO LET 100 ACRES IN TOWNSHIP OF 10UGH- boro, 4 miles from Sydenham. Ape By to 8. P. Buck A Son, Bydenham, KINGSTON, BUSINESS ©O0OL- LEGE, Limited, Head of Queen gy ETE x La eRe Souraes ok eeping. ortha - ing, Bank King, Ole servi gs: ral Improvement and hn mercial subjects. Rates Phone $40, H. re Mete pal. i i i] i FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN ment Society; Incgrdorated Toes: president, Colonel Denty Th Money issued on probetties, manicisal" od re Sidi and pherest ie] epos ce! n Sie LONDON AX Fire Insrrange Campan vin BA whic e pol Ssurity the un aie Se roperty, insured at lo le rates. Beton CONTRACTING. Agents. Phone § FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS AND ALL kinds of interior finish, try James Selby, 212 University Contractor, Avenue, MYSIO. rEACHER OF SINGING, MISS CARRIE Bajus, 47 Rideau St. Telephone MUSIC AND DRAMATIC INSTRU tion, 216 Frontenae Miss Ni ~ Se lnmAnn, Allda ae NE Te'gmann, AY plana, violin apd all stri inatruments BUSINESS CHANCES, NYWRIR Lo CAN . ST or business a homes ee booklet: tenis n £969 Lockport, N.Y. ale JOSEPH BUSE, e SHES aT, Cut, AG Die and and rough supplied promptly prices. x THE ters and solicitors. Law office, ET Grate, Nut, Egg, Pea, Stove, Split Pea. A uniform size for every