The Bank of Toronto, with departments equipped to transact business of every Bumerous full list of mers exceptional fairs, distributed on appertaining to banking, throughout correspondents, facilities for the transaction of and with the Dominion, and a to offer its custo their financial af- is tose. $5,000,000 Lares $6,307.27 ver. $60,000,000 INCORPORATED HE 1855 BANK or TORONT Market Square - GEORGE B. McEAY Kingston Brick ey VS. Baker Brick See those two houses, side and Colborne, The completed one ished one of Haker Urick. Honest look just as and they cont eam, beni your home industry and build of Kings ¥ side, on Division St, between Queen is built of Kingston Brick, the unfin- Iy mow, @oesn't the Kimgston Brick den bel a8 home product. ton Brick. A. Neal, Kingston Brick Yard Phone 1396 FOR SALE--SOME BA RGAINS Alfred St, frame house, 6 rooms, barn and shed EF Collingwood 8t., frame house, 8 rooms, Queen St. large frame (heick Hned) hardwood floors, B. and C., and gas . J. K. CARROLL AGENCY JOHN DRIVER, . Representativ 18 BROCK ST. Shaving Comforts We are making a special dikplay of shaving materials in our opposite the Y.M.C.A.,, during week. If you are interested vindow, this we would be glad to have yon call, and we will be pleased to show our stock of shaving comforts. -- HORG'S DRUG STORE Opposite Y. M. C. A. FARMS 500 acres, mi ple. 130 bush, mnever-failing welling; ble. First & Son. frame barn; horse Phone 424 class stock faim! Rehl Estate re Insurance LA God ton Cem- ent. Products / We Make x OEMET BLOCKS, SILIS, LI TELS PIER BLOCKS, BRICK. | VASES, everything in cement. bx work a specialty, OfFICE * 137 WELLINGTON ST. Yorks, Cor, Charles and Patrick Sts Veran Horace FF. Norman. Manage Gramophones, Phonographs, Gra!- onolas, Columbia and Victor records, Odeon and Jumbo records, Edison 2- minute records, Blue Ambersl re- | rds. ---- workshop in rear + © rooms, stable and driveshed, PHAR 68 e. 'At the request' of a large number of cipéens, I an- nounce myéelf a can- e for Mayor for 1915 pid respectfully solicit your votes and influence. R. D. Sutherland A safe, reliable re; ti mele Sold ™ Shinde ry ress: EDICINE CO. (Formerly Wiadsse.' THE COOK Mm TORONTO, ONT. SOWARDS Keep Coal and Coal Keeps SOWARDS PHONR 158 THIN PEOPLE CAN INCREASE WEIGH men Thin { ike tao Inc er Is poun fat should and womer their w { healthy a 8 a lited a while and ¢ pood test wort weik rseif | measure yourself. Then = | --one tablet with every moni f | weeks, Then weigh and we lagain, It jsut A question of Ye vou look or feel or what your friend: | say and think The scales and the | tape measure will teil thelr own story who ral meme {LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST in the Clty and Vicinity the Readers of the Whig. (Queen's on Sunday. William Swaine, piano funer. Orders ceceived at McAuley's. Phone 564. i ] } hi : ) friend ~emi-Weekly Whig. Hundreds of coughs and colds cured overy day at Gibson's Red Cross Jrug Store. { l i included over four hundred parcels H. Cunningham; piano tuner, 21 King strect. Leave orders at Me Auley's book store. Capt. John the Hotel Dieu, was in a vritical coa- dition on was held out jor his recovery. Hundreds of coughs and colds cu? svery day at Gibson's Red (M98 Drug Store. Kev. Father McDonald, mouth, handed James St master, $10 for the Bel fund while at the SeovepRoncert in he Gpera House on ¥ night. "oo , "It will eure any Aagh. Gibson's Emulsion. Sold on? 8% Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stores, Owing to tng ct that the post with gas the bulld- rRness for about an Wednesday afternoon hour te gctric lights were turned off. AE WHIG'S JUMBLE. a ¢fcral Review of Country District and Local News. Mumps are prevalent at Cape United Statos beef packers object to holding up of exports to Britain. 10u vau save 8 to $V a suit or wwercout at Lambert's sale. King George visited the army in France anc made a tour of the lines. Hundreds of coughs and colds cured every day at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. br. H. G. Dnweon, Cape Vincent, ~ho vnderwent an operation is back \t his home and fast regaining his health, "Saves doctor's bills," Emulsion of (od Liver Oil, 23c., at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. While Prerier Hearst is evasive in regard to shortening liquor-telling hours, temperance workers -urge that something be «one. "Get rid of it at once," a cough or cold. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store will help you. , Justice Kelly refused to heed the promise of legis'ation providing for a moratorium and gave Judgment ac- cordingly in a foreclosure suit. "Impossible to find a cough or cold that cannot be cured at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Miss F. A. Twiss, of Galt Collegiate Institute, has been given the position of director of household science in- struction for the province of Saskat- chewan. Johnson's Shaving Cream." Sold at Gibson's Red (ross Drug Store. W. B. Willoughby, opposition leader in Saskatchewan, offers to support the government in closing bars. wholesale liquor stores and clubs at 6 p.m. dur ng the war. "A cough or a cold" cured quickly at Gibson's Red (ross Drug Store. Col. George T. Denison, 'addressing the Overseas Club; Toronto, said the allies should not rest until the Krupp works were demolisted and the Ger man empire dismembernd. "Tommy Atkins" alwavs enjoys his shave because he uses Johnson's Shav- ing Cream. Sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. ' Waterloo township council has en- lorsed the ratepayers' proposal to give 3250 every two months during the war to the Canadian patriotic fund, and will give $1,500 worth of flour to the Belgian relief fund. "The cream of shaving," is found by using "'.Johnson's Sha Cream. Sold in Kingston at son's Red Cross Drug Store. Charles Lott dled on Tuesday in Sidney township after a short #Hi- ess. He was seventy-seven vears of age and lived on the farm, where he died, for over seventy vears. He was a prominent Methodist. A wid- w, five sons and two daughters survive. "It started with a cold" is often vhat you hear from some one who has had a severe illness. Coughs and colds cured at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store Henry Van Dyke, minister to the Netherlands, took luncheon with Presi- dent Wilson at . Washington on Wed- nesGay, and discussed the European situation. Mr. Van Dyke has denied that ie brings only ving Gib- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, DECE --What the Merchants Ofer to Yite-Principal Watson will preach at A good Christmas gift to ar absent jel, is a year's subscriptiop to the laere was a very heavy English mail at the post office to-day, which Geoghegan, who is in Thursday, and little hope ing delatone. GRAND = & _ TO-NIGHT Friday & Saturd POLITE VAUDPHELE ATE And PHO : PRICES MAT. 108, F500 Hewv'd 15) Mat, served Se extra. Aye te Dec. 7h The péal Matrimonial Play 6 APPEAL" Ir Three Acts. 'By C. M. Brune With an Excentional Cast Prices :25¢, 50¢c, 75¢, 81.00. Box seats, 81.50. Seats om sale. Friday = 1 to Na ~ ] BRE SRD es ] |CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES LOST THE PEOPLE'S FORUM | FOR SALE. First insertion' 1¢ a word. Each secutive thereafter, one fn Sasertions, one We; SOc; six, 81; oe month, $2. HELP WANTED. AN ADVE. OF 3 WORDS OR LSS. AR an 6c for one night, or for three. PIANIST. APPLY BOX 9012, WIIG office. TWO Mb. APPLY AT THE GEN- GOLD HANDLED UMBRELLA, NAME engraved on it, on street c ar from Alfred St to St Andrew's church, Finder return to 372 Alfred St. and receive reward 4 10 LEY TRY ONE OF THESE 4 ES. Once 28¢, three mes. fon A A pa tA t-- STORAGE FOR FURN ~. Mean and dry. MeCana 5 moni K AIDS. eral Hospiial A SCRUB WOMAN. APPLY A a hdoiph Hotel : AT THE TWO BEDROOMS AND ONE SITTING room, fur to Stuart St A HOUSEMAID. APPLY MRS. N. CO, Polson, 317 University Ave. R GENERAL HOUSEWORK Mil FY £00d cook; references. Ap- A OFFICES IN OEARENCE ply to © rence YT, [DRam. ate 198 gem & Mu- ply 96 Bagot St, cor. West. MORE FUR FINISHERS WANTED AT SHORTCAKE See P F on each This deliclous shortbread bis- cuit Is an enormous success. Output firgf year about 325,000,000 N : AVE YOU TRIED Ive Voters' List 1915 NOTICE is hereby given that 4 court wil be held pursuant to the Ontar Voters' List by His Honor t Judge of the County Court of the County of Lennox and Addington, t the Council Chamber, City Buildings, Kingston, on Tuesday, the 15th day of December; 1914; at ten o'clock, am, to ann determine the sev 1 com- n the of the Municipaiity of the Kingston for 1915. sons having business required to attend » time and place Dated at Kingston this Jecesmber, 1914, at at the the rd W. W. SANDS, erk of the Municipality of the City of Cingston. A NEW CEREAL Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal This is uot only a medicinal cereal but is tasty as well, It is delicions as a cereal or made In pan-cakes. Trial size Regular size day of . 10 etn. 25 ctw. At Your Family Grocers. FENWICK, HENDRY & C0. Distributors.) ---- ie vps} { es ros How You Can Remove Every Trace of Hair (Toilet Talks.) A stiff paste made with some pow- dered delatone and water and spread on a hairy .serface about 2 minutes will, when removed, take avery trace of hair ovith it. The skin should then be washed to free it from the rema'n- No harm ean result from this treatment, but be sure it is delatone you get and you will not be disappointed NOW LOOK TO CANADA. Draught A nimals Mobilized --France Wants Tractors For Farmers. The Freneh mobilization having requisitioned all the draught animals and valid men, ploughing and seed- ing operations cannot be carried on under ordinary conditions, and the land will have to remain untilled un- less mator agricultural implements are used. The manufacture of these machines in Franee, being at the time of the declaration of war still in its infancy, and most of the fac- tories having remained closed sihce then, it is out of the question to ob- claims against . Apply George Mills & Co, Kingston's Famous Fur Store, ramps epee tna ene DWELLINGS, ¥ URNISHED AND UN. furnished; stores, offices, etc. Mo Cann's Real Estate Agency, Brock St. N TENT GENERAL SERVANT. ag d wages; no washing. Apply in evening to Mrs. 8. ID. Biovuy, Barrie St. A COMPETENT GENERAL SERVANT , Must have refercnces Apply in ening. Mrs. B. W. Robertson Ww Eard Street. A WOMAN ABOUT FIFTY YEARS OF age to care and cook and wash tog aged lady. Apply in ave t Mrs. Galloway, Hy INTELLIGENT PERSON MAY earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers: ne canvassing Send for particulars Press Syndi- cate, 3,968 Lockport, N.Y AN RELIABLE MAN TO CANVASS CITY, and country for fruft.and ornamen- tal trees, roses, etic. Part time or steadily. Outfit free. Should av- erage $25 weekly. Thos. W. Bow- man & Son, Lid, Ridgeville, Ont 1 4 | i | STEACY'S WANT STORAGE FOR YIGHT ROOMED HOUSE, A FLAT IN FURNITURE, CLEAN, d alry rooms; your Sn lock and ay. "rost's y OTAge, Queen St. Phone §26b. iain ttm sem] ry, ALMOST modern improvements, corner division and Quebec streets. Apply D. Boyd, 106 Pine Street. new, [ t WN ELLINGTON APART. ments, 130 Wellington St. Posses- sion Nov, 1st. Heated by hot wat- er: electric lighes; also Bas range Apply ¥. W. Meagher, 99 L. Afbert St. Phone 1406 MEDICAL. ART Mm, POLSON, M.A. M.D.C.M, Ouse surgeon Manhattan ose, and throat hospital, y Office, 132 Wellington. opposite 1 t office Office hours, 3 am, 2.4 pm, 7-8 pm. Phone Experienced salesladl®§ at once. debt debbdobd HAVE YOU ANY ABILITY AS A a We bave a proposition to make which will enable you to earn more monsy than you Are earning at the present time. Cor. egpondence strictly confidential ane to Manager, Box 47, King- ton. Ont. YOUNG MEN WANTED TO PR PARE for telegraph positions on Cana- dian railways. Our students re- celve positions immediately graduation and $75 to $90 monthly to start. Free railway pass to school and to destination when qualified. Tuition fees moderate For particulars apply The Die Graham Telegraph School, Bank 8treet, Ottawa. AGENTS TO SELL FIRST NUMBER 'magnificent series of patriotic, descriptive, twenty-page colored books, "Our Empire Army," "Our HEmpire Navy," "Our Empire Ships," "Our Empire Scouts," and others. Absorbing interest, complete In- formation, fully illustrated, splen- didly printed. Better than Christ- mas cards. Sample copy. "Our Em- pire Army." toh cents, or twenty- five for one dollar, postpaid. Reply auick. King Company, 76 Ade- lalde St. West, Toronto. -- A. BE. KNAPP, B.A SPARKS AND S. H. SIMPCON, L.D.S, D.D.S WM. NEWLAN POWER & SON, ARCHITYK W. J. GAVINE, DENTAL. ~ LDS, D.DS - moved to 268 Princess Street RE SPARKS, 158 WHEL. (over lington St, Carnovaky's) Phone 348. ements DR. C. C. NASH, DENTIST DR. T, B, enton, 133 Princess assistant, Street 73 Phone 735 DENT. Bagot sireet iat, corner Princess and streets Entrance on Bagot ARCHITEOT. DS _& SON, + «Offices, 258 ee t-- OTS, MER. ug, corner ellington streets. Drey tects, etc. ARCHI. Fhone 8) Bagot chants' Bank Build Brock and W & card. UPHOLSTERING. ; UPHOLSTERING, RE. Pairing and Sarpot work, ano ress renovating. Drop a 4 or call 218 Bagot oe Pp oar WANTED GENERAL CUSTOMERS TO BRING THEIR CAR- pets, rugs and portieres to be wov- en by J. C. Swaine, 140 York St. WINDOW CLEANING--PLACE YOUR orders at once and be sure of good work. We glean and put up storm windows. 'We employ only good, reliable men. Drop us a card Kingston Window Cleaning Co. 849 Allred St, City. GENTLEMEN TO RRING THEIR cloth and have It made up Into up to-date sults. Price and workman ship guaranteed to pleuse. Press. ing and Iepairing done on the shortest notice. Thomas Galloway, 131 Brock street. near Bibby's Gurage EXECUTOR'S WE_CATER TO HAIR, MOLKS, CATERING. PARTIES, BALLS Wedding breakfasts, banquets, etc Qlso rent dishes. table linens and . Rel Hambrook . P. Reid, 30 Union Street. Cc Hambroo 176 Alfred r 303. Street Phones § 0 i PERSONAL WARTS, BIRTHMAKKS and all growths and skin blemish. es removed perinanently, withoui &car; 30 years' experience. Dr. Ki mer J. lake, Eye, Far, Nowa, Throat and skin weclallst, 258 Ba- got sireet. SITUATIONS VACANT NOTICE TO CREDITORS AN creditors having of Hannah of Kingston, the estat Waldron, late of the city widow, who (ed on Dec. ith, 19813, requested to send a stat «nt of thelr cladms to W. Mundell, Kingston, Soliel- tor for the executor of sald estate, on or before Dec. 26th, 1914; after which date 'the executor will proceed to ribute the assets of the estate amo the persons entitled, having regard to thise claims only of which he shall then have had notice, and he will not be M- able for any part of sadd assets to any person of whose claim he shall not have had notice at the time of such dis. tribution. MUNDELL, tor for Executor 1914 All New Goods 1 WwW. So 2, Deo Kingstin, LADIES WANTED TO + ------ CUNNINGHAM & MUD DO EASY, work at home, £20 weekly. Ex- TY: no canvass. ating Co., Dept. East, Teoroato, pleasant coloning Can make $15 perience unnece ing. Natfonal Decor C., 69 Adelaide St. Ont. LEGAL. I BARRIER, BE office. 7% g8ton. FOR SALE OR TO LET ters and solicitors. Clarence street. Kin 00 ACRES IN TOWNSHIP OF LOUGH- boro. 4 miles 'from Sydenham. Ap- Ply to 8. P, Buek & Son, Sydenham, nt, QUALITY \ SE VE AD Bi Tt oy One week, $1. A GOOD GROCERY ply Box 411, Whi B FEATHERS, APPLY TO MRS, Goldman: $87 Division St ) : HUNDRED FILLED PILLOWS, 0 we bc n pair. Kingston Mattress Company, 556 Princess St. COW, FINE HOLSTEIN, GREAT MILK. er, fresh in August. Snap to a quick buyer. Box 1201, Whig cd; ; STEAM. BARGE, WRSTPO v sale. For particula:s Aapt. D. Bligh, Burritt's nt. BUSINESS, AP & office. RT, FOR write to Rapids, AIREDALE BITOM PUPPY, FIVE. months old, by Champion Roghuy Oorang ex Pure Maid $15. A. Ross, Sit Willlam St, Kingston, Ont. OFFICE D ----- A LARGE VARIETY OF RANGES AND & number of first-class hepterh, as low prices; also a big stock furs nlture. J. ompson, 333 Princess St, Phone 1600. A LARGE NUMBER OF n also Dunlop tires, at §2.00. orders promptly attended 8 or carpet cleaning and laying. Muller, 373 King St rete rari ere ------ HAPPY THOUGHTS, IMPERIAL 0Xe fords, and other cook stoves, Ques bec's, pugs and square heaters, all these in first class shape: 1 close them out at very small prow Turk's 'Phone, 70f INE PURE BRED HOLSTEIN BULL, . twenty months old, chofcest breeds ing. Grand head for any herd. Pure bred bull calf (Korndyke). Also five head pure bred femaled. Priced Jo Jor quick sale, . t. Guess, Neo. 2, A. Klginburg, On MINERAL RIGHTS, FELDSPAR AND mica: convenlent to station, \ THREE NEw FRAME ROUSES, YORN t.. cheap. 85,000---BRICK HOUSE, LARGER LOY £1 rR AME HOUSE, 8 ROOMS. B00 } i. Ri nin--NEwW FRAME HOUSE, MARNKa nd St. G. A. HATEMAN, INSURANCE AND Real Estate. 67 Ciarence St. oh + KINGSTON BUSINESS COL. LEGER, Limited. : Head of Queen Street mercial subjects. Rates mode: ate. Phone 440, H. F. Motoarte, Superior courses eral Improvement and all Com- 4 Principal. in Boay- keeping. Shorthand, Typewrit- ing, Banking, Civil Service, Gen Sohd dd SESE AIA SALE les = FINANCIAL. FRONTENAC LOAN AND § ment Society; Incorporated prealdent, Colonel Henry R. Money issaed on city and properties, municipal' and COW lobentures: mortgages pu 3 deposits Focaive Lhd interest ak wed. A ager, Clarence street. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Lonm wane RN ETT a a labe which the" poficyhiom have for aL ] ur a lowest y Plover y, Te t w po; le rates. ope renewing old or giving mew busin rates from Strange & - Agents. Phone 8 CONTRACTING. FOR HARDWOOD FLOORS AND ALL kinds of interior finish, try James Selby, Contractor, 212 University Avenue, MUSIO. FEACHER ov Bajus, 1298 INGING, MISS CARRIE 41 Rideau St. Telephone MUSIO AND DRAMATIO IN tion, 216 Frontenac St. Miss Tel Te ni O. F. Telgmann, teao tion, plano, violin instruments. BUSINESS CHANCES. ANYONE ANYWHERE CAN STARY a mall drder Dusincss at h ; na uvassing; be your own Sena Tor free booklet: tells how Heacvek, #989 Lockport. N.Y, BUSINESS NOTIOES. JOSEPH BUSK, 8 CHESTNUT 9T., HAS opened up & quarry on Ste at, Cut, bullding and rough pen Se supplied promptly at reasom prices. ; phn, and most any thin man or woman car any peace proposal " We have now in stock--Valencia RODGER'S y GUARANTEE OF SATISPAC. TION is the whether you pay $200, | $3.00 or £5.00 for, your glasses. "Let our Eyesight Special ist examine 'your eves, now. There is no charge for testing King st. ° ¥ | taunts of the ve { {ones | easily add from five to eight pound: {in the first fourteen days by following {this simple direction. And best o [al], the ew flesh stays pat. ke # Sargol does not 15 make fat but miding WIth YOUr 00d, It tarne th. fats, sugars and starches | have eaten, into rich, ripe ling nourtshment for the tissues anc blood-----prapares It In an easily asshui {lated form which the blood can readily Ail this nourishment now pass |es from your body as waste. But Sar {B01 Stopw the waste and does it quick JR and makes the fat producing cou I Same meals you ar elop pounds and pound: flash between your skin wu. safe, at, efic nexpensive, Hoag, the Drug flat, Mediey's Dru; Store, Mahood rug Store, and other teading drug gists sell it In large boxes--forty tae lels to a packéige--on a guarantee « Weight focrease or money back. eating now dev of health HR FIR ve we i Glock Is On The Walk" from ihe queen of Holland and said that Le intended to discuss relief measures with the president. Bernard Shaw A Patriot. Near York World, Bernard I : has written for our neighbor, the Times, an elaborate three-page thesis to maintain : 1. That Great Britain was abund- intly justified in making war against Germany. 2. That the explanation given by the British government for making war against Germany was stupid hypocritical, mendacious and po graceful. 3. That he alone is capable of in: terpreting the moral purpose of the British people in undertaking this aecessary work of civilization, 4. That the reason the British governptent's justificution of the war is so inadequate is because no Bri- tish government is ever so clever as Shaw. 8. That even in the 'midst of the 'most calamity koown "to Lhuman history it pays to advertise. Various patriots have various ways of their country. Nome to the dine to be shot and Oth. ers stay at home to be a source of | innocent merriment to the survivors. tain them in the country itself. The 'Comptoir Commercial et In- dustriel," 90 rue de Flandre, Paris, therefore with a view to being of as- sistance to the rural Population, are particularly locking te Canada, where mechanical culture has been develoy- ed to a large extent for a firm manu- facturing steam tractors and motor] 2 ploughs, and wishing to export its machines to France. They would therefore be obliged it qualified and interested manufacturers would for- ward their catalogues and proposals, tem cbt veal Every Want Supplied. Teased into'it, 'Boole had accom- panied his wife on an excursion to the realms of bargains, and in the enormous building, with its many departments, had become separated from his better-half. For an hour at least he remained lounging impatiently at the junction of many ways, where lifts, stairs, and passages met, and then, tived and angry, he approached an irre- proachable shopwatker, "Sir," he said to the frock-eoated and sauve attendant, in tomes of righteous indignation, "I've lost my wife Back came the reply with stun- (Peels, Dates, Table Raising, Seeded Ralsins, Sultana Raisins. Bulk and Package Currants, Figs. Stewing Figs, Prunes, Evap. Peaches. All of the best quality for Xmas trade. Sweet Cider, 30c gal Corn, Peas, Towatoes, 3 cans for 5c. J. R. B. GAGE & John Sts. Phone 540 For Your Xmas Manufacturers of English Gia ning force: "Third Soor and over for the mourning depa: But Boole waited on, the bridge rtment." Suits below cost at Lambert's. Agents for ' . Fine Bright Nut Coal, ton): Large or Small as Delivered Shovel in for (Scran- desired, $7.75 per ton