Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Dec 1914, p. 5

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ANNUAL MEETING HELD ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON. Mayor Shaw Sald the Home Should Be Enlarged, and Felt Sure ' the Citizens Would Raise the Money. The annual meeting of the Home for Friendless Women and Infants was held at the 16¢al institution, Un- lon street, on Tuesday afternoon. The chair was occupied by Mayor Shaw. Rev. J. W. Melntosh opened the meet ing with prayer. W. Wylie, inspec- tor of the Children's Aid was called upon to address the meeting, and en- lightened the various workers pres- ent. upon many points of interest. Mr. self: to he well posted in/ the work connected with the Children's Aid, |" and no doubt he will prdve a valuable. man for the betterment and welfare of those neglected children and nro- thers who have uphill paths to climb, Mr. Wylie asserted that, he was always ready to assist in any wark that had for its object this end * He also said that he was glad there ware such institutions as the infants and orphans homes, to which might be sent those children for whom he will be ar-times compelled to find suitable quarters. Above all let there be unison in the working of all bran- ches, was Mr. Wylie's advice, It was pointed out that this was the only institution of its sort in the city that cared for infants between the ages of birth and three "years. Both Roman Catholics and Protes- tants were received and it was the)! contention of ail that support should | be given in assisting the goed work | which is being accomplished by the! matron, Mrs. Thompson and her sisiant, Miss Ferguson. | Mayor Shaw stated that a very nice home has already been furnished b i f 1 t 1 but it 'was-his opinion that it should {smoking among the boys in King- glon 1s surprising, was a statement be 'enlarged. He assured the execu- i tive. that very little hesitancy would | ba experienced in such an undertak- ing, when the citizens knew that it} simed towards uplifting humanity The election of officers Fesuiied; President, Mrs. W. H. Maenee; first) vice-president, Mrs. J. B. Waikem: | second vice-president, Mrs, T Stency; treasurer, Mrs. GG. Gowan; recording secretary, H. Penge; corresponding Mra. D. Phelan. The following board of officers was elected; Mrs. Robert Carson, Mrs John Carson, Mrs. J. A. Macdonald, Mrs. T. Minnes, Mrs, Eimer Davis, Mrs. Herbert Robinson, Mrs. D. G Laidlaw, Mrs. M. E. Wade, Mrs Hugh Maepherson, Mrs. James Goudy, Mrs. George Mitchell, and Mrs. Vere Hooper. The president, Mrs. her following report: ! "The year just ended has been al very active and satisfactory one in the home, Seventy;seven have been cared for, fifty-nine children, and eighteen adults. Ten children have heen placed in excellent homes. Three have been transferred to the Orphans Home, having reached the age limit of three years, and at the end of our| K A. Mrs. E.} secretary, ! Me- | Macnee read Year, home. the substantial = raised. In June, Mrs. Hugh Maepher- son very kindly gave her house and grounds for a garden party. much appreciated by the committee, and $1 advisable to with we ig ESOryY di tween the night nursery and the o 1 January Wylie has already shown -hims|" free of sickness and all the children are ful friend, Dr. A. E. to the front, and for 8 warmest appreciation, of the committee to liberally contributed at Christmas and during the year, and trust their generosity as- ip ported That the Number in Kings. made | ternoon 11 {d there were {wenty-five in the! and] was "A sale was held in October, sum of $107, It, was 27 "i was realized. "For some timethegovernmentre- ports have called our atiention to the greretowdive, Or the mhaslding and 4 "It" was thought gust 'and enlarge the ome, £0 in August a wing wag built, bath and toilet rooms partition was taken down be-| lack of air sath rooms, this making a large oom for sleeping accommodation, apd by this improvement the proper 'ntilation was secured. It was done 'va considérable cost, and the com-| nittee hopes all kind friends will re- vember this, > .'"The institution has heen quite and strong. Our faith- Ross, has gone in his absence Dr. 3. Keyes kindly doing his work, which we wish to express our healthy is "Mrs. Thompson, and Miss Férgu- on, as matron and assistant matron tiilecontinue to give the same excel-| ent care and attention to the home] nd babies, to the entire satisfaction "We wigh to thank all those who will be extended to us hrough the coming year. We again hank the City and County Councils or their liberal grants." LADS SMOKE CIGARETTES. Is Surprising. amount ton That the of cigarette to the Children's Aid society their regular meeting held in the y council chamber on Tuesday af- by the inspector, W. H Wylie. Mr much Wylie has given the matter attention since taking up his ies a month ago, and much good expected as a result of his work Just a few days ago he rounded uj some little boys who were smoking on the street, and he found who the dealer was who had sold the "smokes," with the result that the inspector, the dealer and the par- ents of the boy had a little heart-to- heart talk over the matter and it is not likely that there will be any fur- ther trouble. It is the intention of the society to prosecute any person who sells cigarettes to boys. Special Sale Ladies' We have to clear out 'all our trimmeg hats and have decided to $1.98, $2.98 and $3.05 are worth as high a Trimmed Hats. Insist on White Rose flour. The aeroplane hasn't improved war any--only added to the horrors of it. BARGAINS! IN CLOTHING, GENTS' ISHINGS, BOOTS AND SHOES BARGAINS! FURN- We hay to show the customers what we can do. $5,000.00 by Dec, 3st, get this mic very low prices, our prices in the paper as other merchants are doing, but will be sar offering in and Shoes, Best value in the city for your money. ¢ decided to turn over our stock and We need 1914, and in order to mey we are going to give the people We do not intend to advertise all customers that call in our store prised at the very low prices we are Clothing, Gents' Funishings, Boots H. Rot ANYONE WISHING REAL BARGA'NS, [0 gauze, a FORGET 'm PRINCESS STREET Recruits For Overseas' Service MOTOR CAR DRIVERS CLEANERS; WHEELERS, FITTERS AND TURNERS FARRIERS, For Divisional Supply Column; For Reserve Park , + and Ammunition Park. Wanted BAKERS | that' tlodge, No. 253, AF. "WILL PUT UP MONEY TO SUBMIT A BY BY-LAW TO THE RATEPAYERS For Building Railway Siding on On- tario Street--Indudstries Interested To Present a Petition to City Coun- cil, At the Board of Works meeting on Tuesday afternoon, it was announced the Kingston Shipbuilding com pany would put' up the money for submitting to the ratepayers at the elections a by-law for the grading of Ontario street and build- ing of a retaining wall at the foot of William street so that a railway' sid- ing from the GG. I.R. suburban line may _- be construeted along Ontario street to West street, for the benefit of the industries in that section, viz.: The shipbuilding company, Hooper & Slater, Cereals Limited, Kingston Foundry company, Booth & Co., and also the city waterworks, A petition will be presented to the City Council next Monday night by the industries named asking that a by-law be sub- mitted. The cost of the Work which it suggested. the city should do, would be between 33 000 and £5,000, The city engineer will make an esti- mate, With regard to Ald. tion, passed by the City Council some weeks ago, as -to increasing the etlici- ency of the city engineer's department, the engmeer recommended as follows : Relieying Thomas Timms, streets fore- man, of the duties of plumbing -in- spection; © appointing a man he plumbing, building and scaffolding in- the addition of H. =. Dick to the permanent stafi of the depart ment; the addition of a typewriter and a stenographer The engineer ported that his present office tory. stated that if the fu} streets was placed in furthey ro-organizing He would sug the city bedi and a he for carrying out such as and scraping Nickle's resolu- spector; le facilities he engineer control the his hands, some might be gest, for vided appointed ol Necessary instance, that areas, into four foreman for each. foremer responsible work, wonld be all street walk weed road repairs, excavations, ete decided reporteto the of re consideration, hut un report until at Board Commis- cleaning, Fhe hoard uncil that ization 8 not an a position to make upon Ald. Nickle's is definitely decided between the of Works and the Utilitjes dion that the city engineer is to have full charge of all street excavations On the advice of the city no action was taken on the applica- tion of Reliance Moulding com roadway to its plant, as private and to eo it has under matter or resolution solicitor, the pany lor r the the city The city the claim damage his he engineer itemized he 'ment property is outside limits recommended that McKendry for $5 motor truck, be paid was asked to get an of the repairs done also recommended pay 2 for damage to the ceiling of Nergt. Fowler's house by on Rideau street The tty engineer reported that the city was not liable. and on his recommendation the hoard took no action on the claim. \ third report from the solicitor vas that the Kingston Realties Limit- ed had not dedicated any land for the extension of Patrick street, and that the city should pay for the land it took. Fhe solicitor of R. .J to ceonnt oi blasting city engfineer reported Uataraqgui treet sewer was itary. \t present it owing to the low that feet I'he of he NECesSSArY money In attendance chairman), Hug erland and Peters that the unsan emptying er. He be ex would he was referred that the to vote the on sanitary grounds. \lds. Littor O'Connor, Suth was on shore, recommended tended fifty about $200 the Board vounecil would wat the r The cost matter Health, required to 80 were thes, KINGSTON NURSES CHAPTER Met on Tuesday Afternoon--The Of ficers Klected. meéting of the Kingston of 'the Ontario Graduate Nurses' asddciation was held on day evening, at the Oliver Memorial hospital." Miss C. Milton presided, and galled upon various members to express. their opinions in connection with the working of the newly-organized chapter. This new organization, unlike the Graduate Nursex! alumnae, comprises all gra- dunte nurses possessing the proper credentials. At a previous meeting of the Nurses' Alumnae the following officers were chesen : Miss C. Milton, chairman; Miss Annie Bailey, vice- chairman; Miss Florence Hiscock, secretary-treasurer, and Miss Kathar- ine Fairlie, assistant secretary-treas- urer. After the meeting refreshments were served and the guests entertained by Miss Dass, the superintendent of the Mowat Memorial hospital. The Kingston Chapter of the tario Graduate Nurses' will meet on the first every alternate month. The first Chapter Tues Mowat On- Association Tuesday of Officers Elected. A very large audience gathered the Methodist church, Petworth, at their annual meeting for the re organizing of the Sunday school. The pastor, Rev. W. D. P. Wilson, ocou- pied the chair. Flection of officers resulted as follows: J. Sutton, the very popular superintendent, was re- elected. He has been superintendent for about ten years and still * grows in popularity. Miss Youmans was re-appointed assistant, Marjorie Whitney, secretary; William Kerr, trea- surer; David Garrison, librarian, and Mrs. A. German, organist. in Minden Lodge Officers. The election of officers of Minden & AM, G.R.C., {was held on 'Tuesday evening, and resulted as follows: W.M., Bro. G. H. Gillespie; S.W., Bro. W. M. Gamp- bell; J.W., Bro. H. Milne; chaplain, Bro. (Rev) M. Mac illivray: treasur- cr, VW. Bro. W. M Baillie: secretary, RW. Bro. Thos. I. Minnes; tyler, R. _ Bunt; auditors, W. W. Bro. Pro. eC: ann, V. Bro. Gill; trustee, Bro. REY, King: board of in- {stalled masters, W. Bros. 'ann, Forster and Graham. On Tuesdage Evening Addressed by Prof. W. L. Grant, The Kingston Veterans' Association, on 'Tuesday night, held probably the best meeting this season as far as at- tendance was concerned. Commander Chisholm presided. Lieut.-Col. H. R. Duff; medical offi- cer of the 2ist battalion, told of hs pleasure in being permitted to be able to go overseas with the second Cana: dian contingent." He complimented the veterans on their fine organiza: tion and splendid appearance. Proi. W. L. Grant then read a let- ter received on Thursday from Major . I. Sedgwick, formerly a professor in the Royal Military College. Proi. Grant explained in a clear and concise manner the history of the lit tl: republic of Belgium. Chaplain Forrester, ' seconded 'by Col. Duff, moved that a vote of thanks be tendered to Prof. Grant.der the splendid address he had given. The business of the association was then conducted. The name of a sick member of the -association was put on the list for the sick committee to and look after. Ureasurer W. Godwin then spoke. of Lieut.-Col. W., S. Hughes' unavoid- alle absence from the meeting. Com- mandant Chisholm spoke of the ar- rangements that. had been made for a complste veterans' band that would be at the next meeting. H, Carruthers asked that newspa- ers be sent to Salisbury Plain. Ar rangements were made for this. 'Ihe socretary, Ur. J. (i. Evans, explained the best wanner in which to send pa. He also spoke oi the need of magazines and papers in the 2ist battalion recreation halls, and the militia Y.M.C.A H. Carruthers was appointed to look after the work of sending the papers overseas. A collection was taken for the reliet of one of the members who was out f work. Dr. W. McCarthy offered his waiting. room for members to leave papers and magazines to be distributed to the batta i here. srgt. Major T. McKenzie read an report with regard to the Velerans. READY visit Oers © ACross. meouraging sork of the GET FOR WAR his Is the Call Of a ~What Is Needed Kaladar, Dee. 1. (To the Edi- tor): What is Canada's position at present time? Nothing serious ome people's answer. Do they know that Canada is open to attack? Canada raise a standing army rot less than 50,000 men for our ywn defence. Build a navy consist- of two fleet units, one oh the Atlantic the other on the Pacific, now as if the crisis < should anada, then would have something for her protection. As concerning the arm¥jlet it be in i training at ready at all times to form firing line where it needed {eep the arsenals working day and ight for the attack may come when ve are not expecting it. The navy should consist of at east fifteen submarines, five de- troyers, five scout eruisers and also ive battleship ernisers in each unit fave Halifax and Quebec City, the hief concentration points with An- 'costi as a supplementry point for he Atlantic fleet. Let Esquimault nd Prince Rupert be the centre for Pacific fleet and each of these es he garrisoned by at least 3, 000 men. Do not let us be too kind-hearted to give our help to save other na- ons and let our country be open oa foreign attack Suppose Canada defends herself and feeds as many en in the allied army as she can am sure we wonld be more re- ected in the end STANLEY P yoon Northern Man, he "£1 ng she e he Grand Opera House, order to meet the demahds of large number of the theatre pat ens who like real vaudeville and ant it at a moderate scale of prices vr. Branigan, of the Grand Oper iouse, announces that he will go his vatrons one better and will inaugur- ie a series of vaudeville entertain- nents that have never been offered ivwhere at the prices. On Thurs- ay, December 3rd, the first of the 'ntertainments will be presented. ir. Branigan has arranged an at- ractive scale of prices, a scale never efore put into effect where these cts are presented. At the mati- ee ten cents will admit-to. any part the house, while at the evening rerformances the general admission vill be ten cents with the reserved seats at fifteen cents. In of Who Is Dr. Jackson. For years he was instructor in dis- eases of the digestive organs in the medical institution on this continent. His experience has heen drawn from the treatment of thou- sands upon thousands of free clinic patients who, within certain limits, are allowed to be experimented upon. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal is the outgrowth of this experimentation. It positively is in line with Nature's demands and will certainly aid di- gestion and prevent constipation, or money back. Ask your doctor about it. At leading grocers. Demonstrated at Redden's. Special Sale Ladies' Trimmed Hats, We have to clear out -all our trimmed hats and have decided to sell them at $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98. These hats are worth as high as $12.00. Corrigan's. largest Concrete Walks Built. This year, four and a half miles of concrete walks were laid in the city, The city engineer has two miles and a half of walks already laid out for buil@ing next vear. Outside of walks on pew streets to be opened, there will be very little walk construction after next year, Only One "Bromo Quinine." Whenever you feel a cold coming on think of the full name, LAXA- TIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W. Grove on box. 23. Few people believe nowadays that cheapness is ' necessarily economy. Cheap tea loaded with dust is a poor bargain at any price. Salada tea is clean, whole leaves and is | marvellous value. divisional | The plain patent button boot, and, medium soles, are the leading styles for fall and winter. They really are very neat and handsome. Prices, $9.00, $4.50 and Patent Buttons, Cloth Tops ode For Women cloth top, light The Very Latest In style and fort as well, display of High Class Furs altogether satisfactory. The workmanship used in every stage of manufacture is strict- ly sanitary and exceptionally neat, Come in and let us show you some of the most attractive of the new models. CAMPBELL BROS. Makers of Fine Furs. C---- BROCK STREET CHURCH HAS EXTENDED AN INVITATION TO REV. J. A. WADDE design yon for com- will find our io Selected by Unanimous Vote at Meet- ing Tuesday Has Had Year. Night--Congregation Another Most Successful ] vote, at Tuesday night, Brock Street church, extended an invitation to Rev. J. A. Waddell, of Seeley's Bay, to become pastor of the church, suc- ceeding Rev. John Webster, term expires in May, at the conference year. Mr. Waddell is a former ian, and is well known in and is regarded by all his a man. His ordination a few years ago. For # time he was stationed at Harrow- smith. He has taken a great deal ol interest in work among the young people and his efiorts have = been crowned with great success. He will be warmly welcomed to the city and to Brock street church, Under the able guidance of Rev. John Webster, Brack Street Metho- dist chirch has enjoyed another sue- cessful year. Tuesday night the fi- nance committee held a meeting and the reports presented showed the church to be in a flourishing condi- tion. Reports of a most encourag- ing nature have been received from every branch of the work, including the Ladies' Aid and the Sunday school. The pastor was tenderéd the thanks of all for his able leadership during his term. ly ,a unanimous held on i voara of a meet- the offi- Methodist in whose the end of Kingston- this city, friends strong te a oh place just ( ASE wa ADJOURNED, It Was the Only One On Docket at the County Court. There was but one ease at the non- jury sessions of 'the county court be- lore Justice Lennox, of Toronto, on Tuesday afternoon and it was ad- journed, owing to the fact that the defence was not ready to go on with the case, as it was impossible to have a material witness present. His lordship said that- the circum- stances warranted an adjournment, and as a result the ease will go over to the spring assizes, in March. The case was that of Susman and Cohen vs. Joseph Josephs and Bros. company, Cincinati, for $981.11, for a shipment of scrap which it is alleged was not up to sample. TY. J. Rigney appeared as counsel for the prosecution and Frances King for the defence. Two: naturalization papers were granted by his lordship, one for an Italian, Francisco Ueccia, and one for Prof. F. H. Day, an American. Special Sale Ladies' Trimmed Hats. We have to clear out all our soll them at $1.98, $2.98 and $3.98 These hats are worth as high as $12.00, Conrigans. trimmed bats and have decided | Pure Ice Cream Best in Kingston By Government Test THE STORE WITH A CHRISTMAS SPIRIT For Christmas Shopping Everything bright and new, and lat. est ideas. Suitable Gifts for Old or Young parame Every house owner de- aands them. - Ideal for ven- tilation "Housewife's Joy" for clean windows, only 15e. per set \ "Corbett's" 9, Cook's Cotfon Root Compound. A safe, reliabl lat medic re Bold tice ka grues of strength--No. 1, $1; 0. 2, $3; No. 3, $5 per Sold all druggists, or on )ceipt of 'ree pamphlet. Address: THE COOK MEDICINE CO, TORONTO. ONT. (Forwode Windsor.) Green Baize Covered Top, Card or Tea Tables, Reid Quality -- Reid Low Prices. JAMES REID, Phone 147 E. J. COUSINS FURRIER 221 Princess Stree} Folding bor, ent DEEDS, MORTGAGES | LEASES AGREEMENTS AND ALL KINDS OF Conveyancing and Municipal Forms ATVIONOBILES AND xD _oansasGme Phone 1. 1177 George W. E on the go, It gives us preasure to be first in presenting these authoritative styles and fancies, in "ae Early Winter Footwear Style, Price Quality are the three essentials of | satisfactory footwear. are embodied in every of Shoes we sell. il ancing pumps party slippers in all the popular materiale : ALLAN M. REID "11 Princess-St., Cingston =

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