Ee -------------------- A ---- . ._e THEROYAL BANK OF CANADA INCORPORATED 1869 Total Assets . $11,560,000 13,575,000 180,000,000 CO CT JONS Having 370 Branches throughout Canada and the West Indies, this Bank sesses unrivalled facilities for handling collections with economy and despatch. LONDON, £na., OFrice, "7 SANK BLPGS. PRINGLE STREET, Ra. KINGSTON BRANCH, NEW YORK AGENCY, CON. WILLIAM & CCDAR STREETS E. E. NEWMAN, Manager. Militia Men Notice the fine line of pocket flash-lights in our win- dow. We have them all prices. Call and see them, Halliday's Electric | - 345 King 8, Shop THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENL.NE The Most Valuable Medicine ever discovered. The best known Remady for LCouGHS, CoLps, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Agts like a charm in DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY & CHOLERA. Effactoally cuts short al' attacks of STASMS. often fatal diseases-- FEVER, Checks and arrests those foo CROUP asd AGUE. The osly palliative ix NEURALGIA, GOUT, RHEUMATISM. Chlorodyne is a liquid taken in drops. graduated according to the mal, It invariably relieves pain of whatever kind : cregles a calm ve allay irritation of the wervous systems when all other remedies 10 bad effects'? INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE. The imménse success of This Remedy has gives rise to maay imitations. N.B.--Every bottle of Getuin . Chiorodyae ns the stamp 4 sams of the inventor, Dr. J. Collis Rrawne -------- and can be taken when no other medicine can be wicrated. CONVINCING MEDICAL TESTIMONY WITH EACH BOTTLE Sold by al! Chemista Prices in England Vid, 2/9, 4/8 Sole Manufacturers 1 T. DAVENPORT Wholesale Agent, Lyman Bros. Co., Limited, Toronto. sisi OT -------- Shopper Holiday Suggestions For the Early EVENING SLIPPERS, HOUSE SLIPPERS, Y BOOTS, OVERSHOES, And RUBBERS. § Are all good. useful gifts and are suitable for any member of the family, . PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFES POSSIBLE FORM, : The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News Of the World From Tele- graph Service 'and Newspaper Ex- Changes. The Prince of Wales fund. for Bri- lish national relief has reached the total of $20,000,000. R. R. Gamey, M.I'.P., in Montreal, predicts an early federal election and a shuflle in the Ontario cabinet. H. M. Passmore, of the Toronto Telegram staff, has been appointed secretary to Hon. Finlay Macdiarmid, aiinister of public works. Several cases of appendicitis among the Canadian soldiers at Salisbury lain are reported. Two or three have been operated upon. Following on threatening and personal threats Mayor Spence, of Brantford, has a body guard of two policemen, one uniformed and one in plain clothes. The will: of the late Colin H. Campbell, Winnipeg, disposes of an state totalling $248,000, inclusive of £110,000 life insurance, the whole go- ing to the widow. A raflie for "Princess Sadie," a horse valued at $250, donated by Lady Beck, of London; Ont., as a 'ontribution to the Red Cros fund, netted the sum of £617. The Glengarry & Stormont railwal huilt to.connect Cornwall with th Toronto and Montreal branch of the C.P.R., at St. Polycarpe, is. practically completed. The sum of $1,725 damages awarded against Alexis de editor of the Canadian News, pub- lished in London, Emg., for unwar- ranted statements conedning a Lon- don solicitor, An attempt' will be made, it is he- lieved, hy Pembroke citizens to have the federal government take steps to remedy the alleged state of lawless- ness 'existing among the Indians of the Golden Lake reserve. Despatches from Berlin say that the export and re-export of rubber, fire wood, metal, photographic 'lenses, cer tain kinds of phosphates, glass for Snow spectacles, sentralite and soda are forbidden. » Official announcement is made that the cordial relations between Jolivia and Paraguay have not heen in terrupted, as reported in certain quar lers, and that no mobilization of Rolivianrhops has taken place the Paraguayan frontier. The appointment of Lieut.-Gen. Si Tames Wolfe Murray, as temporary chief of the imperial staff, in suc cession to the late General Sir Char les Douglas, appears in the Novem her Army List, which has just published. Lieut.-Col. Frederick Stanley Maude who acted as military seer ford Minto, when the latter 18 al of Canada, has heen the 15th r-general of gade, on active service letters now was Beck, on been ary to infantry bri in_ France. It anpears) that another startling find of concrete bases! for artiller has been made at the mouth of the Phames. A small island, which: js vractically part of the county of | Fesex, on the north side of the | Thames, is where the di | overy was made rem ------ A SPLENDID MARK. Finds White Uniform a Target For Snipers. Washington, Dec. 3 for uniforms of khaki and forestry Breen to replace_the bullet-drawing white worn by Ale rican seamen was made by Surgéon-General Braisted | of the navy in his annual report sub mitted to-day to Secretary Daniels It was pointed out that the disadvan- tages of the white uniforms were trikingly illustrated at Vera Cruz, where the sailors offered perfect tar gets for sharpshooters and snipers. The surgeon-general reported that he medical department of the navy apparently was efficient and pre pared to meet all present peace time demands, and that the .health of the | avy personnel during the year showed a satisfactory improvement over last year. Another plea Anuviversary services, First church, Sunday, December: 6th. Dr. W. T. Graham, for the day. Baptist Rev Toronto, preachef Finishing Touch To A Perfect Meal CHASE & SANBORN THE LATEST TjAGS LF {Take LAXATIVE BROMO Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up by Our Busy Reporters. . Have we had Indian summer ? White Rose flour for all purposos. lig opt to the Board of Trade meet- Tug to-night. ' §¥ Sine, principal of Dutton high y has resigned and re-cngaged at King hn. Rev. T. T. Shields, one of 'Toran- to's outstanding. . preachers, may be heard in Kingston soon. The special preacher in St. Pall's church, on Sunday next, will be the Lord Bishop of Ontario, D.D. Thomas Hewitt, ex-superintendent of waterworks, may be a candidate * for the Utilities Commingion at_the Janu. ury elections. Please remember the hid week pray: er serviee in City Hall éach' Friday, from 12.05 to 12.30. ¥ ers for peace in Europe. 2 E. W. Mullin has sold the grocery stock and fixtures owned by "J, I. Hutcheson, on the corner of Parrack and Wellington streets, to Albert Hinch. It was Mrs. E. J. B, Pense who was re-elected secretary of the Home for Friendless Women and Infants. She has been long an effective and earnest worker in this worthy cause, i Two shipments of cattle since the embargo bas been removed have heen sent to fhe United States by Cape Vincent buyers. The shipments were valued at between £3,000 and $4,000. A bag of potatoes left with a farm. er in the market-house is still await- ing an owner. Unless they are called for immediately 'they will be sent to a charitable institution by the market clerk. There was a small market on Thurs- day morning, with little change in prices. Apples are getting searce, selling from 30c. to 35c. was down to l0e. to 12. a pound Some very large turkeys sere shown selling around 14c. a pound. Chickens were about the same price, at 12e. to 1c. a pound. Eggs, strictly fresh, were offered at 45c. to 40c. a dozen, and packed eggs at 23c. a dozen. But ter sold at 32¢. to 3c. a pound WOMEN TO CHECK SPIES. Asking Members To Stay Aw ay Fron Their Clubs. London, Dec. 2 Women's clubs in England have been enlisted in the movement 'to head off the activitie of possible German spies, and AT trian and German women have beer asked to resign or discontinue thei: attendance at many clubs w hich for merly welcomed them. A number of prominent literary women have urged that English wg men should be as cautious as Eng Jish men about their associates anc should shun all women of Germar or Austrian sympathies at a time when chance remarks might give val uable information to the enemy. Reports from Belgium and Hol land of the activities of women spies who served as governesses and cer vants in Belgium and Dutch familie have also thrown suspicion on Ge; man and Austrian women in servies in 'various parts of England. The Belgian refugees who are in Eng land have issued general warning against German women, as well as German men, and their tales of how Belgian cities were betrayed by Ger man spies in all walks of life have talarmed the English. | Alarming tales have been printec {in London papers of alleged Ge rmar 3 in high social and financial cir , and practically all of the lead ing men clubs have asked men of German or Austrian birth to re Sigr or refrain from frequenting the clul rooms during the war Many sup posed spies high in official life vol ly left England before the movement against suspected per sons became so acute. Charges were generally made that even Germans who had 'become naturalized had of ten done so only for business and so cial reasons, and were at heart Ger- mans as much as ever. epee ee ; MONSTER CHRISTMAS PARTY . For English, French Children, Princess Alice of Monaco, the Countess of Kimberley, 'Lady Roth- érmore and Mrs. Aitken will give a monster Christmas party for hun dreds of English, French and Belgian children on Boxing day. Each It tle boy will get a suit and each girl a dress and each guest a toy. These toys will be on Christmas trees Princess Alice is collecting for the French, Lady Rothermore for the English and Mrs, Aitken for the BEel- gian children. and Belgian OFFICE CALLS EX-OFFICERS Temporary Commissions For Those Medically Fit in Canada. Ottawa, "Dec. 3.--The government are advised by the imperial authori- ties that the army council have rea- Son to believe that there are some ex-officers of the rugular army or the territorial forces residing in Cahada between the ages of twenty- five and forty who have not joined the Canadian expeditionary forces, but who would rejoin their old corps. The army council is prepar- ed to offer tem ry commissions for the duration of the war to such persons if they are certified medi- cally fit. It is also Stated that free passages will be provided to and from England and an allowance of £30 will be made for the provision of a uniform and £7, 10s, for. the camp kit. . Naval Battle Must Be Soon. London, Dec. 3.~-According to British opinion, sooner or later, the British and German navies must taeet in decisive battle. Thig. opini- en is based 'on the assumption that the allies finally will beat Germany on land and so force the German ships-of-war into action on the wa- ter. It is fully recognized, too, that after process of trition has been ap- plied to them a litt longer. Ger- many's fleet may make a dash into the North Sea in full force and try to work terrible havoc among the British ships. di To Cure A Cold In One Day. bie, rr tend mony signature is oa sach refund 1 m--r The birds of Belgium and Northern France have been dispersed by the din of war, It is stated that apartments have been secured in Antwerp for the kaiser, 'the British Red Cross has appropri ated 350,000 for fighting the epidemic of typhoid fever in the Belgian army. if the troops of the kaiser are {o reach Calais by December 10th, they have a very busy seven days in front of them. At Brussels, English subjects up to the age of fifty-five are being taken Lo concentration camps. \ latter found on a German prison. er taken near Muelhausen reads : "There are 1,600 more widows here than. there.-were before the war.' Germany is threatened with 'a match famine, all the supplies of Russian wood used for this purpose having been exhausted, with no more avail- able. The Red Cross Association at Ge- neva is endeavoring to arrange for the exchange of the seriously wounded prisoners of war, who by reason of injuties or amputations can never re- | turn to, military service. According to" the Paris Eclair, the terrilic German shelling during the Ypres fighting produced several cases of "wounded without wounds.' Men to be incapable of remaining at the have been so dazed by the shock as front. ¥ A hundred German aeroplanes have been lost since the war started. To replace them three factories are turn- ing out new machines at two daily. Word from Zeebrugge says that the | harbor works, have all been put out of commission by the guns of 'the British fleet, and until repairs are made, can no longer be used as a sub- | marine base by the .Germans, | Germans have evacuated several vil lages east of the Yser, and are cun centrating heavy reinforcements south of Ostend for. a decisive battle with British, According te one anthority, Austri gin troops on Wednesday occupied Bel { grade, the former capital of Servia, Arrangements are being made to | ncentrate all the able-bodied Bel | Alberta in Calgary. They vill be. mobilized and lodged prepara tory sent forward to take their places on the firing line in their own country Une Belgian stated thai the Germans were dying rapidly, as they had the rate of gins of to being pra tically no shelter from the biting wea ther, and in addition had to fight \ commission gate the ity by appointed to investi- leged violation of neutral ador, transport Galapagos | | without rations. | | | i has left by Constitucion Islands, - in the the na- for the Pacific tional ocean, In well-informed quarters it js stat ed that the German admiralty regard d the British preponderance in dread noughts as hopeless unless a great force of submarines and air craft first launches an attack on thi British battle fieet. The Germans are bitterly regretting that they damaged so badly the rail way line from Kaliseh to Lodz, which would snow have been valuable Most of their heavy reinforcements are obliged to march the entire dis: tance, German very George Bernard Shaw, in a letter the Irish press on the duty of Ire land during the war, that the Irishman who declared himself to be the friend of Potsdam declared lf to be an enemy of France. he war has brought about an ap- palling state of afiairs in the Otto- man empire. Turks appear everywhere to have become thieves and brigands at the expense of subjects of the allied nations, I'he Swedish says him strong efforts made by the government to bring about the exclusion of wood from the Ger- man contraband ist have failed. For this purpose Count Trolle visited er lin on behalf of the government, but has retufned without success. King George, in a visit fo the hos- pitals at the front, spoke with a wounded German officer, and express- ed the hope that he would he suppliad with' German literature The Nieuwe Rotterdamsche ( ourant, of Rotterdam, learns that no fewer than eight additional railway tracks have been or are being laid between Berlin and Cologne. The enormous capacity of this octuple system ren- ders it the most wonderful strategie railway in the world. The Turks have surrounded the chris tian quarters in the town of Chocoea, an ancient Greek town on the west coast of Asia Minor, twenty-five miles north-west of Smyrna, and have tak- en many hostages. The Turks also have seized the churches, and lave sunk several lighters, full of merchan- dise, to block the entrance to the port, White Rose flour, in 63, 12, 24, 49, 98 Ib. packages. All grocers. The boilers of the steamer Ottawa, destroyed by fire and now lying near Cape Vincent, will be taken out and installed on the steamer New Island Wanderer. The steamer America will finish the season on the Cape route, replacing the Wanderer. Deafness Cannot Be Cured bY local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear, There is only one way to cure deafness, dnd that #s by constitutional remedies. Denfness 1s caused by an inflamed cone dition of the mucous Hping of the eng. tachian Tube. When this tube, és in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or inperfect hearing, and when it is en- tirely closed, Deafness is tne result, and unless the inflammation can be tak- an out and this tube restored to Its normal condition, hearing will ba des- troyed forever; nine cases out pf ten are caused by Catarrh, which is noth- ing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. ~ We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by ca- tarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free F. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 756. Take Hall's Family Pills for const'pa- ton. lating Pill for Women. $5 a box or three for 10 ey t all Drug Stores, or mailed to any EE wee. Tae SookEn Deve DR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS 3, | Madein Kingston | By Kingstonians SMOKE THE BEST Milo, 10c. Peel 5c. AT ALL DEALERS (Geo. A. McGowan: Manufacturer Rideau Street Kingston that the erown to take over the the western front Prince is It is reported from a Belgian source about German command in SWEET CIDER, 30c per Gallon Coast Sealed Oysters, 60c per Quart D, COUPER 'Phone 76 241.8 Princess se. PROMPT DELIVERY REAL ESTATE For Sale ee house on James street with improvements, good stabling, goed house suitable for a carter, with 00 t invest. Cement block house on Raglan Road, $1050.00. Double house on Stanley Street, improvements, renting ior $18.00 per month, $200. will handle this proposition. sss HORACE F. NORMAN Real Estate and Insurance Office 177 Wellington St. that don't give trouble. Taxi Service. The, most envied car at the price in the world, The engine The leader in self-starting cars, PORRITT GARAGE CO, Limited Catalogue on Request. J Phone 454 Taxi Service The Propeicary or vest MeditioeAct LS al ting The Stomachyoos Bon -------- -- Promotes Digestion Cheerfid: ness ard Rest. Contains neiiier Opium Morphine nor Mineral NOT NARCOTIC. deegpe of Gld Dr SOLELITOER Bony Seed Aix Semort Slacfolle Yalls~ Ausedod + 4 Sud» Hem Seed - Won igen . Aperfect Remedy forConstipa- ; lion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea; Worms.Convulsions Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. -- | FacSimile Signature of | The Centaur COMPANY: MONTREALGNEW YORK { LTR p RII ER E483 To " make room for winter goods we will put on sale men's boots, $3.50 and $4.00, .50 For Infants and Children, EE -- Mothers Know That 'Genuine Castoria Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THE CENTAUR COMPANY. MEW Yon ove,