'Convenience of: Retonto, with departments equipped to transact, appertaining to ® hanking. and with ghout Dominion, and a correspondent offer its custo- ot atiki facilities for the transaction of their financial af- .. $5,000,000 Lier. $6,307.272 cians $60,000; 000 SOORPORMTED Fire Insurance Now taat the fall season ls once again with us, necessitating the starting of stoves and furnaces, the danger from fire risk consequently 1 gf, #0 that it ts essental that all property should be adequately © + If tn need of any additiona insurance or contemplating & change, I world appreciate the opportunity of figuring on yeur requirements. | represent geveral strong (ariff and non-tariff companies. : ; GEORGE BAWDEN PHO 284. COAL. R ESTATE, 188 PRINCESS ST. INSURANCE. Kingston Brick VS. Baker Brick those two houses, side ¥ side, on Division St, between Queen and har The completed onc Is bollt of Kingston Brick, the unfin- ished une of Baker Brick, Honestly now, doesn't the Kingston Brick took Just ns good, and they cont enn, bealdes being =u home product. Bunt Your home Industry aod bhulld of Kingston Hrick. A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 No. 388 Alfred St., 10 rooms, furnac e, electric light and gas; grate; large verandah. Rent $20.00 per month. Well worth the money, J. K. CARROLL AGENCY Ls BROCK ST. JOHN DRIVER, Representative. PHONE 68 S-- Thomas Copley Bo. "Telephone 987 card to 13 Pine street whe sgything! done in the arpa Drop ri tmates given on all kind We are making a special display of | 5 pein; shaving materials in our window, opposite the ¥M.C.A., during this week. If you are interested we would be glad to have you call, and we will be pleased to show our stock of shaving comforts. HOAG'S DRUG STORE| Opposite YX. M. C. A. Kingston RRR, Kingston Cem- wk, Products OEMENT BLOCKS. SILYS, LIN. TELS, PIER BLOCKS, BRICK, VASES, nd new work; also hard bod oars of all kinds. ula oraer receive prompt atten 2 Queen Btreot " i of FARMS 500 acres, $1,000. Good bush, never-failing water. 120 acres clemed. Log dwelling: frame barn; horse stable, First class stock farm. Ww. i. Godwin & Son. Renek Sg, Heal Estate Fire Pt dr IRR HOW ABOUT YOUR Xmas Cake? and everything in cement. Veran. dah work a specialty. All our new raisins, currants, peels figs, dates, &c., have arrived and w. OFFICE 177 WELLINGTON ST. | A oF h Works, Cor. Charles and Patrick Sts (ha Asbly Rh the very best a We sell corn, peas, cans for 23¢. J. RB: B. GAGE Montreal & John Sts, Phone 54¢ At the requést of a larg number of citizens, I an- nounce myself a can- didate for Mayor for 1915 and Tespestinlly solicit you and influen Out. Manage tomatoes, ! For Sale Ph Columbia ang" a snd 'Jumbo recor te records, Blue Horace F. Norman, phs, Graf- i6tor records, , Edison 2- beral re- RODGER'S GUARANTEE | 4 OF SATISFAC- | TION is the same whether || you pay $2.00, $3.00 or £5.00 for ot our Eyesight 8 Special-| ist-examine vour eves, DOW. There is no charge for testing, Beige Suen Fuster Kippered * Herings | Dominion Fish Co. Stewiag Orsters, 40c, ot Carnov- sky's. - You can save $5 to $10 a uvereonl ol Lamberi's sale, Only two or three rigs were at market on Tuesday morning. William Swaine, piano tuner. Orders received at McAuley's. Phone 564. Miss Isabel Dixon, Battersea, is visiting Mrs. S. Woods at Joyceville. Ammonia and silicon for cleaning po buttons, sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Roy Kehoe, Battersea, is suit or visiting Haery and Teslie Kay, University avenue. : H. Cunningham, piano tuner, King street. Leave orders at Auley's book 'store. : Rev. T. T. Shields, of Jarvis Street Baptist church, Toronto, has his own peculiarly interesting way of present. ing the gospel story. *Fnglish-made razors" son's Red Cross Drug Store, A mechaniw's lien action of Cobet vs. Donaldson was tried in special «eseions of the county court on Tues- day morning. Judgment was re- served, "Johnston's Shaving Cream' in Kingston at Gibson's Red br ug Store: Fwery day about 430 tons of beef is shipped through Parham Junction to Montreal, where it is sent across the ocean for the feeding of the British troops. _ "A smart soldier" will always have buttons well polished. Silicon and ammonia and brushes are sold at Giibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Robe srt 15. Webster, student at Queédn's, is in the. isolation ward at the general hospital, ill with chicken- pox. He is a son of John Wehster, M.P., of Brockville, THE WHIG'S JUMBLE, 2 Me- Gib- at sold Cross A General Review of Country District ! and Local News. bargaing in cloth. Lambert's, been. decided to dedicate Methodist Sunday school in Big It. has he new Atironto. Johnston's Shaving Cream' in Kingston at tibson's Red Drug Store. At Salisbury Plain, Dec. 1st, Pte. J, UC. Morgan, Toronto, was killed by a fall from a train, "Bull Dog Gillett Razors" son's Red Cross Drug Store. Cobourg will send a special Christ- mas greeting card and 35 to every man from that town in the two con- tingents. suits below cost at Lambert's. The Indian jail-breakers and mur derers have been surrounded by a Pembrokel Ont., posse and their capture is. expected. "The military drug store' is a name siten applied to Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Rev. D. W. Best, has who resigned from the pastorate of St. Andrew's shurch, Beaverton, has been unani- mously invited to accept pastoral 'harge- of St. Peter's congregation at Madoc. "Shaving soaps" Cross Drug Store. Some beavers have made their ap- pearance in McNab township, a few miles from Renfrew, Near the same point a moose was shot during the hunting season, as it was consorting with two others of its kind. Three red deer were this week seen in the same locality ' sold Cross at Gib- at Gibson's Red | Concert At Charleston. Charleston, Nov. 20.---The patri- stie concert held at the little school use brought out a full house and nuch praise is due the teacher, Miss iyre apd those assistine her in the splendid programme presented, shich was prepared in only a few fays. Each number received hearty ipplause. TT. D. Spence, in a very ifficient manner, occupied the chair Mrs, M. J. Kavanaugh was accom- ganist, Mr. and Mrs. Kavanaugh endered some choice music between ach number. A part of the pro- gramme was the spelling match be- ween Charleston and Glen Morris. S. A. Hitsman, of the A. H. 8. staff sronounced the words. The spell- ng was good on both sides, but in he end Charleston won. Oak Leaf 1as extended an invitation to Char- esion to repeat the progranime at he Oak Leaf Hall some evening oon. Miss Lillie Dixie, AHS. was a veek-and guest of Miss Katie Halli- lay and Miss Maggie Finley. Miss Martha King, teacher, Sheatown, was the guest of Mrs. BE. King over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Tay- 'or returned from Brockville on Sun- day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. ireenwood. Mrs. R. Scott, of Mor- 'on, was a recent vigitor at the home of her mother, Mrs. Eyre. Reducing Potash From Feldspar. A large building, until lately w the Uotasagua Casting Co., in 'otasaugua, Va., is being used for the conducting of experiments for the reduction of potash from feldspar. The spar is being shipped there from singston by H, W. Richardson. As soon as a process is discovered it is inderstood that a plant will be eree- ted. for the manufacture. What Is Desired. Many citizens' have expressed' the hopé that a strong candidate for nayor will come out on the citizens' ticket, Too long, they say, politics have been in evidence in civic mat- ers; it is time a halt was called and a business mayor and a business ouncil chosen. -------- The German great general staff, vith the kaiser's connivance, is. ex- sloiting past victories in Fast{ Prus- 4a to allay the fast-growing depres- ian in Perlin by adroitly mixing up sificial reports. Wise women, know just when te urn off the talk and turn on the winy flow. And many a man lends nly when it is empty. A good man has no time lo waste on a "good fellow." used a hand PRICES MAT. 10e, EVG. 5 t Reva 15¢ SEATS N A NOW ON PURE CLEAN -- | IS ESSENTIAL TO GOOD HEALTH BE PARTICULAR Insist on getting "GOLD BOND" Canned Goods LOSSES UNPRECEDENTED. Sixty to Eighty Men Left in Some German Companies. Petrograd, Dec. 1 predecented. Prisoners declare that only 60 and 80'men have been left there of companies which on war footing should be 200 strong. Most stubborn fighting continues at Lodz and around Zgierz and Stryktoff The German advance along the left bank of the Vistula is a manoe- uvke which is intended to rescue the retreating forces from the region of Strykoff. The Rufgians have met this attempted counter-attack and win continue to foree the enemy back uvon the Wartha rives. Guns, Maxims, and prisoners have been taken, the latter in hundreds, during the German counter-artacks along the Vistula. The end is now getting very near, but the Germans still show a reso- lute front, where they have managed to retain their strong entrenchments to the south of Lodz. Trainloads of trophies have arriv- ed at Kieff from the Austrman rront, including an extraordinary armored motor of German make and a num- ber of heavy guns, also German. Pronunciation of Ypres. London Chronicle. Correspondents are asking by ev- ery post how to pronounce the im- portant places of the war. The la- test puzzle is Ypres, which has been a centre of struggle; It has a sim- ple lock, but for an English tongue it is difficult to sound, in the single syllable, or rather a syllable and a half. There seems {fo be no general conclusion at the front as to the pro- nuneciation that historic name. But we have our own method at home. If you have been to Rye, in that south- eastern corner of England you wiil have noted the Ypres Tower. It is about the oldest fort in wngiand, dating from the 12th century, and from it many happy golrers nave looked out---in intervals of leisure-- to the sea. But I fear the local talk will give no clue to the original name They call it the "Wipers Tower." Maberly' Matters. Maberly, Nov, 30.--Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Manders, of Smith's Falls; are visiting at John Mander's. Mrs. (Rev.) Coles attended a Red ('ross meeting in Perth on Friday. The ladies of the Women's Institute sont away & good supply of useful ariicles to the soldiers, consisting of sox, wristlels, bandkerchiels and pil- |* low cnses. . Echlin and J. W. Leaver, Per to He present at the chess meeting this deliver addresses. Alfred Patterson shipped tle from Maberly this week. Mr. a Nive, James Blair spent Sunday William Florming's. Me. | Pragkey ia. on duty again at Mabeilv' Station Mr. Greenlow has arrived with his + German losses on the Warthe-Vistula front are un-; INORMANNA SARDINES ADVT. OF 25 = WORDS OR LESS, AN A this head. Sots 36c for one night. or 60c for three. FANT, APPLY BOX 9052, WING ee MAIDS. APPLY AT THE GEN- eral Hospital A SCRUB WOMAN, APPLY Randolph Hetel, A GOOD GIRL FOR WASHING DISH- = Aro at the Anglo-American ote AT THE A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK must be good cook; refevences. Ap- ply 96 Bagot St, cor. West. A YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- © swork. Apply to 100 Victoria St, Cor. Earl and Vietoria Sts. MORE FUR FINISHERS WANTED AT once, Apply George Mills & Co Kingston's Famous Fur Store. A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT. Must bave references. Apply in the evening to Mrs. R. IT. Waddell, 05 Lower Unlon St AN INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY - earn. $100 monthly corresponain: for newspapers; no canvassing. Send for $i tioulars.: P Press Syndi- cate, 3.96 Lockport, N HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A salesman? We have a proposition to niake which will enable you, to earn more money than you &re tating at the present time. Cor- respondencs strictly - confidential. Address to Manager, Box 47, King- ston, Ont. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PREPARE for telegraph positions on Cana- dian railways Our students re- celve positions immediately upon graduation and $76 to $80 monthly railway pass to destination when qualified. Tuition _ fees moderate For particulars apply The Dier- Graham Telegraph School, 162 Bank Street, Ottawa. ee ---------------------------------------- to start. Free school and to AGENTS TO SELL FIRST NUMBER magnificent series of patriotic, descriptive, twenty-page colored books, "Our Fmpire Army," "Our Bawpire Navy," "Our Empire Ships," "Our Empire Scouts," and others. Absorbing interest, complete in- formation, fully illustrated, splen- didly printed. Better than Christ- mas card Sample copy, "Our Em- pire Army," ten cents, or twenty- five for one dollar, postpaid. Reply quick. King 76 Ade- Company, 7 laide Bt. West, Toronto. WANTED GENERAL -------------------------------------------------- CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEIR CAR. pets, rugs and portieres to be wov- en by J. C. Bwaine, 140 York St. eee eee WINDOW CLEANING--PLACE YOUR orders at once and be sure of good work. We clean and put up storm windows, We employ only good, reliable men. Drop us a card. Kingston Window ; Dleaning Co. 349 Alfred St, City. A fh RAL A SMALL Sum money and old cuff links - Saturday, at aaa St. Paul's Snurdh. Pinder return to Whig of« ce. BLACK AND WHITE FOX TERRIER pup. smiall, about three months old, ning. Find lease return to Obeindor thar: 8 Queen St, and re- ceive reward, one harboring same after this non le will be pros. ecuted. T™WO HUADRED at Gc a air. Company, 3 iy COW, FINE HOLSTRIY, GREAT . fresh in August. Snap to a 2 Diver, Box 1201, Whig office. AIREDALR ren fontha we TO LET TRY ONE OF THESE SMALL ADVTS, Onte 25¢, three times. §0c. I ™we BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING oom, furnished. Apply to 19% Stuart St Rr McCann, 33 rock OFFICES IN CLARENCE bers. A die; 79 TP, Om By, Jo Cunningham & Alsou bi 3 DWELLINGS, FURNISHED AND UN- a none 1600. furnished; stores, offices, etc. Cann's Estate Agency, Brock St STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, alr rose oly own lock aad key. rost's » "Queen St. Phone 626b. EIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, ALMOST new, modern improvements, corner Diviston and Quebec streets, Apply to J Boyd, 106 Pine Street. 82 Real A LARGE NUMB also ane Dunlop ites, he FE ll HAPPY THOUGHTS, I Al fords, and other cook stoves, hec's, pugs and square heaters, these in first class shaps; cloge them out at vel small fit 'Phone, 70F ts, urk's wm INE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN ee any A FLAT IN WELLINGTON APART- ments, 130 Wellington St. Possés- sion Nov. 1st. Heated by hot wat- ny lights; Also gas range. Avply F. W. Meagher, 99 L. Albert Phone 1408. twenty months old, choicest ing. Grand head for Pure bred bull ealf (Kon Also fiv md purs bred femaled Priced low for quick sale. A. Guess, R. R. No. 2, Eiginburg, On MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR ; mick; convenient to station. : THREE NEW FRAME HOUSES, YORS , Cheap. $5,000-RRICK HOUSE, 'LARGE LOB sta sass HOUS ooh $1,500-NEW RANE HOUSE, jand St. GO. A. BATEMAN, INSURANCE AND Song Batate, 67 Ciarence St. FOR SALE OR TO LET 100 ACRES IN TOW hg hae Lous. boro, 4 miles from Syde nham. ply fo 8. P. Buck & nla n MEDICAL. STUART M. POLSON, M.A, M.D.CM., former house surgeon Manhattan. Eye, ear, nose, and throat hospital, New York. Office, 132 Wellington, opposite post office, Office hours, FL 12 am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 pm. Phone 77. DENTAL. A, E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS, RE moved to 268 Princess. Street. SPARKS AND SPARKS, 1580 WEL. lington St. (over Carnovsky's) Phone 346. -- KINGSTON RU LEGE, Limited, 0° Head of Queen Street Khe Sala Frew: int a1 all Com- Coney apie Solone) roperties x cd on ity and depoatia To elvan | and interes eet Poesia lel DR, ©. C, NASH, DENTIST Renton, anistant: Street. Phone 735. rh ™ B Princess 8, H. SIMPSON, L.D.S, DDS DENT. ist, corner ' Princess and streets. Entrance on Bagot fe :] ARCHITECT. WM. NEWLANDS & SON, tects, etc. ..Offices, 258 Phone 6) ARCHI. Bagot Bt FRONTENAC LOAN AND ment Soclety; rigs POWER & SON, ARCHITNOT! ER chants' Bank Bullding, hu ner Brock Ang Wellington GENTLEMEN TO BRING THEIR cloth and have It made up Into up: to-date suits. Price and workman- ship guaranteed to please. Press- ing and repairin done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street, near Bibby Gurage. NO ADVANCE SINCE THE WAR 15 Cts. Per Tin Normanua Sardines have always heen a 15¢ line and although they are worth more to-day the retall price In still THE SAME, Some brands that formerly sold two for 25¢., have been advanced to 13e¢. If you want ibe, quality BUY NORMANNA BRAND i" you want two for 25e. BUY ZIG-ZAGS (Eqaal to many 15e. Maes) Neither of these brands have heen advanced retail, AT YOUR FAMILY GROC- FENWICK, HENDRY & CO. (Distributors) g ' swing Good Digestion Importande of Preventing Food Fer- mentation in Stomach. Good digestion usually means good health. So long as the stomach does its work properly disease can find ne lodgment in the human system; the liver, kidneys, and intestines will per- form their work perfectly and remain in perfect heaiih; but permit anything to interfere with the proper digestion of 'ood, an unending train of troubles is set in motion. About the only thing that will u upiet t the stomach and inter fere with estion Is an excess of x 1 i to chemical action in the food itself. This fermentation causes the formation of fas or wind, as well a8 acid, result- ing in the unnatural distention of the stomach and the irae » by | the acid of the delicate lin of the mach. Medici and this worse. to blame and and a pie teaspoon ul of a little hot or vol recommend bisurated ially because it fermentation of the acid instantly and harmless, stomach in Thy, a be urat magnesia rom and try it the next mi how you fo xr anc as a stomach So. family and Jalitn up his duties as pont me Maberly Station. ho is very ing coug locality. The oy puovalent Jn Meron have HP a oar load of cat- was a great success. "Iut battalion, halt 1" Silicon and ammonia and button brushes sre sold at Gibson's Rel Cross Drug Store. : bef HG re UIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLO UPHOLSTERING. Fire Laurance ------------------------------------------ W. J. GAVINE, UPHOLSTERING, RE. pairin and carpet work, and mattress renovating. Drop a card or call 216 Bagot street. Topertys ins po le ra olq or Sivin new rates from Stran CATERING. Auents. Phone $38. © WE _CATER TO ARTES. | BALLS Vedding ki banquets, etc so rent dishes, table fifens and lverware. Reid and Hambrook . P. Reld, 30 Union Street. . F. C Alfred Btreset u CONTRACTING, FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS AND ALL kinds of interior finish, try Jam Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenue, mEee od fambrook, 178 Phones 542 or, 303. PERSONAL MUSIO. FEACHER OF SINGING MISS CARRIE Baus, 47 Rideau St. Telephone HAIR, MOLKS, WARTS, BIRTHMARK? and all growths and skin blemish es removed permayently, without scar; 30 years' experience. Dr. . mer J. Lake, Eye, Bar, Mos Throat and skin specialist, 268 Be got street. Music AND DRAMA tion, 216 Frontenas, T gma RE SHE Co Alle File fon. pian: iol in instruments BUSINESS NOTIOES. JOSEPH BUSH. 6 CHESTNUT § open a quarry on Bt ' Cut, But) ing and TONES vy Are supplied prompt! r b} prices ANYONE ANYWHERE a mail Nama business dan sasin 5. ponines at AE n booklet ond fas 2.960 pockier: ihe SITUATIONS VACANT LADIES WANTED TO DO EASY, pleasant coloring work at home Can make $15.10 320 weekly. Ex- perie nee UNNECessary: no canvass- ing. National Decorating Co., Dept. oS 69 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, nt, . QUALITY LEGAL. CUNNINGHAM ters and sol Clarence street, THE SCRANTON B B Stove, Split Pea. A uniform size for every ¥ TRY US. ins vn IA LEERGUSO]