Hl: in Kingston URS FOR REAL VALUES, FOR FURS You Po not be McKay FURS. sale for US .. CAN DEPEND ON This is Your Store 9 out of 10 people who shop around, come back and state the above fact. taken in by substitutes. See Investigate. you are under no obligation to buy. the best judge vou know. Remember Bring ¢ dine hes the I'T McKAY, Limited THE FUR HOUSE. 149-157 BROCK ST. of Rugs. Designs are gmaller and prices as ] low as last season. Every make of stair and hall to match. We Grind Our Lenses. | When Your Eyes | Need Glasses Own Remember We Are We have passed into §I Specialists | stock sixty-seven bales IN THE PRACTICE OF OPTOMETRY Consult JS. AsselstinD. 0.8 843 ha st. Teiaties. 1019 The Great English Remedy. Tones and invigorates the whole nervitsn stem, makes new Blood cing, Cures Nirsous the ory. , Six (Pens | Six a or mailed in plain ley on i Whos of i ah a Re Useful and Beautiful Christmas Presents We have hundreds of joy givers in our stocks of furniture, carpets, cur- tains, etc. Eaney chai chairs, jardiniere stands, cabinets, parlor pieces. 5 [{ vice and Mr. | programme closed with the singing of | "God Save the Wood's Phosphodine, | Goods held: until wanted at our| risk. ELECTED VOR THE GAMES THIS | COMING WINTER - Cholce of Junior Skins Deferred Until Next Week--Three Curlers Going *o the ¥ront. ¢ The Kingston Curling Club held a meeting on Monday night for the elec- tion of skips for the coming season. There about seventy-five members present. There are vow 14Y members m the chib, and thew are going to the front. WW, KR, Givens presided at the meeting. » Le new members eecied were: W. Peline, N. Davy, W. MeCartey, J. KE. Mortimer, i. A. Payne, BD. Rob ho, BR. 4. Apdrens,. Rev. E. Lelloy Rice, © dodge "Hl. A. Lavell, LOE. Smith and F. UU. Hambrook., 5. R. Bailey was elected ap active member amd W. H, Wormwith was elected a member. Several © applications were received foo late to he considered and these Will be brought vp ut the next m eeting oi the cyeratiye. The skips elected to play for the alub championship teaphy were t Asecletine, TH. Rigkett, W. MN. Bailey, 5. SC Corbett, A. I. Cun- ningham, J. B. Cooke, W. J. Driver, WB Dalton: J NM. Eliott, JJ. NM. Farrell, ¥. UC. Gildersleove, W. R. Giv ens, Lo Wo Gill, W. LL Goodwin, W. oJ. A. Hooper, G. Hanson, S. T.Kickpat-' rock. W- Lesslie. 1. T. Macdonald. R J. NMekelvex, W. IH. Montgomery, J. W. Power, M. PB. Reid, 7. Slater, BE. 0. Shliter," W. KH. Sills, B.D. Sather land, G. 1. Sathe, A. A. Tareotie, H. S. Wallace, J, Watson, R. N. ¥. McFaclame, A. Strachan and J. B Walken. : The following senior skips were elected to play against outside teas: T. M. Asselstine, W. B. Dalion, 1, | N. Elliott, WX. foushie, J. b. Macedon | ald, ¥. P Reid, T. Shter, W. R. Sills, K. 0, Sliter auh A, A. Turcotte. The election of the junior skips was deferred until the meeting of the Cen teal Ontaric Curling League, to he held here next week, as the «standing of a junior will then be decided. SALVATION ARMY CONCERT. were And Alds. Nickle Graham Spoke, Mayor Shas and The Salvation Army gave a splen- did concert in the citadel Monday night. The programme was a le ngehy one. - Miss. Treneer recited in sp did manner. Miss Holder gave fhe piano = solo, which called for an encore. John Hughes played an euphonium solo, "I'he British Grena- diers," with great skill. Thomas Hughes also played a fine cornet solo. The male choir sang two very interesting selections, as also did the songsters, which pleased the large audience. The band's playing magnificent. Mayor Shaw presided, ably ported by Alds. Grabam and H. Nickle. The mayor spoke glowing terms of the splendid work of the band. Ensign Smith, in ten- dering a vote of thanks to the wor- thy chairman, announced that the mayor would preach at the citadel next Sunday night. Ensign Smith then called upon Ald. Nickle, who said he had worked with the ensign for three months. He told how the - patriotic fund spent. There are sixteen persons working at it. Ald. Graham tell how delighted he was with the ser- Nickle's address on the Nr. Graham hinted Nickle becoming a Salvation: also did the mayor. The was sup- Ald. in was patriotic fund. at Mr. ist, as King." Wi MAN © IN TOILS. Husband Led Her Away When Magistrate Gave Her Chance "I don't know anything at about it. [I can't remember thing." Such was the statement of a mar- tied woman, who was in the police court on Tuesday morning, on a charge of being drunk. "That's just the danger about getting drunk," said the magis- trate, 'you cannot remember any- thing that happens. As this is your first 'appearance before me, I will give you a chance." The husband of the erring woman was on hand ready to receive her, and as she was given a chance he thanked the magistrate and passed out the big deor with her It was one of the many sad pietures to be seen. in the police court from time to time. all any- Breakwater Tepders.. The Board of Works - meets this afternoon but it will not deal with the King street breakwater question, as tenders for the work are not due until Thursday afternoon. The city engineer lias plans and specifications ! prepared. The reason specifications were not got out before was owing to the understanding that the work was to be done by day labor, under the direction of the city engineer, the rebuilding of the breakwater heing undertaken chiefly with the object | of giving work to the unemployed. 'The people have yet to say whether | they will authorize the expenditure of the necessary money. Weaded At Flinton. The marriage took place at Flin- ton, on Nov. 18th, of Miss Luey Thompson, daughter of J. W. Thamp- son, and Wi Good, son of Frank flood. Rev. E. Merrick officiated at the 'ceremony. Biss Bertha Good was the bridesmaid and William Thompson the groomsman. Ae Very Popular. Brockville Times. } John Wright representing King ston district and George E. Jener. | president of the Brockville Com- mercial Travellers' association are striving for positions on the. board of directors of the Dominion Com; mercial Travelers' association. Both are exceedingly popular knights of the the rip znd would do credit to thet ir elected, Inland Revenue Collections Inland revenue collections, vember: $4,605.97; A cigars, A Shir mathy | malt, TE WARRISON £0, "5; other receipts, $51 oi Srila Rl CAPTURED SECOND TIME. Youngster Who, Has Been Causing Much Trouble Of Late. At an early hour on Tuesday morn- ing Inspector Wyllie, of the Child- ren's Aid Society, took in charge a lad Who escaped a second time from the Orphans' Home, where he had been placed as u result of a case heard in the police court, when it was found that his parents could not keep him at school. On the occasion; of his first escape the in- spector rounded him up on the street but he was no sooner back in the institution when out he came again. Now he will go back again. The lad has been sadly neglected by his pa- rents St. Lake's ANAL St. Luke's AY.P.A., formed a week ago, held its fist meeting on Monday evening in the Sunday school hall. Already there are for- ty-one members upon the roll, six- teen additional names being added last evening William Carroll, pre- sident was in the chair. ing was spent in a sociable manner among the young people. Miss lose Compton and James Saunders sang solos. Mr, Roche introduced some spicy connundruius, Gomes then came in for their share of the ev- ening's programme, after which re- freshments were served by the young ladies. . Notes. A special meeting of the Uhited Brotherhood "of Carpenters and Join- Tuesday, at 8 pam. All members ors will be held in the Union Hall on please attend. W. H. Hubbell, sec. " at Gibson's Red "Shaving brnshes, Cross Drug Store. Kingston's Famous Fur Store Ten more days for The Executor's Sale at George Mills&Co's Store. Saturday, December 12, is positively the final day. Black Wolf Sett Large | double stole and new heart shape muff with head and tail. The Executors' Sale prices for such a sett are: Black Wolf Black Fox $38.00 (Black $27.50 We show a hig variety of exclusive styles. Do your Christmas shop- ping now and benefit hy this great executors' sale. 9 Big reductions on ev- erxthing iv our entire stock. There is abso- lutely no reserve, The even-] x fries in DESTINY Hesitation Waltz by Sidney Baye: 35c per copy. Mail Orders, 2¢ extra. te, Read The Trey By Louis Toit Vance. The Rosary , By Ethelbert Nevin. Regular Price 60c. Special for three days, 40c per copy. of Hearts First time in book "form. Cloth bound, 50¢, The College Book Store, 160 Princess 'Stuet Phone 919 Underwear For All 100 dozen of the best makes in 'Winter Underwear in sizes to fit the smallest infant as well as the largest man or woman. We have all the best makes, including Imperial, Penman, Watson, fleece-lined, union, wool. Vm mi A i Peerless, Scotch Hygiene, in wool, natural . A See our special in ladies' vests and drawers at, a garment See our special in men's shirts and draw- ers, at, a garment i A AA gt Children's sleepers, in all sizes . . .. Pictorial Patterns Pictorial Fashion Sheet for January, Free Pictorial Quarterly for Winter--Book and Pictorial Patterns -- NEWMAN The Always Busy Store HOSPITAL WOMAN'S AID To Increase Its Membership Through the Chmrches, The Woman's Aid Society of Kingston General Hospital met Monday afternoon. it is encouraging to note the terest shown by the members in the ordinary work of the society. Al- though no special work is being un- dertaken at present there has been a good attendance of members at all the meetings. During the month $250 was spent for linen for 'the Watkins and Doran buildings. An effort is bei the membership ol in view of this, commitiees were ap- pointed to interview the ladies of the different churches, who are not mem- bers of the association, urging them to join and thus help in the work of the hospital. Mrs. W. H. Snelling and Mrs, CG. Chown were appointed to visit hospital during the month. the on zr made to increase the society, and 1 Ni LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Making a a « Sorvection Kingston, Nov. 30.--(To the Edi. tor): 1 shall be glad if you will make the following correction. In the re- port of the song service of Sunday evening, I am reported to have said that the Coronation hymn was writs ten by Bishop Ken. This was a slight mistake by the reporter. Bish: op Ken was the outhor of the great evening hymn, "Glory to Thee My God This Night," whieh in- cludes the doxelogy so universally sung. . The Coronation Hymn "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name," was written by Edward Perronet, a Methodist minister and friend of Charles Wesley. been called the kitchen hymn be- cause it w first sung by a few r. Fystonst's kitchen. -- 1. CAMPBELL AAA AA AIP PP PAN A ANN SN AAA Always in the lead. & SHAW toe BUILDERS' SUPPLIEN eve, Stow Away Some Summer Temperature Our splendill stock of Anth- racite~--~f{ree burning~----White ash is unexcelled for' giving summer temperature in mid- winter, Let us serve you now while prices and conditions are favor. able. S.ANGLIN&CO. Coal and Wood Xards BAY & WELLINGTON STS. Phone 86, General Office Phone 66 Factory Phone 1415 veseelnmber, Coal & Woodeeses Diamonds for Xmas Gift Giving ! three stone at: pri to suit all ec ei 8, a Grote lent values these days, and will continue these favorable prices ndefinitely. » See our offerings while the assortment is good. ee Smith Bros, nero Mariage Hea Everyone Should Try and Bat a New Home for Themselves , Why should you pay rent when you ean save, money by paying rent on a new home of your own ? Why not build a home of your own, trom $1,000 to $10,000, on easy terms. Try Chas. Leeder, 2nd Floor, Room 4, King Edward Building Albion Hotel Remodelled throughout One of Kingston's é | | have been in- 'Structed to sell, and sell quick A double brick quiet in good location, 8 rooms, TurmAce, elec tric Might: each side renting for $18.00 per month, for Also detached rooms, "B. and CC. in fine condition, with two good building lots on a corner, for ... A complete list of good buys E. W. ALL KINDS OF REAL ESTATE Car. Johnson and Stu, Phones 539 and 1456, S! The more whims you 'have about laundry work the better we're suited. frame dw